What is the difference between coffee drinks: latte and cappuccino. We are looking for differences between these types of coffee. What is the difference between a latte and a cappuccino?

Latte and cappuccino are quite different in taste qualities. Latte has an exquisite coffee-milk taste range, and cappuccino is quite strong coffee yummy taste and rich aroma. Experienced coffee lovers are surprised that beginners quite often confuse these 2 drinks. Although the reason for the confusion is quite simple - the composition of the drinks, which includes coffee and milk. The same composition confuses many people who do not know that it is all a matter of proportions.

Key differences between latte and cappuccino

A lot can be said about the difference between cappuccino coffee and latte coffee. But so that the reader does not get confused, we will first highlight the main differences, and only then we will talk about the little things. So, the main differences between the drinks look like this:

  1. Definition. is defined as a subtype of coffee, and latte is defined as a coffee cocktail. Latte, like its derivative macchiato, is not a full-fledged variety of coffee.
  2. Proportions of ingredients. A cappuccino contains equal parts of espresso and milk, as well as whipped foam. If you do not take it into account, then the amount of coffee and milk is the same, so the coffee taste is felt brightly. A latte contains 1 part espresso and 2 parts frothed milk. It covers the taste of espresso, making it less noticeable.
  3. Cooking method. Eat different types, But classic version prepared in the following way. First, milk is poured into the cup, then espresso is added. The drink looks like it has two layers because the frothed milk has a higher density and does not mix with the coffee. Cappuccino, on the other hand, is created by mixing milk and coffee.


Different foam structure

Another difference between cappuccino coffee and latte coffee is milk foam. In cappuccino, milk is whipped until it is thick and thick. Experts unanimously say that the foam of a milk cappuccino can withstand a small heaped teaspoon of sugar. For latte, the situation is completely different. The frothed milk used for this drink has a fluffy and light texture. The milk in a good latte is like clouds and won't even hold a heaped spoon.

Based on this, we can say that the structure of the foam in cappuccino and latte is completely different. Unfortunately, in bad coffee shops this rule is not observed, and the differences between latte and cappuccino in such establishments are not very pronounced.

However, the milk foam of these 2 drinks also has common features. It should look uniform and have no air bubbles. If the foam contains too much air, it will become unsuitable for latte art. By the way, many people confuse cappuccino and latte precisely because the technique of drawing on cappuccino is also called latte art.

The pattern on a good cappuccino foam lasts about 12 minutes, for a latte – a little less. If the foam on the latte lasts 10 minutes, then that’s good. This is due to its cloud-based structure.

Difference in taste and aroma

When discussing how cappuccino differs from latte, one should not miss the taste and aroma properties. The taste of the latte is softer and more delicate, the aroma is more milky than coffee. Cappuccino has more bright taste, which is only slightly smoothed out by milk, and its aroma is very rich and strong.

If you draw a scale with espresso on the left and milk on the right, then cappuccino is much closer to espresso in both taste and aroma. Latte, in turn, will be approximately in the middle of this scale. The aroma is a little closer to milk than to coffee.

In addition, cappuccino can have different strengths. It is possible to brew stronger espresso, and then the drink has a pronounced bitterness, despite the abundance of milk. Lattes use espresso of a certain strength and intensity. Pronounced bitterness is unacceptable.

Differences in serving

The way lattes and cappuccinos are served is another noticeable difference. Historically, it was customary to drink cappuccino very hot. Therefore, it is served in cups no larger than 180 ml - a small container retains heat longer and does not allow the drink to cool down. And for the ideal thickness of the foam layer, you need a cup that expands slightly upward.

Latte is a drink that has always been a morning drink. Therefore it is served in large dishes– not less than 240 ml. The maximum volume is 360 ml, but there are other cases when the container reaches 400 ml. There are no requirements for the shape of the dish - it can either expand upward or be absolutely flat. Lattes are often drunk from glasses, but cups are more common.

As for additives and toppings, there is not much difference. Cinnamon, grated chocolate, and caramel are ideal for cappuccino and latte. A good topping for cappuccino and latte is liqueur, and for those who like something stronger, cognac is also suitable. But the most popular option is cinnamon. It favorably highlights the taste of milk and harmonizes with fairly strong espresso, making both drinks more interesting and rich in taste.


So, to easily distinguish a cappuccino from a latte, you don’t need to be a coffee sommelier. After the first sip, you can understand which note predominates in the taste of the drink - milk or coffee. Don't forget that a cappuccino is a full-fledged coffee with milk, and a latte is a milkshake with added coffee. This is their main difference.

It is worth paying attention to the structure of the foam. If you put a cup of latte and a cup of cappuccino next to each other, then anyone can easily distinguish the thicker and denser foam of a cappuccino from the airy structure of a latte.

Finally, there is one rule that many coffee shops follow. Lattes are served in original Irish glasses. In turn, cappuccino is served almost everywhere in small porcelain cups, which have an extended upward shape.

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Coffee is an amazing drink that has conquered almost the whole world. Today, coffee shops are one of the most popular types of services and catering throughout the world. It's hard to imagine a modern office worker who doesn't start the day with his favorite type of coffee. And there are many types of this drink - espresso, glasse, ristretto, mocha, Americano, mocaccino. Each of these coffees is distinguished by its astringency, tenderness, rich taste, soft aroma or languid aftertaste. Today we’ll talk about some of the most popular types of drinks – latte and cappuccino. In appearance they seem similar, even the method of preparation is somewhat similar. But a properly prepared latte is fundamentally different from a cappuccino; it all depends on the amount of milk added, the preparation technology, and the method of serving. In this article, we will reveal the secrets of preparing these coffee drinks and find out how they differ.

The main ingredients of lattes and cappuccinos are coffee (espresso) and milk (sometimes mixed with cream). However, each of these drinks has its own taste, serving method, and appearance. In fact, cappuccino is a type of coffee drink. And lattes are more equated to milkshakes based on coffee flavor. Each of them has its own method of preparation and nuances, which we will tell you about.

How to make cappuccino - features of the coffee drink

The three main ingredients of lattes and cappuccinos are milk, espresso and milk foam. Let’s try to figure out how they are combined in the famous cappuccino.

  1. Ingredients. The proportions in preparing cappuccino are strictly equal, that is, a third of espresso, a third of milk and the same amount of milk foam. The amount of sugar is added to taste. In addition, cappuccino is usually decorated with a topping - it can be cinnamon, chocolate or cocoa, which is sprinkled on top in the form of a pattern or simply randomly.
  2. Preparation. Preparing the drink is not difficult - first pour espresso into the cup. Then you need to beat the milk and carefully add it to the same cup - it will settle to the bottom. The foam obtained by whipping is laid out on top. The drink is not mixed and served in layers.
  3. Foam. The milk foam on the surface of the cappuccino is denser and stronger, which holds the topping – sugar and other ingredients. The layer of foam in cappuccino is always high, top decoration does not settle. To obtain a thicker foam, milk for cappuccino is frothed longer.
  4. Taste. The drink has a distinct coffee taste. If you do not add sugar, you can detect light nutty notes.
  5. Innings. Cappuccino in good coffee shops served in a cup with smooth edges, the volume of the dish is about 200 ml. It is the smooth edges of the cup that are one of the components of the strong and thick milk foam that holds the top decoration.
  6. Use. Cappuccino contains more coffee, so the drink can be considered an excellent end to a main meal. The drink is drunk directly through the foam - this is its highlight, for which many people love it. The perfect dessert This type of coffee drink includes chocolate and creamy flavors, such as light cakes.

Before you want to enjoy a delicious cappuccino, you should not stir it - this will not only spoil the taste of the drink, but will also be considered bad form. To enjoy the taste and aroma of cappuccino, try not to add sugar to it. And then the drink will open up completely for you.

People who are far from the bitter taste of espresso prefer latte; its delicate milky aroma will conquer even the most capricious tastes.
Ingredients. The coffee component in this drink is only 20% espresso. Another 20% is milk foam. The rest is high-fat milk, or milk mixed half and half with cream.

  1. Preparation. A classic latte is prepared in the same way as a cappuccino - everything is poured into a bowl in layers, the only difference being the proportion of milk and coffee. Latte macchiato is prepared in a different sequence - first pour milk mixed with warm cream into a glass or glass, then add foam and only finally add espresso. Today, the coffee industry accepts both stirred and layered latte drinks.
  2. Foam. Milk foam in latte has a smaller volume, it is much more loose and airy. This layer of foam is usually not decorated with anything, since it will not withstand the topping. Essentially, foam is independent decoration and excellent taste.
    Taste. The latte tastes like a classic milkshake with the addition of coffee ingredient. If you don't add sugar to it, milky taste will be quite pronounced.
  3. Innings. Lattes are served in much larger volumes, 250-300 ml, and sometimes more. Soft taste drink allows you to drink a lot milkshake. As a rule, lattes are served in tall glasses or glasses with wide rims.
  4. Use. The large volume of the drink means that the latte can be consumed as a separate meal. Europeans believe that this is a morning drink due to large quantity there is milk in it. However, you can enjoy your latte anywhere, anytime – there are no restrictions. As a rule, the drink is served with a spoon, which is used to stir the cocktail, as well as with a straw, through which a latte is usually drunk. The drink is served quite hot, so a glass without a handle should be served with a napkin, which is used to hold the container so as not to get burned.

Latte goes well with fruit and curd desserts– cheesecakes, mousses, souffles, puddings, marshmallows, etc.

The technique of preparing and serving coffee drinks is a whole science, owned by experienced baristas. Enjoy the taste and appearance cappuccino and latte and know for sure how they differ!

Video: what is the difference between a latte and a cappuccino?

Many people cannot imagine a real morning without a cup of coffee. Some drink only freshly brewed, while others are quite happy with instant. Some people like latte, others like cappuccino. What is the difference between the latest types of drinks is known, perhaps, only to true connoisseurs.

What is the main difference between a latte and a cappuccino?

Legends say that the tradition of drinking coffee originated in Ethiopia. Aboriginal herders noticed that goats begin to behave especially animatedly if they eat greens and branches from the bushes of a coffee tree. Since then, the love for aromatic invigorating drink spread throughout the world, attracting everyone large quantity fans.

The number of recipes for making coffee is huge; each country has its own unique technologies and little tricks. The difference between some types of drinks is obvious, while others are noticeable only to professionals and enthusiastic amateurs. But, for example, the difference between the well-known cappuccino and latte is significant. Cappuccino is really coffee, latte is a coffee drink. This is determined by the proportion coffee beans. In a cappuccino it is much larger in terms of the volume of the drink than in a latte. By classic recipe Latte, 1 part espresso is 2 parts milk and 1 part foam, while in a cappuccino the ingredients are taken equally.

Latte and cappuccino are also distinguished by the nature of the foam. In both drinks it is homogeneous, without bubbles. But in a latte the foam is more airy, in a cappuccino it is dense.

The next difference is the method of presentation. Cappuccino is served in a 150 ml cup. It is advisable that the top be expanded so that there is enough foam for the entire volume of coffee. Latte is served in an Irish glass made of heat-resistant glass. Volume - 240 ml.

Latte: traditional types, composition, calorie content

Latte and coffee with milk are different drinks. Café au lait, which is translated from French. - "coffee au lait", a drink made from coffee and hot milk. Latte from italian. Caffè latte also means “coffee with milk,” but it is a drink made from espresso (Americano, mocaccino) and milk. Coffee latte and French version Called coffee with milk, they differ in the basis and method of serving.

In Europe, lattes are made not only from espresso. According to the Italian classic recipe, the Arabica variety used is mocha. Currently, the composition has become even simpler - 1 part espresso and 3 parts milk. The top of the latte is covered with foam.

The calorie content of a latte depends on the ingredients used for the drink. According to the classic recipe, it is 175 Kcal per 100 g of coffee. Tea types of lattes are more dietary. The highest calorie latte is with syrup and chocolate.

Cappuccino: more about the popular type of coffee

Cappuccino is one of the most famous drinks on the ground. Translated from Italian. cappuccino is a "small cup". Italians are true connoisseurs of coffee, so they were able to achieve a special harmony of just 2 ingredients in this type of popular drink: espresso and milk (cream). Milk, and sometimes cream, turns invigorating espresso into soft drink with characteristic milk foam. Cappuccino is high in calories. This is due to its composition. Average energy value drink made according to the classic recipe, no more than 406 Kcal per 100 g.

There are several types of cappuccino that differ radically from others in taste. For example, there is a cappuccino with nutty taste. Professionals distinguish 2 main types of this drink - black and white. When preparing the first one, coffee is poured into a cup and milk foam is formed on top. White is made the other way around - first milk foam, then coffee. Experts say that real cappuccino cannot be made at home, since this requires a special coffee machine. The machine makes the right espresso and then forms the characteristic milk foam.

There are actually many differences between a latte and a cappuccino. The main ones are methods of preparation and serving. But the ingredients are almost the same: it’s based on milk and strong coffee. However, the nature of each type of drink is very different, which allows every coffee lover to find his favorite one.

Surely, many of us, hearing these names, think that we are talking about the same drink. However, it is not. Cappuccino and latte - what is the difference between one coffee drink and another? Let's find out now.

At first glance, these two drinks are very similar to each other. But the only thing they have in common is their composition. The components of both one and the other are coffee and milk. If desired, sugar, cinnamon and various toppings are added to these ingredients. What is the difference between a latte and a cappuccino?

Difference in proportions of ingredients

The main difference between these two drinks is that cappuccino is a type of coffee, and latte is a coffee cocktail. Accordingly, the concentration of coffee in the first is greater than in the second.

So, for a cappuccino, its ingredients are taken in the same proportions: a third is coffee, a third is milk and another 1/3 is whipped milk foam. And when preparing a latte, one part of espresso is mixed with two parts of milk and one part of whipped foam.

Cooking technology

Cappuccino is prepared as follows: first, coffee is poured into a cup, then milk is added, stirred and foam is added - the resulting drink is homogeneous in composition. Moreover, you can cook it.

There are several ways to make a latte. One of them is similar to the process of making cappuccino, that is, milk is added to espresso. But when preparing one of the types of latte - macchiato, milk is first poured, and then coffee is added to it. The foam is added either before adding espresso, or at the end of preparation. If the cocktail is made correctly, its layers should be preserved.

The difference is in the foam

A mandatory attribute of these two drinks is milk foam. But if in a cappuccino the foam should be quite thick and high, then in a latte it is delicate and light. Properly whipped cappuccino foam should hold one teaspoon of sugar on its surface, as well as cinnamon or cocoa powder.

When preparing a cappuccino, you need to whisk the milk for the foam a little longer than for a latte. It is better if it has more fat content.

Difference in taste

The taste of these drinks is also different. Since the concentration of coffee in cappuccino is higher, it has a more pronounced coffee taste. It contains the nutty flavor characteristic of strong espresso.

But the taste of the latte is dominated by a rich milky-creamy note; it is more delicate and mild in taste.

Each of these drinks has its fans. Those who prefer strong rich coffee with a slight milky taste, they choose cappuccino, and those who like milky notes with a small coffee content are fans of latte.

Differences in presentation

In addition to the above differences, the drinks also differ in the way they are served. Different utensils are used to serve them.

  • poured into tall transparent Irish glasses (glass glasses with a handle);
  • one serving is about 300 milliliters of drink;
  • The top of the drink can be decorated with a pattern using cocoa powder or ground cinnamon.


  • Small cups (preferably porcelain) are used for serving;
  • a serving is up to 200 milliliters;
  • the shape of the cup should expand at the top - then the milk foam will have the desired thickness.

The temperature of the drinks when serving should be about 70 degrees.

Since cappuccino is more strong drink, it is better to use it during the day. To avoid insomnia, you should not drink it before bed. You can also drink latte in the evening.

If desired, the taste of both drinks can be enriched with the most various additives: cinnamon, grated chocolate, marshmallows, liqueur, syrups or caramel.

As for desserts that are most suitable for drinks, cappuccino goes best with chocolate or delicate creamy taste dessert, whereas to coffee cocktail Treats with fruit or curd filling are more suitable.

We invite you to watch a video where you can clearly see the process of preparing these two drinks using a coffee machine:

Now you know the difference between a latte and a cappuccino. The choice is yours!

Many coffee lovers are interested in the difference between cappuccino and macchiato. So what is this difference?


Cappuccino is made from one part espresso. Two parts of hot milk are poured over it, and thick foam from whipped milk. Many baristas practice various drawings on this foam.


Making a macchiato differs from making a cappuccino in the proportions and lack of hot milk. A macchiato consists of one part espresso and tops it with one part steamed milk.

The difference between these two drinks lies not only in preparation and proportions. Each coffee has its own traditional drinking time. Macchiato is usually drunk after lunch. It has a universal strength that does not disturb the digestion process and allows you to invigorate after eating. Cappuccino, on the contrary, is usually drunk only in the morning. It is considered bad manners to drink cappuccino at other times. In addition, among noble coffee lovers there is an opinion that after twelve o'clock in the morning cappuccino is drunk either by fools or tourists.
