When is the sale of alcohol prohibited in June? Established drinking time. Restrictions on beer sales

The law prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages at night has its supporters and opponents. The initiators of the bill claim that the ban not only helps reduce the amount of alcohol consumed by citizens, but also directly affects the reduction of crime in the country.

The sale of alcohol in the evening is prohibited throughout the territory Russian Federation.

Features of the bill

Regional authorities are given the opportunity to independently regulate the timing of alcohol sales. In this case, you should rely on the recommended prohibition time, namely from 23:00 to 08:00. You can increase this time period, but you cannot shorten it.

In different regions of the country, the time allotted for the sale of alcohol-containing mixtures differs. Local administrations are allowed to introduce both restrictions and a complete ban on the sale of strong drinks. Bars and cafes, as well as duty-free shops, have the right to sell alcohol regardless of the time of day. Such establishments are usually located on the territory of train stations and airports.

Reasons for passing the bill

According to statistics, consumption by citizens has increased significantly in recent years. Alcoholism has become a problem not only among adults, but also among adolescents. The ability to purchase alcoholic drinks at any time of the day has led to the fact that young people consider drinking them with friends to be the norm. Not a single party or disco in entertainment venues is complete without strong drinks. Teenage alcoholism has caused an increase in crime among young people.

Supporters of introducing restrictions on the sale of alcohol in the evening are convinced that this measure will help reduce the dynamics of the growth of alcoholism among young people. Opponents of the bill, on the contrary, are confident that such a measure will not affect this factor in any way. They argue that the restriction will lead to the problem of increasing poisoning with surrogate alcohol among the population. The inability to buy a high-quality strong cocktail will cause an increase in the underground sale of low-quality alcoholic products.

Time of alcohol sales in Russian cities

Installed in different cities of the country different time for the sale of alcoholic beverages. Below are the averages for how much alcohol is sold in the regions of Russia:

  • From 10 am you can purchase strong drinks in Saratov. After 22:00 trading stops.
  • In the Moscow region, sales are allowed from 11 am to 21:00 pm.
  • In Yakutia, strong mixtures can be purchased no earlier than 2 days local time. Sales end at 20:00.
  • In Chukotka, you can purchase alcohol-containing mixtures no earlier than 12 days. After 20:00 - prohibited.
  • In the Chechen Republic, the authorities allowed the sale of alcoholic beverages 2 hours a day. You can buy them from 8 to 10 am local time.

  • The authorities of the Kirov region ordered retail outlets not to sell strong drinks on weekends. But on weekdays you can buy alcohol from 10 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • In the Astrakhan region, the sale of alcoholic beverages begins at 10 am and lasts until 21:00 pm.

In Kalmykia, the Republic of Mari El, Kemerovo and Kursk regions, they did not introduce additional restrictions on the time of sale of alcoholic beverages. Here you can buy alcoholic drinks from 08:00 to 23:00 local time.

Features of the sale of alcohol in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Guests of the capital often wonder how much alcohol is sold in Moscow. The capital authorities turned out to be more loyal to the sale of alcoholic beverages, in contrast to the administration of the Moscow region. The sale of alcohol in Moscow is prohibited during the period corresponding to the adopted legislation. This time is from 23:00 to 08:00. At the same time, Federal Law No. 171 contains a clause that states that restrictions on the sale of alcohol apply to retail outlets. The sale of strong drinks at night is permitted in cafes, bars, clubs, and restaurants. But there is a condition: drinking alcohol must take place on the territory of the establishment. Carrying alcoholic beverages outside the boundaries of these establishments is prohibited.

The authorities of St. Petersburg turned out to be more strict in this regard. The sale of alcohol in St. Petersburg is prohibited from 22:00 pm to 11:00 am. The restrictions did not affect duty-free establishments, as well as organizations Catering. But there are some nuances here too. Legal organizations can sell strong drinks of any strength, while individual entrepreneurs can sell only weak alcoholic products. If we talk about until what time alcohol is sold in St. Petersburg, then the official time set by the administration is 22:00.

Restrictions on beer sales

Beer is a low-alcohol drink, but is also subject to sales restrictions. The same rules apply here as for the sale of any alcohol. Wondering: until how long do they sell beer? – one must rely on the current local legislation that sets time limits for the sale of strong drinks.

The law does not apply to alcoholic products, content ethyl alcohol in which it does not exceed 0.5%. These drinks include:

  • Bread kvass;
  • Cider;
  • Non-alcoholic beer and beer with an alcohol content of less than 0.5%;
  • Honey wines with an alcohol content of less than 0.5%;
  • Braga.

Drinks with an alcohol content of more than 0.5% are considered alcoholic. The official law clearly states until what time you can buy alcohol: until 23:00 local time. The rest is at the discretion of local authorities.

Places of sale of alcoholic beverages

Restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages affected not only the time frame, but also the places of sale. You cannot sell alcohol:

  • Up close educational institutions;
  • On the territories of sports complexes;
  • At gas stations;
  • Public transport stops;
  • In markets - both wholesale and retail;
  • At military facilities;
  • In crowded places.

In this way, the state is trying to reduce the level of consumption of alcoholic beverages among the population, in particular among young people and adolescents. Restrictions on the sale of alcohol were adopted in Federal Law No. 171.

There has been a law in place for quite some time that makes it impossible to sell alcohol at certain hours. The ban applies to all regions of the Russian Federation without exception. State entities have the right to establish additional rules aimed at tightening the sale of alcoholic beverages. Why is the state struggling with excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages? What are the requirements for the sale of alcohol? These and many other questions can be answered in the article.

On restricting the sale of alcoholic beverages

In Russia there has always been a problem with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Not in the best possible way the situation remains the same today. The amount of alcohol consumed per capita is several times higher than the norm, which is quite depressing. The authorities, concerned about the problem of drunkenness, are actively passing laws aimed at limiting the spread of alcohol.

Prohibitions apply in the most different areas. Everyone knows that it is forbidden to sell alcoholic beverages to minors. Recently, another point was added to this ban: a time limit on the sale of alcohol. In regions, certain hours and even days are established when the sale of alcohol is prohibited.

State powers to implement the sale of alcohol

What standards are established by Federal Law No. 171 “On the regulation of the production and circulation of alcohol”? Article 4 talks about the possibility of introducing a state monopoly on alcohol. At the same time, the powers of state bodies include:

It is about the restriction on the sale of alcohol that will be discussed further.

Reasons for restrictions and prohibitions

Alcohol is sold only during certain hours and days. Trade is not allowed everywhere, but only in specially designated places. There is a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of majority. Why are all these rules in place? What's the point?

Unfortunately, alcoholism is one of the most important problems in Russia. Neither holiday nor grief is complete without alcohol. The reasons for the high level of alcoholism in the country are varied. This low level life, underdeveloped culture and much more. Perhaps even the Russian mentality is to blame for the problem, but this is a controversial statement.

Alcoholism is the source of much unhappiness. A large number of crimes and offenses are associated precisely with alcohol intoxication of citizens. The authorities must fight alcoholism in every possible way, but not through direct prohibitions, but in indirect ways: by promoting physical education and sports, educating the people, etc. We should not forget about the need to improve the standard of living. For example, take the countries of Scandinavia. The standard of living there is the highest in the world, and these states are in first place in the sobriety rating.

Prohibited places

Alcohol is not allowed to be sold in some public places, a list of which is given in Article 16 of Federal Law-171. Retail trade is prohibited in the following places:

  • military installations;
  • mobile retail outlets;
  • train stations, markets, airports;
  • public transport and transport stops;
  • Gas stations (car gas stations);
  • educational, medical and sports institutions;
  • some cultural institutions (sales are weakly permitted in some places alcoholic drinks).

In case of sale of alcoholic beverages in these places, sanctions are established by law. Alcohol can be sold no closer than 150 meters from the establishments presented.

What does alcohol actually mean? According to the Government Decree “On the Prohibition of the Sale of Alcohol,” these are drinks that contain more than half a percent of ethyl alcohol. This includes vodka, wine products, beer, cider, mead and much more.

Ban days

At what hours and on what days is the sale of alcohol prohibited? The federal law gives regions the opportunity to independently introduce bans on the conditions for the sale of alcohol-containing products. Local authorities in many cities rushed to take advantage of this ban. So-called “days of sobriety” began to be introduced, when the sale of alcohol was completely prohibited. As a rule, such days are associated with children's or youth holidays. Thus, almost all Russian regions introduced a corresponding ban on the following days:

Separately, we should highlight Temperance Day, which has been celebrated every September 11 since 1911. In Central Russia, June 12 - Russia Day and September 12 - Family Communication Day are also added to the presented dates.

Can the regions even introduce a “prohibition”? Unfortunately or fortunately, local authorities do not have such powers. This will violate the requirements of several laws at once - antimonopoly, free trade, etc.

Ban hours

Over time, alcohol sales should also be dealt with by local regional authorities. There is even a whole table from which you can determine the hours of the ban on the sale of alcohol in a particular region. At the same time, a federal rule has been established, that is, a mandatory rule for everyone: the sale of alcohol is prohibited from 11 pm to 8 am. This requirement does not apply to bars, restaurants, cafes, as well as shops trading without applying duties.

In Moscow and the Moscow region there is a ban that coincides with the federal one. It is not so easy to buy alcohol in St. Petersburg: alcohol is not sold from 10 pm to 11 am. Similar time frames have been established throughout Central Russia. But in Yakutia, for example, everything is much more complicated. You can buy alcohol here only from 10 pm to 2 pm. The most stringent requirements for the sale of alcohol are established in Chechnya: it is prohibited to buy alcohol here from 10 am to 8 am.

Law on the sale of alcohol: age restrictions

The new Law Prohibiting the Sale of Alcohol at Certain Hours and Days (1995, as amended on July 29, 2017) regulates the sale of alcohol to individuals. In particular, the regulation prohibits the sale of alcohol to minors, that is, persons under 18 years of age. However, some stores have the opportunity not to sell alcohol-containing products to persons under 21 years of age.

For selling alcohol to a minor, the seller will be subject to administrative liability. However, if within 180 days (within six months) the culprit repeats the violation, he will face criminal liability.

The corpus delicti of the crime under consideration is of a formal nature. Its objective side will be the retail trade in alcohol. The intent to violate the law in this case is direct. The seller understood that the buyer may be a minor. The subject of the crime will be the seller himself - a retail worker.

Sanctions for selling alcohol during prohibited hours

For selling alcohol at night, the culprit will be fined 100 thousand rubles in accordance with Article 14.11 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. The same punishment awaits citizens or legal entities who decide to sell “strong drinks” in inappropriate places. Additionally, such a measure of liability as confiscation of alcohol-containing products may be applied.

What will citizens or legal entities expect? persons who agreed to sell alcohol to minors? The seller as an individual will be fined from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles. The official will pay a fine from 100 thousand to 200 thousand rubles. A legal entity will be forced to pay the state an amount reaching half a million rubles.

Criminal prosecution will await those who violate the law repeatedly. The punishment here is a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles, or correctional labor for up to three years. A ban on holding a professional position is also possible - also for up to 3 years.

Opinions on the law

How do citizens, as well as legislators themselves, evaluate the law banning the sale of alcohol on weekends and during certain hours? Are the restrictions introduced by representatives of the legislative process effective? It was initially calculated that Taken measures will help to significantly reduce the level of alcohol consumption by the population. Many considered the measure effective. Reducing the hours during which alcohol can be purchased should have an impact on alcohol consumption.

However, there is a group of citizens who think differently. Opponents of the law oppose the ban on the sale of alcohol in holidays. Law enforcement agencies have repeatedly reported on cases where citizens purchased alcohol either in advance or at shady spots. Opponents of the law claim that alcohol can always be purchased in advance, but the restrictions or prohibitions themselves have never had any impact positive influence. Moreover, the citizen who purchased alcohol in advance in large quantities, he may lose control of himself and drink everything. The result is serious poisoning, intoxication, increased crime, etc. There are also people who believe that restrictions will lead to the development of a shadow market and own production. As a rule, alcohol is not sold in illegal outlets. best quality. This can lead to poisoning and serious harm to health. Surrogate products produced independently can even lead to death.

A ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages at night is a state-level measure to combat bad habit. The time for the sale of alcohol in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation is regulated by the legislation of the country relevant in the current year. The authors of the laws claim that this measure has a positive effect on the crime rate and the level of alcohol consumption per person. Despite positive side the law on regulating the production and sale of alcohol-containing products, temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol in Moscow and other cities of Russia vary and bring inconvenience to the population of the country.

Law banning the sale of alcoholic beverages

According to the fifth paragraph of Art. 15 of the Federal legislation, the sale of alcohol-containing products is prohibited at night. The established time frame is a nine-hour ban from 11 pm to 8 am. State authorities have the right to introduce changes to the established law, increasing the time for the sale of alcohol in the capital and other cities of Russia. The problem lies in establishing different periods of time until and from when alcohol is sold in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Novorossiysk. The law also specifies places where the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited or permitted during the late evening period. According to the law, the ban on the sale of alcohol in Moscow does not apply to public catering establishments that are allowed to sell alcoholic beverages during the opening hours of a public institution. The law establishes not only the time frame for how long alcohol can be sold, but also a list of alcohol-containing beverages permitted for sale.

Sales time in Moscow

The capital was subject to regular changes in the timing of alcohol sales. In 2010, the sale of alcoholic beverages was allowed from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. In 2011, the time for selling alcohol in Moscow decreased by three hours. The time frame from which alcohol is not sold today is from 11 pm to 8 am for Moscow residents. For residents of the Moscow region, stricter limits apply: sales are allowed from 11 am to 9 pm and, accordingly, prohibited from 21.00 to 11.00. For the period of 2016, the time frame for selling alcohol in Moscow and the Moscow region is from 08.00 to 23.00.

Where sales are permitted and prohibited

The authorities have clarified the law, according to which some catering establishments can sell alcohol. The main condition of sale is the presence of a license. Such establishments include:

  • cafe;
  • bars;
  • restaurants
  • duty free shops;
  • night clubs.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to consume alcoholic beverages only on the premises of establishments. According to the law on the permitted time for the sale of alcohol in Moscow, establishments that are prohibited from selling alcoholic beverages include:

Consequences of the law

During the period of existence and operation of the law, there have been no significant changes in the number of sales of alcoholic beverages; residents of the Russian Federation continue to buy alcohol at the permitted time.

The government of the country gives regional authorities the authority to establish a complete ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages of a certain strength, excluding the sale of products exceeding the permitted level. Only wine and beer may remain on store shelves in some regions or cities. These changes took place in the Vladimir region, where the ban lasted about ten days, as residents of the region became indignant at the established law.

Selling alcohol during prohibited hours is punishable by a fine of 50,000 to 100,000 rubles for the seller and from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles for the manager.

Persons who purchased alcohol are not responsible.

Countries with temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol

Several years ago, legislators approved a ban on the sale of alcohol at night. This was done in order to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages by Russian citizens. From what time and until what time do they sell alcohol in Russia?

Rules for the sale of alcohol in the Russian Federation

Alcohol in Russia is considered to be drinks that contain more than 0.5% alcohol. This includes beer, cider, and others low alcohol drinks. The time of their sale is regulated by the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption of alcoholic products,” as well as regional laws.

Is there a uniform time for the sale of alcohol in 2017? Each subject of the Russian Federation, within the framework of federal regulations, has the right to independently decide from what time to allow the sale of alcohol and from what time to prohibit it. For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region the sale of alcohol is allowed - from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. How much do they sell alcohol for in other regions of the Russian Federation?

In St. Petersburg there is a ban on sales from 10 pm to 11 am. The hours for the sale of alcoholic beverages in the Krasnodar Territory are the same. At the same time, legislators in the region cannot soften the federal norm - from 11 pm to 8 am, the ban on the sale of alcohol is in effect throughout Russia. You can start selling alcohol-containing products no earlier than 8 am!

Regions also have the right to introduce additional restrictions on the sale of such products on holidays, as well as on weekends - on Saturday and Sunday. When is alcohol not sold in Russia in 2017? In some regions (Saratov, Tambov region, etc.) there are restrictions on the sale of alcohol:

  • June 1 – Children's Day;
  • 1 September is the day of knowledge;
  • May 25 – for schoolchildren last call;
  • June 27 – Youth Day;
  • September 11 – Day of Sobriety;
  • on the days of graduation balls for schoolchildren in the 9th and 11th grades.

Thus, in order to know exactly what time you can sell alcohol-containing products in a particular region, you need to study local legislation.

Important! The rules apply to all stores, including hypermarkets and supermarkets, as well as to any retail outlets that have permission to sell such products.

At night, only duty-free shops, as well as organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing catering services, can sell alcohol.

What other restrictions apply?

Only adults can buy alcohol in Russia. The buyer must be at least 18 years old; the seller has the right to require the buyer to present a passport or other document that confirms age. For example, a driver's license or a foreign passport.

A trade organization selling alcohol-containing products must have the appropriate permit to carry out such activities.

For violation of the law - for the sale of alcohol at night - the store and its managers are liable in accordance with Art. 14.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Penalty for breaking the rules

Any citizen has the right to file a complaint against a store for violating the rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages. You can contact the police department or the territorial office of Rospotrebnadzor.

For selling alcohol at the wrong time or in the wrong place (Part 3 of Article 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) the following is provided:

  • a fine on officials in the amount of 20 thousand to 40 thousand rubles with or without confiscation of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • fine for legal entities - from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles with or without confiscation of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.

For retail trade in ethyl alcohol (Part 1 of Article 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • a legal entity will be required to pay a fine in the amount of 200 to 300 thousand rubles.

If a retail outlet does not have the appropriate sales permit (Part 2 of Article 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), then it will also face a fine:

  • the official will be required to pay a fine in the amount of 10 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • and a legal entity – from 200 to 300 thousand rubles.

Under parts 1 and 2 of this article of the administrative code, the fine is accompanied by confiscation of alcohol-containing products.

If it is established that alcohol has been sold to persons who have not yet reached the age of majority (Part 2.1 of Article 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), then the fines will be as follows:

  • individuals will be fined from 30 to 50 thousand rubles;
  • for an official – from 100 to 200 thousand rubles;
  • and for a legal entity - from 300 to 500 thousand rubles.

For the illegal production, circulation and sale of alcoholic beverages and ethyl alcohol in large and especially large amounts, from July 27, 2017, criminal liability is provided under Art. 171.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. And according to Art. 171.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, criminal liability is imposed for repeated violation of the ban on illegal trade in alcohol.

Many citizens are interested in the question of how long alcohol is sold in different localities of Russia, including Moscow. Curiosity did not arise out of nowhere. State Duma deputies have long been actively fighting the development of alcoholism in the country. Therefore, laws are increasingly coming into force that restrict the sale of alcoholic beverages. For example, they established a ban on the sale of alcohol at night. According to statistics, this helped not only to reduce the number of drinking citizens, but also the crime rate. Since fights, scandals, robbery and violence are often carried out by people in a state of alcohol intoxication.

Catering establishments (restaurants, pizzerias, bars, cafes), as well as duty-free shops as an exception, are allowed to sell alcoholic beverages after 22-23 hours.

But government authorities can establish additional bans on the sale of alcohol, based on the situation in the regions. For example, shops and supermarkets are allowed to sell alcohol to adults from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., unless local authorities have set a stricter limit.

Reasons for setting the ban

In recent decades, in Russia it was possible to buy alcohol almost anywhere and at any time. Typically, mass sales of alcohol were carried out at night, after 10 or 11 pm until 8 am. This is due to the fact that this is how citizens are used to resting and relaxing. By establishing a ban on the sale of alcohol at night in populated areas of Russia, including Moscow and St. Petersburg, many problems are solved.

The level of domestic crimes is decreasing

Most often, conflict situations arise between people who drink alcohol together. The ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages from 11 pm to 7 am does not allow citizens to continue the feast, and subsequently becomes an obstacle to sorting out relations among themselves. After the holiday, at 22:00 they disperse and go to bed.

The number of road accidents is decreasing

Limited hours for the sale of alcohol can reduce the number of people drinking on highways, in the alleys of houses, etc. In Moscow, like other Russian cities, it is prohibited to drive while intoxicated. But drunken pedestrians are often found on the roads, which often cause accidents, especially at night, after 10 p.m.

Medical statistics are improving

Citizens who are addicted to drinking alcohol often suffer from cardiovascular and digestive diseases. It is also not uncommon for people to get injured while intoxicated. After the ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages from 23 to 8 a.m. was introduced, these figures decreased significantly. This is due to the fact that mostly Russian citizens like to drink alcohol when it is dark outside.

In Yakutia, stricter rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages have been established. Over the past year, alcohol can be purchased here from 14:00 to 20:00. In the Tula region it is allowed to sell beer, vodka, cognac, wine, etc. after 14:00 to 22:00. But in the Chechen Republic there is a very strict ban on the sale of alcohol. Here you can buy it only from 8 to 10 o'clock.

Additional prohibitions

In 2015, more than one ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages was established. In many regions of Russia it is not allowed to sell alcoholic beverages at night (from 23:00 to 8:00), as well as on some days (established by local authorities). Usually these are holidays.

A large number of Russian citizens are prohibited from buying wine, beer, cognac, etc. on the following calendar days:

  • May 25. On this day, almost all schools in Russia hold assemblies and high school students graduate from educational institutions. To prevent children from being tempted to buy alcohol for themselves or ask adults to do so, many localities have banned the sale of alcohol. alcohol products.
  • Graduates from educational institutions (schools, colleges, schools, technical schools, etc.). Namely, the dates of celebration of these events. The restriction was established for the same purpose as the previous one. And also to ensure that parents themselves do not get carried away and abuse alcohol.
  • 27th of June. This is Youth Day. The ban was established to promote a healthy lifestyle. Local authorities thus want to show the younger generation that you can have a good time without harming your body. On this day, creative competitions, sports competitions, demonstration performances by students of music schools, dance studios, etc. are usually held.

In Moscow, as well as other cities of the Russian Federation, it is planned to improve the overall statistics on combating alcoholism in 2016. Therefore, in many areas of the country it is also prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages on the weekends of June 1, September 1 and 11.

Places where the sale of intoxicating drinks is prohibited

Not all stores can sell alcoholic beverages at any time.

The sale of alcoholic beverages in retail outlets is prohibited if they are located:

  • Near educational or medical institutions, kindergartens. There are also restrictions for stores located near stadiums and other sports facilities (schools, clubs, etc.).
  • On the territory of cultural institutions (with the exception of buffets, as well as their analogues, which are open at these organizations).
  • At train stations and airports. Here, only duty-free shops are allowed to sell “intoxicating” products. They are allowed to sell alcoholic beverages both at night (from 22:00 or 23:00 to 8:00) and during the day. But local authorities may also impose some restrictions.
  • On the territory of military installations, as well as nearby. Under no circumstances is it allowed to open a retail outlet that sells wine, cognac, vodka and other similar products.

It is not allowed to sell any alcohol to mobile objects, not only from 22:00 or 23:00 to 8:00, but in general. These include stalls, tents, modules, etc.

2015 was a turning point, as restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages had previously been established, but not so stringent. For example, the sale of “low-alcohol drinks” was allowed at night. That is, products with low alcohol content. Therefore, beer drinkers could continue to abuse it from evening until dawn. Now it is allowed to sell alcoholic beverages at night, the strength of which does not exceed 1.5%. To purchase any alcohol, the buyer must provide a passport. The seller has the right not to sell alcoholic beverages to people who are intoxicated and this is visible to the naked eye.

Officials are confident that 2016 will show positive results from the bans. The established regime is valid in all populated areas of the country. Violators of the law are severely punished. Many citizens have become convinced that alcohol drunk after 10:00 pm or 11:00 pm is harmful, both physically and mental health. Therefore, these restrictions will only benefit people.
