Recipe for jellied pork legs with beef. Jellied pork legs, knuckles and beef

Which New Year does it do without jellied meat?!! That's right - none! Because it's fragrant jellied meat with horseradish or mustard - the quintessential Russian New Year's dish!

In our family, preparing jellied meat is not just a process—it’s a ritual! When I was little, my mother cooked broth and meat, and we always sorted the meat with dad. My mother shared the recipe; it has many subtleties and nuances, but it always turns out delicious!

For jellied pork legs with beef you will need:

  • 2 medium pork feet
  • 0.7-1 kg of beef pulp (Remember that the more bones, the stronger and richer the broth will be. Therefore, choose beef based on your preferences)
  • If desired, you can add a few pieces of chicken (then the taste of the jellied meat will be softer)
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 medium carrots
  • pepper, salt
  • garlic (to taste)
  • Bay leaf
  • for serving - horseradish and mustard.

Soak pork feet in cold water 3-4 hours. This is necessary to get rid of the specific “pork” smell. Then scrape it with a knife, clean it and remove everything you don’t like. Cut the legs into 4 parts at the joints. Place in a 4-5 liter saucepan with a thick bottom and pour cold water 2 fingers above the legs.

While the legs are boiling, wash the beef, cut into small pieces (like goulash), and also peel the carrots and onions. Throw beef, whole carrots and a whole onion into the boiling legs. When the beef boils, remove the foam and add salt. With the lid open (this is important!), reduce the heat so that the water “steams and does not boil,” i.e., so that the “key” of boiling water is not visible.

We take out the carrots and onions as soon as they are ready (don’t miss it so that the onions don’t boil and spread all over the pan!). We throw away the onion, you can leave the carrots to decorate the jellied meat.

Leave the broth to cook for 3-4 hours. The jellied meat is ready when the veins of the meat become completely soft. The readiness of the broth is checked as follows: rub a drop of broth between two fingers - it should stick well. if it happens that the meat is already ready, and the broth does not have sufficient stickiness, just dissolve food gelatin according to the instructions and add to the jellied meat.

5 minutes before it’s ready, add a couple of cloves of garlic (if you like) and a bay leaf to the jellied meat. It is not recommended to boil bay leaves for longer than five minutes, because... it can give off a too strong odor and even bitterness.

Now you need to strain the broth through a sieve or cheesecloth. Sort the meat - remove all bones and hard cartilage, disassemble into small pieces.

How to cook jellied meat? When I see an appetizing jellied meat on the table, it doesn’t matter what it’s cooked from, pork, beef or chicken, or even mixed in different meat proportions, this question immediately pops up in my mind. It is always very tasty, satisfying and implies some kind of event, a feast. Actually a reason. It’s a good reason to sit calmly at the table with sincere conversation And …. with compote... .

But before you start the feast, you need to do what? Prepare something delicious. How to cook jellied meat correctly, prepare and process everything? I will write about this at the beginning, because these steps will all be common to all recipes, no matter what kind of meat you are going to make jellied meat from.

Choosing meat:

If we talk about where to buy meat components for jellied meat, then I prefer to buy it at the market. Because you always choose fresh meat and it is guaranteed that it will not be frozen and thawed a hundred times. Of course I won’t lie store products happened to cook, but let's try to do what's best for ourselves and our dear guests.

It is better to start the cooking process in the morning, since it will take 5 - 7 hours to cook. But this does not mean that you will have to be at the stove all this time. No. You can watch both the series and football, or even do physical exercises. exercise or meditation. (the site is about a healthy lifestyle..)

Purchased; pork shin, feet must be cleaned of stubble, if you need to singe them over a fire, rinse well.

If you have enough strength in your hands, cut the legs and shins with a knife, first you can cut lengthwise, then along the cartilage in half again, this will be easier. It’s just that if you chop it all up with a hatchet, there will be a lot small bones. The size of the cut pieces of meat does not matter.

Sliced ​​meat for jellied meat, be it pork feet, pork head, knuckle, beef, all this must be soaked in water before cooking. Give 2 - 3 hours. Or you can soak it in a cool place overnight. Then drain the water, rinse the meat again and only then put it on the boil.

With everything explained in preparation, we go directly to the description of specific recipes for jellied meat.

Jellied meat made from pork legs, knuckles, beef and chicken is festive.

Why festive jellied meat? Yes, because you always want to cook for the holidays and not skimp on it, so to speak, for the material. It's a holiday!!! Walk like that. So we will cook jellied meat using all the abundance of meat, pork, beef, chicken.

Go! We will need:

  • Pork legs - 2 pcs.
  • Pork knuckle - 1 pc.
  • Beef shank - 1 pc.
  • Beef meat - 1 kg.
  • Chicken legs, thighs - 2 pcs.
  • Onions, carrots - 1 pc.
  • Parsley root - 1 pc. (not for everyone)
  • Bay leaf, allspice, peppercorns, garlic, salt - according to your individual taste.

How to cook jellied meat - the process itself

1. Place the chopped and, as previously written, washed pork and beef meat into a large saucepan. (we’ll wait with the chicken for now, let him live for now..).

2. Fill cold water, preferably filtered, or better yet, spring water. The water should cover the meat by 4-6 cm.

3. Place the saucepan on the fire and wait (watch, don’t leave) until the water boils. By the time it boils, scale will form in the pan. We scoop it up with a spoon and throw it away.

4. Reduce the supply of fire! We look into the pan and do this (by turning on the fire) so that the water does not boil, but moves a little, this will be correct. For another 4-7 minutes we stand and shamanize over the pan, skim off the foam. There won't be much foam, since the meat was pre-soaked. We tell ourselves how great we are, give ourselves credit, cover the pan with a lid and we can leave the kitchen for 3 hours.

From time to time you can look into the pan, stir the mixture a little, make sure that the water does not boil away, you should not add it. Well, if something goes wrong and the water has boiled away, you can add a little hot water from the kettle. (but this no longer counts...)

5. 3 - 4 hours have passed and it’s time for the chicken to dive into the common pot. Throw it into the pan, cover the lid and cook it all for another 2-3 hours.

6. Don't forget! An hour and a half before it’s ready, add onion, carrots, laurel, pepper, parsley or celery roots, grated garlic, and salt into our vat.

Important! How to salt jellied meat? Jelly likes more salt. You may then notice that if you taste the broth based on the salt, it may seem quite salty to you. But when he's in finished form, frozen, you will feel that there is not enough salt, you should add. So, I always add a little more salt than enough.

If the water still disappears, add it hot from the kettle before salting. You still need the broth.

The total cooking time is 6 - 7 hours. To check whether the broth is ready or not, you need to check it for stickiness. Let's scoop up a tablespoon of liquid, put it on a stand, and let it cool down. Dip your index finger and thumb into the spoon, connect your fingers and what should happen..? They should stick together. Well, not like superglue, but still.

7. The next step in preparing jellied meat. Using a slotted spoon, place all the meat on a large plate. Let it cool down.

8. At this time, you can strain our broth using gauze. We fold the gauze into 3 rows and pass the broth through it. What remains is thrown away. By the way, we also throw out all the root vegetables. As my one Caucasian comrade told me, they took everything harmful substances from meat and will be destroyed; they cannot be used.

9.As the broth cools, you can periodically remove fat from its surface. Here, whoever likes the finished dish. I like it to have fat on top, but some people can’t even see this fat.

10. The meat has cooled down, we handle it with our hands, it is important to remove it small seeds. Divide evenly among plates. I don’t use chicken skins and don’t put them in jellied meat (again, not for everybody).

11. Fill everything with broth and mix.

How to beautifully pour jellied meat into plates

Look, you can get rid of this in different ways.

  1. A layer of meat - carefully the broth - again a layer of meat.
  2. A layer of meat (pork, beef) - broth - a layer of chicken meat. (this is a perversion, but it’s possible...)
  3. Layer of meat - broth. (without stirring).
  4. Meat - slurry - let it harden - add decorations - slurry again and let it harden.

Here, you can experiment as you like, but it is important to note that all this takes time. I gave tips.

13. The most responsible activity! We are waiting for everything to freeze. Usually everything is ready overnight.

That's it! And it’s not difficult at all, right?

Now I'll give you a few more best recipes homemade jellied meat. I would like to note that everything can be done as described above. The only thing that will differ in the recipe is the ingredients and only a little explanation.

How to cook jellied meat from one beef

Due to the fact that, again, people different tastes. And what’s even more interesting is the different religions. There are people who cannot eat pork and everything that is made from it. I suggest this aspic:

Place on the table for cooking:

  1. Beef shank - approximately 1.5 kg. .
  2. Beef ribs - approximately 2 kg. (sometimes they write beef ribs... Hmm, funny, cow ribs...)
  3. Beef, meat. neck fits well - 1kg.
  4. Possible, but not required - 1 beef tail.
  5. All the same root vegetables and spices: onions, carrots, parsley roots, celery, garlic, peppercorns, allspice, bay, and salt.

We prepare everything the same way as for the holidays. There is one topic, specifically for beef jellied meat (shared by one restaurant chef)…

Here you can put the meat, already digested and separated from the bones, through a meat grinder before placing it on plates.

There will be a feature here. And it will be easier for grandparents to chew.

How to cook delicious, rich jellied pork head

This is who likes jellied meat fatter:

For preparation, on our table:

Pork head - 1/2 pcs. (it is quite enough).

And that’s it, all the root vegetables and spices: onions, carrots, parsley roots, celery, peppercorns, garlic, allspice, laurel and salt.

Here you need to pay special attention to the processing and cutting of the pig head. Everything should be well scraped, cleaned, washed. We cut the head into pieces with a knife, soak it, and cook and pour everything according to the same scheme.

The next recipe will be practically dietary.

Jelly, jellied chicken and chicken legs with photo

This jellied meat turns out to be especially tender. The taste is just as different, it's like chicken bouillon, only cold..)

We prepare:

  1. Chicken, weighing kg. 2.
  2. Chicken feet - 10 pieces.
  3. And again, all vegetables and spices, as in previous recipes.

Cut the chicken into pieces. We cut off the nails (or claws) from the paws and the yellow skin. And then everything follows recipe 1.

Now many people have such a kitchen gadget in their kitchen - a multicooker. Many people cook using this unit. And so, in order to reach this contingent of kitchen gourmets, I’m giving a video recipe for super jellied meat.

Quick preparation of jellied meat in a slow cooker, jelly

And so that your jellied meat turns out very tasty, I will share some secrets and tips. I'll just remind you of some.

  • Soak pork and beef meat for at least 2-3 hours.
  • You need to cook the right broth, which will harden; we achieve this if there are enough bones, veins, cartilage, and skin in the meat.
  • We try not to add water to the boiling broth.
  • It is better to test for salt twice, add salt, cook and then again before straining. If not enough, add salt and another min. 15 darken.
  • It is necessary to add vegetables, but they do not need to be used further.
  • The onion does not need to be peeled. The color of the broth will change slightly and will be golden.
  • After bottling the jellied meat, do not place it in the refrigerator immediately, let it cool to room temperature.
  • And do not store our product in the cold.
  • How to decorate jellied meat? It's up to your artistic taste. For decoration, you can prepare and cook in advance: carrots, eggs. Decorate with greens.

Go for it! Now you know how to cook jellied meat. Bon appetit.

Good luck and all the best!

There are a lot different recipes this popular snack. There are recipes for only one type of meat, it can be beef, pork or chicken. When preparing, you need to remember that the broth should simmer gently, and the meat must be used on the bone. You can serve jellied meat with grated horseradish or mustard. You will learn how to cook jellied meat from pork legs and beef from our step by step recipe with photo.

This set of products will make 6-8 servings.

Jellied pork feet

We present to you a recipe for pork legs and beef.


  • 1 kg - pork legs
  • 1 kg - beef on the bone
  • 300 g - onion
  • 300 g - carrots
  • 2–3 pcs. - bay leaves
  • 2–3 pcs. - garlic clove
  • 5 peas - allspice


  1. Fill the pork legs with 4 liters of water and close the lid. Cook for 5 hours over low heat, skimming occasionally. We do not add water.
  2. Add beef and cook for another 3 hours. We also remove the scale and do not add water.
  3. Coarsely chop the onion.
  4. We also chop the carrots coarsely.
  5. Add carrots, onions and peppers to the meat. Add salt and cook with vegetables for another 1 hour.
  6. Next, add the bay leaf and cook for another 15 minutes.
  7. Finely chop the garlic.
  8. Now remove the meat from the broth, cool it and chop it finely.
  9. Then strain the broth.
  10. Place the meat in the mold.
  11. Place garlic on top.
  12. Pour in the broth and put in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

Beef jellied meat

Very tasty, transparent jellied meat from beef. Cooking meat takes quite a long time, so we recommend starting it early. Without taking into account cooking, the recipe is simple and does not require many ingredients or effort to prepare. You will learn how to cook beef jellied meat from our step-by-step recipe with photos.


  • 1.5 kg - beef shanks with bone
  • 1 kg - beef ribs
  • 2 pcs. (100 g each) - onion
  • 140 g - carrots
  • 10 pieces. - black peppercorns
  • 10 pieces. - allspice
  • 2 pcs. - bay leaf
  • 8 pcs. (slices) - garlic
  • 1 tsp - salt

Cooking time: 7 o'clock

Number of servings: 12

Calories: 368 kcal per serving


  1. We need fresh meat with bones.

  2. This time we are using shanks and ribs.

  3. Place the meat in a saucepan and pour in 3 liters. water, the meat should be completely hidden. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then put it on the lowest heat and cook without a lid for 6 hours, skimming off the foam.

  4. At this time, peel the carrots and onions.

  5. After 5 hours of cooking (an hour before the end), add onion, pepper, bay leaf, carrots and salt to the pan.

  6. After cooking, remove spices and vegetables from the broth. Carrots are useful for decoration. Separate the meat from the bones and place on a plate.

  7. Next, divide the meat into fibers and place it in a mold.

  8. Finely chop the garlic and sprinkle it over the meat.

  9. Now pour the strained broth over the beef. Cut the carrots into circles or shapes and add to the meat.

  10. Let the cooled jellied meat freeze in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Remove the resulting fat.

  11. Best served with mustard or horseradish.

Chicken jellied meat

This popular dish often prepared from chicken, and not just from pork or beef. Chicken jelly is in no way inferior in taste to its meat counterparts. To make the broth rich, it is better to choose fattier chicken. You can use parsley instead of cilantro. You will learn how to cook chicken jellied meat from our step-by-step recipe with photos.


  • 2 kg - chicken
  • 140 g - carrots
  • 5 pieces. (slices) - garlic
  • 2 pcs. - eggs
  • 1 piece - onion
  • 4 things. - bay leaves
  • 5 g - cilantro (coriander)
  • 1 tsp - salt
  • 5 pieces. (peas) - black pepper

Cooking time: 5 o'clock

Number of servings: 6

Calories: 462 kcal per serving


Now you know how to prepare jellied meat from pork legs, beef or chicken. Enjoy your meal!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Jellied meat is a multinational dish, so housewives in many countries begin to cook it for the holidays. Some call jellied meat “jelly” or simply “cold”, but the essence of it is always the same - it is meat in a frozen cold broth. Of course, preparing jellied meat is a troublesome task, but at the same time not so difficult. The whole basic process of preparing jellied meat is to cook the meat well. It takes a long time to cook meat for jellied meat, no matter what type you use. It could be pork, beef, or rooster. Most often, the most delicious jellied meat is the one that contains a variety of meats. IN in this case we will cook jellied meat from pork legs, shanks and beef, according to simple recipe. To prepare delicious jellied meat, I go to the market to buy fresh meat there. As for the choice of legs, everything is clear here - we buy pork legs. The remaining types of meat need to be sorted out a little. Pork knuckle We buy meat and not too fatty. You can buy beef either on the bone or as a full fillet, but it is better on the bone so that the jellied meat has more bone mass and the dish freezes perfectly. So let's get started!

- 1 pork leg,
- 500 grams of beef,
- 1 kg pork knuckle,
- 1 onion,
- 1 carrot,
- 2-3 cloves of garlic,
- 4-5 pcs. black peppercorns,
- 2-3 pcs. bay leaves,
- water,
- salt to taste.

Recipe with photos step by step:

We scrape the legs with a knife, clean them, and rinse them in cold water. I always ask at the market to cut my pig's legs and remove the pig's claws. We also wash the rest of the meat, then put it in a pan and pour clean water. Leave the meat in a cool place for 4-5 hours to soak it in water. All the blood that is not needed in the jellied meat will go into the water.

We wash the meat again and fill it with clean water. The water should be two fingers above the meat. In this amount of water you will get a saturated and strong broth, which will then wonderfully harden. Let it cook for 6 hours over low heat. During the cooking process, remove the foam using a spoon or slotted spoon. During cooking, open the lid of the pan a little to make the broth more transparent. This secret was taught to me by my aunt, who always cooks clear and tasty jellied meat.
After 2 hours of boiling the meat, add salt to the broth. Then we cook again. At the end of cooking, taste the broth for salt and, if necessary, add more salt. Also, 1 hour before the meat is ready, put washed carrots and washed onions into the broth (it should have peels). 15 minutes before the end, add peeled garlic cloves, peppercorns and bay leaves to the meat. Let the broth boil along with the spices.

Carefully remove the meat and bones from the broth. Cool the broth in the room and separate the meat into small pieces. When the meat has cooled well, handle it with clean hands.
We put the bones aside (they can be given to the dogs). In jellied meat, you can use just meat, cartilage, and skins, as you like. I mostly use only meat and give the rest to the dogs. My family doesn't really like fatty jellied meat.

At the bottom of any mold (I have a silicone one) we put decorations for jellied meat. I used greens canned corn and boiled carrots from jellied meat.

Place the meat in the mold: fill a little more than half. Jellied meat is delicious when there is a lot of meat in it.

Now pour the strained clean broth over the meat. It is convenient to strain the broth through 2-3 layers of gauze. Place the jellied meat in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours to completely harden.

Serve the finished jellied meat to the table, beautifully decorated. Bon Appetite!
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How to cook delicious jellied meat: six important rules.

Delicious transparent jellied meat made from pork, beef or chicken, with horseradish or mustard - even those who count every calorie on their plate are unlikely to refuse this dish.

However, not every housewife will be able to cook delicious jellied meat. Some are afraid that it won't harden. Others have tried to cook jellied meat, but instead of being tasty, appetizing, and transparent, it turns out to be inconspicuous in appearance and inedible.

However, there are a number of rules, knowing and following which, you can easily cook delicious homemade jellied meat. So let's get started

Rule one. Choose the right meat

One of the main ingredients of jellied meat is pork legs, and more specifically, their lowest part, the one that ends with the hooves. It is these nondescript pork “spare parts” that guarantee that your jellied meat will harden properly.

Add the rest of the meat according to your taste: it can be chicken, turkey, pork ( great option- knuckle), beef on the bone. It is better that the meat has veins and skin - this will also help the jellied meat freeze better. But in any case, pork legs are a MUST!

In this case, certain proportions must be observed. For a pair of pork legs weighing approximately 700 grams, take no more than one and a half kilograms of other meat parts. Too much meat, oddly enough, can harm your jellied meat - it simply won’t harden.

Rule two.Be sure to soak the meat before cooking

This procedure is necessary in order to remove any remaining coagulated blood from the meat. Besides, pre-soaking meat softens the skin, which can then be easily peeled.

To soak the meat, take a pan in which you will cook your delicious jellied meat. Fill the meat with water so that it is completely covered with water and leave to soak for at least three hours, or even better, overnight.

After soaking the meat, carefully scrape the pork legs, removing any sooty areas. Clean the skin (if any) on the rest in the same way. meat parts. It is most convenient to use a small “vegetable” knife for this purpose.

Rule three. Drain the first water after the jellied meat boils

Some housewives neglect this procedure, believing that removing scale with a slotted spoon is quite enough to obtain clear broth. However, by draining the first broth, you will not only ensure the transparency of the jellied meat, but also reduce the number of calories in the finished dish and get rid of the specific greasy taste.

After draining the first broth, rinse the contents of the pan under running water - this will remove small adhering remnants of coagulated protein.

Pour water over the washed meat again. At the same time, pay attention to its quantity - it should be two centimeters higher than the meat level. If you pour more, the jellied meat will not have time to boil away during cooking, and accordingly, it may not harden. If you pour less, you will have to add additional water during the cooking process, which, again, will negatively affect the hardening of the jellied meat.

By the way, in order for the jellied meat to be transparent, do not allow the contents of the pan to boil intensely. You need to cook the jellied meat over low heat for six hours, no less, only in this case it will turn out tasty and will harden perfectly without adding gelatin.

Rule four. Add seasonings and spices correctly

After your future delicious jellied meat has cooked for five hours, add whole peeled carrots and onions to it. There is no point in adding vegetables before - all their flavor will disappear during the cooking process. By the way, do not peel the onion from the outer husk, but simply rinse it thoroughly - this will give ready-made broth nice golden color.

You also need to salt the jellied meat after four to five hours of cooking, and never at the beginning. Otherwise, the jellied meat can easily be over-salted, since during the cooking process the broth boils away and becomes concentrated.

Add bay leaves and peppercorns to the jellied meat half an hour before the end of cooking.

Rule five. Cut the meat correctly

After you finish cooking your delicious jellied meat, remove the meat from the broth with a slotted spoon. Strain the broth itself through a colander. Throw away the onion and carrot.

Carefully separate the meat from the bones with your hands, helping yourself with a small knife. Cut the meat with a knife (do not use a meat grinder or food processor) - this way you will definitely not miss small bones. But it’s better not to cut the garlic, but to put it through a press. In this case, it will be distributed more evenly in the meat mass.

Do not throw away the skins and cartilage - they will add strength to the finished jellied meat, cut them finely and mix with the “good” meat.

Having laid out the meat mass in trays, fill it with broth. Stir very carefully so as not to muddy the broth.

Rule six. Ensure the correct temperature

In order for jellied meat to freeze well, it needs the “right” temperature. In the kitchen, even on a cool windowsill near the window, the jellied meat will not freeze. You can’t take it out onto the balcony/loggia in winter either - frozen jellied meat irrevocably loses its delicate consistency, as they say, “cuts short” (with the exception of a glazed, insulated loggia).

With that said the best place for freezing the jellied meat - the middle shelf of the refrigerator. To save space, trays with jellied meat can be placed on top of each other, of course, having cooled them beforehand. room temperature and covering each tray cutting board. If you did everything correctly, the jellied meat will harden in four to five hours.

By the way, if you cover the jellied meat with a lid, wait until it begins to “set”, otherwise the lid will stick to the frozen jellied meat and remove it without violating the integrity ready-made dish, it will be impossible.

And further. From the surface ready-made jellied meat don't delete everything at once rendered lard- it will protect the jellied meat from “weathering”.

In principle, these are all the basic rules, following which you will be able to cook delicious jellied meat. As you can see, there are few of them and they are all quite simple. Good luck in mastering this delicious dish!
