How to make a cake from shortbread with condensed milk (different options)? Cake made from ready-made cake layers - quick, easy, tasty

Life always brings surprises. In one case it is approaching family celebration, where you can’t do without a birthday cake, and, as luck would have it, your joints hurt, or you hit your hand hard, it’s problematic to knead the dough. Or another option - unexpected, but welcome guests are about to arrive, you want to please them delicious cake, but time is running out. How can we be here? The answer is simple: in such situations it is easy and simple to make a cake from ready-made cakes, which, to the delight of those with a sweet tooth, can be bought in any supermarket.

What types of ready-made cake layers are there?

The choice of cake layers in stores is quite wide. Depending on your personal preferences, you can always make a cake from ready-made cake layers: sponge cakes - airy, tender, fluffy, light or colored with cocoa; shortbread - tasty and aromatic; puff pastries - the most tender, fragile, melting in your mouth; waffle - sometimes as if dissolving in cream, sometimes pleasantly crispy; honey - amber-yellow with delicate aroma and the taste of honey. In the heat of summer, it’s good to use ice cream as a ready-made base for a cake, layering and decorating it with fruits, berries, nuts and anything else that your imagination tells you.

How to make a cake from ready-made cake layers

The main thing that a housewife must do in order to form a cake from ready-made cake layers is to make cream and think about decorating her creation. You may need some additives: nuts, fruits, candied fruits, chocolate, coconut, etc. It’s easier to consider all this with specific examples.

Fruit cake made from ready-made cake layers

For fruit cake, sponge or sand base. The sponge fruit cake with sour cream. It cooks in about 20 minutes, or even less. To make this cake from ready-made fruit cakes, you will need following products: ready-made sponge cakes - 3 pieces; sour cream - 0.5 kg; granulated sugar - 1 cup; vanilla sugar- 10 grams; chocolate - half a bar; what berries and fruits you have, as well as chopped nuts and coconut flakes for decoration.

Preparing the cake

One of sponge cakes Place on a cake pan, cut the other two into small (2-3 centimeters) cubes. Using a mixer, beat the sour cream with sugar for 5 minutes, add vanillin at the end of the process. We grease the whole cake with cream and cover it with a layer of berries and chopped fruits, on top of them - a layer of cream. Place the chopped biscuit cubes into the remaining cream, mix and place on top of the fruit. Pour melted mixture over the top of the cake. steam bath chocolate, sprinkle coconut flakes, decorate with pieces of berries and fruits. After 3 hours in the refrigerator, your cake is ready to delight your guests.

For those with a sweet tooth - cake with condensed milk

It is believed that cakes with condensed milk are best made on the basis of waffle or puff pastries, since the cream itself is quite sweet. A delicious cake made from ready-made shortcakes with condensed milk is obtained if the contents of a can of boiled condensed milk are thoroughly mixed with 100 grams of melted butter. This cream is generously greased with the selected cakes, stacking one on top of the other. The top cake is also sprinkled with ground nuts and grated chocolate or decorated as you like.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Even experienced housewives often it doesn't work out perfect sponge cake. But what if you want to pamper your family with a delicious cake? Ready-made cakes will always come to the rescue, which you can buy in any store. The only thing left is the cream, which can transform regular blanks in culinary unique masterpieces.


  • 1 package of sponge cakes;
  • 200 grams of condensed milk;
  • 300 grams of canned peaches.


  1. Using a colander, drain excess liquid from peaches.
  2. Divide canned fruits into two parts. Cut one into small cubes, grind the second with a blender or mixer into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Beat condensed milk and peach puree with a mixer. Add the peach cubes and stir gently with a spoon or spatula.
  4. Can be given ready-made cake unusual look And original taste, pour jelly prepared from the remaining peach syrup. To do this, dilute it with gelatin, taking required amount liquid, which is recommended on the package, and after the jelly begins to thicken, carefully pour over the top of the cake.

Having cooked a delicious cake, it’s nice to treat your friends to it. Tea drinking will be especially pleasant if you place a beautiful porcelain set on the table. Great option- bone china service. You can purchase this at the link Bone china is distinguished by its thinness and lightness, which makes the service especially beautiful.

In the video - curd cake made from sponge cakes:

"Curly Boy"


  • 110 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 120 grams of sugar;
  • 400 grams of sour cream (it’s better to take homemade one);
  • 400 grams of ready-made sponge cake.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the biscuit cakes into cubes.
  2. In a small saucepan, place a few tablespoons of sour cream with broken chocolate pieces over low heat.
  3. Beat the sugar with the remaining sour cream until fluffy thick cream.
  4. Dip the biscuit cubes one at a time into the cream and place them in a nice mound on a large plate.
  5. Using a spatula, stir the chocolate and sour cream icing until smooth, remove from heat, cool slightly and pour over the cake.

"Nut Miracle"


  • 200 grams of nuts (any);
  • 110 grams of butter;
  • 260 grams of sour cream;
  • 200 grams of condensed milk;
  • ready-made sponge cakes (can be chocolate).


  1. Beat in lush cream all ingredients except nuts.
  2. Generously coat the cakes with cream and condensed milk, generously sprinkle each layer with nuts crushed using a rolling pin or blender.
  3. Pour the top generously with cream and decorate with patterns of nut crumbs.

The video shows another cooking option with cream with condensed milk:

"Tender Melody"


  • 110 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 400 grams of ready-made meringue;
  • 120 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 280 g mascarpone;
  • 260 grams of cream;
  • 600 grams of ready-made cakes.


  1. Beat the cream with a mixer at low speed, adding sugar in small parts.
  2. Carefully add the mascarpone, after mashing it with a fork.
  3. Pour plenty of cream over each cake layer, covering with a layer of crushed meringue pieces.
  4. Generously decorate the surface of the cake with grated chocolate (it’s better to use a grater with small holes; you’ll get an interesting crumb).

"Breath of Summer"


  • 500 grams of cream;
  • 130 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 30 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 100 grams of apricots;
  • 50 million mineral water without gas;
  • 350 grams of fresh strawberries;
  • 2 prepared sponge cakes.


  1. To whip the cream quickly and fluffily, place the whisk and cream container in the refrigerator for an hour.
  2. Beat the chilled cream and powdered sugar on low speed.
  3. Boil mineral water and granulated sugar.
  4. Wash apricots and strawberries and cut into small slices. Place some of the berries in the refrigerator for decoration.
  5. Cut the cakes lengthwise. Lubricate each one with boiled syrup using a brush, after a few minutes pour cream over it and spread berry pieces over the entire surface.
  6. Also pour the topmost cake with impregnation and cream, decorate beautifully with slices of apricots and strawberries.

The video shows a simple version of making a fruit cake:



  • 80 mil water;
  • 1 piece each of pear and banana;
  • 90 grams each of sugar and powdered sugar;
  • 400 grams of berries (currants, strawberries, gooseberries);
  • 280 grams of cream;
  • ready-made cakes (packaging).


  1. Combine the berries with water and sugar and boil for a few minutes. Rub them through a colander.
  2. Beat the cream and powder until the cream becomes fluffy.
  3. Separately, use a blender to puree pear and banana.
  4. Divide the cream into three parts. Combine one with banana mixture, the second with pear mixture, and leave the third for decoration.
  5. Grease each cake with berry impregnation, coat it in turn with banana and pear creams.
  6. Decorate with the remaining cream using a pastry bag.

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Ready-made cakes are just a super find for busy housewives or those who do not want to devote several hours to preparing a cake.

If everything is done correctly and efficiently, the dessert will turn out simply gorgeous. Who said you didn't cook it?

Cake made from ready-made sponge cakes - general principles of preparation

The store sells packages of white or vanilla cakes in 3 thin layers. They are enough to prepare a standard cake for 6-8 servings. If you need dessert for a holiday, then it is better to use 2 packages, increasing the amount of cream or filling accordingly.

What kind of cakes can you make:





With marshmallows, marmalade, etc.

In any case, you will need cream. The simplest one can be made from butter and condensed milk. Butter creams, which require whipping, are a little more difficult. Preparing the custard will take even longer, but it will be the most economical. You can also use jam, jam, chocolate spread.

Fruit cake made from ready-made sponge cakes

Bananas and kiwi are used to fill this cake from ready-made sponge cake layers. But you can also take other soft fruits or berries: strawberries, peaches, oranges, plums, canned or fresh pineapples.


Packaging of cakes;

1 can of condensed milk;

300 g butter;

90 ml water;

4 spoons of sugar;

1 g vanilla;

4 bananas;


1. Boiled water mix with sugar, add a little vanilla for flavor. At all, fruit cakes No impregnation is needed, but the finished cakes are a little dry, so it would be a good idea to lightly sprinkle them.

2. Soften the butter, transfer it to a mixer cup and beat for about five minutes, gradually add condensed milk. Season the cream with vanilla to taste.

3. Cut peeled bananas into slices. Remove the skins from the kiwi and cut into pieces of the same size. There is no need to cut all the fruits; we leave some for decoration.

4. Place one cake on a plate, sprinkle with the prepared syrup, grease with cream and place banana slices on top.

5. Cover with the second cake layer, also sprinkle with syrup and grease with cream, arrange the kiwi pieces.

6. Cover with the last layer of cake, soak in the remaining syrup and thoroughly grease the top and sides of the cake with cream. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

7. Cut the remaining fruit and decorate the soaked cake before serving.

Quick cake made from ready-made sponge cakes with marshmallows

A variation of an amazing dessert made from ready-made sponge cakes. Cake with marshmallows, vanilla is used without icing and filling.


Boiled condensed milk 1 b;

200 g butter;

300-350 g marshmallows;

4-5 pcs. cookies.


1. Prepare cream from softened butter with boiled condensed milk. You don't need to use a mixer, just mix the ingredients.

2. Cut marshmallows. You need to remove all the convex tops to get relatively even cakes.

3. Grease one sponge cake with cream, spread out the trimmed marshmallows. Coat it with cream on top, filling the voids.

4. Cover with the second biscuit. Coat the top and cover the sides.

5. Crush the cookies to crumbs and coat the sides.

6. Place convex pieces of marshmallows, cut earlier, on the surface of the cake.

7. Leave the cake to soak for several hours in the refrigerator.

Curd cake made from prepared sponge cakes and peaches

For this cake made from ready-made sponge cakes, a gentle curd cream. Peaches can be used canned or fresh. You can take apricots in the same way. This cake will take no more than 15 minutes to prepare.


3 thin crust;

400 g peaches;

400 g cottage cheese;

250 ml condensed milk;

180 g butter;


1. Combine butter with condensed milk, beat until smooth. Beat the cottage cheese separately or simply grind it. Send to cream. For taste, add a little vanilla. If the sweetness of condensed milk is not enough, you can add a little powdered sugar.

2. Cut the peaches into slices.

3. Lubricate the cakes one by one with the curd mass, scatter the fruit slices. We decorate the top of the cake with peaches and a wonderful dessert is ready!

Walnut cake made from ready-made sponge cakes

Peanuts are used for this cake made from ready-made sponge cakes. But you can also take walnuts. Ordinary custard cream.


400 ml milk;

1.5 tbsp. peanuts;

100 g cookies (shortbread);

250 g sugar;

3 tablespoons flour;

200 g butter;

Bag vanilla sugar.


1. Mix sugar with flour, dilute this mixture with milk. Place on the stove and cook thick cream. Cool.

2. Soften the butter, add it to the previously cooked cream, and mix.

3. Fry the nuts in a frying pan and cool. Peanuts need to be peeled; to do this, they simply grind them with their hands and remove the husks. Detail the shelled nuts in any way.

4. Mash the cookies to crumbs, mix with peanuts. It will help cover the cream layer and the cake will look more beautiful.

5. Coat the cakes with cream, sprinkle the layers a little with nuts.

6. Grease the top of the biscuit as well, but decorate it thickly with a layer of peanuts and cookies. Leave nut cake for impregnation.

Cake made from ready-made sponge cakes with curd soufflé

Another variation of healthy, tasty cottage cheese cake. To prepare you will need springform. If the cakes do not fit into it, then you need to cut the sponge cake to size using the bottom of the mold or a suitable plate.


300 g sour cream;

400 g cottage cheese;

250 g of any fruit or berries;

240 g sugar;

120 g chocolate;

50 g butter;

20 g gelatin.


1. Immediately pour gelatin with water room temperature, for this amount 70-80 ml is enough. Let it swell, following the time indicated on the package.

2. Beat sugar with sour cream, add grated cottage cheese. If you use a blender, you can put everything together and beat it into cream.

3. Cut the fruit into small pieces, use the whole berries. Remove the seeds, if any.

4. Heat the gelatin in the microwave until dissolved. Pour into the cottage cheese, stir thoroughly so that this layer completely hardens during the process. Only after this add fruit, now stir carefully so as not to damage the pieces.

5. Place the biscuit in the mold and pour in the curd mixture and gelatin. Lightly level with a spatula, no need to be overzealous.

6. Place the second cake layer on top and press down.

7. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 5 hours. Interior curd layer should freeze.

8. Takes out the cake and transfers it to a plate.

9. Break the chocolate, combine the product with butter, melt together, it is better to use a water bath.

10. Cover the cake with glaze and leave to harden. If you want a thicker layer, use more chocolate.

Chocolate cake made from ready-made sponge cakes (with bananas)

This cake uses chocolate sponge cakes, which can also be purchased at the store. But you can also use white cakes, the cream will still be chocolate. Bananas are used as a layer.


4 bananas;

2 spoons of cocoa;

400 g milk;

50 g chocolate;

30 g flour;

Two yolks;

2 tsp. cognac;

250 g sugar;

1 stick of butter.


1. Cook chocolate cream. Mix sugar (200 g) with flour and yolks, add cocoa to them. Dilute everything with milk and put it on the stove.

2. Bring until thick over moderate heat. We're filming.

3. Add chopped or grated chocolate to the hot cream, stir until dissolved. You can cook without it, but in this case it is better to increase the amount of cocoa.

4. After the chocolate has dissolved, add softened butter and mix. Leave the cream to cool completely.

5. We have 50 g of sugar left. Add 100 ml of water to it and stir well. Pour cognac into the impregnation.

6. Cut the bananas into thin circles; two pieces should be enough for one layer. Place only a layer of cream on top of the cake.

7. Water the cakes cognac syrup, coat with cream, lay out the bananas and the cake is ready! Decorate for your own

Cake made from ready-made sponge cakes “A la drunken cherry”

drunk cherrygorgeous cake, an imitation of which can be prepared from any sponge cakes. Airy vanilla cream. To prepare it you need heavy cream above 30%.


500 g pitted cherries;

100 ml cognac;

500 ml cream;

160 g powdered sugar;


1. Pour cognac over the cherries, stir and leave for 5 hours. But if you don’t have time, you can pickle the berries less, you just need to stir them more often.

2. Whip the cream into foam, add in parts powdered sugar. If you add it all at once, the cream may turn out liquid.

3. Lightly squeeze the cherries from the cognac, but do not pour the juice anywhere.

4. Place one cake layer, sprinkle a little berry juice with cognac, apply air butter cream and lay out the pickled berries.

5. Place the cake layer again, spray, grease and lay out the berries.

6. Place the remaining cream in pastry bag, beautifully decorate the top of the cake; you can simply grease the sides. For brightness, place a few whole cherries on top.

Cake made from ready-made sponge cakes - useful tips and tricks

If the butter does not want to soften, do not try to heat it. The product will leak and the cream will not work. It is better to place the piece in the microwave for a while, setting the “defrost” mode.

Impregnation will improve the taste of purchased sponge cake. You can cook regular syrup from water and sugar, or use compote, sweet coffee, or tea. Any impregnation will become more aromatic if you add cognac, liqueur or vanilla.

If you need to decorate the top of the cake with fruit in advance, it is advisable to treat the pieces with sweet jelly. This way they will retain their presentable appearance longer.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Chocolate cake on festive table on the occasion of a birthday - this is a classic. And not having an oven or not wanting to bother with baking is not a reason to deprive yourself of pleasure. You can make a delicious cake from ready-made sponge cakes; a recipe with photos will show you step by step how to do it.
The beauty of this cake is that the cottage cheese used changes beyond recognition during the cooking process, becoming saturated with the aroma of dark chocolate.

for the cakes:
- ready-made cake layers, chocolate – 3 pcs.;
for interlayer:
- low-fat cottage cheese – 200 gr.;
- curd– 200 gr.;
- bananas – 2 pcs.;
- cream 10% fat – 200 ml;
- dark chocolate– 100 gr.;
- cocoa powder – 1 tbsp. with a slide;
- granulated sugar– 100 gr.;
- gelatin – 20 g;

for cream:
- eggs – 3 pcs.;
- milk – 300 ml;
- flour – 30 gr.;
- granulated sugar – 100 gr.;
- dark chocolate – 100 gr.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Before you start cooking, you need to make a mold for the future chocolate cake. If you have a springform pan of suitable diameter, then, of course, you can use it. If you don’t have one, you can quickly do it disposable form, using available materials: cake packaging and aluminum foil.

Tear off a piece of foil that is slightly longer than the circumference of the cake. Fold it lengthwise three times to make a narrow and dense strip. Place one of the cake layers in the bottom of a plastic bag and wrap it in foil as shown in the photo. The bottom edge can be folded under the cake for better fixation. Now you can proceed directly to preparing the delicacy.

Place the low-fat cottage cheese and curd mass in a bowl and mash with a fork. You can even pre-grind the cottage cheese in a blender to make it more tender; nevertheless, the granular structure of the cottage cheese is quite recognizable. The curd mass can be taken with or without any filler (dried apricots, prunes, etc.). Add sugar to the cottage cheese and stir.

If you have a little more free time and cottage cheese, you can cook

Pour cream into a saucepan, break the chocolate bar into squares and also place in the saucepan. Heat the cream over low heat until the chocolate chunks have melted.

Add a tablespoon of cocoa powder (regular, without dyes, sugar or flavorings) to the creamy chocolate mixture.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and pour the chocolate component of the cake into the bowl with the cottage cheese.

Beat the curd and chocolate mixture using a mixer. The hot chocolate has made the mixture hot, you need to cool it down. In the meantime, put a packet of gelatin in a small saucepan and pour it over a small amount cold water(the water should cover the gelatin). Leave it for 15 minutes, it will swell. The swollen gelatin should be put on fire and, stirring, until it is completely dissolved (you can add a little more water at this stage). Remember, gelatinous water should never boil.

Cut two large bananas into cubes and add them to the cottage cheese with chocolate and cream. Pour the hot dissolved gelatin there. Stir and refrigerate. The future layer of chocolate cake should thicken a little.

While it cools, you can cook custard. But not ordinary, but very thick and very chocolatey. To do this, you need to take the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. The whites can be used on meringues to decorate the same cake or used somewhere else (for example, in), and the yolks will be needed to prepare the cream.

Mix the yolks with sugar. It is convenient to add it in small portions.

And then gradually add the flour there, stirring thoroughly after each portion. The result will be a dough-like mixture. You can make it thinner by adding a little cold milk, but this is not at all necessary.

Place a chocolate bar in the milk. Melt the chocolate the same way you did with the cream: over low heat, stirring, avoiding burning. Remove the heated milk from the heat and place the egg-flour mixture into a saucepan. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Now put the saucepan back on the fire, heat, stirring with a whisk (pay special attention to the bottom, the chocolate custard will burn in no time) until the cream becomes thick. It needs to hold its shape as it will be used to coat the chocolate cake. Place the cream in a deep bowl and cover with foil or film. Let it cool for now.

While you were preparing the cream, the curd mass in the refrigerator began to set a little, it’s time to remember about it. Cut one of the cakes into cubes.

Mix biscuit cubes with curd and chocolate ingredients.

Take out an improvised form with a cake layer at the bottom. Place on this crust curd layer. It is already quite thick, and the biscuit will absorb excess moisture.

Cover the future cake with the third cake layer and place it in the refrigerator until it hardens completely. Now the process will go faster and in an hour and a half the layer will completely gel. In the meantime, you can take a little break.

After 60-90 minutes, slightly tear the foil and check whether the layer has thickened. If so, then you can put the cake on a plate and remove the foil.

Meanwhile, the custard has also cooled down, so, armed with a spatula or wide knife, you can start decorating. Coat chocolate cake, cooked without baking with cream on all accessible sides. There was a lot of cream, so don’t regret it, put more on top.

Now you can let the cake brew for a while and then serve it to your guests.

Cake is one of the most popular delicacies among adults and young people with a sweet tooth. Dessert takes pride of place not only on the holiday table, but also on the everyday table. What bliss it is: eating a sweet piece of pastry with tea! But some housewives are afraid to cook cakes because they have difficulty preparing the crusts for the dough. Indeed, not all housewives turn out airy and soft.
Recommendation: on the eve of the holiday (or before the arrival of your beloved mother-in-law), go to the store and buy ready-made cake layers. We think that both household members and experienced gourmets will like your cooking masterpiece, but no one will even guess about the little trick.
So, we offer you several recipes for delicious cakes made from ready-made cake layers.

Cake “Zuccotto”: step-by-step recipe with photos

No-bake cake made from ready-made sponge cakes

Florentine dessert - cake with chocolate cream - has not only an unusual appearance, but also unforgettable delicate taste. Pleasant cherry sourness harmoniously combines with the bitterness of almonds and airy fudge.


  • packaging of ready-made sponge cakes
  • half a bar of milk or dark chocolate
  • heavy cream – 1.5 tbsp.,
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.,
  • cherry – 250-300 g;
  • almonds - a handful.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Grind the processed almonds.
  2. Chop the chocolate.
  3. Whip the cream with sugar, add chocolate, cherries and nuts. Gently stir the contents of the bowl. Line the bottom of the bowl cling film. Cut one of the cakes into triangles and place in a container, repeating its shape. Fill the mold with cream and cover the cake with the second layer. Place in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.
  4. Decorate the finished cake with fruit and chocolate ganache on top. Before serving, invert the cake onto a plate.

Advice: If you purchased rectangular cakes, then cut out 2 round ones. You can use a bowl of the appropriate shape as a stencil.

Unusual Napoleon cake: recipe with photo

Many people love this cake, but housewives consider the process of preparing puff pastry cakes to be too long. Don't worry, using ready-made cakes, you will prepare delicious Napoleon much faster. Thanks to the fact that you don’t need to constantly bake the cakes, you can experiment with cream, preparing “Napoleon” in a new way.

Required ingredients:

  • puff pastry packaging
  • 800 g can of canned peaches
  • peach syrup – 1 tbsp.
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp.
  • cream – 2 tbsp.
  • powdered sugar - a few tablespoons
  • egg
  • yolks – 2 pcs.
  • flour and corn starch– 1 tbsp.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Drain the syrup from the jar and puree canned peaches blender.
  2. Beat the yolks and egg with 50 g of sugar. Then add flour and starch and beat the mass again, pour into it sweet syrup and stir.
  3. Boil the peach puree in a heatproof container. Add the beaten egg mixture and bring the contents of the pan to a boil.
  4. Cool the peach cream.
  5. Whip the cream with the remaining sugar and pour the cream into it. Mix well.
  6. Spread the finished cakes with cream. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

On a note: if you prefer traditional version cream, then just whisk butter with condensed milk.

Cake “Ryzhik” based on ready-made cake layers: recipe with photos

Surely you love baked goods shortcrust pastry. But when it is necessary to prepare more than two or even three cakes, many housewives give up. We suggest you prepare delicious lemon cream for the cake and purchase the base itself at your nearest supermarket.

Required ingredients:

  • packaging of shortbread cakes
  • water – 50-60 ml
  • sugar - tbsp.
  • butter - half a standard pack
  • zest of half a lemon

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pour sugar into a saucepan with water and lemon zest, and place the container of water on the fire. Bring to a boil. Meanwhile, grind the yolks in a saucepan, pour the syrup into the mixture, and put it back on the fire. Cook the cream, remembering to stir continuously.
  2. Cool the cooled cream and beat with butter.
  3. Soak the prepared cake layers lemon cream, and place the treat in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

Chocolate waffle cake made from ready-made cake layers: recipe with photos

We think that you remember the waffle cake with condensed milk, which you could buy in any store. We suggest you make a no-bake cake by adding some ingredients to the traditional waffle cake.

Required ingredients:

  • packaging of wafer cakes
  • dark dark chocolate bar
  • halva – 200 g
  • butter – 140 g
  • whole milk – half a glass
  • sugar – 1/2 cup
  • cognac - st. l.

Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Mix the milk and chopped butter in a container and place over low heat until the butter is completely melted.
    2. Chop the chocolate and halva with a knife. Pour these components along with sugar into the cooled milk-butter mixture. Place the cream on the fire and cook until smooth.
    3. Remove the mixture from the stove and pour in the rum. Grease the finished ones waffle cakes prepared cream.

Advice: Decorate the top of the cake with leftovers chocolate cream and nuts.
Waffle cake you need to let it soak, so we recommend putting it in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.

Blueberry birthday cake made from ready-made cake layers

On the eve of the holiday, prepare an unusual but very tasty blueberry cake. We are sure that the delicacy will appeal not only to adults, but also to young picky eaters who hate cottage cheese. Airy cream with a slight sourness goes perfectly with tender jelly.

Required ingredients:

    • packaging of ready-made cakes
    • gelatin – 3 tbsp.
    • cottage cheese – 2 packs
    • village sour cream – 300-350 g
    • butter - half a pack
    • blueberries – 300 g
    • milk - tbsp.
    • sugar - to taste

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Soak the gelatin in milk, and when it swells, heat it in a saucepan (in a water bath).
  2. Beat cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream in a blender bowl until smooth.
  3. Grind the processed blueberries with sugar in a blender.
  4. Spread the base of one of the prepared cake layers with a few spoons of blueberry mixture.
  5. Then pour half a glass of milk with gelatin into the curd and blueberry masses, respectively.
  6. Place alternate spoonfuls of filling onto the crusts. Decorate the top of the cake with whole blueberries or whipped sour cream. Place the dessert in the refrigerator until the jelly has completely hardened.