How to roll up large cucumbers for the winter. Crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter. Simple and delicious recipes for cucumbers in jars

You can prepare cucumbers for the winter different ways. Look at the selection of recipes, take notes and try closing a jar or two in a new way. in winter delicious cucumbers will remind you of summer and decorate the table.

1. Cucumbers, like store bought ones

Ingredients (per 1 liter of water):

  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar 9% - 10 tbsp. spoons


  1. Take a 3 liter jar. Bay leaf, allspice, cloves, onion(in rings), place the dill on the bottom of the jar, then the cucumbers.
  2. Pour boiling water over prepared cucumbers in jars.
  3. Cool until warm, drain, add sugar and salt per 1 liter. water, boil again, pour over the cucumbers and roll up. Add vinegar to the jar before the second filling!

2. Crispy cucumbers


  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • horseradish, currants, cherries, Bay leaf- 1 sheet each
  • dill umbrella
  • black peppercorns
  • salt - 5 teaspoons
  • sugar - 10 teaspoons
  • vinegar 9% - 100 gr.


  1. Place carrots cut into 4 parts and all the above ingredients on the bottom of a 3-liter jar.
  2. Place cucumbers, pour hot boiled water for 15 min.
  3. Drain the water. Add salt, sugar, table vinegar to it.
  4. Boil water with spices and pour it into the jar again. Roll up.

3. Mild lightly salted cucumbers

These are delicious lightly salted cucumbers. Ideal for those who, for various reasons, cannot eat spicy foods.

Ingredients (for a 3 liter jar):

  • water - 1.5 liters
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons


  1. Wash the cucumbers and soak them in clean water for 3 hours, changing the water.
  2. Place in a jar: dill umbrellas, horseradish leaf, 5 currant leaves, 4 cloves. garlic, 10 black peppercorns, 4 pcs. cloves, cinnamon, tarragon.
  3. Place cucumbers in jars vertically, pour hot brine for 3 minutes.
  4. Then drain the brine, boil again and pour in one last time, adding to the jar: - 1 tablespoon table vinegar. Roll up.
  5. Turn upside down and leave under a warm blanket until it cools down.

Even in the spring, when you open the jar, the cucumbers seem lightly salted.

4. Country salting

A very simple way to pickle cucumbers, but very tasty, the cucumbers turn out crispy.


  1. In clean, sterilized jars (3 liters) put: horseradish, cherry, black currant leaves, dill sprigs and 5 cloves of garlic.
  2. Pour approximately 100 grams of salt and sugar into each jar (4 tablespoons of sugar and 10 teaspoons of salt).
  3. Fill the jars with cucumbers and pour cold water.
  4. Cover them with plastic covers and place them in a dark, cool place (such as a cellar).

The cucumbers will be ready in 3 months, but will last until spring.

5. Drunk cucumbers


  1. Place at the bottom of a jar (3 liters): horseradish root, dill, garlic, currant leaves.
  2. Then place the cucumbers tightly and pour 1.5 liters of marinade. water: 3 tbsp. l. salt without a slide, 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. vinegar essence, 2 tbsp. l. vodka.
  3. Sterilize for 15 minutes.

6. Cucumbers in tomato sauce


  • cucumbers - 5 kg.
  • tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • garlic - 250 gr.
  • vegetable oil- 250 gr.
  • granulated sugar- 250 gr.
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar 70% - 2 tbsp. spoons


  1. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, add vegetable oil. Then add granulated sugar and salt, bring it all to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Then gradually add the cucumbers cut into rings.
  3. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes, then add garlic and vinegar.
  4. Mix everything and place in sterilized jars and seal.

It takes a long time to cut, but you get a lot of cans - 10 cans of 650 grams each.

7. Pickled cucumbers

Ingredients (for 2 liters of water):

  • Salt - 2 tbsp. heaped spoons
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. heaped spoons
  • Peppercorns - 5-7 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 5-7 pcs.


  1. To prepare the brine, combine all ingredients.
  2. Boil for 3 minutes, then cool, add 2 tbsp. l. 70% vinegar.
  3. Place cucumbers (as many will fit) in jars and fill with brine.
  4. Then sterilize them for 5 minutes and roll them up.

8. Lightly salted cucumbers


  • dill, horseradish, currant leaves
  • garlic
  • peppercorns - 4-5 pcs.
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.
  • bird cherry leaf
  • salt - 1 tbsp. heaped spoon
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons without a slide
  • aspirin - 2 tablets
  • vinegar essence 70% - 1 teaspoon


  1. Place the cucumbers in a 3-liter, sterilized jar, adding all the spices, salt, sugar, aspirin and vinegar.
  2. Then you need to pour boiling water over everything and roll up with an iron lid.

Bon appetit!

The season for harvesting vegetables, fruits and berries for the winter is in full swing. And we are not far behind, we have already made a lot of jam, frozen berries and mushrooms. Canned salads, cucumbers and tomatoes.

But the harvest is rich, especially a lot of cucumbers this year. Every day you remove a small bucket from the bushes. As soon as they were not salted this year - , . But these are all “quick” options; you can’t stock them up for the winter.

For longer storage they must be preserved. And we've already done it in several very interesting ways - this, and a delicious recipe. But there are others, no less interesting ways, which make simply wonderful blanks.

We now live in our own house, and I store all the preparations in the basement. It is warm because it is in an ordinary room. Previously, we lived in an apartment, and I stored the preparations either in the pantry or just under the bed. So all of today’s recipes are suitable for storing jars in the apartment.

This is the simplest recipe for preparing our green vegetables. This should be in every housewife’s piggy bank. When you know, and most importantly understand, how to cook in a simple way, then anyone, even the most complex recipe will be possible.

Therefore, I propose to start with it.

We will need (for a 3 liter jar):

  • garlic - 3 - 4 cloves
  • hot pepper - to taste
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs
  • allspice - 3 pcs
  • clove buds - 4 - 5 pcs.
  • horseradish leaf - small, or half
  • currant leaf - 6 pcs
  • cherry leaf - 8 pcs
  • dill - 4 - 5 umbrellas with branches
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. spoons

A 3 liter jar will require approximately 1.5 liters of water, provided that the jar needs to be filled tightly.


1. Wash the fruits and soak them in cold water for 2–3 hours. This will allow them to take in the missing moisture, which will subsequently make them tasty and crispy.

2. Then rinse again under running cold water and cut off the ends. If they are small, then you can cut off the tip only on one side, where the “tail” is.

Try to keep them all about the same size in the jar. This will allow them to marinate evenly.

3. Peel the garlic and cut into slices.

4. Wash the greens and leaves and scald with boiling water. Then drain in a colander.

5. Wash the jar thoroughly with soda and sterilize with one of known methods

  • for a couple
  • in the oven
  • in the microwave

Wash the lid for rolling with soda and pour boiling water, then cover with a lid to keep warm. Or boil it in a separate pan.

6. Place a piece of horseradish leaf, approximately 5 - 6 cm long, on the bottom of the jar. Then lay out 1/3 of the dill and currant and cherry leaves, or about the same portion.

The horseradish leaf will prevent the brine from becoming cloudy, and the cherry and blackcurrant leaves will not only add their own flavor, but will also help keep the cucumbers crisp.

We will put greens on the bottom, in the middle and on top. So roughly calculate where to put how much.

7. The cucumbers will accordingly be arranged in two large layers. Therefore, we place them on the greens up to half the jar.

Place a little garlic on each layer. It must also be distributed evenly throughout the entire volume of the jar.

8. Place a second layer of greens and leaves in the middle, as well as a mixture of peppers.

9. Next we lay out the fruits, all the way to the top. Sprinkle layers with garlic. Leave room on top for another layer of greenery and leaves. Be sure to place another piece of horseradish leaf on top.

Try to pack the fruits very tightly. The tighter you pack, the crispier they will be.

10. Pour salt and sugar on top, shake the jar slightly so that it all falls down.

11. Bring water to boil in a saucepan. Pour two liters into it for the first time. Then we will salt the excess.

12. Prepare the vinegar, have it ready so you don’t forget to pour it in when needed.

13. When the water boils, carefully, so as not to get burned, pour it into the jar to the very top. Cover with a metal lid and let stand for 7 minutes. During this time, carefully, but quite intensively, rotate the jar from side to side to release air bubbles.

To avoid scratching the table with the jar when rotating, place it on a rag or towel before pouring water.

Do not open the lid!

14. Place a plastic lid with holes on the neck and drain the water into the pan. Put it on the fire again and bring to a boil.

At the same time, put the kettle on to boil. When refilling the marinade, it will be a little missing. Therefore, we will need additional boiling water.

While the marinade is boiling, cover the jar with a metal lid.

15. As soon as the marinade boils, and the boiling water in the kettle is ready, first pour the marinade into the jar, then the vinegar, and then add the missing water from the kettle.

The liquid should reach the very edge of the neck. So that when you close the jar with a lid, it will even slightly overflow. From this moment on, it is strictly forbidden to open the lid.

16. The jar should again stand on a rag or towel. We will again rotate the jar for about 5 minutes (periodically, of course) and expel air bubbles. They will still come out from the place where the “butt” is cut.

Do not open the lid!!!

17. After 5 - 7 minutes, tighten the lid using a seaming machine.

18. Then turn the jar over and cover it with a blanket, leave it in this position until it cools completely.

19. Then turn it over to its usual position and store it. A dark, cool place such as a pantry or basement is suitable for this. In any case, do not store cans near heating appliances.

Such a preparation can be stored well for a year, or even two, if, of course, it lasts until these times.

The product turns out moderately salty, moderately sweet, crispy and tasty!

Video on how to preserve crispy cucumbers

We, in our family, have been doing this option for a long time delicious preparations from cucumbers. We can say that this is our family recipe.

Its advantage is that the fruits always turn out very tasty and crispy, and all thanks to only one of the ingredients - aspirin. The fact that we add it to the marinade allows us to not add a lot of vinegar to it. Therefore, the vegetables turn out not sour at all.

This method also allows the workpiece to be stored well. When there are rich harvests, you make quite a lot of them, and sometimes you don’t even eat them during the season.

So, such a preparation can be easily stored for two seasons.

Try to cook at least a couple of jars, and I think that then you will always cook like this.

By the way, the recipe was filmed specifically for the “Secrets of Home Economics” blog. So I invite you to the channel, subscribe and press the bell. This way you will be the first to see new publications.

How to cook delicious and crispy cucumbers

This recipe has one more cooking option. The ingredients are the same. But you can use a different bookmark and filling method.

For this we need two pans of water. Pour half the volume of water into one, and pour more into the second so that there is enough for filling.

1. Place half of the greens, leaves and garlic on the bottom of a sterilized jar. Be sure to pour boiling water over the greens. Place pepper and cloves there.

2. Place cucumbers with cut ends in a colander and when the water in a partial pan boils, lower it along with the contents into boiling water. Stay there for 2 minutes.

Then quickly transfer everything into a jar.

3. Place the second part of the herbs and garlic on top. Add salt and sugar.

4. Pour boiling water halfway, add vinegar and add the second half of boiling water.

5. Close the lid and roll up with a machine.

6. Turn the jar over and leave it under a blanket until it cools completely.

I am simply sharing with you all the methods and options known to me so that you know them. But I myself use the first method of filling, since I consider it more reliable in terms of heat treatment.

By the way, in both the first and second options, we use two fillings only if the fruits are small.

If they are large, then it is better to fill them three times. That is, they should be tightened during the third fill.

Preparation for the winter without sterilization with aspirin

This is very good recipe, and in my opinion it produces the most delicious cucumbers. Although it’s probably not entirely true to call this or that recipe the most delicious. After all, everyone has different tastes, and if for one the most delicious vegetables obtained according to one recipe, then for another - according to another.

Some people prefer sweet preparations, while others, on the contrary, prefer salty ones. Some people prefer barrel taste, while some prefer a sour marinade.

Therefore, before I begin describing the recipe, I immediately want to make a reservation that this is the simplest and most delicious recipe of all that I prepare, in my opinion. I've been cooking with it for a long time. I got it from my mother, and she still preserves them this way to this day. That is, it can be considered our family heritage.

And how many pieces of paper I have already written with his description and distributed to my friends. And I know that many of them now cook only according to it. This means that they also recognized it as the most delicious. Which is incredibly nice.

I already have a similar description of it on my blog. I preserved according to this scheme, where I marinated tomatoes, carrots, cabbage and zucchini along with cucumbers. Therefore, I decided not to repeat myself and write how to preserve just cucumbers.

This recipe has one feature - I use very little vinegar essence as a preservative and aspirin. And I don't use sterilization. Interesting?!

The advantage of this marinade is that the fruits do not turn out sour. I tried a lot of pickles while visiting. And many of them have the same drawback - they are too sour! And behind this acid, no other taste is felt. In this case, it turns out that the preparation was saved for the winter, but there is a big loss in taste.

The method proposed below corrects this drawback completely. And in winter, with every open jar we get invariably tasty cucumbers in a light, transparent brine. And you can crunch them just like that, add them to any salad, or cook first and second courses with them.

We will need for a 3 liter jar:

  • cucumbers - 20 - 25 pieces (depending on size)
  • small tomatoes - 3 - 4 pieces
  • garlic - 3 - 4 cloves
  • dill - 6 - 7 umbrellas (or less, but with branches)
  • horseradish leaf - 0.5 pcs
  • black currant leaf - 4 pcs.
  • cherry leaf - 7 - 8 pcs
  • tarragon - 1 sprig
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs
  • allspice peas - 3 - 4 pcs
  • red Bell pepper spicy - to taste
  • cloves - 5 buds
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar essence 70% - a little more than half a teaspoon
  • aspirin - 2.5 tablets

On three liter jar Usually it takes 1.5 liters of water, plus or minus a little. This is provided that the jar is filled very tightly. Which is basically what we need to achieve.


1. Wash the fruits, place them in a basin or bucket and fill with cold water. If the fruits have been collected recently, then leave them in water for 2 - 3 hours. If enough time has passed after collecting them, then keep them in water for 4 - 5 hours. This will allow them to remain crispy throughout the long winter storage period.

Always soak vegetables with a reserve, according to the principle “it’s better to have some left over than not enough.” We can never calculate exactly how many fruits we can put in a jar; it depends on their size.

2. After the time is up, drain the water and rinse the fruits thoroughly again under running water. Then cut off the ends. Try the end from the tail, it should not be bitter.

3. Place the fruits on a towel to drain excess water.

4. Rinse all leaves, tarragon and dill. Pour boiling water over them, hold in it for a minute, and remove. Also put everything on a towel.

5. Peel the garlic, dividing it into cloves. If they are not very large, then leave them whole. If they are large, then cut into pieces.

Garlic turns out very tasty when marinated, so I try to leave the cloves whole. And sometimes I even break the recipe and add a few more cloves than the recipe calls for. This does not interfere with the overall taste at all.

But don't overdo it, too much garlic makes finished product soft.

6. Wash the tomatoes. Use a toothpick to make two or three punctures in the place where the branch is attached.

You don’t have to add tomatoes, but we will need them to add flavor and better preservation. Tomatoes contain natural acid, and in part they can also be considered a kind of preservative.

7. Also prepare all the peppers, salt, sugar and 70% vinegar essence. I always use essence in conservation; for me it is much easier to use, and I never make mistakes with it.

Because you often come across recipes where it simply says “vinegar” - “so much”, and you only have to guess what percentage of this vinegar is. Because of this, mistakes often occur, and if the vinegar is not added, the jar may explode, and if it is overfilled, the cucumbers will turn out to be too sour.

Prepare everything at once so you don’t forget anything in a hurry. When my daughter was not yet as old as she is now, she might, for example, forget to put salt in a jar. And in winter, having opened such a jar, we received them completely unsalted.)))

8. Jar and metal cover(not self-screwing) wash with soda and sterilize using one of the known methods. It is better to do this in advance so as not to put the ingredients in a hot container.

9. Now that we have everything ready, let's start making a bookmark.

Place half of the horseradish leaf as the first layer. Some other leaves and dill. In total, we will lay out the greens in three layers - at the bottom, at the top and in the middle, so divide the contents into 3 parts.

10. Immediately lay down all the peppers in their variety. Add red hot peppers (it can be green, but always hot) to taste. Consider the degree of its spiciness and your taste preferences. I usually cut a piece of 1.5 - 2 cm from the pod.

And remember that it is the most pungent in the seeds, so it is better to clean them out if you decide to add this part of the pod.

11. Start laying out the fruits. Put larger ones down, smaller ones up. Sprinkle with garlic cloves in random order.

Lay them out as tightly as possible, literally squeezing them wherever you can.

12. Place a second layer of greens and two tomatoes in the middle.

13. Then again cucumbers and garlic. Then two more tomatoes and a layer of greens.

Leave some room for salt and sugar. We also immediately pour them into the jar in the required quantity.

14. Put the water on to warm up; we will need 1.5 liters of boiling water. You can boil it required quantity in a teapot.

15. Place the jar on a rag or napkin. Pour boiling water into it to the very top and cover with a sterilized metal lid.

Air bubbles will begin to appear coming out of the cut areas. They need help getting out of the bank. To do this, we place our hands on the sides of the jar and begin to turn it from side to side, as if shaking it slightly. In this way, keep the jar for 5 - 7 minutes, shaking it periodically.

16. Then remove the metal cover and put on the plastic one with holes. Prepare a pan and pour the brine into it. Place the pan on the fire and bring the contents to a boil. Let it simmer for 1 - 2 minutes.

In the meantime, put the kettle on to boil; we will need additional boiling water.

17. While the water is boiling, crush the aspirin tablets. Let me remind you that for a 3-liter jar we need 2.5 tablets.

18. Pour it into the jar, right on top. And as soon as the brine boils for a couple of minutes, immediately pour it back into the jar.

As we can see, there is no longer enough liquid. To do this, we should already have a kettle with boiling water ready. But first you need to prepare the vinegar essence. And holding a spoon with essence in one hand and a teapot in the other, pour in both at the same time. All the essence, and as much boiling water as needed so that it is poured right up to the neck.

19. Immediately cover the jar with a metal lid.

From this moment on, do not open the lid under any pretext!

20. Let the jar stand in this position for 5 minutes, while rotating the jar again, expelling air bubbles.

21. Then tighten the lid with a seaming machine.

If they put it in a jar large cucumbers, then there should be three fills. And only with the third one can you tighten the lid.

22. Turn the jar over and cover it with a blanket. Leave in this position until completely cooled.

23. Then turn it over again and place it as usual. Store in a cool, dark place.

Such a preparation can be stored perfectly, for at least a year or two. On taste qualities Oh long-term storage is not reflected at all.

They turn out moderately salty and sweet, slightly sour, crispy and pleasant taste. The brine has the same pleasant taste; it turns out light and transparent. And you can drink it if you wish, it also turns out very tasty.

Here's the recipe! Although it turned out to be big, it’s actually very simple. And most importantly - what is the result!

By the way, I didn’t mention one more advantage of this recipe. Every year I preserve my cucumbers using it, for probably 35 years now. In all these years, not a single jar has “taken off.” Over the years I have lived both in the south and in the north; both in the apartment and in the house - and in any conditions, the jars are stored perfectly!

“Assorted” tomatoes and cucumbers

You can also cook early vegetables using the recipe given above. This is very convenient, especially when you are canning in three liter jars. In this case, you get two delicious snacks at once.

As I said, the recipe is exactly the same. The only thing we need is less cucumbers and more tomatoes.

Tomatoes in in this case use not very large ones. Plum-shaped varieties are excellent, for example “ Lady fingers" They are quite fleshy, with a fairly thick skin, which allows you to preserve the tomato in its entirety. To prevent the tomato from bursting, you need to prick it with a toothpick in two or three places near the “butt”.

Or you can use cherry tomatoes, they are small and elastic, and... Both using tomatoes alone and other vegetables.

When laying out, first add herbs and spices, then cucumbers. Then again greens, and already tomatoes. Also place greens on top.

There are also two fills, as already described. As preservatives we use salt, sugar, vinegar essence and aspirin (2.5 tablets per 3-liter jar).

So this recipe is universal. We prepared assorted dishes using it, today I brought to your attention a recipe for cucumbers, and now this is an option.

But in fact, there are quite a lot of recipes for preparing cucumbers and tomatoes. And I would like to invite you to watch one of these recipes in video format.

Tomatoes themselves are an excellent preservative, as they contain quite a lot of acid. And they are even proposed to be closed with screw caps.

So choose a recipe to your taste and cook as you like best, and according to the recipe that you like best.

Canned cucumbers with citric acid

According to previous recipes, we made preparations without sterilizing the jars. And using this recipe as an example, I would like to tell you how to preserve with sterilization.

Typically, fruits that do not have vinegar added require sterilization. And although in this recipe we will add it to the marinade citric acid, but additional protection is indispensable for successful storage.

We will need (for a 3-liter jar):

  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • garlic - 3 - 4 cloves
  • dill with seeds - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • horseradish - 0.5 sheets (or 1 teaspoon grated)
  • black peppercorns - 4 - 5 pcs
  • allspice - 3 - 4 pcs

For brine per 1 liter of water:

  • salt - 1/4 cup or 3 tablespoons
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • citric acid - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. Wash jars and lids with soda and sterilize.

2. Pre-soak the fruits in cold water for 2 - 3 hours. Then wash thoroughly and cut off the ends.

Do not use very large specimens; small or medium-sized vegetables are suitable for this recipe.

3. Place all the seasonings and herbs in a jar. Then add cucumbers. For best salting It is better to place them in a vertical position. But you can lay it out this way, especially if the fruits are small in size.

4. A three-liter jar will require approximately 1.5 liters of water. Therefore, all the ingredients for the brine will need to be taken in the right quantities.

5. Put the water in the pan on gas. Add salt, sugar and citric acid and bring to a boil.

6. Pour boiling brine into the jars right up to the neck. Cover with a metal lid.

7. Place a rag napkin in a large saucepan and pour a little water. Heat it slightly on gas and place the jar with all the contents. Add more hot water if necessary.

Ideally, the water should reach the shoulders of the jar, or a little less.

8. Bring to a boil and note the time. For sterilization we need 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. This is for a three-liter jar.

9. After the allotted time, remove the jar with tongs, making sure that the lid does not open. If air gets into the jar, it probably won’t be able to be stored for long, and in the worst case, it will even “explode.”

So take your time and take it out carefully.

If such a nuisance does happen, and the lid still moves slightly, then you need to add boiling water right up to the neck, cover again with the lid and again set to sterilize for about 15 minutes. But in this case, the cucumbers will no longer turn out crispy, they will simply be overcooked.

10. Screw on the lid using a special machine. Turn the jar over, place it on the lid and cover with a blanket. Leave in this position until completely cooled.

11. Then turn it over to its normal position and store it in a cool, dark place.

Canned sweet cucumbers in liter jars

It is very convenient to preserve cucumbers in liter jars, especially when the family is not very large. If you open a jar like this in winter, you’ll be ready to eat it right away. And it definitely won’t stagnate in the refrigerator.

You can preserve in liter jars according to any of the recipes proposed today. But for variety, I offer this version of the sweet preparation.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - depending on size
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • dill - 2 umbrellas
  • horseradish leaf - 1/3 part
  • cherry leaf - 2 - 3 pcs
  • currant leaf - 2 pcs
  • cloves - 1 bud
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • allspice - 1 pc.
  • vinegar essence 70% - 0.5 teaspoon

For the brine:

A liter jar very tightly filled with fruits will require about half a liter of water. This amount is given required amount salt and sugar.

  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 2.5 tbsp. spoons


1. Pour cold water over the cucumbers and let stand for 2 - 3 hours. Then wash them in clean water and cut off the ends. Place on a towel to drain.

2. Wash the greens, you can scald them with boiling water and also place them on a towel. Peel the garlic. And immediately prepare all the spices, salt and sugar.

3. Place half the required portion of horseradish leaf in a sterilized jar. If approximately, then this is a strip 4 - 5 cm from a normal sheet. Then lay out an umbrella of dill, a leaf of cherry and currant.

Immediately add all the spices and herbs and garlic.

4. Place cucumbers. Try to take them small size and lay them very tightly together. In the first row you can place them next to each other vertically. And only then put the smallest of them on top, that is, horizontally.

5. Leave room for dill, another cherry leaf, currants and horseradish.

6. Boil boiling water in a kettle and pour the contents up to the neck. Cover with a sterilized lid. Leave for 10 - 15 minutes. The criterion of readiness can be the fact that you can calmly pick up the jar.

7. Meanwhile, boil the water for the brine, add the required amount of salt and sugar to it, and when it boils, pour in the vinegar essence, then let it boil again.

8. Pour from the jar warm water and pour boiling brine right up to the neck. If there is not enough brine, add boiling water from the kettle. It’s best to make extra brine.

9. Immediately cover with a lid. Let stand closed for two to three minutes to release any air bubbles, if any remain. But under no circumstances open the lid.

10. Then tighten it with a special seaming machine.

11. Turn the jar over and place it neck down under a blanket or blanket. Leave in this position until completely cooled. Then turn it over again and place it in a cool, dark place for storage.

This preparation is stored well, and you can store it in your apartment’s pantry.

If you want to cook several liter jars, then simply multiply the amount of all ingredients proportionally by the number of jars.

According to the same recipe, you can prepare it in either three-liter or two liter jars. 750 gram jars with screw caps are also suitable.

Preparation with mustard for storage in the apartment

In fact, of course, all today’s recipes are intended for storage in an apartment, and this has already been a proven fact many times. But here is another one of these recipes that may come in handy in your piggy bank.

It is not quite ordinary, and its unusualness is that it is prepared in a marinade using mustard. Try this canning option too. He is also good and has a lot of fans.

Slightly spicy, sweet and sour cucumbers are obtained as a result of this preparation.

Also here, you can see how to sterilize and seal jars. For young housewives who are just gaining experience, this will be very useful.

And if you like such spicy, spicy cucumbers, then there is a whole article on this topic. It gives a lot interesting recipes using mustard, as in finished form, both in seeds and simply in powder. You can take a closer look at the recipes.

Or maybe someone will be interested in sour vegetables. And for such lovers there is also a certain way

IN today's recipes I tried to offer you only time-tested recipes. What they all have in common is that they invariably produce very tasty and crispy preparations. Therefore, feel free to choose any of the recipes and make preparations for the winter.

How to preserve cucumbers so that they are tasty and crispy

These tips will be useful to you with any of the chosen methods, so be sure to take them into account.

  • Before canning, be sure to soak the fruits in cold water for several hours

  • cut off the ends on both sides and taste the fruits so that they are not bitter
  • fill the jars with fruits very tightly, so that you can’t put any more of them in
  • so that all the fruits are salted evenly, take them of the same size for each of the jars
  • Be sure to use a horseradish leaf, it will prevent the brine from clouding
  • use cherry and blackcurrant leaves, they give the necessary crispness to the fruit
  • a sprig of tarragon gives flavor barrel cucumbers and keeps them dense and firm
  • don't put too much garlic, it softens the fruit
  • Use coarse, non-iodized salt for salting.
  • For better storage preparations in the apartment at room temperature before seaming, pour boiling water over them two or three times directly in the jar, each time draining the cooled water. Let it stand for 5 – 7 minutes, then drain. Only the third time fill it with brine, and after pouring the vinegar, roll it up.
  • Be sure to sterilize empty jars and lids
  • Do not use canned food that has a swollen lid. This is life-threatening!

These are the basic rules that will allow you to eat delicious cucumbers all winter.

If after reading, or during canning you have any questions, then ask them in the comments. If I am in touch, I will try to answer you as quickly as possible. But it’s better, of course, to ask questions in advance, since I’m not always at the computer. Sometimes they ask a question right from the cooking area, and I can see it only two or three hours later. And I can imagine how worried a person is when they don’t respond on time.

Please treat this with understanding!

But I hope that I wrote everything clearly and in detail, in any case, I tried to make it so!

Cook, and let you always get the most delicious preparations.

Bon appetit!

for 1 liter of water:

– 1.5 tbsp salt

– 3 tbsp. Sahara

– 10-12 tablespoons of 9% vinegar per 3-liter jar.

1. Place bay leaf, allspice, cloves, onions (in rings), dill on the bottom of the jar, then cucumbers.

2. Pour boiling water over the prepared cucumbers in jars, cool until warm, drain, add sugar and salt per 1 liter of water, boil again, pour over the cucumbers and roll up.
Add vinegar to the jar before the second filling!


1 carrot

2 onions

1 head of garlic

1 leaf each of horseradish, currant, cherry, bay leaf, dill umbrella

– black peppercorns

1. Place carrots cut into 4 parts and all the above ingredients on the bottom of a 3-liter jar.

2. Place the cucumbers, pour hot boiled water for 15 minutes. Drain the water. Add to it:

– 5 tsp salt

– 10 tsp sugar

– 100g. table vinegar.

3. Boil water with spices and pour it into the jar again. Roll up.


These are delicious lightly salted cucumbers. Ideal for those who, for various reasons, cannot eat spicy foods.

For a 3 liter jar:

– 1.5 l. water

– 2 tbsp salt

– 3 tbsp. Sahara

1. Wash the cucumbers and leave for 3 hours, changing the water.

2. Place in a jar:

– dill umbrellas, horseradish leaf, 5 currant leaves

– 4 cloves garlic

10 black peppercorns

– 4 pcs. cloves

– cinnamon

– tarragon

3. Place cucumbers in jars vertically, pour hot brine for 3 minutes. Then drain the brine, boil again and pour in one last time, adding to the jar:

– 1 tbsp table vinegar

4. Roll up. Turn upside down and leave under a warm blanket until it cools down. Even in the spring, when you open the jar, the cucumbers seem lightly salted.


A very simple way to pickle cucumbers, but very tasty, the cucumbers turn out crispy.

In clean, sterilized jars (3 liters) put:

– horseradish leaves

– black currant

– sprigs of dill

– 5 cloves of garlic.

1. Pour into each jar:

– 100g. salt and sugar (4 tbsp sugar and 10 tsp salt).

2. Fill the jars with cucumbers and add cold water. Cover them with plastic covers and place them in a dark, cool place (such as a cellar). The cucumbers will be ready in 3 months, but will last until spring.


1. Place at the bottom of the jar:

– horseradish root

- garlic

– currant leaves

2. Then pack the cucumbers tightly and pour in 1.5 liters of marinade:

– 3 tbsp salt without a slide

– 2 tbsp. Sahara

– 1 tsp vinegar

– 2 tbsp vodka.

Sterilize for 15 minutes.


– 5 kg. cucumbers

– 2 kg cucumbers

– 250 g garlic

– 250 g vegetable oil

– 250 g granulated sugar

– 3 tbsp. salt

– 2 tbsp. 70% vinegar

1.Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, add vegetable oil, granulated sugar, salt, bring it all to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

2. Then gradually add the cucumbers cut into rings. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes, then add garlic and vinegar, mix everything and place in sterilized jars, seal.

It takes a long time to cut, but you get a lot of cans: 10 cans of 650 grams each.


Place the cucumbers in jars and add brine to 2 liters of water:

– 2 heaped tablespoons of salt

– 6 heaped tablespoons of sugar

– 5-7 peppercorns

– 5-7 bay leaves

1. Boil everything for 3 minutes, then cool, add

– 2 tbsp. 70% vinegar

2. Pour into jars. Then sterilize them for 5 minutes and roll them up.


1. Place the cucumbers in 3-liter jars with spices:

– currant leaves

- garlic

– peppercorns (4-5 pcs)

– cloves (2-3 pcs.)

– bird cherry leaf

– 1 tbsp. heaped salt

– 1.5 tbsp sugar without a slide

– 2 aspirin tablets

– 0.5-1 tsp 70% vinegar essence and pour boiling water, close the lids.

for 1 liter of water:
●1.5 tbsp salt
●3 tbsp. Sahara
●10-12 tablespoons of 9% vinegar per 3-liter jar.

1. Place bay leaf, allspice, cloves, onions (in rings), dill on the bottom of the jar, then cucumbers.
2. Pour boiling water over the prepared cucumbers in jars, cool until warm, drain, add sugar and salt per 1 liter of water, boil again, pour over the cucumbers and roll up.
Add vinegar to the jar before the second filling!

●2 bulbs
●1 head of garlic
●1 leaf of horseradish, currant, cherry, bay leaf, dill umbrella
●black peppercorns
1. Place carrots cut into 4 parts and all the above ingredients on the bottom of a 3-liter jar.
2. Place the cucumbers, pour hot boiled water for 15 minutes. Drain the water. Add to it:
●5 tsp salt
●10 tsp sugar
●100g. table vinegar.
3. Boil water with spices and pour it into the jar again. Roll up.

These are delicious lightly salted cucumbers. Ideal for those who, for various reasons, cannot eat spicy foods.
For a 3 liter jar:
●1.5 l. water
●2 tbsp salt
●3 tbsp. Sahara
1. Wash the cucumbers and leave for 3 hours, changing the water.
2. Place in a jar:
●dill umbrellas, horseradish leaf, 5 currant leaves
●4 cloves of garlic
●10 black peppercorns
●4 pcs studs
3. Place cucumbers in jars vertically, pour hot brine for 3 minutes. Then drain the brine, boil again and pour in one last time, adding to the jar:
●1 tbsp table vinegar
4. Roll up. Turn upside down and leave under a warm blanket until it cools down. Even in the spring, when you open the jar, the cucumbers seem lightly salted.

A very simple way to pickle cucumbers, but very tasty, the cucumbers turn out crispy.
In clean, sterilized jars (3 liters) put:
●horseradish leaves
●sprigs of dill
●5 cloves of garlic.
1. Pour into each jar:
- 100g. salt and sugar (4 tbsp sugar and 10 tsp salt).
2. Fill the jars with cucumbers and add cold water. Cover them with plastic covers and place them in a dark, cool place (such as a cellar). The cucumbers will be ready in 3 months, but will last until spring.

1. Place at the bottom of the jar:
●horseradish root
●currant leaves
2. Then pack the cucumbers tightly and pour in 1.5 liters of marinade:
●3 tablespoons of salt without a slide
●2 tbsp. Sahara
●1 tsp vinegar
●2 tbsp vodka.
Sterilize for 15 minutes.

●5 kg. cucumbers
●2 kg cucumbers
●250 g garlic
●250 g vegetable oil
●250 g granulated sugar
●3 tbsp. salt
●2 tbsp. 70% vinegar
1.Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, add vegetable oil, granulated sugar, salt, bring it all to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.
2. Then gradually add the cucumbers cut into rings. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes, then add garlic and vinegar, mix everything and place in sterilized jars, seal.
It takes a long time to cut, but you get a lot of cans: 10 cans of 650 grams each.

Place the cucumbers in jars and add brine to 2 liters of water:
●2 heaped tablespoons of salt
●6 heaped tablespoons of sugar
●5-7 peppercorns
●5-7 bay leaves
1. Boil everything for 3 minutes, then cool, add
●2 tbsp. 70% vinegar
2. Pour into jars. Then sterilize them for 5 minutes and roll them up.

1. Place the cucumbers in 3-liter jars with spices:
●currant leaves
●peppercorns (4-5 pcs)
●cloves (2-3 pcs.)
●cherry leaf
●1 tbsp. heaped salt
●1.5 tbsp sugar without a slide
●2 aspirin tablets
●0.5-1 tsp 70% vinegar essence and pour boiling water, close with lids.

The most delicious recipe for the winter from their favorite vegetables comes from people who can pickle them in special barrels, adding branches to the brine fruit trees, giving them a special aroma. But not everyone has the opportunity to prepare cucumbers for the winter in this way, and canning them in jars has already become commonplace. But each housewife brings her own special ingredients to the recipe, which give the preparations an unusual piquancy and taste. Therefore, each option is original and interesting in its own way.

Cucumbers rolled up for the winter - traditional snack, which allows you to survive the cold period much tastier. But even this simple blank has many options. And having mastered the simplest, but tasty and unusual recipes, you can prepare real delicacies for the winter that you won’t be ashamed to serve to your guests for the New Year holidays.

Fast preparation without heat treatment

When the holiday fell on late autumn, there is little time left to roll up cucumbers for the winter. Therefore, if you have to deal with preparations after work, you can use the most simple recipe and be sure that the jars will not explode if left in the basement or pantry.


  • 3 kg of cucumbers;
  • 6 peas of black and allspice;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2 hot peppers;
  • 4 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar;
  • greens (raspberry leaves, gooseberries, dill umbrellas);
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sugar, salt.


  1. Place the cucumbers in a large saucepan, add water and a little ice so that they freeze faster and leave for an hour.
  2. Fill the jar with water, put it in the oven at a temperature of 120 degrees to warm up, and boil the lid for 5 minutes.
  3. At the bottom of the container we put pepper, garlic in its peel and all the greens.
  4. We place the cucumbers as tightly as possible so that they turn out extra crispy and better absorb the marinade.
  5. Bring the water to a boil, pour it into a jar and keep it there for 15 minutes.
  6. Pour it into a small bowl, add sugar, salt, pepper, bay leaf, put it on high heat and bring to a boil.
  7. Add vinegar to the brine and carefully fill the jar with it. Let's roll up.

Attention! Before placing any winter preparation When storing in a basement or pantry, be sure to let the jars cool. To do this, they turn upside down and wrap themselves in a blanket for a couple of days.

Crispy cucumbers without sourness

Typically, table vinegar is used as a safety net (to ensure that the lids do not swell) or to give cucumbers stored for the winter a certain flavor. But acid often causes heartburn, so you can always exclude it from the recipe.


  • 3 kg of cucumbers;
  • 100 g horseradish root;
  • 1⁄2 heads of garlic;
  • 5 mustard seeds;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • bay leaf to taste;
  • 4 leaves of oak, cherry, black currant;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt.


  1. Bring the water to a boil, add salt, stir with a wooden spatula until the crystals dissolve.
  2. We put the vegetables in sterilized jars, fill them with hot brine, close them with lids, and keep them in a window in direct sunlight for four days.
  3. Drain the salt solution and heat the cucumbers over low heat.
  4. We thoroughly wash the fruits under running water and fill them into glass containers, pouring all the spices on top of the contents.
  5. Fill with brine, close, sterilize at 80 degrees for 20 minutes.

Country-style cucumbers

Due to the abundance of spices, this winter recipe is considered the most delicious. Cucumbers are not only salty, but also spicy. And if you exclude yellowish vegetables at the preparation stage, they will also turn out very crispy and dense, without voids inside.


  • 2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 3-4 dill umbrellas;
  • 2 pcs. horseradish, oak, cherry leaves;
  • 1 horseradish root;
  • sprigs of tarragon, celery and parsley;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. salt.


  1. We sort the cucumbers by size, wash and soak in cold water for 5-8 hours.
    Rinse, thoroughly washing away any mucus that has formed.
  2. We line the bottom of the jar with clean greens, then a layer of cucumbers and spices. We alternate, and finally add dill.
  3. Dissolving salt in water room temperature, pour the resulting solution right up to the neck and leave to steep for two days.
  4. When white foam appears on top, drain the brine and boil it in enamel pan and pour it back into the jar.
  5. Close with a previously prepared lid and roll up.

Pickled cucumbers with berries

Those who have ever tried vegetable wrapping with berries will confidently confirm that this recipe for the winter is the most delicious.


  • 1.5 kg of cucumbers;
  • 100 g gooseberries;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 leaves each of currants, cherries, horseradish;
  • 1 horseradish root;
  • 2-3 black peppercorns
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 carnation flowers;
  • 1 stalk of dill with an umbrella.

For the marinade:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt.


  1. We wash the cucumbers from debris and fill them with water for 4 hours.
  2. Chop the greens, finely chop the garlic and horseradish. Mix in a separate bowl.
  3. We heat-treat containers and lids for preservation. Spread the green mixture in them.
  4. Place the cucumbers on top and sprinkle them with a handful of gooseberries.
  5. Fill in hot water a thin stream into the center of the cans so that they do not burst due to a sudden temperature change. Let it warm up for 15 minutes.
  6. Drain the liquid, heat it and fill the cucumbers with water again.
  7. For the third time, pour the water into the pan, add spices, sugar, salt and cook the marinade for 13 minutes over moderate heat.
  8. Fill the jars to the top so that the water begins to flow out slightly and close.

Fact! Instead of gooseberries, you can use currants, blackberries, and cherry plums. It is these berries that grandmothers in Siberia and the Urals use for their special vegetable delicacies.

Spicy cucumbers in tomato sauce

Those who do not suffer from heartburn will not only like this cooking option, but will also remember it due to its exquisite taste. It’s not for nothing that these vegetables are often combined in marinades and pickles.


  • 3 kg of cucumbers;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2 tsp. hot paprika;
  • 6 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 100 ml 6% vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. ground pepper;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 0.5 l cans.


  1. Getting into the bathroom cold water, put cucumbers in it for 3 hours. We wash and cut off the ends.
  2. If the fruits are large, cut them lengthwise into 4 or 2 parts (as you like).
  3. Place all the spices and chopped garlic in any way into a bowl of water. Cook the brine for half an hour over moderate heat along with the cucumbers. Switch to minimum mode and simmer for another 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, add vinegar.
  4. Close the lid and leave to brew for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Place the finished product in jars, fill with sauce and sterilize for half an hour. Let's roll up.

"Savory" crispy cucumbers

This pickling option will appeal to those who love dense vegetables in jars that squeak when cut and crunch on the teeth. They turn out very spicy and incredibly tasty. It is better to close them in liter jars, otherwise they will quickly run out.


  • 10 kg of cucumbers (small, without yellow spots);
  • bay leaf, peppercorns - 7 pcs.;
  • twigs of cherry and pear trees;
  • several heads of garlic;
  • 5 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar.
  • salt - 1 package 500 g.


  1. Pour the spices into a large bowl and lay out the twigs, pouring a liter of boiling water from the kettle over them. After an hour, add cold water and add the washed cucumbers. Leave for 3-4 days for the fermentation process to start. But don’t forget to stir once a day with your hand so that everything is salted evenly.
  2. Pour the cloudy liquid into a large saucepan through a sieve to remove all twigs and peas, add 3 liters clean water, bring to a boil. Turn off the burner and while the water is bubbling, add vinegar.
  3. We put the cucumbers in jars, put 3-4 cloves of garlic in their peels on top.
  4. Pour the brine right up to the neck and close immediately.

Fruit and vegetable platter

The tart fruit will absorb some of the aroma of the spices and make the taste of the vegetable much softer and more interesting. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of experiments, combining seemingly incompatible things.


  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 “Dichka” pears or sour apples;
  • 1 sprig of dill for seaming;
  • several leaves of cherries, sweet cherries, raspberries;
  • 12 peas of allspice;
  • 12 pcs. clove spices;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 5 tsp cane sugar;
  • 4 tsp rock salt;
  • 2 tsp table vinegar (9%);
  • 2 kg of cucumbers.


  1. Place cucumbers in jars, alternating with spices, halved garlic cloves and peeled pears. Fill in hot water and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Received aromatic marinade pour into a saucepan and boil, pouring sugar and salt into it. Pour the finished product into the container for 10 minutes. Drain and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour 2 incomplete teaspoons of vinegar into the cucumbers, then pour aromatic boiling water to the top and close.

If desired, the pear can be completely replaced with apples if you manage to prepare the preparations in the summer.

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