Eggs in onion peel. How to paint eggs in onion skins for Easter - unusual painting methods

To the question How long should you boil eggs in onion skins? given by the author Violetta the best answer is If you want to get burgundy eggs, then place them together with onion peels in cold water and cook for 15 minutes after boiling.
If you want to get a yellowish color, boil them in advance and carefully transfer them while hot with a spoon into a pan with onion skins. Cook until the color you want (a few minutes). Eggs should initially be in a white shell.

Answer from Neurosis[guru]
In order for the eggs to color evenly, you need to prepare a decoction of onion peels in advance. Pour boiling water over the husk and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then turn off the gas and let the broth brew for 1 hour. Remove the husks from the broth and cook the eggs as usual.

Answer from Vladislava Dyachenko[newbie]
3 hours, and it’s not too much, it turns out very tasty, like baked))) yum, yum

Answer from Irrigate[active]
15 minutes

Answer from Salt[guru]
15-20 minutes is enough

Answer from Yovetlana[master]
15 minutes

Answer from Sergei ivanod[guru]
If you like hard-boiled eggs, then 10-15 minutes, and if soft-boiled, 5-7 is enough.

Answer from Kerry[guru]
# To color eggs, it is best to use onion peels, which are collected in advance. Depending on the color of the husk, the color of the eggs ranges from light red to dark brown. If you want the color to be more saturated, you need to take more husks and cook them for about half an hour before adding the eggs to the broth. The almost purple eggs come from the skins of red onions. You can also paint with birch leaves or food coloring.
# To prevent eggs from bursting during cooking, they must be kept warm or at room temperature for about an hour; during cooking, you can add a tablespoon of salt to the water.
# Some families maintain the custom of dyeing eggs “speckled.” For this wet eggs roll in dry rice, wrap in gauze (the ends of the gauze must be tightly tied with thread so that the rice sticks to the egg) and then boiled in onion skins in the usual way.
# To make painted eggs shine, they are wiped dry and lubricated sunflower oil.
# You can boil eggs wrapped in multi-colored threads, then they will produce interesting patterns.
# In order for the eggs to be colored from the inside and not the outside, you need to boil them for 3 minutes, then take them out and pierce the shell with a needle in some places, and then boil another 1-1.5 minutes in a strong tea leaves with the addition of cloves, cinnamon and coriander.
# To quickly color eggs, boil them for 10 minutes with some vegetable: spinach (green) or chopped beets (bright red). For marble effect, wrap the eggs in onion skins and tie some cotton material on top.
4 cups red onion skins. Boil eggs for 30 minutes - 1 hour. Depending on the soaking time, the eggs will turn from bright scarlet to dark red.
Add to hot water Boil 2-3 tbsp turmeric to make the color more intense.
Soak boiled eggs in cranberry or beet juice.
Add violet flowers to hot water and soak overnight. If you add a little to the water lemon juice, the color will be lavender.
Two heads of cabbage, finely chopped red cabbage, 500 ml water and 6 tbsp white vinegar. Soak overnight to create a deep blue color.
Add 1 teaspoon of soda to the mixture to obtain a purple color or boil eggs with spinach.
Soak eggs in grape juice.
Pastel shades
For soft pinks and blues, rub the shells with a handful of blueberries or cranberries.
4 cups yellow onion skins. Boil for 30 minutes - 1 hour. The amount of husk and the duration of boiling affect the color saturation.
Dark brown
Boil eggs in 250 ml of coffee.
The meanings of the symbols used when painting Easter eggs:
Pine is a symbol of health.
Black color is the color of sorrow. A bright pattern was necessarily applied to the black base. The child had a pysanka made on a cherry background, not on a black one.
The dove is a symbol of the soul.
The mesh is a symbol of fate.
White color is the beginning of all beginnings: destiny, which is built in the sky.
The yellow mesh is a symbol of the sun and destiny, which is being built here.
The oak tree is a symbol of strength.
The dots are a symbol of fertility.
Plums are a symbol of love.
Hops are a symbol of fertility.
Any berry is a symbol of fertility; mother.
Flowers are a symbol of girlhood.

This article is a small help for beginners who have decided to try their hand at making Easter eggs for the first time. Despite the fact that this process seems complicated and tricky, here you can find a lot useful tips and answers to frequently asked questions that newbies ask. And most importantly, you should remember: everyone was once a beginner, and their success came with time.

How to boil eggs for Easter: basic knowledge

Cooking eggs for Easter is a very responsible process, since the success of the holiday depends entirely on them. Whether you will treat your loved ones or hide a failed dish - it all depends on knowledge of theory and practice. Since it is unreasonable to start preparing the main element of Easter without knowing how long it takes to prepare, you should still start with theory. Here's the most essential information to help you prepare for Easter.

  • check the quality of the product in advance: this can be easily done by dipping the egg in warm water. If fresh, edible food remains at the bottom of a container of water, then unfit for consumption will float up, remaining on the surface of the water;
  • salt the water before cooking to prevent the protein from spreading;
  • choose the right dish: it should not greatly exceed the number of eggs you plan to cook;
  • after you have cooked everything to the desired state, immediately cool it in cold water to avoid continuing the cooking process;
  • the water in the cooking container should be 2-3 cm higher;
  • the quantity does not play an important role: you can cook either 20 or 5 pieces.

Soft-boiled Easter egg

As a rule, eggs cooked in this way have a hard, non-rubbery white and a liquid, elastic yolk. It is unlikely that serving such an egg for Easter will be a good idea, since children often do not bring them home, eating them on the way. But you can safely please your loved ones with them by serving them on Easter morning. It can be a stand-alone product or a wonderful addition to a crispy slice of bread dipped in a viscous yolk. Now you will find out how long to cook soft-boiled eggs for Easter.

You will need:

  • salt;
  • cool water;
  • pot;
  • eggs.

And the process itself does not require much effort:

  1. Pour over the eggs cold water and lightly salt the water;
  2. Place the container over high heat and bring to a boil;
  3. Cook for 5 minutes, reducing heat to medium;
  4. When the time is up, place finished product into cold water.

- take note of this recipe. This unusual dish, which came to us from the Mediterranean, is definitely worth learning how to cook.

Delicious hamburger from beef - interesting how to cook it in our article.

Turkey fillet in sour cream sauce, this is what will make the meat unusually tasty and juicy. Read the recipe.

Preparing for coloring

Without a doubt, hard-boiled eggs are the most popular option for Easter as they are the easiest to peel and eat without getting your hands and face dirty. In addition, they are most often painted in various colors and shades.

To prepare for this coloring process, you need to soft-boil them first. You need to prepare as many eggs as your family usually boils for Easter. You will find out further how many minutes to hard-boil them for painting.

To do this you need:

  1. Place the eggs in the pan, following all the indicated rules;
  2. Pour water and salt it;
  3. Bring the liquid to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes;
  4. Cool immediately in cold water.

But it’s best, if you decide to paint it yourself, then choose a white shell. Exactly White color will be painted evenly, acquiring a variety of shades.


Choosing a product for coloring always takes a lot of time. After all, it’s difficult to decide whether to spend money on food coloring and save time or use improvised means after spending hours in the kitchen. But statistics show that most Russians prefer natural remedies. Here's how to paint eggs for Easter with some of them:

  1. Always place eggs in cold water;
  2. Warm them up before the cooking process, taking them out of the refrigerator a couple of hours beforehand;
  3. If the water has evaporated during the cooking process, you should add it;
  4. You should always cook over low or even low heat, as boiling vigorously may damage the shell;
  5. Set a timer at first to make it easier for you to wait and avoid overcooking the eggs;
  6. Do not cook them for too long, as the white becomes rubbery and the yolk becomes covered with a damp, unpleasant coating.

Now, with the arrival of Easter, you don’t have to be afraid of failure in preparing a traditional attribute. We have looked at the whole theory and answered FAQ problems encountered by beginners. Now all you have to do is constantly practice, improving your results over and over again. Good luck!

Multi-colored eggs decorated different ways, are an indispensable attribute of the Easter holiday. According to the ancient beliefs of Orthodox people, the yolk is a symbolic symbol of the spring sun, and the egg itself is a miraculous rebirth to life. Traditionally, the dyeing process is carried out on Maundy Thursday on the eve of the holiday.

For this, various dyes are used (acrylic, food and even gouache). However, eggs that are dyed with them often get dirty on your fingers when you start peeling them. In addition, after a few hours the dye begins to penetrate under the shell, staining the protein and saturating it with harmful chemicals, located in the paint. Such an egg can serve as a source allergic reaction. How to avoid this and color eggs so that they are not only beautiful, but also harmless?

The first way is to use various thermal stickers and other decoration kits that can be bought at the market or in a store. The only negative is that this method requires some costs.

The second option is to paint the shell with an environmentally friendly and absolutely affordable material, which was extremely popular with our great-grandmothers. We are talking about onion skins, which we usually peel off from onions and throw away. Eggs painted with it turn out from light red to dark brown. It all depends on the type of onion, the amount of peeling and cooking time.

Do-it-yourself dyes: how to prepare a decoction of onion peels and paint eggs for Easter

  1. To prevent the eggs from spreading or leaking when lowered into boiling water, remove them from the refrigerator about an hour before working so that they warm slightly to room temperature. Or soak them in warm water for a few minutes.
  2. Wash the eggs with warm soapy water so that they are free of dirt and greasy deposits that prevent the coloring pigments from penetrating the shell. This stage cannot be ignored, otherwise the “paint” may lie unevenly and unsightly.
  3. We prepare in advance onion peel decoction: 5 tablespoons of onion peel (from about 6-7 large onions) pour 500 g. water (half-liter jar), bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 5 minutes and leave for 30-60 minutes. The more onion peels, the richer the broth and the darker the egg shells. It is worth noting that onion peels are an excellent dye, so you will have to allocate a special saucepan for boiling Easter eggs in onion peels.
  4. Dip several prepared eggs into the broth so that they are well submerged and cook after boiling for 10 minutes.
  5. Then take out the eggs and cool with cold water.
  6. To make the eggs shine beautifully, you can lightly grease them vegetable oil.

How to decorate eggs colored with onion skins?

  1. Take a leaf of parsley, dill, celery, carrot shoot or other herb as a stencil and place it on top of the egg, carefully spreading it out. Secure the leaf on top by tightly covering the egg with a piece of unnecessary nylon stocking or synthetic thin tights. Tie tightly and then cook in onion skins for 10 minutes. After cooling, remove the stocking with the leaf and admire the resulting pale yellow pattern on the brown shell.
  2. Cover a raw egg strips of tape parallel to each other or diagonally, and then cook it in onion skins. Once you remove the tape, the egg will have a pattern of white stripes on a dark brown background. You can make thin stripes using rubber bands that you wrap around the egg.
  3. Wet raw eggs and roll them in rice or wheat cereal, wrap it tightly with a stocking. After you boil these eggs in onion skins, they will turn out to be a funny speck.
  4. After coloring and cooling the egg, dip one of its ends into melted wax (paraffin) or thick flour paste, and then lower it into a box with any cereal or small colored beads. You can lay out cereals or beads on a paraffin base in the form of a specific pattern.

Coloring eggs with onion skins is quite easy and simple, but decorating them is a whole creative process. Even preschoolers can participate in it with pleasure. Give free rein to your imagination and surprise your family and friends at the festive table!

Easter holiday without colored eggs simply unthinkable. There are many ways to “decorate” eggs for the holiday, but one of the most common and safest is painting using onion peels. It does not require any chemicals or artificial dyes.

This method is truly ancient, it was used by our grandmothers, but it has not lost its significance in our time. After all, even in conditions of diversity food coloring and various Easter stickers After all, red continues to be the traditional color for Easter eggs.

Many housewives begin collecting onion peels for coloring eggs several months before Easter. Some people do this from the first days of Lent, others begin to prepare even earlier - in the fall. Dyeing eggs in onion skins is also the cheapest method, or better yet, almost free. It has never happened before that eggs, when boiled in their shells, were not colored for some reason, which cannot be said about modern dyes.

So let's get started.

Take onion peels (as much as you can collect, for example, about a half-liter jar of peels is enough for a 3-liter pan). Don’t chase the volume of onion “clothes”. If you dye eggs too much large quantities husks, they turn out to be an unnaturally dark, almost chocolate shade. And your task is to get a warm tone, with pleasant red notes.

Place the husks in a saucepan and add water. Bring to a boil, turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave to brew.

It is better to put raw eggs into the resulting broth when it becomes warm or completely cold. Otherwise eggshell may crack. A prerequisite is that the eggs in the pan must be completely covered with liquid. If necessary, water can be added to the husk infusion. Place on the fire, bring to a boil and cook after boiling for 10 minutes.

Then remove the eggs from the boiling water, transfer them to cold water and let them cool. The temperature difference (from hot to cold) makes it easier for the shell to separate from the egg when peeling it.

And the main attribute of celebrating Holy Easter is ready.

Note: coloring Easter eggs in onion skins, you can give them more interesting view using fresh herb leaves. For example, you can take a parsley leaf, carefully straighten it and tie it to the surface of the egg with ordinary cotton threads (preferably light-colored). After painting in a decoction of onion peels, the egg itself will turn brownish-red, and in the place where the leaf was, a bright yellow color will remain.

We also recommend reading the articles:
How to paint eggs for Easter: a golden collection of ideas
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