How to preserve hot peppers without sterilization. Canned hot peppers for the winter: a savory snack for any meal

Any housewife can preserve hot peppers. And if you love savory dishes, such pickles will become for you not only an independent snack, but also an important component for your favorite dishes. Preparing canned hot pepper can be carried out in a marinade or in a sauce.

So, how to properly preserve hot peppers for the winter?

Valuable properties of the product

Peppers are called bitter, hot, spicy, but they love them no less for that. This product is a real storehouse of ascorbic acid, which can save us from any viral diseases during epidemiological periods.

It has been proven that hot pepper promotes weight loss - it improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, optimizes metabolic processes, and promotes the breakdown of fat cells. An important property of it is the ability to remove toxins, waste and waste products from the intestines. It’s not difficult to prepare hot peppers for the winter, and at any time of the year you can have an incredibly healthy and tasty snack on your table.

Hot pepper contains substances that actively fight the aging of the body, help with atherosclerosis and protect against the formation of cancer cells. It is recommended for the treatment and prevention of arthritis and arthrosis, as well as for rheumatism, gout and myositis. Ointment with hot pepper is widely used for bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.

Use in food of this product prevents the appearance of blood clots and varicose veins, improves digestion and gastric secretion. It is also used in cosmetology to rejuvenate aging skin and enhance hair growth on the head. After consuming it internally, the levels of endorphins in the blood increase, which helps reduce pain and relieve stress.

Pepper was cultivated 600 years ago in Africa. And they use it more and more often in the same South African republics. It is added to soups and appetizers, salads and meats; pickled and preserved, salted and fermented, stewed and stuffed. The product can be dried and then used to make sauces such as curry and Tabasco. Can be used as a seasoning in crushed form mixed with coriander, garlic, basil, and thyme.

It is spicy due to the substance it contains capsaicin (sweet bell peppers contain almost no this substance). Used for drying peppers natural conditions– sun and wind. Thanks to this, the pepper retains its color, taste, aroma, and all its valuable properties. The dried product is removed from the stalk, and the pulp and seeds are ground into powder - this is the form in which we can buy it in the supermarket. But this kind of seasoning can be prepared independently, at home.

There are many varieties hot pepper. They differ in different strengths of pungency and color - from red to green. Less spicy varieties used as food in the European zone. They are pickled and consumed whole with unripe grains. Such varieties have short, small green fruits with a slightly noticeable pungency. Use as an appetite stimulant with first and second courses all winter when stored in a cold place.

How to marinate the product yourself?

Recipes for canned hot peppers for the winter are varied. For this appetizer, you should choose a medium-hot pepper. It must be ripe and can be of different colors, then in winter, when you open the jar, it will delight you with summer colors and a unique taste.

For a kilogram of the selected product you need to take sugar and salt (three tablespoons each) and half a glass of vinegar, preferably table vinegar. You need to add one and a half liters of water; garlic and dill seeds - to taste.

Vegetables must be washed, dried stalks removed, placed in any container, pour boiling water over them, and cover with a lid. After five or seven minutes, pour out the water, place the product in sterile jars and fill with syrup.

The syrup is boiled for five minutes and poured into jars while still boiling. The jars must be immediately closed with lids, rolled up and turned upside down. Cover with something warm and leave for twelve hours in a relatively warm place.

This pickled pepper can be served as a salad or as a seasoning for meat dish and vegetables. Beautiful colour and exquisite aroma will give your table a festive mood, and your guests and household members a good appetite.

"Pepper oil"

Another seasoning worthy of attention gourmet - this is olive oil infused with fine hot peppers. To prepare the seasoning, you must take strictly only whole peppers, wash them and dry them from moisture. Cut the stems as short as possible with scissors. Place in a jar and fill with fresh olive oil(unrefined, cold pressed). Next, tightly close the container with a lid and place it in a room with a temperature of up to 8-10 degrees for 20 days, so that the oil is saturated with the aroma and taste of pepper.

This seasoning with its characteristic “spiciness” can be poured over spaghetti, salads and side dishes; it can also be added to any dishes during their preparation or immediately before consumption.

Adjika with hot pepper

This snack is very popular among our compatriots in winter, when it’s cold, because it warms the blood and saturates the body with vitamins. Its consistency allows you to spread it on bread and enjoy it “in pure form" It can also be added to any dishes.

For ten kilograms of tomatoes you need:

  • Sweet pepper – 2 kilograms;
  • Carrots – 2 kilograms;
  • Apples "Antonovka" - 2 kilograms.

Peel all vegetables, grind in a meat grinder with a fine grid, cook on low heat.

After an hour, add to the mixture:

  • 2 liters of vegetable oil;
  • 500 g vinegar 9%;
  • Kitchen salt - to taste.

Stir and cook over low heat for another hour. Then add in ground form 3 to 6 heads of garlic, 7-10 pods of hot pepper and 1.5 cups of sugar. After this, cook for another hour, then pour into jars and immediately roll up the lids. As always, turn over and wrap until morning.

Chili sauce for the winter

This recipe is spicy canned pepper for the winter it will give you an excellent sauce, which is usually served in restaurants. If you make it with chili, it will turn out incredibly spicy, but tasty and healthy, especially in winter. You need to consume it in reasonable quantities if you don’t want to get burned. You will have to wear thick rubber gloves to prepare it, because latex medical gloves cook the pepper.

The recipe is:

  • Chili pepper – 500 grams;
  • Ripe tomatoes – 5 kilograms;
  • Onions – 6 heads;
  • Salt – 140 grams;
  • Garlic – 3 heads;
  • Wine vinegar – 50 milliliters;
  • Vegetable oil – 50 milliliters;
  • Fresh parsley - medium bunch.

It is necessary to remove the seeds and stalks from the pepper.

Peel, chop and throw all the vegetables into a blender, or in parts. Grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder to retain some of the juice. In a deep frying pan, fry the pepper mixture in oil, and after a couple of minutes add the tomato part. Mix everything and simmer for half an hour.

Then wipe through a sieve to remove large inclusions so that the sauce has an even consistency. Add salt and sugar and cook for another 25 minutes, and add vinegar before turning off. The sauce is ready, pour it into jars and seal with lids! In a couple of months the sauce will have more delicate taste than now, in a fresh state.

Do not forget that you should not eat a lot of spicy food if you have inflammatory processes in your organs. gastrointestinal tract. If you have obvious contraindications to such snacks and sauces, you should not eat them. But you can still pamper your loved ones with them. Use the recipes outlined in our article for the winter, and your house will always smell like summer.

It is advisable to follow the cooking technology, and if you decide to add something of your own to it, try not to deviate too much from the original recipe. It is also worth paying attention to the proportions and taste of certain ingredients to ensure a successful combination. What you are really free to do is add seasonings and spices. You can use them in any quantities that seem optimal to you. You also have a wide selection of spices - use the ones you particularly like.

Bon appetit!

Pickled hot pepper lovers will like it savory recipes. They will be happy to eat it with any first or second course. We invite you to familiarize yourself with popular options for its preparation.

Pickled hot peppers for the winter.

Prepare 1 kg of green and red peppers, wash them, remove the stalks, make cuts on the blunt side of the pods. Place the fruits in jars, alternating between each other. different colors. Pour boiling water for 10 minutes. Drain the water, add 1.5 tbsp. salt, 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, boil, pour in 3 tablespoons of vinegar, pour into jars. Seal and turn over.

Pickled hot pepper recipe.

For the marinade:

Salt – 37 g
- vinegar – 255 g
- sugar – 75 g
- water – 1 liter

For each jar:

A piece bay leaf
- black peppercorns – 3 pcs.
- sunflower oil – 1 coffee spoon
- a pea of ​​allspice
- mustard seeds – 1/3 coffee. spoons
- hot peppercorns

Cooking steps:

1. Wash containers and lids thoroughly with soap or soda and sterilize.
2. Wash the peppers and cut off the long stalks. Pierce each pod with a knife in the area of ​​the stalk so that there is no air left inside.
3. Place the pods in a saucepan, pour boiled water over them so that they are completely covered with water. Cover with a lid and leave for 5 minutes. Drain the water, pour boiling water over the fruits again, and leave with the lid closed for five minutes. Make 2-3 fills in total. Thanks to this, the pods will become soft, and you can easily put them in jars.
4. Carefully place vegetables in each container, add spices, mustard seeds, a piece of bay leaf, pour sunflower oil.
5. Prepare the filling: add salt and sugar to some water, bring to a boil, add vinegar, stir, let simmer for 2 minutes, pour in the marinade so that the vegetables are completely covered with liquid. Press the contents into each container reverse side using a fork or spoon to release the air. Cover the containers with lids and roll them up.
6. Turn the container upside down, check the quality of preservation, and wrap it in an old blanket. As soon as the twists have cooled, remove the blanket, turn it over, write the date of the workpiece and its name.

Prepare and.

Recipe with garlic.

For the marinade:

Sunflower oil – 255 ml
- water – 1 liter
- garlic cloves – 8 pcs.
- sugar – 4 tablespoons
- salt - tablespoon
- vinegar – 265 ml
- black peppercorns – 10 pcs.

Hot peppercorns – 1 kg

Cooking steps:

Wash the vegetables under cool water, cut off the tails. Peel the garlic. Wash the bay leaf under cold water. Prepare the pods. Boil water, add spices, granulated sugar, salt. Add vegetable oil, then vinegar. Add garlic. Bring the marinade to a boil without opening the lid. As soon as the marinade boils, add half the hot peppers and blanch for 5 minutes. Prepare the jars, sterilize them, put a few cloves of garlic and spices in them. Compact, place the pods on top, pour hot pour, seal with lids, cool upside down.

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Summer is the time to prepare for the winter. I offer very tasty and quite simple recipe for making sweet pepper salad. The salad turns out very beautiful if you use red, green and yellow pepper. But we will cook from what is available. IN winter period for any holiday, it will be a table decoration.

This preparation will help you diversify your usual preserves. If you are cooking treatment for the winter, then make more of this preparation, you will like it. You can also preserve it pepper in tomato juice.

The taste of this salad is very delicate, sweet and sour with a pronounced aroma of bell pepper and garlic. The structure of the pepper should be preserved, it should not be overcooked, but should be a little harsh

Ingredients for preparing the dish “Canned Spicy Peppers”:

2 kg of bell pepper;

1 glass of purified water;

1 cup 9% vinegar;

1 glass of refined sunflower oil;

1 cup granulated sugar;

1 tablespoon table salt;

2 heads of garlic;


Recipe for canned spicy peppers:

Let's prepare all the products. Wash thoroughly and cut into strips Bell pepper, peel the garlic, parsley.

Pour a glass of water, a glass of vinegar, a glass of sunflower oil into a saucepan. And put it on medium heat. Thus, we prepare the marinade, which we will also pour into jars along with pepper. Then pour in granulated sugar. Add salt. Stir everything well so that the salt and granulated sugar are well dispersed in the water.

Bring almost to a boil and pour the chopped pepper into the pan.

We sterilize the jars. Place finely chopped garlic at the bottom of each jar. And a couple of sprigs of parsley.
