Kcal in fresh tomatoes. Calorie content of tomato (tomato), beneficial properties

Tomatoes are indispensable on any table, be it a holiday or an everyday lunch. The tomato, which is low in calories and has high taste, is a favorite among both food lovers and those on a diet. People are so accustomed to this vegetable that they add it to soups, salads, and snacks. And for good reason, because tomatoes are not only tasty, but also healthy.

Calorie content of the product

Tomato is the best friend of those losing weight. You can eat it in large quantities without adding calories. After all, per 100 grams, i.e. per 1 pc. This medium-sized vegetable only provides about 20 kcal. Cherry tomatoes have even less calories - 15 kcal. A real paradise for dieters and weight watchers: fresh juice and tomato paste, which have even less calories - about 12 kcal per 100 grams.

However, calorie content depends on the variety of tomatoes. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how many calories are in a tomato picked from the bush. Red fruits are the best according to these indicators. They are not only low-calorie, but also healthier than, for example, yellow varieties. The calorie content of a fresh, fleshy tomato is higher than that of a watery fruit. The figure can reach up to 35 kcal per 100 g.

Tomatoes also have good energy value. Tomatoes contain slow carbohydrates, which are very beneficial for the body. They ensure complete absorption of fats and proteins and are the main source of energy. How many carbohydrates are in a tomato depends on the variety. On average, their number is 5-6 g per medium-sized fruit.

Beneficial features

In 1 tomato, as in tomato juice, you can find so many vitamins and nutrients that it’s impossible to list them all. The vegetable contains a large amount of fiber, vitamins A and C. Moreover, the latter is located mainly near the seeds. Fresh tomatoes contain the pigment lycopene, which is not produced by the human body, but is a good remedy for the prevention of cancer. They contain large quantities of tomatoes and serotonin, known as the hormone of joy. Moreover, heat treatment does not in any way reduce the beneficial properties of the vegetable. By eating tomato soup or drinking juice, you can not only improve your health, but also improve your mood.

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Pay attention to the latest weight loss method. Suitable for those for whom sports activities are contraindicated.

Thanks to phytoncides, red fruits are able to relieve inflammatory processes in the body, fighting bacteria and viruses. Tomatoes are also good for the heart. They lower blood pressure and support the functioning of the heart muscles.

Eating vegetables contributes to the health of the body as a whole: immunity increases, digestion improves, metabolism is normalized, and toxins are eliminated. Red fruits rejuvenate the face, make the skin softer and smoother. Vitamin E improves vision and prevents eye diseases.

The main amount of vitamins is contained in the peel of the fruit, so it is better to wash it, but not peel it. Microelements that tomato is rich in are well absorbed along with vegetable fats. A vegetable salad will be more beneficial if you season it with sunflower or olive oil rather than mayonnaise.

However, this ideal product also has contraindications:

  1. Tomatoes with salt should not be consumed by people suffering from gastritis and hypertension. The same goes for eating salted vegetables from a jar. Sometimes you can enjoy a fresh vegetable without any seasonings.
  2. The fruits contain many organic acids, which are contraindicated for pregnant women. If you really want to eat the little red “fat boy,” then it is better to eat it fresh and during the natural ripening season.
  3. Because of the acids, the vegetable is also harmful for people with diseases of the liver, urinary and gall bladders. And if you eat a tomato together with a starch-containing product, then such a mixture can provoke the formation of kidney stones.
  4. Natural tomato juice, which is low in calories, should be drunk with caution, as it often provokes an allergic reaction. For the same reason, it is worth limiting the consumption of juice by children, even if it is squeezed from fruits grown on your own plot.

Vegetable, fruit or berry? Scientists around the world have not yet fully decided which category to classify tomatoes into. For a long time, the golden apple (pomo d’oro in Italian) was considered a vegetable. In 2001, the European Union officially declared the vegetable a fruit. Whereas, according to its botanical descriptions, it is a multilocular berry.

Indians of Central America, from where in the 15th century. The tomato was brought by Europeans; the vegetable was considered very poisonous and was not eaten. The legend about the poisonousness of the fruit turned out to be so tenacious that the British in the 18th century. they tried to poison George Washington, who led the rebel troops during the War of American Independence. Allegedly, the deadly fruit was served to the future president, which he ate without suspecting anything. The legend died, but Washington lived for another 20 years after that.

Europeans strongly associated the new fruits with apples. That is why tomatoes, as they were called in their homeland, were renamed golden apple in Europe. This is how the word tomato is translated from Italian. In Germany they were called apples of paradise, and in France - apples of love.

The ideal product for the diet are tomatoes, also known as tomatoes. On average, the weight of the fruit is about 140 g, and the calorie content of 1 tomato of this mass is only 30 kcal. In addition to its specific taste, the tomato boasts an incredible amount of acids, vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Tomato is an annual or perennial plant of the nightshade family, which has been cultivated as a popular vegetable crop for many centuries. The homeland of the tomato is South America, where wild forms of this plant still grow. The Aztec tribes called this crop “shitomatl”, which is where the French “tomato” comes from.

The usual name of tomato has Italian roots “pomo d'oro”, which translates as golden apple. The tomato came to Europe along with the Spanish conquistadors in the mid-16th century, and it was brought to Russia only in the 18th century and was initially cultivated as a garden vegetable. ornamental plant.The first recipe for a tomato dish dates back to 1693 and was published in a cookbook by a cook from Naples.

For quite a long time, tomatoes were considered inedible and poisonous, and only thanks to the Russian agronomist A.T. Bolotov, this plant was recognized as a food vegetable crop. Today, tomato is one of the most popular crops due to its unique dietary and nutritional properties and a wide variety of varieties.

The calorie content of fresh tomatoes is only 23 kcal per 100 g of product, and the plant is cultivated both in open ground and in greenhouses, greenhouses, under film covers, on loggias, balconies and even window sills in the room.

People who follow a diet and strictly monitor their weight often have a question about how many calories are in a tomato, the answer to which depends entirely on what type of tomato they have in mind. The fact is that the calorie content of fresh tomatoes directly depends on their ripeness and variety. Sour tomato varieties contain slightly fewer calories than sweet varieties, and more ripe fruits contain more sugar, which accordingly slightly increases their calorie content. However, there is one exception to this pattern, although cherry tomatoes are a sweet vegetable, the calorie content of cherry tomatoes is only 15 kcal per 100 g of product.

The calorie content of salted and pickled tomatoes is 15-18 kcal per 100 g, however, they are less suitable for dietary nutrition, since they contribute to a significant increase in appetite. Tomato juice is also low in calories, containing about 20-22 kcal and can be widely used when following a diet or for fasting days.

It is especially useful to use cherry tomatoes in the diet. These small, bright and sweet vegetables are unlike most of their counterparts. They consist of almost 90% water, and the calorie content of cherry tomatoes does not exceed 15 kcal. Another noteworthy factor about this variety is that these miniature tomatoes contain serotonin, which has the ability to improve mood.

The low calorie content of cherry tomatoes is the determining factor due to which this vegetable is included in many diets as a mandatory component.

Public favorite - Senor Tomato

Tomatoes contain pectin substances, easily digestible carbohydrates, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, silicon, calcium and a huge amount of organic acids - succinic, citric, malic, oxalic, tartaric. Tomatoes also contain a complex of vitamins B, E and an incredible supply of vitamin C. Just 100 g of ripe vegetables covers a quarter of an adult’s daily requirement for vitamin C.

Knowing how many calories are in a tomato, these vegetables should be consumed by obese people and those simply watching their weight. Tomatoes are rich in fiber and have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

The lycopene contained in tomatoes, which is a powerful natural antioxidant, helps in the treatment of various diseases - anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer. Lycopene is also extremely useful for strengthening vision, particularly in old age. For prevention, it is useful to use not only fresh ripe fruits, but also heat-treated ones, for example boiled ones, which have an even higher lycopene content.

Tomatoes significantly improve the functioning of the digestive tract and have a diuretic, choleretic and mild laxative effect. Considering how many calories there are in a tomato, it is very useful to consume them for diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Due to their high content of thiamine and serotonin, tomatoes are considered an excellent, tasty and, most importantly, low-calorie medicine for combating depression.

Although the calorie content of 1 tomato is 20-22 kcal, chromium, which is part of tomatoes, prevents severe hunger and promotes rapid satiety. Many diets necessarily include tomatoes in their diet, and sometimes the entire diet consists only of bright, juicy red fruits.

Scientific medicine widely uses fresh tomatoes, tomato juice and puree in the medical nutrition of weakened patients, children and pregnant women, as an additional source of mineral salts, trace elements and vitamins.

In addition to the benefits and excellent taste, eating tomatoes actively helps maintain weight in shape. The low calorie content of fresh tomatoes allows you to use this beautiful juicy vegetable as the main ingredient in many snacks, light salads, hot and cold dishes, and tomato juice is an excellent addition to a fasting day. The calorie content of 1 fresh tomato is 20 kcal; during stewing or boiling, the calorie content of a tomato is reduced to 14 kcal, and when frying, to 15 kcal.

Tomatoes are very popular almost all over the world. The product helps cope with various diseases. It serves as an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and kidney diseases. Tomatoes are also excellent at cleansing blood vessels. They allow you to prolong youth and also feel great at any age. In addition, tomatoes can be an excellent remedy for those who decide to lose weight.

Tomatoes against extra pounds

Ripe tomatoes contain a special substance called lycopene. It helps speed up the process of breaking down fatty tissue. In addition, lycopene also perfectly fights free radicals. Therefore, tomatoes not only make your figure slimmer, but also promote skin rejuvenation. Tomatoes also control cholesterol levels in the body and balance the acid-base balance.

Lycopene is found in the red pigment of tomatoes. Therefore, you should choose only ripe tomatoes. The calorie content per 100 grams of product is about 23 kcal. This is enough for the body to be charged with energy. Tomatoes should definitely be included in a variety of diets. It is especially useful to combine them with lean meat and fish. Tomatoes promote better protein absorption.

Energy value of tomatoes

Tomatoes are useful for both adults and children. This product can be added to complementary foods for a child after he or she reaches the age of seven months. And all because the product has a huge amount of vitamins and minerals and is not too high in calories. Tomatoes help improve children's digestion and energize the baby.

Many people today are wondering how many calories are in one tomato. It is difficult to answer the question unequivocally. After all, individual varieties of the product have different shapes and structures. On average, 100 grams of product has 23 kcal. The calorie content of one tomato will depend on its size.

Who should stop eating tomatoes?

Despite the enormous benefits of the product, some still have to completely exclude it from their diet. Tomatoes can be harmful to those who suffer from allergic reactions.

The composition and determine their properties. It is not advisable to use the product for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Tomatoes can cause especially great harm in cases of ulcers and gastritis.

There is also an assumption that tomatoes contain a substance that contributes to nicotine addiction. This is another argument against smoking.

when losing weight

Those who want to quickly lose weight do not have to eat fresh tomatoes. Tomato juice also has a calorie content of no more than 23 kcal per 100 grams. One glass of cold drink will help you get rid of hunger and put you in a good mood. Tomato juice with pulp will be especially useful.

Today, grocery stores offer tomato juice from various manufacturers. But only a product made at home will have truly beneficial properties. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in making homemade juice.

How to choose the right tomatoes?

Only high-quality tomatoes can provide benefits. To prepare delicious dishes you also need good tomatoes. Therefore, everyone should know how to choose the right product. If you make a purchase at the market, you first need to navigate by smell. Ripe tomatoes, the composition, calorie content and vitamins of which can benefit a person, will definitely have a pleasant aroma. But if the vegetable was picked while still green and allowed to ripen outside the garden bed, it will have virtually no odor.

You should only buy beautiful and fresh tomatoes. You should not take vegetables that are damaged. Dirt and bacteria can accumulate in them. But the warm season is the ideal time for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

Size also matters. Many people are interested in the question of the calorie content of tomatoes, the size of which exceeds 8 cm in diameter. Most likely, the energy value of such a product will be low. After all, vegetables that are grown using various chemical additives are most often large. Such tomatoes will not have a rich taste and beneficial properties. The exception is pink tomatoes. They can grow to truly impressive sizes.

Can you eat green tomatoes?

Green tomatoes are unripe fruits. It is believed that they have much less beneficial properties than juicy red tomatoes. The calorie content per 100 grams of this product does not exceed 20 kcal. Ripe fruits are more nutritious. In addition, green fruits contain a substance that is harmful to human health. This is solanine. It disrupts the functioning of the stomach, as well as the nervous system.

Solanine is easily destroyed in an acidic environment. Therefore, green tomatoes are often pickled and salted. Thus, a healthy product is obtained that has an original taste. Fresh calorie content per 100 grams is very low, does not satisfy hunger, and also has an inexpressive taste. But properly prepared tomatoes can be included in the holiday menu.

Baked and stuffed green tomatoes are extremely popular. To prepare an original dish, you should carefully monitor the tomatoes in the garden. Vegetables can ripen very quickly. And some dishes only require green fruits.

Tomatoes are a very common vegetable crop, the fruits of which, depending on the variety and degree of ripeness, can have different shapes (round, elongated, heart-shaped, flattened), size (from small cherry tomatoes to giant kilogram ones) and color (green, yellow, pink, red, dark burgundy). All of them are an excellent dietary product with low calorie content, allowing you to lose weight easily and comfortably.


In its raw form, the average calorie content of a tomato is 19.9 kcal per 100 grams. If we translate these indicators into piece measurements, then depending on the size and weight of a fresh tomato, the calorie content will be:

  • 1 PC. with a diameter of 6 cm and a weight of 80 g - 15.9 kcal;
  • 1 PC. with a diameter of 7 cm and a weight of 120 g - 23.9 kcal.

Only the smallest fruits of the cherry variety have a slightly lower energy value (18 kcal/100 g). One such “cherry” with a diameter of 2 cm contains only 4.8 kcal.


The calorie content of salted tomatoes is even lower - only 13 kcal/100 g. This is explained by the fact that when pickling at home, the brine is prepared only from water and salt - ingredients that have zero energy value. When such a solution is absorbed, the calorie content of the tomato decreases slightly, since its weight increases due to the addition of water. But during the period of losing weight, this product should not be abused, since salt promotes fluid retention in the body and leads to swelling, which reduces the effectiveness of the diet.

The situation is somewhat different with salted green tomatoes. Due to their denser structure, when pickled, they absorb less water, so the calorie content of a tomato in this case is reduced only to 19.2 kcal/100 g. In addition, green fruits are not so salty and are more suitable for consumption during weight loss.


The highest calorie of all types of canned tomatoes are pickled ones - their energy value is 32 kcal/100 g. This is explained by the fact that even when preparing a marinade at home, sugar is always used along with vinegar and salt. For this reason, the calorie content of the brine increases to 12 kcal/100 ml. In addition, under the influence of vinegar and boiling water, which is poured into tomatoes canned in this way, a significant part of the beneficial substances contained in them is destroyed. Although they still remain a very valuable food product.


Tomatoes are consumed not only raw, salted and pickled. They are dried, fried, baked, sauces and ketchups are prepared from them, added to soups, main courses and fillings for open pies, and tomato juice, unique in its taste and nutritional qualities, is squeezed out.

Tomato juice

This is a fairly thick drink with a bright tomato taste and aroma. Tomato juice contains the pulp of ripe fruits, so when freshly squeezed it has almost all the properties of fresh tomatoes. Its energy value is 17 kcal/100 ml, which is even slightly less than that of the fruit.

It is recommended to consume tomato juice immediately after squeezing in order to get all the beneficial substances contained in the fruit. In addition, the product is added to various dishes, canned separately as a drink, and is also widely used in the preparation of other preparations. It is especially recommended to use it for preparing tomatoes in their own juice. This method of canning allows you to preserve the original calorie content of tomatoes and even reduce it somewhat, while avoiding the disadvantages that salted and pickled fruits have.

Sun-dried tomatoes

The benefits of sun-dried tomatoes are due to the fact that in such a dish all the vitamins and minerals given by nature are preserved. The calorie content of dried tomatoes is 258 kcal/100 g.

Drying tomatoes is quite simple:

  • cut into quarters (or halves if it’s cherry);
  • remove excess pulp and juice with a teaspoon;
  • sprinkle with spices and spices to taste;
  • lightly sprinkle with olive oil;
  • place on a baking sheet;
  • Place in an oven preheated to 120 ºC for 2 hours.

Cooled tomato slices are stored in tight fabric bags, like dried fruit, or poured with olive oil in an airtight container.

Tomato salad

The simplest, but very tasty and healthy dish made from tomatoes is salad. Its energy value is 53.1 kcal/100 g.

You just need to cut the fruits into small slices, add a little chopped green or onion, add salt and season with vegetable oil. To obtain the indicated calorie content, take 10 g of oil per 250 g of tomatoes. You can also prepare a salad with sour cream, but to do this you should take into account how much fat it has. To maintain the same calorie content of the dish, instead of 10 g of butter, you should take 50 g of low-fat (15%) sour cream.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes

To prepare the dish, first fry 50 g of onion in 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, then add a medium-sized tomato cut into small pieces, simmer a little and then beat 2 eggs into the mixture. The eggs can be fried covered as a fried egg or mixed together for faster cooking. The energy value of the finished product is 132.3 kcal/100 g.

Omelette with tomatoes

The nutritional value

With minimal calorie content, tomatoes have high nutritional value and an optimal ratio of dietary fats, which is why they are often included in the menu of various diets. In addition, you can spend fasting days on fruits and tomato juice and even follow a mono-diet.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

  • 100 g of red fruits contain (in grams):
    • proteins - 1.1;
    • fat - 0.2;
    • carbohydrates - 3.7;
  • in pink:
    • proteins - 0.9;
    • fat - 0.2;
    • carbohydrates - 3.9;
  • in yellow:
    • proteins - 0.6;
    • fat - 0.2;
    • carbohydrates −4.2;
  • in green:
    • proteins - 1.0;
    • fat - 0.2;
    • carbohydrates – 4.0;
  • in cherry:
    • proteins - 0.8;
    • fat - 0.2;
    • carbohydrates - 2.8.

It should be borne in mind that fruits with a sweeter taste contain more carbohydrates, which slightly increases the calorie content of tomatoes of these varieties.

Macro- and microelements

Tomatoes contain a lot of fiber, pectin, and minerals. The chemical composition of the fruit is represented by the following elements:

Macro- and microelements Quantity per 100 g % of daily value
Potassium 290 mg 11.6%
Chlorine 57 mg 2.5%
Sodium 40 mg 3.1%
Phosphorus 26 mg 3.3%
Magnesium 20 mg 5%
Calcium 14 mg 1.4%
Sulfur 12 mg 1.2%
Iron 0.9 mg 5%
Bor 115 mcg
Copper 110 mcg 11%
Fluorine 20 mcg 0.5%
Nickel 13 mcg
Molybdenum 7 mcg 10%
Cobalt 6 mcg 60%
Chromium 5 mcg 10%
Iodine 2 mcg 1.3%
Selenium 0.4 mcg 0.7%
Zinc 0.2 mg 1.7%
Manganese 0.14 mg 7%

Of particular value is the presence of potassium, copper and cobalt in tomatoes:

  • potassium is the main intracellular ion, without which normal regulation of water, electrolyte and acid balance, as well as the conduction of nerve impulses, is impossible;
  • copper - improves redox processes, increases the absorption of proteins, participates in iron metabolism, increases the supply of oxygen to tissues;
  • cobalt - increases the activity of enzymes that affect the metabolism of fatty acids and folic acid metabolism.

In addition, ripe fruits contain lycopene, a carotenoid coloring pigment that gives the fruits their color. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that protects the most important internal organs (especially the stomach, intestines, lungs) and tissues from cancer, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and slows down the aging process.


The vitamin composition of tomatoes is also rich and varied:

In terms of the amount of ascorbic acid, tomatoes are not inferior to citrus fruits and black currants. Vitamin C is an active participant in redox reactions, improves the functioning of the immune system, strengthens blood vessels and promotes overall rejuvenation of the body. Considering the low calorie content of a tomato, this vitamin and mineral composition makes it one of the best foods for dietary nutrition.

Tomato (tomato), ground rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A - 14.8%, beta-carotene - 16%, vitamin C - 27.8%, potassium - 11.6%, silicon - 20%, cobalt - 60%, copper - eleven %

What is useful for Pomodoro (tomato), ground

  • Vitamin A responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • B-carotene is provitamin A and has antioxidant properties. 6 mcg of beta carotene is equivalent to 1 mcg of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C participates in redox reactions, the functioning of the immune system, and promotes the absorption of iron. Deficiency leads to loose and bleeding gums, nosebleeds due to increased permeability and fragility of blood capillaries.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Silicon is included as a structural component in glycosaminoglycans and stimulates collagen synthesis.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in iron metabolism, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing oxygen to the tissues of the human body. Deficiency is manifested by disturbances in the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, and the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.
