Herring under a fur coat roll, step-by-step recipe. Culinary recipes and photo recipes


Salad “Fur coat roll”- this is the taste of a childhood favorite dish, but in a new interpreted form. Today, banal and boring salads are a thing of the past. More and more housewives are trying to change standard recipe preparations, trying to introduce appearance dishes new ideas. Often, by modifying traditional recipes When preparing many dishes, they can be spoiled, but, fortunately, by preparing a fur coat with a roll, you will preserve its classic taste.

It may seem to you that the herring under the coat in the form of a roll will fall apart or the salad will not be soaked well. However, you don’t have to worry about this, since the “Shuba Roll” salad turns out to be very attractive and original and, moreover, soaks in much better than with traditional preparation.

Cooking herring under a fur coat in the form of a roll will take you a little longer than the usual smearing of mayonnaise on vegetable layers. Besides alternative recipe fur coat requires a certain dexterity and accuracy.

Rolled herring under a fur coat is not a completely new idea. In most cases, gelatin is used to give the roll a neat and even shape. However, the presence of gelatin in the recipe radically changes taste qualities favorite “Herring under a fur coat.” Therefore in this recipe we will only change the form, maintaining familiar taste favorite salad. Here's what to use to make the roll perfect shape and how to make a fur coat will be described further in a step-by-step recipe with photos.


  • (1 PC.)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (2-3 medium potatoes)

  • (2-3 pcs.)

  • (1 large or 2 small)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    Prepare the vegetables. Wash the potatoes, carrots and beets thoroughly under warm water. Place on the table all the ingredients you will need to make the salad.

    Boil potatoes and carrots in lightly salted water. If you think that during cooking everything useful components contained in vegetables evaporate, then bake the carrots, beets and potatoes in the oven, placing each root vegetable in foil separately from each other. You can check the readiness of vegetables using a knife: if they are soft inside, then turn off the heat and leave them aside. Before using vegetables further, cool them thoroughly: first in the room, and then put them in the refrigerator for several hours.

    Cook the beets in a separate container so that they do not color the rest of the vegetables.

    While the vegetables are cooking, start cutting up the herring. Carefully remove the skin from it, cut off the fins, tail and head. Clean it of all the insides and rinse thoroughly cold water. Dry the herring with a paper towel and carefully separate the fillet from the backbone. Remove all the seeds, even the smallest ones: if you get some of them in the roll, it will spoil the whole impression of the salad. Now cut the herring fillet into small cubes or strips.

    Peel the red onion and cut into small cubes. If you don’t like the pronounced taste of onions in salads, then pickle them. In a container with hot water add chopped onions, a little salt and pepper and leave for 10-15 minutes, then cool and drain the marinade, pressing it a little to get rid of excess moisture.

    To make it easier to prepare the “Fur coat roll” salad, place cling film on the mat that is used to form the rolls. This way you can give the salad a perfectly even roll shape.

    When the vegetables have cooled completely, peel them and grate them fine grater. Place grated vegetables, chopped onions and chopped herring in front of you. The long-awaited moment of forming a fur coat with a roll has arrived. The peculiarity of preparing this version of a fur coat is that the layers must be laid in the opposite order. Therefore, the first layer that needs to be placed on cling film is beets.

    Carefully place the grated beets around the perimeter of the mat and brush with mayonnaise.

    Next, evenly lay a layer of potatoes, add a little salt and grease a small amount mayonnaise.

    You should do the same with carrots. Place grated carrots in an even layer, brush with mayonnaise and add a little pepper.

    Place chopped red onion and chopped herring fillet on the carrots. If you wish, you can first add the onion and grease it with a small amount of mayonnaise, after which you can add the herring. If you grease these two final layers with mayonnaise, the “Shuba Roll” salad will turn out more rich and juicy. However, add minimal mayonnaise to the herring.

    Now the most solemn moment has come! Carefully wrap the “fur coat” into a roll, pressing it down a little so that the structure becomes denser and the salad does not fall into pieces when cutting. Wrap the resulting fur coat in the form of a roll with cling film on all sides and refrigerate for several hours.

    After the specified time has passed, you can take out the herring in a fur coat as a roll. Carefully remove the cling film from it, cut into pieces - and you can serve. In cross-section, the favorite salad “Herring under a fur coat” in the form of a roll looks very original. Due to the sweaty structure and easy cutting, apply such portioned pieces much more comfortable than traditional pieces of fur coat.

    Bon appetit!

In the form of a roll, it will decorate New Year's or any other festive table. The ingredients for the salad are the same as in classic version, laid out in layers and coated with mayonnaise. Only the order of the layers and the assembly method change - we work on cling film, eventually rolling the workpiece into a tight roll.

“Herring under a fur coat” roll turns out to be very tender, impressive and original. We bring to your attention a simple and interesting way serving a familiar, beloved and always relevant dish.


  • herring fillet - 250 g;
  • beets - 400 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • onion - ½ small head;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

“Herring under a fur coat” roll recipe with photos step by step

  1. Boil in advance, cool, peel potatoes, carrots, eggs, beets. Three separately on a fine grater. kitchen board cover with cling film in two layers and begin to form the roll. Be sure to squeeze out the beetroot chips thoroughly and then place them on film thinly. rectangular layer, leaving no spaces.
  2. For an ideal result, cover the top with another sheet of film and compact the layer with your palms.
  3. Remove the film and sprinkle the beets with salt and pepper. We do not coat this layer with mayonnaise so that the final roll does not spread and holds its shape better.
  4. We also carefully squeeze the grated carrots. Spread over the beets in a thin layer in the form of a rectangle, leaving free space around the edges.
  5. Salt/pepper the carrots and grease with mayonnaise.
  6. Next, lay out the potatoes again in the form of a rectangle (the area is slightly smaller than the carrot layer).
  7. After salting, peppering and coating the potato mixture with mayonnaise, distribute the eggs on top. Again, make a layer slightly smaller than the previous one. Lightly salt and apply mayonnaise lubricant.
  8. Finely chop the onion. We distribute half of the slices in a wide strip over the egg layer (slightly closer to the bottom edge).
  9. Distribute the herring, cut into thin slices, over the onion. Lightly tamping, lay out the fish in a small mound. Top the herring with the remaining onion slices.
  10. Let's start rolling the roll. Helping ourselves with the film, we lift the lower edge of the layer and tuck it towards the center, hiding the herring under the beetroot layer.
  11. We fold the film back.
  12. In the same way, we overlap the second edge, level the seam, and then cover the formed “roll” with the free ends of the film. Trim the outside of the roll, crimping the edges with your hands. Without removing the film, put the roll in the refrigerator overnight to soak and fix the shape.
  13. Then carefully remove the film and cut off the unpresentable edges of the roll. Pour mayonnaise into a bag and, cutting off a corner, pour in thin lines ready-made snack. If desired, add herbs.
  14. Cut into portions about 2 cm thick and serve.

“Herring under a fur coat” roll is ready! Bon appetit!

The recipe for everyone’s favorite salad “Herring under a fur coat” has already been published on the pages of our website. Today we offer you Alternative option preparing herring under a fur coat - in the form of a roll. Of course, preparing this snack will take a little more time and require some care, but the result will meet all your expectations. We hope that our step by step photos will help you in the cooking process! Good luck!

Ingredients to prepare the “Herring under a fur coat” roll:

  • beets - 4-5 pcs.
  • carrots - 2-3 pcs.
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • herring fillet - 2 pcs.
  • mayonnaise
  • salt

Recipe roll “Herring under a fur coat”:

First, prepare all the ingredients for making the roll. To do this, beets, carrots and potatoes need to be boiled “in their jackets” until tender. Hard boil the eggs. Cool everything, peel the vegetables, remove the shells from the eggs. Grate all these ingredients onto a FINE grater. The beets need to be squeezed out of the water (required) using gauze or simply with your hands, otherwise the roll will not be able to hold its shape. It is also advisable to squeeze the carrots. Cut the herring fillet into small slices.

When all the ingredients for “Herring under a fur coat” are ready, let’s proceed directly to preparing the roll. To do this, place a board on the table and cover it with cling film.

Place the grated beets on cling film in the form of a rectangle.

Cover the layer of beets with cling film and “tamp” the beets with your hands (this procedure must be done with each subsequent layer of the roll).

Salt the beetroot layer and lay out a layer of carrots slightly smaller in size than the previous one (each subsequent layer of roll should be shorter in width than the previous one, layers can be laid out equally in length).

Also “compact” the carrot layer with your hands through the film and add salt. Coat carrots with mayonnaise.

The next layer of the roll is potatoes. It is also compacted, salted and greased with mayonnaise.

Then lay out the eggs (do not forget that each subsequent layer should be smaller than the previous one!), “compact”, grease with mayonnaise.

And, lastly, place the herring in pieces in the center (if you like, you can add finely chopped onion to the herring).

Now you need to roll everything up. To do this, first “fold” one half...

Remove the film...

And wrap the second half of the roll “overlapping”, wrap the roll again with film, crimp the edges and the entire roll with your hands. In this form, put it in the refrigerator to soak for at least several hours, or better yet, overnight.

Before serving, remove the film from the roll, place it on a plate, seam side down, carefully trim the ends, and decorate the top with mayonnaise. The “Herring under a Fur Coat” roll is ready!

Bon appetit!

Serving a salad under a fur coat on a regular plate has long since surprised no one. Trite and standard. But preparing a salad under a fur coat with a roll is already new and fresh, beautiful and original. Making herring salad under a fur coat roll is not at all difficult, despite some subtleties. This dish will certainly attract the attention of your guests.

In most cases, gelatin is needed to form the dish herring under a fur coat, but not everyone considers this component necessary and useful. Thanks to this recipe you can prepare amazingly tasty and beautiful snack and without the participation of this component.

To make a fur coat roll in herring you need:

  • 1 herring;
  • 2 beets;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise.

Recipe for herring under a fur coat roll:

  1. Wash the root vegetables, boil, then cool, peel, grate into different plates.
  2. Boil the eggs until the yolk is firm, then cool, peel and grate.
  3. The onion is peeled and finely chopped.
  4. Separate the herring from the skin, remove all the seeds, and cut into slices.
  5. Lay out the film intended for food products and on it, alternately lay out layers of the future salad roll.
  6. First, distribute the beets over the film, which, like the next layers, need to be soaked in mayonnaise.
  7. After the beets, add potatoes and onions.
  8. Next is the turn of eggs and carrots.
  9. Place herring on carrots.
  10. Very carefully roll up the salad and place in the refrigerator for an hour.

Important! The herring does not need to be chopped too finely. It will be enough to cut the fillet into large slices.

Herring under a fur coat in the form of a roll

Cheese "Shuba" has an incredible delicate taste. It is such a component as cheese that can transform a dish and make a salad more juicy and satisfying. Roll in in this case It turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful.

You will need:

  • 1 beet;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 150 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 1 herring;
  • 5 gr. gelatin.

Herring under a fur coat recipe roll:

  1. All vegetables are washed and then boiled. The cooled fruits are peeled and cut into small cubes.
  2. The herring is peeled and all the seeds are removed. Only after this the fillet is cut into slices, but not very small.
  3. The cheese is grated.
  4. Gelatin is dissolved in 50 milliliters of water and steamed in a water bath until completely dissolved. The main thing is not to bring the liquid to a boil.
  5. The prepared gelatin liquid must be mixed with mayonnaise, which will soak all layers.
  6. To form the dish, you need cling film, which must be carefully laid out on the table.
  7. The beets are laid out first and pressed down to create a dense layer rather than an airy one.
  8. Carrots and potatoes are placed behind the beets.
  9. Cheese and herring are already being distributed over the potatoes.
  10. All that remains is to roll the prepared products into a roll and place them in the refrigerator for about twelve hours.
  11. When the specified period of time has expired, the dish is taken out, freed from the film and cut.
  12. You can decorate the appetizer with herbs, cheese, mayonnaise, and pieces of vegetables.

Advice: all layers without exception need to be laid out as densely as possible, so that later ready roll kept in shape.

Herring under a fur coat in the form of a roll

The main advantage of mackerel in this dish is the simplicity and speed of cutting.

Try other options for herring under a fur coat:, and.

You will need:

  • 1 mackerel;
  • 2 beets;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 150 mayonnaise.

Herring salad under a fur coat roll:

  1. Root vegetables are washed and boiled. When the vegetables have cooled, they are peeled and grated into different containers.
  2. Boil in ordinary water you also need eggs, after which they are chilled in cold water, cleaned and grated, just like root vegetables.
  3. The fish is peeled and all the bones are removed. Only after this the fillet is cut into slices.
  4. The onion needs to be peeled and chopped.
  5. Onion mass and mackerel are mixed together.
  6. Beets are placed on the food film as the first layer, which, like all subsequent components, is soaked in mayonnaise.
  7. Next, carrots and potatoes are placed on it.
  8. Eggs and fish-onion mixture are added to the potatoes.
  9. All that remains is to tightly twist all the components and put them in the refrigerator for three hours.

Tip: to prevent the salad from “floating” during the preparation process, it is recommended to squeeze the beets and carrots well so that the excess juice remains outside the dish.

Herring under a fur coat in a roll

Most often, for “Fur Coat” they use the usual one, lightly salted herring. But if you put it in a salad instead smoked fish, the dish will acquire a completely different taste and aroma.

You will need:

  • 1 smoked herring;
  • 1 beet;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 onion.

Herring roll under a fur coat:

  1. Carrots, beets and potatoes need to be washed and boiled. After cooking, allow the vegetables to cool on their own, then peel and chop the fruits. Carrots and beets need to be grated, and it is better to cut the potatoes smaller.
  2. The onion is peeled and chopped.
  3. The fish is separated from the skin and all bones, and then finely chopped.
  4. As in previous versions, a film is spread on the table and products mixed with mayonnaise and chopped garlic are laid out on it one by one.
  5. First beets and carrots.
  6. Next are potatoes, onions and fish.
  7. The most important stage comes - the dish needs to be rolled into a roll. This should be done as carefully as possible so that the layers do not mix.
  8. The rolled dish is placed in the refrigerator and left for several hours.
  9. Before feeding, the film is removed and finished product served to guests.

Tip: to make the salad better hold its shape, it is recommended to add gelatin to mayonnaise. Which is pre-steamed in a small amount of water in a water bath.

Herring under a fur coat in a roll

Most people associate lavash exclusively with shawarma. But this product has a much wider range of applications. With it you can prepare an amazing “Fur Fur” in the form of a roll. It’s much easier to work with pita bread than with cling film, and the salad turns out to be both more satisfying and more original, because it contains another not superfluous component.

You will need:

  • 3 pita breads;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 1 beet;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 herring;
  • 30 gr. greenery

Herring roll under a fur coat:

  1. Each sheet of pita bread must be cut into two equal parts.
  2. Foil is spread on the table and one half of pita bread is laid out on it, which must be greased with mayonnaise sauce.
  3. The beets are first washed, boiled and chilled. The cooled vegetable is peeled and grated, then placed on pita bread and greased with mayonnaise.
  4. The beetroot layer is covered with pita bread, which also needs to be soaked.
  5. Carrots are also washed and boiled, cooled and peeled. Next, the vegetable is grated and distributed on the next pita bread, be sure to soak it in the sauce.
  6. Carrots, like beets, are also covered with pita bread.
  7. The eggs are boiled, cooled, and peeled. Then rub it and put it on the next pita bread.
  8. The egg layer also needs to be soaked and covered with half a sheet of pita bread.
  9. Rinse the greens and chop finely.
  10. Wash the potatoes, boil, cool, peel and grate. Mix the root vegetable with herbs and place on pita bread, soak thoroughly with mayonnaise.
  11. These products are also covered with pita bread.
  12. The herring must be cleaned of its entrails, the head cut off, the skin removed and all the bones removed. The fillets are cut as finely as possible.
  13. Most important process– twisting. You should not take the pita bread with your hands and try to twist it. This often leads to disruption of the integrity of the sheets and loss of salad components. You need to hold the foil and roll the pita bread with its help.
  14. Place the resulting roll directly in the foil in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Salad under a fur coat is not a new, unknown dish. It is customary to serve the appetizer in a salad bowl, laying out all the ingredients in layers and soaking them in mayonnaise. Such a banal way of serving simply cannot attract attention, even if the ingredients are not quite ordinary.
But the rolled herring under a fur coat literally attracts the eyes of others. It is simply impossible to deny yourself such pleasure. It's both delicious and beautiful. And preparing herring roll under a fur coat is not at all difficult. Having conducted such an experiment once, the hostess will be able to build such a creation many times without any problems. This does not require any special skill, the main thing is effort and desire.

Herring roll under a fur coat, the recipe for which I bring to your attention today, is not complicated. The set of products is familiar: beets, carrots, potatoes, herring, onions and mayonnaise. I cook without eggs, but if you wish, you can, of course, include a couple of them in the list of ingredients (the layer will come after the potato layer). The sequence of layers in a herring under a fur coat will be exactly the same as in the classic, but in order to wrap the vegetables with the herring in a roll, you need to lay them out in the reverse order, that is, first the beets, then the carrots, and so on.

Herring under a fur coat should be left in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours before serving. Therefore, you need to start preparing in advance of the event. Shall we get started?

Total cooking time: 60 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Yield: 8 servings


  • lightly salted herring – 1 pc.
  • medium size potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • carrots – 2 pcs.
  • small beets – 3-4 pcs.
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs. optional
  • onions – 1/2 pcs.
  • green onions or dill – 10 g
  • mayonnaise – 150 g
  • salt, sugar and 9% vinegar - for pickling onions

How to cook herring under a fur coat in the form of a roll

It is advisable to boil all vegetables in advance so that they have time to cool well. I boiled potatoes and carrots in their skins, and beets separately (so as not to lose color, I added a cap during cooking table vinegar in water). I peeled the cooled vegetables and chopped them on a fine grater - each ingredient into a separate bowl. I also finely chopped the green onion feathers.

The herring was filleted, all the seeds were removed, and then cut into large cubes. Onion chopped into small pieces, scalded with boiling water to remove the bitterness, and then marinated with the addition of 1 tsp. sugar and 1 cap of vinegar 9%.

When all the ingredients are prepared, you can begin to form the roll. I laid out a piece on the board cling film about 40 cm long. Lightly squeezed the grated beets through cheesecloth (if this is not done, the salad will turn out to be too watery and will be difficult to cut), and then laid out in an even layer, using a tablespoon to shape it into a rectangle. I covered the layer of beets with another piece of cling film on top and smoothed it out with my hands. Then she removed the film. I advise you to repeat a similar procedure after each layer, then they will all turn out even. Also, each vegetable layer should be coated with mayonnaise and lightly salted so that the salad does not turn out bland.

The next layer is carrot, slightly thinner than the previous one. Please note that I laid out a layer of carrots around the perimeter, stepping back from the edge by about 3 cm. I greased it with a small amount mayonnaise sauce, lightly compacted through the film.

Sprinkled chopped herbs on top. There is no need to lubricate with mayonnaise.

Next, I laid out the potatoes in an even layer. I generously coated it with mayonnaise, since it is this layer that is most difficult to soak. I spread the mayonnaise with a spoon, and then pressed the potato layer through the film and added a little salt.

Carefully squeeze out the liquid from the pickled onions and sprinkle randomly on top of the potatoes. I laid out pieces of herring in an even strip in the center.

All that remains is to form the roll. To do this, I lifted one edge of the cling film, then the other, and carefully wrapped the fish and vegetables so that the protruding layers of beets overlap. I pressed the edges and wrapped the entire roll in film again. Place the resulting salad “Herring under a fur coat” on a plate, seam side down, and put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours to steep.

The royal fur coat is ready! Before serving, just remove the film, trim the ends of the roll and decorate to your liking. Have a delicious holiday!
