How to choose champagne for the New Year? Buyer's Guide. Immaculate and quiet. How to open a bottle of champagne correctly Champagne-Cocktail classic is a very French cocktail

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Many people are familiar with the technique of wish fulfillment, during which you need to have time to write your intention on a piece of paper, burn it and throw the ashes into a glass of drink. Moreover, everything must be completed before the end of the chiming clock. In reality, the technique is not as important as the correctly formulated thought form. For example, you quickly carried out all the manipulations, but indicated something like “I want to get married” or “I want a lot of money.” Such a request to the Universe does not have the slightest chance of successful implementation. In general, it’s better to think through this moment in advance so as not to get confused and waste the magic minute on nonsense.

Rules for making a wish:

  • avoid denials
  • do not use the words “will” and “want”,
  • don't mention other people
  • do not limit performance possibilities.

Examples of successful formulations: “I am buying an apartment/car”, “I am marrying a worthy man”, “I am slim, healthy and beautiful”, “I earn... per month”, etc.

As for the ritual itself, you can adhere to the classic scheme: at exactly midnight, open the champagne, pour it and perform the above actions with a piece of paper.

If there are a lot of people at the holiday, and you are worried that you won’t have time to get everything done to the end, act differently. While the chimes are striking, make a wish to yourself and sip from a glass. At this point, try to use visualization. It is advisable not to drink other alcoholic beverages before this sacred minute.

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New Year's rituals for those who don't drink champagne

If for some reason you don't drink alcohol, don't think that you won't have anything to do at midnight. Esotericists suggest using simple and effective rituals to make your dreams come true.

Method No. 1

On the eve of the holiday, make your own paper airplane. Write on it what you would most like to receive next year. When the chimes begin to strike, open the window and launch the plane with a message upward, repeating your wish.

Method No. 2

Purchase a beautiful white or golden candle in advance. Also have a small piece of paper and a pen ready. At midnight, light a candle, put your intention in writing and hold the sheet to the flame. You need to try to make sure that the paper burns through as much as possible and remains smoldering near the wick. The candle must burn out completely along with these ashes.

Method No. 3

On the afternoon of December 31st, take your favorite candy, open it and write a wish on the wrapper for the owl. Then return the confectionery product to its original appearance and hang it on the Christmas tree. During the chiming clock, you need to have time to eat the candy, repeating to yourself what was written earlier. Keep the candy wrapper as a talisman for the whole next year.

Bang-bang - and the cork breaks out of the bottle, followed by sweet foam that floods everything around... Anyone can open champagne using the favorite “hussar” method. But shooting traffic jams is not our method. Aerobatics is to open champagne with a light pop, when gentle smoke rises from the bottle instead of foam.

He tells and shows how to open champagne according to all the rules of etiquette sommelier of the Blue Cat restaurant Anton Pavlov.

Cool down

To successfully open the bottle, it must be well cooled in a cooler (champagne bucket), where cold water is poured and ice is poured. Cooling only in ice is less effective. If these conditions are met, the champagne will cool to the desired temperature (6-8 degrees) in about half an hour.

If you are short on time, you forgot to put champagne in the cooler before the holiday, or guests just brought the bottle, the process can be speeded up. Method one: put it in the freezer. But this is harmful to champagne; if it stays in the freezer, it may lose its effervescent charm. The second method is to add a few tablespoons of salt to the cooler. This will speed up the cooling process and the champagne will be “ready” much faster.


To open champagne, the bottle must be tilted at approximately 40 degrees. The fact is that there is very high pressure in a bottle of sparkling wine, about 6-7 atmospheres. For comparison, the pressure in a car tire is 2-3 atmospheres. If the bottle is tilted, the main impact will be on the shoulders, the place where the bottle neck begins. If you hold it straight, all the atmospheres will hit the cork.

And, of course, you should never point the neck of the bottle at people or breakable objects.


First you need to remove the foil and the mezle - the wire that holds the cork, it, by the way, is always twisted 6 turns. Then firmly hold the cork with one hand and rotate the bottle with the other, gradually rocking the cork. When you feel like it’s going, you tilt the bottle a little and the gas goes down. In the end, you open the bottle with a characteristic very light pop, and smoke comes out of it.

Pour into a glass

This must be done slowly so that the foam does not overflow. If the champagne is properly chilled, then everything will be fine. If you can’t cool it down, then it’s better to tilt the glass a little and pour the wine along its wall, also slowly.

If you are a connoisseur, gourmet and connoisseur, then you know everything yourself, and these tips will not be useful to you. They are more likely for those who just want to choose a decent bottle of sparkling wine for reasonable money.

Champagne wines are only those produced in France, in the Champagne region. Real French champagne is very expensive, and if you are not ready to shell out 5 thousand or more per bottle, then it is better to turn your attention to sparkling wines from other countries. At your service are the New World, South Africa, Australia, California - all these countries produce sparkling wines using the same technology as in Champagne. And a good sparkling wine costs 600-800 rubles in a mid-range store. To be sure of quality, look for the inscription on the label: méthode classique or méthode traditionnel. This means that the sparkling wine is made using classic French technology from the same grape varieties that are used in Champagne.

Spanish sparkling wines - cava and Italian prosecco - are very good. For them, other grape varieties are used (mainly local, autochthonous), and these wines are produced using different technologies, for the most part they are of quite high quality and tasty. Many value them even higher than classic champagne wines.

There are also French sparkling wines - Cremant. To this word on the label is usually added the name of the area where the wine was produced: Crémant d'Alsase, that is, crémant from Alsace, etc. Crémants are, of course, more expensive than New World sparkling wines, but they are protected by name, their production is strictly controlled by the French authorities, and in general these are excellent wines, although not as popular as champagnes.

The main attributes of the New Year are a Christmas tree and, of course, a festive table, on which there must be a traditional drink - champagne. However, many still do not know how to properly open a bottle of foam, reports

Aerobatics is to uncork it with a light clap, when instead of foam a gentle smoke rises.

But there are also a few more secrets. It turns out that champagne must be cooled to six to eight degrees before the feast. True, experts do not recommend doing this using a freezer. This is harmful to champagne and it may lose its effervescent charm. It is better to place the bottle in a bucket of ice or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for several hours. For those who don’t have a bucket, you can simply put the bottle on the balcony.

Before uncorking, the bottle must be tilted at approximately 40-45 degrees and rest the bottom against a hard surface.

There is very high pressure in a bottle of sparkling wine - about 67 atmospheres. This is twice the pressure in a car tire. When tilted, the main blow of gases will fall on the shoulders of the bottle - the place where the neck begins. But if you hold the container straight, all the atmospheres will hit the cork.

How far to tilt the bottle can be easily determined visually: if the bottle is tilted correctly, the champagne will be about a centimeter away from the cork.

To securely hold the bottle, you can wrap it in a napkin to prevent it from slipping out. When opening the champagne, it is important not to shake it, otherwise the cork may pop. A strong pop looks impressive, but indicates that the sparkling wine has not been opened correctly. In addition, splashes can dirty others. It is not the cork that needs to be twisted, but the bottle.

New Year - Christmas tree - gifts - champagne... In many countries this has been an axiom for many years. Well, we love these cute bubbles and the New Year is a great excuse for a bottle of this wonderful drink. We've already bought more than one.

When everything is ready for champagne tasting

Opening the champagne

For special occasions

Champagne should be chilled first. No need in the freezer, the bottle temperature should be about 10 degrees. If you cool it in the freezer, you will lose the bouquet and bubbles.

You can add ice if you want

Today, champagne can be served at the table quite democratically, but it is more common in buckets of ice and water.

We start opening, holding the bottle at an angle of about 45 degrees. And we never shake. If you shake the bottle, put it back and wait, preferably with the neck turned away from people.

Five minutes before... classic. Have time to make a wish.

We open the bottle like a pro: hold the cork and twist the bottle. There should be no shots or fountains

Champagne glasses

Champagne glasses are not tulips, where even your lady’s nose cannot fit, but a normal glass on a stem, in which you can see the play of bubbles and enjoy the aroma of the bouquet. Wide glasses like a bowl are absolutely not suitable: you won’t see a single gurgle.

Sparkling wine, produced in a province neighboring Champagne, is no worse than the “original”

Pour into a glass, holding the glass at an angle so that the foam is noble and thin, this is not beer. A glass of champagne should be held by the stem and for this reason it is also only filled to two-thirds. If you hold a glass of champagne by the bottom of the bowl, you can heat the drink and its taste will change.

What could be more romantic?

Champagne is drunk both before and during meals.

Insidious and beautiful

Carbon dioxide, which gives this drink all its charm, increases the absorption of alcohol into the blood. Therefore, if you drink champagne before other drinks, you can assume that the dose of alcohol will be higher than you think. So you shouldn’t mix champagne and strong alcohol.

So many different and delicious things!

*By the way, the cork has nothing to do with the quality of the product inside the bottle. A traditional cork stopper or a plastic one has absolutely no effect on the product inside. Since there are so many atmospheres of carbon dioxide inside, rushing out, that when the cork is not of very good quality, it can crumble when opened, ruining your holiday.

Champagne can be called a drink from the French province of Champagne.

*Professionals believe that champagne-based cocktails are bad manners. With the exception of maybe two or three truly French ones.

This is Champagne with a capital C

Classic Champagne Cocktail is a very French cocktail

Place a piece of sugar, preferably dark, in a flute glass, drip Angostura bitters on top, carefully pour 15 ml of cognac, and pour chilled champagne on top in a slow stream.

The name of this, perhaps the most famous wine, comes from the French province of Champagne. The creator of this wine is known and even the exact year of creation is known - it was first made in 1679 by the monk Dom Perignon, whose name now bears one of the French brands of champagne.

Not a single New Year's table is complete without a bottle of champagne. But many simply do not know how to drink it correctly. What mistakes do we make regarding this noble drink?

Cotton! And the cork flies out of the bottle. Quickly place your glass, clink your glass loudly and drink champagne in one gulp while the clock strikes twelve times. This is how the “correct” New Year begins. But champagne is supposed to be drunk completely differently. What mistakes do we make regarding this noble drink?

Champagne is a composite wine, so to speak, obtained by combining several dry wines. The options here can be different: either wines obtained from different grape varieties are combined, or the same variety, but from different vineyards, or even wines from different years. This distinguishes champagne from red wine, on the label of which the year of production is required to be indicated, while sparkling wine is labeled with a specific year only in those rare cases when the vintage has been officially recognized as high quality. The whole art of a winemaker lies in “assembling”, in combining various dry wines, which will subsequently give champagne a subtle aroma, color, taste and other qualities for which it is so valued by both connoisseurs and ordinary consumers.

Champagne is a sparkling wine, the saturation of which with natural carbon dioxide occurs during the period of secondary fermentation and subsequent aging. The classic French bottle method of champagne guarantees high quality wine, but is complex, labor-intensive and time-consuming (about 3 years).

They began to prepare champagne using this technology in Russia, at the beginning of the 20th century in Crimea, but later the founder of the production of Soviet champagne A.M. Frolov-Bagreev developed his own champagne technology in special installations - acratophores, which made it possible to reduce the technological process by 30 times. This method also allows you to obtain high quality champagne.

However, Soviet champagne, and new brands of Russian champagne, are still produced in different ways. And in France itself, they believe that only wine made in the Champagne province by secondary fermentation in bottles and only from special local grape varieties can be called champagne.

Mistake #1: Shooting the cork

Champagne should not be opened with a loud bang, but with a quiet hiss. And the point is not at all to preserve the nerve cells of especially sensitive young ladies and to protect the chandelier from direct contact with the cork. When you open champagne too quickly, carbon dioxide bubbles quickly begin to leave the drink, and this harms its quality.

By the way, the louder the shot, the worse the champagne. A quality drink should behave quietly and delicately. The play of bubbles in good champagne can last up to 24 hours. So they shouldn’t rush to freedom too actively. The size of the bubbles also matters. The rule “less is better” applies here. Too large bubbles may indicate that the champagne was artificially carbonated and not obtained as a result of natural fermentation. It's good if all the bubbles are the same size. However, they need to be compared not immediately after the drink has entered the glass, but after a few minutes - when the temperature of the glass and the champagne becomes the same. In the first minutes, even the best champagne will have large and uneven bubbles.

Mistake #2: Spill instantly

Take your time! Champagne should be poured into glasses two to three minutes after opening the bottle. It is believed that this will help you better appreciate the taste of the drink
. You need to pour champagne slowly, tilting the bottle slightly, trying to make the liquid flow along the wall of the glass - this will help reduce the amount of foam. Another way to deal with excess foam is to throw a few ice cubes into the glass, “chatter” a little, remove the ice and only then pour the champagne.

Mistake No. 3. Pour into the first glass you come across.

Choosing cookware is a delicate matter. Sour champagne (dry or brut) is poured into tall elongated glasses with the romantic name “flute” (flute). Sweet champagne is poured into wide glasses that resemble a bowl on a stem. It is believed that the “right” glass will deliver champagne straight to the right taste buds and you will be able to fully experience its taste. Holding a glass of champagne is also a whole science. Professional tasters hold it by a stand. Those who have been celebrating for several hours can choose a more reliable option and grab the stem of the glass - this is also not forbidden. But grasping the bowl itself with your hands is unacceptable. Champagne is not cognac, and you don’t need to warm it in your palms.

Mistake No. 4. Putting a bottle on the balcony

In fact, there is not one, but two mistakes here. The first is in the word “put”. Champagne is not supposed to stand by its status - it is too noble a drink. The bottle must lie down so that the wine wets the cork, otherwise the drink will stop “playing.” However, this only applies to champagne with a cork stopper. By the way, it is believed that under such a cork the sparkling drink is preserved better than under plastic. As for the balcony, it is not the best place to live for a bottle of champagne. Champagne should not be drunk warm or iced. The optimal temperature is 7–9 degrees. They say that the best way to achieve the ideal temperature is to place the bottle in a bucket with ice mixed with water. It is in this “porridge” that the drink is cooled to the desired temperature.

Mistake No. 5. Snack on chocolate

Chocolate overpowers the taste of champagne. Good companions for this drink include cheese, olives, seafood, white meat and game, fruit desserts, strawberries and, of course, classic pineapples. Well, the best way to be considered ignorant is to snack on champagne with pickled garlic, pickles or herring under a fur coat. These dishes are good with vodka, but not with champagne.

Mistake #6: Applying lipstick just before the event

Experienced sommeliers are sure that champagne is a very delicate drink, and even such a small thing as particles of lipstick can spoil its refined taste. Of course, only a few can feel this, but it is better to adhere to the rules of good manners. And lipstick prints on a glass don’t look very aesthetically pleasing.

Mistake No. 7. Drink in one gulp

Drinking carbonated drinks in one gulp is the best way to avoid the general fun. While everyone is dancing and making New Year's toasts, you will hiccup thoughtfully. In addition, in order to better appreciate the taste of champagne, before swallowing the drink, you need to savor it in your mouth for a few seconds.

By the way

A small dose of champagne will not only lift your spirits, but will also benefit your body. Tannins, which are contained in the noble drink, reduce the level of bad cholesterol and improve immunity, and magnesium relieves fatigue and gives a feeling of vigor. The French inventors of champagne still consider the sparkling drink to be an excellent remedy for colds and indigestion.


Champagne is most loved in Belgium. It is in this country that the most sparkling drink is consumed per capita. In our country, champagne is drunk mainly on New Year's Eve. On this holiday, 45% of the total annual champagne turnover is drunk.

The famous Soviet champagne is sweeter than most imported brands. According to legend, we owe sweets to the father of nations, Comrade Stalin. Allegedly, Joseph Vissarionovich was offered to award the order to the champagne wine factory, but before signing the relevant papers, the leader tried the factory’s products. Champagne showed
It was too sour, so they added a little sugar and liqueur to the drink. Stalin liked the improved version more. Whether this incident actually happened is unknown, but the sweetness did not prevent Soviet champagne from gaining recognition not only in our country, but also abroad.

Reading the label

In order not to make a mistake when choosing champagne, buy it only in good stores and do not go for cheap prices - a good drink cannot be cheap. But even if you have met these two conditions, do not be lazy to read the label.

      * Brut – less than 15 g of sugar per liter

      * Dry – from 20.0 to 25.0 g/l

      * Semi-dry – from 40.0 to 45.0 g/l

      * Semi-sweet – from 60 to 65 g/l

      * Sweet – from 80.0 to 85.0 g/l

The presence of flavorings and flavoring additives also does not speak in favor of champagne.

If you find the words “carbonated” on the label, it is better to refuse the purchase. The bubbles should come from fermentation, not carbonation.

The bottle in which the champagne is poured should be dark. In the light, champagne loses its quality.

It’s good if the bottle is marked “aged.”

When buying expensive imported champagne, look for the letters N.M. on the label, they mean that the selling company is also the manufacturer. The remaining letter combinations M.A., R.M., S.M. indicate that the company sells, but does not produce wine. Such champagne can be made by small estates that supply wine to large producers and use their symbols. And this does not always have a good effect on the quality of the drink.
