Pork barbecue meat. Tender kebab and barbecue. BBQ pork recipe with photo

Summer is the time when we all are drawn closer to nature. I don’t want to languish all weekend in a stuffy city and listen to the sounds of the modern world of a big (or small) city. Yes, it’s worth going on vacation outside the city. And you should definitely cook pork barbecue in nature.

My family loves barbecue very much. However, recently, while relaxing in nature, we increasingly began to cook food over a fire using a grill. The taste of any dish captivated and surprised. But of course, pork barbecue– something that you don’t even want to compare with other dishes in terms of taste.

Before settling on a specific option for grilling meat, we tried many ideas for preparing and marinating meat. However, as expected, the classic recipe is the most successful and suitable. I marinate the meat in spices intended for Georgian ones, and be sure to add a lot of lemon juice. Marinating time is at least 4 hours. However, it is better if you marinate the meat the day before going outdoors, and it will sit in the spices in the refrigerator overnight.

Separately, I want to say about onions. In this recipe I did not marinate it first. And I advise everyone to do the same: just before frying, peel it, cut it and place it on the grill. However, if you wish, you can marinate the onions along with the meat. Just remember: under no circumstances should meat be crushed or disturbed after being combined with spices. It may even be appropriate to pickle the onions in a separate bowl (unless, of course, you decide to pickle them at all first).

Cooking steps:

Step 1: Prepare the pork.

To prepare this dish, it is best to use lean meat. So, rinse the pork well under running water and place it on a cutting board. Wipe the component dry with kitchen paper towels. Using a knife, cut the meat across the grain into thick portions not more 1.5 centimeters. Then we transfer the component into a free deep bowl and leave it aside for a while, while we prepare the vegetables for the marinade.

Step 2: prepare the tomatoes.

We rinse the tomatoes under running water and place them in a deep plate. Pour hot water over the vegetables and set aside to blanch. Through 7–10 minutes drain the liquid and transfer the component to a cutting board.

Using a knife, remove the edge on which the tail was attached, and then carefully remove the skin. Now chop the tomatoes into small pieces and transfer to a clean plate.

Step 3: Prepare the sweet red pepper.

Rinse the bell peppers under running water and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, remove the tail and seeds. Then cut the vegetable lengthwise into two halves and chop each into small pieces. Transfer the finely chopped component to a free plate.

Step 4: Prepare the chili peppers.

Wash the chili peppers under running water and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, remove the tail and cut the component lengthwise into two parts. Carefully remove the seeds from each half and then divide the chili into several more parts. Transfer the vegetable pieces to a free plate. Attention: To prevent the pepper from burning your fingers, we put plastic gloves on our hands.

Step 5: prepare the marinade.

Place chopped tomatoes, red bell pepper and chili into a blender bowl. At medium speed, grind the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.

That's it, the red marinade is ready!

Step 6: marinate the pork.

Pour salt to taste into a bowl with pieces of pork and pour in the marinade. Mix everything thoroughly using a tablespoon. Place the container with the meat in the refrigerator to steep for 1 hour. Attention: To prevent the dish from absorbing foreign odors, you can tightly close the bowl with a pan lid.

Step 7: Prepare the BBQ pork.

In 30 minutes Before the pork is marinated, heat the coals. To do this, put firewood on the bottom of the barbecue or grill and light it with matches. When the wood is almost burnt, carefully pour the coals onto it and mix everything well with a wooden stick. As soon as the flame completely disappears and the coals turn whitish, we begin to cook the meat.

We take it out of the refrigerator and place it on the barbecue or grill. When the pork pieces begin to brown slightly on the underside, use kitchen tongs to turn them over. Important: We carefully monitor this process so that the meat does not burn or become dry. When it is covered with a golden crust on all sides, transfer one piece to a plate and check its readiness. Having pierced it with the tip of a knife, we look: if clear juice begins to flow out of it, then the barbecue pork is ready. If it’s red, then it’s worth extending the time further for 5–7 minutes.

Step 8: Serve the BBQ pork.

When the meat is ready, transfer it using kitchen tongs to a special flat plate and serve it to the dinner table. This is a real treat that can be enjoyed along with pita bread, various sauces and grilled vegetables.
Enjoy your meal!

To prepare BBQ pork, you can use a variety of spices to suit your taste. For example, it could be ground black pepper, Khmeli-Suneli seasoning and more;

Instead of fresh peppers, you can use seasonings such as ground paprika (in any quantity) and ground red pepper (on the tip of a knife);

In order for the dish to turn out juicy and tasty, you need to choose good quality meat. To do this, first of all, pay attention to color. The pork should be soft pink with white layers of fat and not chapped.


When you get ready for a picnic, I suggest cooking a barbecue on a grill over the fire. Thin pieces of meat with aromatic golden onions are an excellent alternative to traditional kebabs.

How to marinate a pork steak for BBQ? There are many marinade recipes: from the simplest “onion + spices” to more complex options with mineral water, kefir or tomato. In my opinion, the best effect comes from the classic combination of onions, salt, black and red pepper: simple and tasty.


  • For 1 kg of pork (balyk):
  • 1 kg of onions;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • 1/6-1/4 tsp. ground red chili pepper.


Marinate the meat overnight or at least 3-4 hours before cooking. Cut the pork into thin slices, as for chops, and the onion into rings, carefully mix in a bowl, season with spices, and leave in the refrigerator.

For a fire, as when cooking barbecue, choose fruit wood; preferably small branches of equal length and diameter, so that they burn quickly and evenly. And definitely dry.

We make a fire and have a pleasant conversation while waiting for the wood to burn out. When you can hold your palm over the coals at a height of 15 cm for 10 seconds, it’s time to start barbecuing!

We put the meat on the grill, and the onion on top, press it with the second part of the grill and place it on the grill above the coals, at a height of about 15 cm, and hold it alternately with one side or the other.

If the meat burns, raise the grill higher; if, on the contrary, it cooks slowly, lower it a little lower.

If you don’t have a barbecue, its role can be played by bricks, on which you can place, for example, iron rods as a support for the grill.

We check the dish for readiness by tasting one piece with a knife: if the meat is still tough and the broth is pinkish, continue cooking; If the meat is soft and the broth is clear, it’s time to remove. Don't dry out the barbecue: you need to catch the moment when the meat is juicy, but not soggy.

What could be better than going out into nature on a nice day with friends or family? It doesn’t matter when: summer, autumn or spring. If only it was a good day and the sun was shining. And what, if not barbecues, are our picnics associated with? We go to barbecues, and Americans invite friends to barbecue. That's probably the whole difference.

And we’ll start our picnic, perhaps, with classic kebab.
You will need 1 kg of lamb, 5-6 onions, 1 bunch of green onions, 0.5 cups of 3% vinegar, 3-4 tomatoes, 4 tbsp. spoons of tkemali sauce, dried barberry on the tip of a knife. Let's also take 1 lemon, 20 g of melted lamb fat, ground black pepper, herbs, and salt to taste.

Lamb loin or hind leg, liver, kidneys, beef tenderloin, and pork can be used to make barbecue. Cut the meat into small pieces, place in a bowl, add salt, sprinkle with ground pepper, add finely chopped onions, vinegar or lemon juice and mix. Cover the dish with a lid and place in a cool place to marinate for 2-3 hours.

Thread the pieces of meat onto a metal skewer interspersed with onions, cut into rings, and brush them with melted fat tail fat. Grill the kebab on the grill over hot coals without flame for 10-15 minutes, turning the spit so that the meat is evenly fried.

This kebab can be cooked on the grill or in a frying pan. Garnish with green or onions, lemon sliced ​​into rings or tkemali sauce, and tomatoes. Before serving, garnish with herbs and barberries.

Pork neck shashlik

Let's prepare 2-3 kg chilled pork neck, 2 lemons, salt and ground black pepper.

Place pieces of lean pork in a bowl, pour in the juice of 2 lemons, and mix. Place onion sliced ​​into rings on top, close the lid and shake several times.

Let marinate for 6-8 hours. Before cooking, add salt to taste. During the cooking process, especially when the fire appears, pour the remaining marinade several times.

When serving, decorate the kebab with herbs, tomatoes, and olives.

Pork shish kebab

Let's take 500 g boneless pork, cut into cubes, 2 teaspoons paprika, 1 teaspoon ground coriander seeds, 1.5 teaspoons ground cumin, 1 teaspoon chopped ground basil, 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger. In addition, you will need a large pinch of ground cinnamon, red pepper and ground nutmeg, 1 finely chopped bay leaf, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper, lemon slices and bay leaves for garnish.

In a bowl, combine all ingredients except pork and lemon slices. Add pork and stir into marinade. Cover the bowl and leave in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours, turning the meat occasionally. Preheat the grill. Thread the meat onto small skewers. Bake on the hot grill for 7 minutes, remembering to turn, until the pork is cooked through but still juicy.

Garnish with lemon slices and bay leaves. Serve hot.

Pork shish kebab with tomatoes

Required 500 g meat, 4 onions, 6 tomatoes, ground black pepper, 2-3 cloves of garlic, herbs.

Rinse the lean pork pulp, cut into small pieces, add salt and pepper to taste, onions, cut into rings, and fresh onions, cut into slices. Place the meat in an enamel bowl and leave in a cool place for 6-8 hours.

Thread the finished marinated meat onto a skewer and sprinkle with a mixture of vinegar, garlic and pepper. Fry over hot coals until cooked, turning the skewer occasionally.

Pork and lamb shish kebab

Cut the pulp of the kidney or hind leg (young pork or lamb) into equal, not very large pieces, place in an enamel bowl, add salt, sprinkle with ground black pepper and mix well. Chop the onion into rings. For 2 kg of meat add 1 glass of dry white wine. Mix again, pressing the meat with your fingers. Cover the container with a lid and place in a cool place for 3-4 hours. Thread pieces of meat onto skewers and fry over hot coals without flame, turning them all the time. Determine the degree of readiness using an incision. The main thing is not to dry it out!

Remove the finished kebab from the skewers, place on a dish, garnish with herbs and onions.


Required 500 g lamb or beef, 2 sweet peppers, 2 red onions, 1 zucchini, 1 lemon, 2 cloves of garlic, mint and parsley.

Cut the meat into 4x4 cm cubes and place in a bowl. Cut the pepper into pieces. Cut the onion into 2 parts. cut into thick slices, place all vegetables in another bowl.

Mix the oil with salt, lemon juice, squeezed garlic, chopped herbs, pepper and pour half of the mixture onto the meat, the other half onto the vegetables and leave to marinate. Thread meat and vegetables alternately onto skewers.

It is better, of course, to fry the kebab, turning it over, over coals, but you can also do it in the oven at home.

Steppe shashlik

Take 800 g lamb pulp, 2-3 onions, 0.5 heads of garlic, 100-150 g herbs, salt, pepper.

Finely chop the onion, garlic, parsley, dill, cilantro, season with salt and pepper.

Cut the lamb into oblong strips 10-15 cm long, wrap the prepared minced meat in them and thread them onto a skewer. Fry over hot coals without flame.

Baked vegetables do not require any preliminary preparation, but they are tasty both as an independent dish and as a side dish for meat. To prepare them, you just need to string everything you have on hand onto skewers, alternating: slices of tomatoes, onion rings, sliced ​​zucchini, corn and bell peppers.

How delicious and unusual are those grilled on coals? sausages and sausages! And between them, you can also string pieces of black bread onto skewers.

Some people prefer fresh herbs and ketchup to barbecue, while others like mayonnaise and vinegar. And you can serve all kinds of meats.

Narsharab sauce in Russian

Required 1 liter of red currant juice, 100-150 g of sugar.

Wash the currant bunches and squeeze out the juice with a juicer or by hand. Remove small seeds through a strainer. In a thick-bottomed container, reduce to 1/3 volume over high heat. At the end of cooking, add sugar.

If you are preparing the sauce for future use, immediately pour it into sterilized jars and seal tightly. The sauce goes perfectly with meat, fish, and, of course, barbecue.

This sauce can be prepared using pomegranate or dogwood juice. It will also be very tasty and spicy!

Well, how can we do without barbecue from?

Sturgeon shashlik

Required 416 g sturgeon or stellate sturgeon, 30 g sour cream, 48 g onions, parsley, 50 g tkemali sauce, spices, salt.

1st method. The skin of the sturgeon is removed and the cartilage is removed. Then the fish is cut into pieces of 50 g, strung on a skewer and fried over coals in a grill or on a fire. If desired and to taste, you can mix fish bones with grated onion, salt and pepper before frying.
Sprinkle the finished kebab with lemon juice, serve separately with salt, spices and herbs.

2nd method. The flesh of the fish without skin and cartilage or without rib bones and skin is cut into two thin elongated pieces per serving, sprinkled with salt, ground black pepper, threaded on a skewer, brushed with sour cream and fried over hot coals.

The finished fish is removed from the skewer, placed on a dish, garnished with chopped onion rings, and garnished with parsley. Tkemali sauce or other spicy sauce is served separately. Can also be served on a skewer.

Salmon shish kebab

Required 1.5 kg salmon, 1 jar of olives, 1 lemon, 3 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce, spices for fish.

For the marinade: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce, 1 glass of white wine, spices for fish and lemonade.

Cut the defrosted salmon into pieces, place in a deep frying pan with a thick bottom and pour in the marinade. Keep the fish in it. Then thread the salmon pieces onto skewers, alternating with olives.

Serve hot or cold with olives and lemon.

I wish you a pleasant holiday in nature and delicious barbecue!

Jamie is convinced that barbecuing is the best way to cook. It's nice to be in the fresh air, to smell the smoke, which gives the food a unique taste, even if you are frying an ordinary piece of meat. But in order for this most ordinary meat to become soft, tender, melting in your mouth, you need to marinate it correctly.

Mr. Oliver prefers to cook chicken, lamb ribs and a whole leg of lamb over the fire, you can take whatever you like: turkey, pork, and even game - the marinade is suitable for any meat.


What do you need:

4–5 clove buds
1 teaspoon cumin
2 tbsp. spoon fennel seeds
1 pinch freshly ground black pepper
2–3 teaspoons salt
10 fresh bay leaves
1 large bunch of rosemary
1 large bunch of thyme
1 head of garlic
1 orange
4 tbsp. paprika
100 ml balsamic vinegar
500 g ketchup (you can take tomatoes in their own juice)
8 tbsp. spoons of olive oil

How to Make the Best BBQ Marinade:

    Make deep cuts in the meat, this will allow it to be properly fried inside and soaked in juice and smoke, and this will also create an appetizing crispy crust.

    Grind the cloves, cumin, fennel, black pepper and salt into a powder in a mortar. Place spices in a baking tray with high sides. Add bay leaves.

    Place rosemary, thyme leaves, garlic cloves, and orange zest on a large cutting board (remove zest with a paring knife). Grind and mix everything properly. Place on a baking sheet with spices. Add paprika, balsamic, ketchup, olive oil, squeeze the orange juice into it. To stir thoroughly.

    Place the meat in the marinade, rub it properly, pay special attention to the cuts, rub them especially carefully!

    Cover the baking sheet with foil and place the meat in the oven, preheated to 180°C, for 1 hour 15 minutes.

    Remove the pan from the oven and place the meat on the coals for another 20 minutes. While it's cooking, don't forget to turn it over and baste it with juice from the pan. Serve barbecue meat with vegetables and herbs.
