Homemade jam recipes. The most delicious homemade fruit jams, recipes with photos and videos

Appetizing “Assorted” berry jam is very easy to prepare at home. The housewife will need to perform just a few simple manipulations in the kitchen to end up with delicious food. sweet preparation for the winter. The cooking time will surprise even lazy people, just three minutes, and the jam will be ready! Enjoy berry jam will be able to winter period all relatives and friends. Bright colors summer will be hidden in delicious jars with preparation!


  • 1 kg of berries (this can be any seasonal berries: raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, any type of currant, etc.);
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 packet of gelling agent (with pectin).

How to make berry jam with jellyfix at home

To make jam, it is best to use berries that have just been picked from the branch. Since it is in such products that most useful properties. If the berry is clean, then you don’t have to wash it, because it is the natural coating that contributes to good density finished products. If the berries are purchased, you need to rinse them under running water and dry them on cloth towels.

For the jam prepared according to the recipe given here, any berries are suitable, for example, black currants:

Mash the berries well with a spoon. A meat grinder or blender will greatly facilitate the work.

The remaining berry pulp can be used to prepare baked goods and compote.

Let's move on to preparing containers for making jam. Jars and lids should be washed thoroughly using natural cleaners such as baking soda. Rinse thoroughly under running water. Sterilize in any convenient way - over steam, in the microwave or oven. The latter method is preferable for such jam.

The next step is to pour the resulting berry mixture into the pan in which the jam will be cooked, add, and stir everything thoroughly.

Bring berry puree to a boil.

After the mixture begins to boil, you need to pour sugar into the pan. Stir everything thoroughly with a spoon until the grains of granulated sugar dissolve.

Place the pan back on the stove and let the mixture boil. Cook the jam for three minutes, stirring during cooking to prevent it from burning.

Spill berry jam into clean, dry jars and roll up. After a couple of hours the jam will be incredibly thick!

Look at the photo, what a beautiful berry jam you get in the end! And the color and aroma cannot be expressed in words!

Did you like the recipe? Then take a look at the recipe.

Unusual taste lemon and watermelon jam made in correct proportion will let you feel unique taste sweet and sour joy that melts in your mouth instantly.

Necessary ingredients for our jam:

Watermelon pulp 1 kg; lemon 1 pc.; sugar 1 kg; water 60 ml.

From the ripe delicious watermelon you can make equally wonderful jam. This is the recipe I will share with you now. For this we need:

Watermelon and red currant - pretty unusual combination. It is from these ingredients that I suggest you make jam. We will need:
- watermelon pulp 1 kg;
- red currants 1 kg;
- sugar 1.5 kg

Delicious juicy melon makes wonderful jam. In order to prepare it we need the following ingredients:
- 1 kg of peeled melon;
- 1.5 kg of sugar;
- lemon acid;
- vanillin

Today we will cook apricot - orange jam, for the preparation of which we will need the following ingredients:
- apricots 1 kg;
- orange 1 pc;
- sugar 0.5 kg;
- Zhelfix 2:1 one sachet;
- water 200 ml

To make watermelon jam we will need:
watermelon rind - 1kg
sugar - 0.5kg
water - 0.25 cups
lemon - 0.25 pcs.
orange peel - 1 tbsp. spoon
Cooking method:

In order to prepare lingonberry and plum jam, we will need the following ingredients:
- lingonberries 0.5 kg;
- “Hungarian” plums without seeds 0.5 kg;
- sugar 0.75 kg

I am sharing with you, dear housewives, the recipe. plum jam with bananas and cinnamon. This recipe makes a very tasty and aromatic delicacy, which the whole family will appreciate.
- plum 1 kg;
- banana 1 piece;
- cinnamon 1/3 tsp;
- 1 tbsp sugar;
- cloves 8 pcs

Today we will start cooking flavored jam made from peaches, which has an unsurpassed taste and is “gobbled up by both cheeks.”
- 600 grams of peaches;
- 300 grams of sugar;
- juice of one lemon;
- 1 bunch of fresh rosemary;
- 10 g gelatin

Juicy ripe strawberries can not only be eaten, but also cooked from this beautiful berries various delicacies, for example - Strawberry jam for the winter.
- 1 kg strawberries;
- 1 kg sugar

I present to you, my dear hostesses, a recipe for making “Economy” apple jam, for which we will need the following ingredients:
- apples 2 kg;
- sugar 1 kg;
-water ½ cup

Today I will tell you how to cook very delicious jam from cherry. To make cherry jam we need the following ingredients:
- 1 kg of cherries;
- zest of 1 lemon;
- juice of two lemons;
- 2 tbsp sugar

To make apple mint jam we need the following ingredients:
- apples 1 kg;
- mint syrup 250 ml;
- sugar 200 gr;
- juice of half a lemon

I present to your attention, skillful housewives, a recipe for making plum and nut jam with raisins.
- 1 kg blue plums Hungarian;
- 4 glasses of sugar;
- 200 grams of walnuts or almonds;
- 100 grams of seedless raisins;
- cinnamon

Today we will make a very tasty winter pear jam. To prepare it we need the following ingredients:
- 1 kg of winter pears;
- 1 kg of sugar;
- 2 packets of vanilla sugar;
- 1 sachet of gelling agent for cooking

Apple-orange jam is great for both have a delicious tea party, and as a filling for pies.
- oranges 1 kg;
- apples 1 kg;
- sugar 1.2 kg;
- water 2 tbsp

Apple jam is the most common jam. This is what we will be preparing today.
- 1 kg of apples;
- 500-550 grams of sugar;
- 4-5 g citric acid

Redcurrant and strawberry jam is a wonderful treat for the whole family. We will need ingredients:
- 0.2 kg of red currants;
- 0.5 kg strawberries;
- 500 g sugar

Let's cook today pear jam By next recipe. We will need ingredients:
- pears (peeled) 4 kg;
- sugar 2 kg;
- vanillin 3 g;
- cinnamon 1 tsp;
- citric acid 1 tsp.

Wild strawberry jam prepared according to the recipe described below turns out very tasty, aromatic and beautiful.
- 1 kg of wild strawberries;
- 1.3 kg of sugar;
- 0.5 l of water;
- 1 - 2 tsp. citric acid

In order to make wild strawberry jam, we need the following ingredients:
- 1 kg of forest strawberries;
- 1.5 kg of granulated sugar;
- 1.5 glasses of water

I advise you, dear housewives, to prepare plum jam according to the recipe below.
We will need ingredients:
- ripe plums 1 kg;
- sugar 1 kg

I suggest you, dear housewives, to prepare strawberry jam according to the following recipe. It turns out not only very tasty, but also quickly.
- 400 g strawberries;
- 50 grams of sugar;
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice

To prepare lingonberry jam in Slovakian style, we will need:

lingonberries 1kg

apple 1kg

pear 1kg

lemon 1 pc.

sugar 1kg

Cooking method:

Lingonberries have long been valued for their healing properties. We advise you to prepare lingonberry jam for the winter according to the recipe below.
- 4 glasses of lingonberries;
- 1.5 cups sugar;
- 3 tbsp. water

I present to your attention unusual recipe plum jam, the taste of which is very rich.
- plums 500 gr;
- Brown sugar 250 gr;
- crushed almond(you can take any nuts) - 100 g;
- cinnamon 4 sticks;
- dry white wine 130 ml;
- ground cinnamon 1 tsp

Dear housewives, I would like to offer you a recipe for a very tasty, quick to prepare and extremely healthy grape and gooseberry jam. So, we will need the following ingredients:
- 1.5 kg of grapes;

0.5 kg gooseberries;
- 570 grams of sugar;
- 2 tbsp lemon juice

Gooseberry jam is very healthy and tasty, so I recommend every housewife to prepare it for the winter.
- 1 kg of gooseberry puree;
- 800 grams of sugar;
- optional - several pieces of sour apples

Strawberry jam perfectly preserves the taste and aroma of strawberries, and is ideal as a filling for pies and pies. Strawberry jam also goes great with tea.
- 1 kg of strawberries;
- 200 ml sour juice;
- 1 kg sugar

Jam is a product made from fruits and berries, cooked in sugar syrup until jelly-like consistency, in which part or all of the fruits are in a boiled state. Here's a description: how to make jam.

To make jam take good quality fruits and berries. You can use ripe and overripe ones that are not suitable for jam, with cracks, bruised and small ones. Cook the jam in a shallow copper or brass basin with a capacity of 2-5 liters. It must be cleaned of traces of copper oxide and dried.

Jam is most often made from , strawberries,. Prepared fruits are first boiled in water or a weak sugar solution (per kilogram of fruit - 15 g of sugar, 0.5 cups of water, for 15 minutes). The first cooking achieves the formation of a gelling substance. Then the fruits are poured with sugar syrup (per kilogram of fruit - one kilogram of sugar, 1.5 glasses of water). Cook the jam until tender over low heat, stirring occasionally to prevent it from burning.

Cook according to general rules. The berries are sorted, sepals and stalks are removed, and washed by placing them in a colander in water. Place the prepared berries in a basin, add water (one glass of water per kilogram of berries), bring to a boil and, stirring, cook until completely boiled. Then the berries are poured with syrup (for one kilogram of sugar - one glass of water) and boiled for 15-20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Instead of syrup, you can add berries granulated sugar (for one kilogram of berries - one kilogram of sugar). Five minutes before the end of cooking, add 2g to the jam. citric acid. Hot jam is placed into jars, covered and pasteurized at a temperature of 90°C: in half-liter jars for 10 minutes, in liter jars - 15.

Cooked according to the same recipe strawberry jam.

How to make apple jam

To cook apple jam , the fruits are sorted, washed, peeled, seed nests and stalks are removed and cut into slices. Apples with delicate skin (Antonovka, White filling), boiled with skin.

The chopped slices are boiled in water (for one kilogram of apples - 2 glasses of water) until completely softened and even boiled (10-15 minutes). Then syrup is added to the fruit (for one kilogram of sugar - one glass of water) or sugar (for one kilogram of fruit - one kilogram of sugar). During cooking Stir the jam mixture regularly. Cooking time from the moment of boiling is 30 minutes.

Cooks according to generally accepted technology. The fruits are sorted, selecting them according to their degree of ripeness for more uniform penetration of sugar into the fruit, wash, remove stalks and seeds. Large fruits are cut into halves or slices.

The prepared fruits are placed in a bowl of water (water 10-15% of the weight of the fruits), boiled for 3-5 minutes, depending on the degree of ripeness of the fruits, until cracks appear. Then pour in syrup (for one kilogram of sugar - one glass of water), cook the jam until ready.

Ready the jam must match the color of the fruit, and the taste is without the aftertaste of burnt sugar. Cooking duration is no more than 40-45 minutes.

Likewise make jam from peaches, plums and cherry plums.

It is not necessary to sterilize finished jams, but when hot, immediately pour them into jars and cover with lids.

Already read: 4739 times

Jam is thicker than preserves. Jam is great for breakfast or a light snack in a free moment. It's so convenient to spread on bread or cookies. How to make jam watch and read further.

How to make jam? Delicious jam recipes

Cherry jam recipe


  • 1 kg pitted cherries
  • 700 gr. Sahara

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the cherries, wash and remove pits.
  2. Cover the cherries with sugar and leave for 2-3 hours until the juice comes out.
  3. Place the cherries over low heat and cook the jam until thickened.
  4. Place hot jam into clean, dry jars.
  5. Sterilize the jam for 10 minutes, then roll it up and wrap it until it cools.

Pear jam recipe


  • 1 kg yellow pears
  • 1 kg sugar

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the pears, peel and core them.
  2. Cut the pears into thin slices and cover with sugar.
  3. Leave the pears in sugar under a towel for a day in a cool place.
  4. Then pour in the apple juice and cook the jam over low heat until done.
  5. The finished jam will be thick and yellow.
  6. Place the jam into prepared jars and sterilize for about 15 minutes.
  7. Roll up metal lids and wrap it up. Store jam in a cool place.

Fig Jam Recipe


  • 1 kg ripe figs
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 tbsp. water
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the figs and add water so that it lightly covers them.
  2. Cook the figs at low boil for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Mash the prepared figs with a spoon or wooden pestle. From 1 tbsp. Boil syrup with water and sugar.
  4. Pour the syrup into the fig puree, add citric acid and stir.
  5. Cook the fig jam for about 20 minutes.
  6. Place the finished jam into sterile jars and roll up. Store in a cool place.

Blackberry jam recipe


  • 3 kg blackberries
  • 1 kg sugar

Cooking method:

  1. Sort out the blackberries, wash and dry.
  2. Pour the blackberries into a saucepan for making jam and heat over medium heat for about 10 minutes to release the juice.
  3. Then add sugar and mix.
  4. Cook the jam for another 20 minutes.
  5. Ready blackberry jam Place in sterile dry jars and seal. Keep refrigerated.

Melon jam recipe


  • 1 kg ripe melon
  • 1 tbsp. unclarified apple juice
  • 1 kg sugar

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the ripe melon, remove skin and seeds.
  2. Cut the melon pulp into small cubes.
  3. Place the melon pieces in a saucepan and pour apple juice and put on fire.
  4. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the melon in the juice for about 10 minutes.
  5. Then add sugar, stir and cook the jam at low simmer for about 20 minutes.
  6. Place the finished jam into jars and seal.

Grape jam recipe


  • 1 kg grapes
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 0.5 pcs. lemon

Cooking method:

  1. Pick the grapes from the grapes, wash them and cut them into halves. If possible, remove seeds.
  2. Place the grapes in a saucepan for making jam and place over high heat.
  3. The berries need to be constantly stirred so that they give more juice.
  4. Finely chop half a lemon or grate it.
  5. Pour sugar and lemon into the grapes.
  6. Stir the jam and cook until ready for 30 minutes.
  7. Place grape jam in small jars, close the lids and cool. Keep refrigerated.

Video recipe "Orange jam"

Have fun cooking and be healthy!

Always yours Alena Tereshina.

Jam is a thick, homogeneous jam made from fruits and berries, which are boiled in sugar syrup until thick mass. Hardening (gelation) depends on the pectin content of the fruit. Jam is made from whole fruits, which are either mashed or cut into pieces. This distinguishes it from jam, where the fruit remains whole, and from jelly, which is made only from squeezed fruit juice, boiled with sugar.

Combining taste fresh fruits with nuts, spices, dried fruits, liqueurs and other alcoholic drinks, you can get a whole range of unusual jams.

Jam can be made from almost any fruit and berry. The method is very simple: the fruits are simmered over low heat until soft, then sugar is added and the mixture is boiled until the thickening process begins. Pre-boiling over low heat softens the fruits and gradually extracts pectin from them. Rapid boiling causes the pectin and sugar to thicken.

If you use fruits that require additional acid and pectin, they must be added separately and at different stages of preparing the jam. Acid, usually in the form of lemon juice, is added to initial stage boiling; it helps extract the pectin they contain from fruits.

BERRIES WITH HIGH PECTIN CONTENT: black currants, red currants, apples, some varieties of plums, quince and gooseberries.

BERRIES WITH LOW PECTIN CONTENT: blackberries, cherries, pears, rhubarb, strawberries, medlar.

In the second stage of cooking, after adding sugar, time is a critical factor. If the mixture is not boiled enough, the jam will turn out runny. If you simmer for too long, the sugar will caramelize and the jam will be thick and very dark.

You can determine the readiness of the jam using a spoon: tilt the spoon with a small amount of hot jam on its side; If the jam forms two drops on the side of the spoon at the same time and they fall completely, the jam is ready and will thicken when it cools. When the jam begins to thicken, it can be placed in jars and sealed. You just need to remove the foam first, otherwise the jam will lose its appearance. Prepared canned food is stored in a dry, dark and cool place to maintain its quality and appearance.

Golden rules for making jams

Always use quality fruits, preferably slightly unripe, they contain the most pectin. Overripe and rotten fruits are not very suitable, since the pectin in them has begun to turn into pectose and the jam will not be stored for long.
Jars must be thoroughly sterilized.
Use the exact amount of sugar called for in the recipe. Sugar reacts with pectin and is necessary for making jam.
The amount of sugar depends on the amount of pectin in the fruit, but basically the ratio for jams is 450 g of sugar per 450 g of fruit. Sometimes there is more sugar, sometimes less, depending on the pectin and acidity of the fruit. Very sour berries, such as blackcurrants, contain a lot of pectin, and if you add an extra 50g of berries for every 100g of sugar, the jam will be very juicy. Fruits like strawberries contain little pectin but are much sweeter, so you need a little less sugar.
Large granulated sugar, especially for jams, dissolves more slowly, and the jam turns out better. Fine sugar dissolves too quickly.
Do not add water when cooking sugar-rich fruits such as strawberries, raspberries or blackberries.
Don't overcook the jam. After adding sugar, it cooks very quickly if there is a lot of pectin. To check if the jam is ready, place a spoonful of jam on a cold plate (from the refrigerator) and refrigerate for a few minutes. If you then move this drop of jam and wrinkles appear on the surface, it is ready.
Always seal the jars immediately after adding jam to prevent mold from appearing on the surface.
Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and use within a year.

Strawberry jam
1 kg strawberries
1 kg granulated sugar

In making jams, long boiling is necessary for thickening. However, the longer the fruits are cooked, the less they retain their color, taste and shape.
For this reason, fruits cooked without thickening (and they can be used in the same way as other jellies and jams) retain more of their natural flavor.
To obtain this result, the fruits are most often simply boiled in sugar syrup until they become soft. To prepare candied strawberries, which will be discussed in this recipe, however, a different method is used, which is suitable only for these berries and makes it possible to make the most of their juiciness and sweetness.

First, a small portion of strawberries is boiled in sugar syrup for one minute. At the same time, juice is extracted from the berries, which they, along with their color, give to the syrup. The berries, which have become soft and pale, are set aside to dry. The syrup is thickened to concentrate color and flavor. Then the next portion of berries is placed in the syrup, and the procedure is repeated.
When all the berries have been boiled in this way, the juice that drained from them during drying is poured into syrup, which is then thickened to its original volume.
All berries are boiled in condensed syrup. During this second boiling, a remarkable change occurs in the berries: they absorb most of the thickly colored liquid and become red and round again, ready for jarring.
The main thing in this process is to re-thicken the juice-rich syrup. As a result of condensation, five kilograms of berries yield only about two and a half kilograms of jam.
Condensation concentrates the sugars contained in strawberries and their natural taste qualities. But it is necessary to add a small amount of sugar for preparing syrup for pre-boiling.
Since it is impossible to accurately determine the proportion of sugar in finished product, it should not be stored for as long as similar, cooked in the usual way. But even in this case, the product will last for several months. To store it longer, sterilize for 5 minutes.
