Alcohol. Xu Xu (XuXu). Strawberry liqueur xu xu at home

Each of us knows that the strawberry season is very short, and the price category of this product changes every time. But still, there is a way to prolong the pleasure of similar delicacy, namely, to cook at home very original drinkstrawberry liqueur.

The drink prepared according to this recipe has a very rich aroma of fresh strawberries, quite pleasant soft taste, and also a beautiful red color.

All we need for preparation is:

  • cognac or vodka, alcohol if desired - 1 liter;
  • fresh berries strawberries – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • lemon juice -30 grams;
  • clean water - 0.5 liters.

Cooking method step by step:

The first step is to very carefully sort out the strawberries themselves, remove the missing fruits and separate the tails and stems from the fruit itself. After which they need to be washed under running water, then each berry is divided in half into two even parts.

In the next stage, we transfer our strawberries into a clean separate container (jar, bottle), pour cognac, vodka or alcohol, adding lemon juice. Close the whole thing very tightly with a lid.

It is important to take into account the fact that the alcohol covers the berries by at least two centimeters.

After this time, it is necessary to strain our liqueur through a sieve and carefully filter several times through a triple layer of ordinary gauze.

Now we will need our unaccounted for ingredients, namely a kilogram of sugar and water. Mix them in a saucepan and put on the stove. You need to wait until the water boils, and then let it stand for about five minutes, removing the resulting foam with a slotted spoon. You must wait until the resulting syrup cools.

Mix water with strawberry liqueur and already almost ready drink pour into empty bottles. We just have to wait a little longer.

For seven or eight days we leave our strawberry liqueur in a dark place where room temperature is maintained.

Recipe for strawberry liqueur XuXu (Xu Xu)

Strawberry liqueur Xu Xu from German trademark"Georg Hemmeter" has a very bright crimson color, which is achieved thanks to the dye, so you should not count on the identity at home. Also, homemade liqueur will have a richer taste and aroma.

For our recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • vodka (can be replaced with any other alcohol) – 1 liter;
  • strawberries – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • clean, boiled water– 0.5 liters.

Cooking method:

We carefully sort the berries, rinse and clean off all excess. Afterwards, cut into four equal parts and fold into the usual three liter jar.

Pour the selected alcohol to the very top and close our future drink with a lid. Then we leave it on the windowsill for about two weeks.

Periodically, you can open the container, thereby releasing the accumulated gas. After fourteen days, drain the tincture, carefully filtering through cheesecloth.

Bring the mixed water and sugar to a boil and cool to twenty degrees. Mix the liquids and after thorough stirring, distribute into bottles. After seven days of infusion in a dark room, everything is ready.

Quick recipe for making strawberry liqueur

The recipe for making liqueur given below is called fast because the cooking time takes about thirty minutes. And you can use it immediately after preparation.

We will need:

  • strawberries – 300 grams;
  • vodka – 200 milliliters;
  • sugar – 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

We wash the strawberries, after removing the tails. In a spacious container, blend it with a blender until homogeneous mass. Let's fall asleep granulated sugar and mix with our vodka, thoroughly mixing the resulting mass.

Strawberry puree will significantly reduce the strength of the vodka and become more viscous.

If the liqueur is too strong for your taste, you can dilute it with boiled water.

Pour the strawberry liqueur into a decanter and cool thoroughly. Serve with chocolate.

Bananovo - strawberry liqueur

According to their own taste qualities This alcoholic drink is very reminiscent of banana-strawberry juice. Has excellent color and aroma.


  • strawberries - 350 grams;
  • banana – 2 pieces;
  • vodka – 0.5 liters;
  • sugar – 200 grams;
  • water – 200 milliliters.

Cooking method:

We clean the strawberries from all excess, after rinsing them. We cut the berries and bananas into circles, and then carefully place them layer by layer in a jar. We fill it all with our alcohol and leave it in the sun for seven days. Then pour the tincture into a separate bowl, add sugar to the fruit and wait until it melts. Then we drain our syrup and mix it with the main tincture.

We age the liqueur for another 14 days and we can begin tasting.

Strawberry liqueur with schnapps and brandy

Enough unusual combination spirit perfect different drinks, allows you to create a truly unsurpassed product.

We will need:

  • strawberries - 1.5 kilograms;
  • brandy – 0.5 liters;
  • schnapps – 0.5 liters;
  • sugar – 200 grams;
  • purified water – 200 milliliters.

Cooking method:

Pour pre-washed and crushed strawberries with alcohol. And already in closed jar leave for ten days. When this period comes to an end, you need to prepare the syrup. To do this, mix water with sugar and bring the syrup to a boil. After which it should be cooled and added to the tincture. Pour the finished liqueur into bottles.

Strawberry liqueur with lemon and mint

If you still don’t know how to make strawberry liqueur, but have long dreamed of trying it, this recipe will suit you perfectly.

It requires the following ingredients:

  • fresh strawberries – 500 grams,
  • mint - one bunch;
  • vodka – 150 grams;
  • condensed milk – 100 grams.

Cooking method:

Wash fresh strawberries and cut into even pieces. At the same time, chop the mint. Mix all this with condensed milk. Blend until smooth in a blender. Now you can add vodka. Mixing thoroughly, pour the resulting substance into a clean jar and leave in the room for thirty minutes. Then strain and bottle. The liquor is ready.

XuXu (Xu Xu) - German strawberry liqueur. It appeared not so long ago - in 1997, but has already gained great popularity.

Xu Xu has a bright red color and pleasant strawberry flavor. Moderately sweet, lime juice gives it a slight citrus sourness. The strength of the drink is 15%.

The drink has gained fame due to its unusual production technology: no sugar is used for production, and the strawberry content in it is more than 65%. However, the official website states that only natural ingredients are used. However, this is some cunning on the part of the Bavarian company “Georg Hemmeter”: its liqueur still contains one dye - E129, which gives the drink a “strawberry” color.

Types of Xuxu

Xuxu Strawberry Vodka

Ingredients: crystal clear vodka with strawberries and lime juice. It has a bright crimson color and rich berry aroma. It is characterized by a strawberry sweetish taste. Has a strength of 15%. Sold in branded 500 ml bottles.

Xuxu Erdbeerdrink 1l

The strength of this type is 15%. The approximate price of 1 liter of Xuxu is 750 rubles.

Xuxu Ten

10% version of strawberry liqueur. Available in a small aluminum bottle of 250 ml. You can buy it in duty free, price Xuxu liqueur at the time of publication is €5 or 225 rubles.

What to drink with?

Serve as a stand-alone drink after pre-cooling it to 10°C. Often used when creating fruit desserts and ice cream. But most often Xu Xu is used in cocktails. Among the most popular cocktails Mixes with champagne or other sparkling wine are considered strawberry XuXu.

And this is homemade:

Fragrant strawberry liqueur with a hint of lemon

Aromatic liqueur! Strong strawberry flavor and subtle lemon note.

We will need: 0.5 kg ripe, sweet strawberries; 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol, diluted to 40-45%; 250-300 g sugar; ½ part of a large lemon; 200 ml of settled water.

The preparation is as follows:

We wash the strawberries, remove the stalks and cut them in half (if the berries are large, then you can cut them into quarters). Pour the strawberries into a liter jar and fill it with vodka. It is important that all the berries are covered with vodka. You can take more of it and pour it to the very edges of the jar.

We also add the juice of half a lemon to our infusion - it will give the drink a pleasant sourness.

We send the jar to a windowsill for 7-10 days, preferably with some sun.

Then you need to carefully pour the infusion through cheesecloth, without squeezing the strawberries, and add sugar to the jar of berries. We cork the infusion and set it aside - we don’t need it yet.

The jar with strawberries and sugar should be gently shaken a couple of times and set aside for another 2-3 days until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Drain the syrup, add 200 ml of water to the jar, stir and drain the remaining syrup again.

Mix the strawberry infusion with syrup, pour into a jar and forget about it for another 3-5 days. During this time, the liquor will clear and it can be removed from the sediment and then filtered.

In the end you should succeed delicious liqueur beautiful “strawberry” color. Its strength will not exceed 15%, but the taste and aroma are simply divine.

It is better to drink liqueur chilled. Our home Xu Xu tastes great with champagne and other sparkling wines and also with ice cream.

The drink appeared not so long ago - at the end of the last millennium. It is produced exclusively in Bavaria by Georg Hemmeter. From there it is distributed all over the world. If desired, you can make a similar liqueur yourself, because the manufacturer claims that only natural ingredients. And it’s easy to believe, because you can even find small berry seeds in it!

The drink contains ripe strawberries - approximately 66% of the total volume of the product, the remainder being vodka. In addition, it adds an interesting note to the taste of the drink. a small amount of lime juice. By mixing all the components into, you will get a liqueur similar to XuXu, but, of course, not identical. Like any major manufacturer, Georg Hemmeter probably has its own secrets of production, which are kept secret.

Who is XuXu liqueur suitable for?

This drink is primarily aimed at the fair half of humanity. Sweet rich taste, incredible pleasant aroma And beautiful colour liqueur will appeal to many women. The undoubted advantage of the drink is that, despite its fairly high strength (about 15 degrees), it is practically not felt during consumption. In this regard, some caution must be exercised! You can easily get carried away by the drink and quickly get drunk!

How to drink XuXu strawberry liqueur?

The second use of liqueurs is. Today it is rare for a person to drink pure liqueur, but as a component they are familiar. Liqueur can be used as:

Cocktail base;

Cocktail flavoring;

As a syrup that provides sweetness;

As a tonic base for a cocktail.

Liqueurs go well with brandy and rum. Together, these spirits are woven into a bizarre taste pattern that delights us with its exquisite taste and aroma.

Of course, the choice of liqueur is a personal matter for everyone, as well as how drink liquor. Only one thing is certain, drinking them is pleasant and necessary. It is a mistaken belief that liqueur is based on its flavor base. In fact, the base for any liqueur is herbs, and only then fruit drinks and sugar are added. This fact speaks in favor of this drink. Liqueur is more gentle on the cardiovascular system, which alcohol usually affects negatively.

Drinking liqueurs was once very fashionable, but today this fashion is returning. So let's support long-standing traditions and start enjoying truly worthy alcoholic drinks.

Sambuca is a popular drink in nightclubs and bars. This Italian liqueur has a sweet aniseed flavor. On average it contains from 38 to 40 degrees of strength.

There are many ways to consume the currently fashionable sambuca liqueur. Most often, preference is given to the following.

The “drink as you eat” method. Despite the fact that this liqueur is from sunny Italy Quite sweet, many people prefer to drink it undiluted in its natural state. In such cases, it plays the role of a kind of digestif. So knowledgeable people are drinks that are usually served at the end of a meal.

A little trick for this method. Cool the sambuca well before drinking so that its sugary sweetness does not spoil the flavor bouquet. Before serving, the liqueur should spend at least half an hour in the freezer.

Method “with” (Italian) – the “flies” in the glass will be three coffee beans. They originally represented happiness, wealth and health, but some people forget this and perceive them as the "highlight" of the drink to create a contrast.

In order to please yourself with sambuca in Italian version, take liqueur, a couple of glasses, a saucer, 3 coffee beans, cocktail straws, napkins and a lighter (matches).

Throw coffee beans into the first glass, pour in 50 to 70 milliliters of sambuca. Place a napkin on a saucer, make a hole in its center for a straw (insert it with the short end).

The culmination of the preparation process is to set fire to the sambuca. The high strength of the liqueur makes this process simple and very effective. Watch the blue flame dance over the glass for 5 seconds, then quickly pour the liqueur into the second glass, and cover it on top with the empty one. The flame will go out after a few seconds, and vapor will collect in the top glass. They should be inhaled through a straw. Carefully set this glass aside and place it on a saucer with a straw.

But don’t forget about safety precautions, be careful and don’t raise your glass too high.

Use liqueur in the following order:

Drink the liquid from the glass;
- hold the coffee beans in your mouth;
- inhale the vapor several times;
- chew the grains.

The "burning stack" method. This option is especially popular among Russians. Light the liquor and after 3-5 seconds extinguish the flame with a sharp exhalation. Then warm drink drink in one gulp, like vodka or alcohol.

Diluted sambuca is perfect for use in summer heat. Cold mineral water is sufficient for preparation. In this case, no specific proportions are established. It all depends on how strong your liqueurs are.

The extreme method is suitable for the most daring alcohol lovers. Take the liqueur into your mouth, but do not rush to swallow the drink. After this, dry your lips thoroughly, tilt your head back and open your mouth. Ask someone or yourself to bring a burning match, and when you feel heat in your mouth, close your lips and swallow the warm liquid.

The most strawberry liqueur XuXu. Of course, you can buy it in the store, however quality drink It is rare and sells for a high price, so it is much easier and more profitable to make it.

You will need 750 ml of good vodka. Pour the drink into a large container, such as a saucepan. Then beat and mix 0.5 kg of strawberries in a blender, add 400 g of sugar and a pinch to the resulting mass. citric acid and mix thoroughly again. Pass the resulting puree through a fine sieve and add the strawberry mixture to the vodka.

Then pour the drink into bottles, place in a dark, cool place and leave to infuse for 1.5-2 weeks. You can drink the drink immediately after preparation, but to obtain better taste still worth the wait.

Using the resulting liqueur, try making a simple ladies' cocktail. Pour 2 glasses of champagne into a container, add 4 tbsp. XuXu liqueur and 4-5 tbsp. fresh strawberries, pureed to a puree consistency. Stir the drink and the cocktail is ready.

There is another variation of the champagne cocktail. Pour 10 ml lime juice and 50 ml XuXu liqueur into a glass. Then add 100 ml of champagne and use a special stick to stir the drink. Add 2-3 small ice cubes and strawberries to the resulting cocktail, and garnish the rim of the glass with a slice of lime.

If you want to try a more complex drink, try making a strawberry daiquiri. First, pour 0.5 tbsp into the shaker. rum, 4 tbsp. chocolate liqueur and 300 ml XuXu. Whisk the drink thoroughly for 40-50 seconds. Then take a tall glass, widening at the top, and apply a thick spiral onto it. chocolate syrup. Pour the liquid from the shaker into a glass and add 1 tbsp on top. chocolate liqueur so that you get two layers of the drink. Place a strawberry in a glass and insert a straw through which you will drink the cocktail, and your strawberry daiquiri will be ready.

Another interesting option– XuXuBana cocktail. Take a tall glass and pour 120 ml into it banana juice. Then, using a bar spoon or knife, add XuXu liqueur to the drink so that it does not mix with the juice, but forms an additional layer. At first it will be very difficult to achieve the desired effect, but after a few you will learn how to add liqueur correctly. Add strawberries to the finished cocktail for decoration.

Tip 2: What cocktails can be made using rum?

Rum is a traditional alcoholic drink made from sugar cane in Central and Latin America. The first European mentions of it date back to the mid-17th century. Because the rum is strong alcoholic drink with a unique taste, it has gained the greatest popularity in the world as a basis for preparing many cocktails. The list of rum-based cocktails is constantly growing. But there are recipes that can rightfully be called cocktail classics.

To learn how to use rum correctly, you should first become familiar with the main types of rum. Firstly, they differ in color: light, which is more often called white or silver, gold (amber) and dark rum. Rum is also distinguished by the degree of aging and is also labeled in several categories: ordinary, light - without aging, old and very old. There is also a separate category of so-called aromatic rums. As a rule, the majority dark varieties The rums undergo long aging in bourbon or sherry barrels.

One of the most popular rum-based cocktails in our bars has become the “Mojito” due to its original taste, given it a freshness when combined with lime. In addition to light rum, lime and mint, the cocktail includes the following ingredients: soda water, ice and sugar. The drink refreshes and cools, gives vigor at any time of the day. There is a legend that this cocktail was Ernest Hemingway's favorite drink.

The next cocktail on the classic list is, of course, the Daiquiri. There are several varieties of this cocktail:, and other varieties. This cocktail invariably contains light rum, sugar, cubed ice and lime. For fruit versions of this cocktail, add banana or strawberry syrup. Daiquiri without added sugar

Xuxu Strawberry Vodka

XuXu (Xu Xu) - German strawberry liqueur. It appeared not so long ago - in 1997, but has already gained great popularity. Xu Xu has a bright red color and a pleasant strawberry flavor. Moderately sweet, lime juice gives it a slight citrus sourness. The strength of the drink is 15%.

The drink has gained fame due to its unusual production technology: no sugar is used for production, and the strawberry content in it is more than 65%. However, the official website states that only natural ingredients are used. However, this is some cunning on the part of the Bavarian company “Georg Hemmeter”: its liqueur still contains one dye - E129, which gives the drink a “strawberry” color.

Types of Xuxu

Xuxu Strawberry Vodka

Ingredients: crystal clear vodka with strawberries and lime juice. It has a bright raspberry color and a rich berry aroma. It is characterized by a strawberry sweetish taste. Has a strength of 15%. Sold in branded 500 ml bottles.

Xuxu Erdbeerdrink 1l

The strength of this type is 15%. The approximate price of 1 liter of Xuxu is 750 rubles.

Xuxu Ten

10% version of strawberry liqueur. Available in a small aluminum bottle of 250 ml. You can buy it in duty free; the price of Xuxu liqueur at the time of publication is €5 or 225 rubles.

Did you know?
Where and how to buy alcohol at night without breaking the law?

What to drink with?

Serve as a stand-alone drink after pre-cooling it to 10°C. Often used to create fruit desserts and ice creams. But most often Xu Xu is used in cocktails. Among the most popular cocktails with strawberry XuXu are mixes with champagne or other sparkling wine.
