Strawberry jam with whole berries - quick and tasty! How to make strawberry jam with whole berries - recipe with photo

For most housewives, it is very important not only to make jam for the winter, but also to make it as tasty as possible. That is, it is important that Strawberry jam Not only did it taste delicious, but it also gave a pleasant sensation when the strawberry entered your mouth. You need to make sure that the strawberries do not soften and turn into porridge during the cooking process... To do this, you need to know how to cook thick jam from strawberries so that the berries are whole.

Recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries

In order to make such jam you need to know some subtleties, namely:

  • strawberries should not be overripe;
  • You don’t need to cook the jam for long;
  • The more sugar you add to the berries, the thicker the jam and the more elastic the berries will be.


  • For 1 kg of strawberries
  • You need 1 kg or more sugar.

That is, if you want to cook strawberries in a sweet syrup that looks like jam from afar, take 1 kg of sugar, but if you want to get thick jam without losing the integrity of the berries, take 1.5 kg of sugar.

We sort through and wash the strawberries. Cover it with sugar and leave for 4-6 hours so that it releases juice.
When the sugar sinks to the bottom and you see juice, you can proceed to the next step.
Place the pan with the strawberries over medium heat, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low and cook for 3-4 minutes. Then remove from heat until completely cooled.

This step must be repeated 3 times. Therefore, be prepared that the jam will take 1-2 days to prepare.

During the cooking process, it is very important to stir the strawberries as often as possible and remove any foam that has formed from them.
When the jam has been boiled for the last time, it should immediately be packaged in sterilized jars and sealed with lids.

That's all, the delicious strawberry jam is ready! At the same time, it was preserved beautiful colour and the shape of the berries, the jam is thick and aromatic.

How to make delicious strawberry jam for the winter: video recipe

Bon appetit!

Many housewives know how to make strawberry jam so that the berries remain intact, right? But today I will tell and show you how to make strawberry jam without boiling the berries. That's why simple recipe you will get fragrant, whole berries in sweet and thick syrup- a fabulous treat for the whole family!

A prerequisite for any delicious strawberry jam can be safely called high-quality raw materials, that is, berries. IN in this case try to choose fragrant strawberries small in size (closer to small), whole, dense and elastic. Crumpled or very large berries are not suitable - they will not hold their shape and will even fall apart in the puree. Spoiled ones will even cause fermentation in the jar - sweet preparation will have to throw it away.

I would not recommend reducing the amount of granulated sugar for strawberry jam without cooking, since this is a preservative. In addition, various spices (cinnamon, cardamom and others) personally do not go well with this dessert for our family: my family loves, so to speak, pure taste and the aroma of this fragrant berry.

Total of the specified quantity necessary ingredients you get about 1 liter of strawberry jam without cooking. You can choose jars of the size that suits you best. I used 3 jars with a capacity of 200 milliliters each and 1 half-liter jar, into which I separately closed the thick strawberry syrup.


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The berries that are suitable for this recipe are small, elastic and of excellent quality. We sort out the strawberries (substandard ones, that is, crumpled ones, can be used to make strawberry jam or marshmallows, and feel free to throw away the spoiled ones) and wash them. To do this, we fill a large container with cold water, put the berries in it and let them swim for just a minute - this way the sand will sink to the bottom. Gently mix the strawberries with your hands, then remove and transfer to a colander. It is important not to remove the stems until the berries are clean. Otherwise the strawberries will absorb a large number of water and will become limp.

Remove the stems and place clean berries in a container of suitable size. The weight of strawberries (1 kilogram) is indicated in already prepared form.

Now let's prepare the sugar syrup, which we will subsequently pour over the strawberries. To do this, pour 800 grams of sugar into a small saucepan with a thick bottom or a saucepan and pour 150 milliliters of water into it (can be cold, can be hot - as you like).

Place the dishes over high heat and, stirring, bring the contents to a boil. When all the sugar has dissolved and the syrup boils, turn the heat to medium and cook for about 5-6 minutes. Don't forget to remove the foam!

Pour the boiling syrup over the strawberries, gently melting the berries with a spoon or spatula. No need to stir the strawberries!

In this position, leave the strawberries in the syrup at room temperature until completely cooled - this may take a couple of hours. As the strawberries cool, they will release their juice, color and aroma to the syrup. The berries themselves will become a little lighter and denser.

Carefully pour the syrup back into the saucepan, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 5-6 minutes (remove the foam). During this time sugar syrup will thicken slightly due to evaporation of moisture.

A similar procedure should be carried out 1-2 more times (a total of 3-4 pours). The photo shows already cooled strawberries in syrup after 3 pours of syrup.

Now all that remains is to seal the strawberry jam without cooking for the winter. To do this, you need to carefully prepare the jar and lids in advance in any way convenient for you. I like doing this best in microwave oven- for this preparation I use 3 jars, each with a capacity of 200 milliliters, and 1 jar, with a capacity of 500 milliliters. Wash the soda cans thoroughly or detergent, then rinse in cold water and pour 2 fingers of water into the bottom of each. Place in the microwave and steam everything together at the highest power for about 6-7 minutes. I simply wash the lids, put them in a saucepan, pour in water (so that the lids are completely covered) and boil for about 5 minutes. Place the berries in three prepared 200 ml jars. You will need a half-liter jar a little later.

Hello dear readers of my blog!

Today in this article we’ll talk about strawberry jam recipes for the winter. Strawberries are one of the most popular and favorite berries with an excellent aroma and taste. You can use it to make a variety of delicacies - jams, syrups, sweet liqueurs, baked goods, cocktails...

My family and I love homemade strawberry jam. Having enjoyed plenty of fresh berries, we begin to prepare for the winter. We cook the berries, make compotes different ways. In winter, this is simply a godsend and a delight. When you grow and pick berries from your garden, then the jam will be the most delicious, aromatic and healthy.

A lot of delicious recipes You can make strawberry jam for the winter, and in the cold season you can treat yourself to this delicacy with a cup of tea. We recommend making thick strawberry jam with whole berries, you will definitely like it - you'll just lick your fingers.

Recipes for delicious strawberry jam

Thick strawberry jam with whole berries


  • sugar -2.5 kg
  • strawberries -2.5 kg
  • lemon - 1 piece (if there is no lemon, you can replace 2 tsp of solution citric acid)


We prepare the dishes to cook the jam. The dishes should have a thick bottom. This can be an enamel bowl or pan; in such dishes the berries and granulated sugar will not burn.

Pour fresh berries along with sepals cold water and rinse well. To prevent strawberries from absorbing excess moisture, there is no need to pick off the sepals.

Pour half the sugar into a bowl. Add the washed and sepal-free strawberries to the sugar. Sprinkle the remaining sugar on top of the strawberries. Without stirring, shake the bowl with the berries and leave for a day. The strawberries should give juice.

When the strawberries gave juice after a day, we put the bowl with the berries on small fire. Be sure to stir with a wooden spoon. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. Turn it off and don’t forget to remove the foam. Leave the jam for another day.

A day later we put it on fire again.

To prevent the jam from becoming sugary or sour during storage, add the juice of one lemon. If lemon is not found, you can add 2 tsp of citric acid solution.

Bring the jam to a boil and cook over low heat until tender. Keep an eye on the foam; if it forms, remove it.

To find out whether our jam is ready or not, we check it for readiness: drop a drop of jam on a saucer or on a fingernail and let it cool. If the drop does not spread, the jam is ready.

Pour the jam into clean jars. Close the jars with a lid and store in a cool place.

Serve the finished jam for tea.


  • 1 kilogram of strawberries
  • 1 kilogram of sugar

How to make five-minute strawberry jam for the winter

Strawberries need to be sorted, washed and allowed to drain. Remove the sepals after washing the berries.

Cover the berries with sugar. To keep your 5 minutes well in the refrigerator, use a 1:1 ratio of berries to sugar.

For the berry to produce juice, leave it for 2 hours, or better yet, overnight in the refrigerator so that it does not ferment. In the morning we put the pan on the fire. Without stirring, wait for the jam to boil. 5 minutes after boiling, turn off and remove from heat.

After cooking, remove the foam, which will appeal to many.

Pre-sterilize the jars and boil the lids. Place the hot jam into jars and close the lids. Turn the jars upside down and cover with a blanket. When cool, put it away for storage in the cellar or pantry.

I store the jam for 5 minutes in the freezer plastic bottles from under water. Very comfortably.

Bon appetit!

Recipe for strawberry jam without boiling the berries

This method of jam is also called pureed strawberries with sugar. For health, this is the most useful way strawberry jam for the winter. In this way, strawberries retain the most beneficial vitamins.


Strawberries - 1 kilogram

Granulated sugar- 1 kg

(ratio 1:1)


First, we sort out the strawberries, wash them,

In June and July, strawberries are already beginning to ripen. At this time it is time to collect fruits to cook aromatic and delicious jam, which will delight with its taste and aroma whole year. To make jam, you can use both cut and whole strawberries. However, whole berries produce the most tasty treat. Let's talk about how to make strawberry jam from whole berries.

How to make strawberry jam with whole berries - useful tips

  • Pick strawberries for jam in sunny, dry weather.
  • Start making strawberry jam on the day you pick the berries.
  • Do not use overripe strawberries, otherwise the jam will not be as flavorful.
  • After picking the berries, be sure to sort them to remove any damaged strawberries.
  • When preparing jam, be sure to remove any foam that has formed from the surface. It is better to remove the foam with a special spoon with holes so as not to remove the syrup.
  • Remove stems and leaves only after washing and drying the berries.
  • If you want to make the berries more dense, wash and dry them, then sprinkle with sugar and refrigerate for several hours. Immediately after, wash the berries and start making strawberry jam.
  • It is advisable to use berries of the same size.
  • You can also make strawberry jam from frozen berries, but the flavor of the jam will not be as rich as a result.

How to make strawberry jam with whole berries

Classic recipe


  • Medium sized strawberries 3-3.5 kg.
  • Granulated sugar 3 kg.
  • Rinse the berries under cool water, then remove the leaves and stalks.
  • Place all the strawberries in a colander and let the water drain and the berries dry a little. This will take on average 20-30 minutes.
  • Take an enamel bowl and place strawberries in it and sprinkle it with sugar. Let the strawberries and sugar brew for half an hour.
  • Place the strawberries and sugar over low heat until syrup forms.
  • Mix the jam thoroughly. You can use a spatula for this, but it’s still better to gently shake the bowl of jam, thereby gradually mixing it. This way you will keep the berries intact.
  • Collect the foam from the surface of the jam and continue to cook it over low heat for another 5 minutes.
  • Leave the jam overnight or for 7-8 hours, then repeat steps 4-6 twice and at intervals of 7 hours when the jam is infused again. Thus, the jam is prepared in 3 approaches.
  • Place the newly prepared jam into sterile, dry jars and cover with a sterile, hot cap. Roll up the jars and leave them upside down under a warm blanket. Once the jars have cooled completely, you can turn them over. The prepared jam should be stored in a dark, cool place.

Quick recipe


  • Strawberries of the same size 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar 0.8-1 kg.
  • Lemon juice 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Rinse the strawberries under cool water, then let them dry a little and remove the stems and leaves.
  • Place the berries in a large enamel pan and cover them with sugar. Place the dish in a cool place overnight. During this time, the strawberries should give juice.
  • Place the pan with the contents on low heat and wait until the jam boils.
  • Immediately turn the heat to high (high) and cook the strawberry jam for 5 minutes. At this time, you need to constantly stir it and remove the foam.
  • Add juice to the newly prepared jam and mix everything thoroughly.
  • If you are making jam for the winter, then while still boiling, you need to distribute it into dry, sterile jars and roll it up. Otherwise, you need to wait until the jam has cooled down and put it in a dry, sterile jar and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

Strawberry jam turns out to be very fragrant, the berries remain intact, and the syrup turns out to be very thick and stretchy. Prepared strawberry jam from whole berries will be great addition for pancakes, pancakes and even white bread.

Strawberries are eaten in fresh, compotes and wines are made from it, jellies and syrups are made and, of course, they are made fragrant jam. This berry is not just a tasty summer treat, but also a source of minerals, vitamins, organic acids, pectins and useful substances. Strawberries are famous for their zero fat and cholesterol content. Being a source of antioxidants, it helps fight many diseases and serves as a preventative. Consumption of strawberry jam regulates the level blood pressure, reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels, normalizes work nervous system, improves memory and boosts immunity. Jam is indispensable for colds and insomnia.

What is jam? It's simple: it's boiling berries with sugar. Canning is a long process, so you should work a little and be patient, because jam doesn’t like to be rushed. But this does not mean at all that you should not lose sight of the pan during all the hours of cooking. It is the infusion of the treat that takes the most time. The efforts spent will definitely be rewarded. Just imagine how nice it will be in the cold winter evening enjoy the jar homemade jam with whole strawberries!

Strawberry jam with whole berries will serve perfect filling for pie, pastries and cake. Strawberry jam is a wonderful addition to cheesecakes, pancakes and pancakes. It will be delicious just to add berries to tea.

Strawberry jam with whole berries - general principles of preparation

To make jam you need, as is already clear, the strawberries themselves and granulated sugar.

For ease of sorting berries, select deep container. A saucepan, stewpan, basin, bowl, any enameled utensils and stainless steel utensils are perfect.

We wash the strawberries and remove the green leaves. The berries must be carefully prepared for the canning process.

One of important features making jam, distinguishing it from jam and marmalade, is a whole form of berries. Therefore, strawberries should be washed under low pressure of water so that the berry maintains its integrity. For convenience, this can be done in a colander.

For jam, it is better to take a medium-sized strawberry, since cooking large berries takes longer. Also interesting is the relationship between the size and taste of strawberries: medium berries are much sweeter.

Do not allow the presence of mint and soft strawberries, as jam from such berries will give a lot of excess liquid.

The main thing in preparation is not to overcook the jam so that it does not lose its vitamin value.

The jam should be stored in a dark, cool place. This could be a closet, closet, or basement.

Classic strawberry jam with whole berries


Strawberries – 1000 g;

Granulated sugar – 1300 g.

Cooking method:

1. Strawberries must be peeled, washed, placed in a deep pan, covered with sugar and left for 6-7 hours. After this time, a mixture should form in the bowl. Strawberry juice. If this does not happen, leave the strawberries at room temperature for another hour.

2. Place the pan with candied strawberries on the fire and bring to a boil, then boil for 5-7 minutes. Don’t forget to remove the resulting foam. Turn off the gas and leave the pan until completely cool.

3. Put it on the fire again and cook for 3-4 minutes. We repeat this action 2 more times.

4. Let the jam cool for the last time, put it in pre-sterilized jars and close tightly.

Strawberry jam with whole berries without cooking


Strawberries – 1 kg;

Sugar – 500 g;

Water – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Peel, rinse and leave medium-sized strawberries to dry.

2. Place the water and sugar on low heat, boil, and then boil for another 2-3 minutes.

3. Pour hot syrup over the strawberries and leave for an hour and a half so that they release juice.

4. Set aside the berries, and put this syrup on the fire, boil for 3-4 minutes.

5. Pour over the strawberries again and leave for an hour.

6. Repeat the steps with the syrup one more time, but boil for 5 minutes.

7. Place the berries in sterilized jars and fill them with syrup.

Strawberry jam with whole berries and chocolate


Strawberries – 1000g;

Milk chocolate – 150 g;

Sugar – 600 g;

Citric acid – 3 g.

Cooking method:

1. Mix granulated sugar and citric acid. Next you should fill it up fresh berries strawberries in a deep bowl.

2. Place the bowl on gas and bring to a boil, cook over moderate heat for 5 minutes.

3. As soon as the cooking process is nearing the end, spread the grated strawberries milk chocolate. Stir gently until it is completely dissolved so that the berries retain their whole shape.

4. Place the hot jam into sterilized jars, close tightly and turn the lid down. Cover with a towel or warm blanket.

Strawberry jam with whole berries “Strawberries in their own juice”


Strawberries – 1000 g;

Sugar – 1200 g.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the strawberries and remove leaves. Place the berries in an enamel bowl.

2. Sprinkle the strawberries with sugar, without stirring, so as not to turn them into a porridge. The sugar should completely cover the strawberries.

3. Leave in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. If the strawberries do not release juice well, put them on the lowest heat and bring to a boil with a wooden spoon. Leave the strawberries until the next morning. This procedure should be carried out for 3 days. The more times you do this, the harder the strawberry will be. We emphasize that you should boil once a day, after which you let the jam cool completely.

4. During the last boil, we begin to put the jam in the jars while it is still hot. The lids must be tightly closed and the jars must be turned upside down. If the lid does not fit tightly or is defective, the jam will come out and you will see it. Cover with a thick towel and wait for it to cool completely.

Homemade thick strawberry jam with whole berries


Strawberries – 1 kg;

Granulated sugar – 1000 g;

Half a glass of water.

Cooking method:

1. Cover the strawberries with half of the sand prescribed in the recipe. Please note that we will start preparing the syrup only when the berries give juice.

2. Add the remaining granulated sugar to the water. Add strawberry juice to the sugar mixture and mix thoroughly. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Let the syrup boil a little, then add the berries. Bring to a boil again. Valid here old rule: Cook in 2 batches. But the second time we cook for at least 5 minutes. Remove the foam and wait for the jam to cool. If the syrup or jam does not spread, it is ready.

3. Pour granulated sugar into the bottom of the jars, lay out the jam and pour sugar on top again.

Strawberry jam with whole berries in a frying pan


A glass of strawberries;

Half a glass of sugar;

Citric acid – 2 g.

Cooking method:

1. Pour a glass of strawberries into a preheated wide frying pan. We also pour sand here. Stir constantly and wait for the strawberry-sugar mass to become more homogeneous.

2. As soon as the sugar begins to dissolve and the strawberries release juice, cut off 5-7 minutes. Stir constantly and increase the heat.

3. Add a little citric acid, it will enhance the color of the jam and preserve attractive appearance berries

4. Pour the resulting jam into warm sterilized jars.

French strawberry jam with whole berries


Strawberries – 2 kg;

Granulated sugar – 1400 g;

Half a lemon;


Cooking method:

1. On the eve of cooking, add sugar to the strawberries in a flat bowl without stirring. Leave it to infuse overnight at room temperature so that she will give her more generously. flavored juice.

2. Save lemon juice, do not add lemon zest to the jam. We also vigorously survive the orange. The presence of lemon will make the berries denser. If orange pulp gets into the bowl when squeezing, don’t be upset, it won’t harm the jam.

3. Send the juice to the berries. Carefully lift the strawberries with a silicone spatula to make it easier to pick up the sugar and avoid damaging the berries.

4. In a cooking basin over medium heat, heat the mass. Help the sugar dissolve by pushing the spatula in a zigzag motion. Regulate the heat so that there is no intense boiling. After 5 minutes, take off the gas.

5. Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove the hot berries from the basin.

6. After removing the berries, light the fire again and boil the syrup until the jam becomes thick. Adjust the cooking time yourself. If you want to make the jam thicker, leave it to cook for longer. You can check the readiness of the syrup like this: drop a tablespoon of jam on a saucer with a white bottom. If it spreads, it means the syrup is weakly boiled. If the syrup stretches from the spoon in the form of a thread, this indicates an extreme degree of boiling of the syrup, when it can turn into sugar. If the drop stands and does not drain, the syrup is boiled down.

7. As soon as the syrup has boiled down, use a spatula to return the berries, since they are not yet fully cooked. We forget about the spatula, grab the edges of the cooking basin with our hands and stir the berries in the hot syrup in a circular motion.

8. Return to the heat and set for 15 minutes.

9. Pour hot jam into jars and roll up.

Strawberry jam with whole berries - tricks and tips

To avoid getting candied jam, you need to add a drop of citric acid.

It is better to let the strawberries brew in the refrigerator, this is where the berries hold their shape better.

The cooking fire should not be strong or weak. As foam appears, reduce the gas. Don’t forget to remove the foam and make sure that the jam doesn’t run away.

Be sure to sterilize the jars in which the jam will be placed to destroy all harmful bacteria. This can be done, for example, in the oven at a temperature of 130-140 degrees for 30 minutes. The jars must be completely dry. Don't forget to sterilize the lids too.

Vinegar added to the jam will prevent the sweetness from thickening.

To check the readiness of the jam, gourmets use the following technique: pour a tablespoon of jam onto a saucer, leave for 3-4 minutes, and draw a straight line with the spoon. If the line does not immediately disappear, the jam is ready.

Amazing taste homemade strawberry jam with whole berries will win your heart. Its delicious aroma will spread throughout the room and bring warmth. summer days. Tender whole berries from homemade jam, without any doubt, worthy decoration any cake and confectionery product. Make yourself and your loved ones happy!
