Rating of cognac brands in France. French city of Cognac (Poitou-Charentes region)

Cognac is rightfully considered one of the most popular and noble strong alcoholic drinks. Its history begins in the French province of Aquitaine in the city that gave its name to the drink.

It’s no wonder that cognac brands from France produce the most famous brands this elite alcohol. Therefore, in the article we compiled a rating the best manufacturers cognac from the Fifth Republic.

Note: in description taste qualities and the prices of each brand will be used brand cognacs VSOP in a 0.7 liter bottle.


Without a doubt, the Hennessy company is the most famous brand for the production of cognac. Moreover, this name has become synonymous with elite cognac. The history of this cognac house began in 1765, when its founder Richard Hennessy moved to France from Ireland. He was familiar with the technology of whiskey production and decided to produce cognac using a similar algorithm.

Interesting fact. In the 19th century, during the cholera epidemic in England, it was believed that drinking Hennessey cognac had a disinfecting effect and prevented the disease.

Today, Hennessy is the best-selling cognac in the world, accounting for 46% of global sales. It was the Hennessey company that created the classification of cognacs by aging, which is how XO, VSOP, VS and other designations appeared.

First of all, Hennessy is a balanced and harmonious cognac. The blend consists of sixty alcohols, the aging of which reaches fifteen years. The aroma of cognac is a multifaceted bouquet of aromas, dominated by sandalwood and hazelnut. The dominant flavors are: ripe pear, honey and almonds.

Behind original bottle Hennessy will have to pay from four to five thousand rubles.

The Cognac House of Courvoisier has its origins 200 years ago in the Charente region. This brand is one of the so-called “big four cognacs,” which says a lot about its status.

Interesting fact. The famous connoisseur and collector of elite alcoholic beverages, writer Charles Dickens, had more than 200 bottles of Courvoisier cognac in his collection.

Distinctive feature The production of cognac from this company is its double aging. First, the drink is aged in young wood barrels, then blended and aged in old barrels.

When you open the bottle, you will be greeted by a subtle floral aroma and barely noticeable tones of nuts and vanilla. The taste is dominated by oak, dried fruits, vanilla. The aftertaste is long and very pleasant, with hints of apples and almonds.

The cost of one bottle of Courvoisier cognac is about 5 thousand rubles.

Remy Martin is the second largest cognac supplier in the world. The history of the brand originates from the Charente region, where the son of winemaker Remy Martin acquired vineyards and started his own business. He quickly appreciated the benefits of long-term aging of cognac, which subsequently brought him considerable profit.

Interesting fact. Cognac Remy Martin has been a permanent partner of the Cannes Film Festival for 10 years.

The aroma of this cognac has several levels, including ripe fruits, fresh flowers and nuts. The taste of Remy Martin is dominated by fruity notes with hints of licorice and vanilla.

A bottle of Remy Martin cognac costs about 4 thousand rubles.

In the line of Remy Martin drinks, it is worth highlighting the Louis XIII cognac, which is produced from varieties of alcohol aged from 40 to one hundred years exclusively from the province of Grande Champagne.

This cognac has special tasting characteristics. The aroma initially reveals floral tones and gradually develops into notes of old port, cigars, saffron and curry. There are shades in the taste exotic fruits, immortelle and narcissus.

The price of a bottle of this century-old cognac exceeds 150 thousand rubles.

Cognac house Martel is one of the oldest producers of this drink in the world. Its story begins in the city of Cognac, where in 1715 a young Englishman, Jean Martel, opened the production of a new drink. Today Martel is one of the largest players in the market, setting fashion and trends in production different varieties cognac

The aroma of Martel cognac is very multifaceted, it contains notes of dried fruits, woody shades, but the dominant tone is vanilla. The taste of the drink is very subtle and soft, and the pleasant aftertaste makes it a favorite cognac among the fairer sex.

You can buy a bottle of Martel cognac for about four thousand rubles.

Cognac Hine is not very well known to a wide range of consumers, since this brand relies on the exclusivity of the product. It is achieved through strict adherence to a set of rules for the production of the drink. It is aged several times in different barrels, and before bottling the bottles they are pre-rinsed with ready-made cognac.

Interesting fact. Hine is the only cognac that has received the right to become a supplier to the Royal Court of Great Britain. He received this privilege in 1962 and successfully confirms it every five years.

The aroma of cognac is dominated by fruit aromas, similar to white wines. This is achieved through the use of grapes from the Charente region. The taste of Hein is characterized by its similarity to fresh melon and sweet nectarine.

For one bottle of this drink you will have to pay about four thousand rubles.

The Camus Cognac House is the largest independent family enterprise in this field. The history of Camus dates back 150 years and is united by the Camus family’s love for this drink. The brand owns about 20 hectares of vineyards and five cognac bottling lines, which allows it to feel confident in the market.

Interesting fact. The first cognac house to open retail stores in China.

The aroma bouquet of Camus cognac is dominated by floral and mineral notes. The taste is distinguished by the sweetness of peach, milk chocolate, brown sugar and the tartness of orange zest.

A bottle of Camus cognac costs about three and a half thousand rubles.

This cognac is one of the most famous and recognizable in the world. Its story begins in the very heart of the drink’s birthplace – the city of Cognac. A distinctive feature of this brand is the use of white grape varieties, which makes the drink less alcoholic, but more acidic.

Interesting fact. The founder of the cognac house, Baron Jean-Baptiste Hautard, was the mayor of the city of Cognac for almost 20 years.

The aroma of cognac is distinguished by the smells of tobacco, pepper and linden. The taste has notes of citrus and vanilla. The aftertaste is long and very pleasant.

The price of one bottle of Baron Otard cognac reaches six thousand rubles.

Unlike other major cognac brands, the founders of which were strong, charismatic personalities, the Frapin house was formed by the family of the same name, dating back to the 12th century. Today this brand is the largest cognac producer in Champagne.

The taste of cognac has woody notes, prunes and other dried fruits, as well as vanilla. The aroma is rich and dense, but at the same time simple.

To purchase one bottle of Frapin cognac you will have to pay from four to five thousand rubles.

Other cognacs from the Grande Champagne region

This area is part of the Cognac province region. In addition to the above-mentioned cognac houses, many other interesting brands are based here. These are both relatively mass-produced and very exclusive companies, but they all produce good cognac that is worth trying.

Every true lover strong drinks knows that the best of them is cognac. And the real one elite cognac They only make it in France. Drinks from other countries with the same name on their bottles are not cognac. They are classified as brandy. What distinguishes French alcohol from the rest?

There are many legends about this drink. According to one of them, the winemaker Chevalier Jacques de La Croix was the first to prepare the drink. One night, he dreamed that the devil came for him, lowered his soul to the underworld and threw him into a boiling cauldron.

Cooking in the cauldron did not harm the nobleman’s soul in any way, and the Lord of Darkness threw him into the second cauldron. The next morning, inspired by a dream, Jacques decided to try double boiling wine technique.

The winemaker partially drank the resulting drink with the guests, and hid one barrel for a future celebration. Six months later, after opening the barrel, Jacques discovered that half of the drink had evaporated, and the rest amazed him amazing taste.

It is difficult to judge how true this legend is. Professional historians claim that the drink appeared in the 17th century after the advent of double distillation of alcohol technology. It is noteworthy that since then the method of obtaining real cognac has changed little.

Modern cooking technologies

To protect a drink that can rightfully be considered national treasure, the French organized a special professional institute for monitoring quality standards - the National Interprofessional Bureau of Cognacs.

According to the established rules, to obtain this elite drink only need to be used the following grape varieties: Ugni Blanc, Folle Blanche and Charente Colombard. These three components make up a large proportion of the drink, and for the rest of the volume, perhaps the addition of grapes: Semillon, Sauvignon, Select, blanc ramée or Jurançon blanc.

Modern distillation equipment is almost no different from the old equipment used several centuries ago. It's all the same copper stills, the only difference being the alcohol meter. It is no coincidence that copper is used in devices. This metal does not oxidize and can withstand high temperature.

Process two-stage distillation is as follows: first, alcohol and essential components are obtained from wine, then they are separated from each other. Cognac alcohol is formed only from the middle distillate, since the former is too saturated with essential substances, and the latter has an inappropriate strength. On average, to produce one liter of drink, it is necessary to process 10 liters of wine.

Real cognac aged only in oak barrels, and the age of the tree must be at least 150 years. The wood is split into boards in this way - the fibers must remain intact, then dried in the sun for up to 5 years so that the alcohol does not become bitter.

Freshly prepared alcohol is first placed in new barrels, and after a few months in older ones. During maturation, cognac alcohol absorbs pigments, tannins, polyphenols and other substances from the wood.

At different stages of aging, the drink filling up different tastes . In the first year, cognac acquires a light brown tint. After 4 years, fruit and vanilla notes appear in its aroma, the taste becomes velvety.

After ten years of aging, hints of honey and the smell of leather appear in the taste of cognac. If ripening occurs before 20 years, the drink has rich aftertaste and bright amber color. It doesn’t make much sense to store the drink in barrels longer than this period. It is bottled, in which it stops the aging process.

Selection of French cognac

Everyone certainly has different tastes, so choosing the best one is for you cognac drink should be carried out on the basis personal experience. Usually the choice depends on the manufacturer and brand of French cognac, and its aging period.

And not the least role in the choice is played by the price. french cognac, which is also due various factors. The rating marking and top aging period are as follows:

  • Ø V.S., Selection or Trois Etoiles - at least 2 years of aging;
  • Ø Superior - at least 3 years;
  • Ø V. S.O.P., V. O., Reserve, Vieux - at least 4 years;
  • Ø V. V.S.O.P., Grande Reserve - at least 5 years;
  • Ø X. O., Napoleon, Extra, Royal - 6 years or more.

The best brands of France - names of elite French brandies

In addition, legendary cognac houses produce alcohol impeccable taste and quality. The most famous brands and best cognacs in the world include cognacs from France:

  1. Delamain. The best cognac in the world is produced under this brand. The brand does not exchange for drinks aged 7–10 years. The youngest Delamain cognac is 25 years old. As the owner of the house says, he is not interested in cooperation with popular clubs and restaurants. The main consumers of this brand are sophisticated connoisseurs. In the cellars of the cognac house there are samples of spirits dating back to 1840.
  2. Hennessy. This is one of the most popular and famous French brands. It was founded back in 1765, and thirty years later it began delivering to the USA. This cognac has earned the title of one of the most elite. It is second only to the Delamain house. Today, Hennessy is part of the Louis Vuitton holding, specializing in the creation of luxury goods. It is this brand that came up with the idea of ​​classifying the aging of cognac drinks by “stars”.
  3. Chateau de Montifaud. This cognac house appeared even earlier than the popular Hennessy. Its founder, Augustin Perrier, bought the vineyards in 1837 and began the process of distilling cognac spirits. The main feature of this brand is careful control at all stages of production. In addition, before bottling the drink, each bottle is treated with purified water and cognac, which imparts a special aroma.
  4. Camus. Elite French cognac. The creator of the house of Camus not only glorified the drink throughout the world, but also organized an association of winemakers to control quality. Today this drink is popular all over the world and is often included in the ranking of the best cognacs.

Elite cognac houses in France certainly produce products of excellent quality. But the price for such cognac very high. How to choose a good cognac in the middle price range?

Good cognac less elite brands are easy to find on store shelves. Usually such drinks belong to category V.S.O.P, i.e. they are about 5 years old. The most notable brand is Gautier. Its bouquet uses several high-aging alcohols at once. The drink has a deep fruity taste and aroma, dark amber color.

Kazumian is aged for eight years and is distinguished by chocolate aromas, woody notes, and a tart taste. Another popular brand is cognac Davidoff Classic. Its composition includes more than 40 alcohols. This cognac drink has a strong aftertaste and saturated color. Ideal as a complement to cigars from the same manufacturer.

How to spot a fake

French cognacs are often counterfeited. How to recognize a fake drink?

Price and place of purchase. First of all, you need to buy such drinks in specialized stores and large supermarkets. In such places, managers responsibly select suppliers and the risk of running into a bad product is much lower.

In addition, before purchasing, it is important to know approximately the cost of the drink and not chase the cheapness. A drink that takes so long to produce cannot be very cheap.

Appearance. Many manufacturers themselves are trying in every possible way to protect consumers from counterfeiting. The bottles have special designations and markings. The label clearly provides information about the place of production and aging time. The label is not blurred, it is glued evenly and firmly to the container.

Eye test. It is worth turning the bottle in your hand and checking it against the light. If the color of the cognac drink is from light to dark amber, most likely the product is good. In addition, the liquid should be slightly oily and flow smoothly from the walls of the container.

The smell of the drink. If, after opening the bottle, a sharp chemical smell hits your nose, it is better not to drink such cognac. Real alcohol has the aroma of dried fruits, vanilla, wood, leather and chocolate. Pleasant and durable.

Attention, TODAY only!

The subregions where French cognac is produced differ in their climate and soil, which affects the taste of the grapes. These French subregions are centered around the city of Cognac. It is believed that the closer the cognac houses are to this city, the closer the drink produced there is to the requirements that real French cognac must meet.
Subregions where French cognac is produced:

  • Petite Champagne. This French region produces mainly cognac distillates. They have a distinct fruity taste.
  • Borderies. This is the smallest French cognac subregion, located northwest of the city of Cognac. Cognac distillates are distinguished by a particularly soft taste. It is believed that the cognac of the Martel house owes its unique bright taste precisely this feature of the raw materials produced here.
  • Fins Bois. Cognac produced from the grapes of this area does not have a rich bouquet of aroma, but it is superior to its neighbors in terms of strength.
  • Bons Bois. Cognac made from grapes local varieties characterized by strong strength in combination with subtle aroma And special taste. And the low price stimulates demand for distillates from this region.
  • Bois Ordinaires. Of particular interest are the young cognac distillates produced here. They taste like algae, as this is a maritime region.
  • Champagne. This region is usually associated not only with champagne, but also with the production of French cognac. The soil here is very favorable for growing vineyards thanks to high level humidity.

Features of French cognac

  1. The most important thing in French cognac is the correctly selected grape variety. Ugni Blanc is considered the most significant.
  2. Pressing and fermentation of grapes is done only in a natural way. For this process, special horizontal or pneumatic presses are used. French cognac is completely free of sugar; adding it to the drink is prohibited, and not a single self-respecting cognac house in France does this.
  3. Two-stage distillation is very important process production of French cognac. At the first stage, a primary distillate with a strength of 28-32% is obtained. At the second stage, distillation takes place in a special cauldron made of distilled Charente oak.
  4. French cognacs are stored exclusively in oak barrels. The age of the wood must be at least 100 years. The maturation of French cognac can last a very long time. In the room where barrels of cognac are located, natural humidity conditions must be maintained to preserve all the properties of the drink.
  5. Assemblage is a mixture of cognac distillates of different ages. Experts closely monitor the mixing process, constantly tasting the cognac. If the cognac passes the test, it is poured into the required containers.

A drink that has gone through all these stages can be considered a real French cognac. When producing distillates and cognac itself, certain technologies must be followed. For example, for double distillation of cognac, distillation cubes are used, where all parts in contact with cognac must be made of copper. From us you can buy French cognac that meets all the necessary requirements.

The city of Cognac (1 hour 45 minutes drive from Bordeaux) is picturesquely located on the Charente River. The most famous cognac houses are located here. The city is widely known throughout the world due to its fame noble cognac. Almost all the buildings in the town of Cognac are built from local yellowish-white limestone. But those where precious cognac is produced have black spots. These are traces of the “share of angels,” alcohol vapors ascending to heaven.

Cognac program

In the 13th century, Dutch ships sailed for coastal salt to Charente and returned with wine, which they then took to sell in Northern Europe. The wines of the Poitou region were highly valued in the Scandinavian countries at that time, which contributed to the rapid development of trade in Charente. TO XVI century Wine production is increasing, but the wine is poorly preserved, since long-term transportation by sea adversely affects its quality. Upon returning to their homeland, Dutch traders begin to turn the wine into “burnt wine”, which gives rise to distillation.

In the 17th century, Charente winemakers “discovered” double distillation. Cognac spirit is transported in oak barrels. Over time, winemakers notice that oak has a beneficial effect on its quality. This is how cognac is born. At that time, all trade was concentrated around counters, whose owners bought cognac spirits from the population and resold them in bulk. In the middle of the 19th century, trading houses began to develop, and cognac began to be sold in bottles. In 1858, Henry Munier created his own company.

In 1875, the phylloxera aphid destroys most of the vineyards of Charente. It will take several decades for the region to recover its economy. However, in the 20th century, the productivity of the vineyards improved significantly due to their reconstruction and the planting of Ugni Blanc seedlings, which are more resistant to disease. Since then, the popularity of cognac has not ceased to grow.

The city of Cognac in France (1 hour 45 minutes drive from Bordeaux) is picturesquely located on the Charente River. The most famous cognac houses are located here. The city is widely known throughout the world thanks to the fame of its noble cognac. Almost all the buildings in the town of Cognac are built from local yellowish-white limestone. But those where precious cognac is produced have black spots. These are traces of the “share of angels,” alcohol vapors ascending to heaven.

We advise you to first take a walk through the old town, see the port of Saint-Jacques (15th century), Saint-Léger Cathedral, the 12th-century priory with a Romanesque façade and ornaments in the “flaming Gothic” style. The Franciscan monastery (Recollets) is superbly preserved with wells, a bell tower and a monumental staircase. You should definitely visit the houses of the main cognac companies and the Cognac Museum on Denfert-Rochereau Boulevard, and walk along the main street with the facades of Renaissance houses.

Most cognac houses organize visits and various tastings; advance reservations are required.

Cognac OTARD. Chateau de Cognac 16100 COGNAC

In the center of Cognac stands the ancient Valois castle, where King Francis 1 was born. The castle was destroyed in the 12th century and then reconstructed in the 15th century. During your visit to the castle, you will be told about the history of the region, you will see the “Helmet Hall”, where the wedding of Richard’s son took place.” Lion Heart"Philippa with Amelia de Cognac, banqueting hall built according to plans by Leonardo da Vinci. In the castle cellars you will be told about the process of production and aging of OTAR cognac. Then, at your choice, you will be offered a tasting of cognac or pure form, or in a cocktail.

The duration of the visit is about 1 hour.

Cost of visit and tasting: 6 € / person.

The castle is open: from November 1 to December 31 - daily from Monday to Friday, except weekends.

Visits at 11:00, 14:30, 15:45, 17:00, and on Fridays at 11:00, 14:30, 15:45 and 17:00. From January 1 to March 31 - visits only by prior confirmation.

Cognac HENNESSY Quai Hennessy 16101 COGNAC

The Hennessy trading house is located 2 km from the center of Cognac on the Charente embankment and invites its visitors to a delightful 19th-century castle. The House of Hennessy has existed since 1765, the year Richard Hennessy, an Irish merchant of alcoholic beverages, created his own company in Cognac. 8 generations develop and maintain the quality and prestige of the brand. The cellars are located on the other side of the Charente River, where you will go on a pleasure boat.

You have the opportunity to choose one of several options for visits and tastings (pre-booking is required):

General visit + tasting of Hennessy VS - 1 hour 15 minutes - cost 6 €/person.

General visit + tasting of Hennessy Fine de Cognac - 1 hour 15 minutes - cost 9 €/person.

Individual (max. 10 people) visit + tasting of Hennessy XO and Hennessy Paradis - 2 hours - cost 30 €/person.

Excursion in the footsteps of the creator + tasting of 3 varieties Hennessy cognac XO, Hennessy Paradis and Richard Hennessy - duration 2 hours - cost 40 €/person.

Hennessy "a la carte" - personal visit + tasting of Private Reserve, Paradis and Richard Hennessy) from 14-00 to 17-15, cost 50 € per person.

The Hennessey House is open from March to December daily from 10 am to 5 pm. In January and February by reservation only. The Hennessey House is closed on January 1st, May 1st and December 25th.

Cognac "Hennessy"

Cognac REMY MARTIN 20, Rue de la Société Vignicole 16100 COGNAC

Remy Martin created his own trading house in 1724. Today it is a world-famous cognac producer. The Remy Martin House organizes an exclusive 2-hour tour. The tour takes place (from May to September) on a small train that will take you through the vineyards and interior. You will be told about the history of this cognac house, shown the production and offered a tasting of two cognacs VSOP, XO, accompanied by cold appetizers. The vineyards and farm are open for visits from May to September.

From October to April, visits are by appointment at 10:00 and 15:00 and guests will be shown around the interior of the Rémy Martin House followed by a tasting.
The cost of a visit-excursion with tasting is 20 €/person.

It is possible to organize exclusive visits with thematic tastings of LE CLUB FINE CHAMPAGNE COGNAC (duration from 2 to 3 hours). Cost from 70 to 115 € per person. You can also organize an exclusive "Rémy Martin Day" program with an individual excursion, tastings, gastronomic lunch and a visit to the cognac house and farm - cost 240 € per person.

Cognac CAMUS 29, rue Marguerite-de-Navarre 16100 COGNAC

The House of Camus is a family business that has existed for five generations. Cognac Camus is a supplier to the most prestigious restaurants in the world. Once upon a time this cognac was served to to the royal table, and one of the sons of the creator of the house was invited by the king to hunt. The Camus House offers an interesting visit, during which you will get acquainted with the world of cognac, its production, composition of aromas, and bottling techniques.

The cost of the simplest tasting visit is 6 €.

It is possible to order more intensive visit programs - such as, for example, an excursion in which you can create your own XO cognac. At the end you will receive a bottle of cognac you created as a gift. This tour is followed by dinner with the castle's owner, Jean-Paul Camus. Total cost of the program (including cognac creation and dinner) 210 € per person + booking costs. Maison Camus is open from June to September every day from Monday to Saturday.

Visits at 11-00, 14-00, 15-00, 16-00, 17-00. From October to May, visits are by prior appointment only.

Cognac "Camus"

Cognac MARTELL Place Edouard Martell16100 COGNAC

In 1715, Jean Martel, at the age of 20, created a cognac house that is today famous throughout the world and is the oldest in Europe. Decisive and energetic in all his endeavors, in his letter of 1721, he wrote: “I can say without empty praise that my enterprise is one of the most successful in these parts...”. After the death of Jean Martel in 1753, having inherited his tireless pursuit of excellence, his sons Jean and Frédéric continued his work, preserving and enhancing the traditions of the House of Martel. Here you can also book a production visit and tasting. Cost from 6 € per person.
House Martel is open from April to October daily from 10 am to 5 pm. On Friday and Saturday from 12 to 17 hours.

Cognac COURVOISIER place du Château 16200 JARNAC

At the beginning of the 19th century, Emmanuel Courvoisier and Louis Gallois created a trading house of wines and spirits. Their personal connections gave them the opportunity to become one of the suppliers of the imperial court. In 1835, Courvoisier united all his activities around Cognac. When Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena, barrels of Courvoisier cognac followed with him. During your visit you will see rooms with an interesting collection of things that belonged to Napoleon.

The Courvoisier House is open to visitors from May to September, daily from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm. At other times - only by prior confirmation.

The cost of the visit is 6 €.

Excursions around Cognac are conducted by Russian-speaking guides from Bordeaux, so when starting the excursion in the city of Cognac, the cost of the guide includes his travel and the travel time he will need to get from Bordeaux to Cognac and back (the round trip takes 4 hours).

The duration of the excursion with departure from Bordeaux is 10 hours.

The duration of the excursion with departure from Cognac is 6 hours.

The cost of services of a Russian-speaking guide is 510 € /

The cost of booking tasting visits is 50 € / visit. The cost of the tasting itself is paid on the spot.

Some cognac houses ask for an advance payment depending on the chosen form of tasting; our manager will inform you about this. In this case, you will need to add 5-7% to the cost of tasting.

gastronomic restaurant "La Ribaudière" (8 km from Cognac) 16200 Bourg Charente

restaurant "Pigeons Blancs" 110, rue Jules Brisson 16100 Cognac
(closed Sunday evening and Monday lunchtime)

Gastronomic restaurant Domaine de l"Echassier 72, rue de Bellevue - 16100 Chateaubernard
(closed for lunch and Sunday)

Gastronomic restaurant Domaine du Breuil 104, rue Robert Daugas - 16100 Cognac

Gastronomic restaurant Château de l’Yeuse 65, rue de Bellevue - 16100 Chateaubernard
(closed for lunch on Saturday and Sunday evening)

Room rates: 230-525 euros.

Hotel Chateau de Mirambeau

An elegant castle in the Renaissance style - Chateau de Mirambeau is located in wine region between Bordeaux and Cognac, between dreams and reality... The unique magical atmosphere, caring service and wonderful gastronomic cuisine attract the most discerning guests from all over the world.

It was built on the ruins of an old medieval fortress founded in the 11th century by Art de Mirambel. At that time the castle was known as Mirambellum. The castle became what we see now in 1820. The castle was completely renovated in September 2002, after which Chateau de Mirambeau became one of the prestigious Relais & Chateaux hotels.

This is an attractive place not only for corporate meetings, but also for a romantic honeymoon!

In a hotel:

In each room:

Air conditioning, Satellite TV, Telephone, Internet access, WI-FI.


A 30-minute drive from the castle, near the town of Cognac, there is an 18-hole golf course.

Wellness center with jacuzzi, hammam, outdoor and indoor swimming pool, tennis court, 4 conference rooms, capacity 40 people. Park 8 hectares.

Gastronomic restaurant. Breakfast on the terrace in summer. Car services, laundry and dry cleaning services, babysitting services.

The name of the world-famous type of drink was given by the French city of Cognac, where at one time they developed the recipe and production method, and then began to produce its first copies. According to international rules for registering trademarks, products produced not in France or in Charente (the department that includes the city of Cognac) do not have the right to be called cognac - only brandy, of which they are a variety. However, if the drink is not released for export to foreign countries, these “strictness” can be neglected. This is what producers from other countries of the world usually do: they call cognac that way if it was released for consumption in domestic market, and rename it brandy for supply to European countries or the USA.

In the article:

Cognacs of France

Cognac is a mature white wine that has been distilled twice (just like vodka) and then aged for many years in an oak barrel without hoops or other metal parts. It is these procedures that give it its characteristic strength (often above 40%), an amber or bright brown color and a strong, tart aroma, making it bear little resemblance to the delicate drink with a floral bouquet and low “degree” from which it was made.

Regardless of the brand or name, French cognacs are made from wine made only from certain grape varieties. A drink created from white wines of a different origin or from a mixture of different wine bases (the cheapest raw materials for their production) is usually classified as so-called ordinary cognac. Essentially, it is an imitation that often contains other additives designed to improve its color or taste.

In France and other countries Western Europe or the USA, ordinary cognac is not popular simply because its “brother” brandy is cheaper and its quality is many times higher. But in the post-Soviet space, brandy, on the contrary, never became a popular drink. And its place is firmly occupied - with their affordable price and low quality, but with a taste vaguely reminiscent noble drink, bottles of which cost 5-7 times more and are located on the shelf higher.

What is the difference between cheap and expensive French cognac?

Due to the difference in exchange rates and other purely market factors such as the level of per capita income in France and post-Soviet countries, any cognac imported, so to speak, “from there”, and not from Armenia and Crimea, seems expensive to us (you can find out more about and ). Any cognac is by definition an expensive product, since its aging period in oak barrels is 2 years or more. All this time you need to keep an eye on the product, maintain a certain air temperature and humidity in the room, etc.

That’s why it would be very desirable for us to understand the classification and brands of French cognac - just so as not to buy for a lot of money something that would be much cheaper in the domestic “execution”, and now it’s still a shame to serve guests one or the other.

The classification for domestic and imported cognacs is somewhat different, although the differences are not significant. Thus, in the post-Soviet space, the main difference is made not by the years of aging of cognac, but by the quality of the raw materials from which it was made. For example, we have already mentioned ordinary cognac. This name means that it has been aged for any number of years within the prescribed 3-5, but is most likely made from some other (not included in the “classics of the genre”) grape varieties or even a mixture of them.

Just ordinary cognacs are marked only in the form of stars - from 3 to 5, in accordance with the aging period. And in Europe and the USA it is customary to label hotels this way - according to the level of service they provide. What we call ordinary cognac is classified as brandy among them.

“Vintage” cognac has a more purebred base - it is made from high-quality alcohol and aged for 6 years or more. In Europe and the USA, “cognac” in general begins only with this level of quality - something else is provided there, but it is never applied to cognacs.

Finally, “collection” cognacs are based on ingredients highest quality, and aged for at least 23 years. But in the West, the difference between vintage and collection cognac is marked with abbreviations. True, they are compiled in English, not French, so they become intuitive even just after decoding, without translation into Russian. The marking is similar to that of:

  1. V.S. (Very Special) means that we have a drink aged two years – the youngest and, therefore, the most affordable option.
  2. S. (Special)/V.O. (Very Old) aged for 3 years.
  3. S.O.P. (Very Superior Old Pale) is a 4-year-old cognac.
  4. V.S.O.P. (Very-Very Superior Old Pale) is 5 years old.
  5. Finally, X.O. (Extra Old), which is also often referred to as Napoleon, is the oldest cognac, aged for 6 years.
  6. The word “pale” (Russian “pale”) mentioned in these abbreviations precisely indicates one of the simplest and most accurate methods of distinguishing between noble and “plebeian” drinks. The fact is that the longer cognac is aged, the paler its color becomes. Therefore, the bright red, brick, and orange shades of the drink indicate its youth. And vice versa: the dark, calm color of bog oak, a light amber tint can appear in cognac only with age.
  7. If French alcohol was aged longer, we will not see such abbreviations. The quality and properties of drinks with a long aging period are difficult to classify, which is why they are given their own names.


After the collapse of the USSR, a similar classification became very popular among domestic manufacturers - an almost literal translation of foreign abbreviations. Now it is used only for branded drinks. Thus, KV (“Aged Cognac”) means that the strength of this drink exceeds 42%, and it has been aged for more than 6 years. KVVK (“Aged Cognac of the highest quality”) is a drink with a strength of up to 45% and aged for 8 to 10 years. The vintage brand marked KS (“Old Cognac”) is aged for more than 10 years, and its strength ranges up to 57%.

The most thoroughbred among the vintage ones will be marked with the abbreviation OS (“Very Old”). It means that it was aged for more than 20 years, which, let’s agree, is very similar to the elite French one, marked with the abbreviation X.O. (also “very old” translated from English). Only here the idea of ​​“very old” between us and the French differs significantly, since if they only have 6 years to obtain this status, then we will not be able to get by, so to speak, even 20 years.

The most recognizable brands of French cognac

Among the French brands with their enticing history, there are not many that can boast of some kind of “zest” that it contains. But over the 3-4 centuries of existence, some of them also had noticeable historical achievements.


For example, the Augier trading house was founded in the mid-17th century, during the time of Louis XIV. And although the Sun King himself apparently did not have any special predilection for his products, Ogier is famous for being the oldest manufacturer in the world. In addition, for the production of his drinks he uses only recipes from those times - the times of his founding.

Remy Martin

A little later, towards the end of the 17th century, another manufacturer arose, and to this day occupies the top of the rating - Remy Martin. It produces not only elite French cognac, but also the liqueur Cointreau, which is warmly accepted throughout the world.


The next in time of founding, but perhaps the first in terms of popularity throughout the world, is Hennessy. It also accounts for the largest number of fakes different levels persuasiveness circulating mainly in the post-Soviet space. The not quite French sound of the name is explained by the fact that the company was actually founded not by a Frenchman, but by the Irishman Richard Hennessy, a retired army officer who settled in the city of Cognac after his retirement. At the moment this trademark purchased and used by the purely French manufacturer of luxury accessories, Louis Vuitton.


Courvoisier has always been of great interest to fans. Firstly, because this drink became known very quickly and widely, and all thanks to the fact that Napoleon Bonaparte fell in love with it. Secondly, it is not customary for Emmanuel Courvoisier and his descendants to subject their base wines to distillation. That is why the product of this brand has a unique mild taste and at the same time all the qualities of top-class drinks. And its third advantage is its significantly lower cost - say, compared to Ogier or Hennessy.

Unlike the former countries of the USSR, where the attitude towards ownership of a trademark or brand has always been extremely frivolous, in France the name of a product often tells the consumer more than any “depictions” on the label. This, of course, saves little from counterfeits, but the effectiveness of this commercial move is very high, and in our country it is underestimated in vain. It is assumed that behind each name lies its own tradition and history, which dates back several centuries.
