How to arrange fruit on a cake. Fresh fruits need to be prepared. Chocolate cake decoration

Fruits are used to decorate not only store-bought cakes, but also homemade ones. True, in order for the cake to maintain its beautiful appearance, the fruit must be laid out according to certain rules. Otherwise, the baked goods may simply get wet and spread.

How to decorate a cake with fruits

First you need to prepare the cakes. Any biscuits are suitable as a base. After all, the main part of the cake is made up of fruits, protein cream or jelly layers. Prepare the cake, brush the layers with cream. Also coat the cake with cream on top, but only with a very thin layer. Any fruit is suitable for decorating the cake - citrus fruits, apples, pears, bananas, kiwi, grapes, etc. Berries are also especially popular - currants, blackberries, strawberries, cherries and gooseberries. Some of them can be used in whole, others can be cut into slices, circles, squares and other shapes. To consolidate the result, it is best to pour jelly over the fruit. This is necessary so that the fruit does not lose its appearance: it does not become weathered or dry out.

Alternatively, the fruit can be boiled in sugar syrup before placing on the cake. These do not need further filling with jelly.

Lay out the fruit beautiful figurine. It could be a heart, a bow, a fish or some other picture. You can also lay out the fruits in a chaotic manner - in a circle or in stripes.

You can further decorate the fruits that you will use to decorate the cake by dipping them in powdered sugar or melted chocolate.

If you are going to dip fruits or berries in powder, remember that they must be dry. Otherwise, the powder will simply be absorbed. It will get wet and lose all its attractiveness.

How to make fruit decorations for a cake

Fruit roses are very popular. One of the variants of such a decorative flower is made from apples and peaches. To prepare the flower you will need: - 1 glass of sugar; - 1 glass of water; - 1 apple; - 1 peach; - lemon zest.

Peel the inside of the apples and peaches - remove the seeds and cores. Cut the fruit into thin slices. Cut the zest from the lemon. Now you can move on to making the syrup. To do this, mix sugar and water and bring them to a boil. Place the fruit in the syrup and cook until it becomes translucent. Remove the fruit and place on a plate to drain the syrup. Then roll each plate, wrapping one inside the other. One rose takes about 6 slices.

To prevent the finished flower from darkening and drying out, cover it with a thin layer of jelly

Alternatively, you can make a flower from an orange. For this you will need: - 1 orange; - cool jelly; - egg tray.

Wash the orange well and cut into thin slices. Dip each circle in jelly and roll the slices into a roll. Place a roll in the egg well in the tray, then a second, a third - and so on until you get a rose. Leave the flowers until they harden completely and then you can decorate the cake.

You will read about the recipe for making Ukrainian dumplings with potatoes in the next article.

Fresh sweet berries and juicy fruits on cakes look very attractive and appetizing. Therefore, they are often used as decoration in desserts. Unfortunately, when registering confectionery, housewives often make mistakes, as a result the fruits or berries wither, and the cream becomes covered with juice stains. We will tell you how to avoid such misunderstandings and describe ways to decorate cakes with fruits and berries.

How to decorate a cake with fruits - choosing fruits

Not all fruits are suitable for decorating cakes. Too juicy fruits will release juice onto the surface of the cake, as a result the top cake will become soggy and lose its presentation.

Fruits that can be used as decoration:

  • peaches, apricots;
  • oranges, tangerines;
  • apples, pears;
  • pineapples, mango and kiwi.

It is undesirable to use the following fruits:

  • watermelon and melon;
  • pomegranate;
  • gooseberries, blueberries, blackberries and cranberries:
  • lime;
  • persimmon.

Preparing fresh fruit for cake decoration:

  • We wash the fruits under running water.
  • Remove leaves and stalks.
  • Remove the seeds and cut the fruit in half.
  • Try to remove the film from citrus fruits. To do this, you need to divide the fruit into slices without damaging their integrity, remove the film and remove the seeds.

How to decorate a cake with fruits - “roses” of apples and peaches

This decoration method looks very delicate, adding attractiveness to any cake. It is especially appropriate when the cake is intended for a girl or woman.

Required ingredients:

  • Lemon zest.
  • Apple.
  • Peach.
  • Water.
  • Sugar.

Operating procedure:

  • Wash the fruit, remove the pit from the peach, core the apple, and zest the lemon. Cut the peach and apple into thin slices.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil, you should get a boiling syrup.
  • Dip your ingredients into it and let them cook until they become transparent.
  • Remove the fruit from the syrup, place it in a separate container and let it drain.
  • Carefully twist each plate into a tube, and when it ends, connect it to the next slice and continue twisting until you get a flower of the desired size. For one flower you need 6-7 fruit plates.
  • Transfer the resulting decoration to the cake. To prevent it from falling apart and to adhere well to the cake, use toothpicks.
  • To prevent your flowers from changing color or becoming weathered, you can treat them with jelly. To do this, combine a teaspoon of gelatin, sugar and water in a container. Melt the swollen gelatin on steam bath and use a brush to apply the mixture to the fruit flowers.

How to decorate a cake with fruits - “fruit basket”

To give the cake a colorful appearance, generously grease the top layer and all sides. chocolate cream, then you can start decorating with fruit.

Required ingredients:

  • Chocolate bars or stick-shaped cookies.
  • 50 strawberries.
  • 2 pieces of kiwi.
  • One tangerine.

Operating procedure:

  • Wash and cut the strawberries in half. Place strawberry slices in a circle on the top crust.
  • Wash, peel and cut the kiwi into circles, use it to make a second circle inside the strawberry.
  • Wash and peel the tangerine, divide into slices and remove the peel from each, place in the center of the strawberry and kiwi circles.
  • Place cookies or candy bars tightly around the sides of the cake around the entire perimeter, so you get an imitation of a basket. You can additionally tie them with a satin ribbon, so the cake will take on a festive look.

How to decorate a cake with fruits - fruits under jelly

Cakes decorated with fruit and topped with jelly look irresistible. You can arrange any berries and fruits to your taste that can be used for decoration in the order you like. The main thing is to adhere to the nuances when pouring jelly, which we will tell you about in detail.

Ingredients for jelly:

  • 20 gr. gelatin.
  • Glass of water.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
  • A glass of juice.

Jelly making process:

  • Pour gelatin with water, stir, and leave in this state for half an hour.
  • Pour the juice into the pan, add sugar.
  • Boil the juice with sugar, then pour in the gelatin in a stream, stirring all the time.
  • Cool until the mixture begins to thicken slightly.

Procedure for decorating a cake:

  • Before decorating the cake, coat its surface with a thin layer of confiture or jam to prevent the jelly from being absorbed into the cake.
  • Place a pastry ring on the cake that matches its diameter so that the jelly remains on top and does not run down the sides.
  • To make the jelly harden faster, place the cake in the refrigerator for two hours before decorating. Fruits should also be kept as cool as possible.
  • Fill from the center of the cake in a spiral towards the edges. Pour the jelly in a thin stream so that it is distributed over the fruit.
  • It is very important to consider the color of the jelly. Perfect option– colorless, it is evenly distributed, gives a good shine to the fruit, and hides small blemishes. Red jelly should be used with fruits that match in color - red currants, raspberries, strawberries; green – apples, kiwi; yellow – bananas, apricots, citrus fruits, pineapples.
  • Diluted gelatin cannot be used immediately; it should thicken a little, but do not miss the moment, because too thickened jelly will not be distributed evenly over the surface.

A beautiful, tasty and appetizing cake can not only be bought in a store, but also made with your own hands. To do this, you will need your favorite berries and fruits, a little time and patience. If you follow our instructions and advice, you will make a cake no worse than a professional pastry chef.

Decorating cakes is an interesting, but labor-intensive section of cooking. The easy way make the treat colorful and tasty - decorate it with fruits and berries. Even the most common fruits - apples, bananas, oranges - will make a successful decor. Exotic fruits will make the dessert even more appetizing, and the berries will complement the taste of the cream and highlight its sweetness. Don't forget about the benefits of fresh fruits.

Berry decorations

Dark berries look impressive on a lush mass white cream. Whipped cream, protein cream, custard cream, and condensed milk are used.

To decorate with protein cream with berries you will need:

  • 4 eggs (whites);
  • 1 cup powdered sugar;
  • 1 stick of butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.


  1. Separate the whites from the yolks, cool and pour into a dry bowl.
  2. Now beat them with a mixer at medium speed, gradually adding powdered sugar.
  3. When the mixture reaches the consistency of light foam, place it on water bath and heat for about 4 minutes until the powder is completely dissolved.
  4. Combine the heated whites with soft oil And lemon juice, beat again until fluffy.
  5. Cover the cake layers, top and sides with cream. By using pastry bag With curly nozzles, it’s quite easy to form beautiful edges in the form of waves.
  6. All that remains is to decorate the cake with berries. The most commonly used are raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, lingonberries, and strawberries. Cherries, including cocktail cherries, soaked in sugar syrup are also suitable, but they must first be pitted.
  7. Place the berries randomly or collect them in a thoughtful composition.
  8. If the cake is multi-layered, good idea- mix berries with cream and use as filling.

A cake decorated with grapes, both green and black, looks elegant. A pattern is formed from the berries or a scattering is laid out. Large grapes are placed both on top and in the layer. If you “drown” them in cream, then when cutting the dessert, guests will experience a pleasant surprise. Grapes are combined with strawberries, kiwi, lemon.

Fresh frozen berries are also suitable for decorating the cake, for example, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, black currants.

Strawberries and cream

This tandem is a win-win option due to its unsurpassed combination of taste and color.

To decorate the cake with strawberries and cream, it is better to whip them yourself.

You will need:

  • 400 ml heavy cream;
  • 6 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.


  1. Cool the cream and whip. Fluffy peaks will only be obtained from a fatty product, so you need to scoop up the fat from the walls of the pack with a spoon and add it to the total mass.
  2. Place the bowl and whisk in the freezer for 5 minutes before whisking.
  3. You should start whipping at medium speed, gradually increasing the speed.
  4. After 2-3 minutes, introduce the powder.
  5. When steep peaks appear, stop, as the cream can easily be beaten into butter. On average, it takes 10 minutes to prepare the cream.

Strawberries with chocolate

Another way to create a memorable cake decoration. The delicate pink color of the berry looks great against a dark background. To make the decor perfect, the most large berries strawberries It is not necessary to remove the stalk.

You will need:

  • chocolate bar;
  • some milk;
  • nuts - optional;
  • 8-10 large strawberries.


  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. If it turns out too thick, add a little milk and stir until smooth.
  2. Coat the top and sides of the cake with chocolate.
  3. Dip the strawberry nose into hot chocolate.
  4. Place the berries in a circle closer to the edge of the cake.
  5. Grind the nuts on a grater. Using the resulting nut dust, draw wavy paths on the chocolate.
  6. Finish the design with beautiful chocolate curls, which are obtained by grinding on a coarse grater.

Strawberries go well with both dark chocolate and milk or white chocolate.

Fruits in jelly

Using fruit jelly to create high multilayer cakes. Suitable for base regular sponge cake. Between the cake and the gelled fruit, you can place a layer of thick cream, soufflé or fruit jam.

You will need:

  • sliding form;
  • gelatin - 1 pack;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • 0.5 tbsp. water.

How to cook:

  1. Pour gelatin warm water and leave to swell.
  2. After 15 minutes, place the mixture in a water bath and wait until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  3. After boiling, immediately remove the mixture from heat and add sugar and lemon juice.
  4. Place the cake in a sliding pan with high sides. Cut the fruits in advance and arrange them beautifully.
  5. Jelly in warm pour onto the fruit in a thin stream from the center to the edge of the composition, or gently brush the fruit using a brush.
  6. Place the cake in the refrigerator until the gelatin has completely hardened.
  7. To make colored jelly, dyes must be added while the gelatin is boiling, but small quantity: too much dark jelly the fruit will be lost. Instead of water, you can take colored berry fruit drinks, it will come ready-made jelly delicate shade. An option for adding gelatin is cream or yogurt. They should be added in small portions after the gelatin has cooled and mixed thoroughly.

Do not gel citrus fruits, pineapple and kiwi: they may not harden. The acids that these fruits secrete prevent the gelatin from setting.

Jelly can be bought at a candy store. It is specially designed for pouring fruit. You need to act quickly, such a mass hardens instantly.

Fruit roses: the secret of creation

To decorate a cake with flower-shaped fruits, you need to prepare sugar syrup. Thin plastics of apple and peach are best suited for creating buds. This method is ideal if you want to decorate the cake with oranges. Citrus gives a lot of juice fresh, and after cooking in syrup it becomes soft and manageable.


  • 1 apple;
  • 1 peach;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Cut the apple, orange and peach into thin slices.
  2. Mix sugar with water and bring to a boil.
  3. Dip the fruit pieces into the syrup.
  4. Twist one piece of plastic into a tube, place the second one on top of it and continue twisting. In this way, roses of the desired size are formed. Optimal quantity fruit slices - 4-6.
  5. Place on the cake and secure with a toothpick for stability.
  6. Lay out the leaves in small strips green apple, placed skin side up.

Combination of fruits, berries, creams, interesting ideas and additives

Tips for combining and placing fruits and berries:

  1. Even chaotically arranged fruits and berries look beautiful on a lush layer of cream.
  2. Small fruit fragments are laid out along the edges, and large ones in the center.
  3. Kiwi circles are used to frame the composition. They are placed overlapping.
  4. An interesting option: do not mix the fruits, but arrange them sectionally in the form of triangles, the vertices of which are in the center of the cake.
  5. A composition of fruits and berries can be placed in the center of the cake, or a wreath can be formed along the edge of the confectionery product.
  6. To decorate with bananas, the fruits are peeled and cut into slices. They are placed in a dense layer and covered with thin strips of chocolate. As an addition - grated nuts, small sweet berries (for example, blueberries).
  7. Raspberries go well with blackberries, and kiwi goes well with berries.
  8. The best cream for fruits is custard, protein, butter.
  9. Slices of red grapefruit and lime look impressive next to oranges.
  10. If the cream turns out to be too sweet, the cake is decorated with berries and sour fruits. This will balance the taste of the dessert.
  11. It’s quite possible to place fruit on the sides of the cake. For this you will need a sticky cream. Banana slices and apple slices hold up best.
  12. Apples are cut out of thick plastic various shapes: hearts, stars, etc. You will need special food cutters or devices for cutting out cookie dough.
  13. The edges of the cake are masked with thick cream: protein, custard, butter. The sides are formed from long cookies ("Children's" is suitable). For the same purpose they are used wafer rolls.
  14. Whole large berries are combined with soft chocolates.
  15. Delicate ensemble - raspberries, blueberries and macaroon cookies. The treat is selected by color.
  16. In front of the room large pieces they are dipped in melted chocolate or syrup, and then in confectionery sprinkles or coconut flakes.
  17. Fresh mint leaves are a good addition to fruit.
  18. Tangerines are used for decoration in the form of slices, oranges - circles or their halves. Citrus fruits are peeled not only from the peel and seeds, but also from the white fibers between the pulp. If the drawing is not made from whole slices, then the pulp should be freed from the film.

What to consider when creating a fruit decoration: tricks and tips

Not all housewives have much experience working with volumetric fruit decorations. Need to pick up good cream, carefully cut and arrange the pieces.

To prevent your work from going down the drain because of some little thing, check out this collection of useful tips:

  1. Not all fruits and berries are suitable for decoration due to the abundance of juice. Excess liquid will ruin the entire painting. Such fruits and berries include lemon, lime, persimmon, watermelon, melon, gooseberry. But if these fruits are quite elastic, then why not find a use for them in confectionery? Juicy fruits and berries are suitable for layering cakes, their juice will nourish the dryish sponge cake. Citrus fruits often use zest. By the way, canned fruits They are rarely used to decorate cakes, since they also contain a lot of juice.
  2. Before buying fruit, you need to make sure that your guests are not allergic to any of them. Most often, oranges and kiwi cause a negative reaction.
  3. Don't forget to remove the seeds from cherries, citrus fruits, and grapes.
  4. Everyone has noticed that after peeling the apple, it begins to quickly darken. On a birthday cake, such pieces can spoil the overall impression of the confectionery masterpiece. To keep the apple pulp clean, sprinkle it with lemon juice.
  5. There should be no spots or cracks on the fruit. It is better not to use overripe fruits.
  6. To prevent cakes decorated with fruit from falling apart, leave 2-3 cm from the decor to the edge of the cake.
  7. In order for each guest to enjoy the cake decor, portions are calculated in advance and the dessert is divided into segments. Then the decoration elements are arranged symmetrically.
  8. To prevent frozen berries from losing their shape, they need to be thawed gradually. First, the fruits are moved from the freezer to the top shelf of the refrigerator, and after a few hours they are removed and brought to room temperature.
  9. Using a pastry bag with a thin nozzle, designs are created directly on berries and fruits. Strawberries and raspberries are covered with strips of chocolate.
  10. Idea: place toothpicks with berries on the pear halves, dark chocolate draw eyes. You will get a funny hedgehog.

No matter how difficult it may be to compete with venerable confectioners in cake design, homemade cakes were, are and will be a favorite in the world. family holidays. A homemade fruit decoration will be aesthetically pleasing in any case, even if you simply place the slices on top of the cream, and the taste of the cake will be imbued with good mood and love for loved ones, and this is the main component of success.

The brightest and simple decoration homemade cakes are decorated with fruits and berries. They not only look beautiful and bright, but also give the cake a rich taste qualities.


One of the most simple ways registration homemade baked goods considered a fan of fruit. You can cut into slices and fan out: strawberries, oranges, kiwi, mango.

Fruit under jelly

Another way to decorate a cake with fruit at home is to pour berries and fruits into jelly. This technique is especially used for decorating sponge cake. To create this look on your cake, you need a cake layer with sides, fruit jelly, the fruits and berries themselves, and gelatin.

pureed fruit

Among the ways to decorate a cake with fruits at home (step-by-step photos are presented in the article), the option with pureed fruit. So, for example, to make a kind of meadow, you can use pureed kiwi pulp and decorate it, for example, with strawberry mushrooms.

Whole fruit

An absolute hit of decoration is decorating with whole fruits. In appearance, it is a masterpiece that outwardly personifies wealth. You can use a whole strawberry and place a tangerine in the middle. Looks impressive and stylish on festive table.

Fruit rainbow

Here you will need fruits of contrasting colors. For example, kiwi, pineapple, strawberry, currants and banana. Starting from the middle of the cake, you need to lay out fruits and berries in a circle. different colors. The decoration will turn out great.

Apple slices

You can make voluminous flowers from thin apple slices or assemble slices into beautiful rose and decorate the middle of the cake.


If you don’t have a lot of fruit in the house, but you want to decorate the cake, don’t worry, because you can decorate the cake with fruit at home ( step by step photos proposed in the article) can also be done with the help of one fruit. For example, strawberries laid out in a circle on white cream will be a wonderful decoration for the product.

Cream variations on the decor theme

Traditionally, cream decorations include various inscriptions, flowers, and trees. Using the cream you can form bright roses large and small sizes, sides with interesting shapes, write any congratulations directly on the surface of the product. All you need is the cream itself, a culinary syringe and imagination. How to make it yourself.

Oil cream for decoration

The butter type of cream is a combination of softened butter, condensed milk and dye. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Beat the melted butter (100 g) until fluffy, add 5 tablespoons of condensed milk;
  2. Next, divide the resulting mass into portions (according to the number of colors of dye);
  3. Beat each part separately, adding dye until the latter is completely dissolved;
  4. Don't forget to stock up on quality pastry syringe. Its attachments will be your assistant in creating aesthetic lines, patterns, floral and leaf variations for decoration.

It is important! After decorating, the product must be placed in a cold place to thicken the cream.

Cream based cream for decoration

Since decorating a cake with fruits at home (you will find step-by-step photos in the article) is not always possible, cream-based cream makes an ideal decor. So, let's prepare the cream:

  1. It is necessary to cool the cream in the refrigerator for 12 hours; you will need 500 ml (33%);
  2. Pour the chilled cream into a deep bowl and beat with a mixer; the blender can separate the products;
  3. It is recommended to immediately prepare the syringe and nozzles, because cream requires prompt work;
  4. Dissolve or soak gelatin, depending on the type of preparation (see instructions);
  5. Whip the cream until a stable foam appears, add a bag of vanilla and 100-200 grams of powdered sugar;
  6. Add gelatin in a thin stream;
  7. The cream is ready, all you have to do is quickly place it in a syringe and sculpt masterpieces.

It is important! In order to cream decoration it lays down better, the surface of the product should be smooth and slightly sticky; To do this, cover the cake with chocolate-based glaze, jam or cream.

Options for decorating a children's cake

Children are not easy to please; they love everything colorful and unusual. The easiest way to decorate children's cake fruit at home (step-by-step photos are presented in the article) is to put a number on the product indicating the age of the birthday person. The number can be made from pineapple or mango. You can shade it with berries, bananas, mango or kiwi slices.


If the cake has a shape similar to a turtle shell, then you can decorate it with kiwi slices on top, put banana slices on the sides in the form of legs, and make the turtle’s head, for example, out of lemon.

Lacquered cake

You can get a shiny varnished cake if you use jelly or gelatin. To do this, cover the surface of the cake with all kinds of fruits and berries, and apply jelly or gelatin on top with a brush. Place in the refrigerator to harden. The procedure should be repeated after 30 minutes. This cake will look unusual and intriguing.

Of course, making cake decor requires some available tools, as well as patience and skills. But the result is worth it. A beautiful and unusual cake made with your own hands will amaze guests and delight children.

Every holiday has great importance for the one who celebrates it, and therefore all preparations are carefully planned. Often the crown of the event is a cake, which is baked independently or ordered for each specific occasion. To achieve an original and beautiful appearance, juicy and healthy filling, it is best to use fruit. To apply them correctly, you need to know the principles of selecting decorative material and the principles of its layout on the cake.

What fruits are suitable?

Decorating a cake for any occasion is a fascinating process, but the result of such work can be different if you use decorative elements incorrectly. Fruit is the most common way to complement a confectionery product and give it spicy taste, so you need to know exactly what can be used and what cannot. The most convenient ones for decorating a cake will be:

  • pineapple cut into cubes or rings;
  • mango in any form;
  • citrus fruits – tangerines with oranges;
  • ripe but not overripe pears;
  • apples of different colors and varieties;
  • kiwi;
  • peaches, nectarines and apricots.

The least desirable fruits used in dessert decoration are:

  • melons and watermelons containing excess moisture;
  • persimmon;
  • pomegranate;
  • lime;
  • berries such as cranberries, blackberries, blueberries and gooseberries.

IN summer time it is best to use fresh fruits and berries, which will become a real decoration for the table, and for other seasons there are other, more suitable options. In the presence of freezer, containing a large number of products, you can freeze a lot of useful things, which will be useful in cold weather for preparing certain dishes. Frozen fruits can be made into syrup and placed effectively on the cake; pieces of citrus fruits in jelly or gelatin will look beautiful.

If desired, you can combine the fruit component and cream to achieve even greater effect and richness of taste.

How to cut?

In order to properly and beautifully decorate a cake with fruits, you need to properly prepare them and cut them beautifully. First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly wash all the ingredients and remove those that are spoiled or do not have an acceptable appearance for decoration. The next step is to remove all unnecessary parts that the fruit has: seeds, leaves, stalks. It is easiest to work with cut fruits, so large fruits are divided into two parts, and small ones, such as berries, can be left whole.

Once all the ingredients are prepared, you can begin one of the most important procedures - cutting fruit. The cut may be different.

  • In the form of slices, which is suitable for apples and pears, which are initially divided in half, and then cut into thin layers along the fruit.
  • In the form of quarters, for which peaches are best suited. If desired, you can cut them into slices, the main thing is that the flesh is quite dense.
  • In the form of halves, for which it is best to use apricots that open, the pit is removed from them, and they are carefully laid out on the cake.
  • In the form of rings or circles, which is most suitable for bananas, which are peeled and cut into rings of the same width, which are later beautifully placed on the dessert.
  • In their original form, as for berries that are small in size and have a special structure that is undesirable to disturb.

By choosing the right type of cutting for each specific fruit, you can achieve the most beautiful results, and any dessert or birthday cake will look amazing.

Suitable cream

To make a fruit cake more interesting and original, it is best to supplement it with some kind of cream, from which you can not only make a base for berries and other fruits, but also lay out roses or write something special if you have a culinary syringe. There are not many cream options suitable for this task, let’s look at the main ones.

  1. Oily- for the preparation of which you need butter, condensed milk and dye. The resulting mass is applied to a special syringe with various attachments. From buttery cream you can create a decor in the form of roses, decorate the cake with an original fancy-shaped border, which will also stand out in color.
  2. Creamy– for which you will need to purchase a jar of cream, cool it and whip it, then add vanillin and gelatin, after which the cream will be ready. Once everything is done, it is important to quickly place it in the syringe and begin the decorating procedure. The decoration can look like roses, a frame in the form of one figured strip along the edge of the cake will look beautiful, you can also completely cover the dessert with such cream, decorating it with waves, which will look very impressive.
  3. They will go well together chocolate and sour cream , which can be used to cover the entire product or some of its individual parts. Other cream options are less suitable for working with fruits due to their structure and compatibility with fruits. In addition to having a creamy addition, there are many more options for how you can further decorate the dessert.

Add-on options

In case you want to do spectacular cake, unlike all the others, you can use jelly or gelatin and make a lacquered dessert. Outwardly, it will have an original and very appetizing appearance, and the ease of execution will give everyone the opportunity to try their hand. Very an effective addition there will be melted chocolate, which completely pours over the entire dessert, and fruits are already placed on top. In addition to filling, it can also be used as an addition, thanks to which a mesh is applied to cover the fruit.

In addition to the top of the cake, do not forget about its side surfaces. They can be lined with fruit or covered with cream, but more interesting options may be coconut flakes, grated chocolate or cookies crushed to crumbs. Any fruit cakes go well with nuts, which can be included in the filling and placed as decorative elements on top and sides. However, this is not all, there are several other options.


Any type of chocolate is suitable for decorating a cake: black, milk and even white. You can melt it in a water bath and cover part or all of the surface, as well as rub and evenly sprinkle the surface of the dessert. Another spectacular decoration option can be chocolate figurines, the preparation technology of which is simple, these can be: butterflies, leaves, roses. The cobweb used to frame the sides of the cake looks very impressive.

Thanks to the variety of flavors and colors, you can create original jewelry using several options at once, combining White chocolate with black or milk. Thanks to the addition of dyes to white chocolate, you can achieve a wide variety of shades while maintaining the authentic taste of the coating. Additional elements in decorating the cake can be nuts and marshmallows, which will organically fit into the design invented for a particular cake.


To make the cake not only with an abundance of flavors and colors, you can complement it with meringue decor. At first glance, the airy figures have a denser consistency, which makes them stand out in the dessert, and the taste is more original. The color of such elements can be either traditionally white or any other if dye is added to it. Cooking meringues with gel coloring will result in a shiny treat that is smooth in appearance and a little sticky. If a powder color additive is used, the meringue or meringue will have a matte color and the texture will not be sticky.

If there is meringue on the outside, it makes sense to add a little of it to the filling, which will add an element of piquancy to the dessert and definitely improve the taste. Since the structure of meringue is quite dense and does not always stretch, and sometimes simply crumbles, you should not get too carried away with them in decorating confectionery products, otherwise eating them will not be as pleasant as it should be, due to the abundance of hard pieces.

Natural flowers

In the event of a particularly important event, such as a wedding, it is worth preparing a cake that will be remembered for a long time. The most suitable and nice option for this there will be fresh flowers that are placed on top of the cream or whatever the cake is decorated with. To ensure that the products hold well and do not fall, they are strung on skewers and pierced into the dessert. The procedure of decorating with flowers occurs at the very end, when the cake is covered with glaze, mastic or cream.

The choice of colors in each individual case is unique and is selected taking into account those who order holiday treat. It is important to choose the right color and size of decorative items so that they are in harmony with the cake coating and the fruit that will be placed on it. When it comes to tasting culinary masterpiece, the flowers are removed from it and the cake is cut for the guests.


For big sweet tooth lovers, decorating the cake not only with fruits, but also with sweets. The most common are: chocolate sticks, wafer rolls, dragee, coated multi-colored glaze, chocolate candies different shapes and varieties of chocolate, jelly candies and so on. In the case of such decoration, you should choose original products, which will fit into the concept of decorating the dessert, complement it and improve the taste.

You can make this cake decoration yourself without the help of specialists. Thanks to the most simple things, which are at home, you can transform the cake beyond recognition. A dessert decorated with sweets will be a real highlight of the holiday.


Using glaze is a convenient option for decorating a cake, because the melted chocolate will look impressive, and the fruit placed on it will become a great addition. In addition to its decorative function, glaze allows you to hide the shortcomings of the dessert; in the case of not entirely successful cakes that look unaesthetic, you can correct the situation by chocolate coating the entire surface of the dessert.

It is not necessary to fill the entire surface; you can place the main part of the composition on top and allow thin streams to flow onto the sides. This option looks very impressive. Application of glaze from different types chocolate: white and black on one product, allows you to achieve interesting combination. So, you can make a yin-yang or day-night cake by diversifying chocolate glaze suitable fruits.

Step by Step Guide to Cake Decorating

To properly decorate a cake with your own hands at home, you need to know some rules and secrets of this process. The first step is to prepare all the ingredients for work. It is important to decide on the cream that will be on the cake, the fruit that will be used for decoration, and additional elements, without which it will not be possible to achieve the desired result.

If the cake is planned to be chocolate, you will need to stock up on several chocolate bars, their number depends on the size of the cake and the degree of coverage with glaze. The first step is to prepare the glaze. The next step is to prepare the fruits, they should be washed and cut. If you want to do something original, you can create fruit roses from apples, for which thin plates are dipped in sugar syrup and wrapped, then added to the next row and so on until the desired flower is obtained. The final step is to place the decoration on the cake and complement it with other fruits, which should contrast in color with the main decorative element.

When everything is ready, you can sprinkle on this cake powdered sugar or coconut flakes, which will add zest appearance products. On dark cake Not only bright berries and fruits look good, but light varieties are also clearly visible.

As for protein, butter and similar creams, they are decorated with contrasting fruit additions so that the decor is clearly visible.
