How to choose a ripe peach and store it correctly. How to store peaches at home so they don't spoil for a long time

Fragrant fluffy peaches can delight anyone! They are good not only on their own, but also can decorate any dish with their wonderful taste with a bright fruity aftertaste. And thanks to the vitamins and antioxidants they contain, peaches have long ago gained fame as fruits of longevity - in the East they are generally considered a divine gift. How can you preserve this delightful gift of nature longer?

How to choose good peaches?

First of all, when choosing peaches, it is important to try to determine their ripeness. This can be done by palpating and pressing. Nice peaches should be velvety and soft enough, but at the same time elastic. And for greater confidence, you can smell these beautiful fruits - they should emanate a fairly strong sweetish aroma. By the way, large peaches often turn out to be harsh and less sweet compared to their smaller relatives. Therefore, sweet tooth lovers should first of all pay attention to small fruits and medium-sized peaches. But large fruits are great for freezing and canning!

It is not at all forbidden to purchase slightly unripe fruits - they can easily ripen at home (they ripen especially quickly in the company of other fruits). The most important thing is that there are no green spots on the selected fruits - this indicates that the peaches have not reached the minimum ripening threshold.

As for the quality of purchased peaches, it is not difficult to determine it by the seeds. Broken or shriveled pits indicate that the peaches are best storage treated with various chemicals.

When going home from the market with a bag of fragrant peaches, it is important to make sure that the fruits do not get crushed along the way - these delicate fruits They tolerate transportation very poorly and with the slightest mechanical damage they begin to quickly deteriorate. Ideally, it is better to take a basket rather than a bag for peaches. If, nevertheless, some fruits are damaged, then they must be used first - eaten or made into jam or compote.

How to store?

In rooms at room temperature, strong, ripe peaches can be stored for several days. To increase their shelf life, you can place them in the refrigerator, then they will last about a week longer.

It is strictly not recommended to store peaches in plastic bags - the humidity inside such packaging constantly increases, and this is extremely undesirable for delicate fruits. The most ideal option The packaging will be paper bags.

Concerning temperature regime, then peaches are best stored at a temperature around zero degrees Celsius. With more high temperature fragrant fruits will be stored less. By the way, the most ordinary cellar is quite suitable for storing them.

To avoid crushing pliable peaches, they should not be stacked on top of each other. And if it is necessary to preserve a sufficiently large number of peaches, then it is recommended to either wrap them in paper (each fruit separately) or pack them in special cellular trays.

Some summer residents store peaches in sand - for this, slightly unripe, strong fruits are selected in advance late varieties. First, they are laid out for three or four days in a well-ventilated dark room - this is done so that excess moisture comes out of the fruits. Then each fruit is wrapped in paper and the peaches are placed in a box in layers, alternating each layer of fruit with a layer of dry and clean river sand. As a result, the entire space between the fruits should be filled with sand. The most ideal for storing this way would be low boxes that can hold no more than four layers of peaches. If there are more layers, the fruits can easily become wrinkled under the pressure of each other.

There is another way to store peaches - using a solution of salicylic acid. Each fruit is coated with this solution separately. And preparing it is not difficult: for one liter of ninety-degree alcohol, take 10 g of salicylic acid.

Peach is a nutritious, juicy and very pretty fruit. But when you buy it it's beautiful appearance often confusing. It can be with a nice blush and at the same time completely unripe.

How to choose peaches

To choose the right peach, first determine its ripeness by pressing and palpating. If it is soft, elastic and velvety at the same time, then it will certainly be benign. At the same time, it is allowed to buy slightly unripe fruits if you ripen them. The main thing is to make sure that there are no green spots (the fruit has not been brought to the minimum ripening point). To be more sure, you need to smell it - there should be a strong sweet aroma.

The quality of a peach can be determined by its pit. If chemical treatment was used to improve storage in order to sell longer and further, then the seeds become shriveled or incomplete. In any case, always wash the fruit very well before eating.

Peaches are very difficult to transport (especially ripe ones). Beware of bruises - these fruits spoil many times faster. Therefore, when going shopping, take a grocery basket with you. Do not rush to throw away damaged fruits - they can be used for compote, jam, etc.

Peach relatives: nectarine and its various hybrids (fig, plum, apple) are selected and stored using the same method.

How to Preserve Ripe Peaches

At normal room temperature ripe peaches will last for several days. You can extend the shelf life if you put them in the refrigerator, but no more than one week. Try not to store fruits in plastic bags, inside which the humidity rises. Best stored in paper bags.

Peaches storage temperature

The most optimal temperature- about zero degrees Celsius. The higher it is, the less time the fruit will last. A regular cellar can also be suitable for short-term storage.

If you suddenly choose spoiled fruits when purchasing, then it doesn’t matter, there is a way out: peaches are often canned (in the form of jam, compotes, etc.) or dried.

Peach in cooking

This fruit perfectly complements any dish with its bright appearance and delicately sweet taste. Very often served with protein products. Other dairy products are also ideal. And the combination of peach and is liked by many cooks.

It is almost impossible to resist the temptation to eat ripe and juicy peach. In order to enjoy this not only tasty, but also healthy fruit, you need to know how to store peaches.

Often, the ripeness of a peach can be determined by its appearance. First of all, the fetus must have saturated color, emit a strong aroma and be soft to the touch.

But what if the fruits are not ripe? Is it possible to make them ripen after they have been picked? The answer is simple: of course, yes. There are several ways to do this:

  1. You will need a paper bag. Place unripe fruits in it, after putting a few bananas or apples in the bag. This trick will speed up the ripening process. Store the bag of fruit in a dry and warm place for 24 hours.
  2. For the second method, you will need linen or cotton napkins. You need to lay the fruits on one of them so that the cuttings are at the bottom, but they should not touch each other. Then cover them with another napkin. It is necessary to keep the peaches under a napkin for two to three days, after which they can be placed in the refrigerator.

Basic storage methods

Peaches have one unpleasant feature - short period of time storage Knowing a few secrets on how to store peaches at home, you can enjoy their taste for a long period of time.

Fruits can also be stored indoors, but in this case they will retain their freshness for only a few days.

When large quantity fruits, each of them must be wrapped in natural fabric and place them in loose rows in special boxes. Then place the boxes in a cool place. The lower the temperature, the longer the peaches will be juicy and tasty.

The optimal temperature for storing these fruits is from 0 to +5 °C, which means that everything can be preserved taste qualities can only be done by placing the peach fruits in the refrigerator or freezer.

The lifespan of fruits stored in the refrigerator can be significantly increased, but to do this you need to know a few tricks. Firstly, ripe fruits cannot lie next to other fruits. Secondly, they must be placed in a linen bag or paper bag.

You can freeze peaches not only in slices, but also whole. To do this, you need to know how to freeze peaches for the winter so that they do not lose their taste for several months. To do this you need:

  • select only ripe and whole fruits, and crushed ones can be used to make peach jam;
  • rinse them well under running water, but do not remove the cuttings;
  • dry;
  • put in the refrigerator for 24 hours;
  • After 24 hours, place them in an airtight container (kitchen containers will do) and place them in the freezer.

Peaches are also frozen in the form of jam. To do this, peel the fruit and remove the seeds. Then grind it in a blender or meat grinder. If desired, you can add a small amount of Sahara. Transfer to a jar or other container and place in the freezer. The frozen mixture can be added to tea or warm drinks, baked goods or use as a base for sweet sauces and toppings.

There are more unusual methods storage of nectarines, for example storage in sand. This is done as follows: each fruit is wrapped in paper or kitchen parchment, placed in deep boxes, but so that there are no more than four rows, after which the space between them is filled with clean and dry river sand. A box of fruit is placed in a cellar or pantry. With this storage method, they do not spoil for several months.

You can choose one of many storage methods, but you must always remember that the shelf life directly depends on the quality of the product. Therefore, choose elastic, ripe and aromatic fruits - only they can be stored for a long time.

Video “How to store fruits and berries”

From this video you will learn how to properly store fruits and berries.

Beautiful ripe nectarines with juice dripping from them are hard to beat in terms of flavor. They are also very nutritious. The beautiful orange-red skin of nectarines is evidence of the large amount of beta-carotene, which helps the body independently get rid of damaged cells that cause cancer and protect healthy cells from oxidation. Nectarines also contain vitamin C (immunity and moisture retention in cells). Finally, it's fiber for good digestion. The peach season in our country is designated by dates as the last 10 days of August - the first 10 days of September.

Purchase and storage

Nectarines are similar to regular peaches in both taste and appearance, so they are often confused. Nectarines most often have a smooth (rather than fluffy) reddish-yellow skin. And these are the most best peaches throughout the season.

When selecting nectarines, look for fruits that are soft and pliable but still retain their shape. Ripe nectarines are very fragile and smell sweet. To ripen nectarines at home, simply place them at room temperature in a brown paper bag. They should arrive within 1-2 days. Conversely, overripe nectarines should be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

Cooking with nectarines

They are great on their own, but also various recipes entering them couldn't be easier. The advantage of nectarines for cooking is that since they do not have a hard, fluffy skin, they do not need to be peeled.

Cook or defrost butter dough, roll it into a “pancake”, place more or less thinly sliced ​​nectarines on it in a circle, drip a little right on top fresh honey and finally fold the edges of the dough in a circle. Brush the folded edges with butter or an egg beaten with milk (water) and vanilla. Place in the oven for about 25 minutes at 200 degrees.

Nectarine salads are simply summer earthly ambrosia. For the basis of such salads, we advise you to experiment with a wide variety of exotic greens that have appeared in a huge number on Russian market fresh products. Start with Iceberg and Romano, continue with ready-made mixtures from non-standard greens in bags. In the future, just try adding nectarines to any(!) salad.

Tear the greens and distribute them among two deep plates. To both, add equal amounts of nectarines cut into small slices (1 piece each) and avocado (one for both dishes), wheat kernels (cooked according to the instructions on the package and cooled), thinly sliced ​​red onion (1/2 onion for both dishes ). Also add some diced marinated tofu (this can be substituted with seasoned chicken if desired).

Dressing: mix a quarter cup of lime juice, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 tbsp. l. tamari, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil first spin, 2 tbsp. l. freshly chopped cilantro, 2 tbsp. l. chopped fresh mint, 2 teaspoons lime zest, 2 tsp. chopped ginger + salt and pepper to your taste. Divide in half between bowls with salad, do not mix with the ingredients of the latter - just “sprinkle” on top.

Place 1 pitted nectarine in a blender and process until smooth. Pour the resulting mixture into a shaker, add 57 g gin, 14 g elderflower liqueur, 14 g lime juice, 7 g sugar syrup and half a teaspoon of chopped fresh leaves thyme. Fill the shaker with ice, shake thoroughly and pour the cocktail into chilled glasses.

Salsa with nectarine

A great addition to summer tacos or summer salads. As well as seasoning for chicken or fish. And how well does salsa with nectarine go with chicken kebab or grilled chicken - it’s simply impossible to describe!

Cut the nectarines (4 pcs.) into thick quarters (do not make thin quarters - the peach will leak onto the grill or into the fire). Grill the wedges over medium heat on the grill or carefully and high over the fire on a grate: place flesh side down, cook until grate marks are visible, then flip and hold over the heat for a similar time again. It takes about 1-2 minutes on one side. Transfer the fried wedges to a bowl and let cool completely. Combine red onion (one-third cup diced), low-fat feta (one-quarter cup, crumbled) and basil (2 tablespoons fresh, chopped) in a medium bowl. “Sprinkle” with salt and pepper. Cut the cooled nectarine into small pieces, combine the resulting mixture with the previously prepared mixture, and mix thoroughly.

The healthiest dessert known. Pieces of nectarine, finely but not powdered crushed nuts (walnuts are the tastiest and healthiest, but a combination of walnuts and almonds) and “cream” to choose from: sour cream with sugar, yogurt, ice cream or whipped cream with added sugar and vanilla. If desired, you can enter it in "parfait" caramel sauce, vanilla and raisins to taste, but believe me, even without them it will be VERY sweet. It is permissible to add and lemon juice(from half a lemon) optional. You can also use the present one instead of those described. lemon cream made from cashews, perfect for this dish.

Lemon Curd: Soak a cup of cashews in cold water for 30 minutes. (or overnight in the refrigerator), then remove the nuts and dry with napkins; mix 120 ml clean water, ready-made cashews, juice and zest from one lemon and 2 tbsp. l. fresh honey in a blender and process there at maximum speed until completely smooth (or crush the nuts with a potato masher and then mix with the rest of the ingredients). The cream can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 days in an airtight container.

Find 8 more recipes with nectarines (from smoothies and frozen yogurt to muffins and pizza) in the second part of the article “How to cook nectarines (peaches). Part 2."

It's hard to get away from a ripe peach. Its taste is somewhat reminiscent of melon, but still remains special. Fruits are unusually good during the ripening season. But you can’t eat too many of them at once; you want to prolong the pleasure.

Information on how to store peaches will help you enjoy the juicy fruits of summer longer.

To ensure that the taste of peaches does not disappoint and they last for at least a few days, you need to choose the right fruits. When putting fruits in a basket, you should pay attention to the following:

  • The fruits should not have dents, damage to the skin, spots of rot or greenery.
  • Peaches give off a pleasant aroma.
  • The fruit is covered with a red blush.
  • There is no need to give up irregularly shaped fruits. If they are not damaged, then such peaches are considered to be the most delicious.
  • When you lightly press the fruit, the pulp is slightly pressed out.
  • The bone should not fall apart or be wrinkled. If this is the case, then the peaches have been heavily chemically treated and are not safe to eat.

In order for the fruits to remain in good condition longer, they need to be transferred to the refrigerator, choosing a place intended for fruits.

Peaches store best in paper bags. You should not use polyethylene ones, since they soak fruits in moisture and spoil faster.

Ripe peaches keep well in the refrigerator for a week or a little longer.

Peaches are one of those fruits that can ripen when picked from the tree. Therefore, most often slightly unripe fruits are used for transportation.

You shouldn’t avoid them, although they are slightly inferior in sweetness to their tree-ripened relatives. The reason is that when a peach is picked, sugar stops being produced. Surely, there are those for whom this feature of unripe fruits is positive.

For peaches to ripen, they should be placed in a cozy corner of the kitchen. They can turn into ripe fruits only at room temperature. In the refrigerator, the fruits will either spoil or remain the same as they were at first.

Peaches ripen faster when mixed with other fruits. Therefore, apples, pears, and bananas can be placed next to unripe fruits. After a couple of days, the peaches begin to turn red and turn into juicy fruits that are ready to be eaten.

The following conditions must be met:

  • Choose the right storage location. The temperature should be above zero, but not exceed two degrees. Optimal air humidity is 85–90%. Some peaches can be placed in the refrigerator, the rest in the cellar or pantry.
  • Each fruit must be wrapped in paper. For indoor storage, boxes with or without compartments are suitable. Lay out the peaches in two or three layers. It is advisable that there is a small distance between the fruits.
  • It is necessary to place containers with peaches away from other fruits, since they can “help” each other to deteriorate faster.

If these conditions are met, peaches can be stored for a month. It is necessary to periodically check the fruits and remove those that begin to rot.

  • Sweet, sour and sweet fruits are suitable for dry. In this form, peaches can be stored for more than one year. You can dry the fruits in the sun or using a fruit dryer. For this procedure, peaches are cut in half or into four slices and the pit is removed.
  • Storage in sand. Slightly unripe fruits of late varieties should be selected. They should be firm and free from blemishes. For three or four days, the peaches are left in a dark room with good ventilation. During this time, the fruit will lose a significant part of its moisture.

Then the fruits are wrapped in paper and placed in boxes in no more than four layers. The space between the peaches is generously covered with dry and clean river sand. The fruits do not spoil for two to three months.

  • Freezing peaches. It is possible that this is the most optimal way to preserve fruits. long term(up to a year) without losing everyone useful properties. The fruits are frozen both whole and in slices. Fruits with pits should be placed in a container or bag and placed in the freezer.

    Peach slices are frozen with syrup. To prepare the latter, four cups are mixed cold water with three cups of sugar. Three tablets of ascorbic acid are added to the mixture.

    Pieces of peaches are placed in a container, completely filled with syrup and placed in the freezer. They keep well for one year. Low temperatures have a positive effect on fruits - the structure of the pulp remains unchanged.

  • Canning peaches. Another way to preserve the harvest. You can preserve fruit with the pit, or remove it first. You need to thoroughly study the technology so that peaches do not lose their taste and beneficial properties.
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