Canned small river fish. Methods and recipes for canning fish in jars

Love canned fish, but doubt the quality store product? It’s not at all difficult to prepare them with your own hands. Canned fish in tomato at home are prepared from any type of fish and different recipes. We will present the best of them in our article.

One of the advantages of home canned fish is that even inexpensive fish it turns out amazingly delicious. You can prepare such a dish not only on the stove, but also in a pressure cooker or multicooker. The result will definitely please you.

Canned fish in tomato at home is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. A kilogram of fish (herring, capelin, herring) is cleaned of the head, entrails and tail, washed and cut into 4 cm pieces.
  2. Carrots and onions (300 g each) are chopped into cubes. If desired, carrots are grated on a coarse grater.
  3. Tomatoes (500 g) are crushed into puree using a meat grinder or blender. Instead of tomato you can use tomato paste(about 3 tablespoons), but then it must be brought to the desired consistency with water, adding up to a volume of 500 ml.
  4. In a saucepan with thick walls or in a multicooker bowl, place first the tomato in layers, then fish, vegetables and spices (50 ml of vinegar, 100 ml of sunflower oil, 25 g of salt and twice as much sugar).
  5. The time for stewing the dish under the lid on the stove is 3 hours, in a slow cooker (“Stewing” mode) - 4 hours, in a pressure cooker - 1.5 hours. The fish should literally simmer in tomato sauce, then it will turn out very tender, all the bones will become soft, just like in industrially canned fish.

How to cook gobies in tomato at home

One of the most favorite canned foods from childhood are bulls cooked in tomato sauce. This fish is inexpensive, accessible and tasty. It takes just 4 hours for the tomato sauce to be prepared at home and turns out identical to the store-bought product.

The prepared (cleaned and washed) fish is placed in layers in an enamel pan. Between the layers add onion rings, salt, pepper to taste and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. In this way the pan is filled to the top. Then table vinegar diluted with water to taste to form a sour liquid and poured over the fish. 100 ml of vegetable oil is also added there. The pan is covered with a lid and sent to the stove. The fish will simmer over low heat for 4 hours. 40 minutes before the end of cooking, add tomato (3 tablespoons per 3-liter pan). This fish can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months.

Sprat in tomato at home

Your favorite canned food “Sprat in Tomato” is not at all difficult to prepare yourself. According to this recipe, the dish will be baked in the oven for 1 hour, after which it can be safely served for dinner. Home-cooked sprat in tomato can be stored in the refrigerator, but not for long, since no vinegar is added to the dish.

To prepare such canned food, the sprat is washed and, if necessary, the head is removed. Onion, cut into half rings, is fried in a frying pan. Then it is transferred to a fireproof baking dish, fish, salt (½ teaspoon) and sugar (1 teaspoon), coriander, garlic and other spices to taste are placed on top, a glass of tomato juice is poured in and 3 tablespoons of ketchup are added. After this, all the ingredients need to be mixed and placed in the oven to bake at 180°.

Canned fish for the winter

Canned fish prepared according to next recipe, are sealed for the winter without prior sterilization. At the same time, they “winter” very well in a dark and cool place, the jars do not open, and the dish does not spoil.

Canned fish in tomato for the winter is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Fish (1500 g) is cleaned of entrails, head and tail.
  2. Grated carrots and onions (500 g each) are fried in separate pans in vegetable oil.
  3. Tomatoes (1500 g) are crushed in a meat grinder or blender.
  4. Tomato, carrots and onions are mixed with salt (3 tablespoons), sugar (4 tablespoons) and vegetable oil(100 ml).
  5. The fish and Vegetable mix, after which it is sent to low heat for 3 hours.
  6. 10 minutes before the end of stewing, vinegar (50 ml) is poured into the pan.
  7. Canned fish in tomato sauce at home is placed in sterilized jars, covered with lids and sealed with a can opener.

This amount of ingredients makes 5 half-liter jars of delicious homemade preserves.

How to cook canned fish in an autoclave?

You can preserve absolutely any fish in an autoclave. Bream, perch, and capelin are also tasty. You can even take fresh frozen mackerel, and it will also be very tasty.

Canned fish is prepared in tomato in an autoclave according to the following recipe:

  1. Mackerel (2 kg) is cleaned and cut into large pieces.
  2. Onions (2 pcs.) are fried in vegetable oil, after which finely chopped tomato (2 pcs.) is added to it.
  3. Add tomato paste to the vegetables in the frying pan, add vegetable oil (2 tablespoons each), 2 glasses of water, salt and sugar to taste.
  4. Pieces of mackerel are placed in sterilized half-liter jars and filled with prepared sauce. After this, the jars are sealed with lids using a can opener.
  5. In an autoclave, canned fish will cook for 45 minutes at 110°.

The following tips will help you cook very delicious fish quickly and efficiently. They are as follows.

For fish lovers!

If you have a lot of fish, it is not necessary to salt or dry it.

You can stock up on excellent canned fish. Any type of fish is suitable for canning - river, lake, sea.

Suitable for preparing canned fish only fresh fish. It must be processed only in a clean room. The utensils and materials used must be kept perfectly clean and the recommended recipe and processing conditions must be strictly followed.

1. Red fish

Fresh frozen pink salmon - 2kg,

Tomatoes - 2 kg.

Carrots-800 g.

Onion -500g.

Salt -1.5 tbsp (30g),

Granulated sugar -200g.

Vinegar 9% - 5 tbsp. l.

vegetable oil - 400 ml.

Bay leaf - 3 pcs., black pepper to taste.

But the fish can be any kind.

Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder and simmer for 20 minutes. Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and fry in oil.

Prepare the fish (remove heads, tails and entrails, bones). Combine everything together and simmer for 1 hour. Add vinegar 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

Place the finished mixture in sterilized jars, roll up, and wrap until completely cool.

2. Sardines

Before cooking sardines, you need to gut all the insides of the fish, remove scales, cut off the head, tail and fins. Salt the fish to your taste and leave it for 30-40 minutes at room temperature.

Place the fish in a colander and dip it in boiling sunflower oil and fry for 2 minutes. In prepared canning jars, place 1 Bay leaf, 3-5 black peas allspice.

Place the cooled fish in jars and pour sunflower oil, in which sardines were kept for 2 minutes. Cover the jars with a lid and heat over low heat for 45 minutes.

Then roll up the jars with their contents while hot. Sterilize the rolled jars for 50-60 minutes. Repeat the sterilization process 3 times every 24 hours.

3. Sprats at home

From small fish(perch, roach, minnows, ruffs, dace, etc.) at home you can prepare a dish that tastes like sprats. To do this, the fish must be cleaned of scales, the entrails, heads, fins and tails removed, and the carcasses washed.

At the bottom of the pan (or pressure cooker) you need to put a layer of onion, cut into rings, and salted carcasses on it. Lay three or four layers in this way, but fill the pan no more than 2/3 of the volume.

Add allspice, bay leaf, add vegetable oil, vinegar and dry white wine or water. For 1 kilogram of fish you will need 200 grams of onion, 100 grams of oil, 50-9 percent vinegar and 150 grams of dry wine or water, spices and salt to taste.

Simmer over low heat under a tightly closed lid for three to five hours (in a pressure cooker 1-1.5 hours). U finished fish the bones become so soft that they do not need to be separated from the fish meat when eaten.

4. Canned fish In oil

After removing the entrails, the fish (mullet, bonito, etc.) is thoroughly washed to remove blood, strained and cut into pieces depending on the size of the container intended for canning.

Then the fish is kept for half an hour in a salty solution (250 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Wash it from salt and fry on all sides in vegetable oil until browned.

Fried fish is placed in glass jar. Black and allspice grains, bay leaves and lemon slices are placed between the pieces. Then pour in the vegetable oil in which the fish was fried, so that there is a 2 cm layer of oil on top of the fish.

Store in a cool place.

5. Fish in tomato sauce, home canning.

Recipe for 4 standard jars capacity 0.5 l.

The belly of asp, pike perch, carp, and gobies is cut; the heads of horse mackerel and mackerel are cut off, and the entrails, tails, and fins are removed. Cleaned asp, carp and mackerel are cut into pieces, gobies and horse mackerel are preserved whole. The fish is washed when the water has drained, sprinkled with salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 kg of fish, and after 30 minutes, rolled in flour, fried in vegetable oil on all sides. Cool for 30 minutes, put in jars and pour boiling tomato sauce 2 cm below the top of the jar neck.

For cooking tomato filling peel 300g of onion, cut into slices and fry until golden color in 150g vegetable oil. 2 kg of pureed tomatoes are poured into enamel dishes, put on fire, add fried onions, 4 cloves, 4 bay leaves, 4 grains of hot and allspice, 4-5 tablespoons of sugar and a tablespoon of salt, 4-5 tablespoons of 5% vinegar, bring to a boil. The jars are filled 2 cm below the top of the neck and placed in a pan on a wire rack. The amount of water in the pan should be 3-4 cm below the top of the neck of the jar, and its temperature should be 70 degrees.

Place the pan on the fire, cover with a lid, bring to a boil and heat the jars for 50 minutes. After this, each is covered with a lid and sterilized for 6 hours. After sterilization, the jars are cooled without removing them from the pan or opening it.

Amount of fresh fish for 4 cans with a capacity of 0.5 l: asp - 2 kg, pike perch - 2.4, carp - 3.6, gobies - 3.2, horse mackerel - 2.2, mackerel - 2.4 kg.

To reduce the processing time, you can use the re-sterilization method. To do this, close the filled jars with lids, place them in a pan with water heated to 70 degrees, boil for 50 minutes, check the quality of the sealing of the jars and sterilize three times for 90 minutes at intervals of 24 hours.

After each sterilization, the jars are cooled in the same pan where they were carried out. heat treatment without draining the water or opening the lid of the pan. The initial water temperature for the 2nd and 3rd sterilization is 20-30 degrees.

6. Recipe for canning pink salmon at home

Salt like this: take the steak, put it in a plastic bag, add salt and a little sugar there

For about 0.5 kg of fish, add a tablespoon of salt and half a teaspoon of sugar.

Shake the bag and put it in the refrigerator.

Take it out a couple of times a day to shake it and put it away again.

In 2-3 days lightly salted pink salmon ready.

7. Gudgeons stewed in marinade

Place oil, finely chopped onion, parsley root and greens into a saucepan or pot and sauté. Add bay leaf, salt, pepper, chopped tomatoes, gutted gudgeons, simmer for at least 4~5 hours and let stand. Serve with mashed potatoes, sprinkled with dill. These minnows come out like sprats in tomato sauce with soft bones. Store at temperatures below 15°.

600 g minnows, 50 ml oil, 2 onions, 3 tomatoes, 1 bay leaf, 6 peppercorns

They do the same with other fish, especially small fish. If you simmer in a pressure cooker, then 30 minutes is enough.

8. Recipe for canning small fish

A method for preserving fish at home. Buy smaller fish, such as perch, pipefish, crucian carp, etc. clean them.

Then prepare a vegetable fry from grated carrots and finely chopped onions. Add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and your choice (tomato paste, tomato juice or tomato sauce), then mix all ingredients well. Then place on the bottom of the pressure cooker raw carrots, then fish, add salt, pepper, onion and tomato.

Then repeat again carrots, fish, onions and so on almost until the end of the pressure cooker. Pour vinegar over it all, add 100 grams of preferably white wine, bay leaf, black pepper and 1/2 cup of water for piquancy. Simmer it all for about one hour, but this is time for small fish if you have big fish or cut into large slices, it must be simmered for about two hours over low heat in a pressure cooker. After full readiness Divide the prepared mixture into small jars.

During the Soviet era, there were, as they say, a great variety of canned fish in the store. They were very cheap back then, and can’t even be compared with today’s prices. They were very tasty and very nutritious. Now Not all store-bought canned goods can boast of this.

But, if you have your ownor lake, you can make your own homemade canned food from it.

Of course, if you want your home-canned food to be stored for a long time (say, a year), then this cannot be achieved without special processing.

Our recipes are suitable for those lovers of home canned food who do not want to store this product for a long time, and make them in order to put them in their mouths in the very near future. Everything here is prepared quite simply.

Homemade canned fish from river fish. Simple recipes for quick cooking

Basically, homemade canned fish is usually prepared in three options. These are, first of all, canned food in oil, the second option is in tomato, and the last one is the so-called canned food - “sprats”.

All this can be realized using the example of a river, because it can be different in size. From large fish you can make very delicious canned food with butter or in tomato, but send the small change to homemade sprats.

Recipe in oil

For any home canned food, the fish must be scaled, gutted, and its heads and tails must be cut off. Iflarge, then you need to cut it into smaller pieces.

After this, it would be nice to fry some more carcasses.

Next, you need to select dishes for preparing canned food. A duckling pan, for example, is well suited for this. First place the already chopped onion on its bottom, and a layer of fish on it, then cover the fish with onions again and put the next layer of fish on the onion again.

These layersand onions (it can take about 1 kg), you will need to add salt, pepper and pour 1/4 of a glass of vinegar over them, but before that, be sure to dilute it in a glass of water.

Now you can close the dish and wait for its contents to boil. When our future canned food boils, we set the most small fire and let them cook on it for 3-5 hours. You can do this on the stove, but it is much better to place the duckling with canned fish in the oven.

In tomato

Here the procedure for preparing canned food will be slightly different. You need to start here with tomato dressing, for which they first fry in a frying pan. A little later, a little sugar with sunflower oil and tomato paste are added to this onion (sauce is also suitable for this), mix all this well when the dressing is still hot.

Next, you can place the food on the bottom of the dish. You need to start with grated carrots, to obtain which you use an ordinary coarse grater. When you have laid the layer of carrots, place the fish on it, and then cover it with a layer of tomato dressing. This way you will need to fill all the dishes.

Now we spill all the layers with vinegar. Based on 1 kg of fish, then you need to pour 2-3 tablespoons, no more. Add some more white dry wine(50 g will be enough), bay leaf with pepper and a little water.

If you want to add viscosity and satiety to canned food, you can also add flour to them at this stage. They just sprinkle a little top layer on it. Even oatmeal or other cereals are suitable for this. These additional ingredients will make your homemade canned food more filling.

Homemade sprats

A very good option to “attach” river trifles. To do this, you need to smoke it a little, or use tea leaves in the recipe, which is quite strong. Such canned food can be made from capelin or sprat; river fish is also quite suitable for this.

Even suitable for refilling bouillon cubes, which have a smoked aroma. You can use the same liquid smoke, for example, or other similar mixtures that imitate the smell of real smoke.

Canned fish prepared according to these recipes are not suitable for long-term storage. But if you haven’t eaten them in 3-4 days, then it’s quite possible to cook soup based on them in the future. Another option is to add additional components to them and “make” fish cutlets from the remains of such canned food.

And here is a video recipe where they will show you how you can prepare homemade canned fish from small fish for long-term storage. Let's see.

And here is another video where canned food is made from crucian carp. I also recommend watching it.

I looked through everything, read it, thought about it and decided to look for something that would be like in canned food without the tomato yet.

Hurray, I found it, I’m sharing it. I write more for myself so as not to lose it! Girls, the photo is not mine, the fish was so tasty that it was eaten very quickly!

Homemade canned fish

Homemade fish (canned fish at home), tastes like store-bought canned fish in oil. Fans of canned fish should enjoy this dish.

For cooking, both ordinary river fish and any sea fish are suitable; by the way, it is very tasty to use mackerel, not salted herring, capelin will taste just as good. In my version of the canned fish recipe, it is an ordinary medium-sized river fish. From ready-made dish can be done fish salads, sandwiches. So let's get started.

Ingredients for canned fish:

  • Fish – 1 kg; I had: 850 g mackerel s/m
  • Onions – 500 gr; 300 gr
  • Salt – 1.5 teaspoons; 1 tsp
  • Black peppercorns – 10 pcs; 10 pieces
  • Pepper sweet pea- 10 pieces; 10 pieces
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml; 100 ml
  • Water – 300 ml; 300 ml
  • Tea (infusion) – 2 tbsp. spoons; 1 sachet per half cup
  • Bay leaf – 4 pcs. 4 things

Recipe for homemade canned fish:

Clean the fish, remove the intestines, cut off the head. Remove the fins and tail, cut into small pieces, about 5 centimeters each. Place the fish pieces in a bowl and add salt. Mix everything and set aside (photo 2).

Cut the onion into half rings.

We take a saucepan or cast iron with a thick bottom and a tight lid, put a layer of chopped onions on the bottom, then a layer of fish and so on until the fish runs out, the top layer must be onions. Don’t forget to put black and allspice peas on the fish layer and pour in vegetable oil (photo 3).

Pour boiling water over two bags of black tea or two tablespoons (preferably large-leaf tea leaves) and let it brew well.

(I brewed a bag strong tea for less than half a cup of water, it was fine)

When the tea leaves are infused, pour it into the fish.

Cover the cast iron with a lid and put it on the fire, bring it to a boil, and when it boils, keep the fire low so that the fish barely gurgles, and cook it for two and a half hours. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, throw in the bay leaf (I threw it in right away because I put it in the oven and went for a walk, my husband controlled it and turned it off later)

In two and a half hours home canned fish ready in oil. Let it cool completely and you can use it. (simmered for 2.5 hours in the oven on the lowest heat, the bones were soft, chewy, but a little harder than the store-bought kind, maybe another half hour would have been needed and the desired softness would have been present)

Bon appetit!!!
