How to make delicious homemade popsicles? How to make popsicles: delicious ice at home

Prepare food for cooking fruit ice. Wash the lemon, pour boiling water over it and dry. Wash the mint. It is better to use mint leaves in the recipe and remove the sprigs. If you are cooking from frozen berries and fruits, then you do not need to completely defrost them; you can keep them at room temperature 20-30 minutes. Place the berries and fruits in a tall bowl, convenient for whipping, and puree them using an immersion blender.

As soon as fruit puree will become homogeneous, add powdered sugar. Zest the lemon and then squeeze the juice from the lemon. Add lemon zest and juice to the puree.

Grind the mint leaves with the fruit puree thoroughly using an immersion blender until smooth.

Divide the resulting mass into molds and insert sticks (you can use wooden skewers or, like me, reusable sticks). Put forms in freezer before completely frozen. Then carefully remove homemade fruit ice from the molds and serve.

This is such a beauty! Ice cream "Fruit Ice", prepared at home, is very tasty and does not contain unnecessary impurities and preservatives. And grinding different berries and fruits, you will get a new interesting taste every time.

Homemade fruit ice or juice ice cream is a delicious and healthy dessert. And not just for children. If you are on a diet and really want ice cream, then homemade fruit ice can completely replace it. How to cook it at home?

There are many varieties of fruit ice, and no standard recipe. It all depends on what fruits and berries you prefer. But there are still certain rules that you need to follow to avoid disappointment.

Any. It may not be one juice, but several. If you pour this juice in layers, it will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful. But before pouring the juice, you need to taste it, is it too sour? In cherry, lemon and apple juice you need to add syrup, otherwise your ice will be unedible.

The syrup for making fruit ice is prepared as follows:

For 500 gr. you need 100 grams of juice. sugar and a little water.

Pour sugar into a saucepan and add a little water. Bring to a boil, stirring, and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and pour in the juice. Wait until it cools completely, prepare the molds and wooden sticks. When the juice has cooled, pour it into molds and place in the freezer for 20 minutes. After the ice freezes a little, you can insert a wooden stick into the mold and wait until it is completely frozen.

The most delicious fruit ice is made from juice with pulp, or with pieces of fruit. Using a blender or fork, mash the berries, add a little syrup, and pour the puree into the molds. Don't be afraid to experiment by trying new flavors. It's only scary the first time, but over time you'll get the hang of it and making popsicle juice will take very little time.

How can you freeze fruit juice?

Don't have a special ice cream mold? Are there any empty yogurt cups, or silicone molds for baking? Well, at worst, borrow some beads from your child, just wash them with a brush. Well, this is an extreme case, but it helped me out. I even bought a set of children's beads especially for fruit ice. And it's a lot of fun to make colorful ice cream from juice with your kids.

Fruit ice is cold dessert based on frozen juice, various fruit drinks or tea. In order to cook fruit ice at home, you can use store-bought molds to form ice or use small ones plastic cups from under yogurt. You can add pieces of fresh fruit or berries to fruit ice. The sight of such ice is simply amazing. I made fruit ice from freshly squeezed orange juice, but other natural, preferably freshly squeezed, fruit juices are also perfect. Try making this ice at home; it turns out not only tasty, but also healthy, since it does not contain dyes or preservatives.


To prepare fruit ice we will need:

2-3 oranges;

100 g cherries (you can do without them or take berries to taste).

Cooking steps

Wash and dry the oranges. Cut the oranges into two parts. Extract the juice from the orange using a juicer. If you don't have a juicer, you can squeeze out the juice by hand and then strain it through a sieve.

I got 3 molds with pieces of berries and 3 molds with orange juice.

Place the molds with the juice in the freezer until completely frozen. I left the prepared fruit ice overnight.

Bon appetit!

And an important tip that you shouldn’t forget. When removing ice cream from the mold, you can accidentally destroy all the beauty by breaking it. Therefore, we advise you to lower the mold into a bowl with warm water, and then remove the fruit ice without any problems.

Fruit ice with berries and yogurt

What we need:

200 g strawberries/raspberries
¼ cup sugar
200 g blueberries
1.5 cups low-fat yogurt

How to make popsicles with berries and yogurt

1. Wash the berries. Beat strawberries with 1 tablespoon of sugar. Then beat the blueberries separately with one tablespoon of sugar. And mix in a separate bowl low fat yogurt with 2 tablespoons of sugar.
2. Prepare the molds and place strawberries and blueberries in them in layers and pour yogurt on top. Place homemade ice cream in the refrigerator, and when it hardens a little, insert sticks into it.

Fruit ice with Mojito

What we need:

1 glass of water
¾ cup sugar
1 glass of rum
1.5 cups Sprite or soda
1-2 limes
mint leaves (about 20 leaves)

How to make popsicles with mojitos

1. First you need to make sugar syrup. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and add mint leaves. Stir occasionally and bring to a boil. After this, turn the heat to maximum and cook the mint for 1 minute. Reduce heat and simmer mint for another 3 minutes. Turn off the heat, let the syrup cool, then strain it, and discard the mint leaves.
2. While the syrup is cooling, pour the soda into a glass and use a spoon to knock out the bubbles a little. Then cut the limes and squeeze the juice out of them.
3. In a bowl, mix the cooled mint syrup, rum, soda and lime juice. Pour mojito into molds and freeze. When the Mojito ice cream has hardened a little, insert sticks into it.

Fruit ice with coconut and raspberry

What we need:

400 ml coconut milk
350 g raspberries
4 tbsp. spoons of honey
1 ripe banana
5 tbsp. tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice

How to Make Coconut and Raspberry Popsicles

1. Add to coconut milk 2 tablespoons honey, stir. Pour 1/3 of the milk into a separate bowl.
2. Pour most of the coconut milk into a blender, add the remaining honey, add chopped banana and raspberries. Beat until homogeneous mass. Pour into the molds, leaving some space, and pour the remaining coconut milk on top - this is done for visual effect.
3. When the coconut and raspberry ice cream has hardened a little, insert sticks into it. It is advisable to leave it in the freezer overnight.

Fruit ice with watermelon

What we need:

½ cup soda
1 lime
3 tbsp. spoons of honey
4 cups watermelon, diced

How to make watermelon popsicles

1. Lightly knock out the bubbles from the soda with a spoon. Add freshly squeezed lime juice and honey to it. Mix well (you can use a blender).
2. Cut the watermelon into cubes, trying to remove all the seeds from the pulp. Place the watermelon in a blender, add soda and honey and blend.
3. Pour the watermelon mixture into molds and freeze. When it hardens a little, insert sticks into the ice cream.

In this recipe, you can replace the soda with coconut water- This is delicious.

Fruit ice with peach

What we need:

50 g ginger root
½ glass of water
1/3 cup sugar
2 ripe peaches

How to make peach popsicles

1. Peel the ginger root and cut it into small pieces. Pour water into a pan, add sugar and add ginger root. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer the syrup for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then set the syrup aside to cool.
2. Strain the cooled syrup through a sieve, discarding the ginger. Chop the peach pulp, put it in a blender, add water and blend. Add syrup to peach mixture and stir.
3. Pour the juice with ginger into molds and freeze. After some time, insert the sticks into the ice cream.

Ice" is a popular, low-calorie and refreshing dessert, loved by both adults and children. The abundance of this delicacy in our stores is impressive, but almost all manufacturers use far from safe ingredients, including artificial dyes and harmful additives. Such sweetness will bring nothing but weight gain and harm to health.

So why needlessly poison yourself, what is the need for this? The easiest way to make a treat with my own hands from available and healthy fruits or berries. If you don’t yet know how to make fruit ice at home, then our article will describe in detail simple and delicious recipes. By the way, the product may contain not only fresh berries, but also canned ones. To thicken, it is not forbidden to add starch and food gelatin.

Well, you can’t do without special molds and bowls. To diversify color and add brightness, cooks use natural juices and fruit purees. The result is a multi-colored frozen treat that is highly nutritious. When creating refreshing ice cream, use your imagination and create original sweet desserts. We, in turn, are happy to invite you to familiarize yourself with delicious recipes. No one will ever have a question about how to make fruit ice at home for children.

Pineapple lemon treat

The composition of the dish is quite simple. It includes available products: fresh pineapple (or canned), natural lemon juice (one hundred grams), granulated sugar(two hundred grams) and purified water (300 ml). If desired, you can use wooden sticks or freezing molds.

From the specified amount of liquid and granulated sugar, you need to cook a viscous syrup over low heat. During this time, cut the pineapple into small pieces and place them in a blender or mixer. Combine the resulting puree with lemon juice and warm sugar syrup. When the mixture has cooled completely, pour it into molds and put it in the freezer for three hours. A cold and, most importantly, healthy dessert is ready to eat. Here's how to make popsicles at home in minutes.

Strawberry-raspberry pleasure

Ingredients: a kilogram of fresh or canned strawberries and the same amount of raspberries. You will need a little less than a glass of sugar, half a liter of water and two tablespoons of starch.

Cook the syrup in the same way as the previous recipe. Wash the berries, mix with the prepared syrup and boil for 10 minutes over very low heat. Beat the warm mixture in a food processor and add starch: mix the powder with a few tablespoons of water (cold) and pour into the puree in a thin stream. We freeze fruit ice at home. You can insert sticks into the molds - and you get real ice cream, only much tastier.

Pear dessert

Components: half a kilogram of sweet pears, a little vanillin, a glass of water, lemon juice (20 g) and two hundred grams of granulated sugar or powdered sugar.

Dip fruits cut into several pieces into a pre-cooked syrup of water and sugar and cook until completely softened. For pleasant aroma add vanillin at the beginning of cooking. As soon as the pears are cooked, make a homogeneous puree from them, pour in lemon juice, transfer to a mold and put in the freezer. In two hours, homemade popsicles will be ready to eat.

With blackberries and watermelon

Prepare three hundred grams of blackberries, kilogram watermelon pulp, two tablespoons of lime or lemon juice, a little salt and powdered sugar to taste. You will also need four ice cream molds and wooden sticks. You can take plastic ones from Rastishka yogurt.

Place three in each bowl fresh berries blackberries. Make fruit puree from the rest using a blender. Add powder, lemon juice and salt. We put it in the molds and insert the sticks, put the fruit ice in the freezer for a day.

Recipe for blueberry melon puff pastry with yogurt

For the first layer you should take following products: a glass of blueberries, blueberry juice(two hundred grams), classic yogurt (two spoons), granulated sugar (50 g), salt on the tip of a knife.

For the second layer: three hundred grams ripe melon, lemon juice (20 ml), powdered sugar - a few spoons.

Before making popsicles at home, you need to prepare the layers. Sprinkle blueberries with sugar, pour in juice and let the mixture boil. After this, boil for two minutes, cool. Beat in a blender along with yogurt and salt. Fill the bowls up to half.

On top of the blueberry mass we spread the melon mixture, pureed with lemon juice and powder. We stick the ice cream sticks in and put them in the freezer for 12 hours.

Components: two glasses of any fruit or berry juice(you can use puree own production), half a liter of water, a heaping teaspoon of gelatin, citric acid (3 g), sugar (a glass).

IN boiled water Add granulated sugar and simmer until sticky. Gelatin must be dissolved in a small volume of liquid and left for half an hour. Pour the swollen stabilizer into the syrup and boil for one minute.

Combine the resulting thick and homogeneous solution with fruit juice, mix and let cool. If there are lumps in the mixture, it should be passed through cheesecloth or a strainer. IN cool dessert add citric acid, then pour into tartlet molds and store in the freezer for several hours.

The presented recipes describe in detail how to make popsicles at home. Enjoy taste qualities and recharge yourself with positivity. Publicly available delicacies, as we see, are made quite quickly from any ingredients.
