Do-it-yourself sweets. Other options for homemade chocolates. With liquid filling

Hello, my dear readers and blog guests! Homemade sweets are a strong competitor to store-bought sweets - any gourmet will confirm this fact. Homemade treats are favored not only by naturalness and freshness, but also by the wonderful opportunity to select ingredients in accordance with family preferences. And today I will share with you the secrets of preparing the most delicious and original delicacies!

How to make candy at home

Having prepared one of the dishes I offer at home, you will definitely not remain indifferent.

DIY candies “Bird's milk”

Product set:

Cooking technique:

  1. Pour a spoonful of gelatin with 100 milliliters of boiled water (it should be at room temperature). After waiting for swelling, place the composition on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Now you need to thoroughly beat the whites with sugar (the amount of sand is adjusted to taste). Add the cooled gelatin mass in parts.
  3. Break the chocolate bar. Attach butter and melt the sweet pieces in a water bath. If desired, you can cook homemade frosting– it will adequately replace store-bought dessert.
  4. Separate half of the chocolate mixture. Spread it on the bottom deep baking tray lined with baking paper, and then immediately put the container in the refrigerator.
  5. When the chocolate has hardened slightly, it’s time to spread the lush protein mass. On top of it you need to pour the remaining glaze, preheated to a warm state.
  6. Place the mold in the refrigerator and wait for the chocolate shell to completely harden.
  7. Next, the dessert is cut into pieces of the desired shape. The most delicate soufflé goes well with tea and coffee!

Wafer sweets at home

Product set:

  • Dry baby formula "Malyutki" type (1 glass)
  • Coconut flakes or cocoa powder (for dusting)
  • Butter (80-100 grams)
  • Wafers with any filling (200 grams)

Cooking technique:

  1. Divide the waffles into layers. Carefully remove the filling: it must be combined with softened butter.
  2. Pour in the baby formula in small portions - the end result should be a thick, dense mass. Roll into balls of the same size.
  3. Crumble the “emptied” waffles, and use the resulting crumbs to bread the sweet rounds.
  4. To finish, the candies can be rolled in coconut flakes or generously sprinkled with cocoa - depending on your personal taste!

How to make “Korovka” candies at home

Product set:

  • Citric acid - you can take freshly squeezed juice (half a teaspoon)
  • Milk (1 glass)
  • Honey (45 grams)
  • Butter (a couple of tablespoons)
  • Granulated sugar (one and a half to two glasses)

Cooking technique:

  1. Boil the milk in a small saucepan.
  2. Add 25-30 grams of butter. Add sugar at the same time.
  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly and wait until it boils again.
  4. Continue cooking the sweet mass until thickened. Then stir in lemon juice and honey.
  5. After 35-40 minutes, the saucepan can be removed from the heat. Distribute the candy base among the molds (a container for regular or figure ice).
  6. Refrigerate the mold until completely frozen. When tasting homemade “Korovka”, you will certainly be amazed by the delicate texture and amazing taste of the delicacy!

Dietary pumpkin candies

Product set:

  • Pumpkin puree(1 glass)
  • Ground cinnamon(half a teaspoon)
  • Ginger powder (on the tip of a knife)
  • Butter (50 grams)
  • Ground nuts (half cup)
  • Granulated sugar (200 grams)
  • Salt (quarter teaspoon)
  • Cocoa powder (15 grams)
  • Milk (200 milliliters)
  • Vanilla sugar(1 teaspoon)

Cooking technique:

  1. To make the puree, cut the pumpkin into slices, bake in the oven until softened and puree thoroughly in a blender.
  2. Place the vegetable mixture in a saucepan, accompanied by sugar and vanilla. Add salt and pour in milk. After mixing, place the mixture on the stove and cook over high heat until it boils.
  3. Now reduce the heat to low and leave the mixture to simmer for another forty minutes. From the beginning of caramelization, the mixture must be stirred continuously, otherwise it will burn.
  4. Ultimately, the mass will begin to resemble marmalade and will begin to easily separate from the bottom of the container - it’s time to remove it from the stove.
  5. Add a couple of tablespoons of butter and a small portion of crushed nuts. To flavor, add aromatic spices - cinnamon and ginger.
  6. Post it homogeneous mass into a bowl. Cool and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  7. Combine the remaining nuts with cocoa powder and use for breading: separate the candy mixture with a teaspoon, roll into balls and coat generously. Dessert rounds should be stored refrigerated.

How to make lollipops at home

Product set:

  • Diluted citric acid (half a teaspoon)
  • Granulated sugar (250 grams)
  • Water (half a glass)
  • Fruit juice(1 tablespoon)
  • Powdered sugar (in large quantities)
  • Food coloring of any shade

Cooking technique:

  • Heat sugar and water in a thick-bottomed saucepan. After the syrup has boiled a little, drop a little liquid directly into the saucer with cold water-When it begins to thicken, the dishes can be removed from the heat.
  • Mix in any flavoring of your choice - it can be fruity / berry juice, milk, cocoa or coffee.
  • Add food coloring, and citric acid, dissolved in hot water 1:1. Stir thoroughly.
  • Spread the powdered sugar on the baking sheet – there should be a lot of it.
  • Now take any round object of suitable diameter (the size of the lollipops will correspond to it). Press into sweet powder to get a clear impression. Make indentations in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Place the sticks under the lollipops and fill the holes with syrup.
  • Expect the sweets to harden. In the future, to prevent the candies from sticking together, you can generously sprinkle them powdered sugar.

“Drunk” candies for adults

Product set:

  • Light rum (2 tablespoons)
  • Butter (50 grams)
  • Almonds (half a cup)
  • Cherry liqueur(20 milliliters)
  • Chicken egg (1 whole + 1 white)
  • Dark chocolate (150 grams)
  • Powdered sugar (half a cup)
  • Milk chocolate (20 grams)

Cooking technique:

  1. Boil and peel the egg. Beat the butter until it turns white; then combine with boiled yolk and grind until as smooth as possible.
  2. Add a tablespoon of alcohol different varieties. Liqueur can be any kind, but cherry is still preferable.
  3. Dark chocolate must be melted in a water bath (set aside a few cubes for making marzipan). Then he also joins the lineup.
  4. After thorough stirring, the filling goes into the refrigerator for the next hour.
  5. Meanwhile, peel and crush the nuts into fine crumbs (to easily remove the husks from the almonds, steam them with boiling water for 5 minutes). Pieces of dark chocolate also need to be crushed on a grater.
  6. Add the remaining rum, sweet powder and raw protein. Stir the mixture with a mixer or blender for three minutes, then put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  7. After cooling from almond marzipan you need to make a neat “sausage” (be sure to spread it on the countertop baking paper).
  8. Cut the workpiece into equal parts and roll into rounds. Turn them into flatbreads, then spread the filling and seal the edges, forming sweet balls with filling.
  9. Set up milk chocolate on a grater and roll in the candies one by one. The treat is ready to serve!

How to make curd sweets with strawberries at home

Product set:

  • Cottage cheese (250 grams)
  • Fresh or frozen strawberries (1 cup)
  • Sweet shavings coconut (a couple of tablespoons)
  • Butter (30 grams)
  • Breadcrumbs(for sprinkling)
  • Chicken egg (1 piece)
  • Granulated sugar (75 grams)
  • Flour (1 cup)

Cooking technique:

  1. Beat the egg with granulated sugar. Add cottage cheese and butter, still whisking.
  2. Add flour and knead curd dough.
  3. Divide the base into small parts and form them into flat cakes.
  4. “Plant” one strawberry for each blank. Roll into round pieces, dusting your hands with flour for convenience.
  5. Now the “koloboks” need to be immersed in boiling water so that the curd “sets”. Keep them on the stove for three minutes after surfacing.
  6. Remove the balls using a slotted spoon. Bread each candy in a mixture of crumbs and coconut.

DIY butterscotch with sour cream

Product set:

  • Honey (half a glass)
  • Granulated sugar (1.5 cups)
  • Softened butter (100 grams)
  • Sour cream (one and a half cups)

Cooking technique:

  1. Mix sugar and honey and set over medium heat. Wait until it boils, stirring the ingredients continuously.
  2. When the mixture acquires a beautiful amber hue, remove the dishes from the stove.
  3. In a separate container, bring the sour cream to a temperature of 80 degrees. Then add to the sugar-honey mass.
  4. Add soft butter. After thorough mixing, return the mixture to low heat and simmer for several minutes with constant stirring.
  5. You can test the readiness like this: scoop up some of the sweet mixture with a spoon, put it on a plate and wait a little - the toffee should soon harden. If necessary, you can add more honey or sugar.
  6. Take baking paper and line the surface of the baking sheet. Treat the parchment with vegetable oil, lay out the candy mixture and smooth it out well.
  7. After a quarter of an hour, all that remains is to cut the iris and serve it with fragrant tea.

Orange candies at home

Product set:

  • Semolina (30 grams)
  • Peanuts (50 grams)
  • Orange (1 fruit)
  • Powdered sugar (15 grams)
  • Water (50 milliliters)
  • Sugar (80 grams)
  • Egg white(1 piece)
  • Pastry powder (optional)
  • Lime (1 piece)

Cooking technique:

  1. Rinse the lime and orange thoroughly. Remove the zest from orange fruit, squeeze the juice out of the remaining pulp.
  2. Now squeeze out the juice from the lime. In total, for dessert you will need half a glass of fresh juice - mixed orange and lime.
  3. Pour the juice into a small saucepan or sauté pan. Add the chopped zest and granulated sugar, add a quarter glass of water.
  4. Heat the mixture over low heat with constant stirring. After boiling, keep it on the stove for another three minutes.
  5. Start adding semolina in small portions. Boil the mixture until thickened - usually about five minutes.
  6. Crush the nuts with a blender and add to the manno-citrus porridge.
  7. Roll balls of arbitrary size. Place the products on a plate and refrigerate until set.
  8. Do delicious glaze for homemade sweets - a couple of trifles: just whip chicken protein with sweet powder.
  9. Additionally, colored confectionery powder will help decorate the orange balls.

Delicious sweets for diabetics at home

Product set:

  • Dried figs (140 grams)
  • Sugar substitute (to taste)
  • Walnuts - optional (half a cup)
  • Chickpeas or lentils (1 cup)
  • Cocoa powder (20-30 grams)
  • Water – can be replaced with cognac (60-70 milliliters)

Cooking technique:

  1. On the eve of cooking, the beans must be soaked in cool water - leave them overnight. It is advisable to do the same with the figs so that they soften well.
  2. Pour a glass of water over the washed lentils or chickpeas. Boil over moderate heat for 50-60 minutes, until full readiness.
  3. Drain the liquid and let the beans dry. Next you need to chop them with a blender.
  4. When chopping dried fruits, it is recommended to leave some medium-sized slices - it will be tastier.
  5. Nuts are added as desired. If you approve this product, it will have to be crushed carefully.
  6. Mix chickpea base, figs and nuts. Add sugar substitute and stir everything well.
  7. When you have a completely homogeneous mass in your hands, you can safely form the products. Give the candies any shape you want.
  8. For greater beauty, the dessert delicacy should be generously sprinkled with cocoa.

Now you know how to make candy at home. I hope you liked the treat recipes. Bon appetit and see you again!

It would seem, why do we need recipes? chocolates, if these sweets are presented in abundance on the shelves? Of course, in stores now real paradise for those with a sweet tooth – the assortment list of confectionery products will take dozens of pages. But are homemade chocolates comparable to store-bought ones? Firstly, you prepare them only from proven ingredients, and secondly, you make dishes with love, which undoubtedly affects the taste.

Recipes for homemade chocolates with cocoa

Candies "Chocolate balls"


  • Vanilla crackers – 300 g
  • Milk – 250 g
  • Butter – 200 g
  • Walnuts – 100 g
  • – 100 g
  • Powdered sugar – 50 g
  • Sugar – 250 g


Mix cocoa powder with sugar, pour in hot milk and cook until the sugar dissolves. Pass through a meat grinder vanilla crackers, pour the hot milk mixture over them, mix thoroughly and cool. Add softened butter, mix well until smooth. Make balls and roll them in a mixture of chopped walnuts, powdered sugar and cocoa. Place the chocolate candies with cocoa prepared according to this recipe in the refrigerator or freezer for 1 hour to harden.

Homemade chocolate candies “Sweet Tooth”


  • Dried apricots -100 g
  • Raisins – 100 g
  • Dried figs – 100 g
  • Walnuts – 100 g
  • Sweet almonds – 100 g
  • Lemon – 2 pcs.
  • Honey – 200 g
  • Cocoa powder – 100 g


Mince dried apricots, raisins, figs, walnuts or sweet almonds and lemons. Add enough candied honey to the resulting mass to obtain the consistency of a stiff dough. Form balls and roll them in cocoa powder or powdered sugar. Allow the homemade cocoa chocolates prepared according to this recipe to dry at room temperature 3-4 hours and refrigerate.

Chocolates with almonds


  • Butter – 100 g
  • Powdered sugar – ½ cup
  • Cocoa powder – 100 g
  • Almonds – 50 g


Before preparing these chocolates, melt the butter in a saucepan, add powdered sugar and cocoa powder, mix thoroughly, and let cool. Form into balls, place chopped sweet almonds (or raisins) inside each ball, roll in powdered sugar, and let dry at room temperature. Place in the refrigerator for final hardening.

Candies "Almonds in chocolate"


200 g almonds

100 g chocolate (bitter, milk - whichever you prefer)

4 tbsp. spoons of cocoa

1 tbsp. spoon of powdered sugar


Preheat the oven to 100°C.

1. For this recipe for homemade chocolates, you need to pour almonds onto a baking sheet and dry in a preheated oven for

30–40 minutes.

2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, do not stir!

3. Sift cocoa onto baking paper in a thick layer.

4. Dip almonds in chocolate, roll in cocoa.

5. Place almonds in a sieve and shake lightly to remove excess cocoa.

Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.

How to make handmade chocolates: recipes with photos

Chocolate candies "Antoshka"


  • 1 can of condensed milk with cocoa or 1 can of regular condensed milk and 3 tablespoons of cocoa,
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts,
  • 2 tablespoons flour or breadcrumbs,
  • a sheet of foil or thick parchment,
  • some thick berry jam.


Closed tin can Place with condensed milk in a saucepan, add water and cook over medium heat for 2 hours. If the water boils away, add so that the can is in the inlet. Then turn off the gas, wait until the jar cools down a little, and open the jar. Place the contents in a bowl. Add a glass of chopped nuts and stir. If it was condensed milk without cocoa, add 3 tablespoons of cocoa. Place a sheet of foil or parchment on a baking sheet and sprinkle it with breadcrumbs or flour. Use one teaspoon to scoop out the candy mixture and use the other to remove it onto a baking sheet. Place at a distance of 2 cm from one another. Place a jam berry on each flatbread. Chocolates prepared according to this recipe self made dry in the oven over medium heat for 15 minutes. Let them cool directly on the baking sheet, then carefully remove with a knife and place on a saucer.

Recipe for nut candy in tartlets with chocolate and coconut crumbs


30 pieces of tartlets, a handful of hazelnuts and peanuts, 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 40 g butter


Products, the quantity of which is indicated in tablespoons, should be taken without a slide. Among the nuts you can take walnuts, cashews, and pistachios. However, hazelnuts and peanuts are the most common nuts for confectionery.

Lightly fry the nuts over moderate heat until the brown shell peels off. Without it, the dessert will turn out tastier and more aesthetically pleasing.

How to make chocolate icing for candies

For this recipe for making chocolate candies in a cezve, you need to measure out the ingredients for the chocolate glaze. You can use a different recipe if you have your own favorite in this matter. Options using milk, condensed milk, and ready-made chocolate are possible.

Set the cezve to minimum heat. Stir the contents periodically. When the mass becomes homogeneous and produces a couple of “bubbles”, remove the chocolate glaze from the heat and let it cool slightly. Place the tartlets on a flat dish.

Hazelnut nuts are large, so one nut per tartlet will be enough. But the peanuts are too small, so we put 3 of them.

Pour the cooled (but not frozen) glaze over the nuts in the tartlets. This way the waffle will not soften and will retain its shape. The glaze does not flow, but literally slides out of the spout of the cezve in small portions. Using the edge of a teaspoon, scoop up coconut crumbs and crush them on top of the chocolate mass. Chocolate glaze It will harden in tartlets in literally 20 minutes, but will remain soft.

Look at the photos of handmade chocolates made using these recipes - the result obtained is not inferior in its own way appearance And taste qualities purchased products:

Simple recipes for making chocolates at home

Candies “Prunes in chocolate”


  • Prunes (pitted) – 200 g
  • Chocolate – 100 g


To make chocolates using this simple recipe, wash the prunes, pour boiling water over them for 20 minutes, drain in a colander, and let the water drain. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and pour into a cup. Prick the prunes with a fork and dip them into the melted chocolate, then place on parchment paper for hardening. Repeat the procedure several times if the chocolate layer does not lie evenly.

Candies with walnuts in chocolate


  • Walnuts – 300 g
  • Cookies – 100 g
  • Honey -100 g
  • Orange – 1 pc.
  • White wine (grape) – 20 g
  • Chocolate – 50 g


To prepare such chocolates at home, mix honey with ground walnuts, add grated orange zest, pour in Orange juice and wine. Add the ground biscuits and mix thoroughly. Form small balls, roll them in grated chocolate, dry for 2-3 hours.

Candies "Grillage in chocolate"


  • Walnuts – 1 kg
  • Ghee butter – 50 g
  • Sawed sugar – 1 kg

Chocolate glaze


To make your own chocolate candies, dissolve sawn sugar in a thick saucepan, add finely chopped walnuts and melted butter, mix thoroughly. Place the mixture on a greased baking sheet, roll out to a thickness of 7-10 mm, cut into pieces. Cover the cooled semi-finished products with chocolate glaze.

Recipe for making chocolates on a stick

Chocolates on a stick


For the recipe for chocolate lollipops you will need 2 chocolate bars (you can use 1 milk and 1 white), lollipop sticks, foil, ribbons (optional).


Melt the chocolate on steam bath. When it melts, cool. Next, pour into molds and refrigerate. After an hour, remove from the refrigerator and insert sticks - one into each candy.

As you can see in the photo, preparing chocolate candies according to these recipes is not at all difficult, but they look very appetizing:

Recipes for making Truffle chocolate candies at home

Handmade truffles with dried cherries

Number of servings: 8

Cooking time: preparation of ingredients (8–12 hours); actual preparation – 2 hours +

You will need:

  • 250 g of excellent quality chocolate (with at least 75% cocoa content)
  • 250 ml cream with a fat content of at least 35%
  • 50 g butter
  • 35 dried cherries
  • 75 ml French cognac
  • almonds, pistachios and cherries for decoration
  • 4 tbsp. l. cocoa


  • 150 g chocolate

Cooking method:


1. To make chocolates according to this recipe, pour cognac over part of the cherries (23 berries), cover cling film and leave for at least 12 hours to soak.

2. Chop the chocolate very finely and place in a bowl. Pour the cream into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour boiling cream over the chocolate and stir well until the chocolate has completely dissolved. Add butter and cool. Cover the mixture with cling film and refrigerate for 8 hours.

On the day of submission:

3. Remove the preparations from the refrigerator. It is better to take it out in parts so that the mass does not have time to melt.

4. If there is any liquid left in the cherries, drain the berries in a colander and then dry with paper towels.

5. Roll the frozen chocolate mass into balls the size of a walnut. Place a cherry in the center of each ball. To ensure the candies are the same size, use the same spoon when you pinch off the mass.

6. Place the finished truffles on plates covered with parchment or on silicone mat and refrigerate for at least 15 minutes.

7. Decorations: finely chop a few dried cherries, almonds and pistachios. Be sure to remove the dark skins from the nuts first.

8. Glaze: melt the chocolate in a water bath and cool - it should not be hot, otherwise the truffles will start to melt. Place the truffles on skewers and dip into the glaze. Transfer to a wire rack (excess glaze will drip off) and garnish with cherries and nuts.

9. Leave until the chocolate sets. This amount of icing should be enough for 20 candies. The remaining chocolate mass roll in cocoa. Candies with different textures look amazing in one box!

10. Place the candies in parchment-lined containers and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

11. Truffle chocolate candies prepared according to this recipe in 30 minutes. Remove from refrigerator before serving.

Sweets “Sharman” – chocolate truffles with cedar condensed milk


  • 200 g walnuts;
  • 200 g dates;
  • 100 g figs;
  • 50 g cocoa beans;
  • 2 tablespoons ;
  • 4–5 tablespoons of honey;
  • 100 g poppy seeds for sprinkling;
  • 2–3 tablespoons of dried apricot syrup;
  • 100 g cedar cake;
  • lemon zest.


To prepare chocolate candies at home according to this recipe, grind the walnuts in a mortar, food processor or meat grinder until they form coarse crumbs. Break some of the nuts into small pieces with your hands. Add chopped dates and figs. If the sweetness is not enough, add honey to taste, as well as cocoa butter and lemon zest. Grind the cocoa beans in a coffee grinder or high-speed blender to a flour and add to the candy dough. Knead thoroughly, form balls and roll them in poppy seeds. Using your finger, make indentations in the top of the candy.

Prepare the cream. Beat the cedar cake with dried apricot syrup in a blender or wooden spoon. Add honey to taste. Mix until thick condensed milk forms. Ready cream Place the candies into the cavities.

Candies "Chocolate truffles"


  • A glass (with top) of granulated sugar,
  • 5 tablespoons of cream (you can use milk or water),
  • 4 tablespoons butter,
  • 1 egg white,
  • half a glass of cocoa,
  • half a glass of dry milk;

For sprinkling:

  • 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar.
  • 1 tablespoon crushed roasted walnuts.


Pour cream into a saucepan and add sugar. Place the pan over low heat, stirring occasionally, heat to a boil, and boil for 3 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, turn off the gas. Add butter, cocoa (leave two tablespoons) to the hot mixture. powdered milk. Mix everything well. Beat the protein into a strong foam and add it to the mixture. Grind the mixture for 10 minutes until smooth. To thicken the mixture, place it in a warm place for half an hour. Prepare the topping by mixing powdered sugar, walnuts and the rest of the cocoa. Cool the thickened mass in a cool place. Use a teaspoon to scoop out the mass and, helping with a knife, form candies (you can put pieces of nuts or jam cherries inside), rolling them in sprinkles. When all the candies are ready, put them in the cold (but not in the cold or in the refrigerator). The candies are ready tomorrow!

Here you can see photos for the homemade chocolate candy recipes suggested above:

Recipes for making sesame chocolates

And finally, learn how to make chocolates at home with the addition of sesame seeds.

Chocolates with sesame seeds


  • 300 g sugar
  • 50 ml water
  • 50 g cocoa powder
  • 75 g butter
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of baby formula (“Malyutka” or “Baby”)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sesame

Chocolate candies with sesame recipe are prepared as follows:

1) B stainless pan pour water, add sugar. Place on medium heat. Stirring, bring to a boil, then cook for 5 minutes;

2) Add butter to the boiling syrup. Let the mixture simmer for 1 minute;

3) Add cocoa powder to the hot mixture and mix thoroughly;

4) Add the dry milk mixture;

5) Fry sesame seeds in a dry frying pan until golden brown, add to the candy mass;

6) Cover the saucepan with a lid or put it in a bag. When the mass has cooled, take a teaspoon of the mixture and form candies.

Look at the selection of photos for DIY chocolate candy recipes presented on this page:

Candies- This confectionery made with sugar or chocolate. They can contain the most various fillings: jelly, creme brulee, liqueur, nuts, jam, fudge, condensed milk, dried fruits and many others.

As for the types of sweets, there are many of them and it is not even possible to simply list them. All of them are quite accessible. By visiting the confectionery department, you can purchase almost any type of sweets. However, the dishonest attitude of manufacturers towards their products encourages them to prepare such desserts themselves at home.

But how difficult is it to make candy with your own hands? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. Some candies are quite simple to prepare, while others, on the contrary, require complex manipulations and enormous amounts of time and effort. So if you decide to make your own sweets at home, then, first of all, you need to study the specifics of the recipe for creating them. Only by assessing the complexity of a particular recipe can you decide on the advisability of preparing it.

The advantage of making homemade sweets is that you can avoid the use of harmful food additives, which abound in “factory-made” versions of your favorite dessert. Making your own sweets will be especially important for those who have children, as well as for allergy sufferers, because homemade sweets are not as harmful as store-bought ones, and in most cases are even useful.

How to make candy with your own hands? There is simply no general technology for preparing such delicacies, because they are all individual. Each type of candy requires not only its own set of ingredients, but also its own specific procedures. However, still some general recommendations still exist.

So, for example, in the case of making chocolates, you need to be able to work correctly with the main ingredient - chocolate. Often recipes suggest melting it, without always specifying exactly how to do it. Meanwhile, Only properly melted chocolate will turn out tasty and attractive after hardening..

It is best to melt chocolate in a water bath. It should be brought to a temperature of fifty degrees, no more. But the melted treat should be stored at a lower temperature from 28 to 32 degrees. You can also use a microwave oven for melting purposes, but this must be done strictly as recommended in the recipe, otherwise the chocolate may overheat.

Chocolate that has been subjected to too much melting high temperatures, after hardening it will be dull, in addition, it may appear white coating. A shiny, glossy surface on candies can only be achieved by using the above-mentioned chocolate melting technology.

When making sweets with your own hands, it is also important to protect the molds for them and the melted chocolate itself from the slightest moisture, since it causes this sweet product to crystallize.

As for the filling for homemade chocolates, it can be very varied. The simplest and useful options- These are nuts and dried fruits. It is best to pre-roast the nuts, because they are not as tasty in their raw form. But dried fruits must be washed drinking water and, remembering the negative interaction of chocolate with moisture, dry thoroughly. The preparation of other filling options can be studied in the corresponding recipes.

A fairly popular type of candy among those with a sweet tooth is caramel. It can also be prepared at home. To do this, you just need to melt sugar (preferably brown cane) in a thick-bottomed cast iron or aluminum pan until liquid state. Then the resulting mass is poured into molds and left until it hardens. This classic version preparations sugar caramel. It can be prepared in other ways with the addition of certain ingredients. However, this issue can also be studied in more detail in the corresponding step-by-step photo recipes on this site.

What candies can you make at home?

When you decide to make sweets at home, as a rule, the question always arises - what kind of sweets can you make with your own hands? The answer is very simple. Any! There are thousands of recipes for preparing these delicacies. Among them are all kinds of jelly and chocolate candies, fudge, pralines, truffles, grilled vegetables, a variety of candy bars, as well as caramel and lollipops. This list is far from exhaustive, as you can see by studying this section of the site and its step by step photos recipes for making sweets.

When starting to prepare any sweets with your own hands, be sure to make sure you have necessary ingredients. There will be no time to run to the store while cooking! And, of course, be sure to read all the instructions for the selected recipe photo. Then soon you will be able to please your household delicious treats, prepared with your own hands.

Homemade sweets are appropriate for both everyday and special occasions. festive table, especially New Year's, Christmas and Easter. They are also good as an excellent hand made gift. If a box of chocolates from a store is regarded as a pleasant, but routine sign of attention, then handmade confectionery masterpieces, creatively packaged, will tell the recipient without words how much you respect, appreciate and love him.

The selection of homemade candy recipes from already includes parmesan chocolates, homemade dried fruit candies, chocolate-covered banana candies, prune Raffaello, English Fair lollipops and even caramel with mint and calamus.

It's time to replenish the collection, and we offer you new, amazingly tasty, easy and affordable recipes for homemade sweets. Candies with semolina halva, vanilla-cream fudge, rum pyramids with raisins, creamy caramel with almonds, truffles from white chocolate with Ricotta cheese, honey-apple marshmallow... With these sweets it’s easy to feel like a happy, carefree girl who owns all the treasures of the world!

Homemade sweets with semolina halva

Recipe for semolina candies with nuts, raisins and zest.

What do you need:

  • 1 cup semolina
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of powdered walnuts
  • 1 teaspoon crushed almonds
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of raisins
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil

For the syrup:

  • 1 glass of water
  • Sugar, cinnamon, lemon zest to taste

For sprinkling:

  • Mixture of powdered sugar and cinnamon (or lemon zest)

How to make homemade sweets with semolina halva:

    Fry semolina on vegetable oil until browned. Add nuts and scalded raisins.

    Pour syrup made from water, sugar, cinnamon and lemon zest. Cover with a lid and cook for 6 minutes.

    Divide the finished halva into portions in the form of balls and sprinkle them with powdered sugar and cinnamon or lemon zest.

    Homemade sweets with semolina halva are ready.

Bon appetit!

Apple-honey marshmallow

Homemade sweets recipe from baked apples with honey and cinnamon.

What do you need:

  • 1 kg sweet and sour apples
  • 2.5–3 cups honey
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • Powdered sugar optional

How to prepare apple-honey marshmallow:

    Cut the apples in half, remove the core and place them cut side up on a baking sheet. Pour a little water onto the baking sheet to prevent the apples from burning and bake them in the oven until soft.

    Rub the baked apples through a sieve. Measure the amount received with glasses applesauce and grind it until white (until an airy homogeneous mass is obtained).

    For every 2 cups of applesauce, take 1 cup of honey and grind it until white.

    Combine honey with apples, add cinnamon, whisk the mixture and place in small silicone or tin molds.

    Place the baking sheet with the molds in a preheated oven and dry over very low heat for 4–6 hours.

    Remove the finished marshmallow from the molds and sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.

    Apple-honey marshmallow is ready.

Bon appetit!

Vanilla-chocolate fudge

Recipe for homemade sweets with condensed milk, chocolate and marshmallow crumbs.

What do you need:

  • 1 can (350–400 g) condensed milk
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 700 g chocolate
  • 425 g marshmallows
  • 900 g sugar
  • 220 g chopped nuts optional
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt

How to make vanilla-chocolate fudge:

    Grease or grease a square or rectangular pan and set aside.

    Combine sugar, butter, salt and condensed milk in a tall, heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat. Allow the mixture to simmer for 6-7 minutes, stirring constantly. Turn off the fire.

    Combine vanilla, chopped chocolate, marshmallows and optional chopped nuts in a large bowl. Add the hot mixture and whisk until all the chocolate has melted.

    Pour the fondant into the previously prepared mold, carefully level the mass with a wooden or silicone spatula.

    Place the fudge in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Then remove and cut into small squares.

    Vanilla-chocolate fudge is ready.

Bon appetit!

White chocolate truffles with ricotta cheese

Recipe for homemade sweets with white chocolate, almonds, ricotta and coconut flakes.

What do you need:

For the base:

  • 100 g dried coconut
  • 60 g powdered sugar
  • 100 g Ricotta cheese
  • 16 whole almond kernels

For the glaze:

  • 70 g white chocolate
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of heavy cream
  • 50 g dried coconut

How to make white chocolate truffles with ricotta cheese:

    In a medium bowl, whisk together the coconut, sugar and grated cheese until smooth. Divide it into 16 parts.

    Roll each piece into a ball, pressing an almond kernel inside; chill in freezer for 20 minutes.

    Combine finely crushed cookies, soaked raisins, condensed milk and cocoa in a large bowl. Cool the mixture for 2 hours.

    Make small pyramids from the mixture (or balls as an option) and sprinkle them with coconut flakes. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

    Stuff prunes with walnut kernel halves.

    Melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave, add softened butter, stir until smooth.

    Dip the prunes in chocolate, place on oiled parchment paper and refrigerate for 2 hours. Another option: pour a little chocolate into the bottom of 10 candy molds (you can use larger molds for edible ice or plastic backings from candy boxes), then put stuffed prunes and pour in the remaining chocolate. Place in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

    Prunes with walnut and ready with cognac.

Bon appetit!

Homemade sugar candies will turn out great! natural alternative purchased Chupa Chups, which does not contain harmful impurities and additives. Adults will be able to remember the long-forgotten taste of childhood, and children will be able to enjoy the sweetness without harm to their health.

How to make sugar candies?

Making lollipops at home will not be difficult even for a novice cook, and the whole process, if available required components It will only take a few minutes.

  1. Necessary ingredients to create sweetness: sugar, water, juice, compote or other liquid foundation. To avoid sugaring, vinegar or citric acid is added to the caramel. If desired, the mixture can be tinted or flavored by adding dyes and flavors.
  2. A syrup is boiled from the ingredients, which is subsequently poured into molds, onto a silicone mat or oiled parchment.
  3. Optional homemade lollipops made from sugar and supplemented with wooden skewers.

Burnt sugar candies

The following recipe will help you learn how to make burnt sugar candies. Difference this method from classical technology V minimum quantity liquid used. The granulated sugar should only be slightly moistened. If there are no molds, the syrup can be poured into oiled tablespoons or teaspoons.


  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • water – 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Pour sugar into a thick-bottomed saucepan, add water and place the container on the stove.
  2. Heat the contents until all the crystals dissolve and boil, stirring continuously, until a rich caramel color is obtained.
  3. Pour the syrup into oiled molds.
  4. In just 20-30 minutes, burnt sugar lollipops at home will be ready for tasting.

How to make lollipops?

You can make lollipops with your own hands without any additives or fill the delicacy with color and taste by flavoring the base with flavoring and replacing water with juice. The sticks can be toothpicks, kebab skewers, matches without sulfur, or special plastic reeds created for preparing such sweetness.


  • sugar – 250 g;
  • water – 100 g;
  • citric acid – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • coloring and flavoring - to taste;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Combine sugar and water in a saucepan and heat with stirring until the crystals dissolve.
  2. Continue heating the base to a temperature of 130 degrees or until tested on a soft ball.
  3. Add flavoring and coloring as desired, cook to a temperature of 160 degrees or instant caramelization of a drop of syrup in water.
  4. Add citric acid by mixing it with half a teaspoon of boiling water.
  5. Pour the mixture into molds or onto a silicone mat.
  6. Insert skewers, rotate them 360 degrees in the caramel, and leave the lollipops on the stick until they harden.

Homemade lollipops without molds

Even if there are no special molds available, you can make sugar candies at home using other kitchen utensils. Instead of molds, you can take teaspoons or tablespoons coated with oil, or use a silicone mat, dripping portions of caramel onto it and waiting for them to quickly harden.


  • sugar – 200 g;
  • water – 7 tbsp. spoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Water and sugar are heated with stirring until the crystals dissolve and acquire a rich caramel color.
  2. Check the readiness of the caramel by a drop hardening in water, after which it is poured onto oiled spoons or dripped onto a silicone mat.
  3. If desired, add round lollipops or products of other shapes with skewers and allow them to harden.

Colored lollipops

Read more about how to make sugar at home. Portions of caramel, prepared in separate containers, are colored with gel dyes. Much more priority natural coloring syrup at the initial stage of cooking by adding fruit, berry or vegetable juices.


  • sugar – 500 g;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • dyes different colors;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Alternately boil portions of sugar and water until caramel color.
  2. Add dye and vinegar, boil a little more and after testing onto a solid drop, pour the base into oiled molds.
  3. Complement colorful lollipops with chopsticks and allow the treat to harden.

Ginger candies

Prepared sugar candies at home according to the following recipe will allow you not only to enjoy their excellent exquisite taste and aroma, but will also help alleviate the course of a cold accompanied by a sore throat or cough. In addition, the valuable composition of the sweet will strengthen the immune system.


  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • water – 0.5 cups;
  • lemon juice– 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • ground ginger – ½ teaspoon;
  • ground cloves - ¼ teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil, powdered sugar.


  1. Combine water and sugar in a saucepan.
  2. Add honey, lemon juice, ginger and cloves.
  3. Heat the mixture while stirring until it boils and cook until it turns color. strong tea or a positive test for a hard ball in cold water.
  4. Using a teaspoon, pour portions of spicy caramel onto oiled parchment.
  5. After hardening, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

striped lollipop

If you want to make spectacular-looking striped sugar candies, you will need to cook caramel of different colors at the same time. You will need to pour two or three types of base of different colors into molds in in this case alternately, ultimately obtaining the desired striped delicacy. If the caramel begins to harden in the container ahead of time, it is heated again until it liquefies.


  • sugar – 500 g;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • dyes of two colors;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Divide the components into two portions and boil in different vessels until the desired thickening and a positive test for a solid drop.
  2. Add dyes, heat the mixture a little more and pour one by one into oiled molds.

Small lollipops

To prepare, which are called "Monpasier", you do not need molds or skewers. Drops of caramel are applied to oiled parchment or silicone mat, and after hardening, sprinkle with powdered sugar. The sweetness is optionally flavored with essence and filled with color by adding dyes.


  • sugar – 150 g;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • vinegar – 1 teaspoon;
  • flavorings and dyes (optional) - to taste;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Heat water and sugar, stirring, until the crystals dissolve and thicken.
  2. Add colorings and flavors as desired, and boil the drops in cold water until caramelized.
  3. Pour in vinegar, stir and spoon drops of caramel onto parchment or silicone mat.

Lollipop cockerel

At one time they were prepared without any additives in the form of flavorings and dyes and without that they turned out tasty and appetizing. If among kitchen utensils There is a special mold in the shape of a bird or other animals, making such a sweet is not difficult, but necessary products always at hand.


  • sugar – 100 g;
  • water – 2.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Mix water with sugar, heat with stirring until the crystals dissolve and acquire a caramel color.
  2. Check the readiness of the caramel for a solid drop, add vinegar.
  3. Pour the mixture into oiled molds, insert sticks, and allow to harden.

New Year's candies "Canes"

To fulfill next recipe sugar candies, you will need a food thermometer, a silicone mat, or ideally a mold. In addition, you will need to take care of the presence of molasses, red gel dye or any other color. At first, the technology may seem complicated, but in fact it is easy to implement.
