Drink with a snake in a bottle. Snake tincture - to drink or not to drink

Snake vodka (called “wine” in some regions) is an oriental invention popular in Asian countries, especially China and Vietnam. In our latitudes, this drink can be found more as an exotic souvenir than a real treat: after all, eating snakes, scorpions, centipedes and other “reptiles” is not part of European gastronomic traditions. However, they drink snake oil not for pleasure or thrills- This healing elixir, an excellent cure for many diseases (of course, only if all preparation rules are followed).

Vodka with snakes is an alcoholic tincture of cobras or other poisonous reptiles. The manufacturing method is far from meeting GreenPeace standards, so we are not talking about mass production of the drink; it is almost always homemade.

Peculiarities. The recipe may vary depending on the country or region, but the general technique is as follows: a live snake is kept in a clean, empty container for several weeks so that the animal gets rid of excrement, then the reptile is placed in a bottle or jar, filled with rice vodka or any other strong alcohol(sometimes with wine), if desired, add ginseng and other herbs, close with a stopper and leave to infuse for up to a year.

Since the snake is still alive at the time of the blockage, its organs begin to work with redoubled force and produce healing substances so that the animal lasts as long as possible. Snake venom and bile are released into the drink, which are neutralized ethyl alcohol, maintaining beneficial properties, and the result is an effective medicine.

The most popular is Chinese snake vodka, produced in Jilin province. The exact list of ingredients is kept secret, but the Chinese claim that this particular drink enjoyed the love and respect of the emperors of the Celestial Empire, and today it is recommended for consumption by the Chinese Ministry of Health.

Vietnamese snake with herbs

Interestingly, “snake wine” is a reusable drink. After the vessel is empty, the contents of the bottle are again filled with an alcohol solution or vodka and allowed to brew for several months. The procedure can be repeated up to 5 times.

In addition to the tincture, the second variation of this drink is also popular: snake blood, bile and/or other snake body fluids are not infused with alcohol, but are simply poured into a glass of alcohol and drunk in one gulp. At the time of autopsy, the reptile must certainly be alive.

Legality. Importing snakes is illegal in many countries, since snakes, scorpions and other animals listed in the Red Book are often used for production.

The history of snake vodka

It’s hard to imagine that someone would have the conscious thought of dousing a cobra with alcohol and then evaluate the result after a while. All legends agree that it was a pure accident: the unfortunate animal accidentally drowned in a vessel of wine, which the unsuspecting patient then drank and was suddenly completely healed.

The Chinese version says that she was a young girl suffering from leprosy. In those days, more than 2000 years ago, it was believed that there was only one way to get rid of leprosy: by passing it on to your spouse, so they began to prepare the girl for the wedding. The bride did not want to put another person’s life in danger, so she ran away to the distillery and got drunk on wine. Waking up in the morning, she discovered that she was completely healthy: of course, a vessel with a snake came to her hand, and that’s how the Chinese learned about the wonderful medical properties poisonous reptiles.

Historical evidence dates back to the era of the Western Zhou dynasty, which ruled until the 8th century BC. Written sources have been preserved that claim that the snake was already in use in those days, and in Chinese medical treatises of a later time - in the 3rd century BC. and 2nd century AD – describes in detail the procedure for making the drink, with a detailed story about which parts of the snake’s body have the greatest benefit.

Vodka with cobra is one of the most beautiful views

Useful properties and dosage

Vodka with a snake should be drunk in small portions of no more than 50 ml per day, otherwise the drink will cause more harm than good. However, in Chinese folk medicine When used wisely, it is believed that the snake helps with:

  • arthritis;
  • cough;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • memory problems;
  • and other diseases.

Snake wine has a general strengthening and rejuvenating effect on the body, improves immunity and vitality, helps fight chronic fatigue syndrome.

Attention! Self-medication may be harmful to health; consult your doctor before use.

The main thing is not to overdo the dose

Harmful properties

Like any potent substance, snake vodka should be taken in homeopathic doses. In addition, before opening the bottle, you need to make sure that the snake is really dead and not just in a coma. The reptiles are very tenacious, and even after several months of “alcohol imprisonment” the animal can come to its senses and bite the taster. Since poisonous snakes are usually used to make this drink, it is very dangerous and can be fatal.

The second danger is insufficient aging or incorrect manufacturing technology, as a result of which the poison released into the drink is not completely neutralized. You cannot die from it - in any case, it will dissolve under the influence of gastric juices - but the effect can be unpleasant. To minimize this risk, choose strong tinctures, rather than light wines, and purchase such “souvenirs” from trusted sellers.

Anyone who has ever been to the mysterious and incredibly interesting country of China has certainly seen it on store shelves. exotic Chinese tinctures, otherwise they are called “snake elixirs”. Since ancient times, the symbol of medicine in China has been the snake. The healers and healers of the East knew very well about the beneficial properties snake blood and bile, which can heal all diseases. Outwardly, these tinctures look quite creepy - these are some yellow-brown liquids that contain poisonous snakes, scorpions and ginseng root. But essentially it’s just rice vodka, which is infused with poisonous creatures and healthy roots. In China they are sure that this tincture is endowed amazing properties, not only does it tone the body and improve potency, it also treats coughs, relieves rheumatic pain, pain from radiculitis, arthritis and provides noticeable relief from muscle pain.

How did the tincture come about?

These tinctures originated in China more than 2000 years ago. There is a legend in which there is a story about a girl who fell ill with leprosy. Then it was believed that a girl could be cured of this disease only by marrying her off. The father began to prepare for the wedding, but the girl flatly refused - she did not want to infect her fiancé with a fatal disease, she went to the distillery, drank wine out of grief and fell asleep. When the girl woke up, she felt healthy and realized that her healing was due to the wine into which a poisonous snake crawled and drowned. This is how, according to legend, the first “snake wine” appeared.

The emperors of the Tang Dynasty also actively consumed this drink to increase libido and heal from various diseases.

How are such tinctures prepared?

There are two cooking methods snake elixir.

Method one– the snakes are placed in a bottle of vodka and left to ferment. The vessel must contain a large number of snakes, both poisonous and not, but the more snakes with poison there are, the healthier the drink will be. There are certain combinations that are considered the best, for example, big-eyed snake, pama, cobra, snake and coral adder. Sometimes it is not an adult that is put into tinctures, but a baby; it is placed alive in vodka, so the beneficial properties of snake venom are better preserved. It is known that snake venom has a protein base, and alcohol completely deactivates it.

Second way consists of placing not a whole individual in a vessel, but its organs, for example blood and bile.

It is very important to remember that like any medicine, snake tincture should not be taken thoughtlessly. You need to drink it in small doses, about 50 grams per day, when consumed in large quantities, the medicine turns into poison.

When I served in the GDR, I had the opportunity to visit the famous Leipzig fair. What was not there! My eyes widened. But the bottles with Vietnamese rice vodka made the greatest impression on me. The bottles were different shapes, and a snake was placed inside each one. It was arranged in the form of a spiral, with its head resting on the neck. I have never seen anything like this before. The wife was also shocked by what she saw.
- Why is there a snake there? – she asked me somewhat frightened.
- What do you mean why? You don’t need to take a snack with you,” I joked. “They realized, for example, there were three drunks, right there around the corner of the store they drank it and ate it on a snake.” These words nearly made my wife sick.

Later I learned that the Vietnamese consider this vodka to be medicinal. The snake's venom gradually dissolves in vodka, alcohol neutralizes this poison, making it harmless, and vodka becomes a cure for various diseases. This tincture is very popular among Asians.

They say that snake vodka first appeared in Vietnam about two thousand years ago, and soon gained popularity in many Asian countries.
According to one legend, one girl fell ill with leprosy. Out of grief, she went to the distillery, drank plenty of wine and fell asleep. The next morning she felt that she was completely healthy. It turned out that the reason for the sudden healing was the wine into which the poisonous snake fell and drowned in it. Since then, they allegedly began to infuse vodka with poisonous snakes.

To prepare such vodka, you need to catch a snake and starve it for thirty days. During this time, she will get rid of excrement. Then it is washed and placed in a bottle of vodka. The bottle is well sealed. This vodka steeps for a long time, from three months to a year.

Moreover, vodka must be made from high-quality rice alcohol. The snake is a tenacious creature; it takes a long time to die. If there is vodka Low quality or not matured enough, then when opening the bottle the snake may “resurrect”. There have been recorded cases where bites from such snakes led to death.

One Chinese woman living in the town of Harbin was bitten by a rattlesnake, which was infused in vodka for 3 months. After 3 months, when the woman was sure that the snake was definitely dead and opened the bottle, the reptile bit her. But everything worked out, the woman remained alive. But another Chinese was not so lucky. In 2011, he was bitten by a cobra that was marinating in a bottle whole year, after which he died.

According to statistics, about 100-150 people die every year from such accidents in China alone. These creatures are so tenacious. They can easily live in a bottle of vodka for up to a year or more. To prevent such vodka from causing harm to the body, you can drink it no more than 50 ml per day and in small sips.

It’s good that they don’t make vodka like this in Russia. A Russian man cannot drink 50 grams, and even in small sips. A bottle for three is the minimum norm.


Thank you, Seraphim, for your feedback.
And there are bottles different sizes. I remember in the post-war years we sold vodka in “quarters” - big bottles, you couldn’t carry more than one. A boa constrictor will climb into such a bottle)
With wishes of success

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China is known for its alcohol culture, and the country offers a wide variety of drinks. Many tourists are attracted by a unique souvenir – Chinese vodka with a snake. You can also find other alcohol on the shelves, differing in strength and preparation technology. Let's consider all the features and varieties of Chinese vodka.

Vodka with snake

Vodka with a snake inside appeared about two thousand years ago. Sources indicate that the first mentions of the drink are found in treatises from the second century AD. There is a legend about the creation of vodka. It is believed that in ancient times, a girl was cured of leprosy by drinking wine that had accidentally contained a snake. For this reason, vodka with snake is credited with a lot of healing qualities.

Chinese healers claim that snake bile and blood are incredibly useful, and with their help you can get rid of any disease. If you drink this alcohol tincture, then you can increase vitality and even increase potency. It is believed that the “snake” relieves the following ailments:

  • arthrosis, arthritis, joint problems;
  • problems with the central nervous system;
  • weak immunity;
  • difficulty remembering information;
  • coughing.

Local residents are sure that Chinese vodka relieves fatigue, rejuvenates the skin, and increases testosterone levels.

Reference! The export of “snake” is illegal in many countries. Sometimes snakes are used to produce vodka, which are listed in the Red Book and their extermination is persecuted.

Features of the snake vodka recipe

The manufacturing recipe varies depending on the region, but the general scheme is the same. A live snake is kept in an empty container for several weeks, during which time the animal gets rid of excrement. Then the reptile is placed in a bottle and filled with strong alcohol. The snake is still alive during this period. Sometimes herbs are added. A bottle with a snake infuses for two months to a year.

What variants of snake vodka are there?

Drinking tincture

In this case, it is not the snake that is infused with alcohol, but its entrails, bile or blood. The drink can be drunk, it tastes quite pleasant, and may have unique aromas. Another way to prepare the tincture is to cut the body of the cobra, and its juices are added to the container with the drink just before consumption.

With rice vodka

Snake placed in glass vessel, filled with rice vodka. Sometimes several snakes are placed in a vessel.

Reference! Snake venom is neutralized by alcohol, but it retains its beneficial properties. Prolonged contact with alcohol deactivates the poison, since it has a protein base.

Vodka with ginseng and snake

In China, vodka is considered traditional; it has a special composition. Main components:

  • Scorpion
  • Barberry
  • Cobra
  • Rice vodka
  • Ginseng

How is it prepared? A live snake is placed in a bottle, where it is poured rice vodka. The bottle itself is closed with a porous cork that allows air to pass through. The snake is in a comatose state at this time, and is kept like this for 5 days. At this time, the snake’s organs produce healing substances. After five days, the bottle is opened and the animal takes a breath of air. At this moment, using tweezers, the scorpion is inserted into the neck. After this, the bottle is tightly closed, this time tightly. The unique drink is infused for at least six months.

The dangers of snake vodka

If vodka is prepared in compliance with all technologies, then it is not dangerous. The alcohol must be of high quality, otherwise there are a number of dangers.

1. The snake is a tenacious creature; it takes a long time to die and can fall into a kind of coma. If the vodka didn't hold right time or low-quality alcohol was used, the reptile may “resurrect.” There are recorded cases where bottle snake bites have resulted in death.

2. If the technology is not followed, snake venom may not completely decompose. Part of it dangerous properties will remain. You can hardly die from this, but you can get sick.

Reference! China has statistics on accidents after infusing vodka with a snake. For example, in 2009, a man died after being bitten by a tiger snake, which he insisted on for about two months. Similar cases are recorded every year, not all of them are fatal.

Chinese vodka Maotai

Around the world, Maotai is among the strongest alcoholic drinks. The cereal plant kaoliang is used for production. Vodka got its name in honor of a town located in the Guizhou region. Today, a large beverage production enterprise is located there.

Maotai is one of the most expensive vodkas, which can be found in China. Its price is around $750 per bottle. But despite the price, Maotai is in demand among both the local population and tourists.

The strength of the Maotai product is 54 degrees, while the alcohol does not upset the stomach and does not completely go to the head. Maotai is recognized as Chinese national drink, at any banquet there should be such vodka.

One of the secrets is the fertile soil and climate of the settlement where the drink is produced. The village is home to about 7 thousand residents. Half of the people are employed in the production of local alcohol.

The production process of local vodka takes about 5 years. Each manufacturing stage lasts a certain amount of time. So, the initial stage lasts nine months. Production scheme:

  1. Grain is poured into the container, and after 30 days it is distilled. The event is held 8 times over several months.
  2. The resulting mixture is stored in the basement for three years.
  3. Then the production process continues, the drink is sent for preservation for another year.

Thanks to this intricate cooking scheme, Maotai is soft, fragrant and pleasant taste. Appreciate taste unusual product and in Europe. In 1986 in Paris, the original alcohol received three gold medals. The product began to be considered a unique class of alcohol. Maotai was also awarded at other international exhibitions.

White alcohol

Another type of Chinese alcoholic beverage is popular - Baijiu. The drink is classified as strong. The strength of white alcohol is 60 degrees, and sometimes the mark reaches 70 degrees.

According to chronicles, Baijiu dates back four thousand years. The main raw material for this product is the cereal sorghum crop. Other grains are also used, in particular corn, wheat, and kaoliang. The drink is not common outside of China; it is not in great demand due to its high strength. In addition, the product has a specific smell, which makes it difficult to taste.

So, Chinese vodka is very specific, it differs from the usual alcohol. Drinks are exotic and unusual taste qualities. Not all alcohol can be tasted outside of China; some varieties are found only in this state. Chinese alcoholic products Worth tasting for all connoisseurs elite drinks. It is important not to fall for a fake, as some products can be hazardous to health.

The countries of Southeast Asia are quite in demand in terms of tourism, and those who have visited Vietnam or China at least once are most likely familiar with such an alcoholic drink as a snake. This exotic product enjoyed by residents different countries in great demand.

The basis of the drink is a poisonous snake placed in a bottle, the venom of which dissolves in alcohol. It is believed that cobra venom (this snake is often used for preparation) brings health benefits.

Useful properties and dosage

The symbol of medicine has long been a bowl with a snake. Doctors and healers of the East have always known that many diseases can be healed with snake bile and blood. Asians claim that drinking the tincture increases tone and sexual desire. For smokers, especially long-time smokers, this drink is also useful, since snake bile is a good remedy for coughing.

Externally, some variants of Chinese vodka with snake may not be entirely attractive appearance and even cause rejection: a yellowish liquid containing a poisonous snake. The bottles may contain scorpion, salamander, gecko, seahorses, ginseng, and others medicinal plants and components. In reality it is traditional vodka, made from rice and infused with reptile.

The drink is believed to help with various health problems:

  • in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis (the medicine is drunk or rubbed on the sore spot);
  • in the restoration of the central nervous system;
  • increases testosterone levels;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • has an expectorant effect;
  • accelerates cell growth;
  • promotes regeneration and gives a rejuvenating effect.

When infused in alcohol, snake venom dissolves and is neutralized. At the same time, the medicinal substances are preserved. Snake venom has a protein base, so long enough contact with ethylene completely deactivates the dangerous substance.

Features of Chinese and Vietnamese tinctures

Depending on the region or country, the recipe for the tincture may vary, but the principle itself is the same. The reptile is first placed in a separate container. The snake is kept for several weeks to get rid of excrement. After that, it is washed, placed in a glass container and filled with vodka. Sometimes they use . After 5 days, the bottle is opened, the snake crawls out, trying to inhale air. At this moment, you need to have time to put a royal scorpion into her throat.

While the reptile is alive, its organs produce active substances with redoubled force. As a result, bile and poison are released into the tincture, which are subsequently neutralized by alcohol. Beneficial features These substances are preserved and the drink becomes a medicine.

Vodka from China has a not entirely pleasant specific smell, rich consistency and yellow color. Used for tincture different types snake, most often a cobra. The reptile can be alone or with small snakes. In addition, the drink is prepared with berries, ginseng root and other medicinal plants. There are also options with insects. For example, in Harbin they put autumn flies in the tincture, and in the central regions of the country - wasps.

The most quality vodka, which is even recommended by the Chinese Ministry of Health, is produced in Jilin province. All ingredients and recipe are kept in the strictest confidence. The drink is quite in demand among the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom. It has been made for more than a century. Snake extract has always enjoyed great respect and love from all Chinese emperors.

There is another version of the drink - bile, snake blood and other ingredients are simply added to or vodka. This cocktail is drunk in one gulp. The components are taken from the reptile while it is alive.

In Vietnam, an exotic drink is infused with snakes, and they also make soft, aromatic, pleasant-tasting cane rum with cobra. Apply a remedy for various diseases internal organs. The vodka recipe, in addition to snake venom, includes all kinds of ingredients for aroma and aftertaste: insects, young mice, lizards, barberries, spices. Salamanders are used to make rum.

Snake tincture with leaves, roots and flowers of plants has a pleasant delicate aroma. Dried or fresh medicinal plants make the tincture even more useful, giving it antibacterial and tonic properties. Drinks are infused for several months in a warm, dry room. The product has valuable medicinal properties. Chinese and Vietnamese tinctures are sold in pharmacies in the producing countries.

Instructions for use

Drink the snake tincture 30-50 ml per day in small sips, focusing on the taste. Dosage is required, otherwise the medicine may turn into poison. The taste of the drink may vary, depending on the preparation method.

There have been cases when a snake is in vodka for a long time remained alive. Therefore, it is recommended to be attentive and careful when opening the bottle. When the product runs out, the container can be filled with vodka again and the contents can be infused for 1 month.

Contraindications and possible harm

A drink with a snake and a scorpion should be infused sufficiently long time so that the poison in them has time to be neutralized. If the preparation technology is violated, neutralization may not occur, and the effect of taking such a medicine will not be entirely pleasant. Death from the drink will not occur, since gastric juice will certainly dissolve the poison, but your health may deteriorate greatly. To avoid such troubles, you should purchase goods from trusted sellers.

Snakes are tenacious reptiles that can remain viable for several months, despite being completely immersed in alcohol.

A poisonous snake, waking up from hibernation, can bite the person who opened the bottle, which can result in death. Snake extract is a potent drug; taking it in large doses is strictly prohibited. The product is contraindicated for children and pregnant women. You should not use snake extract during breastfeeding.
