How to properly roast pine nuts at home. How to properly dry nuts in the oven

Acquisition prepared nuts may turn out to be a failure, after which a tasty and useful product I don't want to use it anymore. To prevent this from happening, there is nothing left to do but dry it walnuts on one's own. This is not as difficult as it seems, and the result of correctly carried out manipulations will be the receipt of an ingredient of the required quality.

The easiest way for owners of summer cottages where unpretentious trees are planted is to dry nuts directly in the shell. If you have to purchase products, then it is better to prepare them in a purified form, this will reduce the risk of large quantity marriage.

How and when to collect walnuts so that they are suitable for drying?

Even home-grown fruits can disappoint if you do not follow the harvesting rules:

  1. First of all, you need to collect the fruits that have fallen from the branches on your own. You should not delay this; prolonged exposure to damp soil leads to the appearance of dampness inside the core and mold.
  2. After the first harvest, you can lightly shake the branches. Only already ripe nuts will crumble from such exposure.
  3. Walnuts are considered ripe when the green skin on the shell has broken. A solid shell indicates that the product is still green, even if it is lying on the ground.
  4. The fruits covering the lower branches of the tree ripen first. If the nuts from the top have already begun to fall off, then all the nuts from the lower branches can be collected manually.

Before drying walnuts, they need to be peeled. It's messy, tedious and difficult, but necessary. The manipulation must be performed with gloves. Then we immediately proceed to one of the drying methods.

How to properly dry walnuts in the fresh air?

This best option for a bountiful harvest, which may take the form of one of the following approaches:

  • On fresh air. A tarpaulin or other waterproof fabric is spread on the ground. Pour the pieces on top and distribute them in an even layer. It will take several days to dry the fruits. After sunset, the structure must be removed indoors, otherwise dew will spoil the workpieces.
  • In room. It should be warm, dry, with good ventilation. With this approach, we first clean the products, rinse them in cold water, dry and sort by size. Then we lay out the fruits on stands, preferably on racks.

As a last resort, the food can simply be laid out on newspaper in one of the rooms of the apartment. But they will have to be turned over regularly to ensure even processing.

Features of drying nuts using a dryer and oven

If there is a special dryer, the preparation process walnuts at home it becomes much easier. You just need to strictly follow the instructions on the device and monitor the degree of readiness of the products.

Advice: The procedure will not take more than 5-6 hours, however, with a large volume of nuts, you will have to do several approaches, and ultimately the time savings will be minimal. Therefore, the dryer is best used on small volumes of product.

Larger batches of walnuts are easiest and fastest to dry in the oven. The manipulation consists of the following stages:

  1. We clean the workpieces, remove the peel, rinse and dry with a towel. Then we sort the products and process them strictly according to size.
  2. We lay out products from one batch on a baking sheet and place them in the oven, preheated to 40-45ºС. At this temperature, treatment is carried out for 2-3 hours. We always keep the cabinet door ajar so that moisture does not circulate in the closed space, but comes out.
  3. About half an hour before the end of the period, we raise the temperature to 70ºC. Initially install in the oven high temperature highly not recommended. Although the processing time will be shortened, the nut kernels will acquire an oily texture and an unpleasant aftertaste.
  4. We check the degree of readiness of the nut by removing it from the shell. The edible part should easily break into pieces, but not crumble.

Having finished processing, we leave the nuts in the fresh air for another couple of hours so that the products “arrive”. Then we pack it into fabric bags and send it for storage. The shelf life of such a product is up to a year. The fruits can be stored much longer, but their taste will gradually deteriorate.

How are shelled walnut kernels dried?

We split the purchased nuts to extract the kernels, clean them of all films and dirt, but do not rinse them. If possible, we try not to break the products; they will last longer in their entire form. Next, we dry the product either on trays for 2-3 days, or in the oven at low temperature until the desired degree of readiness.

If during processing the ingredients begin to emit bad smell or acquire a rancid taste, it is better to throw them away. Such signs indicate a violation of the storage conditions of the product; consuming it is simply dangerous.

Cleaned products can be stored in canvas bags or sealed jars for no more than 3-4 months. The place should be dry and cool. If you need to extend the shelf life, then transfer the kernels into plastic bags and put them in the refrigerator.

Regardless of the type of processing and storage method, at least once a month the nuts need to be taken out, sorted and dried (you can use a radiator). This will prevent the appearance of mold and for a long time maintain the pleasant taste of the product.

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Preparing hazelnuts

The taste of hazelnuts changes slightly when roasted, becoming softer and richer. In addition, calcination reduces the risk of serious food poisoning.

Before roasting, the nuts must be removed from their shells. This can be done with nutcrackers or any available means. The kernels freed from the shell must be sorted.

Nuts that are moldy or slightly rotten must be thrown away, as they can become a source of dangerous infections. Suitable kernels have an even light color and a pleasant smell.

In order to free the hazelnuts from the protective film, it blanch. After placing the kernels in a suitable container, pour boiling water over them for 5-10 minutes. Then drain in a colander and lay out on a towel to dry.

Slightly cooled nuts are easily freed from the brownish film. You can do this with your fingers or a napkin, which is even more convenient. If time is pressing, you can remove the film after frying. It comes off very easily after heat treatment.


Dried hazelnuts should be placed in a frying pan with thick sides and bottom or in a cauldron for roasting and put on low heat. There is no need to add vegetable oil; the nut will not burn if you stir it regularly with a spatula or spoon, preferably a wooden one.

It will take no more than 10-15 minutes until the nut is ready. Ready hazelnuts are laid out from hot frying pan onto a platter or plate and allow to cool.

Roasted hazelnuts in the oven

Peeled and blanched hazelnuts are placed in an even thin layer on a baking sheet and baked at a temperature of 180 to 250 ° C. Cooking time will be slightly longer than in a frying pan, approximately 20 minutes.

The nuts must also be stirred periodically for even baking. In this case, it is necessary to watch the color and aroma of the prepared dish. After all, a burnt nut is completely tasteless and only spoils your appetite and mood.

Roasted hazelnuts in the microwave

The advantage of this method is that the nut is not only fried on the outside, but also well baked on the inside. It is better to set the microwave power to 750 W.

It will take 6 to 10 minutes to cook 200-300 g of nuts. Peeled hazelnuts are placed in a mold, closed with a lid and placed inside for 3-5 minutes. Then you need to turn off the oven and remove the mold.

Stir the nuts and place them back in the oven, covered, for another 3-5 minutes. If the nuts are not fried within 6-10 minutes, then it will take another 1-2 minutes to bring them to full readiness.

It is important to remember that the lower the power microwave oven and the mass of nuts, the longer it will take to prepare. Secret proper baking and frying nuts is simple - they need constant supervision and periodic stirring. Practice is also important, as in any business.

Don't know how to roast walnuts? This article will help you. We'll tell you and show you how to do it correctly using a frying pan.

Walnuts are very often used in cooking.

They enrich any dish with their bright aroma, vitamins and essential elements.

They can be used to create cutlets, salads, sauces, confectionery and a variety of desserts.

You can also use walnut kernels as a light and filling snack.

Thanks to them nutritional properties, you will be able to saturate your body with the necessary substances, as well as get the necessary boost of energy.

Most often, roasted nut kernels are used in cooking. There are several methods for making hearty nuts.

This article describes a recipe for frying walnut kernels in a frying pan. For frying, it is advisable to use nuts in shell.

This product is of higher quality and does not have unpleasant smell and has a richer taste.

The kernels should not be prepared in advance. Roasting walnuts doesn't take more than 15 minutes, so you can start cooking them at any time. The most delicious nuts are obtained immediately after production.


  • walnuts - in the required quantity.


We extract high-quality kernels from the thick-walled peel using any method and place the pieces of nuts in a saucepan with a thick bottom. The pan must be hot. This will save time on manufacturing the product.

Fry the kernels at low temperature, constantly stirring the mass (using a silicone or bamboo spatula).

After the grains acquire a creamy hue and begin to emit a pleasant and characteristic nutty aroma, remove the saucepan from the stove.

We easily separate the kernels from the thin husk.

A product such as walnut is extremely popular. It has become everyone's favorite delicacy thanks to the many useful properties, good taste. Knowing how to roast walnuts, you can prepare a product with a pronounced aroma and special taste. Cooking methods of this product there are several. It can be fried in a frying pan, in the microwave, in the oven, with or without the shell.

Cooking methods without shells

In the process demonstrating how to roast walnuts, the main product remains quite tasty while retaining all its beneficial properties. For frying you need:

  1. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
  2. Cover a baking sheet with foil or parchment. If you have non-stick spray, you don't have to use foil or parchment. Separate the shells from the nuts, divide the kernels into 2-4 parts. Whole kernels will be difficult to fry evenly.
  3. Place the product on a baking sheet in one even layer.
  4. Cook the nuts until they brown. The process will take approximately 10 minutes.
  5. You can tell when it is ready by its characteristic smell.
  6. Remove the nuts from the oven, wait until they cool down, and you can start eating.

Even a novice cook knows how to fry walnuts in a frying pan, because the process does not require any specific manipulations, ingredients, or culinary skills. We just remind you:

  1. Turn on medium heat on the stove. Heat the frying pan.
  2. Since the product contains sufficient quantity fats, then there is no need to use oil.
  3. The product should be divided into several parts and poured into a heated frying pan.
  4. To prevent the nuts from burning, you will need to stir them constantly.
  5. Frying time takes approximately 5 minutes until the product turns brown.
  6. After cooking, remove the nuts from the stove and pour them into a dry container to prevent them from burning in a still hot frying pan.

Cooking in the microwave

The most in a simple way cooking is to use a microwave oven. Walnuts cook quickly and evenly in the microwave. The main thing is not to leave them in the oven for too long and follow the instructions:

  1. Pour the purified product into a glass plate. Any container marked as safe for use in the microwave is suitable for cooking.
  2. The nuts should cover the entire bottom of the plate for even roasting.
  3. Set the oven power to maximum and the duration of the procedure to 1 minute.
  4. After a minute, you need to check the degree of roasting. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  5. The peculiarity of cooking in the microwave is that the nuts will not turn brown, but only have a pleasant aroma.

Roasting nuts in the oven

Cooking unshelled nuts in the oven:

  1. Pre-turn on the oven, preheat to 200 degrees.
  2. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet.
  3. Spread the nuts in one even layer over the roasting pan.
  4. Place the pan in the oven for 10 minutes.
  5. After 10 minutes, stir.
  6. Fry for another 10-15 minutes until a characteristic smell appears.
  7. It is necessary to stir the product so that the degree of frying is uniform.
  8. Place the nuts on a plate and let cool.

If you know how to fry walnuts correctly, you can cook tasty dish, which has long term storage and will appeal to all household members.

Roasted walnuts are fattier and richer in taste than raw walnuts. Although roasted shelled nuts are preferable to roasted nuts in shell Because the shell is difficult to remove, roasted walnuts in the shell often retain a more natural nutty flavor.


Roasted nuts in the oven (shelled)

    Preheat the oven to 190°C. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it aluminum foil or parchment paper. Nonstick spray will also work.

    Remove the walnuts from their shells. Ideally, shelled walnuts will be halved or quartered. Whole walnuts will not cook evenly, while pieces smaller than quarters may become overcooked and burn as a result. To ensure the walnuts cook evenly, arrange them in a single layer.

    Roast the walnuts until brown. At this temperature, walnuts only need to be roasted for 5-10 minutes, especially if small pieces. Check the walnuts after the first 5 minutes to make sure they haven't started to burn. You can even stir them with a heat-resistant spatula - this way the nuts will roast evenly.

    Remove the walnuts and let them cool. As soon as the nuts smell roasted, it’s time to take them out - they’re ready. Remove them from the oven and transfer them to a heatproof bowl until they cool. Enjoy them warm or at room temperature, however, wait until the nuts are cool and not hot to the touch.

    Roasted nuts on the stove (shelled)

    1. Heat a large skillet. Place the pan on the stove and heat it over medium heat. Use dry heat only as there is enough fat and oil in the walnuts to fry them. Therefore, there is no need to use non-stick spray, vegetable oil or butter.

      Place the walnuts in the pan. Shelled walnuts will roast best when halved or quartered, but since the roasting process is easier to control on the stovetop, you can use smaller pieces if desired. Try to keep the nuts in one layer so they will roast evenly.

      Stir frequently. If you stir the nuts often, they will roast for an equal amount of time, and as a result you will get evenly toasted nuts and either no or very few burnt nuts. You can take short breaks between stirring - the main thing is to make sure that the nuts do not burn during this time.

      Cook until brown. The process will only take about 5 minutes, but if you have small pieces, they will cook even faster. The walnuts will then be dark brown in color and smell toasty.

      Remove from heat. When the nuts are ready, immediately remove them from the pan. Otherwise, they will continue to fry on the hot metal. Transfer them to a heatproof bowl or dish and let them cool until they reach the desired serving temperature.

      Microwave Roasted Nuts (Shelled)

      1. Place the nuts in a microwave-safe glass bowl. A microwave-safe dish works well, but any other bowl that is labeled as microwave-safe can be used. Just add enough walnuts to cover the bottom of the dish in a single layer. To roast the nuts better, use halves or quarters.

        Microwave on high for 1 minute. Check the walnuts to make sure none are burnt. Stir them with a heatproof spatula to make sure each nut cooks evenly. If your microwave does not have a turntable, rotate the dish 180 degrees before continuing to cook.

        Cook the walnuts for another minute on high. Smell them to see if they are cooked. If the nuts are microwaved, they will not be brown, but they will still have a roasted smell.

        Microwave in 20-second intervals as needed. After the first 2 minutes of cooking, this is no longer necessary, but may be helpful if the halves are particularly large.

        Let the walnuts cool slightly before serving. You don't want you or any of your guests to get burned in the mouth.

      Preparing nuts (in shell)

      Oven-roasted nuts (in shell)

        Preheat the oven to 180°C. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with non-stick aluminum foil or parchment paper.

        Spread the walnuts on the baking sheet in a single layer. To ensure the walnuts roast evenly, you should arrange them in a single layer rather than in a pile. It will be better if the nuts do not touch each other, but even in this case they will still be well fried. For best results Arrange the nuts so that the “x” mark on the shell is on top. The sign should not be in an upright position and should not be covered by a baking sheet or other nuts.

        Roast the walnuts for 10 minutes. The nuts should continue to be roasted until they become fragrant and darker in color. The shell should also be slightly turned over to the “x” mark. You may have to cook the nuts for up to 15 minutes, but they tend to roast a little faster in the shell - often 10 minutes is enough.

        Stir the nuts halfway through cooking. This is not necessary, but it will ensure they cook evenly and thoroughly. Use a spatula as the nuts and baking sheet will be too hot to touch. Make sure the "x" mark on each shell is still visible and not covered.

      Roasted nuts on the stove (in shell)

        Heat a large, dry frying pan. The pan should be heated over medium heat. Let it warm up for about five minutes to make sure it is thoroughly heated. Do not use vegetable oil or nonstick spray, as the nuts themselves contain enough oil to cook. However, it would be good to use a non-stick pan.

        Place the walnuts in the pan. Arrange the nuts in a single layer - we do not recommend roasting a large batch that will form a multi-layered pile. Usually, good idea- start cooking the nuts in a position where the “x” is facing up as far as possible more nuts, but this is not so important since walnuts do not stay in the same position for long.

        Stir the nuts frequently. After the first minute or two, start stirring the nuts. You can take 30 seconds or so between stirrings, but for the most part, the nuts should be stirred continuously to ensure even and thorough toasting. Use a heat-resistant spatula.
