Salt dough figurines for crafts. Benefits of modeling with salt dough. #14 A simple New Year's dough craft for beginners

This kind folk art became popular not so long ago, although its origins lie in the most ancient layers of Slavic culture. If you have doubts, then remember the same Kolobok: what is not an artistic product made from dough? Working with such a test is not only simple, but also accessible to everyone. Firstly, what kind of house doesn’t have a handful of flour, and secondly, this material is much more pliable than the same plaster, and much more durable than the plasticine everyone is used to. That's why salt dough crafts That's how we all fell in love.

Such wonderful sheep can decorate a Christmas tree.

If you add paint to the dough, you will get multi-colored products. It is best to use food coloring, for example, for coloring eggs.

Using stamps and paint, you can make designs on salt dough cookies.

According to some rumors, modeling from dough was invented by cooks who were bored with simply cooking. So they had fun, decorating their baked goods at the same time. But not only they appreciated the convenience of this material, its pleasantness to the touch and its flexibility to give it different forms. Like most craft supplies, dough isn't very expensive. Just like from the same plasticine, anything your heart desires is molded from dough. Both paintings and salt dough figures can be placed on walls and shelves or used as toys. A picture with flowers made from this dough will be a great gift for friends. Today, like crafts from plastic bottle, products made from salt dough are becoming more and more popular, and therefore this direction of creativity needs to be studied in detail and brought under it theoretical basis.

Not only beads are suitable for decoration, but also natural materials: cereals and seeds.

Crafts made from salt dough are durable, which means they can decorate the interior for more than one month.

IN Lately this art (and modeling from dough is, without a doubt, exactly an art) was even given a separate name - testoplasty. But, despite the novelty of the name, no one will doubt that people began to sculpt figures from dough since the ancient times, when they first learned to make flour. The history of every civilization mentions dough modeling as an important part of religious rituals, folk art, and sacrifices. After all, both flour and water, and the bread obtained from them, are an important part of the culture of mankind as a whole. Working with dough, many manage to come up with their own names for this technique: flour sol, bioceramics and, of course, testoplasty. But no matter what they call it, the result often exceeds all possible expectations! When a masterpiece is born salt dough, this becomes a real event, because the soul invested in the craft returns a hundredfold greater return in the form of a living toy - salt dough figurines. Perhaps that's why salty dough has become such a popular material for children's creativity of different ages. Like plasticine, products made from salt dough allow modeling of any complexity.

With proper skill, you can make such an owl.

To paint the owlet, you can use gouache, and you can fix it with manicure glue.

Today no one can say exactly how many centuries testoplasty has existed. But during this time, the procedure for working with salted dough has not changed at all. Same water and flour. And to preserve the craft from various pests, salt is added.

You can learn about the features of working with salt dough from many websites. But if you yourself have been modeling from salt dough for quite some time, then you also have accumulated experience working with this material, there are examples of work, photographs of products that can be posted on similar Internet pages. You can also create your own blogs and even websites dedicated to this art. Believe me, with the current popularity of testoplasty, your developments will be of interest to many like-minded people. At a minimum, on thematic sites they will create a personal author’s gallery for you. And even if your photographic work is not a model of perfection, professionals will bring it to mind and present it in the best light.

For Christmas decor, you can make toys from salt dough.

Fortunately, the times when dough figures were used only as sacred objects are long gone. The eras of famine and war have passed. Folk “mucosalt” gradually turned into newfangled “bioceramics”. The oldest decorative craft began to be revived as an independent applied art. Today, testoplasty is gaining more and more popularity in vocational schools and clubs. Everyone who became familiar with this art appreciated salt dough as a plastic and warm material, as well as a source of great pleasure from working with it. A big plus in its favor is the availability of material for home use.

Salt dough is a very plastic material. You can make flowers and people from it.

Like these ones beautiful hearts Can be made for Valentine's Day.

Angels and hearts will come in handy for Easter.

To independently make crafts from salt dough, you can preview several master classes on the Internet. You can read step-by-step instructions, and also get acquainted with photo collections of works made from salt dough offered on various websites. This will help you gain additional inspiration for subsequent actions.

It is best to make crafts from salt dough with children.

For salted dough you will need water, flour and, in fact, salt.

As for the recipe for the dough itself, it is standard for ordinary three-dimensional figures:

  • Flour - 200 grams or 1 cup,
  • Salt - 200 grams or half a glass,
  • Water - 125 milligrams.

It should be noted that salt is much heavier than the same volume of flour. And therefore, with the same weight, they differ in volume: salt is taken approximately half as much by weight as flour.

*And for embossed thin figures, you can choose to add 15 grams of PVA glue (one tablespoon), one tablespoon of starch or wallpaper glue, which must first be mixed with water.

*There are separate recipes for strong dough for large products: one glass of flour and salt (200 and 400 grams, respectively) and 125 milliliters of water.

*Experts also offer a dough recipe for delicate work: flour - 300 grams, salt - 200 grams, glycerin - 4 tablespoons (you can buy it at the pharmacy), glue for light wallpaper - 2 tablespoons and water - 125 milliliters (you need it first mix with glue).

To facilitate the process of kneading the dough, it is better to use a mixer, which will not only greatly simplify the task, but will also make the dough much better.

To make colored dough, you can use both food dyes and aniline, but the simplest and most accessible are watercolor and gouache. An excellent chocolate color will be obtained by adding cocoa to the dough. When choosing a shade, you should take into account that during the drying process the tone will become less saturated, but when you coat the craft with varnish, the color will again return to its former brightness.

Salted dough for crafts is made in exactly the same way as for dumplings, with the difference that the components differ in content.

The dough should be tight and elastic.

Tip: let the dough sit for a few minutes.

Form cookies using stencils.

Stock up on cookie decor stamps.

Lightly wet the stamp and scoop out the glitter.

Now transfer the decor to the cookies.

Don't forget to use beads, grains and rhinestones for decoration.

Now is the time to put the cookies in the oven.

But here's another important detail: make a hole in the cookie to insert the ribbon and attach it to the tree.

And now - into the oven.

You can decorate cookies with multi-colored powder and shiny varnish.

By the way, many masters recommend adding a little vegetable oil or hand cream (approximately 1 tablespoon) to the dough, which can give the dough additional plasticity. It is also recommended to replace water with jelly made from starch - potato or corn (dissolve one tablespoon of starch in half a glass of cool water; then pour a glass of boiling water into the starch with constant stirring; after the jelly has thickened and become transparent, the resulting paste should be remove from the stove.) The dough will benefit from the paste, because it will become even more plastic. But you should not overdo it, and if the dough turns out to be too soft, you will have to mix it again with a small additional amount of salt and flour. The salted dough needs to be given more density. There are also tips to place salted dough in a plastic bag for 2 hours in the refrigerator. There it can be stored for later use.

Salt dough can be used to make an excellent decoration for the kitchen.

For crafts, stock up on gouache or colored varnish.

Salt dough makes wonderful souvenirs.

Making crafts from salt dough

You can start working with this material by doing autumn crafts from salt dough. After all, autumn is extremely rich not only in forms to imitate in the form of ripened fruits, but also in various natural materials, which can be included in the product as a full-fledged element, as well as as a reinterpreted symbolic image of some part of nature or a certain image. You can make a kind of still life in the form of a painting or bas-relief with the same apples, pears, pumpkins and other fruits and vegetables. Or you can make three-dimensional crafts and place them on a plate or a special stand. You can make an entire installation “Autumn Garden and Vegetable Garden” with the same fruits, or you can play with the theme of the autumn forest. In this case, along with salt dough, you can also use natural elements - cones, acorns, spruce and pine needles. Using the same technique, you can stage a fairy-tale or fantasy plot. Any autumn theme- a branch of rowan, a carpet of fallen leaves, birds flying south - can be embodied with the help of salt dough.

Be sure to involve children in sculpting.

From the master class you will see how to make a Christmas garland and beautiful Santa Clauses.

After the cookies are ready, start painting them. Don't forget to make holes.

How to do it correctly salt dough crafts, step by step presented in step by step instructions, of which there are a huge number on the Internet. What is needed for such creativity? Literally anything that is unnecessarily collecting dust around the house can be useful.

  • To begin with, the most important items: a stack or knife, a rolling pin and a comb, which can be useful, for example, for making a basket. You will also need an ordinary pen, especially its rod, which is convenient for making different holes and dots in patterns, cheese holes, eyes and much more.
  • When decorating crafts, as well as for exciting games with children, shaped knives for cutting cookies or ready-made sets of shaped recesses for plasticine can be useful.
  • Next, you should select everything in the house that can be used to make prints, for example:

voluminous buttons, hairpins, pieces of burlap, embossed lace, beads, rings, small children's toys, cake candle stands, forks and spoons, the handles of which can be decorated with relief patterns, the soles of children's shoes (will also give interesting patterns), mixer parts and much more other inconspicuous little things.

  • To prepare salt dough, flour and salt are mixed, water is added to them, and the dough is kneaded. The degree of its readiness is determined only by the feeling of the hands. If it crumbles, add water. If, on the contrary, it stretches too softly and sticks to your hands, then there is a lot of water in it, and, accordingly, you need to add a little flour. For testing, roll a ball and make several small indentations in it with your finger. A dough that does not spread and holds its shape can be considered ready. When kneading, it is recommended to add oil, for example, vegetable oil. Thanks to this, the dough will not only not stick to your hands and dry out too quickly, but will also not become crusty during work. True, you need to remember that too good is also not good: if you add a lot of oil, the dough will begin to get dirty, and its final drying will take too long. And paints will be difficult to apply to it.
  • Well, the dough is ready, now you can proceed directly to the process of modeling salt dough. It is better to make it on a board or tray: it will be immediately good place to dry the dough.
  • In order to make the salt dough colored, it can be colored at the kneading stage itself, using food paint or gouache, which will be safe when working with small children. You can also paint the finished dried product. And in order to prepare the right color, you can use the following diagram:

blue color is obtained by mixing blue and white,

pink color is obtained by mixing white and red,

we get purple color by mixing blue and pink,

green color comes from mixing blue and yellow,

Orange color will come out when mixing yellow and red,

Brown color obtained by mixing green and red,

emerald color is obtained by mixing green and blue,

for flesh color you need to mix light pink with a drop of yellow,

and golden and silver colors will be obtained if you add gouache or acrylic of the appropriate color to it, you can also make dough with glitter by adding a gel with glitter for gouache.

  1. the temperature in the oven should be minimal;
  2. The oven lid should be slightly open;
  3. the product cannot be placed immediately in hot oven, its heating should be gradual. You can’t take the craft out of the oven suddenly; it’s better to wait until it gradually cools down along with the temperature of the oven itself;
  4. It would be ideal to carry out drying in several main stages: after an hour of drying on one side, the craft should be turned over and allowed to dry from the inside out. You can also take breaks during the drying process: dry in the oven for an hour, and then in the air for a day, and again for an hour in the oven, but this time back side, and then - a day in the air;
  5. The drying time of the product largely depends on the size of the craft itself.
  • require final finishing. After drying, the craft can be slightly browned in the oven, which will give it a natural shade. For decoration, the product is painted and varnished. When working with dough, use any paints: acrylic, watercolor, gouache - that is, those with which you like to work most. Acrylic or artistic varnish is used. You can also use an ordinary construction one, but with a water base, which can be used on breathable surfaces - parquet or wood. To make some small details in a craft more expressive, you can even paint them with nail polish, which usually gives a bright glossy color.

Finishing children's crafts made from salt dough, parents are often faced with receiving defective, low-quality results. This may happen due to the assumption typical mistakes, which should be avoided at the preparation stage. For example:

  1. pancake flour or with some additives cannot be used to make crafts from salt dough, since the figures from it will begin to rise like yeast dough pies and crafts will crack;
  2. iodized salt also cannot be used, since large inclusions of it will not dissolve, and subsequently the texture of the dough will be uneven, as if it were a grain;
  3. water should be used very cold and added in parts, fifty milliliters for each addition, after which thorough mixing should be carried out, which is associated with the likelihood of using different varieties flours that require different volumes of water;
  4. the salt must first be mixed with flour and only then water must be poured into the prepared mass;
  5. salt dough can be stored in a plastic bag or in a tightly closed container. It is best to take this dough out of the bag in small slices, because they can very quickly become crusty, and when rolled out or molded, these crusts can ruin the entire appearance of the product;
  6. if cracking or swelling of a salt dough product occurs, this can be explained by incorrectly selected flour: the simpler it is and without additives, the better it is for the dough and the future craft;
  7. can be added to the dough and rye flour: although the color will be grayer and warmer, there should be no cracking. A simple recipe - a glass of plain flour and a glass of rye flour, 50 grams of starch, which will also give the dough elasticity and prevent it from cracking. You can also add a spoonful of ordinary PVA glue to the dough, which adds plasticity and prevents the dough from rising;
  8. Crafts made from salt dough can also crack if not dried properly. As mentioned earlier, the product dries better in the air, although it takes a long time, but you want to get the result faster. Therefore, drying is most often carried out in three stages: first in the oven at the lowest temperature and with the lid open for about an hour, then a break is taken for two hours, or even overnight, when the craft dries itself, then the oven is turned on again at the minimum temperature with the lid open cover;
  9. when cracking appears after painting, it means that the craft is not completely dry. At the same time, the product continued to dry, and the air had no place to go, which is why the surface of the varnish or paint cracked. There is no need to rush to paint or varnish the craft, otherwise you will have to regret it later or even redo it;
  10. if the figure turns out to be thick, more than 7 millimeters, then at the first stage you need to take out the excess dough on the back side;
  11. during drying, the craft must be rotated at all stages: it dries for an hour on the front side, rests, then the craft must be turned over and dried on the back side;
  12. fallen parts can be reattached remarkably and discreetly using PVA glue.

To make the dough elastic, add PVA glue to it.

Just like the real thing sea ​​stars.

Very beautiful spring birds.

These new Year decoration no worse than plastic ones.

Interesting figures made from salt dough

This type of decorative art allows you to perform volumetric very realistically. crafts. Salt dough flowers- favorite products, especially for women, and for schoolgirls too. It’s very easy to make, for example, the same daisies by rolling out the dough ahead of time and making identical petals with notches. You can make them by rolling out identical “sausages” and using them, slightly flattening them, to form many petals for a flower. The centers are made from a flattened ball of dough. Twigs and leaves can be replaced with natural thuja twigs, similar to real chamomile leaves. And you can place flowers in a basket woven from “sausages” from the same salted dough. You need to paint the flowers and the basket using the simple technology given above.

This cat is the bright embodiment of Halloween.

You can make funny animal figures from salt dough. For example, such a cute tiger.

Fish and seals.

Favorite for cat lovers crafts - salt dough cats. This is generally a fertile topic in any form of creativity - in the visual arts, in literature, and even in music. After all, this graceful, wayward pet cannot but delight and inspire, especially creative people. To make your favorite Ryzhik from dough, you can go the route of decorative primitivism, or you can try to make a more believable cat. True, its dimensions will be small, because the possibilities of making products from salt dough are limited by the need to maintain the proper thickness permissible for uniform drying of the craft. Well, everything else is a matter of technology!

It is interesting to make owls, hares and baskets from dough.

The most easy crafts from salt dough can be done by rolling out a sheet and cutting it out using different notches flat shapes. The advantage of this method is the speed of production large quantity various items, as well as in its minimum thickness, which will speed up the drying process and protect against subsequent deformations. This technique most of all allows the use of different presses and impressions. Using a similar principle, you can make a children's mosaic. To do this, you need to roll out a lot of “sausages” and leave them to dry overnight. In the morning, chips are cut from the “sausages” and again left overnight. Again in the morning, a layer of dough is rolled out and given the correct shape (circle or rectangle). Then the chips are inserted into fresh dough so that they leave indentations and are immediately removed. The chips are colored in different colors, after which both the layer and the chips are left to dry.

Figures made from salt dough can be decorated with rhinestones and beads.

- this is not only simple fun, but also a serious correctional activity that allows you to develop children’s fine motor skills, their perseverance, observation, creative imagination and cultivate their aesthetic tastes. And for adults this is excellent way find peace and recover from the constant bustle, even if highly meaningful. And believe me: you only have to try it once - and you will surely grow to love this art with all your soul. And may your creativity be a joy to you!

Crafts from salt dough photo

You can even make a pendant from the dough.

These are the decorations made from dough. who would have thought…

The most best decoration to the Christmas tree.

You can make letters from the dough and string them into a bracelet.

The dough can be used to make not only New Year's, but also autumn decor.

With the help of paint and dough strands you can easily bake such a gold and silver heart.

Do you want a new ring? Make it from salt dough!

Cover the workpiece with glitter varnish and you're done!

Adorable owl made from dough.

You can draw a penguin on the star.

This is what the baking dough looks like; it will “brown” a little in the oven.

Shiny hearts on the Christmas tree.

Autumn crafts from dough.

Crafts decorated with buttons.

And this - Easter crafts.

Salt dough flowers.

From the dough you can make a memorable thing - a handprint of your baby.

You can make balls from the dough and decorate with cereals.

Salt dough rose.

Christmas wreath made of dough.


You can make vegetables and fruits from the dough.

Crafts from salt dough video

Dough is an amazing material for modeling, because children of all ages can work with it. Properly prepared salt dough will help realize any creative ideas and teach children how to make unique crafts. If you want to do salt dough figurines, then we offer a master class with photos step by step for you for children from 4 to 10 years old. Spend your leisure time interestingly and figure out what else you can make yourself from the dough.

How to properly prepare salt dough

Today, many recipes have appeared for making salt dough, which is suitable for sculpting figures. We offer one of the most common recipes that is easy to prepare at home. To do this you will need:

  • 3 cups flour
  • Glass of water
  • Two tablespoons of salt

Step-by-step photo of preparing salt dough for children

All these ingredients need to be mixed and knead the dough well, like making dumplings. If you plan to make thin dough figures for children, then add a little PVA glue or starch to the mixture. These components will increase the strength of the products.

Making figures step by step

First, roll out the dough to a suitable thickness. If you decide to take up modeling with children, it is best to use cookie cutters to cut out pieces from the dough. Even a 4 year old child can cope with this task. After the hearts, Christmas trees, birds and stars are cut out, you can start decorating them. For this you can use seeds, grains and cereals. When the salted text figures are ready, they will need to be dried. Dry dough crafts in the oven or naturally.

Photos of salt dough figurines for children

Children 10 years old will be able to make step by step more complex figures from salt dough. Invite them to take a toy and use it to make volumetric craft. For example, try making a mouse figurine from salt dough. To do this, all the parts are molded separately and then connected to each other.

Salt dough mouse step-by-step master class from photo

It’s enough to simply make an owl figurine from salt dough with your own hands. To do this, use a spoon to divide the dough into two parts - the head and the torso. Give these details the required form and connect with each other.

Photo of an owl made from dough

Separately, you can make a collar for an owl from salt dough; for this, small cuts are made on the strip. Attach the collar to the owl's body, and then use a knife to highlight the wings.

Step by step how to decorate a dough figure

You can decorate crafts made from salt dough with paints or gouache. To add shine, the craft is coated with varnish. Some children use beads and beads to decorate salt dough figures.

Master class with step-by-step photos: lamb

- This is a fascinating direction in needlework, which is especially popular with children. To make figurines from salted text, you don’t need to buy expensive materials; all the ingredients can be found in your kitchen. Try to do it crafts step by step from salt dough and share new master classes with experienced needlewomen.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to knead salt dough, how to sculpt it, but at the same time, few masters share various small secrets for working with this interesting material.

Today you will learn 11 secrets of salt dough crafts for beginners that will help you create more beautiful work and make it easier to work with.

Channel: Drawing with children

Recipe for salt dough for crafts:

  • 1 cup flour
  • ½ cup of water (maybe more - depends on the amount of gluten in the flour)
  • ½ cup salt
  • vegetable oil

Pour flour, salt into a bowl, pour out water and knead the dough. If you suddenly find that there is too much water, add a little flour. The dough should look like plasticine.

1. The first secret is the secret of the dough, from which figures come out that do not crack when dried.

A very common problem with salt dough products is that they begin to crack when dry. What can be done to prevent this from happening? To prevent the dough from drying out and cracking, you need to add a little vegetable oil to it. For the above proportions, ½ teaspoon is enough.

2. In order for the finished salt dough figurine to be more durable, unbreakable and unbreakable, you need to add 2 tablespoons of wallpaper glue or PVA glue when kneading into the salt dough at the above proportions. Then, after drying, the figurine will become more durable and it will be impossible to break it.

3. If, when kneading the dough, you feel that it is too dry and when breaking it has dry edges, wet your finger in water and lightly grease the dough at the break point with a damp finger. After this, knead the dough well. If necessary, repeat.

4. The dough must be kneaded to such an extent that it is not rough to the touch. You need to knead the salt dough for a very long time. It is better to knead in small portions so that the piece fits in your hand. Once you feel the dough has become smooth, place it in cellophane and refrigerate.

5. If you first sculpt from ordinary dough and paint it with gouache after drying, then the painted work must be varnished. Surface varnishing protects the finished work from moisture and gives additional richness to the colors.

Since children cannot work with varnish, it is better for children to pre-color the dough and use food coloring for coloring. To color the dough, you need to flatten a piece, sprinkle a little dry food coloring in the middle, dip your finger in water and wet the coloring. Gather the flattened dough into a lump with dye inside and begin to knead it and knead it. The dough with dye kneads faster, it is softer and more elastic than usual.

6. If painted ready product gouache, then in order to prevent it from staining your hands in the future, you need to add a little PVA glue to the paint.

7. If you start sculpting from dough and, after rolling out the layer, you see cracks in it, you must wet your finger with water and cover these cracks. The surface of the future product must be perfectly flat. The appearance of cracks usually means that the dough has not been kneaded well.

If a crack appears on finished figure, then drop water onto the crack so that it flows inside and carefully cover it until smooth. Water will help seal the crack.

8. Roll out the dough to a thickness of at least 3 mm.

9. If you are making flat figures, then when the work is ready, turn on the oven to the lowest heat possible and, without closing the oven, dry until completely dry. Otherwise, they will lead, they will swell and lose their shape. Very often you can hear advice that you can dry your work on a radiator. However, the dough takes a very long time to dry on a radiator. It may dry out on top, but the inside will be damp and may break or become deformed in the future.

10. After cutting out a flat figure, the edges are uneven and rough. Dip your finger in water and smooth the edges until smooth. Then the figurine itself will be worthy of being given as a gift and not to be embarrassed.

11. When cutting out a figure from the dough, you cannot “pull” the knife: the dough can begin to stretch behind it. You need to cut using pressing movements, piercing the dough around the perimeter of the figure.

In the video master class you can also watch how to make a New Year's craft from salt dough - an angel figurine to decorate gift wrapping.

Greetings, dear parents, readers of our blog! Recently, an old technique for developing a child’s fine motor skills has been revived - dough modeling. And today I want to tell you more about salted play dough. You will find recipes with photos at the end of the article.

Modeling is a great opportunity to express yourself or relax for adults, as well as develop fine motor skills and imagination for children. Modeling with children is fun and interesting. The big advantage of modeling from salt dough is that it will cost you much less than other materials for children's creativity.

For modeling, you can use pottery clay, plasticine, and regular dough while cooking cookies or dumplings together. Children love to make and roll balls from such materials. Salt dough is used exclusively for creativity, because it is inedible.

Since ancient times salt dough has been used to make:

  • Charms;
  • Kids toys.

Now this type of creativity is becoming popular again; the dough can be used to make:

  • Decor items;
  • Figures, toys;
  • Paintings;
  • Baby's hand or foot prints.

It’s no secret that adults love to do this type of modeling, preferring salted dough to clay or plaster; they sculpt entire paintings that decorate the house or are given as gifts:

2. Why salt dough?

Many people are surprised to hear that the dough must be salted in order to make something out of it. The fact is that you can sculpt something from any dough, because it is always plastic, but not from any dough you can make crafts that will be stored for a very long time without losing their appearance.

The secret material - salt - cements the dough, so the products hold up after drying. The main ingredients of this test:

  1. Flour;
  2. Salt;
  3. Water.

In addition, you can add other components, depending on what you want to get. This can be glue, oil or paint and can be added to any recipe. But the main thing here is salt, which should be finely ground and without impurities (iodine).

3. Salt dough recipes

There can be many recipes, let's look at a few of them. You need to choose the simplest flour, without additives, and the water should be very cold.

3.1. Regular salt dough


  • Wheat flour – 1 tbsp;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.;
  • Water – 0.5 tbsp.

How to make modeling material from these ingredients?

  1. You need to mix flour and salt, then add water little by little, quickly mixing everything with your hands.
  2. You don’t need to knead the dough for long; if it turns out too tight, add a little more water.
  3. If the dough is sticky, add a little flour. It all depends on the flour, so sometimes more water may be needed, sometimes less.

3.2. Salted dough with rye flour


  • Rye flour – 1 tbsp;
  • Wheat flour – 1 tbsp;
  • Water – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.;
  • Oil – 1 tbsp.

Rye flour will give the product a soft brown color, especially if you dry it in the oven. Rye flour alone is not used, as the dough will be very tight and difficult to mold into something. The oil will give the dough elasticity and will not stick to your hands.

3.3. Salt dough with glue


  • Flour – 2 tbsp;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.;
  • Dry wallpaper glue – 2 tbsp;
  • Oil or glycerin – 4 tbsp;
  • Water – 125 ml.
  1. First you need to combine flour and salt, then add glue diluted in water.
  2. Mix everything and add oil.
  3. If the mixture is sticky, add a little flour. In addition to wallpaper glue, PVA glue is used, this is done for the strength of the material.

How to make colored dough?

To tint the dough, you can add food coloring or natural juice, adding drop by drop and mixing with ready mass. In addition, you can paint the finished craft after it has dried using art paints.

If you don’t want to prepare the dough yourself, you can buy a ready-made one - it’s inexpensive, you can immediately take a set of different colors and with molds. View prices and choose ready set possible on this site. This Excellent shop children's products with a huge assortment!

4. Crafts made from salt dough

As soon as the baby turns 1-1.5 years old, he can be introduced to the test as a way of play and development.

Another advantage of the test is that a child will not be poisoned if he tries it, and it does not smell like plasticine. Such a natural material excellent remedy for making crafts. The dough can be stored in a bag in the refrigerator for several days.

A child of any age can use the salt dough modeling technique, gradually complicating the task. For beginners, sculpting small, simple figures is best.

The child can do the following:

  • Roll out the dough with a rolling pin;
  • Cut out figures from it using molds (from construction sets, cubes or cookie cutters);
  • Make sausages and balls;
  • Combine several elements into one figurine (attach buttons, sticks, beads to the figurine);
  • Make hand or foot prints on the rolled out dough;
  • Paint dried figures or crafts with paints (watercolors, a mixture of gouache with PVA glue, acrylic paint) - under adult supervision.

The child can stick different elements onto a thin layer of dough, creating pictures. Also, ready-made flat figures can then be glued onto canvas and inserted into a frame, resulting in a work of art.

5. Drying salt dough products

There are the following types of drying:

  1. on air;
  2. in the oven;
  3. on battery;
  4. in the sun.

One way or another, the products need to be dried well. If the layer of dough is thin, it will take less time. Three-dimensional dough pictures or figures need a long drying time.

The surest and easiest way is to air dry, preferably in a warm place, but not under direct sun rays. For a product up to 1 cm thick, it will take 4-7 days. Then check by tapping the surface with your finger. If the sound is ringing, the product is dry; if it is dull, it needs to be dried further.

It will take about one day to dry on the radiator; in summer you can put the product on the windowsill.

When drying in the oven, you need to set low temperature(50-150 degrees) with the door open. It will take about 3 hours for a thin product.

After drying, the craft can be painted or varnished to protect the surface from damage and brittleness.

You can watch a video on how to easily and simply prepare salt dough here:

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Modeling is a great activity for young children. The little girl simply loves to create something new with her own hands. However, modeling from plasticine or clay is unsafe for children 1-2 years old, since they will certainly put everything new and interesting in their mouth.

Let's make our favorite activity safe and enjoyable and prepare salt dough. Modeling from salt dough is accessible even to very little ones - such a material is soft and pliable. It is also very salty, which will quickly stop your baby from putting colored lumps into his mouth.

Why such an activity is useful, how to prepare dough for modeling, what figures you can offer to make for children - everything in order.

The benefits of modeling dough for children

First of all, sculpting from salt dough is safe - if the baby swallows a piece, nothing will happen. And the benefits of such an activity are enormous:

  • Development of fine motor skills. Kneading the dough, the baby trains his fingers. According to pediatricians and teachers, a child's speech is at his fingertips. By developing fine motor skills, you help your child easily master buttoning and tying shoelaces in the future.
  • Speech development. The fine motor center in the cerebral cortex is located near the speech center. By stimulating finger motor skills, you also influence the speech center. Babies whose mothers pay a lot of attention to their hands learn to speak faster, and they are better able to form sentences and even small texts from words. According to speech therapists, their pronunciation of words is much better than that of their peers who “didn’t stick together.”

  • Perseverance. Getting a child to sit still at a young age is not so easy. And this skill will become indispensable in school and university classes. Modeling from dough can captivate a child so much that he will sit without looking up from the process and create more and more new figures until he gets bored or the dough runs out.
  • Hard work. The child will understand from an early age that to get the desired result you need to work hard. He will learn this lesson even better if the baby’s crafts are dried and painted. This way he will understand that the fruit of his work is lasting, and you appreciate his efforts.
  • Logical thinking. When making dough figures with your baby, you can ask him problems: here is an apple, what is he missing? Leaves. And in that spirit. So the lesson on developing fine motor skills will also turn into a logic puzzle.
  • Attentiveness. Make a figure and let the child repeat it. Starting with simple ones, complement such figures with details. The child will carefully study the proposed sample, recreating it with his own hands.
  • Fantasy. If the baby is tired of “repeating”, invite him to sculpt anything. And let the elephant have two trunks, and the dog have three legs. A child’s imagination is limitless, you will see this very soon.

Modeling from salt dough is a very useful and necessary, and most importantly, safe activity for children. But in order to satisfy all the demands of such an activity and get the maximum benefit from it, you need to be properly prepared.

How to make play dough for kids with your own hands

To start making salt dough with children, you first need to prepare the dough, and first of all you need to choose a recipe for such a dough.
We offer you several recipe options, and you choose based on what you have on hand. Any test option is safe, just different housewives they do it differently.

Recipe 2:

  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • salt – 1 tbsp.;
  • soda – 1 tbsp.;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. l.

From this dough you can make figures with thin relief

Recipe 1

  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • salt – 1 tbsp.;
  • soda – 1 tbsp.

Suitable for simple modeling.

Recipe 3

  • water – 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • flour – 1.5 tbsp;
  • salt – 1.5 tbsp;

Doesn't dry out your hands so much, you can sculpt anything.

Did you know? All recipes contain salt. Take a small one, and the mixture will be homogeneous, and the crystals of a large one will shine beautifully in the light.

And now about the secrets of cooking:

  • Take all the dry ingredients you prepared for the dough.
  • Using your hands, mix them together in a large bowl.
  • Pour in water and knead the dough. It should be soft, elastic and not stick to your hands.
  • If you decide to do with vegetable oil, pour it in after kneading the dough and knead again. Oil is used this way famous confectioners for kneading the dough - even the stickiest dough immediately stops being pulled by your hands.

The dough is kneaded, that's okay. The pale figures that will come out of it are great occasion do -drawing with children 4-6 years old-.
It's more difficult with kids. We figured out how to prepare play dough for children, but how to make it attractive?

Did you know? This dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

You will need one of the following items:

  • food coloring;
  • dye for cotton fabrics;
  • gouache;
  • kitchen set (cocoa, turmeric, paprika).

And here is a recipe for how to color salted play dough for young children:

  • Take your dye, dilute it in small quantity water.
  • Divide ready dough into as many pieces as you want colors.
  • Make holes in the dough balls, pour in the dyes and knead the dough again so that the paint is distributed evenly throughout the ball.

If you are against artificial dyes, or your baby is very small, and you are afraid that it is unsafe, use a “kitchen set”.
Cocoa will give a brown color, turmeric will give a bright yellow, paprika will give orange to red. If you want green dough, walk to the pharmacy and buy spirulina. It's a rare nasty thing, but they say it's useful, and green color the test is provided.

When we already have a whole palette of colors, and our hands are itching to sculpt, we should not rush, but think carefully about what else we haven’t taken for work.

Equipment and materials

For the manufacture of various crafts from modeling dough, take into account the characteristics and wishes of children and stock up on tools to create real works of art:

  • working surface;
  • stand for finished products;
  • rolling pin;
  • cookie cutters or ;
  • dough knife;
  • matches and toothpicks (do not give them to children under 3 years old; it is better to make the texture of the craft yourself);
  • pen paste (for creating dots);
  • everything that is embossed and safe - lace, caps from felt-tip pens, forks, shells (for creating impressions on dough);
  • decorations (cereals, pasta, etc.).

With a rolling pin you will roll out the dough into the molds; with a knife you can cut out those figures whose shapes you do not have enough. With matches, toothpicks and three-dimensional objects you can make impressions and texture of the craft, and with decorations you can bring the craft to perfection.

Did you know? You can dry such crafts in the oven at 50-80°C with the door ajar for about an hour. But it is best to leave them to air dry for 3-4 days.

When the crafts are dry, they can be painted, if they are plain, and opened with ordinary furniture varnish. This way the colors will become brighter and the crafts will last a long time.

Ideas for modeling dough

There are no limits to children's imagination, but at first you can use sample figures to sculpt from dough. There are a great many of them, we will list only a few of them.

From uncolored dough

You can make a cast of your palm.

You can make a variety of figures: stars or hearts.

From colored dough

You can make a Christmas tree. or any shapes using cookie cutters.

Making dough with children - video

This short video shows in detail, accessiblely and clearly how to prepare salted play dough with a small child. The young dad enthusiastically reveals the advantages of such a dough and demonstrates how to knead it correctly.

This video clearly shows how you can mix different shades of basic colors. In the video, the little one independently sculpts a bear and a bunny using imprints of the lids. The children are delighted to sculpt various animals. It tells what recipe the dough was made from and how it was colored.


  • Dough modeling is a useful activity for kids and their parents. The whole family can participate in the process of making salted figurines, or, as they are also called, mukosolek.
  • Best for kids to use simple figures, and older children can be asked to make real things - beads for bracelets and necklaces, pendants, small boxes or vases, dishes for dolls. At the same time, both girls will be happy to sculpt jewelry for themselves, and boys - as a gift to their mother or grandmother.
  • Have you already tried sculpting with salt dough with your baby?

What figures have you already made? What recipe did you use to prepare the dough? Which one did you like best? How did you color the dough? If you have your own recipe for such a dough or ideas for making all kinds of figures, share them with us in the comments!
