Dried strawberries. Dried strawberries in the oven

Dried strawberries retains vitamins and beneficial features. Dried strawberries can be used as a dessert or added to tea. In addition, when preparing this dish, you will also receive Strawberry juice, and strawberry syrup infused with sugar.
Step 1: Sugar the strawberries Wash the strawberries, remove the sepals, and place in a bowl. Fill the strawberries with sugar (400 g), close the lid, place the bowl with the strawberries in the refrigerator and leave it for a day. After a day, pour the strawberry juice into previously prepared pasteurized jars, close the lids, use this juice for no more than 2 months. Step 2: Drain the strawberry syrup 350 gr. pour 350 grams of remaining sugar. water, place in a saucepan over low heat, let the mixture boil. After boiling, in sugar syrup add strawberries (those that have been left in the refrigerator for a day). Cover the pan with a lid and continue cooking for about 5-7 minutes. Then turn off the heat. Give strawberry syrup cool down. After 15 minutes, pour the contents of the pan into pasteurized jars. Use a colander to strain. Seal the jars with a can opener. Step 3: Cook the Strawberries Transfer the berries that remain in the colander to a baking sheet and let them cool. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 85 degrees. Place a baking tray with chilled strawberries in the oven for half an hour. After 30 minutes, remove the strawberries from the oven. Cool the strawberries again and stir them with a spatula. Then put the strawberries back in the oven. Repeat this action a total of 2 times. Don't overcook the strawberries! Step 4: Leave the strawberries to rest room temperatureTransfer the strawberries from the baking sheet to a sieve, leave them at a temperature of about 30 degrees. After 6-9 hours, transfer the strawberries to paper bags. IN paper bags and at room temperature the strawberries should last 5-6 days. After which it is ready for use. Bon appetit! - It is important to choose the right berries for making dried strawberries. Strawberries should not be overripe; choose ripe, large berries. - Dried strawberries should be stored at a temperature of 12-18 degrees. Better keep it in glass jars with tightly closed lids. The maximum shelf life of dried strawberries is 2 months. - From ready-dried strawberries you can prepare delicious aromatic tea. Brew it for at least 5 minutes. - Dried strawberries can also be eaten with whipped cream, ice cream, cookies, or as a dessert for evening tea.

The best way to preserve strawberries for the winter is to dry them. This method allows you to save the maximum amount useful substances and has virtually no effect on taste qualities Oh. Dried strawberries can be used for preparing various desserts, baking, and also brewed into tea. But in order to properly dry strawberries at home, you need to know the features of drying them in various ways.

First of all, the collected strawberries need to be washed carefully in cool water. Then it is transferred to paper towels and allowed to dry thoroughly.

The next step is to separate the sepals from the berries.

The video from the “How to Do It” channel will tell you in detail how to quickly peel the stems from strawberries.

The peeled berries are cut into even slices. To make the slices the same thickness, you can use special device for slicing cheese.

Methods for drying strawberries

On air

Lay several layers of old newspapers on a flat surface, and cover them with a sheet of thick paper on top. For this purpose, for example, whatman paper is suitable. Place strawberry slices on top of the paper, not forgetting to leave a little space between the petals. You should not place strawberries on newspaper sheets, as stationery paint can easily be absorbed into the product.

Strawberry juice, released from the berries, will be absorbed into whatman paper and then soak into the newspapers. Therefore, the layers of newspapers are replaced with new ones every 4–6 hours, and the berries themselves are mixed.

After four days, the strawberries are completely dry.

In the oven

To make strawberry chips in the oven, place the sliced ​​berries on trays lined with sheets of wax paper. In this form, the baking sheets are sent to the oven, heated to a temperature of no more than 60 degrees. After 1.5 hours, take out the trays, turn the berries over and let them cool completely. After this, drying is continued in the same mode. Total time cooking time 8 – 10 hours.

Remember to keep the door ajar while drying in the oven. This is necessary so that the humid air is replaced by dry air, and drying occurs faster.

If the open oven door creates discomfort, then you can use a more convenient electric dryer for vegetables and fruits.

In an electric dryer

Sliced ​​strawberries are best placed on trays lined with nylon mesh. You can make such a mesh yourself by cutting it along the contour of your drying containers. It will be much more convenient to remove the finished berries from the mesh than to peel off the stuck pieces from the plastic dryer rack.

The berries are laid out tightly, but not overlapping. The temperature regime is set within 55 - 60 degrees. During the entire drying period, the trays are swapped several times for more uniform drying.

Watch the video from the channel “Ezidri Master” - Drying strawberries in the Ezidri dryer

In the microwave

Pieces of berries are placed on a flat plate lined with a paper napkin. The top of the slices is also covered with a thin sheet of paper. In this form, the strawberries are placed in the oven. The power on the unit is set to 600 W and the cooking time is set to 3 minutes.

After the specified time, the top napkin is removed and drying continues in the same mode for another 3 minutes.

After this, the slices are mixed and, if necessary, the drying process is continued. In this case, you will need to monitor readiness every 60 seconds.

How to dry strawberry tails

Strawberry tails should not be thrown away. They make delicious vitamin tea. For drying of this product All of the above methods will work. You can also dry the sepals simply on a sheet of paper in a dark and well-ventilated room.

How to dry strawberry marshmallows

Strawberry marshmallow is prepared using the oven or electric dryer. To do this, place crushed strawberries with sugar on a baking sheet or in special trays, greased vegetable oil or lard. The marshmallow should be dried at a temperature of 55 - 60 degrees.

A video from the “Ezidri Master” channel will tell you more about how to make strawberry marshmallow.

How and how long to store dried strawberries

Dry strawberry chips can be made into powder using a coffee grinder. Store the powder and dry strawberry pieces in tightly sealed glass jars in a dark, dry place. Shelf life – 2 years.

Pastila is best stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

Ripe but firm strawberries are suitable for drying. The berries should not be overripe or watery. Large strawberries are easier to cut, but small ones will work just as well. Before you start drying, the strawberries need to be thoroughly washed and stemmed. Place the strawberries on a towel and let them dry. Wet strawberries take longer to dry and are less resistant to cutting.

You need to cut the strawberries into slices. The thickness of the plates depends on where you plan to use the berries. For tea, it is better to cut it thinly, about 3 mm. The cutting knife must be sharp, otherwise the strawberries will release juice. I use a paring knife or a thin serrated knife.

In order to cut strawberries a little thicker (5 mm), you can use not only a knife, but also various devices, for example, an egg slicer or a knife like this for slicing tomatoes. All plates are the same thickness, which means they will dry equally.

Don't cut all the strawberries at once. Better part chop and arrange the berries, then chop more. The number of strawberries you need will depend on the thickness of the slices and the number of trays in your dryer.

Place the sliced ​​strawberries in the trays in one layer to prevent the slices from sticking together. Dry the strawberries for about 12 hours. Exact time It’s difficult to indicate, because Each dryer has its own characteristics. During the drying process, it is recommended to change the trays several times, so the berries will dry more evenly and you can control the process.

How do you know if strawberries are dry? There should be no moisture left in it. Thin plates will be completely dry, thick ones may be slightly flexible. Turn the trays over and shake off the dry plates. If the berries are stuck, pry them off with something sharp. Place the dried strawberries in clean jars and cover with a lid. Store in a cool, dry place in an airtight jar to prevent the plates from getting damp.

In a cold, blizzard winter, late in the evening over a cup of tea, nostalgia for the hot and generous season of summer suddenly surges. And then it will warm us favorite treat– dried strawberries, the calorie content of which is much higher than fresh ones, but this heat energy is so necessary in the cold! By adding a few pieces to your tea, you can enjoy not only great taste, but also the aroma of a summer berry meadow.

Since ancient times, our ancestors have been drying vegetables and fruits. Dried in the sun, in ovens, in ovens. Now this process has become much faster, easier, and more comfortable with the advent of electric dryers. And the product yield is of higher quality, with minimal loss of nutrients, and is clean. Owners of this miracle now have the opportunity to dry vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, mushrooms and even meat and fish at home. Every housewife will be happy with her preparations.

How to dry strawberries in an electric dryer?

Dried strawberry chips are a fragrant delicacy that children adore. The process of drying this berry is quite difficult and you will need to be patient. The range of electric dryers is quite wide, and therefore their operating principles are different. It is worth reading the instructions carefully, because... Drying time for berry plates can range from 6 to 12 hours. It is not recommended for novice housewives to leave the device turned on overnight - the bottom layer of strawberry slices may burn. Having studied everything necessary, we proceed to the drying process itself.

  1. We wash the berries under running water and remove the stalks. Let the water drain well, you can spread a cloth on a board. We cut each berry into flat slices, the approximate thickness is 4 mm, small berries can be whole or in half. It is very convenient and quick to do with an egg slicer.
  2. Place the berries on clean trays in one layer, preferably without touching each other. If the holes are large, you should additionally buy mesh. We turn on the operating mode of the electric dryer, set the temperature within 50-55. We check periodically and, if necessary, rearrange the pallets.
  3. Ready-made dried strawberries are soft, plastic, and do not release juice when pressed. Much depends on the thickness of the slice and the drying time.
  4. Once completely cooled, the dryer will come off the tray more easily; if necessary, carefully use a knife.
  5. Place the finished product in dry, clean jars and close. vacuum lid and store at room temperature.

Five pallets will accommodate approximately 1 kg of berries, the drying yield will be 70 g. The calorie content of 100 g of dried strawberries is 273 kcal. The shelf life of dried fruits is up to 2 years.

Dried strawberries

There is another way to dry this berry, and it will turn out dried. Some people call dried strawberries Thai. Let's look at one of the recipes!

  1. Add 400 g of sugar to 1 kg of berries and place the bowl in the refrigerator for a day.
  2. Prepare syrup based on 350 g of water - 350 g of sugar. Pour the cooled berries into boiling syrup and boil for 10 minutes. Place in a colander (sieve) and let the water drain.
  3. Place the strawberries on a baking sheet and place it in an oven preheated to 85 degrees. After 30 min. take out, cool, stir with a wooden spatula.
  4. We carry out the heat treatment 2 more times, but reduce the temperature in the oven to 75 degrees. Then we cool and keep the berries at a temperature of 30 degrees for 6-8 hours, or in an electric dryer.

You can choose both drying methods to compare the taste of this wonderful berry crop. Although the process is labor-intensive, it is worth it! "Small spool but precious!" Large quantity Both dried and dried strawberries contain vitamins and microelements; the calorie content is increased, which means that our body will receive an energy boost or a charge of vivacity. Treat yourself and your loved ones to this wonderful delicacy!

Many people who love it really miss their favorite berry in winter.

In this article we will tell you what to do with strawberries to preserve them for the winter.

Strawberries for the winter: how to choose berries for storage

Nowadays it flaunts on store shelves all year round. You can find sweet and large large-fruited ones even in winter.

But it should be noted that such berries are not at all suitable for harvesting for the winter, since they are grown under artificial lighting in, and sometimes even in a special one instead of natural.
Despite the fact that such strawberries are also tasty, they contain an order of magnitude less nutrients than grown ones. traditional way under the rays of the summer sun.

It will be good if the berries were grown on or, as they are clean and do not require thorough washing.

How to freeze strawberries for the winter

There are several types of freezing berries.

One of great recipes strawberry preparations for the winter are frozen puree. Grind with sugar and freeze in portions. For half a kilogram of berries, use 150 grams of sugar.

Grind the resulting mixture using a blender or another method (including grinding through a metal sieve).
It is convenient to freeze this kind of puree in single servings. Can be placed in a container in advance plastic bag, put required amount puree and freeze. The puree of these berries can also be frozen in an ice cube tray. Then you use it in milkshakes.


Let's look at how to prepare ice cream for the winter without sugar. The berries need to be washed and placed on paper, allowing to dry for about 15 minutes. Before freezing berries, you should place them on a flat surface so that they do not touch.

After this, put it in freezer package for half an hour, during which time the large-fruited strawberries on top will freeze and will not lose their shape.

Ideally, dry freezing at minus 16°C is required if your refrigerator is capable of more low temperature- use it.
Place these large-fruited strawberries in bags tightly together without fear that the strawberries will stick together or become wrinkled. Be sure to portion the berries immediately, since once defrosted they are no longer frozen.

For proper freezing, which will preserve the beneficial properties, taste and vitamins, you need to use several secrets:

  • Do not wash the berries, as the top layer will remain denser and drier, which will prevent the strawberries from sticking together and less juice will flow out after defrosting.
  • Don't cut off your ponytails. This will preserve the middle of the berry and will not give oxygen access to it. As a result, the berries will be more intact.
In order to defrost strawberries, they must be rinsed in a colander. cold water, then place on a paper towel. After 1.5 hours, strawberries can be eaten or used in desserts.


For use in cocktails and desserts, it is convenient to freeze, cut into quarters. To do this, pre-prepared strawberries need to be cut and placed on a board. After this, freeze and carefully transfer to a container or bag.

With sugar

If you want strawberries to retain their sweetness, shape and color when defrosted, they should be frozen with sugar or powdered sugar.
Place the prepared and washed berries in a container and sprinkle each with a little sugar. Place the container in the freezer for several hours, then transfer it to a bag.

Preparing berries ground with sugar

Large-fruited strawberries ground with sugar are also called “live”. Opening a jar of this jam in winter, you can remember summer with warm sun and aromas. Since such jam is not subjected to heat treatment, the vitamins in it are fully preserved.

For preparation, you will need ripe, fresh and clean strawberries, since they will not be washed, since a soaked berry is not suitable for this recipe and can ruin everything.

It is necessary to pour boiling water over the dishes that you will use for cooking; everything must be dry and sterile.

The berries need to be chopped in a meat grinder or in a blender; the latter will be better, since the sugar will be mixed immediately. When grinding, you need to gradually add sugar.

Next, pour the resulting mixture into sterile jars, pour a layer of sugar on top, so that you do not need to put a full jar.
Then roll up the jars with lids and store in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than +6°C. If you did everything correctly - live jam will be stored for a whole year.

How to dry fruits for the winter

You can also dry it in the oven, dryer or convection oven, or just air dry it. Chips made from this berry are very tasty. Since the range of dryers is different, you need to read the instructions before drying.

The drying time for berries varies, usually from six to 12 hours. Let's take a closer look at how you can dry large-fruited strawberries and what you need for this.

The simplest method that does not require special equipment or training. Strawberries can be dried whole, thinly sliced ​​into slices (then you will get strawberry chips) or cubes (for tea or baking).

Start drying by preparing the oven. Warm it up at a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Rinse and dry the berries first; you can place them on a towel and let them dry.

Did you know?Zinc contained in strawberry seeds increases sexual desire in men and women, and also increases the likelihood of conception by 25%.

Place on a baking sheet in one layer. You can put it not on the baking sheet itself, but lay it on parchment paper.

We watch for the formation of moisture in the oven. Periodically you should open the oven, turn the berries over, allowing the moisture to escape. oven.

We watch the berries when they wrinkle a little and become less elastic - bring the oven temperature to 60-70 degrees. It is considered ready when it does not stick to your fingers when squeezed.

Drying in an electric dryer is almost the same as in an oven. rinse and dry, after removing the stalks. You can dry the berries on a cloth or paper towels. Dry the berries whole or sliced.

If you dry them sliced, the thickness of the plates should be approximately 4 mm, and small berries can only be cut in half or not cut at all.
The prepared berries are placed on a tray in one layer. It is recommended to lay them out so that they do not touch each other.

It happens that there are large holes in the trays and the berries slip through. Then you can purchase special nets for drying small berries.

Turn on the electric dryer temperature conditions 50-55 degrees. Check the berries from time to time. If necessary, swap the tiers of pallets so that the lower ones do not burn.

The finished berries look a little darker than the original color, are flexible and soft, and do not stick to your fingers when squeezed.

Place the finished drying mixture in clean and dry jars. Close the lid. Store in a room in a dark place.
Approximately a kilogram of large-fruited strawberries is placed on the pallets of the electric dryer (usually there are five of them). Drying yields 70 grams per kilogram. Shelf life dried berries two years.

In a convection oven

You can also dry strawberries in an air fryer. Drying in an air fryer has several advantages:

  • Drying time is significantly shorter (from 30 to 120 minutes).
  • You can leave the berries to dry and not control the process.
  • There is no need to turn them over and swap pallets.
  • In one go, you can dry approximately a kilogram of berries (±200 g).
  • The yield of finished drying is from 300 to 500 grams.
  • There is no heat in the kitchen during drying.

When drying in a convection oven, moisture does not escape and is not ventilated on its own. Therefore, during drying, you need to open the lid slightly, for example, insert a skewer.

Before drying in an air fryer, the berries are prepared in the same way as in previous recipes. Place them on a wire rack in a layer of 2-3 cm.
They start drying in a convection oven at 45 degrees and at the end the temperature is raised to 60 degrees. The finished berries look soft and when squeezed do not release juice or stick to your hands.

Preserves, jams, compotes

Strawberry compote is very popular among children. Usually, rolling up strawberry compote, he is always sterilized. Here is a simplified recipe for compote without sterilization. For preparation you will need:

  • Ripe strawberries (at the rate of 800 g per 3-liter jar)
  • Sugar (200-250 g per 3-liter jar)
  • Water (preferably filtered)
  • Rinse and sterilize the jars (approximately 10 minutes under steam).
  • Sterilize the lids (boil in a saucepan for 5 minutes).
  • Wash the strawberries and remove the stems.
  • Pour it into jars (1/3 of a jar).
  • Boil water and pour into jars
  • Let stand for 15 minutes (until the water turns a rich pink color).
  • Drain the water from the jars into a saucepan.
  • Add sugar (at the rate of 200-250 g per jar).
  • Boil the resulting syrup, stir the sugar until completely dissolved.
  • Fill the jars with berries to the top.
  • Screw on the lids.
  • Place the lids down and wrap them in something warm. Let it stand for 6-8 hours.
The compote is ready. Lovers of strawberry jam often face a problem: the jam becomes dark and the fruits spread. Next recipe will allow you to minimize losses in the beauty of the jam. To prepare 1 liter of jam, you need:
  • strawberries – 900 grams;
  • sugar – 700 grams;
  • juice of one

Important! For this recipe, take the berries a little unripe and firm, but not soft.

  1. Place large-fruited strawberries in a large saucepan and add sugar. Leave it for a few hours to let it release its juice.
  2. Place the pan over low heat and watch for the sugar to dissolve. To prevent the berries from scattering, do not stir the mixture, but shake it. It is important that no sugar crystals remain before boiling.
  3. Place the jam on high heat and let it boil. Add juice and time for eight minutes.
  4. Remove the jam from the heat and place a spoonful of jam on a plate. If the berry does not release juice after pressing with your finger, the jam is ready. Otherwise, it must be put on maximum heat for another three minutes.
  5. Pour the jam into jars and let it sit for 15 minutes so that the solid part settles. After steeping, roll up the jars.
To make jam you will need:
  • strawberries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • lemon 1 pc.
  1. Rinse the strawberries thoroughly, place in a colander and let the water drain. Sort it and clean it from the tails.
  2. Puree it using a blender, add sugar, stir and leave for several hours.
  3. Add lemon juice to the puree.
  4. Place the jam on low heat and cook, remembering to stir and skim off the foam. Cook the jam to your desired thickness.
  5. Divide the jam into the jars and close the lids.

First, wash the berries and remove the stems. Then put it in a bowl and add sugar (about 400 grams). Cover the bowl with a lid and place in the refrigerator for a day.

The next day, drain the juice from the bowl into sterilized jars and cover them with lids. You can use this juice for no more than two months.

Pour 350 grams of sugar into 400 ml of water and bring to a boil over low heat. After the mixture boils, pour the berries that were previously left in the refrigerator into the resulting sugar syrup. Cover the pan with a lid and continue cooking for five minutes.

After this, remove the syrup from the heat and let cool. After fifteen minutes, pour the syrup into sterilized jars and use a colander to strain. Roll up the jars.
Place the remaining berries on a baking sheet and let cool. Preheat the oven to 85ºC and place the cooled berries there for half an hour. After this, take it out, let it cool, stir and put it back in the oven. Repeat this action twice, but try not to overcook.

Transfer the large-fruited strawberries from the baking sheet into a sieve and leave at a temperature of 30ºC. After 6-9 hours, transfer the berries to paper bags.

The sweets should remain in such bags for six days. Dried strawberries are ready to eat. The finished dried dessert is stored at a temperature of 12-18 ºС in tightly closed glass jars.

Making strawberry jelly for the winter is very simple; even a novice “preparer” can handle it. Below you can find the main recipes. Jelly with gelatin. To prepare, take:

  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • gelatin – 1 kg.
  1. Sort the berries, rinse and tear off the tails.
  2. Mash the strawberries in a glass or enamel dishes and mix with sugar.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat. Let cool.
  4. Bring the jam to a boil a second time and remove from heat. Let cool while soaking the gelatin in water.
  5. Bring the jam to a boil for the third time, add gelatin to it. Stir, remove from heat.
  6. Pour the hot jelly into sterilized jars and seal them.
Grated strawberry jelly For this you will need:
  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • gelatin – 20 g.
  1. Sort the berries, rinse cold water and tear off the tails.
  2. Do strawberry puree using a blender.
  3. Pour the puree into a small saucepan, add gelatin and sugar, then place over medium heat and bring to a boil.
  4. After boiling, leave the mixture on the stove, without forgetting to stir. Pour the jelly into the jars.
  5. After you have rolled up the jelly jars, you need to boil them in a water bath for several minutes.
Jelly without gelatin Take:
  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • (unripe) – 500 g.
  1. Rinse and clean.
  2. Grind the strawberries separately into a puree. Mix two types of puree and add sugar. Place on the fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Cook the mixture over low heat until it thickens, stirring constantly. Place hot jelly in jars and roll up.

In winter, this jelly can be spread on bread as an addition to porridge, yogurt, pancakes, cottage cheese, and also on cake layers.

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