Jam with honey. jam with honey - double the benefits of your favorite delicacy (culinary recipe with honey)

Jam is everyone's favorite since childhood and healthy treat. Today we are accustomed to making jam from fruits or berries with sugar. The benefit of such jam, of course, lies exclusively in the fruit and berry component, but not in the sugar. Sugar in jam is used primarily as a preservative - for storage, and the function of a sweetener is in second place. What does honey have to do with it, you ask.

Jam was prepared in ancient times, its use cane sugar was common in India, which supplied sugar to Egypt and the Roman Empire. In Russia, sugar became widespread and became available to ordinary citizens only in the second half of the 19th century, when the production of sugar from sugar beets was organized. Due to inaccessibility and high cost, in ancient Rus' Traditionally, jam was made with honey.

Natural honey has many advantages over beet sugar, for example, honey not only preserves useful qualities fresh fruits, but also further enriches them with its unique enzymes, however, this is a topic for a separate article. Here it is only worth adding that different ones have different taste qualities, which gives additional creative freedom for preserving berries and fruits and creating unique flavor bouquets. Jam with honey - double benefit! At the same time, the preservative properties of honey are impeccable.

You can prepare jam with honey in different ways: cold and hot way.

The healthiest jam will be cold-prepared jam. This is when the berries are simply ground with honey and stored in sterile jars. This option is especially good because it retains all the benefits of not only the fresh fruits used, but also preserves all the richness unique properties natural honey. Most of the beneficial enzymes in natural honey are destroyed at temperatures above 50°C, so heating honey should be avoided. You can prepare jam with honey in a water bath (hot method). We will share our favorite recipes for jam prepared using each of these methods.

Jam from forest berries with honey (cold method)

What do we need:
Wild berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, etc.) - 1 kg;
- 1 kg;
Convenient container for mixing and crushing berries;
Wooden spoon or pestle;
Clean jar with lid.

Cooking method:
Sort out the berries from the trash and mix gently. Then mash by hand with a wooden spoon or pestle. Mix the ground berries with honey in equal parts. Place the jam in clean, dry jars and seal tightly (convenient for this). This jam will be stored until next season. For best preservation useful properties For this sweet dessert, it is recommended to keep it in a cool place, in the basement, on the balcony in winter or in the refrigerator. This is not only a magical delicacy, but also an excellent cure for many winter ailments.

Berries with honey - delicious and the healthiest dessert, which goes well with many various dishes and treats: from pancakes, pies to ice cream and sweet sauces.

Apricots in honey syrup (hot method)

What do we need:
apricots - 1 kg;
honey - 1 glass;
water - 2.5 cups;
large saucepan or basin for a water bath;
kitchen knife;
clean jars and lids;
pan for honey syrup.

Cooking method:
Combine water and honey in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. For jam, use only ripe apricots. Wash and dry the berries. Cut in half and remove the pit. Sterilize the jars. Fill the jars with apricot halves. Place the berries skin side up. Pour the hot honey syrup into the jars, leaving about an inch of empty space at the top of the jar. Close the jars with lids.

Place the jars in a saucepan and a bowl half filled with water. Bring the water in the basin to a boil, reduce the heat and leave for 10 minutes. Then turn off the stove and remove the hot jars from the water. Store jars of cooled jam in the pantry, cellar or refrigerator.

These honey apricots will decorate both everyday and festive table. Try serving them with whipped cream or sundae. Your guests will be satisfied.
Using the same recipe, you can make jam from peaches, plums or pears.

Have you ever tried making jam with honey? Of course, the pleasure is not cheap. But believe me, it's worth it.


For 1 kg of berries - 1 glass of honey, 2 tbsp. spoons of rum and water.

Lightly crush the prepared blueberries, add water and cook with constant stirring until the skin softens. Then add honey in parts so that the boil does not interrupt, and after the last portion, boil a little more. Then remove from heat and add rum.

Fill the jars to the brim with boiling jam, seal, turn upside down, cover with a cloth and leave until completely cooled.

After this, store in a dark and cool place.


For 1 kg of peeled rowan - 1 glass of honey.

Place the rowan in a saucepan, add a few tablespoons of water and boil under the lid. After softening, add honey little by little and continue cooking with constant stirring. As soon as the rowan has softened a little and the water has evaporated, pour the boiling jam into jars, seal, turn upside down, cover with a cloth and leave to cool.


For 1 kg of peeled, pitted peaches - 2 cups of honey, 2 tbsp. spoons of rum.

Cut the peaches into pieces, place them in a wide saucepan, add a little water and cook with constant stirring until they are completely softened. Then add honey in parts and cook for another 10 minutes, then remove from heat and pour in rum. Pour hot jam into jars, seal, turn upside down until cool.

If you don't have good conditions for storage, the jam should be sterilized for 10 minutes at a temperature of 100°C.


For 1 kg of ripe gooseberries - 1.5 cups of honey.

Pour a few tablespoons of water over the prepared berries and cook until soft, stirring constantly. Add honey in parts and after the last portion, cook for another 10 minutes, pour into jars and cool upside down.

Store in a dark, cool place.


For 1 kg of raspberries - 1 glass of honey.

Quickly rinse the sorted raspberries piece by piece on a sieve with running water, place in a wide saucepan, crush slightly and cook with constant stirring until some of the liquid evaporates.

Add honey little by little and cook a little more. Then pour into jars.


For 1 kg of peeled currants - 1 glass of honey.

Pour a few tablespoons of water into the prepared berries and cook, stirring, until completely softened. When boiling, add honey little by little and cook for another 10 minutes. Place boiling in jars.


For 1 kg of seedless greenweed - 1 glass of honey, 1 tbsp. spoon of rum.

Pour a few tablespoons of water over the prepared fruits and cook while stirring until completely softened. Add honey little by little and cook for another 10 minutes. Remove from heat and add rum, pour into jars.
Instead of rum, you can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vanilla sugar.

From apples, pears and apricots

1 kg of apples and pears, 2 kg of apricots, 1 glass of honey.

Cut the prepared apples and pears into small slices, remove the pits from the apricots. Mix all the fruits, pour in the diluted Not large quantities hot water honey and put on fire. When fruit mixture boils, remove from heat and cool. Repeat this procedure gently for 3 days, 4 times every day, until the jam thickens.

Pour into sterile jars.

By the way, earlier we told you how to cook .

Note. When pouring all types of jam, the jars must be wrapped in a damp cloth, and after cooling they must be wiped with a damp cloth.

Photo kakmed.ru

Jam was prepared in ancient times using cane sugar. Due to the inaccessibility and high cost of sugar, jam was traditionally prepared with honey in ancient Rus'. Natural honey has many advantages over beet sugar, for example, honey not only preserves the beneficial qualities of fresh fruits, but also additionally enriches them with its unique enzymes. At the same time, the preservative properties of honey are impeccable. Berries with honey are not only a cure for colds, but also a delicious and healthy dessert that goes well with many different dishes and treats: from pancakes, pies to ice cream and sweet sauces.

Berries with honey – double the benefits! The healthiest berries will be those cooked cold. This is when the berries are simply ground with honey and stored in sterile jars. This option is especially good because it retains all the benefits of not only the fresh fruits used, but also preserves all the richness of the unique properties of natural honey.


  • raspberries – 1 kg
  • honey – 1 kg


Step 1

Sort the berries from the leaves and sticks.

Step 2

Different varieties of honey have different taste qualities, which gives additional creative freedom for preserving berries and fruits and creating unique flavor bouquets. I took flower honey this year, but linden honey would be ideal here. It is important that the honey is natural; only it has reliable preservative properties. According to the recipe, you need to mash the berries by hand with a wooden spoon or pestle. Thoroughly mix the ground berries with honey in equal parts. I mashed half the berries, and prepared one jar with partially whole berries. I poured a little honey into the bottom of the jar, added a layer of berries, and tamped it down.

Step 3

I poured another portion of honey. Then a portion of berries. The berries need to be compacted and kneaded so that the honey is evenly mixed with the raspberry juice and the berries do not rise to the top. And so on to the very top.

I think every home tries to stock up on raspberry jam for the winter. It helps with colds in winter and contains many useful substances.
Did you know that raspberries contain salicylic, citric, malic and tartaric acids. Therefore, it is used as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. As children, we often arrived damp and soaking wet from walks. Then my mother changed us into dry clothes and gave us tea with raspberry jam. And then she made me wrap myself in a blanket and sweat a lot. And it often happened that the disease went away without even starting.

Raspberries are a storehouse of vitamins. It contains vitamins B, A, C, E. It also contains a lot of microelements potassium, calcium, and iron. Therefore, you definitely need to stock up on raspberry jam. There is never too much of it. Plus, it's easier than ever to do it. And as you will learn from this article. There are many ways to prepare this wonderful preparation, let's look at the most delicious of them:

  • Five-minute raspberry
  • Raspberry jam with whole berries, regular cooking
  • Raspberry jam with gelatin
  • Raspberries with sugar without cooking

Before preparing jam, the berries must be sorted from leaves and bugs. Raspberries are often inhabited by various bugs and spiders. Eat little secret how to get rid of them. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water. Place the berries in a colander or sieve. Immerse the dishes in the salt solution for 5 minutes. And all our insects will end up on the surface. After this, the raspberries need to be washed thoroughly. Let it sit in a colander for 10 minutes to drain off excess water.

Five-minute raspberry jam (thick)

One of the most popular recipes. Due to fast cooking The berries retain many useful substances.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberries 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
We take sugar and berries in equal proportions. Therefore, the number of kilograms may vary at your discretion.

Step-by-step recipe for making 5-minute raspberries:

1. The berries need to be sorted from leaves and bugs. After this, the raspberries need to be washed thoroughly in salted water, as described above. Then rinse plain water and drain in a colander. Let it sit in a colander for 10 minutes to drain off excess water.

2. Now we need to choose the container in which we will prepare our jam. The shape of the dishes should not be high and wide enough. The pelvis has this shape, so it is considered the best option, for making jam. The dish pan was chosen. Now let's decide on its material. Cookware made of copper, stainless steel and brass is best suited for making jam.

3. Pour all the raspberries into a bowl. It must be mashed with a masher and covered with granulated sugar. Mix our ingredients carefully. Leave our delicacy for a couple of hours so that the sugar dissolves.

4. And at this time we will start sterilizing the jars. There are many ways: over steam, in the oven, in microwave oven etc. I sterilize in the microwave. The jars must be clean. Pour about 1.5 cm of water and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes at power 800-900.

5. Place the container with the future jam on the lowest heat. Stir constantly and bring to a boil. When jam is cooked, foam forms on its surface. Carefully remove it with a spoon. If this is not done, the jam may soon spoil. Let our jam simmer for 5 minutes.

6. Carefully package the jam into our sterilized jars and close the lid tightly. I use small jars for any jam. So that you don’t store it for a long time once you open the jar. Now our jars need to be turned over and allowed to cool.

Five-minute jam from whole raspberries

Amazing jam can be made from whole raspberries. This berry does not have a thick skin. Therefore, in order for the berries to remain intact, they must be boiled in syrup, which is obtained from raspberry juice and sugar when it sits.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberries 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg

Step-by-step procedure for preparing raspberry jam with whole berries:

1. Clean the berries from debris (leaves, bugs, larvae). Rinse them with water and place in a colander.
2. Pour half of the granulated sugar into the bowl in which the jam will be cooked.
3. Next, all the raspberries go into the basin.
4. Cover our raspberries with the remaining sugar.
5. Leave everything in the container for 5-6 hours. Let the raspberries give juice. I usually do this at night. And in the morning I finish what I started.
6. In the morning I start sterilizing the jars, and then start making the jam itself.
7. Light the smallest fire and place the container on the stove. Mix very carefully so as not to disturb the integrity of the berries.
8. Wait for the sugar to dissolve and turn up the heat a little. When the jam boils, cook for another 5 minutes. Don’t forget to stir gently and remove the foam from the jam.
9. Spill ready-made jam in jars. Cover them carefully with a lid.

By the way, you can use less sugar, for example, as in this video recipe:

Raspberry jam with whole berries (regular cooking)

Another very delicious recipe. The berries remain intact when cooked. From this in him more benefit and taste.

When you make jam from whole berries, do not take a lot of kilograms at once. 1.5-2 kilograms will be enough, otherwise the berries may crush each other.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberries 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
We take products in a 1:1 ratio

Step-by-step recipe for making raspberry jam:

1. B this recipe it's better to take the best one the best raspberries. That is, it must be clean, large, bought at the market from some grandmother or your own. Because in this recipe we will not wash it.
2. We will layer sugar and berries into the jam container until the ingredients are gone.
3. We need everything to brew for 5-6 hours. We do everything again at night. We put the dishes with future jam in the refrigerator.
4. Raspberries will give juice overnight. We need to drain it and bring it to a boil. Leave it on low heat for 10 minutes.
5. In the meantime, we will sterilize our jars
6. Add raspberries and cook in juice for about 20 minutes. There is no need to stir the berries in this recipe. Therefore, we set the fire to the smallest.
7. Pour our jam into dry and hot jars. You can wrap it in something warm and let it cool completely. I use an old cotton blanket. This is necessary in order to reduce the cooling time of the jam. Then it will turn out very beautiful and natural in color.

Raspberry jam with gelatin

This is a very interesting interpretation of raspberry jam. This recipe will appeal to lovers of jelly or jam. Because it is thick, it can be used as a filling for pies.


  • Raspberries 1 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
  • Water 300 ml
  • Citric acid about 10 grams
  • Gelatin 5 grams

Step-by-step recipe for making jam with gelatin:

1. For this recipe, we start with gelatin. He needs to be divorced warm water and let it swell. There are always instructions written on the bag.
2. We sterilize our jars in any way convenient for you.
3. Select large and not crushed berries. If the raspberries are clean, without dust, then you don’t have to wash them.
4. In a bowl, carefully mix the berries and granulated sugar. Next, fill our mass with water.
5. Place on the stove for half an hour. We cook for real low heat, stir so that the jam does not burn. To do this, use a plastic or wooden spoon. Metal can cause raspberries to oxidize.
6. Place gelatin into the container and citric acid. Cook for another 15 minutes.
7. Finished product put into jars. Store in a cool, dark place.

Raspberries with sugar without cooking

Cooking raspberries in this way allows you to preserve all the original vitamins and microelements that are in it. After all, in this recipe it is not subjected to heat treatment. But there is also a small disadvantage to this method - there is more sugar than usual.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberries 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 3 kg
The amount of sugar used is 2 times more than raspberries.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

1. This is for this the recipe will do not only selected raspberries, but also crushed berries. And so we clean the raspberries and turn them into porridge using a wooden masher.
2. Now add granulated sugar to the container. Mix everything very carefully. We need all the sugar to dissolve. In time it is 20-24 hours. Mix everything periodically with a wooden spoon.
3. When the sugar is completely dispersed in the total mass of jam, you can start making jars.
4. Place the prepared raspberry mixture into dry, hot jars, but not to the very top. Leave 1-1.5 cm empty and add granulated sugar. Screw the lid on tightly. You can use thick paper and string the old fashioned way. Store in the refrigerator.

In this topic, I described the methods and subtleties of making raspberry jam. I shared some secrets with you. I hope you, too, will find the “ideal” raspberry jam recipe for yourself. And you will delight yourself and your loved ones with this healthy delicacy.

Despite the fact that nowadays there are many different grocery supermarkets, finding natural honey in them is not so easy. What kind of honey is natural?

This is a product that is made from nectar collected by bees from different plants. During collection, bees should not be fed sugar syrup.

Nowadays you can buy honey of artificial origin. If you need to avoid this, you should always read the ingredients on the can.

Beekeeping is not an easy activity. To obtain quality product, it will not be enough to buy and place the hive with bee families. The following factors may influence the result:

  1. rainy and windy weather;
  2. drought;
  3. poor bee health.

Sometimes it happens that the harvested harvest is only enough for the bees to feed their families. How much honey an apiary produces can only be judged several years after the first harvest.

Main characteristics of honey

There are two varieties honey product- floral and honeydew.

Honeydew is a rare honey. It comes in plant and animal origin. If we consider animal origin, then this is a collected sweet juice, which is secreted by some insects.

Flower honey is honey produced by bees from flower nectar. This includes honey:

  • forb;
  • lime;
  • clover;
  • buckwheat, etc.

Since ancient times, honey has been known as medicinal product, capable of fighting not only viral diseases, but also the aging process.

The main beneficial qualities of honey:

  1. It is a tonic for the body.
  2. Helps accelerate tissue regeneration.
  3. Acts as an antibacterial agent.
  4. Contains many microelements and vitamins.
  5. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main product of beekeeping is used to make jam with honey instead of sugar. This jam copes well with colds and strengthens immune system. Natural honey 79% consists of sugars - fructose and glucose. The product has a very high energy value.

When fructose and glucose molecules combine, sucrose is formed, which is a disaccharide.

Honey, due to the presence of a large amount of sucrose in it, can, if used incorrectly, bring not only benefits, but also harm; for this reason, you should know what the harm and benefits of sucrose are for the human body.

Despite such positive qualities, sucrose also has negative features.

Honey can contribute to the occurrence and development of caries. fissionable into oral cavity sucrose can serve as an excellent environment for the development of bacteria that can destroy tooth enamel.

The presence of a large amount of sucrose in honey may affect the development process diabetes mellitus in the human body. This problem occurs as a result of a malfunction of the pancreas.

High energy value product may contribute to the development of obesity. In people who consume honey excessively in large quantities, sucrose promotes the conversion of fructose into lipids. At the same time, the functioning of the heart, liver and other organs deteriorates.

The calorie content of sucrose is 387 kcal.

What are the benefits of sucrose?

Consuming honey helps:

  • Improving liver function. Thanks to glucose, which cleanses the body, the liver takes on a healthy appearance.
  • When consumed, honey promotes the formation of the joy hormone in the body. When consuming this product, a person’s mood improves.
  • , contained in honey, can act as the main source of energy in the body.
  • Consuming honey has a beneficial effect on the condition of the spleen. For diseases of the spleen, doctors often recommend the use of bee products.
  • It has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the spinal cord and brain.

The resulting lipids retain the energy supply needed by the body.

How to use honey to make jam?

Knowing all the intricacies of the main component, you can consider recipes for jam with a sweetener, which uses honey.

You can make jam in two ways - cold or hot.

According to housewives, the cold method is very popular.

This jam consists of pureed berries mixed with honey and placed in sterilized jars.

To make jam you will need the following ingredients:

  • natural honey – 0.5 kg;
  • favorite berries (raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, etc.) – 0.5 kg;

In the process of preparing sweets, you will need to use additional equipment.

Such equipment is:

  1. Container for crushing berries.
  2. Wooden spoon.
  3. Sterilized jar and lid.

The berries should be washed during the cooking process. When using several types of berries, mix them after washing. Using a wooden spoon, grind the berries. The resulting homogeneous mass is mixed with honey, placed in jars and tightly closed with a lid. It is advisable to store such a product in a cool place.

If desired, you can prepare honey syrup or hot jam based on fruits, such as apricot.

To prepare this sweetness you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • water – 1.5 cups;
  • honey – 0.5 cups;
  • apricots – 0.5 kg.

In the process of making fruit syrup with honey, you will need the following auxiliary equipment:

  1. Water bath pan.
  2. A saucepan for boiling syrup.
  3. Sterilized jar with lid.

When preparing the syrup, mix water with honey in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. The prepared syrup is poured into jars filled with apricots, washed and pitted. The jars are covered with lids and placed in a pan of water. The water is brought to a boil. The contents of the jars are boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes.

After cooking, the jars are tightly closed with lids and stored in a dark and cool place.

Preparing honey and fruit platter

Using honey you can prepare a delicious honey and fruit platter. To prepare such a dish you will need honey - 1 kg, apples - 0.3 kg, walnuts– 1 glass, cranberries – a glass.

Wash and dry the fruits. Cut the apples into slices, remove the core. Sort through the cranberries and remove any debris. The purified one is placed in a saucepan with water. You need to cook the cranberries over low heat until the berries acquire soft consistency. The berries are taken out of the water and wiped. Honey must be brought to a boil. Cranberries, peeled apples and walnuts are added to it. The mixture should be cooked for one hour. If desired, honey can be replaced with stevia (a food sweetener).

If desired, you can make jam from apples and honey.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Apples (paradise) – 500 grams.
  2. Honey – 400 grams.
  3. Water – 100 ml.

To make jam, apples should be washed and dried. The fruits need to be pierced in some places with a match. Place the apples in a saucepan with water and cook for 5 minutes. After boiling, the fruits are removed and cooled. Honey is melted in a saucepan. Apples are added to the prepared honey. To soak in honey, they are left in it for two hours. After the apples are saturated honey syrup, they should be cooked in three doses of 15 minutes, every 5 hours.

If you have raspberries and honey, you can cook the berries in honey syrup.

To prepare the sweets you will need:

  • raspberries – 900 grams;
  • honey – 850 grams;

To prepare the berries, you need to clear them of debris and rinse them. Peeled berries are rubbed through a sieve or crushed in a blender. Honey is heated in a saucepan, a homogeneous raspberry mass is added to it. The mixture is placed in a warm place for several hours. After the juice has formed, the mixture is placed in jars and sealed tightly.

This sweetness is stored in a cool place.

Making cherry and quince jam

To prepare cherry, you will need to prepare 1 kg of cherry fruits and 800 grams of honey.

The cherries should be sorted and washed, and the seeds should be removed from the fruit. The fruits are divided into two equal halves. The first half should be scrolled through a meat grinder or chopped with a blender. Homogeneous mass placed in a saucepan along with honey. The mixture is cooked over medium heat for 13 minutes. The second part of the fruit is added to the honey, and the mixture is cooked for another 8 minutes. The resulting jam is cooled and poured into sterilized jars, hermetically sealed with a lid. The product should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.
