Light lean salads. Lenten salads for the holiday table

Even with the restrictions that are set during Lent, Christians can afford a healthy and varied diet. To go beyond the circle familiar dishes and products, you just need to pay attention to the recipes for all kinds of snacks and salads that are easy to prepare and taste delicious.

As you know, meat and dairy products and eggs are prohibited during fasting. At the same time, all kinds of cereals, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, etc. are allowed. It is quite possible to prepare delicious dishes from these ingredients.

Let's start with cereals.
* For example, rice goes well with beans, tomatoes, celery, red peppers, and tomatoes.

* Barley is good with onions, mushrooms or beans and corn, vegetables and any greens. It's impossible to resist a salad of barley, radishes and chives.

* Buckwheat forms delicious combinations with prunes and mushrooms, as well as zucchini and herbs, tomatoes and arugula, baked beets and mushrooms. In addition to the traditional one, sprouted green buckwheat, which can be combined in a salad with lean bread and herbs.
Buckwheat and lentil salad with added vegetable broth, onions, carrots, celery, garlic and bright seasonings much more attractive than regular buckwheat without additives.

It's time to pay attention to recipes that contain new ingredients for many, such as bulgur and quinoa.
* Bulgur goes well with herbs, nuts (eg almonds), vegetables, green beans, fruits (eg pears). Combine bulgur, celery, pomegranates and walnuts– and you’ll get a delicious salad for the Lenten table.

* Quinoa can also be used to prepare a variety of snacks, including warm ones. A salad made from quinoa, herbs and sweet peppers is good; quinoa can also be combined with avocado and corn, with various vegetables. Another good combination is quinoa, arugula, raisins and celery.

* It is impossible to imagine a Lenten table without legumes. Hearty and delicious salads prepared from beans, beans, lentils, peas. For example, you can prepare an appetizer with beans, spinach and mustard dressing.

Lenten salad recipes suggest using a variety of dressings, for example, vegetable oil, lemon juice, honey, vinegar, mustard and their mixture.

Show creativity– and the Lenten table will not disappoint you and your household.

Nutritionists claim that daily norm is 300 g of fruits, 500 g of vegetables and 500 g of herbs. Together it will be too much. But if you prepare smoothies and various fruit and vegetable salads, fulfilling the norm is not so difficult. We invite you to prepare very tasty lean salads for every taste.

Bean and vegetable salad


  • green beans – 1 pack
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 teeth.
  • sesame – 1 tbsp. l.
  • soy sauce – 2-4 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.

How to cook?

  1. Fry the green beans in a non-stick frying pan until golden color side If using regular, lightly grease.
  2. Peel the pepper from seeds and core, cut into slices and fry a little.
  3. Chop the garlic or put it through a garlic press.
  4. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, pour vegetable oil on top and soy sauce. Decorate at the end lean salad sesame.

Vegetable salad with chuka seaweed



  • avocado – ½ pc.
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Chuka seaweed (or others) – 100 g
  • soy sauce – 2 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil– 1 tbsp. l.
  • sesame (optional) – 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook?

  1. Wash and cut the avocado, pepper and cucumber.
  2. Place the vegetables on a plate, add chuka seaweed or any other seaweed to your taste. Season the salad with soy sauce and olive oil.
  3. You can decorate the salad with sesame seeds toasted in a non-stick frying pan.

Lenten salad with croutons



  • cucumber – 3 pcs.
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • pepper – 1-2 pcs.
  • salad – 10 large leaves
  • baguette – 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 teeth.
  • vegetable oil – 50 g
  • citrus juice – 2 tbsp. l.
  • tangerines – 1 pc.
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • paprika

How to cook?

  1. Wash the vegetables, remove excess moisture and cut into slices.
  2. Add chopped lettuce to the vegetables.
  3. Salt all ingredients to taste, pour over citrus juice and season with vegetable oil.
  4. Cut the baguette into thin slices, add salt, a little paprika and finely chopped garlic. Drizzle the baguette pieces with oil and toss to coat. Then bake them for 12-15 minutes at 140 degrees.
  5. The final touch: toss the salad and top with warm croutons. You can serve the dish to the table!

Orange and beet salad


  • arugula – bunch
  • beets – 1 pc.
  • orange – 1 pc.
  • animated walnuts - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • cold pressed olive oil

How to cook?

  1. Wash the nuts and soak them in clean water for a few hours.
  2. Wash the arugula too and place on a plate, removing any remaining moisture from it.
  3. Peel the raw beets and grate them. Then place it on top of the arugula.
  4. Chop the orange and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over the salad.
  6. Decorate the dish with nuts on top: both grated and whole halves.

Light vegetable salad



  • carrots – 400 g
  • raisins – 70 g
  • lettuce leaves – 150 g
  • white vinegar– 4 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil

How to cook?

  1. Peel the carrots, cut into large strips, salt, season with olive oil and bake for 15 minutes at 220 degrees.
  2. Meanwhile, soak the raisins in vinegar for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Tear the lettuce leaves and place on a plate.
  4. When the carrots are ready, add them to the lettuce leaves along with the raisins.
  5. Season all ingredients with olive oil.

Chickpea and vegetable salad



  • chickpeas – 200 g
  • Cherry tomatoes – 4 pcs.
  • cucumber – ½ pc.
  • sweet red pepper – ½ pc.
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 4 tbsp. l.
  • apple cider vinegar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • lemon zest – 1 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 3 teeth.
  • mint leaves
  • pepper

How to cook?

  1. Boil the chickpeas.
  2. Chop tomatoes, cucumber and pepper. Finely chop the garlic or pass through a garlic press.
  3. Prepare the sauce: mix oil, lemon juice, vinegar, zest, garlic, salt and pepper. Mix well.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine chickpeas and vegetables. Then season them with sauce and garnish with chopped mint leaves.

Mango, avocado and vegetable salad



  • mango – 1 pc.
  • avocado – 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes – 6 pcs.
  • cucumber – 1 pc.
  • lettuce leaves
  • lime juice
  • pepper

How to cook?

  1. Cut the mango into cubes.
  2. Cut the avocado in half, peel, remove the pit and cut into thin slices diagonally. Pour lime juice over it, after mixing with salt and pepper so that it does not turn black.
  3. Wash the tomatoes, cucumber and lettuce and cut into large pieces.
  4. Place all ingredients except avocado on a plate and stir.
  5. At the end, decorate the salad with avocado, season it with a mixture of lime juice, pepper and salt and serve the lean salad to the table.

Salad of tomatoes, olives and herbs



  • pickled tomatoes – 5 pcs.
  • olives – 10 pcs.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • celery
  • vinegar 5% – 1 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • pepper

How to cook?

  1. Cut the onion into half rings or cubes, scald with boiling water and marinate in vinegar with salt and pepper.
  2. Place the onions on a plate. Top with finely chopped celery, olives and tomatoes.
  3. Garnish the salad with finely chopped herbs and seasonings to taste.

Quick bean and vegetable salad



  • beans – 1 can
  • tomato – 1 pc.
  • celery - stalk
  • garlic - 3 teeth.
  • dill - bunch
  • basil - bunch
  • sesame – 1 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil

How to cook?

  1. Place the beans on a plate.
  2. Cut the tomatoes, celery, finely chop the garlic or put it through a garlic press. Then spoon all the ingredients onto the beans.
  3. Season the salad with olive oil, garnish with herbs and basil leaves. At the end, sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds.

Beetroot, almond and sauerkraut salad



  • boiled beets – 1 pc.
  • sauerkraut – 100 g
  • almonds – 100 g
  • parsley
  • olive or flaxseed oil

How to cook?

  1. Boil the beets until tender, cool, peel, and cut into slices.
  2. Place beets, sauerkraut, and almonds on a plate. Top the dish with finely chopped parsley.
  3. Season a lean salad with olive or linseed oil and serve.

Spring salad



  • yellow pepper – 1 pc.
  • orange pepper – ½ pc.
  • gherkin – 2 pcs.
  • avocado – ½ pc.
  • chard
  • wheat germ oil
  • lemon juice

How to cook?

  1. Wash the avocado, gherkin, yellow and orange pepper and remove excess moisture. Then cut them into half rings and cubes.
  2. Place all ingredients on a plate. Add chard leaves to them.
  3. Season the salad with wheat germ oil, mix gently and serve.

Salad of greens, vegetables and mushrooms



  • mushrooms (champignons) – 100 g
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • cucumber – 1 pc.
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • celery
  • cilantro
  • lettuce leaves
  • leek
  • lemon juice (olive oil)

How to cook?

  1. Toast fresh champignons on a non-stick frying pan. You can also use it to make salad and raw mushrooms of this type.
  2. Wash and cut tomatoes, cucumber, pepper, celery, lettuce, cilantro and onion.
  3. Mix all ingredients in a plate, season with lemon juice or olive oil. A very tasty lean salad is ready to eat!

These delicious lean salads will definitely please your loved ones! Save our recipes for delicious and the right dishes on every day! And not only during Lent!

Prepared by: Tatiana Krysyuk

Making salad during Lent is quite problematic. After all, during such a period it is strictly forbidden to consume any products of animal origin. That is why housewives are forced to prepare dishes without using eggs, meat, sour cream and mayonnaise.

Most chefs claim that lean salads are festive table can be much tastier than those made in the classic way. To convince housewives of this, they suggest considering several recipes and be sure to put them into practice.

Salads for Lent: step-by-step recipes

The simplest and fastest Lenten salad to prepare is a dish called “Vitamin”. To make it at home, you only need fresh vegetables and little effort. But first things first.

So, to make a salad for Lent, we need:

  • white cabbage - ½ medium fork (it is advisable to take a fresh vegetable);
  • fresh carrots of maximum juiciness - 1 large or 2 medium;
  • medium-sized table salt - add at your discretion (about 1/3 of a dessert spoon);
  • fine white sugar - dessert spoon;
  • sunflower oil - 3 large spoons (take without aroma).

We prepare products

Before fasting, you should prepare all the products. carrots and white cabbage wash and clean well. After this, they begin to grind them. Carrots are grated on the very fine grater, and the cabbage is chopped into long and thin strips.

Preparing snacks

In fact, lean salads in Lent prepare very quickly and easily. This is why such snacks are very popular during this holy period.

For cooking vitamin dish put white cabbage in a large and wide container, and then add juicy carrots to it and knead all the products with your hands for a long time so that in the end all the vegetables are completely softened and released a large number of juice Next, the salad is seasoned granulated sugar and sunflower oil. By mixing all the ingredients with a spoon, you get a very juicy and healthy dish.

How to serve it for a holiday dinner?

Vitamin-rich salads should only be presented freshly prepared on the festive table. This is due to the fact that they are made using fresh vegetables that do not tolerate long exposure to heat or refrigeration chamber. Cabbage and carrot salad is good to eat along with a hot second or first course.

Making beet salad for Lent

Surely many remember how in kindergarten or the school canteen they served us boiled beets. This appetizer is also good for a holiday table, especially during Lent. It should be noted that it is done quite easily.

So what products are needed to prepare salads for Lent? Recipes for such dishes can include completely different ingredients. Beetroot snack involves the use of:

  • fresh large carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • white onion - 2 heads;
  • fresh medium beets - 3 tubers;
  • table salt - at discretion;
  • sunflower oil - at your discretion;
  • walnuts - handfuls.

Processing the ingredients

Delicious salads for Lent are made very quickly and easily. But before you start forming them, you should process all the ingredients. To do this, wash fresh vegetables well. Place the beets in boiling water, salt and cook until completely soft (about 65 minutes). After this, it is cooled, cleaned and grated on a large grater. Carrots and onions are processed in the same way. However, they are not boiled, but fried in a frying pan. Place vegetables in a heated bowl, add sunflower oil, and then cook until browned and completely translucent.

Forming a salad

Lenten salad is easy to form. To the grated boiled beets post vegetable roasting along with butter, and then season with table salt. Also, for taste and greater nutritional value, pre-washed and dried walnuts, crushed into coarse crumbs, are added to the ingredients. By mixing all the products, you get a fairly satisfying and nutritious salad, which has a beneficial effect on and saturates the body with vitamins.

Serving beetroot appetizer for the holiday table

After all the vegetables and nuts are mixed, they are immediately presented to the table. This salad can be served to guests either warm or already chilled. It is recommended to eat it along with the second or first hot dish. Although some housewives prefer to eat such a snack along with a slice of lean bread.

Making an unusual salad using squid

Lenten squid salad will serve as an excellent decoration for your table. Despite the use of seafood, this appetizer is made very quickly. Moreover, its preparation does not require large financial expenditures.

So, to make a lean squid salad, we need:

  • ready-made squid in oil, purchased in a store - about 100-150 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - about 10 pcs.;
  • green salad - 2 medium bunches;
  • bell pepper - 1 large piece;
  • green onion - a couple of feathers;
  • medium-sized lemon - ½ fruit;
  • olive oil - a couple of large spoons;
  • fresh parsley - use as desired;
  • table salt - add to taste;
  • pomegranate seeds - use at discretion (to decorate the dish);
  • Freshly ground black pepper - use as desired.

Preparing the components

For cooking delicious salad with squid, all fresh vegetables are washed well and cleaned of stalks and other inedible elements. After this they are crushed. Cherry tomatoes are cut in half, green ones are torn into pieces, parsley is chopped with a knife, and sweet bell peppers are cut into thin half rings. As for it, they chop it very finely.

To make not only a tasty, but also a beautiful lean salad, squid in oil should be cut into very thin rings.

Preparing the sauce

As you know, during Lent it is forbidden to consume animal products, including mayonnaise and sour cream. In this regard, we decided to season the squid salad special sauce. To prepare it, mix freshly squeezed lemon juice, olive oil, and table salt and black pepper. Whisk all ingredients thoroughly with a fork.

The process of forming a holiday salad with seafood

Once the sauce is ready and all the ingredients are chopped, you can begin to form the snack. To do this, cherry tomatoes, squid in oil, bell peppers, green lettuce leaves, onions and fresh parsley are combined in one container. All products are seasoned with freshly prepared sauce and mixed thoroughly.

Serving a seafood appetizer for the holiday table

By mixing all the ingredients and seasoning them with sauce, you will get a very tasty, nutritious and beautiful salad. Having placed it in a glass or crystal bowl, the dish can be safely presented to the table. Additionally, it is recommended to decorate it with pomegranate seeds.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, lean salads are quite simple to prepare. Moreover, in their own taste qualities and the nutritional value of such dishes is in no way inferior to classic ones. In this regard, they can be prepared at home not only during Lent, but also at other times.

Some people fast not only on church fasts, but throughout their entire lives - several days a week. This habit is incredibly useful for both mental and physical health. Having in stock, everyone can follow the nutritional rules.

Fasting is not a reason to give up gastronomic pleasures and switch to sauerkraut with pickles. Salads for Lent can be very tasty, attractive and high in calories, the main thing is not to be lazy and cook!

In recipes for lean salads you will not find meat, poultry, eggs or dairy products, so to increase nutritional value and satiety Lenten dishes, it is recommended to include fish and grains, legumes, nuts, potatoes, and pumpkin in salads. A delicious lean salad can be prepared without sour cream, mayonnaise and dairy sauces, using vegetable oil with spices and herbs, as well as various vegan dressings.

The Lenten menu quickly becomes boring, so we invite you to the “Eat at Home” website, where we have collected unusual solutions For Lenten table. Photo recipes for lean salads will give you fresh ideas on how to change boring dishes and make them “sound” in a new way. Traditional combination carrots and cabbage can be supplemented with avocado and nuts, and the vinaigrette familiar from childhood gives new shades of taste if you add or soy goulash. Simple lean salads, for example, radish with green onions in duet with rye crackers or chickpeas, are perceived differently and allow you to easily withstand the most strict fast. Traditional recipes You can change salads during Lent to suit your taste and mood by adding cherries to cabbage, mixing zucchini with apples, and beets with strawberries. Fasting is a time to take stock of spiritual life, so it is better to be full and satisfied, so as not to think about your daily bread, but to focus exclusively on high values.
