Description of an inhabitant of the northern seas - what kind of fish is Terpug? Perch: nutritional value and beneficial properties

Terpug - what kind of fish? Many people ask these questions when they see it on a store counter. The fish has tasty and fatty meat, thanks to which the greenling is widely used in cooking. To appreciate it, just fry the fish. Terpug is used to prepare main courses, and they also cook delicious fish soup.

Terpug - what kind of fish is this?

Terpug is a predatory fish belonging to the Terpugov family, found in sea waters. The fish can grow up to a meter in length and gain weight up to 18 kilograms, but individuals whose weight rarely exceeds two kilograms go on sale.

The taste of greenling is compared to valuable species of salmon. The fish is of medium fat content, which is why it is included in different kinds diets

It breeds in winter, at shallow depths, near the shore. Females place eggs on pebbles, and males guard them until the fry hatch.

Benefits and harms of Terpuga for the body

Fish has a lot of beneficial properties, and nutritionists advise using greenling during diets.

Beneficial features:

  • contains zinc, which helps reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body;
  • Arginine contained in the composition helps strengthen the immune system and remove toxic substances from the liver and heal wounds;
  • saturated fatty acids improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • iodine helps normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • contains sulfur, which helps the body fight harmful bacteria and maintain the required level of blood clotting;
  • due to the phosphorus content, the body accelerates metabolism and prevents the development of caries;
  • a rich source of protein, which is the building material of the whole body;
  • iron saturates blood cells with oxygen and increases hemoglobin levels;
  • When consumed regularly, fish has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and mental activity;
  • low in calories, therefore suitable for use if you are overweight;
  • helps improve the condition of nails, teeth, hair, skin.

The greenling fish has a slender and laterally compressed body, along which light and dark wide stripes alternate. Its dorsal fin is gray, with a black narrow border, solid and long. The belly and underside of the head are yellow.

The greenling fish has several names among the people. Fishermen call it red greenling, sea lion or red snapper. In city markets, sellers simply call it perch or greenling perch. But from experts you will hear about the Kuril snakehead or hare-headed greenling, because this is the Latin translation of the species name.

Greenling fish - photo

This fish is well known to everyone who has gone fishing at least once in Avacha Bay; it is often caught in the coastal zone. The harehead lives widely in the northern part, being found along the entire Asian coast, starting from Yellow and ending with And then its habitat extends along the American coast all the way to California. But most often it can be found in the waters of southeastern Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands.

The greenling fish is quite large. Its weight exceeds 2.5 kg and its length is more than 55 cm. The greenling is characterized by seasonal migrations. At the end of May or beginning of June, the coastal waters warm up sufficiently, and it approaches the shallow water zone (20-30 m depth) to spawn. The reef zone with areas of rocky ground is where the greenling fish is found during spawning. As a rule, it stays in the area of ​​underwater vegetation, since this is the substrate for its eggs.

The spawning period of the greenling is quite extended, this is explained by the portioned nature of spawning. Initially, males accumulate at spawning sites; they choose the most suitable areas. Females swim to these protected areas and begin to spawn eggs in portions. After spawning is completed, the females leave the spawning site. But the males remain to guard the clutch until the larvae hatch. Only the brightly colored and largest males remain for protection. After the eggs run out, which happens from early to mid-October, the greenling begins to move away from the shores. It dives for the winter to a depth of up to 300 m. But its juveniles initially live in the water column, and only after reaching a certain size will they switch to a bottom lifestyle.

The greenling fish is an omnivore. She continues to actively feed even during spawning. Its diet mainly includes various crustaceans, small fish and shellfish.

The Terpug does not disdain waste and the eggs of other fish are used, as well as their unwary brothers. And it must be said that caviar is an integral part of his diet.

The greenling fish is an object of marine fishermen in Kamchatka. Its largest numbers are observed in the ocean waters of South-Eastern Kamchatka and the Northern Kuril Islands. Sometimes it is caught in western waters and off the southwestern coast. Most often, individuals over 1.5 kg and up to 49 cm in length are caught. As soon as spring warming begins, the greenling moves to coastal waters. At the end of March, its schools appear at a depth of 200 meters, and in April it already reaches the shelf. Fishing is easy in coastal waters; you don’t even have to go out on a boat, but just go deeper into the water.

The greenling belongs to the scorpionfish family. Within their family, greenlings form a separate subfamily of greenlings. The family is usually divided into 5 genera.

Appearance and varieties

The greenling has an elongated body, which is covered with small scales. As a rule, average individuals grow up to 50 centimeters. However, in nature there were individuals more than 1.5 meters long. As a rule, the weight of the fish does not exceed 2 kilograms. The generally accepted record is an individual weighing 60 kilograms.

The fish has a solid dorsal fin. In the single-feathered greenling, as a rule, it is either solid across the entire back, or divided into 2 parts by a deep depression. Each species of greenling has a different number of lateral lines. Usually it ranges from 1 to 5. You can see it in more detail in the photo.

In nature there are a large number of greenlings:

  • Toothed mackerel;
  • Terpug unilinear;
  • Southern greenling;
  • American;
  • Red greenling or hare's head;
  • Brown mackerel;
  • Japanese greenling;
  • Striped;
  • Spotted greenling;
  • Northern mackerel;
  • Barbed;
  • Spiny greenling.

Due to the fact that the greenling is very similar to river perch, it is called either simply perch or greenling perch. Fish can be painted any color. As a rule, color directly depends on the type of habitat. However, one significant feature can be highlighted with confidence: all greenlings have thick vertical stripes on the body. As a rule, they are painted in a very dark, almost black color.


It is worth noting that almost all species of the greenling family can be found in the waters of the Bering Sea. They also live near the Aleutian, Commander and Kuril Islands. Less common in the area of ​​the southwestern and southeastern coastline of Kamchatka. As prey, this fish is popular among fishermen in the Sea of ​​Japan, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and other bodies of water that have a direct connection with the Pacific Ocean.

Perch, being a larva and also small juveniles, feeds on copepods, amphipods, euphausids, i.e. zooplankton, herring and crab larvae. In the second year of life, the menu begins to include juvenile herring. Before the fish reaches sexual maturity, it feeds mainly small fish and invertebrates. When the greenling becomes fully grown, it feeds on fish, crabs, squid and octopus.


The fish go to spawn between September and November. During this period, the greenling gathers in huge flocks and swims at a depth of up to 25 meters. The spawning process usually takes place on rocks, scree and in the area of ​​access to stone slabs. Most often, capes and areas with a constant bottom current are chosen for spawning. The males are the first to swim to the spawning sites, occupy certain places and protect them from competitors and other fish species.

Females spawn portions in areas of rocky slabs, depressions or crevices. The fertility of females depends on their size. A medium-sized fish can spawn up to 19 thousand eggs. However, some sources mentioned information that the female was able to lay more than 92 thousand eggs. The diameter of the eggs is 2.5 millimeters.

The larvae develop in the eggs for up to 14 days, depending on the water temperature. After the spawning is over, the females swim away from the nest, and the males remain to guard them for another 3 weeks. With the onset of cold weather, adult individuals descend to a depth of 100 meters. Subsequently, with the onset winter period, descend to a depth of more than 200 meters for wintering.

Terpug is valuable commercial fish. It has earned such interest thanks to its meat, which is not inferior in quality to halibut or salmon. As a rule, bottom trawls and longlines are used to catch this fish. Fishing is carried out throughout the year, however, during the spawning season, fishing is strictly prohibited. They fish for it most often in Canada and the USA. Terpug is an object of sport fishing.


Nutritional value of greenling

An average fillet of redfish weighs about 300 g and contains about 330 calories, most of which come from protein and only a small part from fat. This fish is an excellent source of vitamins B12 and B6. By eating half a fillet, you get the full recommended dose of the first vitamin and about a quarter of the second. The same amount of cooked fish contains a full dose of the essential mineral selenium and almost half of the phosphorus the average person needs daily. The greenling is also rich in:

Ribofalvin; - nicotinic acid; - pantothenic acid; - folates; - thiamine; - vitamin A; - magnesium; - potassium; - zinc; - sodium.

The protein in green greenery is complete, that is, it contains all the amino acids necessary for humans, although two of them, methionine and phenylalanine, are in trace quantities. Of the important but replenishable amino acids in fish, there is arginine, which helps heal wounds, detoxify the liver, and strengthen the immune system.

Perch meat in its own way taste characteristics not inferior to halibut or salmon meat

Useful properties of greenling perch

The main benefits that can be obtained by eating greenling meat are related to nutrients, which are contained in this fish in large quantities, namely niacin, phosphorus, selenium, potassium and vitamins B6 and B12.

Niacin, or niacin, is important for the release of energy from fats, proteins and carbohydrates; in addition, she is responsible for the correct activities gastrointestinal tract And nervous system, as well as for skin health. Phosphorus is a component of every cell, and is especially necessary for bones and teeth. Together with sodium and potassium, phosphorus supports acid-base balance and helps muscle contraction, nerve conduction, and regular heartbeat. Selenium, along with vitamin E, acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from free radical damage. This mineral is important both in the functioning of the thyroid gland and in the functioning of the immune system.

Excess selenium results in general fatigue, hair loss, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Potassium maintains the balance of external and intracellular fluid in the body, prevents bone loss, that is, it fights osteoporosis and other age-related changes in bones, helps reduce the risk of kidney stones, and is also important for many metabolic reactions. Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is necessary for both nervous and immune system, maintains normal blood sugar levels. Vitamin B12, together with folic acid, reduces the level of homocysteine, which damages blood vessels and heart muscle, leading to cardiovascular diseases.

Terpug is a popular fish in our country from the Terpug family. It is also called sea lenok or greenling perch, or greenling. It, like other fish of this species, greenlings, lives in schools and prefers to settle in bottom areas. Adults usually do not exceed 40 - 50 cm in length, and the weight of one fish averages about one and a half kilograms.

Greenlings are a staple food for many marine mammals.
There are such commercial subspecies of greenling as the single-lined, hare-headed, as well as brown, Japanese or spotted and browed. Each of the listed subspecies has its own characteristics and has its own habitats. But they are all concentrated on the coast Far East, Kamchatka, Bering Sea. It is there that the main production and commercial production of this fish is developed.

What is the value of the greenling fish - beneficial features, recipes, calorie content - what are they? Let's talk in more detail about its health benefits, and also prepare some very tasty dishes from greenling:

Useful properties of greenling

Greenling meat is rich in very valuable, easily digestible protein. It contains a lot of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. These useful material contribute to the prevention of vascular diseases, have a positive effect on heart health, and improve the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system.

Fish also contains vitamins: A, C, PP, group B. There are microelements: molybdenum, chromium, sulfur, as well as iron, bromine and many others. etc. Regular use Greenling helps to improve the nervous system, activates mental and intellectual activity.

Half a boiled fish fillet contains almost a daily dose of vitamin B6, selenium, as well as half daily dose phosphorus. This fish is also a natural source of iodine.

How filling is greenling fish? Calorie content

The calorie content of greenling is very low, only 102 kcal per 100 g of boiled product. But the amount of calories may vary depending on the cooking method. For example, fried fish more high in calories, although it also contains some calories - up to 330 kcal. per 100 g of product.

How to cook greenling? Cooking recipes

The most useful, healthy way The preparation of greenlings involves baking in the oven, steaming, and stuffing. And they stuff the greenling various fillings- vegetables, herbs, eggs, onions and cereals, lemon and even fresh pine nuts. Today we will prepare baked fish and also stuff the greenling with delicious filling:

Baked redfish

For cooking we will need: 1 small perch carcass, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 onions, fresh herbs, salt pepper.


Clean the fish, remove the entrails, cut out the gills (leave the head itself). Lightly rub the inside and outside with a mixture of salt and black pepper. Lubricate lemon juice. Chop the greens, cut the onion into rings. Mix the greens with onions, put everything inside the fish.

Grease the pan where you will bake with oil. Place the fish with its back facing up. Place in a preheated oven. While baking, pour over the resulting juice. Ready fish serve with vegetable salad.

Stuffed Terpug

We will need a medium sized fish, one a raw egg, 100 g rye bread(crumb), 1 glass of milk, 1 onion. Also prepare 100 g of mayonnaise, a small bunch of dill and cilantro. Don't forget about salt and black pepper.


Place fresh or defrosted fish on cutting board. Make small cuts in the skin in a circle. Now carefully pull off the skin and set aside for now on a separate plate.

Separate the fillet from the bones and grind through a meat grinder. Add bread crumbs pre-soaked in milk to the minced meat. Add finely chopped onion, herbs, and beat in the egg. Season with salt and pepper and knead the minced meat thoroughly. Now carefully fill the fish skin with the resulting minced meat. Try to avoid ruptures.

Place on a foil-lined dish or baking sheet where you will bake. Lubricate the top generously with mayonnaise. Place in preheated oven. Bake for approximately 1 hour. Sprinkle the finished fish with herbs and serve.

Salad with smoked perch

We will need smoked greenling fillet, 4-5 small boiled potatoes, 2 boiled eggs, 3 medium sized pickled cucumbers. You will also need a small bunch of green onions, fresh herbs, and mayonnaise.


Chop the potatoes, eggs, cucumbers into small cubes and place in a salad bowl. Add finely chopped onion there. Break the smoked greenling fillet into pieces, remember a little, and add to the vegetables. Add salt to taste (if necessary), pour in mayonnaise, stir. Sprinkle with herbs. Salad can be used on its own cold appetizer. Bon appetit!
