Pancakes burn, what should I do? List of the most common reasons for unsuccessful pancakes. Recipe for lace “non-sticky” pancakes with kefir

There are no people in the world who don't love pancakes. Personally prepared pancakes are an indicator of the skill of the housewife. However, there are times when cooking pancakes brings disappointment. Inexperienced housewives often have a question: why do pancakes always stick to the pan, tear and not turn out beautiful? There may be several explanations for this, let's figure out how to avoid this problem.

Why pancakes stick to the pan - reasons

To prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan, follow the recipe exactly and maintain the ratio of ingredients

  • Better not replace special flour for pancakes, with regular wheat. Otherwise, you may end up with pancakes rather than thin pancakes.
  • It is recommended to dilute the pancake dough with warm milk or water so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan. When you use cold ingredients, you will have difficulty breaking up any lumps in the batter. Also, liquid that is too hot will harm the flavor of your pancakes.
  • Ready dough for pancakes, the thickness is similar to watery sour cream. If it “stretches” behind the spoon, add water so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan.
  • Be sure to leave the dough in the room for an hour before starting cooking so that all the ingredients are thoroughly dissolved in each other.
  • Don't add too much eggs or sugar to the dough. Sugar will make your pancakes burst. And because of large quantity eggs will become rubbery and tasteless.

Cooking tricks to prevent pancakes from tearing

  • To prevent your pancakes from sticking to the pan and to bake quickly, add a few tablespoons of refined vegetable oil to the dough.
  • It is recommended to flip the pancakes with a narrow, sharp spatula.
  • Before frying, you need to grease the pan. pickled cucumber so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan and tear. To make pancakes stick well from the pan, you can fry salt on it. When starting to fry pancakes, coat it with a piece of lard or vegetable oil using a brush.

What to do if pancakes tear and stick to the pan - tips

There should be a separate frying pan for pancakes. This means that other dishes cannot be cooked on it, so that the pancakes do not stick later. It is intended exclusively for making pancakes. Ideal option There will be a cast iron frying pan. In general, it is believed that cast iron does not pose a danger to our body. Before starting the baking process, the pan must be thoroughly heated. This is one of the golden rules for making pancakes so that they don't tear.

Always add butter to the batter to prevent the pancakes from tearing and sticking to the pan. Yes, and the frying pan should also be greased vegetable oil and not in a single version. Grease it at least 3 times throughout the baking process.

Often the problem with pancakes tearing and sticking is that the dough is not quite thick. Always try to make the dough thicker. Of course, we understand that a thick batter will not make thin pancakes, but, nevertheless, they will be perfect. Don't be greedy with flour, add as much as possible. But there is moderation in everything, so don’t overdo it.

As mentioned above, to prevent the pancakes from sticking to the pan, you need to grease the pan with oil. But that's not always the case effective way. Many housewives recommend baking them in a dry frying pan. If you decide to bake pancakes in vegetable oil, try to grease the pan after each use.

In general, there are many tips on what to do if pancakes stick to the pan. We have presented to your attention only a few of them. But believe me, knowing them, you will definitely bake good pancakes, and they probably won’t stick to the pan. We hope the topic - “Why do pancakes stick to the frying pan” is fully covered. Finally, I would like to remind you that “the first pancake is always lumpy.” Therefore, if the pancakes turned out not entirely successful, don’t be upset! In the future, the trend will change only in positive side. Experiment and use our tips.

What to do if pancakes stick and tear - Video recommendations

At first glance, baking pancakes is a simple task. However, even the simplest recipe has its own subtleties in preparing the dish. Knowing why the first pancakes stick will help a beginner not lose the desire to cook and continue to learn the basics of culinary art.


There can be several reasons why pancakes stick to the pan: from incorrectly selected utensils to errors in preparing the dough.

Incorrect selection of ingredients and their quantities. In a pancake recipe, all the ingredients are important: eggs, milk (or kefir), flour and other ingredients. The lack of some or the absence of others will affect the quality of the dish. Therefore, it is better for culinary beginners to do everything according to the recipe. This will allow you to gain experience so that in the future the pancakes will turn out without lumps and will not burn.

Dough consistency. When mixing pancake batter, it is very important to achieve the desired thickness. In order for the pancakes to turn out thin and delicate, you need a dough that resembles liquid sour cream. If too much flour has been added and the consistency is too thick, it is diluted with additional liquid (milk, kefir, water).

If a lot of liquid has been added to the dough, add more flour. It's important not to overdo it here. To avoid lumps, you can use a mixer. Some experienced housewives first dilute the thick dough, and then dilute it with liquid to the required consistency. This will avoid lumps and prevent overfilling of water or milk.


Baking in a new frying pan. A very common reason why pancakes stick to the pan, even experienced housewife. The best solution is to use old pans for baking pancakes. However, if her condition poses a threat to health, and new frying pan beckons with its beauty, you should remember a few nuances.

Cast iron cookware should be seasoned with salt before first use. To do this on cold frying pan pour salt in one layer and add soda, mixing everything thoroughly. After this, the dishes are placed on the stove to heat up. Leave the pan on the stove until the salt turns creamy. After this, it is washed under running water without adding cleaning agents. Before baking, grease the pan with oil.

Insufficient temperature of the pan. Another reason why pancakes can burn is insufficient heating of the pan before baking. This usually involves a little culinary experience. In order to avoid burning pancakes, the pan should be set to heat up from the moment the dough is prepared. At first it is better to leave it dry, then, immediately before cooking, grease the pan with a thin layer of oil.

Lack of oil. Some housewives add butter to the dough. However, if of this component If there is too much, it will affect the taste of the dish. Therefore, many cooks advise greasing the pan. It's better to do this before each pancake. Then the dish will not only have excellent taste, but each pancake will turn out delicate and beautiful.

Dishes not clean enough. The main advice to remember is experienced chefs: There should be a separate frying pan for baking pancakes. Sometimes after cooking another dish, even after washing, small particles may remain in the pan. When baking pancakes, this will cause them to burn and break their integrity. If it is not possible to allocate a separate frying pan for pancakes, then the dishes should be thoroughly washed before cooking, then thoroughly dried with a dry towel.

The pan is very hot. In this case, the selection optimal temperature carried out by trial method. With experience come necessary knowledge. You can first put the frying pan on low heat, gradually bringing it to the required limit. This will prevent the food from overheating and burning.

Other reasons

  1. Haste in preparing a dish. Pancakes require a special approach to both the dough and the baking process itself. After kneading the dough, you should let it stand for a few minutes. This is necessary so that the flour releases the maximum amount of gluten. Thanks to this, the pancake becomes more elastic and does not tear.
  2. Lack of eggs. Eggs are an important component of pancake batter. Of course, you can cook without them, because there are special recipes for this. However, real pancakes are impossible without this product. A deficiency in their quantity is the reason why pancakes stick to the pan.
  3. Features of the included ingredients. Quite often, those pancakes that were made with kefir stick. This is due to the special tenderness of this dough. To prevent kefir-based pancakes from tearing, you should turn them over carefully, slowly, with a special spatula. Before this, the pancake must be well fried in order to be more durable.
  4. Use of cold components. Before preparing pancakes, it is better to remove all components of the recipe from the refrigerator in advance. Milk can be heated if necessary. The required temperature of the products will allow them to interact better with each other and the pancakes will not burn or tear.

Prepare delicious pancakes every housewife can do it if she has it at hand necessary ingredients and a stove with a frying pan. But we must admit that no matter how skillfully you bake, you can run into trouble at any time when the dish stops turning out well.

Now I would like to pay attention to this particular point and give answers to all your questions regarding the reason why the dough sticks to cast iron frying pan, it breaks, the pancakes crumble, and also what exactly the housewife should do in such a case.

If you read this article, you will be able to understand the true reason for the force majeure situation that occurred when the pancakes tear and stick.

Today many recipes are known. Even recipes that have been tested over the years can play a cruel joke on every housewife. During frying, the dough may stick to the pan and tear when turned over.

Some people like fluffier cakes, others like those that glow in the sun with a lace base. If the pancakes are torn, then the first thing you should pay attention to is kneading the dough.

It's time to reveal the secrets that you no longer had questions: why failure awaited you in the kitchen.

Pancakes stuck to the bottom of the pan

First of all, you need to point out that there are a lot of reasons why pancakes stick. Basically, it is worth highlighting these nuances: 1 Incorrect selection of dishes. 2 The dough is missing some ingredient. 3 The baking method does not correspond to the correct solution. 4 There are too many components in the batch.

It turns out that in order to make this treat at home successfully, you need to eliminate negative factors and correct them. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Where to begin?

Baking dish

The main reason if pancakes tear or stick is due to unwanted utensils. In principle, it is best to bake them in a cast iron or aluminum frying pan. It is not recommended to use new Teflon or ceramic pans.

The main reason is that on newfangled frying pans, when they are heated, a fatty film can form, which prevents the pancake from sticking.

A heated cast iron frying pan does not need to be lubricated with vegetable oil or fat. Bake golden brown and delicious flatbreads- pure pleasure.

Therefore, if the question arises: why do pancakes stick to the pan and tear, what to do - pay attention to the quality of the cookware.

Heating process

Pancakes may stick, tear, or not come off when turned over if the pan is not suitable for baking. Wash the pan only with a soft brush; you should not use an iron brush, as the fatty surface will be erased.

To return the fat layer, you need to put a dry frying pan on the stove and heat it up. You need to wait until the smoke comes out of it.

New frying pan

Why do pancakes tear when turning over if new utensils are used? Here it is worth paying attention to the process of running in the pan. Fry the eggs on it for the first time, and then start baking pancakes. This will prevent the baked goods from sticking.

The blame for culinary failures will be incorrect kneading of the dough. If you do not follow the correct recipe instructions, you can harm the quality of the finished product.


We've sorted out the dishes. Before baking, you baked the dishes and prepared them for frying, but when you start baking, you realize that the cakes are still torn? Here it’s worth understanding what to add to the dough so that the pancakes don’t tear.

For thin pancakes

Many housewives have a desire to bake thin pancakes. Some bake them with kefir or water. Batter on kefir or other dairy product You shouldn’t knead by eye, because this is the first reason for failure in the kitchen.

In a hot frying pan, a thin layer of dough will absorb moisture in a short time, and the flatbread will lose its firmness and elasticity. In this case, the pancake will be fragile, it will quickly tear and begin to stick to the cast iron base.

In this case, I advise you to correct the situation by adding a little flour to the kefir dough. It is important to bring the mass to homogeneity.

Do not hurry

There is no need to rush in preparing the dough for pancakes with kefir. Dilute the mixture and let it sit for about 30 minutes. This will make your baking task easier. The dough will be pliable.

The whole point is that the flour will release gluten, the pancake will become stronger, more elastic and will bake well in a frying pan. If the recipe for kefir dough indicates using this particular product, then you should do so. Otherwise, it is not recommended to make a replacement.

Adding eggs

The recipe includes chicken. eggs. Although it is important to note that there are Lenten options preparations when this product is excluded altogether. In this case, there is a high chance that failure will await you. The quality of the dessert will be significantly lower than we would like.

Chickens are a kind of emulsifier for the composition. eggs. They are able to hold all the ingredients in a batch together into one strong whole. It is worth adding 2-4 pcs. chickens eggs per 1 liter of liquid. For this amount of liquid one chicken. There will be too few eggs.

To make the dough more manageable for baking, you need to add a couple of chickens to it. eggs It is important that the composition is homogeneous and there are no lumps. Chicken eggs will also help the pancakes acquire a beautiful golden brown color and bake very quickly.

In case you want to make pancakes with thin base, I advise you to add more eggs to the dough. Then the shortage of flour will not be negative.

The absence of eggs in the mixture or their deficiency can lead to problems with baking with kefir or any other fermented milk product. To figure out why the dough breaks when turning over, it’s worth reading my article to the end.

Vegetable oil in the dough

When adding dough to the mix, we add flour and chickens. eggs, but the result is still the same - it breaks and sticks to the dishes? Then I advise you to add 5-7 tbsp to the mixture. rast. oils

This move should help correct the situation. This measure will help soften the dough and create a fat barrier between the dough and the pan. Plus, it’s stupid to deny that pancakes acquire a special taste.

They won't be dry, and turning the tortillas over in the pan won't be a problem.


The recipe may call for baking soda. In this case, you should strictly follow the prescribed amount.

If there is a surplus white powder, then the taste will be in danger, the treat will become an unnatural yellow hue, and will lose its stickiness during kneading. The pancakes will stick 100%, and even disintegrate during cooking.


If you add to pancake dough If there is too much sugar, there may be a problem with the pancakes sticking or falling apart. Plus, they can burn, because the sugar will create a caramel effect.

Those with a sweet tooth can sweeten the treat, but only after the flatbreads are served. I advise you to take jam, honey, sugar. powder or condensed milk. Sah. sand can be added to the dough, but in a minimal amount.


The dough can be flavored with cardamom, you can add cinnamon or vanilla. Feel free to add other spices too, but know when to stop. Too much will ruin the taste, but that’s not the only problem. The strength of the knead will decrease and the cake will no longer be intact. One must always remember a sense of proportion.

Proper frying of pancakes that do not stick to the pan

It seems that everyone can cook pancakes, but there are some housewives who try to avoid this dish, believing that it is simply impossible to cope with the dough sticking to the pan.

Children, on the contrary, like it when their mothers do different pancakes and serve them with tea for breakfast. To prevent cooking from being completely terrifying, you should learn how to handle the dough correctly, learn how to fry it and how to grease a frying pan.

All this will allow you to bake your favorite pancakes that will not stick. This is a really important skill that will not be superfluous for any housewife.

Warming up

The basic rule for cooking pancakes is: to prevent the dish from becoming lumpy, you should pour a couple of tablespoons into the pan. rast. oils It is important to heat the pan so that the first smoke appears, and then just pour in the dough.


Many people think that baking is not worth it. cooking fat, words butter or margarine. IN specified products there is water. When the liquid boils away during heating, the dough begins to stick to the pan.

In this case, pancakes may begin to burn. It is important to know how to grease the pan. This is what I propose to talk about right now:

  1. The bottom of the pan should only be greased once. This must be done before baking the first pancake. Bake everything else exclusively in a dry frying pan. Only when necessary, lubricate the dishes with a brush coated with a solution. oil You can do the same thing using a piece of lard.
  2. To make thin and medium pancakes for breakfast, I advise you to choose medium or higher than medium heat.

If you bake lush and openwork pancakes, it is worth setting the fire to medium or less than medium. A similar rule applies if you bake liver pancakes.

Summing up

This concludes the article. All the secrets of successful pancakes are presented above. I hope that my tips will be useful to you, and you will remember me with a kind word. In accordance with them, you can bake any types of pancakes, including liver, sweet, thick, thin, etc.

To summarize, let's clarify once again what is needed to prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan during baking:

  1. Follow the exact quantities of ingredients in the recipe for kneading the dough.
  2. The dough is kneaded until it becomes even in color and homogeneous in composition.
  3. Remove lumps from the dough, knead flour, chicken. eggs until thick, only then bring to the desired structure.
  4. Heat the pan before baking, greasing the pan. fat or oil.
  5. Bake only on medium heat.
  6. Turn the pancakes, lifting the edges in a circle. A spatula or knife will be useful for these purposes.

By following the tips above, you can bake the perfect pancakes at home for breakfast, both liver and honey, as well as a lot of others. You will never have questions about why the cakes stick or tear when you need to turn them over. After all, there are no more reasons for this.

My video recipe

The first damn thing is lumpy. This saying very often turns out to be true. But what to do if the dough doesn’t want to come off the pan the second or third time? The first step is to find the cause of the problem. There may be several of them:

  • There are not enough eggs in the dough. When mixing pancake dough, strictly follow the recipe. The eggs bind all the ingredients together and prevent the baked goods from tearing and sticking to the pan. The lack of this ingredient disrupts the density and structure of the dough. To save the workpiece, add 1-2 eggs and a few tablespoons of flour. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and start baking.
  • Lack of flour. During frying, almost all the moisture evaporates from the dough. If the dough is too liquid, the cake turns out to be very thin and it is almost impossible to turn it over without damaging it. You can easily correct the mistake by adding a little more flour and thoroughly stirring the dough until smooth.
  • Little fat in the dough. Because of this, pancakes may not release well from the pan. If you notice a problem, simply add a few teaspoons of vegetable oil to the dough.

When preparing pancakes, try to put as little spices and sugar into the dough as possible. To make baked goods sweeter and more flavorful, use fruit jams or caramel sauces.

Pancakes are torn - what to do?

So, now you already know why pancakes tear. Any of the above reasons can be easily corrected by adding the missing ingredients to the dough. To ensure perfect baking, follow the advice of experienced chefs.

  • Always strictly adhere to the recipe. To measure the exact amount of an ingredient, use a kitchen scale.
  • You can knead the pancake dough by hand or using a mixer. The main thing is that it becomes homogeneous and all the lumps disappear. A small amount of liquid is added to the dry ingredients, mixed thoroughly, and only after that the rest of the milk or kefir is poured in.
  • Before pouring a portion of the workpiece into a frying pan, heat it well on the stove and grease it a small amount animal fat.
  • While baking pancakes, the heat can be reduced slightly.

To prevent the pancakes from tearing, turn them over with a special spatula. First, lift the edges of the tortilla, and then flip it over in one swift motion. A massive cast iron frying pan is ideal for preparing such baked goods. If you don't have such cookware, use a non-stick fryer or a special pancake maker.

The ability to bake even, light, beautiful and delicious pancakes comes with experience. Few young housewives can invite relatives for pancakes without embarrassment: at first they turn out to be very unsightly. I would like to figure out why pancakes stick to the pan and tear. It is also interesting to learn how to prevent pancakes from burning, and what to add to the dough to make it fluffy and tasty.

Below we will try to explain why problems arise when baking pancakes, and give recommendations for preventing and solving them.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan and tear?

  • Saving eggs. If you are kneading the dough for the first time, you must strictly follow all recommendations regarding the amount of ingredients. So, if you want to save on eggs, the pancakes will not be elastic enough. They will tear and stick to the pan, since it is the eggs that provide elasticity to the dough. However, everything can still be fixed! To make the dough more pliable and dense, add 1-2 more eggs to it and give it a uniform consistency.
  • Lack of flour. If there is too little flour, the dough will turn out liquid, and the pancakes formed from it will tear when you try to turn them over. From a very thin pancake (and what else can be made from batter?) moisture evaporates instantly. A thin and loose layer remains, sticking to the surface of the pan.

    The batter can be thickened. Add flour to it and stir it very thoroughly, breaking up all the lumps.

    And one more tip: don’t rush to bake pancakes from freshly prepared dough! Let it sit for half an hour so that the flour releases the gluten. Thanks to this, the dough will become denser and more viscous, and baking pancakes will be easier.

  • Lack of oil. While kneading the dough, season it with vegetable oil. Firstly, it improves the taste ready-made pancakes. Secondly, thanks to the oil, they can be easily turned over and removed.

    In addition, the frying pan in which you plan to bake pancakes must be greased with oil or lard(unsalted). This can be done using a paper napkin. Please note that only the bottom needs to be lubricated! Excess oil will not benefit the pancakes.

  • Excess sugar and/or spices. When preparing pancake dough, do not get carried away with spices. Vanilla, cardamom, pepper and others exotic seasonings make the dough weak. In the same way he “sins” granulated sugar. So if you want to give your pancakes some sweetness and... unusual taste, season them with honey/syrup/cinnamon/vanilla sugar when ready. The dough should be as fresh as possible.
  • Unsuitable frying pan. Pancakes are a capricious product. No frying pan is suitable for their preparation. For this purpose, it is best to take a thick-walled cast-iron frying pan, the bottom and walls of which will heat up evenly.

    If you prefer thin pancakes, you should purchase a non-stick frying pan. The main thing is that you have separate dishes exclusively for pancakes. You cannot fry or bake anything else on it. The fact is that on the frying pans that we use every day, scratches or chips appear every now and then, and any mechanical damage leads to the pancakes breaking during the baking process.

    For lovers of modern “smart” kitchen appliances I can recommend an electric pancake maker. She can bake several pancakes at the same time. Even he can handle this unit inexperienced housewife: just set the desired mode, and the pancake maker will do everything itself. Pancakes prepared “automatically” turn out beautiful and golden brown.

In order for your pancakes to turn out “like grandma’s”, you need to bake them according to all the rules. How exactly? – we’ll tell you now.

  • By kneading the dough, ensure that it acquires an even color and becomes uniform in consistency. To prevent the formation of lumps, first mix the flour with some kefir or milk. Add liquid if necessary.
  • Heat the pan well and quickly grease it with oil. Only after this can you pour pancake dough onto it.
  • To distribute the dough evenly across the pan (that is, to form a round pancake with smooth edges), tilt the pan in different directions.
  • The fire should be moderate.
  • Use a wooden spatula to flip the pancakes. First, pick up the edges of the pancake, and then turn it over completely. Pros flip pancakes by tossing them in the pan. You will be able to repeat this trick only if the dough is thick enough.
  • If you can't flip too thin pancake, tilt the pan perpendicular to the surface of the stove. The pancake will come off easily.
  • Be careful not to let the pan get too hot, otherwise the pancakes will burn. It is believed that the pancake is completely baked in half a minute. In reality, the cooking time depends on the thickness of the dough and the temperature of the pan. The moment when you need to turn the pancake can only be determined empirically. If you see that small bubbles have begun to form on the surface of the dough, and the pancake has begun to brown around the edges, feel free to turn it over.

Now you know why pancakes tear and how to avoid it. Get a separate frying pan and a wooden spatula, find suitable recipe and start honing your skills. Do not neglect the recommendations of professionals, do not skimp on products (for pancake dough you don't need much), mix the dough properly, don't overheat the pan and be sure to use oil. After some time, you will be surprised how easy it turns out to bake delicious and beautiful pancakes, which sell out with a bang.

Happy experimenting!
