What to look for when choosing a watermelon. The beginning of watermelon season

The onset of watermelon season in the second half of summer is eagerly awaited by both big and small gourmets. It just so happens that in our country, where most of the territory belongs to the risky farming zone, it is this southern culture that enjoys mass popularity and love. Juicy, sweet watermelon pulp Not only does it perfectly quench thirst on hot days, it gives pleasure in taste, pleasant emotions and is a source of many useful substances.

Ripe watermelon contains ascorbic and folic acid, magnesium, iron and potassium, alimentary fiber and pectins.

But how to determine what is hidden under the green dense peel? How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon so that, once on the table, the cut berry does not disappoint, revealing tasteless pale pink pulp to the audience?

If watermelons are grown on your own plot, you don’t have to worry about their quality, but purchased fruits sometimes, in addition to their pale appearance, present much more unpleasant surprises. Failure to comply with agricultural practices, rules for the use of fertilizers and storage of watermelons entails the risk of poisoning. Therefore, it is important not only to be able to distinguish a ripe berry from a green one, but also to know how to choose the right watermelon that is safe for health.

The beginning of watermelon season

Today you can buy watermelon in a supermarket at any time of the year. Sweet fruits treated with preservatives or grown in greenhouses from remote corners of the world easily reach Russian shelves. Is it possible to compare them with watermelons grown on open ground, in a country garden, under the hot summer sun? Based on the timing of the ripening of giant berries, we can draw a conclusion.

The first ripe watermelons on melon fields may appear only in July, and the mass harvest of these gifts of summer begins in mid-August and lasts until October.

Moreover, the sooner a watermelon reaches the counter, the greater the risk of containing nitrates and other compounds that are dangerous to the body and cause increased growth in the fruit. So don’t rush, it’s much easier to choose good watermelon when their mass ripening begins. The ripening season of watermelons coincides with the time of mass accumulation of sweetness in the berries.

How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon by the appearance of the bark?

Today, farmers and summer residents have at their disposal many varieties and hybrids of watermelons with the most different patterns and color of the bark. Breeders offer to grow fruits not only with bright red or pink flesh, but also with yellow and even white flesh. At the same time, not a single scientist has been able to create a plant whose type of berries could immediately determine the ripeness of a watermelon in the garden.

And yet there are a number of signs on how to choose ripe watermelon. When choosing a fruit, pay attention to the condition of the peel, the brightness of the pattern and the presence of all kinds of damage. With all the richness of the existing colors of watermelons, the pattern on the bark should be clear, and the color of the monochromatic berries should be uniform. It is better to put watermelons with an uncharacteristic or blurred pattern aside. After all, this can be a sign not only of unripe berries, but also a symptom of a disease, for example, viral mosaic.

  • Watermelons, which are not yet ready to leave the melon tree, have a matte bark.
  • In a ripe fruit, the peel becomes glossy and hardens to such an extent that it is difficult to pierce it with a fingernail, and you can only scratch the top colored layer.
  • In addition, in an unripe watermelon, the damaged bark secretes juice and emits a characteristic herbal odor.

According to popular observations, from striped watermelons you need to choose the one with a wider distance between the dark stripes.

And some, even dry-looking defects and traces of scabs on the surface of the bark can signal scab or anthracnose, which leads to underdevelopment of the pulp and deterioration in the quality of the watermelon.

How to choose the right watermelon based on the size and color of the soil spot?

Fruits grown on melons always have a characteristic spot on the skin - the place where the watermelon comes into contact with the ground. In this area the peel did not receive enough sunlight, less chlorophyll was produced here.

To determine the ripeness of a watermelon in the garden or on the counter, pay attention to the size, condition and color of such a spot:

  • The bark here should not be damaged or be softer than in other areas.
  • There are no stripes on the earthen patch. This suggests that the watermelon was not disturbed during growth.

The spot, on average not exceeding 7–12 cm, should ideally have a yellow color; if the shade is closer to white, it is better for the watermelon to lie in the garden for another couple of weeks.

Is it possible to choose a sweet watermelon based on its dry stem?

Any other tips on how to choose the right watermelon? You can often hear recommendations about what to choose delicious watermelon You can take a berry with a dry tail. But what if the watermelon on the counter does not have a stalk at all, or, by all indications, the ripe berry in the garden does not want to separate from its native vine?

Indeed, in a fetus that has reached full maturity, the tail begins to dry:

  • Knowing this, unscrupulous traders pick green watermelons, and the stems dry out during transportation and storage.
  • In addition, the tail could dry out due to twisting or breaking of the lash long before the watermelons ripened.
  • Also, trusting the dry stem, you can bring an overripe watermelon to the table.

Therefore, you should not completely trust this sign.

It is much safer to pay attention not to one of the signs of watermelon ripeness, but to their totality at once.

So, for example, in a sweet berry that is ready for picking, the stalk becomes smooth, and the characteristic hairs that are present while the watermelon is unripe fall off. If watermelons grow in the country, you can determine the ripeness of the watermelon in the garden by other features. For example, melon growers know well that the tendrils at the point where the watermelon stalk attaches to the vine always dry out when it’s time to pick a ripe berry. In addition, in the place where the flower once was, by the time it ripens, not a trace of the bract remains.

How to choose a good watermelon by weight?

And in China and other Asian countries, when collecting watermelons, they use another interesting feature these berries. Due to the specific internal structure, mature watermelons are lighter than water and always float on the surface. Based on this, one more sign can be deduced, how to choose a ripe watermelon. Of two fruits of equal size, the lighter one will be sweeter.

However, there is an exception here too. If there was cold, rainy weather at the beginning of summer, it is possible that this affected the formation of watermelons, and voids did not form inside them. Even when ripe, such fruits seem less juicy, and closer to the core the tissues become noticeably coarser.

As for the actual weight of the watermelon, at the beginning of the season, when buying a sweet delicacy, it makes more sense to give preference to medium-sized fruits. And already at the height of watermelon season, you can feast on real giants weighing from 7 to 15 kg.

How to choose a good watermelon by sound?

You can often see how, when determining the ripeness of a watermelon, buyers or sellers tap the peel or squeeze the fruit with their palms:

  • In response to a mature knock sweet watermelon makes a booming sound, but if the fruit is not yet ready to hit the table, the echo will be dull and unclear.
  • When squeezed, a good watermelon may crack slightly; green fruit does not produce this effect.

If the listed methods for determining the quality of the fruit did not fully answer the question of how to choose a ripe watermelon, the video will help you understand everything clearly.

The main thing, when choosing a high-quality, tasty watermelon, is not to forget that success is possible if all the considered characteristics are taken into account.

Summer residents who grow watermelons in their own beds do not worry about the quality of the fruit. They know for sure that following the rules of agricultural technology, only healthy sweet berries will be collected from melons without excessive amounts of nitrates, pesticides and dyes.

How to choose a watermelon of the right quality?

But how to choose a good watermelon on the store counter or in the vegetable stall? Can all sellers be trusted, and how can you protect yourself from low-quality fruits?

When approaching the counter, you need to pay attention to the conditions of wounding and display of watermelons. In street trading conditions, for the sale of melons, special pavilions must be organized, equipped with pallets and canopies to protect watermelons from contact with the soil and sunlight. In the store, watermelons are also placed on pallets or in baskets and do not touch the floor.

Since the pulp of a watermelon instantly absorbs the slightest contaminants, settling dust, and pathogenic flora reproduces well on the sweet pulp, you should never buy watermelons at roadside points or choose fruits with cracks and cuts.

It is better to refuse to buy a watermelon if the seller cannot present documents certifying the quality and safety of melons. Such certificates and identifications indicate the place where the batch was grown, the date of harvesting and its expiration date. A certificate from a specialized laboratory assures that watermelons do not contain substances harmful to health.

Ten rules for choosing a ripe, healthy watermelon - video

The sweet, juicy and velvety pulp of watermelon is pleasantly refreshing on a hot day and quenches thirst. In addition, it is a source of iron, potassium, magnesium, folic acid, fiber, pectin and vitamin C. At the same time, the need arises to solve the problem - how to choose a watermelon, because to determine juicy and delicious fruit It's not that difficult. The main thing in this matter is a competent approach, otherwise there is a high risk of getting light pink pulp instead of scarlet without any good taste.

How to choose a good watermelon

You need to choose the right berry due to the fact that some watermelons may contain harmful substances. Poisoning with nitrates, the content of which in the fetus sometimes exceeds the norm, causes headache, nausea and vomiting. In addition, do not buy melon products near highways, because... Car exhaust contains heavy metals and harmful substances. To buy ripe fruit, take into account the following basic criteria:

  • seasonality of ripening;
  • appearance;
  • the sound a watermelon makes when you tap it;
  • "floor";
  • ponytail type.

Seasonality of ripening

To avoid buying unripe fruit, take into account the month in which you decide to purchase melon products. The most delicious watermelons ripen during the season, which begins in mid-August and lasts until the end of September. Early fruits, as a rule, are saturated with nitrates, because producers who strive to harvest the crop faster feed melons with growth stimulants and nitrogen fertilizers. If you want to enjoy useful products without any consequences for your health, then try to be patient and take into account the period of full ripening.


One of the signs of fruit ripeness is its appearance. Inspect it and make sure that there are bright contrasting stripes on the surface. They, like the shiny hard crust, are considered a sure sign of the ripeness of the fruit. If they are not there, then feel free to pass by and continue your search. Also, make sure that the surface of the watermelon is free of dents, soft spots, small cracks, scratches and other damage. The fact is that microbes and bacteria can easily penetrate into the fetus through them.

It will be good if the fruit has a slightly elongated or spherical shape, an even and uniform color - this is a huge plus in favor of choosing a specific product. Be sure to rub the crust, because... Immature products will have a distinct smell of fresh hay. In addition, do not buy cut fruits - in this case, even the presence of certificates may not protect you from possible problems with health.

What is the sound of a ripe watermelon?

Do not forget that melons should be sold either on the store counter, or in sales tents with awnings or on special platforms located above the ground. In order not to choose an unripe or, on the contrary, overripe fruit, be sure to knock on it with your fist. A ripe watermelon produces a ringing, clear sound. If he turns out to be deaf, then refuse the purchase and continue your search. In addition, put your ear to the fruit and lightly squeeze the berry - a slight crackle is a sign of quality.

The presence of nitrates in berries

Try to choose medium-sized melons. Large fruits, despite their tempting and appetizing appearance, are often grown using nitrates. As for the small ones, they often turn out to be not very sweet, although everything will depend on the variety. Pay attention to the cut watermelon (if the seller has it). If the seeds turn out to be white, then the watermelon is either unripe or contains a lot of nitrates. The seeds should be black or dark brown.

Additionally, you should be alerted by the implausibly bright color of the pulp with a lilac tint. Another point that may indicate an excess of nitrates is a smooth gloss on the cut surface. Don’t forget that nitrates are concentrated closer to the crust; therefore, leave the juicy core for the children - it is the most delicious. You should not try a berry if its pulp is riddled with yellow or light yellow fibers.

How to recognize a good watermelon

The process of finding a berry suitable for consumption can take a lot of time, because... you have to examine the fruit from all sides and make sure there is a bright striped crust. The stalk is of particular importance. If it is not there, then there is a possibility that it was torn off on purpose, because... The goods went through long-term storage and long transportation. To choose delicious melon products, pay attention to:

  • yellow spot on side;
  • bright striped crust;
  • crust;
  • tail;
  • sound;
  • "gender" (boy or girl).

Yellow spot on side

Since the fruit lies on one side, a light spot that has a yellow or orange tint forms over time at the point of contact with the surface of the earth. In another way it is also called “cheek”. You should be wary of an unevenly painted, too light or large surface. This is a sign that the berry has not been on the melon patch. The optimal size of such a spot is considered to be 5-10 cm. Another sure sign of ripeness are small light spots. They appear all over the surface watermelon rind after chlorophyll production stops.

Bright stripes on the peel

Choosing the right watermelon is a little more difficult than it might seem at first glance. Another important sign of the ripeness of melon products is the presence of contrasting stripes, and bright ones. The color should be bright green. If you don't notice them or they are only slightly visible, then continue with your choice. Better to spend it searching for tasty and ripe berries more time than to later find out that the purchase made was a waste of money.

Dense and shiny crust

The rind should be smooth and shiny, but since sellers constantly rub their products, choose a watermelon from the depths of the display. In addition, the crust must be firm, because it hardens when the fruit reaches maturity and stops absorbing water. Try to pierce the crust with your fingernail; if this fails, then this is a product of truly excellent quality. Despite its good density, such a crust can be easily scratched. Before choosing the product you are interested in, make sure that the peel does not have a matte coating and that the pattern is clear.

Dry ponytail

The stalk is no less important when choosing a suitable watermelon than other criteria. The tail must be dry, because... it dries out when the melon product is fully ripe. If the stalk turns out to be green, then you have a fruit that was picked before full ripening, although in unripe watermelons collected long ago, the green tail gradually acquires a yellow tint. Another difference between ripe and unripe berries is that the stalk of a ripe fruit is fragile and breaks easily, while that of an unripe fruit is more flaccid.

Loud and deep sound

Tap each watermelon with your fist and listen carefully to the sound. For ripened melons and melons, it should be clear and sonorous. Unripe watermelons usually have a dull sound. True, it is very difficult to hear the ringing through the strong and thick peel. Despite this, you should not neglect this well-known method of checking the ripeness of the fruit. Additionally, you can squeeze the berry a little - it should crackle slightly.

"Boy" or "girl"?

Not every buyer of such products knows that watermelon has a gender. Distinguishing a “boy” from a “girl” is not so difficult. Female fruits have a completely flat bottom with a large circle Brown on the peel. Watermelons belonging to the male gender are characterized by a convex lower part and a very small circle. It is better to choose female berries, because... they are the sweetest and most delicious. In addition, they contain an order of magnitude less seeds.

The most delicious varieties

To choose a ripe and sweet watermelon, check out distinctive features and characteristics of popular varieties. Find out how much they weigh on average, what color of the skin they have, etc. When choosing, keep in mind that a ripe berry should be heavy, but the overripe version is in most cases much lighter. In addition, never ask to cut the fruit to determine ripeness - by doing this you open access to microbes, which develop especially rapidly in the hot season. Popular and widespread varieties are:

  • Crimson Gloria;
  • Astrakhan;
  • Kherson;
  • Skorik;
  • Photon;
  • Chill.

Crimson Gloria

This variety was bred on the Crimean Peninsula. It has a long shelf life and good disease resistance, making it perfectly transportable over long distances. It has gained considerable popularity in the south of the country - one of such regions is the Volgograd region. Average weight varieties range from 10-17 kg. The rind is thicker compared to the Astrakhan variety, thanks to which the fruit is reliably protected from damage during long-term transportation. The pulp is tender and sweet.


This type of fruit is one of the most popular and in demand in Russia. By the end of August, as a rule, the sweetest and largest Astrakhan watermelons begin to appear on the shelves. It was bred as a separate variety in 1977 through the efforts of one of the leading breeders in the country at that time. This fruit has a spherical or slightly oblong shape. The pulp of the ripe berry is juicy, aromatic, and coarse-grained. Its color is bright red.

The color of the Astrakhan fruit is green. The pattern on the surface consists of spiky stripes with a dark green tint. The average weight varies between 8-10 kg. During the dry season, voids may appear inside the fruit, but they do not have any effect on the taste. Overall, it is better to buy fruit good quality with sweet and tasty pulp without any voids.


The berries of this species never grow too large - their weight in most cases does not exceed 10 kg. If they show you a 15-20 kg giant and at the same time assure you that this is the Kherson variety, then do not believe it - it is either of a different type, or it was grown using large quantity nitrates Watermelon has a round shape and an average bark thickness of 9-12 mm. The flesh is red, sweet, juicy, grainy, which is why this species is very popular.

Early ripening varieties Skorik and Photon

Among the varieties available today there are many early ripening ones. One of them is Skorik, which has pronounced taste properties. The fruits are striped and large, and the seeds are black. The shape is spherical or spherical-oblate. Skorik is the earliest Russian type of watermelon. The pulp is dense, bright red. The average weight is from 2 to 4 kg. This species is valued for its relatively large size, rich watermelon aroma and juicy honey-sweet pulp. The surface is smooth, the background is green, and the pattern is presented in the form of dark green stripes with blurred edges.

When deciding to choose an early variety product, pay attention to Photon. The fruit has the average size, slightly oblong in shape, weighs approximately 4 kg. Light green pattern in the form of wide stripes of a dark green hue. The seeds are round and black, and the flesh is red, loose and tender. After harvesting, Photon is stored for about 2-3 weeks. Transports well. Ripe Photon has a pleasant and sweet taste, fresh aroma.

Hybrid variety Kholodok

If you are planning to choose a mid-late variety, then you will like Chill. The average weight is about 4.2 kg, so this species can be considered large. Chill has an elongated spherical shape with medium to leathery bark, so distinguishing this variety from others is not too difficult. Its pulp is grainy, juicy, intense red in color with a pink tint. The seeds are large - reaching 1.5 cm in length, and sometimes more.

Where is the best place to buy watermelon?

Before you learn how to choose a watermelon, you need to decide on the place of purchase. To do this, you need to go to specialized stores or walk along the aisles with sales tents, which must be equipped with an awning. If melon products are presented on special floorings, make sure that they are located at a height of at least 15 cm from the ground surface.

In addition, retail outlets should be located away from highways, because Transport exhausts are absorbed by melons instantly. Also, do not forget that delicate watermelon pulp is an optimal environment for the proliferation of microorganisms that enter through invisible cracks along with dirt and dust. It is unlikely that you will be able to choose and buy safe products in such places. Although, many buyers neglect this recommendation.

Certificate of Quality

To choose melon products that are truly safe for health, pay attention to the watermelon certificate. Ask the seller to show it. If it is, then read the data indicated in it: place of collection, harvest date, nitrate content and other characteristics. Based on them, you can make a final conclusion whether to choose this or that product from a particular seller or not. If you are offered a photocopy of a certificate, it must be in color and the text must be clear.


Sweltering from the summer heat, you really want to quench your thirst with something fresh and tasty. Watermelon is perfect for these purposes. Large berry attracts with crumbly pulp full of vitamins.

Alas, in Lately There is a tendency towards a decrease in the quality of this product. And unripe pulp may also be an unpleasant surprise. How can you avoid bringing home a “pig in a poke”? In this article we will look at all the tricks that answer the most important question for the buyer - how to choose a watermelon. The tips will help you buy the safest, most ripe berries, which will certainly lift your spirits while bringing a lot of benefits.

Benefits and harms

Before you make a purchase, let's get to know the fruit. The most delicious and ripe pumpkins contain the following substances:

  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • microelements;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • lycopene;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates.

Low calorie content - 27 kcal per 100 grams of product - allows the fruit to be used in medicinal diets. Tidbits are consumed in vegetarian cuisine. Useful material will help you get things done gastrointestinal tract, will replenish the water-salt balance, strengthen the immune system, and remove waste, toxins, and cholesterol from the body.

The sweet pulp can be consumed even by diabetics.

Risk factor

Unfortunately, manufacturers quite often use dangerous chemicals for cultivation, and traders do not comply with the rules for transporting, storing, and selling goods. In pursuit of money, they do not think about the end consumer. To avoid falling into the trap, you should know how to choose the right watermelon.


Looking at the vegetable shelves in the supermarket, it is so easy to succumb to the temptation of buying summer fruits in an uncharacteristic season. The first thing you need to remember before choosing a watermelon is the seasonality of the heat-loving crop.

Meanwhile, melons ripen in mid-August. If you make a purchase before this date, you risk not only purchasing unripe fruits, but also getting seriously poisoned. Manufacturers are trying to harvest early, hitting the jackpot on the first wave of sales. For these purposes, the berries are pumped abundantly and treated with chemicals for long-term storage of the product. The sooner you give in to temptation, the higher the risk of getting chemical poisoning.

Mass ripening of melons begins in mid-August and continues until the end of September. This time period is the best time to buy sweet watermelon without unnecessary chemicals.

Market versus supermarket - trading rules

Choosing a watermelon is not an easy task. Where is it better to buy sweet melons - at the market or in the supermarket? The answer to this question lies in the seller's compliance with the rules of trade.

You should buy berries in places specially designated for sale - at the market or in a closed pavilion. Most supermarkets carefully monitor compliance with trade rules, requiring relevant documents from suppliers.

You can purchase goods on the market if you comply with following rules trade:

  1. the presence of a canopy from the sun and rain;
  2. distance from the roadway;
  3. availability of documents for each batch of goods;
  4. presence of a tray 15-20 cm high.

Trading melons from land is a violation of the law.

Where you can’t buy melons

Making a purchase at a spontaneous market or from a car along the road is not a good idea. The fruit easily absorbs harmful substances from the environment. The slightest microcrack in the peel and pulp will become a nutrient substrate for the proliferation of microbes. A watermelon left on a stand by the side of the road will easily absorb heavy metals from exhaust fumes.

Which fruit is better to avoid altogether?

Supermarkets are also fraught with danger. Often cut fruits are sold in a closed trading area; at the market you are unlikely to succumb to the temptation to try a piece of juicy pulp. And the ostentatious cleanliness of the store can lure the buyer into a trap. The risk of purchasing an unripe watermelon is reduced, but there is a possibility of catching an intestinal infection.

Never purchase cut fruit.

It is unknown why the berries were cut. Perhaps it has begun to deteriorate. If dirty tools were used during the cutting process or the fruit was not washed, pathogenic bacteria may have entered inside. To prevent the pulp from getting dirty, sellers pack it in cling film. Such material will only contribute to the rate of reproduction of microorganisms.

Show your documents!

Before choosing a watermelon at a retail outlet, ask the seller about the availability of documents. According to the law, each product is subject to mandatory or voluntary certification. Traders must have a certificate of conformity for each batch of melons.

This document provides the following information:

  1. importer;
  2. the country in which the crop was grown;
  3. harvest date;
  4. compliance with quality standards (content of harmful substances);
  5. product sales period.

The presence of a blue seal is a guarantee of the quality of the product.

If the seller does not present the appropriate document, it is better to refrain from purchasing.

Folk signs

Help you choose a ripe watermelon folk signs. People have long learned to determine the degree of maturity of a fetus based on its characteristic features. An experienced buyer pays attention to the following parameters:

  • presence of damage;
  • crust exterior;
  • sounds made when tapping and squeezing;
  • dimensions of the earth spot;
  • degree of drying of the “tail”;
  • weight of goods.

It is better to rely not on specific signs, but on their totality.

Crust characteristics

Determining the ripeness of a watermelon by external signs includes a thorough inspection of the shell. There should be no dents, cracks or visible signs of spoilage on the peel. Even tiny cracks will become “gates” for bacterial flora. Microorganisms will cause fermentation and spoilage of the pulp.

If the cut fruit has a sour smell, do not eat it.

The appearance of the rind will help you choose the right ripe watermelon. It hardens after the lash dries out, because water stops flowing through the “umbilical cord”. If the peel is easily damaged by nails or smells like mown grass, you have an unripe fruit.

Peel exterior

When choosing a watermelon, pay attention to the color scheme of the rind. The shell of the ripe berry is glossy. The exterior of the peel is of considerable importance - the brighter the contrast between the stripes and the background, the higher the chance of acquiring ripe melon. Small light spots evenly scattered on the surface of the crust are welcome.

Presence of an earthen spot

During the ripening process, the “stripe” constantly lies on one side. The place where the crop comes into contact with the soil is called a soil spot.

It is colored yellow or light orange. Its diameter is 5-10 cm. This section of the bark must correspond to the parameters described above, i.e., have no dents, cracks, or signs of damage. The absence of stripes indicates that the melon did not move during the ripening process. A white earthen spot indicates the immaturity of the fetus..

How to check the degree of ripeness by the condition of the stalk?

A ripe watermelon always has a tail. Through it, the crop received nutrition throughout the entire growing season. After ripening, the lashes dry out. If the stalk is green, full formation has not yet occurred.

A dry tail has been present for a long time picked berries, so you shouldn’t rely entirely on this sign.

A yellowish and dry stalk indicates that this is a juicy, sweet watermelon.

Knock-knock, who lives under the crust?

Perhaps the most popular way to select a delicacy is to tap the shell. Experienced buyers knowledgeably listen to the “musicality” of the fruit. To choose a delicious watermelon by sound, just a couple of nuances will help you:

  1. a ripe berry will respond to tapping with a ringing sound;
  2. when the poles are compressed, a mature pumpkin produces a characteristic crackling sound and bends slightly.

Girls and boys

Determining the gender of melons is a favorite factor of choice among buyers. Watermelons are not divided into “boys” and “girls” - this berry is unisexual. But on folk myth To choose the most delicious specimen, you need to adhere to the following rules:

“Boys” have a convex butt with a tiny circle. They are more watery and contain less sugar. The bones of male specimens are black, there are quite a lot of them. The “boy” is slightly elongated relative to the vertical axis.

The female sex is more compact, round, sweeter, and has fewer bones. In addition to the shape, pay attention to the structure of the butt - in the “girl” watermelon it is flatter with a large circle.

Weight category

Some varieties amaze with their large mass - it sometimes reaches 18-20 kg! It is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of eating to your heart’s content, so among the “giants”, try to choose individuals with less weight.

It’s better not to get carried away and follow the rule of the “golden mean” - let your chosen one be a specimen weighing 5-7 kg.

Safety first

Buyers have long heard about. Watermelons are fed with nitrogen to accelerate growth and ripening, so it is necessary to choose the right specimens with a minimum of dangerous chemicals.

Unfortunately, the presence of chemicals can only be determined from cut berries. Try to refrain from consuming the pulp if you notice the following factors:

  • the pulp contains a large percentage of yellow or white elastic fibers;
  • lilac tones are a dangerous sign;
  • the cut surface does not crumble into grains, the cut is smooth with a glossy sheen.

Sometimes a purchased watermelon has red flesh, and the berry itself is not sweet. This can be either a natural process or indicate the presence of chemistry. During ripening, sugars accumulate solely under the influence of sunlight. Cloudy, damp, cold weather could affect the natural process of carbohydrate storage. For the same reason, voids are sometimes hidden under the crust.

Knowing how to choose the right watermelon, you don’t have to worry about the quality and safety of the product you are purchasing. Let the advice of experienced buyers help you make right choice, feast on juicy pulp tasty and healthy berries.

Watermelon is a favorite summer berry many people. Juicy pink fruits, which cause a pleasant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, are a real symbol of summer, heat and the holiday period. However, we are not always able to buy a sweet and healthy product, especially if the climatic region turns out to be an unfavorable environment for their cultivation. In this case, it is very important to know how to choose the right watermelon, and what you need to pay attention to first.

Watermelon is a seasonal product

Do not forget that both vegetables and fruits are seasonal products. You can get a high-quality harvest only at certain times of the year.

Melon crops, which include watermelon, are heat-loving plants, and even in the southern Central Asian countries they ripen no earlier than the second half of summer. In the meantime, while they grow in our climatic conditions (by the way, not the hottest), while they are delivered to the place of sale, sweet watermelons can be seen at bazaars no earlier than mid-August.

Of course, sellers can assure you of the absolute quality of their product, arguing that it is some kind of “super early variety,” but in reality, such watermelons often turn out to be a greenhouse product grown on fatty fertilizers.

It is quite possible that such products will indeed turn out to be sweet and ripe, but the amount of nitrates will certainly be impressive. A real field watermelon ripens no earlier than the end of August and can delight you with its taste throughout September.

Did you know? Archaeological excavations confirm the fact that people grew and consumed watermelons 2000 years ago. The berry quite possibly came to Europe after the Battle of Poitiers in the 1st century AD, with the invasion of the Umayyad dynasty into Spain.

Availability of documents, choice of place of purchase

Surely you have come across photographs from Turkmenistan in which ripe watermelons are simply lying in a heap on the ground. Those people who believe that this is how they should be sold are very mistaken.

Here's another tip for you: never buy a product from the ground. The cleanliness of our roads and road dust is clearly inferior to similar indicators in some Turkmen outback, which means it is more correct to buy watermelons from store shelves.

Goods from markets, like goods from supermarket shelves, come from the same places, but the sanitary conditions of storage in pavilions and stores are an order of magnitude higher than in markets. All melons and melons must be sold either in stores or in sales tents with awnings, placed on sales floors at a height of at least 15 cm from the ground.

Important! Do not think that the thick rind completely protects the entire watermelon. Of course, dust will not reach the pulp, but harmful microorganisms may well get inside through microcracks.

It’s better not to pay attention to a watermelon dumped in roadside dust, leaving it to the sellers.

If you have already found the most the best place and have chosen a suitable watermelon, then before purchasing you can ask the seller for the appropriate quality certificate. Such a document must indicate the place where the watermelon grows, the timing of harvest, the nitrate content and other characteristics, based on which the quality of the selected product can be judged.

In the case when the seller shows you a photocopy of the certificate, take a good look at the seal - it must be in color, not black and white. If you have the slightest doubt about the authenticity of the document, it is better to purchase a watermelon elsewhere, because health is more expensive.

Pay attention to the size of the watermelon

There is an opinion that the larger the watermelon, the sweeter it is, and this is absolutely true. Only representatives of certain varieties reach more than 10 kg, but they will weigh that much only if they are fully ripe.

Therefore, if you are wondering how to choose a tasty watermelon, we advise you to give preference to large specimens, since the likelihood that it is truly ripe will be higher.

Important! Considering the peculiarities of our climate, you need to beware of watermelons that are too large, because even in melon fields such giants cannot ripen, which means that there is a possibility that the berries were artificially fed.

What to do if small watermelons are not so sweet, but the quality of large ones is in doubt? The correct answer is to choose a medium size weighing 5-7 kg.

How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon by the tail

The watermelon “tail” can be compared to a baby’s umbilical cord, because it is through it that moisture and nutrients. But as soon as the berry ripens, it is no longer needed and begins to dry out.

If you see a watermelon with a green “tail,” then most likely it was picked before it was fully ripe, although it may turn yellow from lying for a long time. To check whether the watermelon in front of you is ripe or not, try breaking its “tail”. In a ripe berry it will be quite fragile, while in an unripe specimen it will simply bend.

It is quite possible that the seller decided to disguise poor quality harvest and simply cut off the roots of the product, then this fact should finally convince you to continue your search.

Did you know? It turns out that watermelon rind is completely edible. It is not only pickled, but even jam is made, and the seeds of the berry are fried.

Selecting a watermelon based on a soil spot

Some buyers may be put off by the unattractive yellow spot located on the side of the watermelon, but its presence is quite normal. Moreover, it is by this that one can determine the quality of the berry.

Yellow(or, as it is also called, “earth” spot) – this is the place where the watermelon came into contact with the ground when ripe. In a fully ripe berry, it should be brownish-yellow or even orange-yellow, but not white.

If the side of the watermelon is too pale, it means that it was picked too early, and it did not have time to receive enough solar heat and light necessary for its good ripening.

Pay attention to the "bee web"

"Bee's Web"are called not very beautiful brown spots on a watermelon, which indicate that bees often touched the ovary of the fruit during pollination. The more often pollination occurred, the larger the web pattern will be and the sweeter the fruit should be. Therefore, this feature should not be regarded as a disadvantage of the berry.

Boy or girl, who is sweeter?

Not everyone knows that watermelons can be divided into species based on gender. So, among this family of melons they distinguish "girls" with a flat bottom and a large brown circle, and "boys", which have a convex bottom and a small circle. It has been proven that the “girls” are sweeter, and they also have much fewer seeds.

Visual inspection and tapping test

You can choose a berry by simply patting your hand, but to do this you need to know exactly what sound a ripe watermelon makes. So, ripened fruits will “sound” clearly and loudly, while unripe ones will respond dully.

You can even put your ear to the watermelon, which will help you better understand the nature of sound. A ringing sound will indicate porosity and softness, that is, the ripeness of the berry, and if you hit it, it should spring back a little.

In addition, a routine visual inspection from all sides is also important. The watermelon rind should not have any small (let alone large) cracks, dents, soft spots, scratches or any other damage through which bacteria could get inside.

It is good if the watermelon has a slightly elongated or spherical shape, complemented by a uniform color. Bright and contrasting stripes are a sure sign of the ripeness of the selected watermelon, which is also evidenced by the shiny wooden rind.

As for the last characteristic, the “clothing” of the watermelon should also be quite hard: it can be scratched, but cannot be pierced with a fingernail. Try rubbing the peel with your finger - unripe fruits will smell like fresh hay.

Checking a watermelon for a cut, what the color of a watermelon should be

Some sellers allow you to cut the watermelon, so you can visually evaluate the internal characteristics of the selected fruit. A ripe watermelon has a rich red color, but the purple color should alert you, as it indicates a large amount of nitrates.

Choosing a sweet watermelon is not at all difficult; for this you need to remember some rules.

How to tell if a watermelon is ripe?

Let's find out how to choose the right watermelon. Don't buy them ahead of schedule. A watermelon is ripe and sweet when it ripens on time. This time is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Early fruits are always the result of nitrogen fertilizers and growth stimulants. Since the demand for this fruit is huge, producers feed them with chemicals in order to quickly get a rich harvest. If you value your health, think about this. The choice is always yours.

Let's figure out how to make the right choice. The collected fruits should be sold on store shelves or in a specially designated place where there is an awning and flooring. It is advisable that they are not on the ground. The fact is that this fruit is a favorable environment for the reproduction of various microorganisms. And since cracks can form in the crust, bacteria can penetrate into the pulp and pose a major health threat.

It is for this reason that never buy them on the roadway or in other dubious places. There is probably no point in talking about cut watermelons, since such a tasty morsel is simply teeming with microbes. No certificate will help here.

A good and healthy fruit should not have cracks, dents or other damage through which various bacteria can penetrate. A ripe watermelon has a uniform color and a spherical shape. A strong rind that is difficult to pierce with a fingernail and a bright color are a sure sign of ripeness. The smell of the crust of an unripe fruit is vaguely reminiscent of the smell of hay.

The right choice is that the watermelon should be dry. It's very simple: when it matures and stops receiving moisture from the ground, the tail becomes dry. If you see a green tail on the fruit, then you know that it is not yet ripe. Over time, such a tail turns yellow. If it is ripe, then its tail breaks, otherwise it will be lethargic. If its tail is cut off, it is better not to buy such a berry.

Large yellow spots are a sign that they were collected from the garden ahead of schedule. But small light spots appear on the ripe fruit. They appear after chlorophyll production stops. The largest spot should be within 10 cm.

Let's figure out how to choose sweet fruit by its size. Large fruits are mainly the result of fertilizer use. They most often contain large amounts of nitrates. And small ones may be unripe, although very sweet fruits are sometimes found among them. Therefore, we choose the medium size.

How to choose a watermelon by sound?

To determine the ripeness of a fruit, you need to knock on it with your fist. You will hear a characteristic sound. Why knock on the watermelon? This is probably the most common way to determine maturity. If you hear a ringing sound, this is a good sign, it means the fruit is fresh and ripe, but if the sound is dull, then it is better not to buy it. You can squeeze it with your hands and listen, if the watermelon crackles, then feel free to take it.

There are boys and girls watermelons. Oddly enough, watermelons also have gender. A girl can be recognized by her flat bottom, while watermelons with a convex bottom are considered boys. The girl is distinguished by a large brown circle at the bottom, while the male half has a small one.

Watermelon girl is usually always very sweet and tasty. If you are not a fan of a large number of seeds, then your choice is a watermelon girl.

You can ask the seller about the origin of the fruit, where it came from, and then draw your own conclusions.

How to expose nitrates? After you have chosen the right watermelon in your opinion, take a closer look at what it is like from the inside. Unnaturally bright pulp with a purple tint should raise doubts. Smooth and glossy flesh refers to watermelons grown unnaturally. And remember, nitrates accumulate closer to the crust, so for safety reasons, it is better to always give children the middle.

Is watermelon a fruit or a berry? Most likely, a large berry that loves warmth and a lot of sun. Watermelon, like melon, is classified as a heat-loving crop of the Pumpkin family, growing in direct sunlight. There has been a lot of debate about what a watermelon is: a fruit, a vegetable or a berry. According to their own taste qualities it looks more like a fruit, but since fruit grows on a tree, and a watermelon spreads on the ground, they decided to classify it as a berry.

TO beneficial properties Watermelon can be attributed to its ability to alkalize the body. You can calmly arrange with him fasting days, which are tolerated by the body very easily, due to their high fiber content. It extinguishes the feeling of hunger. The fruit has a pronounced diuretic property, which means that it cleanses the entire urinary system. It perfectly quenches thirst. It contains:

  • ascorbic and folic acid;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • pectin.

If you are a watermelon lover, then you just have to learn how to choose it correctly. The tips listed above will definitely be useful to you.
