Two-tier cake 4 kg diameter. Two-tier cakes: recipes and cooking features

Two tier cakes– an indescribable splendor that very few dare to achieve in their kitchen. And people agree to buy such a holiday of the stomach only for very significant reasons, which include a wedding, a child’s first birthday, his entry into school and, naturally, his graduation from it. What confuses housewives most is not even baking – who among us doesn’t do it! However, the assembly of the structure and the need to magnificent decoration. Let’s say right away that if you build a two-tier cake from mastic, you can easily cope with your first fear: even without additional design elements, it will turn out neat and elegant. And how not to spoil the results of many hours of work at the assembly stage, we will tell you in detail in this article.

You can buy this mass in some stores. But if you have an idea for a tasty, beautiful and fresh cake two-tier, it is better to make mastic with your own hands, especially since the process is not very complicated. Take two hundred grams of marshmallows in the form of candies (marshmallow is very suitable). The sweetness should be dense and chewy, not fluffy and soft. If the candies are long, they are broken, filled with a couple of spoons of water and placed on steam bath, where they melt into a viscous mass with continuous stirring. Then powdered sugar is gradually added (total amount - four hundred grams) until a smooth “dough” is obtained. If needed colored mastic, in the middle of the process, the dye of the desired shade is poured in along with the powder. IN finished form, rolled into a ball, it practically does not stick to your hands and does not spread out like plasticine. To prevent the lump from winding up, it is wrapped cling film and hide it in the refrigerator.

The cakes from which two-tier cakes are assembled are traditionally baked sponge-like and thick. You can probably build a celebratory dessert from thin ones of a different origin, but they will hold the shape of the structure much worse and take longer to soak. Two cakes are made; the top one should be at least half the diameter so that the “steps” are well defined. It’s tastier and more interesting if the ingredients are baked according to different recipes. However, identical cake layers are also not bad if you sandwich them with different fillings. The following recipes are considered the most successful and compatible with each other.

Chocolate sponge cake “Kanash”

It makes two-tier cakes especially tempting because it actually contains chocolate. Black bars with 72% cocoa content (800 grams) are taken, broken into pieces and melted on steam bath. good butter(half the dose of the chocolate mass) is first ground with two glasses of sugar, and then whipped until stable fluffiness. A dozen eggs are beaten into the mass; The work of the mixer does not stop. Next, add a spoonful of soda (quenched with vinegar or lemon juice), then two tablespoons of cocoa and four cups of flour are sifted into the dough. When the mixer makes the mass homogeneous, pour in hot chocolate, it is finally kneaded and hidden in the oven for about an hour, heated to 175 degrees.

Vanilla chiffon sponge cake

Another option for cake layers, with which any two-tier cake is simply irresistible. The recipe will require some effort, but the result of its implementation simply melts in your mouth. Sift two glasses of flour into a large bowl, add one and a half glasses of sugar, vanilla to your taste, three spoons of baking powder and half of salt. Six eggs are divided into yolks and whites, the first are sent into the dough, the second are cooled and beaten with citric acid crystals until stiff peaks (half a spoon is taken of it, like salt). Non-cold water is poured into the dry ingredients, a little more than half a glass, and exactly half of this container vegetable oil. When everything is kneaded until smooth, the whites are carefully folded in with a wooden spatula from top to bottom, the dough is distributed into the mold and put into the oven at the usual temperature of 180 Celsius for an hour, maybe a little longer. The door cannot be opened for the first 40-50 minutes, otherwise the biscuit will settle.

Sour cream

All two-tier cakes contain some kind of cream. The one made with sour cream is considered universal: it is not very fatty and heavy, and can be combined with any biscuits. It is prepared simply: for two glasses fermented milk product Take a glass of sugar, turn on the mixer for five to seven minutes, and you can spread it on. It is better to take sour cream that is not too fatty; with 15 percent you get a quite elastic cream. If desired, it can be flavored with vanilla.

A few words about the filling

The cakes for the planned “tower,” as already mentioned, are baked thick. To make them juicier, they are carefully cut horizontally into two or three plates and soaked - either with regular syrup or with a special impregnation, for which in a stack hot water two tablespoons of sugar are dissolved, the liquid is combined with half a glass of berry or fruit syrup and a shot of rum (cognac). This mixture is especially successful if you are preparing a two-tier wedding cake. When assembled, the individual plates are folded into the original cake layer, coated with cream and pleasant additives placed between them. For “adult” options, for a wedding or anniversary, dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots) and nuts are most often used. If your cake is two-tiered - for children, then it would be more appropriate canned fruits or berries from jam. The use of peaches and cherries is especially successful. Candied fruits and pieces of marmalade are also good. Anyone who is afraid that his two-tier cake, lovingly made with his own hands, will be too sweet due to the impregnation, can only get by with cream between the plates. Only then should it be smeared more generously.

How to assemble correctly

When all the components of the dish are prepared, all that remains is to fold the cake so that it does not sag, the top does not move, and the base does not sag. Since both floors are quite heavy, there are certain secrets on how to achieve beautiful view. To begin with, each layered cake is coated on all sides with cream and sent to the refrigerator for some time to soak. At this time, mastic is rolled out in a thin layer, divided into two unequal parts. The larger circle is carefully placed on the bottom cake and leveled. The mastic is applied evenly and smoothly to the sides. The excess edge is cut off - not very high, as it may later shrink a little and lift up. The same manipulations are done with a smaller part of the cake. Now, to prevent your two-tier mastic cake from falling apart, take 4-5 skewers equal to the height of the bottom cake and stick them vertically into it. A backing is cut out of cardboard, two centimeters smaller in diameter than the top “floor,” and placed on these supports. The second cake is placed on top with two spatulas.

All that remains is to decorate your work culinary arts. If you are baking a two-tier wedding cake, you can buy basic decorations - swans, hearts, figurines of newlyweds - and add them with roses twisted from fondant and painted with colored cream. For children, you can bake funny gingerbread figures, paint them and decorate the “landscape” with whipped cream. Here there is complete freedom of creativity and free flight of imagination!

In the life of every person there are a lot of events that he wants to celebrate with special chic and scope, that is, so that it is remembered not only by him, but also by all his guests. It is in order to emphasize the importance and solemnity of the event that you can use a two-tier cake. You can make such a creation yourself, without turning to professional confectioners; today we will teach you how to correctly and tasty make such a dessert, complex at first glance.

Before you proceed directly to baking, you should stock up on the ingredients necessary for the work:

  1. Cream for decoration;
  2. Sponge cakes;
  3. Fruits and berries;
  4. Fragrant herbs;
  5. Jam;
  6. Chocolate cream;
  7. Chocolate glaze;
  8. Cocktail straws (for fixing the future masterpiece).

Process of creation:

  • The pre-prepared sponge cake needs to be cut so that you get three layers. Coat them with cream (lightly so that the cakes “don’t move”;
  • We create a kind of pool in which the jam is placed;
  • This is all supplemented with nuts, berries and cream is poured on top for better fixation of the next layer;
  • We repeat the manipulation with the next layer (in this case, you can use other fruits);
  • Everything is covered with the last cake layer, and the entire cake is coated with cream. You need to process the side parts very carefully (in such a way that voids are not noticeable, to hide all possible irregularities). If mastic or two layers of cream are used, then the surface does not need to be made as smooth as possible at this stage;
  • We leave the prepared tiers in the refrigerator so that they can harden well and the cakes can be fully soaked.

Attention! The preparations are placed in the refrigerator for at least several hours, but ideally overnight.

How to assemble a two-tier cake with your own hands

Now the most crucial moment has come, so you should consider all the points on how to assemble a two-tier cake at home so that it looks great.

Work process:

  1. First, using a saucer, the diameter of the upper tier is outlined; this is done in order to know exactly where to install the clamps (cocktail tubes will be used as clamps). There are two options: you can immediately install the tubes and remove all excess with scissors, or you can initially measure the height with a skewer, cut off the excess and only then insert the clamps. In order for the structure to withstand, you need to use 3 tubes;
  2. The fixatives are placed in the middle, which is previously marked with cream;
  3. The top tier is installed and the cake is placed in the refrigerator so that the masterpiece “sets.”

Dessert Decorating Ideas

Dessert without mastic

Newlyweds can choose their main festive dessert without mastic decoration. In this case, the lower tier must be as stable as possible in order to withstand the load (therefore, you should give preference to a biscuit with a solid structure). But for the top layer they are used soft cakes. Perfect option for without mastic decoration - whipped cream with sugar. Basically, if the cake is not decorated with mastic, it is smeared with cream on top and only after that it is further decorated.

We use mastic for decoration

Nowadays, the first place in the trend for decorating holiday cakes is mastic.

For example, a two-tier wedding cake decorated in this style will look not just festive, but as neat and beautiful as possible.

During the work process, initially the lower and then the upper tier is filled with mastic (you must first clearly decide on the color). After this, the parts of the dessert are placed on top of each other and, at the final stage, decorated with the selected figures.

Important! To ensure that the figures do not fall off during the celebration, the cake on which they will be installed must be as hard as possible.

The final appearance will depend on the creativity and skills of the pastry chef.

Cake decorated with flowers

Flowers in cake decoration are the most popular trend. Basically, they are made using whipped cream, which after cooking is divided into several parts (the parts will be of different colors).

In order to create such a decoration yourself, you can watch educational master classes on the Internet. Or, in order not to waste time, turn to a professional confectioner who will do everything quickly, beautifully and efficiently.

Birthday cake for a boy and a girl

Consider the most common and interesting option cake for a children's party - “Rainbow”. The fact is that such a dessert will be bright and memorable. In general, the cake itself is a product whose cake layers are decorated with different colors. Let's look at the recipe for creating such a colorful dessert:

  1. Initially prepares dyes (in this case you need to use 6 colors). It is better to use gel dyes, which can currently be purchased at any confectionery store. In order for everything to turn out beautifully, you should use only high-quality paints, which are diluted with milk before use (about 2 tablespoons per 1 package);
  2. Knead the biscuit dough. You can lean towards both the simplest and the most complex recipes, it all depends on the wishes of the pastry chef. To make the cake tasty, it is better to add baking powder and vanillin to the dough;
  3. We divide the resulting mass into 6 equal parts, and mix each piece with a certain shade. We bake cakes of the same size;
  4. The layer can be any - it can be used butter cream, cream or other layer. At the moment when the biscuits have completely cooled down, you can begin finishing with the selected filling (you should assemble the dessert according to the sequence of colors of the rainbow);
  5. The side parts are carefully rubbed with white glaze;
  6. On the top part for decoration you can use previously purchased multi-colored confectionery sprinkles, holiday candles or ready-made figurines of cartoon characters.

Such a masterpiece on the festive table will not leave indifferent not only the little guests of the celebration, but also their parents.

Cake decoration for a holiday for adults

The birthday of not only children, but also adults cannot be imagined without beautiful cake. Desserts for children are decorated as brightly as possible, often even using figurines of their favorite cartoon characters.

Moreover, today there is a huge selection of ready-made cake decorations in stores. That is, for adults or older children, you can use marzipan figures, sprinkles, or make cream flowers.

Now let’s look at decorating the main holiday dessert using mastic for adults:

  • Initially, you need to remember that when making a two-tier cake, you must cover its lower part (the place where the mastic will end). In order to do this, you can make a multi-colored rope from mastic (for this you need to use at least 2 colors that are present in the main design). The prepared strip is laid out along the prepared cake;
  • After this, you need to begin the final stage, that is, decorate the dessert with figures or flowers (that is, what was originally intended).

That is, decorating a cake for an adult is much simpler than for a child, because here everything can be done extremely simply - the main thing is that it is delicious.

Filling as the main component

As previously described, the cakes for the future masterpiece are made as thick as possible. The fact is that these biscuits will be much tastier. In order for the cakes to be soaked, they are cut in half and pre-soaked in syrup.

If you decide to make a two-tier cake with your own hands, then you need to remember that during the assembly process, the cut biscuits must be assembled initially according to their main original parts.

As for the filling, nuts and dried fruits are often used for an adult cake, but when working with a children’s cake, it is better to use fruits or jams. To ensure that the dessert does not end up being overly sugary, you don’t need to use cream for the biscuit layer.

That is, making a two-tier cake at home is not at all difficult, you just need to put in a little effort, use your imagination and, of course, do everything with love. That's when everything will work out just fine.

Two tier cakes - amazing beautiful delicacy, which will decorate any festive table. Each such cake is a masterpiece of culinary skill, which is prepared, as a rule, according to special occasions: for a wedding, anniversary or children's party. In our article we want to talk about how to make a two-tier cake at home.

Birthday cake

Two-tier birthday cakes are a great solution for special occasion. Whatever you say, it’s like this pastry looks much more impressive than a simple single-layer cake. But you don’t have to order a beautiful dessert from a pastry shop. Now there are many recipes that allow you to prepare a two-tier cake with your own hands at home.

We offer a recipe for dessert with fruit. To prepare it we will need the following ingredients:

For the light sponge cake:

  1. Five eggs.
  2. Flour - 260 g.
  3. Sugar - 260 g.
  4. Vegetable oil.

For the chocolate sponge cake:

  1. Three eggs.
  2. Flour - 160 g.
  3. Sugar - 160 g.
  4. Two tablespoons of cocoa.

For cream:

  1. Powdered sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  2. Cream for cream - 0.5 l.
  3. Cream cheese - 0.5 kg.

For impregnation:

  1. Liqueur (you can use Baileys or any other) - 70-110 ml.
  2. Instant coffee - 0.5 l.

For decoration:

  1. Fresh berries.
  2. Chocolate - 0.6 kg.

It takes a lot of effort to make a two-tier cake with your own hands. Therefore, we will consider all stages of preparation step by step.

Two-tier birthday cake: recipe

Let's start cooking first white sponge cake. To do this, separate the whites and yolks. Sift the flour into a separate container. Beat the whites into a fluffy foam using a mixer. After this, add sugar to the mass and continue to beat it until it increases in volume and becomes white. Then gradually add the yolks and do not stop beating the mixture, it will gradually become homogeneous and airy. Gently pour the resulting mass into the flour and stir with a silicone spatula until smooth.

Next, prepare the baking pan by greasing it vegetable oil. Transfer the dough into it and place it in hot oven. Bake the cake for about 35 minutes at 200 degrees. You can check the readiness of the baked goods using a toothpick. The finished biscuit should cool slightly in the mold, after which we take it out and then cool it on a wire rack.

When preparing homemade two-tier cakes, you can make cake layers different color. In our case, the bottom tier will be white, and the second will be chocolate.

Let's move on to preparing the dark sponge cake. Sift the flour together with cocoa, separate the whites from the yolks. As in the first case, beat the whites, add sugar and then continue the process. Gradually add the yolks and bring the mixture until smooth. Transfer the mixture to the flour and mix with a silicone spatula. Next, prepare the mold and bake the dark sponge cake in it.

When both cakes are ready and cooled, each of them must be cut into two parts. Each layer needs to be soaked in some kind of syrup (you can add liqueur to 0.5 liters of coffee and soak the shortcakes with this mixture).

Cake cream

When preparing two-tier cakes, you can’t do without good cream. Not only the taste, but also the appearance finished product. For our cake we will prepare cream using cream cheese and powder. The ingredients must be beaten with a mixer until smooth. Next, you need to whip the chilled cream until stable peaks are obtained and add the cream cheese mixture into it. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Our cream is ready.

Assembling the product

How to make a two-tier cake? Once all the ingredients are ready, you can start assembling the dessert. Place the first one on a flat plate light cake, grease it with cream and cover with the second one. We coat not only each layer with cream, but also the side parts. Next, apply the mixture to the middle of the top cake and cover with the brown dough. So we gradually collect all the layers and coat them with cream. Our product is almost ready. Using this template you can make a dessert on any theme.

Two-tier cakes made at home are good because you can come up with options for decorating them yourself. We suggest making chocolate sides and adding fruit. To do this, melt the chocolate in a water bath. Next, we will prepare strips of parchment; their width and height depend on the parameters of the cake and your preferences. In our case, the sides will be higher than the cakes themselves, so that there is room for fresh fruit.

We apply chocolate to parchment strips and apply them to the sides of the product, put the cake in this form in the refrigerator for fifteen minutes to allow the chocolate to harden. Only after this can the parchment be carefully removed. Since we made the sides higher than the cakes, we got niches in which we can put fresh fruits. In addition, you can fill them with cream if fruity option doesn't attract you. So the two-tier cake is ready at home.

Wedding cake: ingredients

Wedding cakes (two tier) are very popular nowadays. They are credited with some symbolism: what tastier dessert- so it will be sweeter life. A product in the shape of a heart is love, with swans - for happiness.

We present to your attention the recipe wedding cake"swan fidelity" For his let's take the preparations the following products:

For the biscuit:

  1. Eight eggs.
  2. Flour - 285 g.
  3. Vegetable oil.
  4. Hot water - 4 tbsp. l.
  5. Vanillin - 2 g.
  6. Sugar - 285 g.

For decoration you will need: mastic, icing and confectionery sprinkles.

  1. Egg whites - 5 pcs.
  2. Vanillin - 1 g.
  3. Sugar - 260 g.
  4. Butter - 0.4 kg.

For cherry jelly:

  1. Cherry - 120 g.
  2. Water - 55 g.
  3. Agar-agar - 1/3 tsp.
  4. Sugar - 55 g.

Soufflé for the top tier:

  1. Cherry - 155 g.
  2. Cream - 165 g.
  3. Gelatin 10 g.
  4. Water - 3 tbsp. l.
  5. Sugar - 155 g.

Cream for the lower tier:

  1. Sour cream (25%) - 260 g.
  2. Vanillin - 1 g.
  3. Packaging of cream thickener.
  4. Cream (35%) - 260g.
  5. Chopped nuts - 160 g.
  6. Sugar - 160 g.

Caramel for the bottom tier:

  1. Milk - 120 g.
  2. Sugar - 240 g.
  3. Butter - 60 g.
  4. A pinch of salt.
  5. Vanillin - 1 g.

Wedding cake recipe

Wedding cakes (two-tier) are quite difficult to prepare. And they will demand from the hostess large quantity time and a lot of effort. Not everyone can handle such painstaking work.

To prepare a cake according to our recipe, you need to make a dough from the above ingredients and bake two sponge cakes of different diameters. They must cool, after which we cut each of them into two cakes. Now you can start making caramel.

Pour sugar into a saucepan and heat over medium heat. Gradually the sugar will begin to melt; it must be stirred so that it does not burn. The dishes must be heated until the entire mass is melted. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add milk, stir the caramel and return it to the heat. Heat the mass until it is completely melted. At the end of cooking, add oil, stir and remove the pan from the heat. Caramel is ready. Next, grind the roasted peanuts.

You can mix the nuts with the caramel mixture and coat all layers of the sponge cake with it. While the cakes are soaking, we begin preparing the cream. Mix sugar, vanillin, sour cream and cream, add thickener and beat until peaks form. Cover each sponge cake with the resulting mixture on top of the caramel.

Making cherry soufflé

Next, we start preparing cherry puree; it can be made from defrosted cherries using a blender. Add water, agar, sugar to the mixture and bring it to a boil (don’t forget to stir). After a couple of minutes, pour the jelly into a mold and place it in a cool place.

To prepare the soufflé, mix whipped cream with sugar and cherry puree, add melted gelatin. Add pieces of chopped jelly there. Gently mix the entire mass until smooth.

The biscuit for the top tier can be soaked in caramel or cognac. Both options are good. Next, in the mold that was used to bake the top crust, we assemble the smaller tier. Pour the soufflé onto the bottom layer of the sponge cake, and cover the top with the second cake layer. Place the mixture in the refrigerator until the cherry soufflé has completely hardened. Remove the finished tier from the mold.

Assembling the wedding cake

Now that all the tiers of the wedding cake are ready, you can move on to assembling and decorating it. We place the lower tier on a substrate and coat it again with cream on all sides. Next, we need to strengthen the structure so that the bottom layer does not sag under the weight of the top one.

To do this, cut cocktail tubes and insert them into the bottom layer of the cake. Their length should be slightly greater than the thickness of the lower tier. Place the tubes in the place where you plan to place the top tier.

Cut out the backing for the smaller cake and place the workpiece on it. We install the upper tier on a system of tubes. The outside of the entire product is coated with cream and combed with a culinary comb to obtain beautiful waves. In addition, cream borders are formed using a star attachment. Ready product decorated with icing leaves, beads, cream roses.

Children's cakes

An original, beautiful dessert is a must-have at children's parties. At home, you can prepare a two-tier cake for your baby’s one-year anniversary. The basis of such a product can be any biscuit (we gave the recipe earlier in the article). But the outside of the dessert needs to be decorated using a children's theme. A two-tier mastic cake is considered quite popular and easy to make. It is worth noting that mastic is actively used to decorate not only desserts for children, but also for adults. The plastic material makes it possible to make the most bizarre and beautiful decorative details, which is why the products acquire a unique look.

To prepare the mastic we need marshmallows. Heat the marshmallows in the microwave and add a little coloring (the coloring can be any color, depending on your imagination). Next we add powdered sugar and knead a kind of dough.

Mastic decor

Typically for decoration baby cake You will need a lot of colored parts, so using one color of mastic is simply not enough. You will have to mix a lot of different shades. If you want to decorate the entire cake with mastic, then you should roll it out into a thin layer and cut out the details to decorate each tier. Each of them is attached to the product for a while with toothpicks (after a couple of minutes such fasteners are removed). The joints are usually decorated with ribbons made from the same mastic. The upper tier can be decorated with all kinds of figures made of plastic material, beads, and inscriptions. You can use confectionery powder for decoration.

Instead of an afterword

Two tier cakes - amazing beautiful desserts for especially special events. Preparing such products at home will require a lot of time, effort and skills from housewives. It will also allow you to show all your imagination in the process of decorating the cake.

For a significant celebration, a multi-tiered cake is the highlight that everyone expects to see and taste to crown the celebration.

A dessert of several tiers (two or three, or even more, which is typical for wedding ceremonies) must be carefully assembled so that the lower tier does not sag under the pressure of the upper ones.

We do the same in several places.

Now it is permissible to install the second tier of dessert in place, and not be afraid that the top will push through and upset the lower base.

Strengthening a multi-tiered cake

It’s easy to strengthen a cake in two tiers, but what to do if culinary idea more extensive. And we solve this issue, but how, we look further at MK.

We prepare in advance, for example, three tiers of a cake different sizes. The tiers are covered with mastic and left for about one hour or more in the refrigerator.

It is worth noting: Each of the tiers should be placed on separate paper sheets; in the center of each of them we will make holes of small diameter in advance.

To strengthen each tier, we will also use cocktail tubes, but only one wooden skewer, which is additionally recommended to be wrapped in cling film.

So, let's start assembling the three-tier cake.

We will make a hole in the center of the product using our wooden stick wrapped in cling film. The length of the stick should approximately coincide with the height of all tiers in total. But do not pierce the cake all the way through.

Around the hole made in the center, at a distance of up to 3 centimeters from each other, we will make holes smaller tubes. We adjust the length of the tubes to the height of the first tier.

Melt the white chocolate in a water bath and pour it, using a bag, into the holes made in the cake.

Now we return the stick and cocktail tubes to the previously made places, filled with chocolate.

You can give the white chocolate some time to harden.

We begin to place the second tier on a long skewer through the hole in the base.

Now it’s time to place the third tier of the birthday cake on the base of the mount (wooden skewer).

Surely many housewives admire beautiful multi-tiered cakes, and are wondering how to make a two-tier cake at home? For some it seems like magic and a work of art, and they are even afraid to try. But it's not as difficult as it seems if you know how to cook. regular cakes for cakes, and cream.

Of course, there are some secrets in making two-tier cakes, but they relate not so much to culinary skills as to the secrets of assembling the cake. Often, due to improper assembly, cakes can become warped, fail, or even fall on their side. All this can be avoided if you use simple techniques used by experienced confectioners.

Most often, confectioners use two types of cake layers to prepare two-tier cakes. The bottom crust is baked from shortcrust pastry, and the top one is made of biscuit. If the bottom cake is sponge cake, then the top one needs to be lightened and made from a light soufflé. However, it happens that you need a cake with both sponge tiers, in which case the cake needs to be strengthened. How to make a two-tier cake at home from biscuit dough, let's look at it in a little more detail.

DIY two-tier cake, recipe with photo

You can make a two-tier cake with your own hands from ready-made biscuits, or bake them yourself. Of course, this requires molds of different diameters and a lot of time. It is better to prepare the biscuit dough separately for the bottom tier and separately for the top, so as not to mix it up. After all, a sponge cake rises a lot when baking, and you need to avoid pouring the dough into one mold.

Biscuit dough for the bottom crust:

Bottom sponge cake (26 cm mold)

  • - 8 eggs;
  • - 250 grams of sugar;
  • - 160 grams of flour;
  • - 50 grams of starch;
  • - 50 grams of butter;
  • - 1 tsp. soda or baking powder;
  • - 1 tsp. vanilla sugar;
  • - lemon acid on the tip of the knife.
  • Top sponge cake (16 cm mold)

  • - 4 eggs;
  • - 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • - 100 grams of flour;
  • - 1 tbsp. l. starch;
  • - ½ tsp. baking powder;
  • - vanilla and citric acid to taste.
  • Making a two-tier cake with your own hands

    The recipe for making biscuit dough is the same for the top and bottom cakes.

    Very carefully separate the whites from the yolks into different containers.

    Begin beating with the whites, at the lowest speed. Gradually add sugar (half the total amount), and gradually increase the speed. The whites should whip into a strong foam and not spill out when turning the bowl over.

    Now you can beat the yolks with the remaining sugar and vanilla. When the yolk mass has significantly increased in volume and turned white, very carefully pour the yolks into the whites and mix with a mixer whisk, but do not turn on the mixer itself.

    Mix flour with baking powder and gradually add it to egg mixture, trying not to settle the foam.

    When the flour is completely mixed with the egg mixture and the dough becomes homogeneous, melt the butter and add it to the dough.

    The biscuit dough is ready, and you can start baking the cakes.

    Baking cake layers

    Place a circle on the bottom of the mold parchment paper, according to the diameter of the bottom. Pour the dough into the mold and place it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

    Look at the biscuit. When the smell of freshly baked sponge cake wafts through the kitchen and the top becomes golden, remove the sponge cake, turn the pan over and leave it until the sponge cake cools.

    We bake the biscuit for the top tier in the same way.

    When the biscuits have cooled, they need to be cut into 2-3 layers. It is more convenient to do this with a strong thread or fishing line. Make a cut along the side of the cake with a sharp knife, or install “beacons” of toothpicks, wrap the sponge cake with thread, overlap the thread, as if tying a knot around the cake, and slowly pull both ends of the thread. Thus, the sponge cake can be easily divided into even layers.

    If you are making a two-tier cake with your own hands for a birthday, choose a thicker cream for coating the bottom tier cakes. Consider the weight of the cake, and if it is a soft, delicate mousse, it will simply fall out of the sides. For the same reason, you should not use impregnation, at least for the lower tier. A biscuit that is too soft may “float.”

    Butter cream for sponge two-tier cake

    This cream is very simple but versatile. It is suitable both for coating cake layers and for decorating a ready-made cake.

  • - 1 can of condensed milk (natural, not boiled);
  • - 350 g butter;
  • - vanilla, colorings and flavorings to taste.
  • To make buttercream you need softened butter. Take care of this in advance and remove the butter from the refrigerator a couple of hours before preparing the cream.

    Place the butter in a deep bowl and beat it with a mixer until fluffy, soft and slightly increased in volume. While whisking, pour condensed milk into the butter, gradually increasing the speed. Beat the cream for at least 5 minutes until the cream is smooth.

    Assembling the cake

    Now you can start assembling the cake. We start assembly from the bottom tier. Coat each layer of sponge cake with cream, and fold all the cakes as they should be. In the same way, we separately collect the top tier cakes. You get two separate cakes, one large and one small.

    Many questions arise: how to decorate a two-tier cake with your own hands? After all, not everyone knows how to use pastry syringe and squeeze out roses with leaves. Working with mastic is also not so easy. She is quite capricious, and you can ruin more than a dozen cakes before you start to get something that looks like beautiful photographs from culinary sites. If you are not an expert in this matter, take a couple of cans of chocolate paste. This is always a winning option since everyone loves chocolate. Frost both cakes chocolate spread and smooth the sides with a warm knife.

    Assembling the tiers of the cake is a crucial moment. We initially talked about strengthening the cake, and now this moment has come. Sticks are usually used to strengthen the cake. They can be made of wood or plastic. If you are not professionally involved in baking two-tiered masterpieces, do not buy these sticks separately, but use regular boiler straws. Only the straws should be thick, which are used for milkshakes.

    Insert a straw into the center of the cake and trim it down to the level of the cake. Also, insert 4-5 straws in a circle to provide side support for the top tier of the cake, and also trim them to the desired height.

    Using a wide spatula, transfer and place the top tier of the cake on top of the bottom. That's it, the assembly of the cake is complete.

    How to decorate a two-tier cake with your own hands?

    It is very easy to spoil a masterpiece with inept decor. Take a couple of steps away from the cake and look at it from the side. Berries, fruits, colorful sprinkles, and ready-made decorations from mastic. They are used and experienced chefs, so there is no reason for you to refuse such help.

    This is one of many DIY two-tier cake recipes. Despite the apparent complexity, this is a feasible task even for inexperienced housewife. Skill only comes with experience, and this cake is worth your effort.
