We prepare apple jam for the winter at home. Making apple jam. Pear and apple jam

This is not the end of the gardener's work. After all, you still need to properly preserve the harvest; some of it can be eaten in fresh, put some of it aside for storage, and make jam from the remaining apples at home; our recipes for the winter will help you with this. This dessert can be consumed as separate dish, and use it as a filling for various baked goods, believe me, it’s very tasty, but it’s better not to take everything for granted, but try to cook it yourself and see from your own experience.

According to statistics, apples are the most common fruit in our gardens, so there are quite a lot of recipes for preparing them. There is often an opinion that it is not worth harvesting this fruit, since even in winter there are a huge number of them on the counter. But not all of them are equally useful; the most vitamins are contained in home-grown fruits grown in your garden, so it is so important to preserve this storehouse of vitamins until winter in order to enjoy the taste of summer on long evenings.

Homemade apples contain substances that allow those who wish to lose weight, as well as normalize intestinal function.

Recipes for making apple jam for the winter:

Some rules to follow to get a quality product:

  1. All fruits must have the same degree of ripening; overripe and underripe fruits should be used for other purposes.
  2. Process the apples thoroughly, wash them, cut them into slices, and be sure to remove the seeds.
  3. To grind the fruits, you can use a meat grinder, grater, or blender.
  4. For cooking jam, it is best to use a stainless steel pan; other options will be much worse.

Classic recipe for apple jam.

Very simple and quick way, try it, it is especially recommended for young housewives who have not yet tried making jam.

Required ingredients:

  • Apples - 1 kilogram;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kilogram.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Wash the apples, dry them, and cut them into slices.
  2. As we said, the seeds need to be removed, but for this recipe this will not be necessary since we will be straining the puree through a sieve.
  3. Next, place the chopped fruits in a saucepan in which we will cook the jam, and fill them with water so that it lightly covers the slices.
  4. Place the container on the fire for 10 minutes, drain the water, and let the mixture cool.
  5. Now grind the apples through a fine sieve.
  6. Add sugar, and put it on the stove again, over medium heat, bring to a boil, and reduce.
  7. Cook, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.
  8. The process of cooking apple jam will take about 30 minutes, and it must be constantly stirred so that the mass is homogeneous.
  9. We check the readiness by simply dripping the liquid onto the saucer, and if it is homogeneous and holds its shape, then this is a sign that the dish is ready. The color should be caramel.
  10. That's all, pour into sterilized jars, roll up the lid, wrap in a blanket, having first turned the jar over with the lid facing down. After the apple jam has cooled, at home it is stored in the basement, and put it away there.

Thick apple jam, homemade recipe.

If you like a thick consistency of delicacy, then this cooking option will suit you perfectly.

Required ingredients:

  • Apples - 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar - 1 glass.

Step by step recipe:

  1. The fruits must be thoroughly washed, dried and cut into halves. Cut out the seeds.
  2. We grind them on a grater, or pass them through a meat grinder.
  3. We transfer the mixture into a cooking pan, do not add water, it will cook in its own juice.
  4. Light the fire and cook over low heat, stirring constantly.
  5. When the mass becomes soft and translucent, you can beat it again with a blender, then pour sugar into it.
  6. Set the heat to the lowest setting and cook the jam for about 40 minutes. It becomes dark and thick. That's all, put it in jars and store it until winter, or eat it right now.

Apple jam in the oven.

It is very easy to prepare, because there is no need to constantly stir, you just need to put it in the oven for 2.5 hours and go about your business.


  1. Apples - 1 kilogram;
  2. Citric acid - 1 spoon;
  3. Sugar - 800 grams.

Step-by-step preparation:

  • Pour into a large bowl cold water, up to half. Let's add one spoon there citric acid. There we will wash the peeled apples, and the acid will prevent them from turning dark.

  • We clean the fruits, wash them and remove the peels. We cut out the core, it is best to do this using a special cutting machine.

  • Immediately after processing, transfer the slices into a pan with water. When you have cleaned everything, then you need to drain the liquid. Then pour in half a glass of clean water.
  • Place the pan on the fire, cover with a lid, and simmer until the apples soften.

  • Remove the pan from the heat and mash the fruit with a blender. Add sugar little by little during the process. Do not add all the sugar, and constantly taste the puree so as not to over-sweet it.

  • As a result, the mass will decrease by half compared to the initial one.
  • Preheat the oven to a temperature of +200C. Place a saucepan with puree in it. Cooking time is from 2.5 hours to three. During the process, you can sometimes glance at the apple jam, taking it out of the oven and stirring, after about 2 hours of cooking. At the same time, you can see if it is cooked. Its color should be dark caramel and its consistency should be thick.

  • At this time, we sterilize the jars. As soon as the puree is ready, it is poured into jars and sealed with lids. We turn them upside down and cover them with a blanket until it cools down. Afterwards, put it in the basement or cellar.

Recipe for apple and pear jam for the winter with photos.

The recipe is familiar to all of us from childhood, try to cook it and see for yourself.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples - 2 kilograms;
  • Pears - 1 kilogram;
  • Granulated sugar - 2 kilograms.


  1. Wash the apples, cut them into slices and place them in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  2. Add water to lightly cover the slices and place on low heat. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until the fruits become soft.
  3. Soft apple mass grind through a sieve.
  4. Transfer the mixture into a saucepan, heat it over the fire, add sugar. Stir, bring to a boil, and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes.
  5. Wash the pears under running water, peel them, and grate them.
  6. We add them to the mixture, which has been cooking over low heat for 20 minutes, and cook for another 20-30 minutes.
  7. Pour the jam from apples and pears into sterilized jars, roll up the lid and turn it upside down, cover with a blanket, cool and store in the basement.

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One of great options Preparing fruits and berries for the winter - making jam. In this article we will talk about how to cook jam correctly so that it turns out thick and tasty.

The jam is believed to have been invented about 200 years ago by Polish housewives, who learned to boil the most productive fruit on the banks of the Vistula - the Hungarian plum - until very thick mass. Initially, it was prepared for three whole days, it was a very labor-intensive and long process! Today it is much easier to prepare jam: all you need is an electric or gas stove, a large basin or other wide container and several hours of free time.

The name “jam” comes from the Polish word “powidla”, meaning literally “ food product, obtained by boiling berry or fruit puree with sugar.”

You can make jam from almost any berries and fruits, but the most popular versions of this dessert are considered to be jam made from apples, pears, apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, quinces, currants, and cranberries.

Jam differs from jam and preserves in a more uniform and thick consistency, its boiling point is 104 degrees, it is a denser mass that does not spread when laid out in a lump on a dish.

Basic principles of making jam

You can make jam not only from high-quality, but also from slightly damaged, bruised or overripe berries and fruits, but they must be ripe and soft. Before cooking, the fruits need to be washed thoroughly, rotten and damaged parts must be cut off, and then everything is done according to the recipe, however, some general features and the principles of preparing this dessert.

As a rule, fruits are processed into pulp in one of two ways: they are twisted through a meat grinder in their raw form, or rubbed through a sieve (today, of course, you can use a blender for grinding) in an already boiled and peeled form. From berries or plums alone, the jam usually turns out to be runny, so to achieve the desired consistency, these fruits are combined with apricots, apples, and pears. Adding sugar to jam is not necessary; if the fruits are boiled into jam without sugar, then such preparations must be sterilized. If sugar is added, it must be at least 60% of the total mass, otherwise the jam will ferment or become moldy. The jam should be cooked in a low, wide container - this way evaporation occurs quickly, which improves the taste and color of the product. When cooking the jam, it is necessary to stir it with a wooden spatula, otherwise it will burn; for the same reason, sugar is added only after the fruit mass has sufficiently thickened. The readiness of the jam during cooking is determined as follows: periodically run a spatula along the bottom of the container in which the jam is cooked; if a path forms that slowly fills, then the dessert is ready. In general, during cooking, the total volume of the mass compared to the original will decrease by at least half. The finished jam should be poured hot into sterilized jars. One of the traditional moments in cooking classical technology– baking jam in the oven in jars to form a protective film on the surface of the mass is often skipped today, but it is recommended to do this for better preservation of the workpiece. Just put the jars of jam in the oven and bake at a low temperature until a film forms, which is visually clearly visible. Then the jam should be left warm until it cools, sealed with lids after cooling and stored in a cool place. The jam should have a sour-sweet taste; if the fruits from which it is cooked are characterized by low acidity, then you need to add lemon or other food acid, in addition, spices (cloves, cinnamon, etc.) can be added to the jam for taste and aroma. The finished jam should contain no more than 34% moisture and no less than 60% sugar.

The calorie content of jam varies between 250-260 kcal per 100g.

Recipes for making jam

If there is a large harvest of any berries or fruits, cooking jam from them is one of the best options. This wonderful dessert will delight you with cool autumn evenings, give a feeling of warmth in winter and energize in spring. If until now you have not decided to make such a preparation, fearing that it is very difficult, then we recommend that you try it anyway - this process is much simpler than it seems.

Apple and pear are the most popular among all types of jam. It is from these fruits that it is easiest to prepare jam of the correct thickness and consistency.

Apple jam recipe

You will need: for 1 kg of peeled apples, take 500-700 g of sugar.

How to cook apple jam. Peel the apples, remove the seeds, cut into quarters, then steam to soften until steam bath(the easiest way is to use a double boiler for this). Total time steaming - about 15-20 minutes after the water boils. The softened apples need to be pureed (with a blender, using a meat grinder or masher), then the puree is placed in a saucepan and boiled to a jam with added sugar.

For apple jam it is better to use sour varieties apples - Antonovka, Borovinka, Grushovka, Semerenko, seedless, white filling, Granny Smith, Jonagold, Idared, etc.

Pear jam is cooked in the same way as apple jam, proportions: for 1 kg of peeled pears, 2-3 glasses of water, 500-600 g of sugar and 4 g of citric acid. The algorithm of actions is the same, but pear puree mixed with water before cooking (decoction after steaming), boiled to half the volume and then sugar is added.

Jam can be made from berries such as blueberries, rose hips, cherries, rowan berries, viburnum, lingonberries and others.

Recipe for making cherry jam

You will need: for 1 kg of pitted cherries 150-200 g of sugar, 2 tbsp. table vinegar.

How to make cherry jam. Wash the cherries and remove the pits, grind in a meat grinder, mix with vinegar, simmer over low heat in a basin until reduced to twice the original volume. Pour sugar into the mixture, stir and cook the jam until tender.

It’s just as easy to make blueberry jam.

Blueberry jam recipe

You will need: for 1 kg of blueberries 600 g of sugar.

How to make blueberry jam. Crush the berries, or grind in a meat grinder, place in a wide bowl over low heat and boil to half the original volume. Add sugar, stir and cook the jam until tender.

A very popular jam that many people like is plum jam.

Recipe for making plum jam

You will need: for 1 kg of pitted plums 800 g of sugar.

How to cook plum jam. Remove the pits from the plums and boil with a small amount of water or steam until soft. Rub the plum mass or puree it in a blender, removing the skin. Pour sugar into the puree, cook the jam until it is ready, stirring - eventually the mass should boil down to a third of its original volume. Pour the jam hot into warm jars, cover with gauze, leave at room temperature for 2 days - a crust should form, then wrap the jars with parchment or seal with sterile plastic lids.

The jam made from plums and apricots is very tasty.

Recipe for plum and apricot jam

You will need: 600g sugar, 500g each of apricots and plums.

How to make jam from apricots and plums. Remove the seeds from the plums and apricots, steam them in a water bath or in a double boiler until soft, puree, remove the skin, boil by half, then add sugar and boil the jam until tender.

There are many recipes for jam, but the cooking principle is always the same. Try making jam from your favorite fruits and berries and enjoy it all year round!

Apple jam can be cooked in the classic way, as well as using thickeners, starch, gelatin. Excellent jam can also be cooked in a slow cooker. A wonderful taste is obtained if you add various berries and fruits along with apples. They go well with many flavors.

How to make apple jam at home

Apples are the most popular fruit, available almost all year round.

The best jam is made from homegrown apples, without nitrates, so basically such preparations for the winter are made in August-September, when the gardens are full of their own ripe fruits. Such apples exude a real apple aroma. These are the fruits that nutritionists recommend for weight loss, improving digestion, and replenishing the body’s vitamin reserves.

Due to the fact that apples naturally contain pectin, which natural thickener, then you don’t need to add anything to the jam to thicken it. Just increase the cooking time. Apples also go well with other fruits and even vegetables, for example, carrots. So there will be enough jam options for you.

Apple jam recipes

To prepare any version of jam, you need to properly cook the apples. To do this, you need to wash the apples, peel them, remove the seeds and rough skins in the middle of the apples.

What kind of pan is needed to boil apples? It is best to take a stainless steel container. In enamel, jam often burns, and in aluminum or copper it oxidizes.

Apple jam, a simple recipe

A recipe that even beginners can succeed in. It is done very quickly, in the evening you can already try jam with tea or even make pies.

We will need:

  • 1 kg apples of any variety
  • 1 kg sugar

Making apple jam

In this option, you don’t have to cut out the seeds; they will remain in the sieve, so don’t do extra work.

Place the apples cut into slices into a cooking container and add water to lightly cover them. Place on the stove and simmer for ten minutes, let cool slightly, drain the water, of course. Then simply rub all the apples through a sieve.

Pour sugar into the resulting brew, first turn on medium heat, after boiling, turn it to low and cook, standing nearby and stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula.

The jam is cooked for about half an hour, sometimes less or more depending on the juiciness of the apples. If you constantly stir it while cooking, the mass will be homogeneous, evenly cooked, and transparent caramel color. To make sure it’s ready, drop a little mixture onto the saucer and start swirling it, does the drop hold its shape? Then you can put it in jars.

Thick apple jam for the winter

You can make apple jam of any consistency, some like it liquid, while others like it thick enough to stand up to a spoon. This is what we will prepare.

To do this you need:

  • A kilo of apples
  • Glass of sugar

The process of making jam

Wash the apples and cut them into two halves, cutting out the seeds too. You can grate the apples, or grind them in a meat grinder - whatever suits you. Transfer the resulting mass into a saucepan in which you will cook the jam, but you don’t need to add water, the juice that has been released will be enough.

We begin to gradually heat the apple mass, not forgetting to stir. When it softens and the pieces become transparent, you can grind it again with a blender. Next, immediately pour in the sugar and cook over low heat for about 40 minutes until tender. The jam will darken and become thick, after which we put it into jars.

Apple jam in a slow cooker

Thanks to this indispensable assistant in the kitchen, life has become more enjoyable; a multicooker saves us so much time, because we don’t have to keep watch, stir, or be afraid that it will run away or burn.

We will need:

  • A kilo of apples
  • Half a kilo of sugar
  • Half a lemon

How to cook apple jam in a slow cooker

Rinse the apples under running water, remove the skin and core and cut into thin slices. Now we transfer it to a multi-cooker bowl, pour a third of a glass of water into it and bring it to a soft state in the baking mode.

We check with a fork, if the apples begin to fall apart, we crush them or chop them with a blender, mix them with sugar and squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Now all that remains is to close the lid and, choosing the same baking mode, cook our jam for an hour. When the time is right, look into the slow cooker and check for readiness. The jam is placed into jars while hot.

White filling apple jam, recipe

This option is ideal for serving with desserts. If the jam will be used for baking various pastries, then the jam should be boiled longer - about 20 minutes until almost completely thickened.

You will need the following products:

  • Apple varieties White filling- 2 kilograms
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoons

How to make jam from apples White filling

Wash the apples, remove seeds and cores and cut into quarters. Add sugar to the apples in a 2 to 1 ratio and mix well.

The candied apples should sit for about 30 minutes until they release juice. After that, heat them over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring.

When all the sugar has dissolved, grind the heated apples in a blender until smooth.

Then add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and return the brew to the heat. Cook for 10 minutes.

Roll the hot jam into jars and place in a cool, dark place for a couple of hours.

This jam can be served with pancakes and pancakes, added to baked goods, or simply eaten with tea. Bon appetit!

Apple and apricot jam

This jam is best prepared from sweet and sour apples and fully ripe apricots. This jam is useful for soaking pancakes and filling various baked goods.

To make jam for the winter, pack it hot in sterilized jars.

Ingredients for making jam:

  • Apples – 600 grams
  • Apricots - 300 grams
  • Sugar – 1 kg


Wash the apples, peel them, remove the core and seeds. Grind in a food processor (attachment - metal blade).

Place the apple chips in a saucepan, add the apricot puree (grind the pitted apricots in the same food processor).

Boil for 20 minutes, stirring constantly.

Grind the mixture using a blender until pureed. Add sugar.

Boil for 20-25 minutes, stirring constantly.

The apple and apricot jam is ready. This jam can be prepared for the winter by pouring it into sterilized jars and closing with sterilized lids.

September is the time for harvesting and preparing it. various dishes that will delight you all year long. And one of these dishes is jam. When, for example, there is a large harvest of apples, processing them into jam is the best way out. In general, apple jam is a traditional and familiar product for many, but jam is not only made from apples...

Jam is made from apples, pears, plums, apricots, dogwoods and other fruits. It can be brewed from any fruits and berries or from a mixture of various fruits.

First, the fruits are washed, the seeds are removed, and, where possible, the peel is removed. The fruits are cut and placed in a saucepan, with a little water poured into the bottom. Cover the pan with a lid and cook until the fruits are completely softened (10 - 20 minutes at a boil).

Then the boiled fruits are rubbed through a sieve, a colander with small holes, or ground using a mixer.

Received fruit puree mixed with sugar. For 1 cup (part) of puree, take 1 cup (part) of sugar. If the fruits are sweet, you can add 1.2 - 1.5 parts of puree to 1 part of sugar. In general, the more sugar you use for the same mass of puree, the denser the jam turns out.

After the puree is mixed with sugar, the jam is boiled in a bowl with an open lid until the mass becomes thick. Cooking lasts about an hour (maybe a little over an hour). To make the jam more aromatic and light, it must be boiled as quickly as possible. The more sugar, the faster the puree boils.

But during cooking, you need to constantly stir and make sure that the puree does not burn. It is best to cook jam not on open fire, but in a water bath. Then there is a greater chance that the mass will not burn.

For the bath, take another large pan. Water is poured into it with salt added (at the rate of 1 glass of salt per 2 liters of water). A wooden grate is placed at the bottom of a large saucepan and a smaller saucepan containing the puree is placed on it (as a last resort, if there is no wire rack, you can carefully place a thick cloth instead).

If you intend to store the jam for a long time, the hot jam should be placed in clean, dry, sterilized glass jars (carefully) and immediately sealed with sterilized lids. If the jam is intended for immediate consumption, it is also placed hot in glass or clay jars. When it cools down and a film forms on the surface, close the top of the jars parchment paper or plastic wrap and tie or cover with a lid and leave in a cool, dry place.

Bon appetit!

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Apples are a frequent guest on our table, especially in late summer and early autumn. I think that every housewife asks herself the question of how to prepare them for the winter. It is best to eat apples fresh, but not all varieties store well; in city apartments there is often not enough space to store fruit, and the price of apples in winter is not encouraging.

So what to do? Avoid pies with apple filling, delicious apple pies, desserts, compotes?

In no case!

Apple jam “White filling”


  • 1 kg of apples “white filling”;
  • 750 grams of sugar.


To begin, take 1 kg of white apples and rinse them with running water. After this, peel and core the fruits. Cut into small pieces (I cut into cubes, and you - as you wish). Then cover everything with sugar and leave for at least 12 hours. Then put on the fire and cook for 10 minutes: boil and set aside for 6 hours. After the specified time, the procedure must be repeated. And do this three times every six hours. The third time, when you boil for 10 minutes, stir constantly so that the jam does not burn, as it will already become quite thick. Place in dry jars and roll up. Once completely cooled, place in the pantry or cellar. Or just to a cool place in your home. The jam made from White filling apples is very tasty and has a beautiful color.

Jam from Antonovka

How about making a wonderful apple delicacy from the most popular variety - Antonovka? Believe me, you will not regret if you choose this recipe. It is simple, although the cooking process will be lengthy. Let's find out right now how to make Antonovka amber jam.


  • 2 kg of Antonovka apples;
  • 3.5 kg granulated sugar(why are you surprised, Antonovka is usually sour);
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice.


Wash the apples intended for jam, cut off the peel, cut the fruits themselves into pieces, water lemon juice, add water and simmer until soft. It is advisable to simmer until you see fruit “porridge” instead of a piece of apples and water. After which you can remove the pan with this mass from the heat, work on it a little with an immersion blender (to make it homogeneous) and only now add sugar. And then, as usual, cook the jam, stirring, over low heat. Roll into sterile jars only after noticeable thickening.

Apple jam in the oven


  • 1.5 kilograms of apples;
  • 700 grams of sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.


The difference in this recipe from the others is that you will add sugar based on the amount of puree, not apples. So, wash the apples, peel and core them, cut each apple into 5-6 pieces. Pour in water and cook over low heat until soft. Grind the fruit through a sieve and place the resulting puree in aluminum pan. Add sugar: 700 grams per 1 kg applesauce. Mix everything, cover with a lid and place in the oven at 200 degrees until it boils. Then reduce the temperature to 70 degrees and cook for three hours. After this time, the jam should become reddish in color, if this is the case, then your apple jam is ready. Then take it out and pour it into jars and roll it up. It is very important to roll the jam while it is still hot, because then it will become thick and it will not be so convenient to put it in jars. Can be stored in any cool place.

Apple jam “From childhood”


  • 1 kilogram of ripe apples;
  • 600 grams of sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.


Wash the apples very well and peel and core them. Slice small pieces, can be cubes or slices, add 600 grams of sugar and pour 250 ml of water. Leave the future jam in the pan for 6 hours so that the fruit releases its juice. After the specified time has passed, put the saucepan on the fire and cook for 1.5 hours, stirring constantly. The apples will almost boil, you will know that the jam is ready when it sticks to the sides of the container. Using a masher or hand blender, puree the jam mixture. After this procedure, cook for another 10 minutes, then pour into dry and clean jars and roll up. Turn the jars of jam over and wrap them in a blanket. In this form, let it stand until next day. Then transfer to a cool place in the house or cellar. This is actually a recipe for classic apple jam.

Apple jam through a meat grinder


  • 1 kg apples;
  • 600 grams of sugar;
  • 100 ml of drinking water.


Apples must be sorted carefully. Can only be used for making jam ripe fruits no obvious signs of damage. Rinse the selected apples thoroughly with ice-cold running water. It is necessary to remove the skin from each fruit in a neat thin layer. Divide the peeled fruit into two equal parts and remove the core from the apple.

Cut each fruit into small slices and place in an enamel container, pour drinking water. Place the container on small fire and cook for twenty minutes under the lid. Cooking time may increase or decrease depending on the variety of apples. In any case, the product can be considered ready if the apples are boiled. Once the fruits have reached the desired consistency, they must be allowed to cool, and then, while still warm, passed through a meat grinder. Place the chopped apples in another enamel pan or a deep bowl. Add sugar to them, actively connect everything together and place on the stove. During the cooking process, the apple mass must be constantly stirred and carefully monitored so that the jam does not burn under any circumstances, as this will greatly affect not only the color and aroma of the dessert, but will also significantly spoil taste qualities product.

Immediately after the jam begins to boil, the heat must be reduced even further and cooking continued for 45 minutes. Look for significant thickening as an indicator of readiness. Already ready-made jam Cool slightly, pour into pre-prepared and sterilized containers, and preserve in the traditional way.

Apple jam in a slow cooker


  • 1 kilogram of apples;
  • sugar 2 cups;
  • lemon - half;


Wash the apples, peel and core them. Do not throw away the peel, it will be useful for preparing a decoction. Place the fruit cut into pieces into the multicooker bowl and add 1/3 cup of water. Dear girls, do not fill the bowl to the top, but only halfway, otherwise the jam may boil over. Set the “Baking” mode for 30 minutes. On the stove, place the peel in a saucepan and pour in the remaining water, bring to a boil and cook for 20-25 minutes. Then decant and you will get a decoction. During this time, the apples in the slow cooker have become soft, mash them until puree. After this, add 2 cups of sugar, pour in the juice of half a lemon, stir and set to cook in the “Baking” mode for another 65 minutes. Cook under the lid, as soon as you see that the desired thickness has been achieved, then turn off the multicooker. Place the jam in a sterilized jar, screw on the lid and wrap until completely cool. Store in a regular pantry, it will last well for a year or more. As you can see, apple jam in a slow cooker - good recipe, after all, when is the best time to hire a kitchen assistant, if not during the season of preparations for the winter?

Apple jam with xylitol

The recipe can be recommended for diabetics and other people who do not want to add apples to preparations. a large number of Sahara. I also recommend taking very sweet apples. There are some varieties that just taste like honey. These are the ones you look for when making jam with xylitol. Please note: you need to add significantly less sweeteners than granulated sugar.


  • 1.2 kg apples;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 110 grams of xylitol.


Wash the apples and thinly cut the peel with a sharp knife. Then cut the peeled fruits into pieces, removing the core and seeds, place in a heat-resistant pan with a thick bottom, pour in half a glass of water and simmer the fruit until soft. Grind the apple slices that have become completely soft using a blender, add xylitol, stir and cook for about half an hour. Try to stir the future jam more often, and when it becomes thick, close it in sterile jars and roll it up.


  • 1 kilogram of apples;
  • 800 grams of sugar;
  • 1 glass of drinking water;
  • cinnamon 0.5 teaspoon.


Wash and peel and core the apples and cut into slices. In a separate bowl, dissolve one glass of sugar in one glass of water. When the sugar has dissolved, pour the syrup over the apple pieces and cook over low heat, gradually adding the rest of the sugar. Cook, stirring constantly, until all the sugar has dissolved. Then remove from heat and cool completely. After cooling completely, put it back on the heat and add cinnamon. Bring to a boil and cook over the same low heat until the jam is ready. It should be thick and almost homogeneous. I’ll tell you right away - it’s a long time. To speed up the process, the jam can be ground in a hand blender and then boiled for 15-20 minutes. Don't forget to stir the product while cooking. Remove from heat and wait for the jam to cool completely. Fill the jars and close the lids. It is advisable to store in a cool place.

Pear and apple jam


  • apples 2 kg;
  • pears 1 kg;
  • sugar 2 kg.


As usual, wash the apples and pears under cold running water before cooking. Peel and core the fruit. Cut the apples into small pieces, add half a glass of water and place on low heat. While stirring, watch - when the apples become soft, immediately add sugar to them and cook over the same heat for 15-20 minutes. Add the pears to the jam, first grate them on a coarse grater. And cook until full readiness another 30 minutes, constantly stirring the jam thickening before your eyes. Then pour into dry and sterilized jars, roll up and cool. For peace of mind, you can wrap it in a warm blanket for a day. Store in a cool place. The jam made from apples and pears is very beautiful, tender and tasty.

Apple and apricot jam

A great opportunity is to combine apricots and apples in one jar. Yes, not to cook something vague, but to cook real jam. Thick and very tasty. I use it as a filling for pies.


  • 3 kg apricots;
  • 1 kg apples;
  • 2 kg sugar.


Wash the apples (peeled) and apricots, remove the seeds from the apricots, then boil them separately with a small amount water until soft. Cool, rub through a sieve. Mix fruit puree with sugar and cook until desired thickness. Place in sterile jars and seal tightly. Boiling for too long will affect the color of the jam, so it is better to cook it in small portions for 40-50 minutes. The real thickness appears in this product during storage.

Jam from apples and zucchini for the winter

Don't be put off by the name, it's very tasty and... aromatic preparation, which will help you save money. Especially if you have to buy apples not cheap. But at the height of summer, zucchini, as a rule, sells quite inexpensively, so calculate for yourself what savings you get - for every kilogram of apples we take 3 kilograms of zucchini and 2 lemons.


  • 3 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 kg apples;
  • 2 large lemons;
  • 4 kg granulated sugar;
  • A little lemon zest optional.


Wash the apples and zucchini, peel them and cut them into small cubes. Add sugar and leave for half a day until the juice appears. Then stir and start cooking over medium heat. When the mixture boils, reduce the heat and simmer until the pieces soften. Then remove from heat briefly, grind in a blender along with the peeled lemon pulp and cook further until thickened. It's very interesting to watch how boiled zucchini turns into... fragrant jam. Of course, with apple flavor. But if you want to add a citrus note, a little lemon zest before you put the jam into jars won't hurt.

In conclusion, I can say that this is only a small part of the jam recipes that you can use. I hope you liked them all. I would be grateful if any of you, my precious readers, would share your signature recipes apple jam for the winter.
