Adjika with apples for the winter: sweet and sour sauce for all occasions. The best adjika recipes with apples for the winter. Adjika homemade delicious. Recipe for spicy adjika with tomatoes and apples

1. Dill with parsley wash, dry and cut off from sticks, 15 grams of leaves each.

2. Garlic in the amount of 200 g (I got exactly 8 heads), peel and set aside in a separate plate.

3. Wash the red hot pepper and cut off the green stem. Gutting from the seeds is not necessary!

4. Wash and clean carrots. I got 4 huge carrots per kilogram.

5. Wash the bell pepper and remove the insides.

6. Wash and skin the tomatoes. I made a cross cut of the skin on top of each tomato and lowered 4 pieces into boiled water for 20-30 seconds. He took out tomatoes from the water and quickly removed the skin with his hands. Hot but effective! Then cut into 2-4 parts and remove the stem.

7. Peel apples for adjika, cut in half and remove the core. It is better to choose a sour and dense variety of apples.

8. Prepare vegetable oil(1 tbsp.), Sugar (2/3 tbsp.), Salt (no more than 2 tbsp. Without a slide).

9. Next is very important point and the answer to the question: “What is the best way to make adjika - grind in a blender or pass through a meat grinder?” The answer is unequivocal - through a meat grinder! Then it will be thicker and more palatable due to small lumps of vegetables. And in a blender you get a homogeneous liquid. This is not only my confirmation of reality, as many respond and do not recommend doing it in a blender.

Scroll through a meat grinder: sweet peppers, tomatoes, apples and carrots. Merge everything into stainless steel pan or cast iron pot. Bring to a boil and cook for 60-70 minutes without closing the lid. It is necessary to boil down the future homemade adjika a little and let the excess liquid evaporate.

10. Separately, in a bowl, first mince parsley with dill, then hot pepper and garlic.

11. After an hour, add sugar, salt, sunflower oil to the boiled mixture, and also add separately scrolled hot peppers, garlic and herbs. Mix adjika well, bring to a boil and remove from heat. It is at the very end that it is necessary to put these ingredients so that the pepper and garlic do not evaporate and give the desired result.

12. Wash jars, sterilize with lids and roll adjika from tomatoes and apples for the winter and not just one, since it can be stored in a cool place (basement) for up to 2 years!

Enjoy your meal! And for those who want to cook the most spicy adjika in the traditional way, Abkhaz recipe see the video below.

Adjika is an excellent seasoning that makes meat dishes much tastier. original recipe Kushanya was born in sunny Abkhazia.

Traditional Abkhaz adjika- This is a spicy thick paste of red (or green unripe) hot peppers, garlic, nut butter, salt and a variety of herbs - marjoram, saffron, fenugreek, oregano, cilantro and many, many others. In our country, it is still customary to add tomatoes to it, sweet pepper, bulk apples, carrots and many other vegetables.

There are a lot of options for preparing adjika - choose any.

This condiment is eaten with almost anything. Adjika with apples, tomatoes and carrots can easily turn a bland and ordinary dish into cooking masterpiece. And how it complements barbecue, kebab, and just a piece of meat! ..

Adjika is a healthy dish. It has a tonic effect on blood vessels, adds vitality and increases sexual strength.

Adjika with apples, tomatoes and carrots - general principles of cooking

Precise prescription no one knows adjika, since Abkhaz housewives have always loved to experiment and add something of their own. But experiments are experiments, and traditions are more expensive, therefore, even among Abkhaz women prone to originality, the hand never rose to change the main ingredients of the seasoning.

Hot red pepper is the main component of the "traditional" adjika. Moreover, you can use its unripe green pods, which are not yet so sharp.

Red pepper adjika is the hottest. It is seasoned with fried meat and baked poultry. Adjika from green pepper is a little softer. It is put in stewed meat dishes and vegetable stews.

Another important seasoning ingredient is garlic. It makes it spicier and keeps it fresh longer. Garlic is crushed and added to adjika at the end of its preparation.

Not everyone likes too spicy adjika, so other, not so hot vegetables are put in it. Bulgarian pepper is the most popular of them.

Nowadays, tomatoes are added to adjika, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise it will lose its unique taste.

Add apples to adjika. They help balance the acid in the seasoning and give unusual aroma.

When you want adjika to be sweetish and not so spicy, they put more carrots and bell peppers in it.

Seasoning is easy to make. It is necessary to chop all vegetables and fruits and boil them. Important condition- we take fleshy and ripe tomatoes, apples - well ripened.

The seasoning is placed in sterile jars and wrapped for a day.

There are ways to cook adjika without boiling. But this seasoning is stored for a short time.

Adjika will not spoil if kept in the refrigerator or cellar.

Recipe 1. Adjika with apples, tomatoes and carrots "Forget-me-not"


Five kg of tomatoes;

0.6 kg of bell pepper;

Red pepper (sharper) - two pieces;

Two garlic heads;

0.7 kg of onion;

Three carrots;

0.15 kg of parsley;

0.7 l vegetable oil;

Salt (one tablespoon);

Six black and allspice peppers;

1 table. teaspoon dry herbs

Cooking method:

Let's wash the vegetables first. Then we clean them up.

Grind all vegetables in a meat grinder.

Finely chop the parsley and add to the vegetables.

Add unrefined vegetable oil and one tbsp. a spoonful of herbs, and then salt.

Now we put black and fragrant peppers. We simmer our adjika over low heat for three hours.

Finally, pour it into sterilized jars and roll up. Flip the glass container. We are waiting for their contents to cool completely.

We send adjika to the storage place.

Recipe 2. Adjika with apples, tomatoes and carrots "Summer dream on a winter night"


A kilogram of carrots and apples;

3 kilograms of tomatoes;

One kg of sweet pepper;

0.2 kg of garlic;

Two capsicums (necessarily hot);

Half a glass of salt;

For two st. spoons of vinegar and sugar;

One glass of sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

Cut off the peel from apples and carrots.

We take out the seed box from fruits and sweet peppers.

Remove the skin from the tomatoes and chop them.

In a blender, finely chop apples, carrots, peppers and tomatoes (you can chop with a meat grinder, and with a grater too).

Transfer all vegetables to a bowl. Simmer over low heat for approximately 45 minutes.

Add sugar and salt, pour vinegar and oil.

Simmer another ten minutes.

Chop the garlic, capsicum and add them to the saucepan. Stir and simmer adjika for another five minutes.

Then we lay out the seasoning in sterile jars and tightly twist.

Recipe 3. Adjika with apples, tomatoes and carrots "Gourmet Happiness"


Two kg of tomatoes;

One kilogram of bell pepper;

Half a kilo of sour apples and carrots;

Two garlic heads;

Bitter pepper (enough 100 gr.);

Black pepper (as much as you like)

A glass (one) of sunflower oil;

Salt (the amount of your choice).

Cooking method:

We clean all our vegetables for adjika.

We pass all this stuff through a meat grinder or send it to a blender.

Then add sunflower oil, black pepper and salt.

We cook our adjika for 2.5 hours, stirring it occasionally.

We roll up and send for storage.

Recipe 4. Adjika with apples, tomatoes and carrots "Field Tale"


A kilogram of carrots, and pepper (Bulgarian);

hot pepper(about 4 pods);

Three apples;

Half a handful of plums;

Three heads of garlic;

Half a bunch of parsley and dill;

Half a glass olive oil;

Half a glass of vinegar;

Salt (2 tablespoons);

Sugar (1 tablespoon);

2½ kg tomatoes.

Cooking method:

Wash and dry vegetables.

Remove all seeds from apples and peppers.

Remove the skins from tomatoes, carrots and garlic.

Now we “instruct” the blender or meat grinder to chop the tomatoes.

Take a large saucepan and heat the oil in it. Add tomatoes and boil a little (the mass should turn out not quite liquid).

Grind the pepper in a blender and put it in a saucepan.

In the same blender, we process carrots, apples and plums (before removing the seeds from them) and send them to the vegetables. Let's cook it all for a while.

Finally, put the greens and garlic (chopped in a blender). We cook our adjika for another 5 minutes.

Add to seasoning sweet ingredient, salt and vinegar (preferably grape).

We lay out adjika in sterilized jars and roll it up.

We turn the glass container over and wrap it with something (for example, a blanket).

When the adjika cools down, you can start eating it!

Recipe 5. Adjika with apples, tomatoes and carrots "Visiting Mom"


Five pods of hot pepper;

One kg of sweet pepper;

Two kilograms of tomatoes;

One kg of carrots and apples;

One glass of vegetable oil;

Three garlic heads;

An incomplete glass of sugar;

50 gr. salt;

Ten sprigs of cilantro and dill.

Cooking method:

We wash vegetables and herbs.

We clean the garlic cloves.

We clean carrots. Remove the insides from the bell pepper. We do not remove seeds from hot pepper!

Remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut into pieces, get rid of the stalks.

We take apples, peel them, cut them in half and remove the core.

We prepare (putting in a separate bowl) salt, vegetable oil and sugar.

We send carrots, apples, sweet peppers, as well as tomatoes into a meat grinder.

We put the crushed mass in a stainless steel pan. Bring to a boil and cook for an hour. At the same time, we do not close the lid so that the excess liquid evaporates, and our future adjika is slightly boiled down.

We send parsley and dill to the meat grinder, and then hot pepper and garlic. I put them in a bowl.

In the prepared mixture (after an hour of cooking), add oil (sunflower), ground garlic, hot pepper, dill and parsley. Add more sugar and salt.

We mix adjika well, wait until it boils and that's it - it's ready.

We sterilize the jars and roll our yummy in them.

Recipe 6. Adjika with apples, tomatoes and carrots "Summer in winter"


200 gr. onions and carrots;

One apple is sour;

One kg of tomatoes;

One chili pepper (7-8 cm long);

One and a half tablespoons of salt;

One and a half heads of garlic;

Three Art. spoons of sugar;

80 ml vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

We clean vegetables. Cut them up so that it is easier to grind them later.

We send apples, onions, carrots, tomatoes and peppers to a meat grinder. Put the resulting mixture in a saucepan.

Cooking on medium heat. When it starts to boil, reduce the fire to a minimum and so cook our adjika for one hour. Stir it so it doesn't boil.

After 45 minutes from the beginning of cooking on low heat, put vegetable oil, garlic pieces, sugar and salt.

When the dish is almost ready, add salt (if necessary).

We put hot adjika in a sterile glass container. Let's roll it up.

We wrap the inverted jars with something warm (a blanket, for example). We wait until they cool down, and hide.

Recipe 7. Adjika with apples, tomatoes and carrots "Noble"


Five kg of tomatoes (and to be sure to ripen);

One kg of Bulgarian pepper and carrots;

One kilo of apples (and be sure to be sour-sour);

For two st. tablespoons of pepper (red, hot) and salt.

0.2 kg of sugar;

Vegetable oil (maximum 400 ml);

Cooking method:

We wash vegetables and fruits in water.

Remove the inside of the peppers and apples.

We clean the carrots.

Remove the skin from the tomatoes (for this, pour the tomatoes with boiling water, keep them in it for about 5 minutes).

We chop our vegetables and fruits in a meat grinder.

We load them into a bowl.

We put spices and salt, butter and sugar. We cook the whole thing for 3 hours until we get the desired consistency.

We pour adjika into sterilized jars, carefully roll it up and wrap it warmly.

Adjika with apples, tomatoes and carrots - tricks and tips

    If you want adjika to be sharper, and capsicum, unfortunately, is not at hand, you just need to add ground red pepper to it.

    Acetic acid better to replace with grape or apple cider vinegar. Then adjika will be not only tastier, but also healthier.

    Hot pepper can burn your hands, so it is advisable to use household gloves when preparing adjika.

    Pepper and garlic are excellent preservatives, the more of them in adjika, the longer it will not deteriorate.

An excellent vitamin addition to meat, cereals and vegetables is adjika.

This dish is popular in many countries, as its taste gives piquancy. Adjika can be used in the preparation of some first courses.

Adjika with apples for the winter - general principles of cooking

This sauce is an Abkhazian condiment, which was originally made from capsicum, garlic and various herbs. But over time, the recipes for making this sauce have changed, transforming into other delicious and savory seasonings.

Adjika is prepared on the basis of vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, apples, carrots. Various herbs are also added to it, most often, it is parsley, dill, basil and others, which add spice and piquancy.

Apples should be taken dense, juicy and sour, ideally - Antonovka. Soft and sweet varieties of apples for adjika are not suitable.

So, to prepare adjika, you need to grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder - in no case do you need to resort to cooking with a blender. This will spoil the pleasant taste of small lumps of vegetables and herbs. Adjika will no longer be adjika if all the vegetables are mashed. It is necessary to bring the sauce to readiness on fire, and then use it for food or close it for the winter.

Recipe 1: Adjika with apples for the winter (popular)

This recipe is popular with housewives, as it is easy to prepare and very tasty.

Required Ingredients:

  • Tomatoes - two kg;
  • 1 kg of bell pepper, it is better to use red, so that it matches the main color of the sauce;
  • Apples with a sweet and sour taste - 500 g;
  • There are as many carrots as there are apples;
  • 100 g of hot pepper, you need to carefully add this ingredient if you do not like a very spicy taste;
  • Garlic - 200 g, if you want to get more piquancy, you can add more;
  • Sunflower oil - one glass;
  • Black pepper and salt to your taste.

Cooking method:

Vegetables need to be cleaned. It is better to peel apples and tomatoes so that there is no pomace in the sauce.

Grind all the ingredients and add sunflower oil, salt and ground pepper.

Then put everything in a saucepan and stir, cook for 2.5 hours.

Having brought to readiness, you need to roll it up in sterilized jars or simply lay it out and close it with a nylon lid.

From the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe, 6 cans of 0.5 liters are obtained.

Recipe 2: Adjika with apples for the winter of fast food

The next option for preparing adjika with apples for the winter is a godsend for busy housewives, because it cooks much faster.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples, carrots and sweet peppers - one kilogram each;
  • Tomatoes - they need 3 kg;
  • Hot pepper (capsicum) - 1-2 pieces, depending on the desired spiciness;
  • Garlic - approximately 200 g;
  • Salt - one tablespoon;
  • Sugar and vinegar - two tablespoons each;
  • Sunflower oil - one glass.

Cooking method:

To prepare such fast adjika it is necessary to peel the apples, remove the middle ones from them. It is also necessary to peel other vegetables - carrots and peppers, it is better to remove the peel from tomatoes.

All cooked ingredients must be passed through a meat grinder or through a grater. Then put the mixture of vegetables in a saucepan and simmer for 40-45 minutes. After that, add all the above spices, and simmer for another 5-10 minutes. At the end add garlic. It is better to add it to adjika with apples for the winter 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, so that the aroma of garlic does not evaporate and it is not lost. beneficial features. After that, the sauce should be decomposed into jars and rolled up. As a result, it takes only 1 hour to prepare, which makes it possible busy housewives With maximum benefit use minimum time.

Recipe 3: Adjika with apples sour-spicy

This seasoning recipe for first courses and meat is suitable for those who love a rich spicy taste. In addition, such adjika has sourness, therefore it perfectly matches dishes from dry poultry.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples - one kilogram, it is better if they are not sweet, but sour;
  • Bell pepper and carrots - all one kg each;
  • Tomatoes - three kg;
  • Garlic - 200 g;
  • Vinegar, sugar, vegetable oil - one glass each;
  • Capsicum - 2-3 pieces;
  • Salt - 5 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

Prepare vegetables for processing, grind or pass through a meat grinder.

Transfer the mixture of vegetables to a saucepan and simmer for 45-50 minutes. After that, you need to add spices, and simmer for another 10-15 minutes.

As in the previous recipe, garlic must be put almost at the end of the preparation of adjika with apples for the winter. The mixture with garlic should be thoroughly mixed so that all the ingredients are saturated with aroma.

After adding garlic, simmer for another 5 minutes and arrange in sterilized jars.

Recipe 4: Adjika with apples for the winter with pepper without preservation

A modified adjika recipe without tomatoes, but with apples, came from Moldova. From the listed ingredients, 5 liters of seasoning are obtained.

Required Ingredients:

  • Sweet pepper - three kg;
  • Hot pepper - 0.5 kg;
  • Carrots and apples, red or green - 0.5 kg each;
  • Sunflower oil - 0.5 l
  • Garlic in this recipe needs a lot - 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar - one tablespoon;
  • Salt - added to taste;
  • A bunch of cilantro or parsley.

Cooking method:

It takes about 2 hours of free time to prepare such adjika.

It is necessary to prepare all vegetables for processing - wash and peel.

Peppers of two types need to be chopped in a meat grinder, and carrots and apples - grated, then cut the garlic or pass through a garlic crusher.

Add chopped greens.

This mixture does not need to be simmered.

It should be thoroughly mixed, distributed in jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5: Cooking adjika with apples for the winter with herbs

This recipe has a particularly savory taste due to the addition of a large amount of herbs.

Required Ingredients:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 0.5 kg;
  • Tomatoes - one kg;
  • Carrots - two pieces;
  • Hot pepper - three pieces;
  • One apple;
  • A bunch of basil and cilantro;
  • Garlic - one medium head;
  • Salt - one teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Vinegar 5% - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Prepare all vegetables and apples - wash, peel. Tomatoes can not be freed from the peel if they are processed by a blender. The rest of the ingredients can be rubbed on a grater or meat grinder.

Load the mixture of vegetables into the pan, simmer for 40 minutes after boiling.

Then you should add finely chopped greens and garlic along with spices.

At the very end, you need to add vinegar and distribute it among the jars.

They must be sterilized before loading jars.

Recipe 6: Spicy adjika with apples for the winter

Ingredients for spicy adjika with apples for the winter echo previous recipes. But they are contained in a different proportion, which makes it spicy and different from other recipes.

Required Ingredients:

  • Sweet peppers, carrots, apples - cook 1 kilogram of all these ingredients;
  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • Capsicum hot pepper - five pods;
  • Garlic - 6-8 heads;
  • Parsley and dill - 15 g each;
  • Sunflower oil - one glass;
  • Salt - approximately 35 g (this is up to 2 tablespoons);
  • Sugar - two thirds of a glass.

Cooking method:

Prepare the greens - tear off the leaves from the sticks, cook the garlic, put separately along with the greens. Red peppers need to be washed and the stem cut off, but it is not necessary to free them from the seeds. Peel the peppers, tomatoes and carrots from the peel and insides. Apples should also be peeled.

Mix vegetables, apples and spices, transfer to a saucepan and simmer for 1 hour.

Make a mixture of green garlic and red pepper. These ingredients must be ground in a meat grinder in the described sequence.

After an hour of stewing adjika, add salt, butter and sugar. When the seasoning boils, turn off the fire.

It is after the end of the stew that you need to add a separate mixture of herbs, pepper and garlic.

Mix thoroughly and roll up.

Recipe 7: Adjika from green apples for the winter with onions

In this recipe, be sure to use only green apples. Together with onions and sweet peppers, a refined, unobtrusive, spicy taste is obtained.

Required Ingredients:

  • Green apples, carrots, sweet peppers, onions - prepare the ingredients for one kilogram;
  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • Hot pepper - 2 pods;
  • Garlic and vegetable oil - 200 g each;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Salt - add to your taste.

Cooking method:

Peel apples only from seeds, green peel should remain on them.

Pass vegetables, peeled from excess peel and entrails, through a meat grinder.

Boil the prepared mixture for 45-50 minutes.

After the vegetables are stewed, you need to add red pepper, chopped garlic and the rest of the ingredients.

After adding all the ingredients, simmer adjika for another 10 minutes.

Then you need to put adjika with apples in sterilized jars and roll up.

Recipe 8: Adjika with apples for the winter with wine

The recipe for this seasoning is not very common, although the sauce is very healthy and tasty. The preparation of such adjika is slightly different from all other recipes.

Required Ingredients:

  • Red wine - one glass;
  • Medium-sized tomatoes - 8-10 pcs;
  • Green apples - four pieces;
  • Red large paprika - 1 pc;
  • Fresh hot pepper - one piece;
  • Chili sauce - 1 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - add to taste, approximately 1 cup;
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons (add to taste)

Cooking method:

Apples need to be peeled from the crust and the middle. They must be cut into pieces, put in a bowl, covered with sugar and poured with wine. Apples should be completely covered, but it is better not to overdo it with wine, as the taste of adjika will change. Put the covered fruit on the fire for 5 minutes so that they absorb the wine and soften.

Prepare the rest of the vegetables - wash, peel, cut into small pieces.

After the apples have boiled, they can be chopped with a blender or passed through a meat grinder. They should turn into a non-liquid puree.

Then you need to mix all the ingredients, bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes, adding chili sauce and red pepper at the very end.

After removing from heat, the mixture should be left for 10 minutes to infuse.

Then you can distribute it in jars, or let it cool and send it to the refrigerator for storage.

This adjika recipe is perfect for meat dishes, ratatouille, salads and even sandwiches.

Recipe 9: Georgian adjika recipe with apples for the winter

This adjika is unique due to the content of pure Georgian herbs. They give the sauce southern shades and spicy taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Carrots - three pieces;
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • Sweet pepper - five pieces;
  • Sour green apples - three pieces;
  • Sunflower oil - half a glass;
  • Garlic - one head;
  • Hot pepper - 1-2 pods;
  • cilantro - half a bunch;
  • Tarragon - one teaspoon;
  • Salt is added to taste.

Cooking method:

The sauce for this recipe is prepared in almost the same way as the previous adjika recipes.

Free all vegetables and apples from the peel and core. Finely chop or grind them.

Mince the garlic. If you want to achieve more piquant taste, the amount of garlic can be increased.

Putting all the chopped ingredients in a saucepan, simmer them for 30 minutes.

Adjika according to this recipe can not be rolled up, but put in the refrigerator (in the cellar) until winter.

Recipe 10: Adjika with apples and plums for the winter

Do you think it is impossible to make the tastiest fruit out of fruit? hot seasoning to meat? So you are very wrong! Next recipe is evidence of this.

Required Ingredients:

  • Fresh plums - 2 kg;
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • Green apples - 500 g;
  • Hot pepper - one pod;
  • Bulgarian pepper and onion - 500 g;
  • Garlic - 500 g;
  • Salt and sugar - one and a half glasses.

Cooking method:

Plums must be boiled, then rubbed through a sieve or colander.

Prepare all vegetables: peel, remove cores. It is better to remove the skin from the tomato.

Twist onions, tomatoes, peppers, paprika and apples in a meat grinder. The resulting mixture must be added to the plums.

Adjika must be boiled for 2 hours over low heat, not forgetting to stir.

Then add chopped garlic, as well as salt and sugar.

Boil the finished mixture of ingredients for another 40 minutes.

After that, distribute among the banks and roll up.

It will turn out a very unusual sweet-spicy adjika.

To evaporate excess water, adjika with apples for the winter is better not to close the lid during stewing. Then the mixture will be rich and thick.

A cold place to store the sauce will help keep the product natural, without mold and puffy lids. Even if adjika freezes a little, it will not change its taste.

Adjika from apples includes quite a large number of ingredients, but by preparing them right away, you can cook such a blank for the winter quite quickly. fresh tomatoes, sweet bell pepper and hot chili, as well as selected apples without worms and spoiled parts, must be thoroughly washed under running water.

Set the greens and garlic aside for now, and chop the washed vegetables large pieces and grind with a meat grinder. Apples and tomatoes should be pre-peeled so that it does not spoil the taste of the finished product. homemade adjika from apples. When the tomato-apple mixture with carrots and sweet pepper turns into a homogeneous red mass, it will need to be mixed well.

Take a deep enamel pan or a cast-iron pot, pour the future apple adjika into it. According to the recipe, it is necessary to set the fire to a medium level. Wait until fragrant mixture comes to a boil, and then cook adjika for about 20 minutes.

Now you can prepare a spicy addition for homemade adjika from minced or minced garlic, finely chopped greens and chili peppers, famous for their rich peppercorns. This recipe can be supplemented with other spices or herbs to your liking if you feel like experimenting a bit.

When apple adjika will be ready for the winter, pour into a saucepan with fragrant sauce prepared spices and herbs, mix the products and remove them from the heat. As soon as the adjika cools down, it can be served at the table or closed for the winter. To do this, sterilize glass jars along with covers. It is better to do this in advance, since you need to roll up adjika while it is still hot.

Divide the spiced apple and tomato sauce evenly over the prepared jars. If you have a container with twist-on lids, it is enough to tightly scroll them all the way and turn the cans upside down. FROM simple lids you can't do without a locking key.

Turn the finished preservation over and cool completely. Only after that delicious adjika prepared according to this recipe can be sent to the cellar or stored in the refrigerator. This appetizer and sauce rolled into one is sure to please the whole family. Adjika is not only very tasty, but also healthy, so you can eat it in unlimited quantities. Enjoy your meal!
