Apricot jelly for the winter. Apricots in jelly: making unusual jam

Apricot jelly is one of the few sweet dishes that is liked not only by children, but also by adults. Thanks to him taste qualities And beneficial properties it is in considerable demand.

Apricots are one of the few fruits that are endowed not only great taste and aroma, but also very beneficial for the body. Apricot jelly for the winter is one of the simplest and easiest ways to quickly and deliciously prepare a dessert. But, unfortunately, the season of these amazing fruits is short-lived, so many modern housewives They try to make as many preparations as possible for the winter, so that later they can enjoy their wonderful taste.

Apricot jelly or jam can be prepared from both fresh and frozen fruits - in any case, the recipe will turn out healthy and rich.

Many photos show that apricot jam for the winter is not only beautiful, but also appetizing - you can safely serve it on the table without fear that you won’t like the dish. The preparation recipe is quick: you only need an hour to prepare several kilograms of fruit.

The benefits of apricot preparations

These fruits, especially in winter, are necessary for the immune system (especially for children). Apricots are great for treating anemia, as they contain a lot of iron. Potassium, which is part of the fruit, strengthens bones and heart muscle, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body.

It is impossible not to notice that in apricot preparations There is a considerable amount of phosphorus, which properly affects memory and the condition of internal organs.

Apricot jam and jelly are famous for their popularity nowadays: many people buy this delicacy not only to serve it with tea, but also to saturate the body useful substances and microelements, of which there are many in natural jelly. But, unfortunately, dyes and flavor enhancers are often added to store-bought products, saving on fruit.

Therefore, it would be better to prepare your own, homemade jam, which will be endowed a huge amount vitamins, and it will also turn out aromatic, rich and very tasty.

What products can be added to the recipe?

In addition to apricots and sugar, many modern housewives add many ingredients to the recipe to slightly diversify it (many photos of the dessert can tell us this). The most appropriate and popular products are:

  • gelatin
  • berries (currants, gooseberries, strawberries, cherries, raspberries)
  • fruits (apples, bananas, pears)
  • fresh juices

Each ingredient will complement the recipe in its own way and make it very healthy, tasty and nutritious.

To prepare it you will need:

  • kilogram of apricots (you can take overripe ones)
  • glass of water
  • 500 grams of sugar (per liter of puree made)

Cooking method:

Making apricot jelly for the winter is quite simple.

Since apricots contain pectin, overripe fruits can be used to prepare thick jelly, without adding any extraneous products, such as gelatin. Apricots in jam or jelly, as seen in the photo, should be ripe, juicy and with bright skin. Great option- freshly picked fruits that have not had time to wilt slightly and lose most of the juice.

The fruits in this jelly recipe must be taken whole: damaged or bruised ones will not work.

The first step to preparing for the winter is to thoroughly wash the fruit and remove the seeds from them. This is quite simple to do - cut the fruit along the dimple and carefully remove the seed.

Place the prepared fruits in a saucepan, add water (a glass) and cook for about 10 minutes after boiling.

As a result, the apricot should become soft.

Then we transfer the fruits to a colander and let them drain thoroughly. After this, carefully grind the apricots until homogeneous mass, as shown in the photo. If there is any skin left after grinding, remove it from the puree.

You can also grind the fruits using a blender or meat grinder (this method is good if you make a large number of jelly).

Quantity fruit puree after turning into puree should be at least a liter. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan, add sugar and cook over low heat until the jelly has reduced by half in volume. If the fruits are sweet, you can add less sugar.

You can check the readiness of the dish using a saucer, onto which you need to drop a drop of the mixture: if it does not spread, you can remove the jam from the heat and put it in pre-sterilized jars.

That's all - apricot jelly ready for winter. All you have to do is take the jars to the basement as they cool. This recipe The good thing is that the dish turns out very juicy and bright, which can be confirmed by many photos.

I love summer! Especially for the abundance of berries and fruits at the market... When your eyes just run wild and you want to buy everything. I love walking between vegetable stalls, inhaling the aromas of “real” apricots, plums, tomatoes, I love poking around and choosing the most beautiful ones... Thanks to our sellers, they have long been accustomed to my quirks. So many ideas appear right on the market about what to cook, but almost all of them remain there. There’s also just a catastrophic lack of time, and it’s difficult for my family to eat so many desserts every day. It was like that yesterday... I ran to the market ONLY for mozzarella and champignons, for Zhenya’s lasagna, but in the end... there were 1 kg on the table... plums, apricots, cherries, red and black currants, a jar of raspberries and three banana (!). There was some super idea about bananas, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it was. I also surprised the saleswoman when she began to choose the ripest, already discounted apricots. Their intoxicating aroma made me want ice cream... fragrant. By the way, it’s in the freezer, waiting in the wings. There was no time to shoot today (Friday, it’s my spring cleaning day, and here... there are no options), and yesterday it didn’t have time to freeze. But yesterday I made apricot jelly from the remaining puree for ice cream, just a little, but very tasty. And besides, it "posed" with such pleasure, I couldn't stop. Usually I spend no more than 25 minutes photographing one dish, but here it goes.)))

For 3 small glasses you needed:
- 150 ml apricot puree,
- 150 ml heavy cream,
- 3 tbsp sugar (to taste),
- a little lemon juice,
- 1 tbsp gelatin,
- apricots for decoration.

Soak gelatin in 2 tbsp cold water for the time indicated on the package. Heat the cream and dissolve the gelatin in it. Add sugar, stir well. Pour in the puree and lemon juice. Strain everything through a sieve and pour into molds and glasses. Place in the refrigerator until completely set for several hours. Before serving, garnish with apricot slices.

And I had such a wonderful breakfast today... pieces of apricots, yogurt (store-bought, of course, which I usually don’t eat), homemade granola... it was delicious.)))

Number of servings: 4 half liter jars

Cooking method:cooking

Preparation time: 30 min


    apricots 2 kg

    sugar 2 kg

    gelatin 4 tablespoons

    vanilla sugar 1 tbsp

    citric acid 10 gr.

    Cooking process:

  • Step 1

  • Step 2

    How to choose the right fruits for amber jam. We must take slightly unripe fruits that will not be digested and turn into mush. The slices should break easily and separate from the pit.

  • Step 3

    Wash the apricots, divide them into halves and place them in a bowl in one layer.

  • Step 4

    Pour sugar into each half. When the first layer is laid out and sprinkled with sugar, we proceed to laying out the next layer, etc.

    Sprinkle the remaining sugar on top. Leave the jam to release the juice overnight.

  • Step 5

    In the morning, take a saucepan and pour the juice formed overnight into it.

  • Step 6

    Boil it and pour it back into the slices

  • Step 7

    And leave the jam to cool and soak in the juice.

    We repeat the procedure again after a few hours. We do this so that the slices do not boil over and remain intact.

  • Step 8

    Then take 4 tablespoons of gelatin and simply sprinkle the jam with it. We also add it to the jam. citric acid and vanilla sugar.

  • Step 9

    Leave the gelatin to swell properly.

  • Step 10

    Then, carefully stirring the jam so as not to damage the slices, bring it to a boil, but do not boil. Gelatin does not like to last long heat treatment and if the jam is overcooked at this stage, it may become cloudy.

Apricots are valuable fruits for health because they promote hematopoiesis, improve memory, and prevent certain diseases. endocrine system, increase the body's resistance to viral attacks. Preparing them for the winter is a sure way to preserve valuable substances to provide the body with useful nutrition during the cold season. Among the many ways to preserve these fruits, jelly is popular. Let's talk about preparing jelly for the winter. The recipe with gelatin, which we will look at today, allows you to achieve a pleasant consistency of the product.

Choosing fruits for jelly

If you have chosen apricot jelly, then take your choice of fruit seriously. While slightly crushed, overripe fruits might be suitable for jam, they are not suitable for jelly. For this preparation, you need to choose slightly unripe fruits, dense, elastic, and not too juicy. It is these fruits that contain the most pectin fibers, and pectin is known to have gelling properties. Well, now “Popular about health” suggests going directly to a selection of recipes.

Jelly Recipes

Apricot jelly for the winter

Ingredients we will need a little: apricots – 1 kg; sugar – 1 kg.

Fruits should be washed well, laid out on the table with a clean towel. This will allow excess moisture to be collected from them. Then you need to remove the seeds. Place the halves of the fruits in a bowl (enamel), pour granulated sugar layers. After three hours, you will see that the apricots have released juice. Place a bowl on the stove, preferably a large one, so that the moisture evaporates faster. Turn on the fire. Stir the contents, otherwise the product may burn, which will cause bad smell finished product. When our jelly begins to boil, it is necessary to remove the foam. If this is not done, transparency will not be achieved.

Take a blender and carefully puree the apricots, turning them into a homogeneous sweet mass. Skim off the foam again. After boiling, cook the jelly for 40-50 minutes. Its readiness will be indicated by a decrease in the volume of the mass by about a third (excess moisture will evaporate, the product will become thicker). Don't be confused by its consistency - when hot, the jelly is quite liquid, but as it cools it will become much denser. Distribute the treat into jars (sterilized) and roll up. We send the jelly for storage after a day of infusion in the room. Be sure to wrap the pieces so that they cool slowly.

Delicate jelly with apricot gelatin

This recipe from apricots produces a very tasty and beautiful jelly - a homogeneous orange mass without lumps, holds its shape perfectly, you can spread it on bread and not be afraid that it will flow. Plus, 30% less sugar is used here, which means the treat is lower in calories.

Ingredients: 40 g instant gelatin; apricots – 1 kg; sugar – 700 g.

Wash the apricots well, remove the seeds, dividing the fruits into two parts. Place the fruit halves in a saucepan, pour 50 ml of water into it, cover with a lid and turn on the burner. Boil the fruit for a couple of minutes. During this time they will become soft. Now the pulp must be thoroughly ground through a sieve to achieve the most tender consistency. Put it on the fire, add all the sugar. The cooking process for this recipe will not take much time. It is enough for the mixture to boil for 5 minutes. The main thing is that the sugar has time to completely dissolve.

In the meantime, we will dissolve the gelatin. Fill it up warm water, so that the granules are covered with it. Stir the gelatin until it dissolves. Pour it into the jelly in a thin stream, cook for another minute, stirring constantly. When you pour apricot jelly into jars, it will seem liquid to you, but after cooling the product holds its shape perfectly. Seal the jars with lids.

Apricots with gelatin for the winter

Another wonderful recipe, which will be highly appreciated by housewives. At the exit you will receive flavored jelly, in which halves of the fruit are preserved. They can be used to decorate cakes, add to oven pies and other baked goods.

Ingredients still the same - apricots - 1 kg; sugar – 800 g; gelatin (instant) – 40 g.

Wash the fruits and remove the seeds. Place the fruit halves in a large bowl. Mix sugar with gelatin granules. Pour this mixture over the apricots and mix with your hands. After 10 hours, you can put the bowl on the fire and pour in about 50 ml of water if the fruits have not released too much own juice. Now it is important to ensure that the fruit does not burn to the bottom of the dish. It is better to adjust the heat to medium level, and periodically stir the contents with a wooden spatula from bottom to top. Cook the jelly for no more than 6 minutes (after the start of boiling). We seal it in jars. We turn the containers over, put them in a warm place or wrap them in a blanket. After a little over a day, we put the jars away in the cellar.

Apricot jelly – favorite treat many, be sure to prepare a couple of varieties for the winter - with and without gelatin. In the cold season, apricots will remind you of the hot summer, lift your spirits and maintain your health, which is very important. Just don’t get carried away with this delicacy too much, because it contains so much sugar. Even this delicious preparation good in moderation, like everything else.

In the supermarket shelves you can find a product for every taste - even ready jelly, at least, at least jam. But in any case the product homemade It will always be tastier, more aromatic, and most importantly, healthier than store-bought. Below you will learn how to make apricot jelly with gelatin.

Apricot jelly with gelatin for the winter


  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • gelatin – 40 g.


First, mix the sugar and gelatin well. Cover the apricots (you can simply divide them in half, or grind them in a meat grinder) with the sugar mixture. Stir and leave for 8 hours, then stir again and let it boil. Boil for 4 minutes. Pour boiling apricot jelly into jars, roll up or close with screw caps. It is better to store it in a cool place.

Apricot jelly - recipe


  • apricots – 2 kg;
  • gelatin – 50 g;
  • sugar – 1 glass.


Wash the apricots thoroughly, divide them in half, removing the pits. Place the halves into a saucepan and add water until the fruit is completely covered. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, add sugar and stir. Boil for about half an hour. After this, pour about half a glass of apricot compote, gradually add gelatin, stirring to avoid the formation of lumps. Rest apricot compote strain and pour in the diluted gelatin. Stir well. Cool the mixture slightly and pour into molds. Then we put the future jelly in the refrigerator until it hardens completely.

You can also put apricot slices in the molds, if they did not fall apart too much during the cooking process, then pour liquid on top and refrigerate until they harden.

How to make apricot jelly for the winter?



To prepare apricot jelly, select unripe fruits. We wash them and cut them into slices. Cover them with sugar and gelatin. Leave them for 10-12 hours. During this time, the apricots should release juice, and the sugar and gelatin should dissolve a little. After this, the resulting mass needs to be boiled a little. Pour half a glass of water into the container with the future jelly and put the mixture on fire. Stirring occasionally, bring to a boil and then simmer for another 3 minutes over low heat. Then pour the apricot jelly into clean ones.
