What kind of potion is possible? Love potion - how to prepare and use correctly

They are not limited to crafting and redstone. There is also potions making, which we will talk about today.

Part 1. Items.

Without a portal to the Lower World there can be no talk of potion making because... most items come from there. When you have developed and already have access to Hell, you need to find the ifrits and get from them the rods that we will need to make a brewing stand - the most important item in potions. Plus, we also need cobblestones, but this is rubbish that is full of in the world of Minecraft. We also need a boiler. It is used to store water (can be filled using a bucket), from a full boiler you can fill three flasks. The flask is used to store and transport all potions.

Part 2. Crafting the necessary things.

Well, let's get down to business and start crafting. First, let's craft the simplest flask. Let's look at the picture:

They did something simple. Now let's move on to the main thing. Cooking stand:

Part 3. Antidote.

If you are going to test a potion that causes damage on yourself, then you will need an antidote. The antidote is regular milk.

Part 4. Reagents.

Reagents are needed to change the potion. They can:

Reverse the effect of a potion.

Extend the effect of the potion.

Part 4.1. Basic reagents.

Base-affecting reagents are needed to create primary and tertiary potions and to change the duration and intensity of the effects of tertiary potions:


Main ingredient for Potions of Weakness

Causes negative effects.

Main ingredient for Thick potion

Enhances effects

Main ingredient for Rough potion, with which you can make any potion that has an effect.

Main ingredient for An unremarkable potion

Increases the duration of effects.

When added to a Level II potion, it weakens it.

When added to any potion, makes it explode.

Reduces the duration of effects.

Part 4.2. Base producing reagents.

Base-producing reagents are used to create both primary and secondary potions, but they do not affect the duration or intensity of the effect.

Part 4.3. Manufacturing reagents.

Manufacturing reagents are mixed with base potions to give the potion the effect the potion will give the player when they drink it. Here is a list of the main producing reagents:


Fire resistance



Night vision

Underwater breathing

Powerful Jump

Part 4.4. Connected reagents.

Connected reagents are reagents made from a pair of basic reagents. They are used to create tertiary potions with new effects.

The table below provides a list of tertiary reagents:

Instant Damage




Part 5. Potions.

Well, we learned everything you need to know for whatever brew potions. Let's start in the table below there are recipes for all primary potions.

Before we tell you how to make a potion, let’s figure out what it is and why it is needed in Minecraft at all. We'll also tell you how to find necessary ingredients for their preparation and how to mix ready-made mixtures with powders to enhance the effect.

What are potions?

In the game, they are craftable objects that have varying temporary effects on the player they are applied to. By mixing different ingredients with water, many types of potions can be created that can harm, heal, or buff the player or opponents.

A potion can only have one effect at a time: for example, it cannot heal a player and increase their running speed at the same time. To get both, you need to alternately drink two different potions: healing and swiftness.

Since the changes were made in Minecraft 1.9 Beta Prerelease 2, there are a number of potions that are not used and cannot be prepared. But they can be obtained using the “/give” command; they are not found in the game in any other way. Many of them are simple potions no longer used, such as cleansing or strength. Therefore, we will not talk about them in this article.

To create potions, you need to place the required ingredients on the brewing stand. We'll talk about how to craft a stand below.

How to make a potion in Minecraft

They are obtained by boiling with water and different ingredients, offering a variety of effects. There is one basic and twelve basic ones. You can improve their duration, effectiveness and coverage area.

1. Creating a brew stand

The Brewing Stand is needed to create all types of potions in Minecraft. To create it, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the workbench;
  2. Fill the bottom row with cobblestones;
  3. Place one fire rod in the middle.

To craft a brewing stand, all you need is one fire rod and three cobblestones.

Cobblestones can be easily found by mining underground. Fire rods can only be found in the Nether when killing Ifrit, a hostile mob that attacks fireballs.

This is Ifrit, his breathing can be heard from afar. Ifrits usually live in Nether fortresses.

To get to the Lower World you need an appropriate portal.

To create it, you need to create a frame from obsidian blocks (4x5) and set it on fire with flint.

Here good video on creating a portal to Hell, and in general it contains a lot useful information about the trip to the Lower World:

It is worth saying that for cooking you can use a cauldron, which is crafted from seven iron ingots. But due to the inconvenience of use, it gave way to the cooking stand.

The cauldron did not take root in the game due to its inconvenience. The developers promise to come up with other uses for it in the future.

Right-clicking on a rack reveals four slots:

The bottom three slots are for vials or potions, and the top one is for an ingredient.

This one ingredient is poured into three vials at the bottom, allowing you to create three bottles of potion from one ingredient. To use the brewing stand, the vials must always be filled with water or a potion; if they are empty, then nothing will happen. Water bottle of blue color, as in the picture above, the empty bottle is transparent, as in the picture below:

To craft a bubble you need three glass blocks. These will make three bubbles.

3. Brew an awkward potion

The awkward thing is base ingredient for most other Minecraft potions. It can be made on a brew bench using a vial of water and hellwart seeds.

These seeds are found in the Nether, where they grow in blocks of soul sand.

Hellish growth is generated in the fortresses of the Lower World in places specially designated for them (reminiscent of beds), as well as in chests.

If the player carries a block of soul sand and hell wart seeds through the Nether portal to the top, then he can begin to grow the wart himself to produce potions. The growth grows in any biome, as long as the soil is soul sand.

The awkward potion is prepared as follows:

  1. Right-click on the brewing stand;
  2. Place the Nether Wart Seeds in the top slot;
  3. Place the water bottle on the bottom row.

By placing one Hellgrowth Seed and three Water Vials, you will receive three Awkward.

The brewing stand will take approximately 19 seconds to create a potion after placing the ingredient and bubbles into it.

Accordingly, you need one hellish growth seed to create three basic potions. Awkward itself has no properties and is only used to make other potions.

4. Combine base potion with ingredients

Once you've created a few awkward vials, you can start creating basic potions that will have various effects like increased strength, health, underwater vision, or even invisibility. They will require a variety of ingredients beyond Hellwart Seeds, such as Fire Powder, Lava Cream, and Ghast Tears.

It will take a lot of traveling to collect necessary ingredients. The table below describes the main potions and their ingredients.

Basics Basic Potion Ingredients Description of action
Fire Resistance Awkward Lava cream Fire for 3 minutes does not cause harm
Harm Poisoning/treatment Cooked Spider Eye Deals 3 damage
Treatments Awkward Shiny melon Heals 2 health units
Invisibility Night vision Cooked Spider Eye Invisibility for 3 minutes
Night vision Awkward Golden carrot Night vision for 3 minutes
Poisoning Awkward Spider Eye Deals damage over 45 seconds.
Regeneration Awkward Ghast Tear Restores 9 health points in 45 seconds.
Slowness Celerity Cooked Spider Eye Slows speed for 4 minutes
Powers Awkward Fire rod Increases damage dealt for 3 minutes
Celerity Awkward Sugar Increases speed for 3 minutes
Breathing underwater Awkward Puffer fish Grants underwater breathing for 3 minutes
Weaknesses Awkward Cooked Spider Eye Reduces half-time damage for one and a half minutes

As you can see, awkwardness is the basis of most basic potions.

They can increase damage dealt to enemies. Certain potions are useful for certain situations, for example, fire resistance helps in fighting mobs like Ifrit in the Nether. In a multiplayer game, invisibility is in a great way sneak past enemies. The ability to create potions is a very useful skill in Minecraft.

Combining potions with powders

The effects of many potions can be enhanced, making them more effective and increasing their duration. Combination with powders allows, for example, to increase the duration of regeneration or turn a slow potion into an explosive one, increasing the number of targets hit.

Powders are the pureed remains of solid materials. To enhance primary potions, you need red dust, light dust and gunpowder.

Strengthening and Ingredients

Making basic potions with these three powders enhances their effects.

Like many ingredients, glow dust is found in the Nether. You will have to find a Glowstone, which looks like a block with yellow speckles.

Very often these blocks are located on the ceiling of deep caves, which complicates their extraction. They turn into light dust already at the workbench.

Red dust is mined underground from red ore.

Red ore can be smelted, but placing it on the ground and using an iron pickaxe will give you up to five units of red dust.

Gunpowder cannot be mined: it can be obtained by killing creepers (the probability of gunpowder falling out of them is 66%), witches (only 16%) and ghasts (also 66%), and can also be found in dungeon chests (the probability of gunpowder falling out is completely random, but this is the most safe way). It is best to hunt ghasts, since they also drop “ghast tears”, which are used in potions.

Hunting for ghasts is the most effective method gunpowder production, but also the most dangerous. And the sounds made by the ghast cannot be expressed in words at all...

Potions Recipes

Recipes for making potions in different versions Minecraft is slightly different. Above we described the main points of their creation and what is needed for this. It is simply unrealistic to list all existing recipes within the framework of this article. Moreover, with the release of new versions of the game, recipes may change and be supplemented with new ingredients. Therefore, here we will leave a link to a very good resource, where actual information on potions, information about all ingredients and reagents.

Potions help during difficult moments in Minecraft, especially in boss battles and multiplayer maps. The secret lava hideout can only be accessed with fire resistance, or you can install a sprayer that will throw a poison potion at anyone who steps on the pressure plate. As you can see, the thing is very useful, but it requires a trip to the Lower World.

And remember, you don’t have to wait until the potion wears off. You can get rid of the effects of potions by drinking a bucket of milk.

The phenomenon of invisibility is a phenomenon that was not invented yesterday. Remember, back in Slavic folklore they talked about invisible hats. Not to mention the fairy tales of other peoples of the world, which featured armor of invisibility, an invisible cloak and other artifacts that could give the hero the miracle of being unnoticed by anyone.

If we follow the usual logic of bringing fairy-tale plots to life, then artifacts of invisibility, by analogy with “flying carpets”, “apples-on-a-plate”, “magic mirrors” and other fairy-tale tools, sooner or later should become reality and become accessible to the broad masses of the population. However, who said that an invisibility potion or the same invisibility hat do not exist in our time? Of course, they exist, but they probably just haven’t had time to become publicly available yet. And this is no wonder - it would hardly be acceptable if the ability to become invisible spread everywhere, then thieves and criminals could use it. Therefore, the secret of invisibility for the time being remains a secret known to a minority. However, closer to the point!

The phenomenon of invisibility belongs to the so-called magic of illusion, which, despite its name, is in no way connected with illusionists, magicians and tricksters who show their skills at entertainment events and circuses. Illusion magic is a very subtle and complex part of magical or witchcraft procedures, which is a complex structure of ritual and verbal techniques, the use of which often uses non-standard artifacts, as well as potions, herbs, infusions, etc. Wizards who practice this type of magical practice testify that illusion is a complex phenomenon that can be skillfully manipulated only when you know all its principles.

  • An illusion is, in essence, a demonstration of something that is not there. And the ability to use it depends on the volitional and mental (hypnotic, if you like) abilities of the one who uses it, and the one on whom it is used. The stronger the magician and the weaker the victim's resistance to hypnosis, the higher the chance that the illusion will work.
  • The illusion often reaches the supraphysical level of influence on the individual, so it is also important to be able to act in the mental field. Ideally, through long practices (particularly of Eastern origin), the magician learns to move his physical body into the subtle world, thereby becoming invisible to the eye of an ordinary inhabitant of planet Earth.
  • The potion can be built on ordinary physical effects and knowledge of physical laws. It cannot be said that this is the easiest way, because official science is only approaching the discovery of the secret, conventionally designated as “the creation of a material with a negative refractive index,” but magic offers its own means in this regard, which are capable of invading the structure of cells or influencing in a special way the human brain, causing him to experience his own invisibility. In particular, we are talking about specially prepared witchcraft decoctions and potions. These will be discussed further.

The video shows the official achievements of science in this direction:

Preparing a potion for invisibility

The central issue that illusion magic is designed to solve is precisely the creation and maintenance of the effect of invisibility of a specific object. In this matter, magicians and wizards, over many years of analysis of this phenomenon and long-term practices aimed at using it, have achieved enormous results. They not only discovered unique recipes that allow people of different genders, ages, heights and weights to become invisible, but also developed a whole range of magical formulas that, when combined with decoctions and elements of hypnosis, can work real miracles!

So how to make an invisibility potion?

  • The first recipe is this. Before you start making the potion, you need to have the following ingredients: burdock root, rosemary oil, rice grains, dry peas. Directly for preparation, take a large cauldron, into which one glass of water is poured, then twelve drops of rosemary are added. Rosemary water should boil, after which dry crushed burdock root is added to it. The brew is stirred counterclockwise seven times and removed from the heat. After this, the skins of the pre-soaked peas are removed, crushed and added to the resulting broth. Nine grains of rice are thrown in there. The potion is put back on the fire and boils for 10 minutes. Now it's ready to eat!
  • There is also a variant of potions made from decoctions of fennel inflorescences, combined with tincture of luminescent toadstool, however, due to the special negative activity of the latter element, you should be as careful as possible with these remedies.

You can also experiment with plantain, amaranth and chicory root, each of which has long been considered a potent means of creating the illusion of invisibility. According to other sources, it is not at all necessary to cook any kind of magic compote - it is enough to find an invisible bone, but this is a very troublesome task, since you need to sort through the bones of a dead completely black cat (trying each one on your head) until the bone turns in an invisibility hat. At least that’s what Papus teaches in his manuals on magic.

On a fern leaf

If you don’t want to look for a bone, then you can get by with less blood and try, for example, this recipe for an invisibility potion. You should start preparing the witchcraft mixture on the new moon, at night. The ingredients are fern leaves, poppy seeds, dry elm bark, myrrh resin, marjoram (preferably dried), fresh dill. First, in a special container, which is a mortar, one part of the fern leaves is carefully and slowly crushed, gradually adding one part of the poppy seeds to them. After this, two parts of dried elm bark, one part of myrrh, one part of marjoram, and 3 parts of dill are placed in the mixture in order. All this must be crushed and mixed very well, after which add nine drops of bitter almond oil into the resulting mass, sprinkle it all with melt water and, carefully moving the mixture onto a large flat dish, leave to dry, taking care to ensure uniform drying. When the resulting dough changes color to brown and dries completely, you should pound it again, reciting the following spell:

“Things visible and things invisible, let me walk freely among you.”

After this, the mixture receives the magical properties of invisibility. It should be carefully stored in a well-sealed bottle, using a little at a time by applying it to the head. The shelf life of the drug is one year. By the way, various sources disagree regarding the verbal formula used when it is necessary to apply this mixture. So, there is, for example, a hypothesis that the following words should be pronounced:

“A wisp of fog, a dragon's eye and a chameleon pattern. I weave, I twist, I confuse and I reflect. Where the light will be shed now, there is no trace of me.”

Or a very simple formula will do:

“I am completely invisible to those I want to avoid.”

The main power, as you probably already understood, lies not in words, but in the prepared potion/powder/decoction.

In A. Balashov’s book “Magic: Attracting Love and Happiness” it is said that any type of interaction with the world has its own patterns. When working correctly with the energy of love, a person has the opportunity to manage the feelings of the chosen one, achieve harmony in relationships with him and gain self-confidence.

Some women, and sometimes men, use magical advice and cook love potion for the arrival of long-awaited changes. Desires concern not only love, but also health, finances, useful skills and talents.

But not everyone knows how, from what and when to prepare a magical drink. It is necessary to consider under what circumstances a cherished wish will come true if you use magic at home.

A love spell is an effective way to achieve the desired result without physical and mental effort, but using special technology and the selection of occult ingredients.

At home, the remedy is created on the basis of a proven recipe, with strict adherence to the rules for preparing love potions and other love spells:

  • the drugs do not work if there is no direct contact with the person for whom the ritual is being performed;
  • when creating a potion, you must be in a good mood;
  • the ritual will be valid only if the magician has a strong desire, his faith in the effectiveness of the potion and the ability to visualize a dream;
  • the day and duration of production play an important role;
  • The love spell can only be used for one magical ritual.

Ingredients are added to the potion that affect the victim of the love spell:

  • peppermint charms both a lover and a stranger;
  • almonds strengthen the union;
  • thyme awakens the feeling of faded love;
  • orange adds mystery and sensuality to a woman;
  • lemon evokes passion;
  • oregano is used to return a spouse to the family;
  • cumin encourages frank conversations and trust;
  • ginger promotes falling in love;
  • coriander increases the partner's passion and strengthens his love;
  • parsley evokes sexual attraction.

Using part of one's own flesh (saliva, blood, hair or nails for ritual), conjuring a spell or prayer enhances the magical power of the mixture.

What is the best time to prepare a potion?

It is better to cook the product using available materials on the days of the waxing moon, only on Monday or Friday. The preparation and infusion time of the product depends on the purpose and the added ingredients. Remember, the longer the mixture sits in a vessel with a ground stopper, the more effect it will create.

How to make a love potion with different ingredients

Love potions can be crafted different ways and use several techniques to manifest magical power.

Love compote

To make a person fall in love with you, use the following method:

  1. Place a candle in a cup and fill it with sugar to the brim.
  2. Light a fire and think about your loved one.
  3. Wait until the wick burns out and collect the sugar.
  4. Weld sweet drink with berries that your loved one loves.

With your own blood

A strong potion that is added to food or drink is a liquid with added blood.

To prepare the mixture, squeeze the juice from rose petals and mix it with blood (menstrual blood or from the finger of your left hand). Cast a magic spell:

“Just as this blood belonged to my body, so you, my beloved (name), will always be only mine! Amen".

With added hair

Use hair, scissors you just bought, red rose petals, red wine.

Place the ashes of the burnt petals in a container. Cut your hair and that of your chosen one into small pieces, and then send it to the ashes. Pour the mixture into a bottle with alcoholic drink and leave for 2 weeks. After the drink has infused, perform the ritual by treating the one whose love you want to gain.

With photo

Before preparing the potion, place a photo of your loved one in the breast pocket of your jacket or jacket and wear it near your heart for a month.

After the deadline, perform the ritual with a love potion, the recipe for which is simple:

  1. Sprinkle the picture with your blood and burn it.
  2. Turn your personal photo into ashes too.
  3. Place 3 weeping willow leaves and 3 red rose petals into a boiling clean water.
  4. Add a pinch of rosemary, mixed ash and a splash of red wine.
  5. Cool the mixture and strain.

You need to drink the drink together with your chosen one throughout the day.

On the water

A “love triangle” will help create harmony in a love relationship.

The ceremony is carried out in compliance with the following points:

  1. Made from thick paper white cut out a triangle whose sides are 33 cm long.
  2. On each side of the figure, make one inscription - your name, your loved one and the word “love”.
  3. Place a table in the center of the room and cover it with black or red material.
  4. Place the triangle on the table and light the fire.
  5. Fill a glass with water.
  6. With your right hand, take the candle and lift it above the triangle.
  7. Point your hand from the top corner to the bottom right and say “Tarapagas”.
  8. Continue moving your hand from right to left along a horizontal line with the spell “Gavallo”.
  9. Close the triangle with an upward movement with the phrase “Amado.”
  10. During the ritual, look at the center of the figure, but not at the fire. You will notice that the flicker leaves a triangle trail in the air.
  11. Repeat the movements 2 more times, clearly imagining how your dream has come true. At the same time, gradually increase the volume of your voice, giving it confidence and passion.
  12. Raise your left hand over the glass of liquid, and place your right palm on top. Say

    “Adlavah saus, korga avydalo. Piro tagul, ahvadol. Ueder nore kofado, ude ode do.”

  13. Continue moving your left hand clockwise and repeat the spell:

    “Akhalael atabl. El lekamur, Azwakh. Ode faul lame, ode lah.”

Continue the last action as long as your imagination requires. Once you clearly imagine your chosen one and feel his love, extinguish the fire. With your left hand, try to catch the smoke and send it into the drink. Treat your loved one with the drug.

Using coffee

Mix the following ingredients: crushed orris root, sesame and dried magnolia flowers (1 pinch each), crushed savory root and ground coffee(3 pinches each).

Pour the mixture with alcohol (rum, liqueur, cognac) and leave to brew for 3 lunar quarters. Then strain and treat the person being bewitched with the prepared drink.

On red wine

If you need such an elixir, production involves the following manipulations. For a love spell, mix following ingredients:

  • 2 glasses of wine;
  • small vanilla pod;
  • 1 teaspoon each of grated ginger and cinnamon;
  • 2 tsp. rhubarb juice

Add the rhubarb to the wine last. The elixir is infused for 3 days and then added to the chosen one’s food or drink.

On vodka

For greater effect, a love spell potion made with vodka can be drunk together with your lover, but from the same glass and immediately after preparation.

For a love potion you will need finely chopped walnuts(1 pc.), juniper (1 tbsp.), apple and pear. Mix the ingredients with water and boil. After cooling, strain the product and add vodka to it.

With alcohol

In this case, you will need white lily flowers, which need to be ground, poured with alcohol and removed to infuse until the next full moon.

When the full moon approaches, pour the potion into a mug and clearly, without errors or hesitations, pronounce the spell:

“Stello gibr, ogada hamus. Ibul gabul faro sdabas ipaka wilds. Tal hargabla omiadoks, sam hadas redo. Guiber hal agota naido mais laco.”

The next day, mix the product into the drink that you decide to use as a treat for your loved one.

With rose petals

To prepare a love remedy, use the following method:

  1. Add a couple of red rose petals to the white ones and burn by starting a small fire. Mix the resulting ashes with alcohol.
  2. Add 3 drops of blood, 2 pinches each of crushed ginger, angelica and anise, 1 pinch each of licorice, coriander and cumin to the liquid.

Add a few drops of this potion to your chosen one’s food to bewitch him and experience mutual love.

With ginger

A drink prepared according to the following recipe has magical powers:

  1. Cut a vanilla pod (2 cm long) into 2 parts and place in an enamel container.
  2. Add ground cinnamon(3 tsp) and ginger (3 tsp)
  3. Pour the mixture with red wine (2 glasses).
  4. After 3 days, give it to your chosen one.

With coriander seeds

Before making a love potion at home, prepare the following materials and components:

  • coriander seeds (7 pcs.);
  • mortar;
  • pestle;
  • spring or filtered water;
  • 2 cups of the same size;
  • church candle.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the seeds and grind with a mortar. At the same time, imagine kisses, hugs, intimacy with your chosen one.
  2. Pour wine or water into a glass and mix with the powder.
  3. Turn off the lights after you light the fire.
  4. Pour the contents from one cup to another 7 times, thinking about your feelings for your loved one, the strength of his love for you.

With lemon

Squeeze lemon and orange juice (3 pieces each), mix. Add ginger (1 g) to the contents, vanilla sugar(1 tsp.), dried and crushed five-petal lilac flowers (6 pcs.).

The maximum effect will be achieved when consuming the potion in pure form for 3 days, 1 tsp.

With apple

The love potion recipe in this case requires the preparation of the following components:

  • flask;
  • Red Apple;
  • vodka or alcohol.

Cut the apple into 2 parts and remove the seeds. Send the seeds into the container one at a time, adding drops of alcohol and saying:

“Gilba rama, AUS swada. Note dahos ibada.”

After all the seeds are in the container, eat the apple, thinking about your chosen one. After two weeks, start adding the potion to the food of the person being bewitched, 9 drops daily until the desired result occurs.

With ink

Prepare ink, a mirror, 3 of your hairs and a drop of blood.

On the mirror that was last used, write your name and place it in a container with alcohol or melt water. Add a pinch of crushed rose petals and say:

“Dear name, beloved body and face/”

Repeat the spell until the inscription is erased.

To cast a love spell on your chosen one, carry the mirror that took part in the ritual with you. From time to time, look at the reflection and think about mutual love and a happy future.

How to prepare a love potion for different magical purposes

The potion can give a person success, save him from insomnia, endow the person with the gift of clairvoyance, awaken passion in a husband and turn him away from his mistress. What methods are used to fulfill the listed desires needs to be considered in more detail.

From nightmares

To restore sound and long sleep, use following rules preparations:

  1. Place rose petals in a teapot with water and leave for 3 days, adding the plant periodically.
  2. Add verbena and myrtle to the liquid and leave for another 3 days.

Wash your face with the prepared product every night before going to bed.

For money

To improve your financial condition, use a potion made from a mixture of cedar, sassafras, Jamaican pepper, dill, cloves, calamus, and vetiver.

Fill a green bottle with water and herbs of the listed types. Place the closed bottle in a sunny place for 1 day.

You can wash your face with the decoction, lubricate your face and hands, and add it to your bath.

From evil spirits

Mix Bay leaf, rosemary, Cayenne pepper and pour boiling water over it. It is recommended to take the infusion in its pure form, 3-4 spoons per day, or add it to a drink or bath.

To return the husband to the family

Water combined with coins will help keep your spouse in the family. The number of coins used for this is selected according to the following principle: silver ones indicate the years of marriage, and gold ones determine the time of the spouses’ life together after the ceremony.

Mix the coins in a bowl, fill with clean water and say the spell:

“I conjure you, Voditsa, with silver and gold, past and future, to preserve and preserve fidelity, peace and harmony for eternal centuries.”

After the ritual, drink the liquid with your spouse.

To awaken passion

The recipe for a passion drink must contain the following ingredients: a pinch of crushed black licorice root, 3 pinches of cumin, cardamom, and passionflower flowers.

Mix the ingredients in the palm of your left hand and add to the container with rum. Infuse for a lunar quarter and then strain.

It is important to drink the potion with your lover, adding 15 drops to the drink. This method cannot be used more than once a month. You can also follow this video recipe:

Tea for clairvoyance

Fill in boiled water a mixture of wormwood, rose petals, jasmine flowers, a pinch of cinnamon and peppermint. Drink the potion before going to bed.

What could be the consequences?

The potion contains aphrodisiacs, stimulating and tonic components, including ginger, cinnamon, and zamanika herb root. These ingredients can negatively affect the health of the bewitched person.

Therefore, before performing the ritual, it is necessary to make sure that the person is not prone to allergic reactions, increased aggressiveness and excitability, sudden mood swings and mental disorders. Excessive use drugs can cause poisoning, insomnia and increased body temperature.

Magicians claim that the effect is similar to contracting a disease in which functions are impaired immune system bewitched, zombification occurs and the energy field changes.

If a person is cured of an illness, then another magical influence can lead to his death or the development of severe pathology.

A person’s behavior after becoming a zombie will cause misunderstanding on the part of loved ones. In response to their questions, the bewitched person will begin to show aggression, devoting all his attention to the emerging object of adoration.

At the same time, the magic potion changes not only feelings and behavior in relationships, but also actions that relate to one’s career. Many people, after exposure, turn into unsuccessful, incompetent employees.

A love spell is also dangerous because in some cases a person shows uncontrollable anxiety and cruelty, feels dissatisfaction, and becomes a pathological jealous and tyrant. All this can lead to alcoholism, addiction to narcotic and psychotropic substances.

The fortuneteller himself exposes himself to a high risk, since he binds people and circumstances that most often should not have been present in his life. At the same time, deviation from the recipe, lack of self-confidence, magical powers and effectiveness of the ritual in best case scenario will not have any effect, and at worst will lead to negative consequences: illness, changes in one’s own feelings and perceptions.

While preparing the remedy, the magician spends a large number of energy, therefore he may feel apathy towards the previously desired object. After some time, the balance is restored and the fortuneteller, who has sincere sympathy, fills the aura with the energy of mutual love.

However, a ritual for selfish reasons will lead to a complete loss of interest on the part of the magician himself. And if a love spell destroys the life and internal energy of the victim, then the performer will receive a similar response and spoiled karma.

When will it work and how long will the effect last?

Depending on the duration of the effect on the victim, love spells come in different types:

  1. Permanent, i.e. for life. Most often used by wives to create harmony in the family and return the husband.
  2. Short-term, valid for a year or less, depending on the ritual. Used to attract attention and build relationships.
  3. Long-term, used to get rid of grievances and maintain positive relationships for 2-5 years.

You can understand that a magic potion has brought results by the following factors:

  1. The bewitched person will show more interest, care and attention. Those around you will note how your chosen one has transformed and how great his desire is to be near you.
  2. If the ceremony is performed on a man or woman who is married, their family will notice withdrawal, frequent absences and delays.
  3. When a wife performs a ceremony to return her husband to the family (and vice versa), the opposite effect occurs - the husband spends more time with the family and shows signs of attention.
  4. A love spell for money can manifest itself in the form of successful participation in the lottery, career advancement, or the appearance of a suitable and profitable vacancy.

In some cases, love potions begin to act immediately, but most often the effect occurs after 28 days. It all depends on the phase of the moon, the method and type of ritual (black or white magic), belief in its effectiveness and the magical power of the fortuneteller.

Love spells have an effect almost immediately, but manifest themselves only for 2-3 months, with the exception of ceremonies in the cemetery and rituals using blood.

It happens that the effect of a drug designed to long time, fades away in a week. The reason may be a person’s great internal strength, the ability to resist charms and outside influences.

Love potions for love have always been popular. With its help you can attract any person you like.

You can prepare the potion in one day without the help of a practicing sorcerer. To do this, you need to know a few basic rules for preparing, as well as using the prepared potion.

Basic rules for preparing love drinks

A love potion is prepared to create the love of another person. This is the magic of creating the right love potion. Therefore, you need to brew the drug during the waxing moon phase.

  1. The drink is prepared on the third, eighth, ninth lunar day or on the full moon.
  2. The best days of the week to brew the drink are Monday or Friday.
  3. The potion must be prepared with a positive attitude and bright thoughts.
  4. For the potion to have an effect on your loved one, you must sincerely believe in its power.
  5. You can’t cook and give a drink to a person for the sake of a joke.
  6. You need to brew the love potion completely alone, and not tell anyone about the ritual.
  7. The recipe for the love potion must be kept secret so that it does not fall into the wrong hands.

To prepare some simple love potions, one day is enough; others must be infused for at least ten years. The most effective love potions are prepared by witches.

The effect of love potions can be positive or negative. A positive result is attracting love or desire from the person you are interested in. History also knows cases of loss of sanity after taking a powerful love potion. Therefore, before giving your loved one magic potions, you need to think several times whether love is needed at all.

Ingredients of Love Drinks

Recipes for love potions have been preserved since ancient times. There are countless of them. It is very difficult to prepare some drinks in modern conditions due to the lack of ingredients.

The basis of the love potion is liquid:

  • water;
  • wine;
  • alcohol;

Previously, mandrake root was always added to love potions. The ingredients of love potions among the peoples of Australia were kangaroo genitals. Today, the use of such components seems wild. Therefore, available herbs and plant materials are used to prepare a love tincture. Good drink must have pleasant taste and smell.

Some plants included in love potions contain special substances - aphrodisiacs. They increase libido and sexual activity. Therefore, the effect of love drinks is associated not only with magic, but also with chemical reactions.

Love potion recipes

How to make a love potion? It's not always easy. You need to think through the need for the ritual, evaluate your attitude towards the person you want to bewitch. You also need to choose a potion recipe, prepare all the components and magical accessories in advance.

Love potions with spices

Almost all known and available to modern man spices contain aphrodisiacs. Recipes for love potions with spices came to us from Asian and Arab countries. People there at all times widely used aromatic herbs in cooking, medicine and magic. Making a love potion at home is not difficult. You don't need any magical attributes or spells for this.

Such love drinks do not have powerful witchcraft powers. But they are perfect for rekindling the fervor of feelings in a husband or wife after several years of family life. While preparing the potion, you need to think about your love, invest passion and energy.

Love potion with rose petals

The potion is very easy to make with your own hands. It has a pleasant tart taste and an intoxicating aroma. Potion composition:

  1. Black tea (2 teaspoons).
  2. Fresh rose petals (5 pieces).
  3. Mint leaves (3 pieces).
  4. Thyme (1 pinch).
  5. Coriander (1 pinch).
  6. Rosemary (1 pinch).
  7. Three orange slices.
  8. Nutmeg (3 pinches).
  9. Lemon leaves (5 pieces).

How to brew a love potion:

  1. Place the ingredients in a beautiful teapot for brewing.
  2. Pour the contents of the teapot with boiling water (three glasses).
  3. Leave to sit for an hour.

Give your loved one to drink the drug as warm tea. The drink is also served with honey or dessert.

Ginger love potion

Prepare love potion Easy to make with ginger with your own hands. You won’t have to look for ingredients for long; every housewife has them in their home. Ingredients of ginger medicine:

  1. Red wine, preferably dry (2 glasses).
  2. Ginger powder (3 teaspoons).
  3. Vanilla pod (1 piece 2 cm long).
  4. Ground cinnamon (3 teaspoons).

How to make a love potion:

  1. Vanilla is cut lengthwise into two equal parts and placed in an enamel bowl.
  2. Spices are poured into the dishes.
  3. Pour red wine into the mixture.
  4. You need to infuse the drink for three days. After this, the loved one must drink a small amount of ready-made drug.

Powerful love potion

The power of a love potion lies in a magical ritual. It is brewed using witchcraft accessories and spells. The ritual is carried out during the lunar growth phase, after sunset, when no one is at home.

What is needed for the ritual

The ritual is carried out using available materials:

  1. White paper.
  2. A piece of scarlet or black fabric.
  3. The candle is white or red.
  4. Crystal glass.
  5. Clear water or wine.

Everything needs to be prepared in advance. The liquid after the conspiracy will become love potion incredible strength.

How to perform the ritual

A table is placed in the middle of the room, preferably round. It is covered with a piece of black or red fabric. The ritual is carried out like this:

  1. A “Love Triangle” with a side length of 33 cm is cut out of paper. Each side must be labeled. The two adjacent ones sign with their name and the name of their lover, the third is signed with the word “Love”. The triangle is placed in the middle of the table.
  2. Light the candle wick and pour liquid into the glass. The container is placed in the middle of the triangle, a candle is taken right hand and held above the top of the magic figure.
  3. The upper and lower right corners are connected by a candle flame. The hand is held continuously, reciting the spell: Tarapagas.
  4. They continue to move the candle from left to right along the side and say: Gavallo.
  5. From the left apex of the triangle, the candle is led upward, closing the lines of the witchcraft figure into a single whole. They say the spell: Amado.

When moving the candle along the triangle, you need to focus your gaze on the middle of the magical figure, and not on the candle fire. The fiery outline of the triangle should appear in your imagination. The movements are repeated three times. Each time the spells need to be spoken louder and more firmly.

After repeating the ritual, the left palm is placed over the glass with the potion, the candle is held directly above it. Confidently pronounce the magic words:

Adlavah saus, korga avydalo.

Piro tagul, ahvadol.

Ueder nore kofado, ude ode do.

The candle is held motionless, and the left palm is moved in a circle in a clockwise direction. After doing several manipulations, you need to read the words:

Akhalael atabl.

El lekamur, Azwakh.

Ode faul lame, ode lah.

Say the words several times, increasing your strength. You need to mentally imagine your happiness together with your lover. As soon as the images appear before you as if in reality, you need to stop the ritual and blow out the candle flame. You should try to grab the smoke with your left hand into a fist and sharply throw it into a glass of potion. Now plain water became a powerful witchcraft drug. It can be served to your loved one at the first meeting.

Love potion according to the recipe of the witch Miraslava

Love potion!!!


It is possible to brew a love potion with your own hands for both a man and a boy. You can make a multi-ingredient drink relying on natural properties herbs and spices. You can charm clean water using ancient spells, then it will become a love potion.
