The most Russian vegetable: cabbage? potato? turnip! Everything you need to know about turnips: a detailed description of a familiar vegetable, care rules and other useful information

Turnip - a truly Russian vegetable

When the turnip appeared in our native lands, it is difficult to say; considered - in the period of the emergence of agriculture.
Until the 19th century, turnips played the same role in Russia as they do now. It was sown everywhere, even on Valaam and the Solovetsky Islands. The plots on which the turnip grew and ripened were called repisches. They are often mentioned in historical chronicles, annals, bills of sale.
No nation appreciated turnips as much as the Russians. That is why it is considered a native Russian vegetable.

In today's market, you can often see how in front of the counter, where cucumbers, onions, turnips flaunt, the buyer stops, carefully examines the vegetables and, pointing to the golden-sided beauty, asks: “What is this?”.
We forgot, we don’t recognize already “by sight” the progenitor of vegetable crops cultivated in Russia!

Where did the turnip come from to Russia?

From overseas. Its history goes back about 6,000 years. Homeland is the Mediterranean, South and East Asia. The ancient Greeks knew turnips, however, they valued it much lower than, for example, beets. When sacrifices were made to the god Apollo in temples, beets were carried on a silver platter, and turnips on a pewter platter.
The Romans also succeeded in growing huge turnip fruits: some specimens reached a pood weight. Before the appearance of potatoes, turnips were a frequent guest on the tables of other European nations. She moved far to the north of Europe. It is known that in the past, Swedish and Norwegian peasants donated a tenth of their turnip harvest to the church.

From time immemorial, the glory of a very unpretentious and fruitful crop has strengthened behind the turnip. Why?

This question will be answered by the people themselves, who composed such a saying about turnips, which used to be called "green cake": "Crumbs in the ground, and cakes out of the ground"! Turnip did not leave the table of a Russian person all year round because it can be stored for a long time. Both rich and poor people included it daily in their menu. Such proverbs on the “turnip” theme have survived to this day - “Easier than a steamed turnip”, “Cheaper than a steamed turnip”! They appeared, probably, in those days when turnips, along with bread and cereals, were the main food product, and were quite cheap. But potatoes have taken a dominant position in the fields of Russia and, as they say, "tarnished" the reputation of turnips. Now the chubby beauty for many Russians has become exotic vegetable. It's a pity. Turnip is an unusually rich vegetable and has many very useful properties.

What are the health treasures found in turnips?

It contains a lot of mineral salts, essential oils, high content of vitamin C, carotene, about 9 percent sugar. In turnip leaves, especially lettuce varieties, there are more vitamins and mineral salts than in root crops. So, according to the content of iron salts, lettuce leaves are not inferior to spinach, they also have a lot of beta-carotene, which is especially appreciated in children's and diet food. Mustard oil is found in all parts of the plant, giving the vegetable spicy taste... In a word, the nutritional value turnip is surprisingly high.

Is it true that turnips help against cancer?

Experts note that turnip, like any member of the cruciferous family, is characterized by anticarcinogenic activity. In its roots there are specific indole compounds, so turnips reduce the risk of human cancer and, very importantly, help the body fight a serious illness. But for this, turnips must be eaten regularly.

Rustic delicacy - dried turnip. You don't know what it is?

This is very tasty dish. Several times with relatives who live in the Ryazan region, I tried dried turnips. And I can say with confidence: modern children would not refuse this ancient food, preferring it even to sweets ... In general, in the old days, turnips were boiled, baked, steamed, fried, served with fish and meat. Turnips were even fermented like cabbage, and they made a refreshing drink, the recipe of which, alas, is lost.

How to make turnip popular again?

I wonder what kind of turnip the grandfather planted in the famous Russian fairy tale "Turnip"?

I can't answer this question! But it's very good that you remembered the turnip from the fairy tale. After all, this once again proves how our ancestors loved, appreciated, cherished this vegetable.
As for modern turnip varieties, there are quite a few of them. The most common mid-early turnip variety in Russia is Petrovskaya 11. Up to five kilograms of vegetables can be harvested from one square meter of soil.
Interesting varieties - " White Night" with white roots, "Yellow Ball" with golden yellow roots, "Lyra" with purple-pink roots.

Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Agriculture Russian Federation Igor Vyacheslavovich Kryukov

Turnip recipes

Turnip served as the main prophylactic that saved peasant children from rickets, diseases of bones, blood, and so on, since a rare vegetable can be compared with turnip (its leaves) in terms of calcium content.
In England, a mixture of juices from turnip leaves, carrots and dandelions, taken in equal proportions, is considered very effective for strengthening teeth and all bone tissues of the body.
In Russian traditional medicine turnip decoctions were used as an effective expectorant and remedy. It was also believed that they are good for coughing in chronic bronchitis.
Here is what he wrote more than two hundred years ago about healing properties turnip nobleman Vasily Alekseevich Levshin, whose name occupies a special place in the history of Russian culture of the late 18th - early 19th centuries. V. A. Levshin devoted his whole life to the cause of enlightenment, the dissemination of education, the promotion of scientific knowledge, and spiritual improvement. “The turnip root is refreshing, opens the womb, and is quite nourishing. The juice of fresh turnips, grated, squeezed and boiled with sugar, is a sure remedy for scurvy in the mouth; smearing it on swollen and bleeding gums heals them in two days. From diseases of the chest and coughs, a strongly healing juice is prepared from turnips as follows: several fresh turnips should be cut into slices, and in a simple, clay new pot, making a lattice of splinters, put on this layer of turnip slices and sprinkle with fine sugar. On top of this layer, block with more splinters, put more slices of turnip, also sprinkle with sugar, and continue in this way until the pot is full. Then, putting on the lid, coat the seam and put it in the oven free spirit for the night. Juice will collect at the bottom of the pot, which should be taken in half a teaspoon in the morning and in the evening. The juice of a long turnip weakens, calms the excitement in the entrails and animal pain..
At oncological diseases or a predisposition to them, it is recommended to eat turnips with yellow flesh.
Turnip juice and decoction are wonderful antiseptics, they heal wounds well.
Turnip decoction improves sleep, calms the heartbeat. It is drunk with laryngitis, asthma, but especially with acute cough, hoarseness.
With acute warm decoction helps in the form of rinses.
Outwardly, a decoction and turnip juice are used for gout and frostbite.
Juice from fresh turnip roots is used as an expectorant and diuretic.
Turnip is well preserved, therefore it can be used for the prevention of beriberi, as well as medicinal product with hypoacid, spastic colitis (constipation).
Weather-sensitive people should definitely include potatoes, carrots, beans, peas and turnips in their menu. The latter, without creating an additional load on the heart (which is already high on days of magnetic storms) and digestive organs, helps with its medicinal properties deal with bad health.
Turnip is useful for atherosclerosis, diabetes; it helps dissolve kidney stones.
In diseases of the joints, you need to make gruel from boiled root vegetables and apply to the inflamed joints. This recipe works very well.
Important to remember: turnip is contraindicated with hepatitis, with exacerbation inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Irina Chekalina

Voca-Beat Vocal School tells you about the musical genre Rap.

Vocal training at the Voca-Beat vocal school will help you discover the world of music from a new perspective, and most importantly, find yourself in it.

Rap (English rap, rapping) is rhythmic text or poetry that is read to music, usually with a heavy beat. A person who raps is a rapper, or MC.

Rap is considered one of the most important components of hip-hop; many people consider the terms "rap" and "hip-hop" to be synonymous. However, rap is used in a wide variety of genres of music, such as drum and bass, rock music (rapcore, nu metal, alternative rock, alternative rap). Also, rap is often an element of pop and R-n-B compositions.

When rap was still in its infancy in the African and Hispanic milieu of the Bronx, New York, in the first half of the 1970s, it was party music.

It was created by disc jockeys (DJs, DJs), and often their work was reduced to repeating the musical loss of someone else's dance composition. Over time, local DJs began to sell cassettes of party programs that skillfully combined rhythms and bass lines taken from various compositions, and MCs rapped over them. At that time (1974 - 1978) there were no studios and official releases of rap songs: this was an amateur occupation.

The first rap record is the single "Rapper's Delight" performed by "The Sugarhill Gang", released in the USA in 1979. It was thanks to this 11-minute track that the American general public learned about such a phenomenon as hip-hop. This composition made a splash in the American popular music market, but most people believed that this genre would not develop further.

However, by the mid-1980s hip-hop has changed: it has ceased to focus solely on parties, rappers in their texts began to raise serious topics.

Rap by the end of the 1980s reached high level popularity, it can be compared with the level of popularity of rock, country and pop music. MC Hammer, Kris Kross and others have become the epitome of this popularity. They addressed their music to a wide audience, and this set the stage for even more development of hip-hop.

The rivalry between rappers from the West and East coasts of the United States, which unfolded in the mid-1990s, is widely known. It ended with the deaths of Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G., representatives of both sides. This outcome of the confrontation caused a wide resonance in the media, and therefore rap gained even more popularity: throughout 1997, rappers occupied the top lines of the US charts. In the same period, there was an intensive commercialization of hip-hop. This is often associated with the name of the rapper Puff Daddy, who promoted the glamorous lifestyle. At the end of the 20th century, the white rapper Eminem gained fame, who tried to revive the charge of provocation and social protest in hip-hop music.

In 2004, for the first time in history, the Grammy Award in the most prestigious "super-genre" nomination - "for the best album" - was awarded to rap artists - the duo OutKast.

Rap appeared in Russia in 1984, when disc jockey Alexander Astrov, together with the Rush Hour group, recorded a 25-minute program in Kuibyshev, which soon spread throughout the country.

Hip-hop in Russia gained wide popularity in the second half of the 1980s, when the breakdance craze began. The first Russian-speaking group, "Bad Balance", appeared in the 1989s. This group is rightfully considered legendary. The industry of Russian hip-hop was formed only in the late 1990s, at the same time many groups of this genre appeared.

Many of the Russian rappers compared the life of African Americans in the ghetto with the hard times in Russia, most often with the 90s. Russian and American rap are somewhat similar, but Russian hip-hop has a different history, more lyrical digressions. In today's Russia, hip-hop is widespread among the youth and continues to develop.



Before the appearance of potatoes, one of the main vegetables without any exaggeration on the tables of the peoples of all Europe was turnips. AT Ancient Russia the turnip was not only the heroine folk tales, and along with bread served as the main food product.

Turnip can rightly be called the progenitor of vegetable crops cultivated in Russia. When it appeared there, it is difficult to say, but it is assumed that during the period of the emergence of agriculture.

The history of turnip has been going on for at least six millennia. Ancient cultural monuments mention the cultivation of turnips by the Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians. It is known that the wild ancestor of the turnip resembled the colza, differing from it only in a rudimentary root crop.

The cultivation of turnips, apparently, took place on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea. Besides, Northern Europe has long been replete with many varieties of turnips, among which yellow-meat, gray and black are not found in other parts of the world.

For thousands of years of cultivation, a lot of information has accumulated about turnips. As an indispensable food for many peoples, turnip is poeticized in epic and small genres of folklore, it is not bypassed in beliefs.

The ancient Persians considered turnips to be the food of slaves, while the Egyptians fed them to the builders of the pyramids. The ancient Greeks also knew turnips, however, they valued it much lower than, for example, beets. And when sacrifices were made to the god Apollo in the temples, the beets were carried on a silver platter, and the turnips on a pewter platter. Apollo instructed in myths that a turnip is worth no less than if it was made of silver.

The ancient Greek botanist Theophrastus in his "Studies on Plants" talks about turnips as the main vegetable of his compatriots. Apparently, in the III century. BC. the Greeks knew only round flat turnips, the very name of the vegetable hints at this - “gongyule”, i.e. rounded.

Turnip was widely used in ancient Rome. Table varieties were grown for food, large and coarse - for livestock feed. In Pliny the Elder (1st century AD) we read: “The turnip is of three types: either grows in width, or rounds into a ball. The third species is called forest: its root tends to be long and looks like a radish, the leaves are angular and rough, the juice is sharp.

It was believed that from the cold the turnip becomes tastier and larger, and from the heat it stretches into the tops. And, of course, already in those days, people were amazed at how a huge root crop grows from such a tiny seed in just 2 months.

Connoisseurs assured that the most delicious and largest turnips are obtained from the smallest seeds. They sowed turnips not only in vegetable gardens, but also in the fields, allocating the most fertile plots to it after grain and grapes. The Romans knew how to grow turnips-heavyweights, sometimes reaching a pood. Later, these furrow champions served as good initial forms for breeding forage turnips. Baked turnips were revered by ordinary Romans as the best everyday food.

In the medieval economy, turnip not only did not lose its dominant place, but even more consolidated it. About the years of lean turnip crops in the chronicles of the 11th-13th centuries. it was reported as events of a universal scale along with natural disasters and wars - the turnip was so popular and irreplaceable.

The unpretentiousness of this culture allowed it to move far to the north of Europe. It is known, for example, that in the past Swedish and Norwegian peasants donated a tenth of their turnip harvest to the church.

Before the advent of potatoes, turnips successfully replaced them on the English menu. They baked turnips, boiled them, ate them raw, and served young leaves as a salad.

However, not a single nation appreciated turnips as much as the Russians - it is no coincidence that it is considered a primordially Russian vegetable, although objectively this is not so. What the Russians did not do from turnips: they squeezed oil, and insisted kvass, and salted, and dried ... Turnips were eaten steamed, boiled, fried, with kvass, with butter and just like that. Some even fermented it like cabbage. In case of crop failure, turnips were mixed into bread, and the admixture nutritious vegetable was much better than swan.

Until the 19th century turnips played the same role in Russia as potatoes do now. This is a very unpretentious and productive crop, which has an excellent ability to long-term storage. Therefore, she did not leave the table of a Russian person almost all year round, and every day both the rich and the poor included her in their menu. It was sown everywhere, even on Valaam and the Solovetsky Islands. The areas where crops were made were called repisches. They are often mentioned in historical chronicles and annals, bills of sale.

In the years of lean crops, it was noticed about the high cost of this vegetable, for example, in Novgorod in 1215 “there was a cartload of turnips for two hryvnias” - at that time it was too expensive. And in the ancient Pskov chronicle it is also said about how “the same worms ate the same worms in turnips,” i.e. on a turnip field, insects killed turnip tops. Repischas are constantly mentioned in ancient bills of sale-fortresses.

Russian peasants carried turnips to the market in whole cartloads. Various tasty and nutritious dishes were prepared from it, which are now, unfortunately, forgotten. They loved, for example, a dish of grated turnips with grits, which was called a turnip. They cooked turnips, or turnips - turnip stew with malt or oatmeal, baked turnip pies.

In Russia, turnip, in addition, was considered a purely “feminine” culture. And women were supposed to sow it, and at the same time transfer part of their childbearing power to mother earth with the help of certain rituals and conspiracies. And in Ukraine in the old days there was even a profession of “turnip spitters”, and a very revered one. Since her seeds are small, specially trained people took them into their mouths and then sowed them, “shooting” with a special spit into the prepared ground.

It was the turnip that served as the main prophylactic that saved the peasant children of Europe from rickets, diseases of the bones, blood, etc., since a rare vegetable can be compared with a turnip (more precisely, in this case its leaves) by calcium content.

In folk medicine, turnip decoctions were used as an effective expectorant and diuretic. It was also believed that they are good for coughing in chronic bronchitis.

Here is what Vasily Levshin wrote more than two hundred years ago about the healing properties of turnips in his “Ogorodnik”, published in 1817: “The turnip root is refreshing, opens the womb and is quite nutritious. The juice of fresh turnips, grated, squeezed and boiled with sugar, is a sure remedy for scurvy in the mouth; smearing swollen and bleeding gums with it heals them in two days.

It gained massive popularity in the nineties of the last century and has since become firmly entrenched in the world of show business.

At the moment, rap is used in many others, and compositions annually occupy the first lines in the top lists of radio stations and music channels.


Rap is the performance of verbal recitative to rhythmic music. The rapper reads the lyrics to the beat, which can also be accompanied by electronic music. The subject of the texts is absolutely any, as well as the main message. There are several types of rhyme. The most difficult are the so-called "square rhymes" (that is, double). A flow with a powerful emotional message is called a "punchline". It is often used during battles - verbal contests between two rappers. The recitative style is called "flow" (from the English flow - to lay).

Various styles

The rap artist is also called "MC" (from the English MS - master of ceremony). Rap is not only a genre in its own right, it can also be part of a song in other styles. Rapcore is a mixture of fast, aggressive recitative with heavy music using guitars. One of the most prominent representatives of this genre is the French hardcore band Rise of the North Star.

The birth of rap culture

Rap songs appeared back in the seventies of the last century in the poor areas of New York, inhabited by black people from Africa. Presumably, the fashion for quickly reading rhymed text was brought from Jamaica. The first rappers were DJs and read their lyrics during discos. Gradually, rap migrated to the streets.

Black poets demonstrated their skills to passers-by and did not even think about commerce, but made music for their own pleasure.

The first rap battles also began to be held. Two people alternately read out peculiar pamphlets in order to insult the opponent or in another way to show their superiority over him. Ten years later, the first paid songs began to appear on the records. Rap began to conquer Europe. Until the mid-nineties, it continued to be positioned as a genre for bandits and gangsters. However, they began to pay great attention to the rap scene. In the late 1990s, the famous standoff between the East and West coasts took place. Musical battles took place between the leading performers of the two camps - Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G .. As a result, both were shot dead in a street showdown. The events of those days seriously affected the entire rap culture as a whole.

Since then, the question of the so-called "truestness" (from English word true - real) rap artists.

Russian rap

In Russia, they first learned about rap after the collapse Soviet Union. The first songs were recorded on pirated magnetic cassettes, less often on disks. Since at that time there was almost no control over the observance of copyright in the post-Soviet space, it was extremely unprofitable to sell your albums to foreign performers. However, after a short period of time, domestic performers also appeared. Russian rap, of course, succumbed to the huge influence of foreign ones, so the pioneers of this genre often simply copied famous performers like Dr. Dre or Eminem. But some features of the specifically Russian style were also noticeable.

A serious place on the hip-hop scene was occupied by representatives of the Russian emigration in Germany and the UK. Under the auspices of the German rapper Kul Savas, they released rap songs on the Optik Rush label. The main style was battle rap. Groups such as "Shock" and "First Class" gained immense popularity in the post-Soviet space and set the direction for the development of the genre for several years.

new time

However, over time, more and more performers appeared.

For the reason that rap music itself is unpretentious, and its creation does not require serious skills, this genre is the most common in a quantitative sense. Basically, all you need to create is a microphone and a computer. The ease of mixing has encouraged young people to become more and more involved in rap culture. In addition to classical themes, beat songs have also become a means of conveying their political or social protest. Thus, the genre of hardcore rap was formed. It is often used by performers with radical political views. Usually the concerts of such groups are not advertised, and only representatives of a particular subculture are allowed to attend them.

Rap culture

Russian and foreign rap is also unique and usually differ in demeanor, clothing style and social self-identification. Spacious bright things, most often semi-sports, are used as clothes. A special "chip" in the rapper's wardrobe are sneakers and baseball caps. Also, the clothing style is characterized by an abundance of various attributes such as watches, bracelets, chains, bandanas and other things.

Although this mainly applies to young people in Western countries. The post-Soviet space was hardly affected by such tendencies.

Rap culture is also closely related to other elements of hip hop. For example, a hobby for riding a skateboard or cycling. Events are often held in which young people compete in the skill of riding a bicycle or skateboard, and then in the ability to remove an opponent with rhymes. In Russia, the most famous show such orientation - "Snickers Urbania". So rap is not only music, but also a lifestyle.


and. root vegetable Brassica napus (rara); repin, one turnip. Cabbage and turnips are not crepe. Round girl, like a turnip. Turnip, plant. Umbilicus. razlog;

a breed of small, flat apple trees.

Arch. sib. cranial marine animal, sea urchin, Echinus esculentus. Repischa, a huge turnip; fortress cf. old turnip field? Behold, buy oramyi lands, and reap, and rehishes, and grafts, etc.

Yaroslavl newly plowed field? Peas and turnips are an enviable business: whoever does not go, will snatch. Turnips and rutabaga people do not boast. Cheaper than a steamed turnip, they give it away for free. Good (girl), like a washed turnip! What is it: they drove with a steamed turnip, arshin a penny? Turnips are not sown on the back. Even if you sing mother turnip (obscene song). Sheeba (I will throw) a big one, it will grow an oak tree, a zaoleshnichkom (turnip). In the land of crumbs, from the land of cakes (turnips). Under an oak tree, under a pencil, neither a ball nor a pebble (turnip). Itself a ball, and the tail under itself (turnip). Green above, thick in the middle, thin at the end (turnip). Round, but not a girl: with a tail, but not a mouse? (turnip). Turnip, referring to turnip. Turnip oil, rapeseed, from the breed of the same plant. Turnip m. turnip plant, whole bush;

porridge, from grated turnips with cereals;

turnip pie. Turnip or turnip, turnip tops.

Repniks pl. sun-dried, steamed in the oven turnip Vologda. Turnip, plant. colza. Turnip, turnip, in the meaning. turnip porridge; also turnip soup. Turnip arch. turnip stew: boiled or steamed turnips are kneaded, mixed with malt, sometimes with oatmeal, poured with water and put under a lid in a free spirit. Reptiles pl. olon. turnip, turnip kvass. Turnip, from turnip. Mouse, mouse. you have a burdock tooth, but give me an iron one! the child must say, throwing a milk tooth behind the stove. Onion, resembling a turnip, with a flattened ball. Onion apples or onion. Onions, bulbs, opposite sex. green. Turnip, turnip, generally referring to turnips. Turnip, caress. the nickname of the round girl. Repitsa the tail of a vertebrate animal, except for wool and hair; the entire connection of the caudal ossicles, the continuation of the vertebrae. The horse has a half-tail, and half a tail of a muffler.

In a bird: a vesicle on the tail, on the kuprik. Repichny, relating to the turnip. Repolov or repel m. one of the songbirds, Sylvia rubecola. The woman did not sleep on the reporeza, day 15 September.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


turnips, A vegetable, a biennial plant from the cruciferous family with a thickened spherical root. stern turnip Cheaper than a steamed turnip (proverb) - very cheap.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Y, well. Root crop with a rounded root of light yellow color. Kordovaya r. Cheaper than a steamed turnip (very cheap; colloquial joke.). Easier than a steamed turnip (very simple; colloquial joke.).

reduce turnip, -and, well. "adj. turnip, -th, -th and turnip, -th, -th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    A vegetable plant of the cruciferous family with a thickened root crop, usually white or yellow.

    The sweetish root crop of such a plant, eaten.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


biennial herbaceous plant genus cabbage of the cruciferous family. Vegetable (actually turnip) and fodder (turnip) culture (in root crops sucrose, vitamin C, carotene), on all continents; in the Russian Federation, mainly in the Non-Chernozem zone, the yield is up to 350 centners per 1 ha.


(Brassica rapa), a biennial vegetable plant of the cabbage genus of the cruciferous family. In the first year, a rosette of dissected leaves and a fleshy root crop are formed; in the second - flower-bearing shoots that produce seeds. Inflorescence ≈ corymbose. The petals are golden-yellow in yellow-meaty varieties and lemon-yellow in white-fleshed ones. The fruit is an open long pod. Seeds are small round, from light to dark brown. R. is a cold-resistant (withstands frosts up to 5 ╟С), moisture-loving, rather heat-resistant plant. Optimum temperature for growth and development 12≈20 ╟С. The vegetation period is short (60≈85 days), the yield is from 150 to 350 c/ha. Root crops contain: dry matter from 8.5 to 16.9% (half of which is sugar), vitamins C (22≈73 mg%), B1, B2, carotene, mustard oil, the presence of which determines the specific smell of R. and taste. R. is used as food in fresh, boiled, fried. R. has great nutritional value in the northern and high mountain regions. the globe, where others vegetable crops grow poorly or do not succeed at all due to lack of heat. The best varieties, zoned in the USSR: Petrovskaya 1, with a flat root and yellow flesh; May yellow greenhead 172, with a flat root crop and light yellow flesh; Milanese white red-headed, with a flat root crop and white pulp, etc. The most suitable soils for growing R. are sandy and loamy with a neutral and slightly acidic reaction; satisfactorily tolerates the increased acidity of the soil. In a crop rotation, they are placed after crops under which organic fertilizers were applied. Seeds are sown in spring, and for the use of root crops in winter - in summer. Crop care consists in fertilizing with phosphorus and potash fertilizers, 10-15 kg of active substance per 1 ha, loosening the soil, thinning by 6-8 cm, weeding, pest and disease control, watering. Harvest before frost.

Lit. see at Art. Radish.

V. A. Ershova.



Turnip- an annual or biennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus of the family, or.

Forage varieties of turnips are called turnips.

Turnip (disambiguation)


  • Turnip is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Cabbage.
  • Turnip - a river in Russia, flows mainly in the Yaroslavl region.

Turnip (tributary of Sogozha)

Turnip- a river in Russia, flows mainly in the Yaroslavl region. The source of the river is located in the Cherepovets district of the Vologda region, east of the village of Gurlevo, but after about 2 km it enters the territory of the Poshekhonsky district of the Yaroslavl region. The mouth of the river is located 44 km along the right bank of the Sogozha River, opposite the village of Teleshovo.

The length of the river is 47 km, the area of ​​the catchment basin is 423 km².

Examples of the use of the word turnip in the literature.

Oh, sir, - weeping, said Aramei Maskhei - you won’t understand, a person or turnip-- what insomnia!

Strong, I'd rather have dessert turnip than this pineapple or muscat grapes from Clevering,” complained poor Lady Clevering, looking around her dinner table, - if for a snack they gave me at least a little peace.

In the morning, stew was cooked for everyone - a skinskin from barley flour, at lunchtime at the shipyard they beat the beater, carried wooden tubs with a mess - boiled turnip with kvass, with malt.

He and more root crops like turnip and rutabaga, are often the only family food for a very long time.

Potatoes dragged five wagons, yes rutabagas, yes turnips, yes beets, yes horseradish, yes radishes, yes carrots, yes cabbages, yes peas in pods - and all carts.

And the thing happened because of uselessness - because of turnips, because of swede steamed.

swede governor, turnip chewed, from the swede, turnip stubborn, took in the spirit and screamed heart-rendingly: - Disrespectful!

Look, on the way I saw these new gypsies, hedgehogs, porcupines, turnips, swede - from the belly fried!

Ahead, the wives and children of the nomads were already laying out a fire for the night, roasting hedgehogs, baking turnip, swede and everything else, loved by the people for dinner.

Do not think, gracious sirs, that the aforementioned maid really swallowed the spoonbill in order, as the bailiff shows, to increase her dowry, and that the sausage passed through usurers' purses, and whoever wants to take revenge on cannibals, then there is nothing better than taking a bunch of onions , yes three hundred heads turnips, and a little veal mesentery, and the best gold that alchemists have, mix it all up, stir, stir and mix, pour rake sauce into it, and then smear and rub cannibal shoes with this composition and hide them in some mole hole, lard should be protected more than your eyes.

But I can't run trains through a land of sharecroppers who can't even raise turnip.

All around Dawson were vegetable gardens filled with turnip, kohlrabi, lettuce and parsnips, but not in sufficient quantities.

Sabin will be glad that he finally got rid of the compromising brother, and the rest of the guests, grinning, will whisper to each other about horse manure and rotten turnips, and it turns out that the lush young shoot on the oak tried in vain.

But the real amazement was living corals, they look, as it were, like underwater flowers, like anemones, hyacinths, cornflowers, buttercups, bluebells, no, this does not convey anything, these are living curls, curls, buds, buntings, bubbles, buds , acorns, ovaries, pimples, knots, stumps, veins, stalks, but no, it must be told differently, they are mobile, they are multi-colored, like the gardens of Babylon, they recreate all the cereals of fields and gardens, from turnips to burdock and to cabbage.

It turned out that he was called the peasant Yefim Kulagin and was driving home from a cart, and the redneck was taking him to the garden, where he grew turnip and cabbage.
