I’m leaving in good hands a recipe for amazing wild strawberry jam. Strawberry jam without cooking

Whether wild strawberry or garden strawberry, this plant is unique. Its small red berries are incredibly rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances. Therefore, every housewife tries not only to feed her family with fresh berries, but also to prepare them for the winter.

Making this delicious strawberry jam will help every housewife save a piece of summer for her family. The jam recipe is very simple and quick; it will take more time and effort to collect and prepare the berries, but if you buy them at the market, you can save time. 🙂 Step-by-step photos illustrate the preparation.

We need:

  • strawberries - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg (to taste).

How to make strawberry jam

Small aromatic berries should be sorted thoroughly to remove spoiled berries, if any.

Remove the tails with a knife, so the berry will remain intact and not deformed. Wash under running water.

Pour the strawberries into a convenient container and cover with sugar. Stir with a wooden spatula. Leave for a couple of hours until it releases the juice.

Place the berries in the syrup on the fire until they boil. Turn off the heat and put the jam in a cool place until it cools completely (about 3.5 hours).

Then repeat the procedure by bringing to a boil. After boiling, cook for about 5-6 minutes. There is no need to keep it on the fire any longer. This will help preserve all the beneficial substances, and the berries will not lose their beautiful scarlet color.

Pour strawberry jam into jars and roll up with a special key.

Turn the jars over and wrap them in a towel.

Leave it like this until the workpiece cools completely, after which it is sent to a cold place for long-term storage. If, of course, you manage to resist the temptation and open the strawberry jam right away.

Winter evenings the best delicacy You won't find anything better than strawberry jam. It will give you a boost of strength, help overcome winter vitamin deficiency and improve your mood.

Strawberries various types and subspecies, both wild and cultivated (including strawberries) - a genus of perennial plants that produce delicious fruits, containing various beneficial substances, namely: vitamin C and other acids, carbohydrates, nitrogenous compounds, pectin and tannins. Strawberries are suitable for consumption both fresh and processed, for example, in the form of jam.

Let's decide for ourselves how much (or more precisely, how long) to cook the strawberry jam.

We must tell the truth: with prolonged thermal exposure, a significant part of the vitamin C contained in in this case in strawberry fruits, alas, it will be destroyed. But you have to somehow prepare strawberries for the winter, and not every home has large, powerful freezers. Therefore, we will try to choose the most gentle ones, that is quick ways cooking jam - this way we will save the maximum useful substances.

We'll tell you how to cook strawberry jam correctly and tasty. So we collect or buy beautiful strawberries and domestically produced sugar (Polish sugar is not suitable).

How to cook strawberry jam for five minutes?

Option 1 without water


  • fresh ripe strawberries (preferably small or medium-sized fruits) – 3 parts;
  • granulated sugar – 1 part.


Remove the stems from strawberries and wash thoroughly cold water, then place in a colander or sieve to drain the water. Then we put the strawberries prepared in this way into an enameled (without flaw) or aluminum cookware, in which we will make jam (basins or large bowls are most convenient). If the fruits are large, they can be cut in half each. Add sugar to the fruits and mix lightly. Leave for a while so that the berries release their juice.

When this happens, carefully mix everything and wait another 40 minutes, after which we put the working container on the lowest heat. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon or spatula. When foam appears, be sure to remove it. After a steady boil, cook the jam, stirring continuously, for 5, maximum 8 minutes (this is if the berries are large enough). Pour the jam with a clean ladle into sterilized jars; they can be rolled up or closed using plastic or metal lids(if the design allows). It is better to store jars of jam at low above-zero temperatures on a glassed-in veranda or loggia, in a pantry, or in a cellar.

Option 2 in sugar syrup (that is, with water)


  • fresh ripe strawberries – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 200-250 ml.


We sort the berries, remove the stalks and rinse with cold water, after which we transfer them to a colander or sieve.

Mix sugar and water in a bowl and cook until completely dissolved - it turns out. When the syrup is at its lowest boil, carefully immerse the strawberries in it and cook for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam. Turn off the heat and cool the jam completely. Bring the jam to a boil again over low heat and boil for another 3-5 minutes, after which we fill the jars and seal them in one way or another.

You probably noticed that the first recipe uses less sugar, which means it turns out more useful option. This is true, but, alas, in this case, the integrity of the fruit is not preserved. In the second option, the integrity and beauty of the strawberries is preserved (well, almost all of them), just cook and transfer into jars carefully.

In the cold season, strawberry jam will delight you, your guests and family (especially children - they usually love it) in the most pleasant way. Strawberry jam is good served with fresh or, for example, rooibos, mate and other herbal tea drinks. Strawberry jam can also be used as a filling for baked goods, for preparing and decorating confectionery products.

Strawberry jam - how to make strawberry jam

If you decide to make strawberry jam, we will help you useful tips on making strawberry jam and proven recipes.

Fragrant and fragrant jam, made from strawberries, of course, absolutely everyone loves it. How many nutrients are contained in one teaspoon of jam? After all, everyone knows about the useful and healing properties such a small forest berry as a strawberry. At the same time, people learned about its numerous properties in ancient times, as evidenced by archaeological excavations carried out in different places.

In addition to the excellent taste that strawberries will certainly please, this small berry can “take care” of human immunity. This was made possible thanks to high concentration vitamin "C".

It has been established that wild berries, from the point of view of biologists, are more tasty and healthy, since they do not contain any harmful substances. In strawberries growing in the forest, the concentration of nutrients is one and a half times higher than in berries collected from artificially bred varieties. At the same time, the concentration of minerals, B vitamins, as well as E vitamins allows them to retain all their properties, even after preparing jam, jam or jelly from the harvested crop.

However, such a concentration of useful substances does not mean at all that berries from artificially bred varieties are not suitable for making jam. Here the situation is completely reversed. It is “garden” plants and the harvest harvested from them that are most suitable for use in preparing a delicacy called boiled strawberry. And the whole point is that, thanks to the efforts of scientists, the berries from artificial varieties are much larger than those that can be collected in the forest, and the taste of some varieties is much sweeter. In addition, which is also very important for some, strawberries collected from the garden do not lose their shape during the cooking process.

Important Tips

Before you start preparing the jam itself, you should take care of the berries:

Rinse the berries thoroughly in cool water;

Clean the strawberries from sepals and crushed fruits, as well as from spoiled and unripe berries;

Dry the berries by leaving them in a colander for a short time;

Recipe No. 1. Strawberry jam with lemon juice


1 kilogram of ripe and already peeled strawberries;

1.7 kilograms powdered sugar or sand (those who do not like very sweet jam can take only 1.5 or 1.4 kilograms);

Lemon juice;

Cooking method:

The strawberries must be carefully placed in a small layer on the bottom of a deep pan, after which they should be thoroughly sprinkled with sugar. Strawberries are placed on top of the sugar as a second layer, after which sugar is poured in again, and so on until all the berries are neatly laid out in containers.

Now the strawberries need to brew, and therefore the pan with the ingredients is left for about five to seven hours. During this time, the berries should release juice and absorb some of the sugar. After this time, mix (not too thoroughly) the strawberries with sugar using a wooden spoon or spatula.

The strawberry mass must be brought to a boil, and then immediately removed from the heat for fifteen minutes. Repeat the procedure exactly four more times. At the last boil, just a few minutes before it ends, add strawberry jam lemon juice. Calculating the required volume is simple - one gram per kilogram of fresh strawberries.

Pour into small sterilized glass containers, only when hot. Once completely cooled, store in a cool place.

Recipe No. 2


300 milliliters of water;

1.7 kilograms of sugar;

1 kilogram of strawberries;

First you need to prepare sweet syrup. To do this, mix sugar and water and stir until the sugar granules are completely dissolved. Only after that sugar syrup, you can fill the entire volume of pre-prepared and peeled berries.

Now put the entire resulting mass on the fire and cook until it boils completely, then remove the container with jam from the stove and leave to cool for fifteen minutes. This procedure will have to be repeated three or four times, it all depends on the density of the berries (they should soften well).

That's all, the jam is ready.

Pour over glass jars hot.

Recipe No. 3


1 kg fresh berries strawberries;

2 kilograms of sugar or granulated sugar;

Method for making strawberry jam:

This method is very popular because it is very simple and does not require special skills. In addition, the jam can be prepared quickly enough, which is very important in our constantly “slipping away” time.

So, you need to grind the strawberries with two kilograms of sugar using a wooden spoon. If desired, the resulting mass can be slightly warmed up. This way the berries will release more juice faster and more. It is important that the mixture does not boil!

Store this delicacy in a dark and cool place for no more than a year. However, it is better, according to this recipe, to prepare a small amount of strawberry jam in order to have time to eat it while the berries retain their fresh taste.

Strawberry jam recipe No. 4


1 kilogram of fresh strawberries;

Half a kilogram of sugar;

Cooking method:

Some people believe that with such an amount of sugar, strawberry jam will not be tasty at all. However this recipe can be called classic and is what many housewives use.

So, first of all, you need to prepare the berries, and therefore we clean them of leaves and everything else, and then rinse them in cool water. While the berries are drying in a colander, pour water into a saucepan and put it on the fire until it boils.

Remember that strawberries are thrown into boiling water, so be extremely careful. After the berries comes the turn of sugar, which is also thrown into a container of water. The jam should be cooked for at least half an hour, stirring it periodically and skimming off any foam that has formed.

The finished product is placed in sterilized jars and tightly closed with a lid. If desired, you can roll it up. Store only in a cool place.

Recipe No. 5. Strawberry jam with currants


One kilogram of red currants;

One kilogram of strawberries;

Method for making strawberry and currant jam:

Strawberries and currants must be mixed together. Do this carefully to avoid damaging the fruit as much as possible.

After the berries are poured into the pan, they must be sprinkled with sugar. Here the proportions are very simple. For one glass of sugar you need three glasses of berries.

After the berries release a little juice, the whole mass must be put on the fire and brought to a boil, stirring it periodically and “getting rid” of the foam. After the berries boil, cook them for another five minutes. The jam is ready. Place in jars while still hot, but let it cool down room temperature.

The jam, as a rule, is not very thick, but very, very tender. You can store it either in a cool place or in a kitchen cabinet.

Recipe No. 6. Strawberry jam with water


500 grams of strawberries;

500 grams of sugar;

100 milliliters of water;

Way preparing strawberry jam in a slow cooker:

We pour the strawberries prepared in advance into a slow cooker, sprinkling them with sugar. After this, fill with water and close the lid. You need to turn on the “quenching” mode. In this case, the time on the multicooker is set to no more than thirty minutes. After this, the jam is poured into jars and left to cool.

Recipe No. 7. Sweet strawberry jam


1 kilogram of strawberries;

2 kilograms of sugar;

Method for making strawberry jam:

Grind the berries with sugar and immediately place the pan on low heat. Heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, but under no circumstances bring the strawberry mass to a boil. After the sugar has dissolved, put the jam into jars and close tightly with a lid or parchment paper.

You can store this jam for quite a long time, but it is better to keep it in the refrigerator or other fairly cool place.

Recipe No. 8. Strawberry jam with citric acid


1 kilogram of strawberries;

1 pinch of citric acid;

1.4-1.5 kilograms of sugar;

Method for making strawberry jam:

Pour the berries into a container, layer by layer, sprinkling them with sugar. Leave it indoors for five hours so that the berries release their juice. Cook the strawberry mixture over low heat until the sugar dissolves. After this, bring to a boil and cook for another 20 minutes, stirring and skimming. At the end of cooking, add 2 grams of citric acid for every kilogram of sugar.

Place into glass containers while hot.

Important tips for making strawberry jam

For jam, it is best to choose berries of the same size. Since too small ones will cook very quickly, and large ones, on the contrary, will take longer to cook, while small ones will simply turn into mush. At the same time, than longer jam is on fire, the more nutrients the product loses.

Pick the berries no earlier than a day before preparing the jam, otherwise the lower layers will be crushed, losing their shape, and you will simply have to throw them away.

Keep an eye on the heat when cooking. It shouldn't be too small or too big.

If foam forms, be sure to remove it.

The amount of sugar must correspond exactly to the recipe, since it is sugar that affects the degree of preservation of the finished product. The less it is, the shorter period jam storage.

Adding citric acid will help avoid sugaring during storage.

To avoid bitterness in finished product, during the cooking process, lower the carrots into the strawberry mixture. It will take away all the bitterness, and after the jam is cooked, just throw it away.

Similar materials

Fragrant, healthy jam from strawberries - tips and cooking options: for the winter, with sugar, lemon or paprika.

If you are going to cook strawberry jam for the first time, then be sure to keep an eye on it: simmer for five minutes over low heat, leave for at least 2 hours. This method of cooking will ensure the freshness of the berries, beautiful colour and great taste.

  • Strawberries - 1 Kilogram
  • Sugar - 800 grams

Sort the strawberries, wash and dry.

Add sugar and wait until the juice comes out.

Cook for five minutes three times.

Place the finished jam into jars and roll up.

Recipe 2: delicious wild strawberry jam

If the harvested strawberry crop is quite small, then prepare jam from strawberries possible together with the stalks.

  • strawberries - 4 cups
  • granulated sugar - 4 cups
  • lemon acid— 1 g
  • water - 1-2 glasses

We place the collected strawberries in a large deep basin and begin to gradually sort them out. We throw away all unnecessary leaves and twigs. Then wash the sorted berries very carefully. If the delicacy will be prepared with the stalks, then it is better to rinse the berries several times. Next, the washed berries should be dried with a towel.

We send the dried strawberries into a container in which the jam will be cooked, after which we fill it with sugar. Following the sugar, we add citric acid, but first dilute it in one tablespoon of water. It is due to the addition of citric acid that the strawberry delicacy will remain bright and rich in color.

Now we set the container with the berries in a convenient place for several hours, or better yet, overnight, so that the strawberries release as much of their own juice as possible.

After the specified time, put the raw jam on small fire and cook it for five minutes. During this, use a spoon to skim off the resulting foam. After five minutes, remove the container with jam from the stove, after which we put it in a suitable place for a day.

In a day aromatic delicacy put it on the stove and cook it until full readiness. Place the hot jam into sterile jars and immediately cover them with lids.

Recipe 3: five-minute strawberry jam (with photo)

Strawberry jam reaches readiness due to cooling in the total mass, and is poured into jars already chilled.

Due to this process, all the berries remain intact and are evenly distributed in the syrup, and the jam turns out to be very aromatic.

  • water - 400 ml
  • sugar - 700 gr
  • strawberries - 500 gr

Recipe 4: how to quickly make strawberry jam

The peculiarity of this strawberry jam recipe is that we will prepare it not with simple, but with gelling sugar. Due to this, the temperature treatment time is reduced significantly - only 7 minutes. As a result berry puree is not digested, the original color and taste of strawberries is preserved. From the specified amount of products you get about 750 milliliters of ready-made sweet treat.

  • strawberries - 400 gr
  • gelling sugar - 400 gr

The strawberry jam recipe includes only 2 ingredients: fresh strawberries and gelling sugar. Gelling sugar, which contains natural thickener- pectin, I use it in a concentration of 1:1, that is, 1 kilogram of sugar is used for 1 kilogram of berries. There are also other types - 2:1 and 3:1 - with them the strawberry jam according to this recipe will turn out less sweet and more liquid.

To begin, carefully sort the berries, remove the stems, if any, and throw away the spoiled strawberries. After this, we wash the berries in cold water to get rid of the soil.

Let's fall asleep a small amount(about half a glass is enough) gelling sugar, carefully shake the pan so that the sweet crystals are evenly distributed around the berries. Let stand for 5 minutes so that the berries begin to release juice.

In the meantime, we will definitely prepare jars and lids for strawberry jam. Each housewife has her own favorite method, and I do it in microwave oven— I wash the jars (0.5 liter volume) in a soda solution, rinse and pour about 100 ml into each cold water. I steam them in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. I also boil the lids on the stove for about 5 minutes.

Then put on the fire and bring the berries to a boil - this will take about 5 minutes. Gradually add gelling sugar, constantly stirring the berries with a spoon.

After boiling again, cook everything together over low-medium heat for just a couple of minutes. And that’s, in fact, all - this strawberry jam is prepared very quickly, while the berries undergo minor heat treatment.

We pour the finished sweet delicacy into pre-prepared jars - I got about 750 milliliters.

Then we roll up (or screw on) the jars, turn them upside down, wrap them in something warm and let them cool completely. Strawberry jam prepared in this way should be stored in a cool place - a basement or cellar. But it’s better, of course, in the refrigerator, since heat treatment here is minimal.

Well, in winter, we tear off our summer fragrant wealth and rather invite the whole family to enjoy delicious jam from strawberries. For me personally, this is simply an unearthly pleasure! By the way, jam from garden strawberries It never tastes bitter, unlike desserts made from wild berries.

Recipe 5, step by step: strawberry jam with mint

  • 1 kg (strawberries) strawberries
  • 1 kg granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp. fresh mint (can be dried), finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp. water (as needed)

Peel the strawberries (or field strawberries), wash them under running cold water, and let them drain.

Place the berries in a saucepan, cover with sugar and refrigerate overnight to release the juice.

The next day, pour the berry juice into a wide, thick-bottomed pan.

Put the juice on the fire and cook until it boils (all the sugar should dissolve).

Pour our strawberries (or wild strawberries) into the syrup and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, while removing the resulting foam. Mix very, very carefully without damaging the berries. Then turn off the heat and let the berries cool. Next, put the pan on the fire again, cook for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam. Then cool everything again.

Repeat the process 3 times. Add chopped mint, stir, cook for another 1 minute, then turn off. Let the jam cool completely. Pour the jam into already sterilized jars (sterilize the lids too). Cover with a plastic lid and store in the refrigerator for up to six months.

If you plan to store the jam outside the refrigerator or more long term(1 year): pour hot jam into the jars and close the lid, turn the jars upside down. Let cool in this position. Properly cooked jam retains the aroma of the berries, as well as healthy vitamins, which are so necessary in winter! Enjoy your tea!

Recipe 6: strawberry jam with lemon for the winter

  • Strawberries - 1 Cup
  • Sugar - 1.5 Cups
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

We carefully sort out the strawberries, wash them, and remove the stems.

Place the berries in a saucepan and add sugar. Leave it overnight to release the juice.

Place the jam on the fire and bring to a boil. Carefully remove the foam. From time to time, rock the pan from side to side to mix the berries. Do not stir with a spoon. Remove from the stove and let it sit for half an hour. We repeat the procedure twice more.

The green sepals of wild berries are very useful, so housewives often do not pick them off the berries, but make jam for the winter along with them. classic recipe. Or dried along with twigs and leaves and brewed as tea.

The berries are cooked in the widest possible container so that during the cooking process there are as few layers as possible. Ideally, you should use wide stainless steel dishes or a large-volume brass basin, but you can prepare small portions of strawberry jam in a slow cooker.
The jam cooks quite quickly, so it is also better to prepare sterilized dry containers for storage in advance. It is best to choose small jars with a volume of 0.5 or 1 liter.

How to properly make wild strawberry jam?

Recipes for making strawberry jam differ mainly in the amount of sugar added. In all cases, they try to keep the berries on the fire as little as possible. In some cases, for more good taste housewives add citric acid or a little red currant.

Classic strawberry jam recipe

The standard recipe is suitable for making jam from any berries, because it can be prepared in large quantities. Citric acid is added depending on the amount of strawberries and sugar. To make it easier to calculate the amount of lemon, remember the proportion: 2g per 1kg of berries.


  • 1 kg strawberries;
  • 1 1/2 kg sugar;
  • 2 g citric acid.

Strawberries with sugar are set aside for 3-4 hours until the juice is released. The workpiece is cooked in several stages. In the first circle, the jam is boiled for 15 minutes; after it has cooled completely, the circle is repeated, but the boiling time is reduced to 10 minutes. Number of circles – 3-4. In the last round, citric acid is added. Additional sterilization of jam jars is not necessary.
The recipe is suitable for more large berries garden strawberries.

Recipe for strawberries in their own juice with sterilization

This recipe uses very little sugar. Usually its deficiency leads to rapid spoilage of jam: fermentation, mold formation. To avoid this, a jar of ready-made jam must be sterilized.
The amount of ingredients varies depending on the container in which the jam will be placed. You can even reduce the amount of sugar to a 3 to 1 ratio.

  • 2 cups strawberries;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

The berries fall asleep granulated sugar and leave for about 4 hours. During this time, the fruits will release a significant amount of juice. Without draining the juice, place the dishes on low heat and cook, stirring constantly and removing the foam if necessary, cooking lasts 5 minutes from the moment of boiling.
Next, the jam is put into jars, but only covered with lids. Place a towel on the bottom of a large saucepan, place jars of jam on it, and pour hot water. It should reach the hangers of the cans. After the water boils, the jars are sterilized for 10 minutes. Then they are removed and rolled up for long-term storage.

Recipe for strawberry jam in a slow cooker


  • 1 cup strawberries;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of water.

All ingredients are placed in the multicooker bowl, the steam valve is opened and the “Stew” mode is selected. It takes 30 minutes to prepare the jam, but there is no need to stir the dish or skim off the foam. The container can be sterilized in any convenient way: over steam, in the oven or microwave. Jars with blanks are not additionally sterilized.

How to make strawberry jam with currants without cooking


  • 1 cup strawberries;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons red currants.

Preserving the integrity of the berries for this sweet dessert is not very important, so if during preparation some of the fruits are accidentally crushed, you should not throw them away. The main thing is that the raw materials are not spoiled. Raw jam It must be stored in the refrigerator, as it spoils quickly at room temperature.

It is not at all necessary to cook this jam; just mix all the ingredients thoroughly and package it in sterile jars.

But in order to increase the shelf life, berries with sugar are boiled over low heat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved in berry juice. This should happen much earlier than the jam approaches the boiling point. There is no point in waiting for this moment, as in the strawberry five-minute process, so the jam is put into jars immediately after the sugar has dissolved. It is best to use powdered sugar.

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