How to choose a ripe avocado in the store - simple recommendations. How to choose a ripe avocado: expert advice

Avocado- the fruit is very tasty, but only if choose it correctly.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the degree of maturity of the fetus. Unripe avocado has an unpleasant bitter taste and its flesh is hard. A ripe, ripe avocado has a pleasantly sweet flavor and a soft, buttery, almost creamy texture. The pulp of a particularly ripe fruit can even be spread on sandwiches like butter. How to determine the ripeness of an avocado and what other signs will help you choose the right tasty fruit?

Determining whether an avocado is ripe is very simple. You need to press lightly on the peel with your fingers. If the fruit bends slightly under your fingers and then the dent quickly smoothes out, that is, the fruit is quite elastic, then this is the avocado you should choose. Another sign of a ripe avocado is the sound of the pit when you shake the fruit. Bring the avocado to your ear and shake it - if the seed rattles, it means the avocado is ripe.

An unripe avocado will be firm to the touch and will not dent when pressed. His bone does not knock. However, you can also buy such an avocado, but you will have to keep it at home for several days. room temperature so that it ripens.

An avocado that is too soft and has dents that cannot be smoothed out should not be taken. This avocado is overripe and is likely to be rotten inside.

Also pay attention to the appearance of the avocado, which can tell you a lot about the properties of the fruit.

Avocados can have green or brownish skin. The brown-skinned avocado (pictured left) is a California variety. When ripe, it is very soft and is good for cooking, cocktails, or simply spreading on sandwiches. And if you cut this avocado in half and take out the pit, you can scoop it out of the peel with a spoon and eat it just like that.

Avocados with green skin when ripe have firmer flesh and are suitable for and.

The photo below shows two avocados. different varieties— Florida (1) and Pinkerton (2). Click on photo to enlarge.

Please note that one of them (avocado 1) has a thin and almost smooth skin, with barely noticeable pimples. The second avocado (pictured number 2) has a darker peel, covered in large pimples. It is better to choose an avocado like number 2.

The peel of avocado number 2 is dense and thick, it is easy to pick it up with a fingernail and completely peel the fruit without affecting the pulp.
On the contrary, an avocado of the type number 1 can only be peeled with a knife, inevitably removing a layer of pulp along with the peel.

Sometimes it is difficult to find ripe exotic fruits on the shelves of our stores, and this is not due to the irresponsibility of sellers or administration, the difficulty lies in exporting foreign products. Especially things like avocados.

This fruit has a delicate, creamy texture that is difficult to preserve during transportation. That is why vegetables and fruits from warm countries They are transported green, not ripe. During the journey, they ripen, and final ripening occurs on the shelves of the supermarket. And of course, this fact greatly influences the taste of the product: it’s one thing when fruits hang on branches under the hot sun, soaking up the rays and fresh air., and it’s a completely different matter when unripe fruits are carefully packaged and processed, “floating” or “flying” around the world to ultimately end up on our table.

How to tell if an avocado is ripe

In any case, enjoy exotic vitamins you always want to, but to get maximum pleasure from it, you need to learn how to choose the right fruits. How to choose an avocado and not make a mistake? In the case of avocados, always pay attention to its color. The hard peel is light or dark green or brown (brown) in color, sometimes with small, light inclusions - without any dark or yellow spots or sudden changes in color. Initially, any avocado is green. As it ripens green variety becomes darker, and the brown variety changes color from light green to brown. Therefore, on this variety of “alligator pear”, green spots the size of a 5-kopeck coin can sometimes remain. This fruit is quite suitable for eating.

To be sure the avocado is ripe, gently press on the top (narrower) part of the fruit. The flesh should be soft, like slightly melted butter. When pressed, the peel will press through a little; there should be no dents left. If the avocado is softer, then most likely it has already gone bad.

From the moment you press hard on the fruit, it will begin to spoil. The very next day a dark spot will appear in this place, and very soon the fruit will no longer be suitable for food.

Another important point: to find out if an avocado has gone bad, you need to listen to the sound of the pit inside the fruit. Take the “alligator pear” in your hands and jog a little. You should hear a faint, dull sound of the bone hitting the walls. If there is no sound, then it is better to choose another fruit.

So to choose ripe avocado, pay attention to three things:

  1. fruit color
  2. pulp density
  3. bone sound

How to speed up ripening

Most often, there are no soft avocados in the vegetable departments; all the fruits are hard and not ripe. In this case, choose fruit without dents, scratches or other damage. Try to choose the softest one so that the fruit can ripen at home. Wrap the avocado in newspaper and then place it in a baggie. natural fabric(or wrap it in a piece of fabric). Place 1 dried chili pepper between the newspaper and the bag. This way the avocado will ripen much faster.

If you can't do this, store avocados at room temperature. Do not leave the fruit in the sun or put it in the refrigerator. Within 2-7 days, the alligator pear will “arrive.” At this time, try not to put pressure on the fruit, checking its ripeness, so as not to further injure the delicate pulp.

Peeling a ripe avocado is very easy! Take a non-sharp knife and cut off a small piece of peel near the stalk. Then peel off the skin as you would normally peel potatoes. Remove the peel in a circle and then remove the sides of the peel by hand.

Then cut the avocado lengthwise into two parts. A large bone will remain in one of the parts. Carefully remove the pit so that the flesh remains intact.

Now you can cut the avocado for a salad or other dish.

Avocado instead of eggs

Many people think that ripe avocado tastes like... boiled eggs. IN vegetarian recipes Eggs are often replaced with avocado slices. Yes, quite exotic option, and not cheap. However, the result is worth it!

A little secret: salt the avocado pulp with pink (or black) salt to make the fruit even more like chicken eggs. Now this fruit can replace eggs in classic recipes salads, for example in Olivier.

What to cook with avocado

One of the simplest and most delicious “dishes” is avocado pulp with salt, black pepper and lemon juice (literally a few drops). If you are eating an avocado for the first time, then try the fruit in this form: cut the “alligator pear” into two halves without removing the peel. Remove the pit from the pulp. Salt and pepper the halves and sprinkle with lemon juice. Eat with a teaspoon.

Avocado can also be used to make Mexican pasta guacamole, salad with spicy chips, avocado pulp with garlic and spices can be used to make delicious.

Avocados are rarely cooked, as this causes the fruit to lose its flavor.

Choosing a ripe avocado in a supermarket or store is not difficult. Avocado is one of the fruits that can be ripened at home. Therefore, if you choose green avocado, then it’s okay, he will be able to finish his sleep on his own at your home. But how do you know when it is ripe and ready to eat? There are two most popular methods that we will consider.

Avocado pulp is soft and has a delicate oily consistency. After purchase, the ripeness of the fruit is determined by its cut. A ripe avocado has a rich aroma, an oily consistency, and the pit is easily separated from the pulp.

The skin and color of avocado may also vary depending on the variety. Some types of fruit have a smooth surface, while others have wrinkles or pimples. Regardless appearance and skin color, it is recommended to eat only ripe fruits. Unripe or overripe fruits will have poor taste characteristics.

Not ripe avocado

Until ripeness: 5-6 days

Light green color.When pressed, the avocado is firm and does not press through. If you bought such a fruit, it will ripen perfectly at room temperature. Place it on a windowsill or somewhere where it will receive more daylight and check the fruit after a few days.

1-2 days until ripeness.

Moderately green and slightly soft avocado almost ready to eat. Once cut, the bone will still be difficult to remove. If you cut such an avocado, cover it with film and let it stand for 1 day at room temperature.

Ripe avocado

Ready to eat.

Dark green color. But the color of different avocado varieties may vary. Do not press too hard on the fruit; if you feel that it is soft and squeezable, then the avocado is ripe and you can eat it. If you want to use this fruit in a couple of days, then put it in the refrigerator.

Overripe avocado


Very dark green, closer to black. An overripe avocado is very soft to the touch and may have dents. Such a fruit may not produce nice smell spoiled product. When cut, an overripe avocado may have black bruises inside. It is better to get rid of such avocados and not eat them.

The color of an avocado depends on its variety and can be almost any shade from dark green to brown. Sometimes there are almost black fruits - they are the most tasty variety avocado. The ripeness of this type of avocado is determined by its softness.

Haas Avocado (dark variety)

Method 2. Selection by cuttings

When choosing a ripe avocado, pay attention to the stem (cutting) of the fruit. If there is a “tail” on the fruit, remove it to see the color of the cutting.

It should be light brown in color. If it is black, it means the avocado is overripe and it is better not to eat this fruit.

Signs of a ripe avocado

  • ripe avocados have a darker skin color than unripe ones;
  • skin ripe fruit evenly colored;
  • a good avocado is always elastic (if you press on its skin, there will be no dent left);
  • A sign of a ripe avocado is a bright green stalk;
  • the aroma of a ripe avocado can be felt even through the thick skin;
  • If you shake an avocado and its pit makes a characteristic knock, then the fruit is fully ripe.

The shape of an avocado can be different. Some varieties have almost round fruits, others are more like a pear. Taste properties different types practically no different. Pronounced differences are present only in ripe, unripe or overripe fruits.

Popular avocado varieties

Which avocado is not worth buying?

The size of the avocado should not be taken into account when purchasing it. Some varieties of this fruit, distinguished by their rather large fruit size, have an equally impressive seed size. As a result of such a purchase, you can get much less pulp than from a small fruit. An avocado pit can be oblong or round.

Signs of an avocado that is not recommended to buy:

  • if there are defects on the surface of the fruit (dents, cracks and other damage), then it is better to refuse the purchase;
  • if, when pressing on the skin of an avocado, dents remain on it, then this is a sign of an overripe fruit;
  • dents in the avocado may indicate the beginning of the rotting process inside the fruit;
  • Only unripe fruits can have an avocado surface that is too hard;
  • the brown stalk of the fruit is a sign of its overripeness;
  • a yellow-green stalk can only be found in an unripe fruit;
  • if the avocado does not emit a characteristic aroma, then most likely it is unripe or grown using chemicals;
  • there should be no traces of sticky substances or wax on the surface of the fruit (sometimes special paraffin-based compounds are used to maintain the fruit’s presentation, which are quite problematic to wash off);
  • If you shake the avocado slightly and the pit does not rattle, then the fruit is unripe.

Unripe avocados ripen at home within 4-6 days. Sometimes such fruits are specially purchased in advance if they are not planned to be eaten immediately. Fruit can only ripen at room temperature; if you put it in the refrigerator, the ripening process will not occur.

Video "How to choose an avocado"

Avocado is a fruit that is very often used in European cuisine. It is added to sauces, salads, stuffed, made into rolls, and eaten raw. Besides taste qualities it is low in calories. Let's take a closer look at the advice of professionals on how to choose the right ripe fruits in the store.

Some general information about avocados

There are more than 400 types of this fruit. But only three arrive in our stores:

  1. California variety. It has brown skin and soft pulp. It makes amazing puree soups, sandwich pasta, and cocktails. This variety is sold throughout the year. Be careful, under the dark skin, sometimes you may not notice dents and stains.
  2. Florida avocado. It has a light green color and denser flesh. Its skin is thin, so if you plan to eat it raw, you will have to use a knife. It is used for preparing salads, rolls, and due to its low calorie content it is included in the main diet during a diet.
  3. Pinkerton variety. It is distinguished by its dark green color and finely pimpled skin. It has a small seed compared to the Florida variety, which means more pulp. Considered the most the best variety for rolls.

Avocado contains a large number of vitamin E – protects cells from aging. The use of this fruit will reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, improve memory and lower blood cholesterol.

  • First you need to make a visual inspection. You need to carefully check the fruit for stains, depressions, rot and other damage. We look at the color of the skin, fruits with more dark color usually ripe.

Attention! Keep in mind that there are many types of avocados whose skin color varies from dark green to brownish. If you don't know what type is on sale, don't buy the largest fruit. Some species are dark green in color and have large bone, so if you choose a large avocado, you will end up with little pulp.

  • Lightly press the fruit. If the pulp was slightly sold, but quickly restored its structure, it means the fruit is ripe; if it is very hard, it is unripe. If, after pressing, the dent is not restored, then the avocado is overripe.

Advice! An unripe avocado will ripen in 3-4 days if stored at home.

  • The ripeness of the fruit can be achieved with the help of a seed. It is not necessary to cut the fruit in the store, just shake the fruit over your ear. If you hear the pit tapping, the avocado is ripe and tasty. If, no matter how you shake, there are no sounds, do not buy such a fruit, it is still green and unripe.

If you bought an avocado, but are not sure of its ripeness, you can cut off the stalk and see what color the cut area becomes:

  • a brown mark indicates that the fruit is overripe;
  • yellow-green color means that the fruit is not ripe;
  • a bright green cut, slightly moist and a little soft - a sign of a perfectly ripe fruit.

Advice! If you do not plan to eat the fruit immediately after this procedure, drip lemon juice onto the cut so that it does not quickly darken.

How to store avocados after purchasing

Ripe fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 to 5 days. The main thing is that it lies separately from bananas and apples. The best place– last shelf refrigeration chamber, and make sure that the fruit does not lie next to the back wall, because may freeze.

What to do if you bought an unripe fruit

This fruit should not be eaten; it should be left to ripen. To do this, place the avocado in paper bag and wrap it in a towel. In this form, the fruits should be stored in a dark place, at room temperature, for example, in a closet. Depending on how ripe the fruit was, it needs to be kept for 2-10 days. Adding a banana or apple to the bag will help speed up ripening. The fact is that these fruits emit ethylene, which helps accelerated maturation avocado.

In numerous dishes European cuisine there is such exotic fruit like an avocado. It is added to sauces and is an ingredient various salads. The fruit is often used to make vegetarian and fish rolls. Main feature avocado is that it gives dishes a special piquancy, having low calorie content. The fruit is often eaten raw. And if you like the taste of this fruit, you need to know how to choose a ripe avocado in the store.

To purchase tasty and ripe fruit, it is necessary to take into account not only external characteristics, but also the specifics of avocado varieties. There are over four hundred varieties of this fruit, but only three are usually found on store shelves:

  1. Pinkerton. It has a dark green color and a skin covered with small pimples. The seed of the fruit is quite small, so there is a lot of pulp in this avocado. This variety is considered the best for making rolls.
  2. Californian. Under the brown skin there is tender pulp, from which cocktails, pastes, and puree soups are prepared. Distinctive feature is that you can buy this variety at any time of the year. The disadvantage is that the spots and dents are almost invisible under the dark skin.
  3. Florida. This variety has fairly dense flesh, and the skin is light green and thin. Such a ripe avocado will have to be peeled with a knife. It has less pulp than Pinkerton because the pit is larger. The fruit has the lowest calorie content and is often included in diet menu. Rolls and salads are prepared from it.