Perishable products. Accounting for perishable products

The owner of a grocery store has the right to accept from suppliers only quality products. This right is reserved to him by Federal Law-44. How to evaluate the quality of delivery? What reasons are provided by the regulations for returning and filing a claim? Finally, in what period of time should this be done? Let's talk about this in our article.

1. Basic rules for acceptance of food products

Federal Law No. 381-FZ dated December 28, 2009 (as amended on July 3, 2016) “On the fundamentals of state regulation of trade activities in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on July 15, 2016) determines that food products include:

  • unprocessed, partially or fully processed foods;
  • baby food of all types;
  • dietary products;
  • bottled water;
  • soft drinks;
  • any alcohol, drinks made from beer;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • dietary supplements;
  • chewing gum.

An agreement must be concluded between the wholesaler and the retail outlet, which specifies the evaluation criteria in detail. quality characteristics, completeness of delivery, time intervals for returns low-quality goods, the procedure for drawing up return statements. It also contains a list of employees who have the right to certify such papers.

When drawing up an agreement, you should be guided by the rules described in detail in:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation Art. 474 paragraph 1; Art. 513 paragraph 2.
  • Instructions “On the procedure for accepting products for industrial and technical purposes and consumer goods by quality” approved by Resolution of the USSR State Arbitration Court of April 25, 1966 No. P-7.
  • Instructions “On the procedure for accepting products for industrial and technical purposes and consumer goods by quality” approved by Resolution of the USSR State Arbitration Court of June 15, 1965 No. P-6.

If the agreement does not stipulate special requirements, then the director (owner) of the store is guided by the provisions of the listed documents.

The quality of the delivered products must be assessed by a store employee appointed by order of the manager, who has signed a liability agreement. If the team is 3-5 people, the owner or director can be responsible for receiving goods.

The delivered batch is checked in several stages. First control filling out the papers correctly, transferred by the supplier, availability of certificates, quality certificates with the signature of the manager and seal. Then they recalculate the number of cargo pieces and compare the real numbers with those indicated in the papers.

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Read also: How to properly prepare documents when receiving goods in a store

The detailed procedure for receiving goods, described step by step, and the methods used to calculate quantities, can be found in the article “How to properly organize the reception of goods in a store.”

If the above points do not raise any questions, they begin to evaluate the quality of the brought products. The store has the right to return to the supplier:

  • raw meat, poultry, eggs without a seal and certificate from the veterinary service;
  • canned goods with swollen lids and damaged packaging;
  • fruits, vegetables with traces of rotting, mold;
  • mushrooms, crop products without documents confirming quality;
  • products, including frozen ones, with an expired sell-by date.

With each delivery, the wholesale seller is required to hand over a set of papers:

  • consignment note TORG-12, shipping document;
  • invoice;
  • certificates, quality certificates, originals or photocopies, the authenticity of which is confirmed by the signature of the head of the supplier’s company, seal.

Certificates (identifications) are issued for each batch of products and are stored in the store. In case of delivery of low-quality goods, the presence of certificates will make the wholesale supplier, rather than the retailer, responsible.

2. Features of acceptance of perishable goods

When accepting perishable products, a store employee must pay attention not only to the characteristics common to the supply of food and non-food products, but also evaluate additional parameters:

  • Bread, pastries: weight of products, quantity of containers, holding time after baking, quality marks in accompanying documents. The defect is returned by the transport that brought the delivery. If a hidden defect is discovered during sales (emptiness, burntness, irregular shape, uncooked middle, etc.), you need to invite an employee of the wholesaler (he must arrive within 3 hours from the moment of the call) and draw up a report with him.
  • Confectionery: date, hour of production, appearance, smell. Products with unpleasant smell, without expiration dates, cannot be accepted.
  • Dairy products, milk: hour of production, period of sale.
  • Cheeses: matches the information on the label with the head marking.
  • Meat, meat products: date, hour of production, veterinarian’s signature on the stamp.

You cannot accept products from a supplier if you used a vehicle that was dirty inside for transportation, violated the storage temperature (sent chilled or frozen goods not in a refrigerator), forgot to attach quality certificates, or sent copies without certifying them.

Detailed requirements for transportation and storage perishable products describes SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products”, developed in accordance with Federal Laws of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” and dated January 2, 2000 No. 29- Federal Law “On the quality and safety of food products”.

  1. Perishable: dairy products; products made from poultry, meat, fish, eggs (smoked and boiled sausages, pates, smoked meats, etc.); confectionery(cakes, pastries, creams, desserts, etc.); preserves; frozen semi-finished products (vegetables, meat); unpasteurized drinks; mayonnaise, margarine, other products containing vegetable or animal fats; ready meals deep frozen. Stored for up to 30 days.
  2. Particularly perishable: pasteurized cream, milk; chilled semi-finished products; handmade confectionery; perishable products with individual containers made by the manufacturer, opened in the store. Stored from 6 hours to three days. Example: smoked brisket V vacuum packaging, cut by the seller from perishable goods goes into the group of especially perishable goods.

Taking foodstuffs, requiring special temperature conditions for transportation and storage, the store employee is obliged to:

  • Examine the conditions under which the products are transported. The supplier is obliged to deliver them by refrigerated truck.
  • Check the completeness of the papers issued by the wholesaler, their correctness, the presence of signatures and original seals.
  • Assess the appearance of common and individual containers. Products in wet, dented packaging, with erased production dates or unreadable expiration dates cannot be accepted. If food products were delivered in manufacturer’s packaging, it is not necessary to open it immediately.
  • Check the deadlines allotted for sale: send goods that do not fit within the time periods allotted by SanPiN for sale to the supplier. Example: the sales period for handmade cakes is 72 hours; if they were delivered 12 hours before the expiration of this time, the store has the right not to accept them for sale.

A store employee can evaluate the quality of delivery and check the delivery time when accepting the goods, or he can do this later, the law stipulates such a right.

3. Deadlines for acceptance of perishable goods

Check each package carefully. When the machine is unloaded, the person receiving the goods often does not have time to carry out more in-depth controls. Therefore, the law stipulates a period of 24 hours for assessing the quality of imported products. Below is a table indicating temperature regime and shelf life of perishable goods:

Products Storage conditions Implementation deadlines

Behind frozen products: meat, offal, poultry, rabbit, lard, rendered fats in monoliths, butter monolith, margarine in barrels and boxes, frozen egg products, dumplings, dumplings

Temperature below –14º C, humidity 90-95% Indicated on the packaging
Cheeses, butter, milk, dairy products, fresh eggs Temperature -2 to +4º C 1-5 days, depending on the container and manufacturer’s requirements
Chilled meat, fish, semi-finished products from them, sausages Temperature -2 to +4º C Ready up to 7 days, semi-finished - 24 hours
Vegetables fruits Temperature from 0 to +1º C, humidity 85-90% Before traces of fermentation, rotting, mold appear
Confectionery, dough, sweet dishes, drinks Temperature -2 to +4º C

Production time, sales dates stamped on individual packaging must be clearly readable, stamped on the back of the invoice, TORG-12.

4. Features of acceptance of imported goods

When accepting imported food, the store owner must be guided by domestic legislation. In addition, the list of documents and the procedure for filing claims depends on whether the store receives imported goods from abroad directly or works with a Russian wholesaler selling imported food.

If a store receives food from a domestic company, then it must accept goods in quantity and quality as described above. That is, up to ten days are allotted to assess the quality of delivery (depending on the type of food supplied). Each delivery must be accompanied by a package of documents, including quality certificates.

If products are directly supplied from abroad, then the acceptance rules and assessment of delivery completeness and quality characteristics must be agreed upon with the other party. Domestic legislation allows 20 days for such deliveries to appeal.

Obtaining quality certificates in this case - headache store owner. The deadlines and authorities issuing the necessary papers are well known to customs brokers, without whose help, in in this case, not enough.

If a company produces products with a short shelf life, then there is a high probability that the price will be regulated by buyers. In such a situation, it is necessary to minimize dependence on intermediaries standing between the manufacturer and the end consumer. Based on this, it is recommended to develop a network retail fresh products through vending machines. Today, the new sales channel may account for more than 15% of sales.

Ivan Solomakha,

Project Manager, A-Moloko

In this article you will read

  • Installation of vending machines as a product sales tool
  • How to choose a site for installing a vending machine
  • Sales of perishable products: how to attract new customers

If a company produces products with a short shelf life, then there is a high probability that the price will be regulated by buyers. In such a situation, it is necessary to minimize dependence on intermediaries standing between the manufacturer and the end consumer. Based on this, our company is developing the sale of perishable products through the installation of vending machines. Today the new sales channel accounts for 15% of sales.

Our company’s goal was to reduce dependence on large clients who could set any purchasing conditions. Wholesale price for our products fluctuated greatly throughout the year, sometimes the maximum indicator exceeded the minimum by almost twice. To reduce the impact of these risks on the business, we decided to engage in sales in the retail market through the installation of vending machines. Since retail chains put forward unfavorable terms for cooperation, we had to develop our own retail sales. Before this project, the company had no experience of selling through retail outlets or distributors: all products were sold to large customers.

We entered the retail market by creating our own network of vending machines. It turned out that we had no direct competitors - all regional players who offered similar products operated in the format of stores with a variety of product items. This allowed us to quickly expand our network of vending machines, despite the fact that the product - bottled fresh milk - was unusual for this type of trade. We considered this option optimal and, judging by the loyal attitude of consumers, we were not mistaken.

Installation of vending machines as a sales tool

Through a network of vending machines, more than 7 tons of perishable products are sold (in terms of raw milk). Now this is an additional sales channel, since the company produces 40 tons of milk daily, and such a volume cannot be sold through the existing network of machines. In total, we have 38 vending machines, which are located in the north of the Moscow region and in several districts of Moscow. However, this direction is the most promising, and we have not yet reached full capacity in terms of sales through vending machines.

The company's strategy is aimed at expanding the retail network and at the same time increasing the range of products. We are launching our own production plant fermented milk products, which we will sell under our own brand, including through vending machines. The company has already made the corresponding changes in business processes and modernized some of its retail equipment; the products are now being sold in test mode. We did not separate the machines selling milk and its derivatives. The latest installed machines are automated points that sell both bottled milk and packaged dairy products.

Our experience shows that for a company that produces or sells perishable products, vending is the best way to reduce the distance to the end consumer (Figure 1), even if this trading method is for of this product At first glance it looks inappropriate.

Milk dispensers are good decision for marketing products, for example, for farmers who keep a herd of up to one hundred cows; Now more and more such agricultural producers are appearing. Such an enterprise may have its own processing line, but with a small volume of sales you won’t be able to enter retail chains, but a network of, say, five machines can be fully loaded with products own production. For dairy products, this is the shortest route for selling perishable products from farmer to buyer.

Determining the amount of investment to create a network

The majority of the chain's milk machines are Italian-made, but they had to be adapted to our needs. Therefore, based on imported devices, the company has developed milk machines of its own design, which are more convenient and compact. Such an automated point for the sale of milk and dairy products costs one million rubles. Required and additional expenses- for example, to purchase a car with a tail lift for network maintenance. On average, it will cost 12 million rubles to create a network of ten vending machines, and about 7 million rubles for five machines. If the milk pump is located in good location, then it pays for itself in a year.

How to choose a site for installing vending machines

An important factor when creating a network of vending machines is their location. In our experience, vending machines with fresh produce have the best sales figures when located in residential areas. Next in the ranking are areas near metro and commuter train stations; The location of the machines on the highway is also effective - in this case you need to choose areas where it is convenient to park. We also tried installing vending machines indoors, for example in hypermarkets. Today we have several such points, but finding a good deal is quite difficult. As a rule, the cost of renting a site is very high (about 50 thousand rubles per month), and sales are ultimately lower than in street machines.

To rent a site on the street you need to pay from 5 thousand to 20 thousand rubles. per month depending on the location, on average about 15 thousand rubles. There is only one technical requirement for the placement point - the ability to connect to the power grid.

Rental issues are resolved quickly. Previously, it was highly likely that it would not be possible to obtain permission; In recent years, it has been difficult to expect real help from administrative bodies, but they do not provide resistance either, seeing milk machines as a replacement for the outdated method of selling milk from barrels.

When choosing a new site, we do not conduct a marketing assessment of commercial potential in terms of population or share target audience. We test each point, focusing on the sales figures of the machine, and not on preliminary research - literally within a week it becomes clear whether it works or not. This approach is justified: bringing a machine gun and taking it away if the choice of location is unsuccessful costs 10 thousand rubles, and the result is not comparable in reliability to marketing field research.

In addition, we are observing sales dynamics. As a rule, in the first two months there is an increase in volumes, then trade stabilizes.

We create infrastructure for a vending network

For the network to function, it is necessary to create an infrastructure (Figure 2). The costs for it are about 20% of the cost of the machines; maintenance is generally simple.

The logistics scheme is as follows: milk is cooled and poured into tanks with a volume of 200–300 liters, which are loaded into cars and delivered to retail outlets. This must be done before morning, so that all machines are filled by the morning flow of customers. The containers have wheels, and the delivery vehicles are equipped with lifts, so, despite the large weight of the milk tank, a team of loaders is not needed for off-site work - the driver can handle the installation.

Helpdesk includes an operator on the phone hotline and technical personnel servicing vending machines. The main function of the operator is to accept a consumer complaint (say, the bill acceptor is not working or the milk machine does not add enough milk) and give the task to the technical service, which goes to the problematic device. Our full-time specialists are always within reach of retail outlets; on average, one technician services ten machines. In addition to maintenance, they are responsible for collecting vending machines.

The hotline operator also performs the functions of a dispatcher: the need for this arose in connection with the introduction of fermented milk products into the range. He determines which goods and in what quantities need to be loaded into vending machines, and manages the shipment of products.

Sales of perishable products: attracting new customers

To promote milk machines, we sometimes hire promoters who distribute advertising materials. When installing a device in a new territory, they work there during the first week after the start of sales. In the future, consumers receive information from leaflets that are always on the unit. In these leaflets we talk about what kind of milk can be bought in our machines, where and how it is produced and how it is delivered. Sometimes we place leaflets in the mailboxes of nearby houses.

The machines are branded, and their design has even received awards at prestigious European competitions (for example, Red Dot Design Award - 2012). We ordered the development of a corporate identity from a well-known design bureau with a good portfolio.

We have created an informative website with a forum function for clients; it already has about 1,500 reviews, the vast majority of which are positive, but there are also negative ones.

However, the main promotion channel is word of mouth. Our customers often tell neighbors and friends about milk machines. There are often situations when someone else approaches a person buying products through a machine near his home and watches this process in surprise. A dialogue ensues between them, regular customers They share their experiences, and as a result, a chain of recommendations is formed.

In addition, we are responsible to the consumer for the stability of supplies fresh milk. If the machine on the selected site does not reach the planned sales figures within a month, we remove it so that customers do not have time to get used to it. If you delay making a decision, a lot of negative reviews appear, since during this time a circle of regular customers develops.

We reduce the risks of the vending business

As in any business, there are specific problems that can affect the success of the enterprise. When creating a network of milk vending machines, we identified the following characteristic risks.

Bad place. In the vending business, the priority task is to identify a high-quality site; the success of the endeavor depends on this. We place machines where people live or pass on their way from work; fresh milk is most often purchased closer to home, so traditional locations for vending machines - in office and administrative buildings - are not suitable for us.

Assigning a project to one person. Our colleagues who developed similar networks often perceived this type of trade as an addition to their business. Several companies made significant investments in purchasing equipment but did not hire additional staff. As a rule, the project was carried out by the owner of the agricultural company or the most responsible employee - and in most cases both of them are already overwhelmed with work. The result was disastrous. To operate a network, you need a dispatcher, a driver, a maintenance technician and a certain infrastructure. If a company took out a loan to purchase milk machines, but did not take into account that it would also need a machine, a washing station, and a room for washing tanks, then, as a rule, this experience ends in failure.

Administrative risks. At the moment, our company cannot develop a network in Moscow, although this is the most attractive market. It is impossible to officially establish a non-stationary retail facility in the capital, since the authorities are fighting against retail stalls and have not held auctions for the right to lease for several years. We will have to dismantle those objects that are still standing, because the contracts expire this year. Until accepted new law and auctions have been held, we will not be able to install milk machines on the streets of Moscow, no matter how popular this type of trade may be.

Vandalism. The trading equipment is equipped with an alarm system, thus solving the problem of breaking into the machines. We have entered into agreements with local security companies, and their employees arrive at the machines within a few minutes if the sensors are triggered.

Any type of trading can be automated

Sergei Mironov, General Director, InSPb

A trend has emerged on the market: companies interested in selling their own products are creating vending networks. It is important to understand that almost any product can be sold through vending machines.

There are many examples of non-traditional products sold through vending machines: live crabs, hot soups, household chemicals, tights, umbrellas, game consoles. There are also exotic examples: Smart cars can be purchased through a huge vending machine in the form of a tower, which automatically issues the selected copy to the buyer. However, it is advantageous to build a large network based on equipment that is easy to mass-produce.

Products that meet two requirements are best suited for vending trade. They must, firstly, be high-margin in order to cover the costs of renting a site and servicing the machines, and, secondly, compact so that a sufficient supply of goods fits into the machine and the equipment does not stand idle.

To sell perishable products, special machines are used to guarantee the freshness of the goods. They are made from stainless steel and have a low-temperature setting inside. If the device will sell products in bulk, then the filling mechanism must be washed after each serving. These devices need to be checked more often than regular ones: milk is stored for no more than one day, and some types of sandwiches need to be replaced twice a day.

Ivan Solomakha Graduated from the Faculty of World Economics of the State Academy of Management named after. S. Ordzhonikidze, majoring in marketing in 1996. In 2009 he founded the A-Moloko company.

"A-Milk"- a vending network for the automated sale of fresh milk and dairy products, owned by the Dubna Plus agricultural complex. The project employs 28 employees. Annual turnover - 110 million rubles. Official website -

"InSPb"- a trading and production company in the field of vending business. Founded in 2010. Engaged in the development, production and supply of vending machines. Staff - 15 employees. Revenue growth in 2013 was 35%. Official website -

A little about shelf life in catering. The state sanitary and epidemiological program, which must be implemented at every enterprise in accordance with the norms and regulations of SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products.”, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 21, 2003, from 25 June 2003.

Maximum heat The air in the refrigerator for storing frozen meat should be -18 °C. Relative humidity in storage rooms varies from 95% to 98%. It is possible to store frozen meat at -12 °C, if the refrigerator is not equipped with technical means to create the required temperature. Shelf life limits for frozen unpackaged meat products various types are listed in Table 1.

Table 1.

Type of meat air t in the refrigerated storage chamber, °C Maximum number of months
Beef (quarters and sides) -12 8
-18 12
-20 14
-25 18
Lamb (carcasses) -12 6
-18 10
-20 11
-25 12
Pork (half carcass) -12 3
-18 6
-20 7
-25 12

Frozen meat down to -8 °C in the thickness of the thigh must be stored in refrigeration chambers, folded into dense stacks. Beef (quarters) and pork (half carcasses) are stored folded in the same way in containers. Containers are installed in two or three tiers along the height of the chamber. Different types of meat should not be placed in the same container.

Storing frozen blocks of meat and offal

The period is no more than six months. The temperature in the offal storage chamber should not be higher than -12 °C. In some cases, it is possible to store offal in the same refrigerator compartment as frozen meat. The maximum periods for blocks of meat and offal are listed in Table 2.

Table 2.

Type of meat t air in the refrigerated storage chamber Maximum shelf life
meat offal
Beef -12 8 4
-18 12 6
-20 14 7
-25 18 10
Mutton -12 6 4
-18 10 6
-20 11 7
-25 12 8
Pork -12 3 4
-18 6 5
-20 8 5
-25 12 6

Frozen poultry meets technical specifications GOST 21784-76. Poultry meat is stored in refrigerated chambers, where the relative humidity ranges from 85% to 95%. The shelf life limits for poultry meat from the date of production are listed in Table 3.

Table 3.

Bird species Maximum shelf life, in months, at t
-12 °C -15 °C -18 °C -25 °C and below
carcasses carcasses carcasses carcasses
unpacked Packed in film unpacked Packed in film unpacked Packed in film unpacked Packed in film
Chickens 5 8 7 10 10 12 12 14

Broiler chickens

Turkey poults

Crown Princes

4 8 6 10 8 12 11 14
Geese 4 6 5 8 7 10 11 12
Goslings 3 6 4 8 6 10 10 12

Storing frozen meat from the date of production

Chilled and supercooled meat is stored in a hanging position. Carcasses and half-carcasses are secured in storage lockers on overhead tracks. The gaps between carcasses are 20 - 30 mm. The maximum shelf life of frozen meat from the date of production is listed in Table 4.

Table 4.

Food products according to SanPiN

The shelf life and storage conditions of food products are established by SanPiN 42-123-4117-86. Sanitary rules are intended for all enterprises that are in one way or another connected with perishable products.

The maximum shelf life for quickly perishable products that cannot be stored without refrigeration at a temperature not exceeding +6 °C is no more than 3 days. These products include: dairy, meat, fish, vegetables, confectionery products etc.

The maximum shelf life of perishable products, as well as the shelf life of the final product at a temperature of 4 ± 2 °C, are listed in Table 5.

Table 5.

Name of product Best before date Days/hours
Meat and meat products. Poultry, eggs, and their processed products
Semi-finished meat products without bones

1. Semi-finished products (large pieces):

  • Packaged meat, as well as portioned semi-finished products without breading;
  • portioned breaded semi-finished products;
2. Semi-finished products (small pieces):
  • without the use of sauces and spices;
  • marinated in sauces;
3. Semi-finished minced meat products:
  • molded (with or without breading), stuffed;
  • from different types of meat;
1 Day
4. Minced meat:
  • manufactured at special enterprises;
  • produced by trade and catering enterprises;
1 Day
5. Meat and bone semi-finished products; 36 Hour.
6. By-products of slaughtered animals; 2 Day
Semi-finished products made from poultry meat
7. Natural meat and bones and boneless semi-finished products from poultry meat:
  • without breading;
  • breaded, marinated with sauces and spices;
8. Chopped semi-finished poultry meat products with and without breading; 18 Hour.
9. Minced chicken; 12 Hour.
10. Semi-finished poultry by-products and by-products; 1 Day
11. Soup and other sets; 12 Hour.
Ready culinary dishes from meat and meat products
12. Boiled meat; 1 Day
13. Fried meat; 36 Hour.
14. Fried meat products; 1 Day
Meat dishes:
15. Dumplings, belyashi, pancakes, pies; 1 Day
16. Cheeseburgers, hamburgers, ready-made pizza; 1 Day
17. Meat products in the form of jelly; 12 Hour.
18. Boiled and fried meat offal; 1 Day
19. Pates; 1 Day
Culinary dishes made from poultry meat
20. Poultry carcasses and parts of all types of smoking; 72 Hour.
21. Prepared poultry dishes; 2 Day
22. Dishes from chopped poultry, using sauces and side dishes; 12 Hour.
23. Pies and dumplings made from poultry; 1 Day
24. Final products made from poultry in jelly form; 12 Hour.
25. By-products and pates made from poultry; 1 Day
26. Boiled eggs; 36 Hour.
Sausages from different types of meat and poultry
27. Boiled sausages, produced according to GOST:
  • highest and first grade;
  • second grade;
28. Boiled sausages in accordance with GOST in sealed casings:
  • gourmet, premium using preservatives;
  • first class;
  • second class;
29. Boiled sausages produced in accordance with GOST; 3 Day
30. Boiled sausages and sausages in hermetic casings; 7 Day
31. Boiled sliced ​​sausages, sausages, vacuum-packed under modified atmosphere conditions; 5 Day
32. Boiled meat products; 3 Day
33. Chopped boiled products from meat, packaged under vacuum, under modified atmosphere conditions;
34. Liver and blood sausages; 2 Day
35. Sausages with by-products; 2 Day
36. Boiled sausage products from poultry meat:
  • premium quality;
  • first class;
37. Cooked sausages that are vacuum packed under modified atmosphere conditions; 5 Day
, Not fish products and products from them
Semi-finished fish products
38. Fish of various types; 2 Day
39. Fish fillet; 1 Day
40. Specially cut fish; 1 Day
41. Minced fish and final products made from it, with a flour component; 1 Day

from -2 to +2°С

42. Chilled bivalves and crustaceans; 12 Hour.
Culinary fish products without heat treatment
45. Salted fish products, chopped; 1 Day
46. ​​Salads from seafood and fish, without dressing; 12 Hour.
47. Caviar oil, herring oil, etc.; 1 Day
48. Boiled shrimp and crayfish; 12 Hour.
49. Structured products; 2 Day
Fish culinary products with heat treatment
50. Fish prepared in different ways; 36 Hour.
51. Products from minced fish, baked dishes and pies; 1 Day
52. Various types of fish and hot smoked rolls; 2 Day
53. Mixed dishes from different types fish; 1 Day
54. Jelly-like fish products; 1 Day
Caviar culinary products
55. heat-treated products; 2 Day
56. Mixed fish products without heat treatment; 12 Hour.
57. Fish pastes in a polymer container; 2 Day
Milk and dairy products, cheeses.
58. Pasteurized cream and milk, buttermilk and whey:
  • in consumer container;
  • in tanks and flasks;
36 Hour.
59. Baked milk; 5 Day
60. Dairy products(liquid); 3 Day
61. Fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria (liquid); 3 Day
62. Kumis from mare's and cow's milk; 2 Day
63. Ryazhenka; 2 Day
64. Sour cream and products containing sour cream; 3 Day
65. Cottage cheese and products made from it, not thermally processed; 3 Day
66. Cottage cheese and products made from it, heat-treated; 5 Day
67. Paste-like milk protein products; 3 Day
68. Culinary curd dishes; 1 Day
69. Curd casseroles and puddings; 2 Day
70. Homemade cheeses; 3 Day
71. Cream cheese; 5 Day
72. Cheeses without ripening (pickled and soft); 5 Day
73. Cheese butter; 2 Day
Children's products from dairy kitchens
74. Fermented milk products:
  • in bottles;
  • in a polymer container;

Other fermented milk products;

36 Hour.
75. Cottage cheese for children; 36 Hour.
76. Products made from cottage cheese; 1 Day
77. Sterilized products:
  • in bottles;
  • in a sealed container;
78. Food products for preventive or therapeutic nutrition, which have a fermented soy or non-dairy base; 36 Hour.
Vegetable products
Semi-finished products from greens and vegetables:
79. Raw peeled potatoes, sulfated; 2 Day
80. Fresh cabbage; 12 Hour.
81. Raw peeled vegetables: beets, carrots, ; 1 Day
82. Sliced ​​and processed radishes and radishes; 12 Hour.
83. Processed parsley and celery; 1 Day
84. Green onions processed; 18 Hour.
85. Processed dill; 18 Hour.
Culinary dishes
86. Salads from raw fruits and vegetables:
  • without refueling;
  • with refill;
87. Salads from raw and canned vegetables, eggs, etc.
  • without refueling;
  • with refill;
88. Salads with salted, pickled and pickled vegetables; 36 Hour.
89. Salads from boiled vegetables:
  • without dressing and salted vegetables;
  • with refill;
90. Vegetable dishes prepared in different ways; 1 Day
91. Salads from meat, poultry, fish or smoked meats:
  • without refueling;
  • with refill;
92. Side dishes:
  • boiled: rice, pasta and mashed potatoes;
  • vegetable stew;
  • boiled and fried potatoes;
93. Dressings and sauces for main courses; 2 Day
Bakery and confectionery products
Semi-finished dough products;
94. Yeast dough; 9 Hour.
95. Puff pastry fresh; 1 Day
96. Shortbread dough; 36 Hour.
Culinary products
97. Baked bakery products from yeast dough:
98. Fried bakery products (chebureks, belyashi, etc.); 1 Day
99. Wheat or semolina balls; 18 Hour.
Flour confectionery products, drinks and sweet dishes
100. Pastries and cakes:
  • without cream, with finishings: protein, fruit, berry, creamy
  • potato cake;
  • with cream: whipped cream, custard. With creamy curd filling;
101. Sponge rolls:
  • with fruit, candied or poppy seed filling;
  • stuffed with cottage cheese;
102. Mousses and jellies; 1 Day
103. Creams for confectionery products; 1 Day
104. Whipped cream; 6 Hour.
105. Production kvass:
  • unpasteurized bread;
  • "Moscow";
106. Freshly squeezed juices (fruit and vegetable). 2 Day

If a catering establishment fails to comply with the established terms and conditions for storing food and final products, pathogenic microorganisms that can cause acute intestinal and bacterial poisoning may multiply.

When going shopping to fill an empty refrigerator, city residents most often purchase food in large supermarkets.

One of distinctive features chain retailers is great amount goods lying on the shelves. Very often this leads to the fact that the products expire. This is why it is so important to check it.

The shelf life of food products is the period of time during which the product retains its physical, chemical and organoleptic properties. Simply put, this is the period established by GOST, during which it can be consumed without risk to health.

The expiration date begins from the date of expiration technological process for the manufacture of the product, and ends with a critical date, after which the properties of the product undergo irreversible changes.

Shelf life is the time until which the product retains its properties

We are talking about the following parameters:

  • organoleptic properties;
  • physicochemical characteristics;
  • permissible content of various biological substances;
  • the nutritional value;
  • maximum permissible content of dangerous microorganisms;
  • compliance with its functional purpose.

The shelf life is directly related to the storage conditions of the product. If the latter are not observed, then the shelf life may decrease significantly. Therefore, if you saw in a store that chilled fish, for example, is stored at temperatures above zero, then it is better not to take it. Considering the extremely short shelf life of 24 hours, you can easily buy a product with a “smell.”

Thus, the shelf life does not begin from the moment the product appears on the shelves. It includes the time that the product was stored in the manufacturer’s warehouse, the time of its transportation to the point of sale, and the period of its stay in the store’s warehouse.

The expiration dates of each food product are established by sanitary and epidemiological standards approved by Russian legislation.

Classification of products by expiration dates

All food products are divided into three types depending on expiration dates:

  1. Particularly perishable - products that cannot be stored without maintenance low temperatures(not higher than +6 °C). The shelf life of such products varies from 6 to 72 hours from the date of manufacture.
  2. Perishable - their storage temperature should also not exceed 6 ° C, but the period is longer: from 3 to 30 days.
  3. Non-perishable goods are food products that can be stored without low temperatures for more than a month. Here other storage conditions play a key role: humidity, exposure to direct sun rays etc.

Let's look at each of these types separately.

Particularly perishable products

In dairy products short period of time validity

These include:

  • dairy products – shelf life no more than 36 hours. We are talking about natural dairy products. If preservatives were used in production, and vacuum was used during packaging, then the shelf life increases;
  • chilled fish - no more than 24 hours at a temperature from 0 to -2 ° C;
  • meat products – maximum 48 hours;
  • frozen fish - no more than 48 hours at a temperature from 0 to -2 ° C;
  • dressed salads – no more than 12 hours;
  • cakes – no more than 36 hours;
  • cakes – no more than 72 hours.

Perishable food

This group includes:

  • cheeses – no more than 5 days (does not apply to vacuum packaging);
  • baked milk – no more than 5 days;
  • heat-treated cottage cheese – no more than 5 days;
  • milk formulas in sealed containers – up to 10 days;
  • boiled sausages in sealed packaging – up to 10 days.

Non-perishable foods

Among them:

  • canned food;
  • dry formulas (including baby food);
  • bakery and confectionery products without finishing (drying, bread, cookies);
  • pasta;
  • cereals;
  • some vegetables;
  • caramel.

All expiration dates are valid for products without damage to the integrity of the packaging or container. If you notice that a carton of milk has become unstuck or the film on the sausage has torn, you can rest assured that the shelf life of such products has already been reduced significantly.

You can easily find a table of expiration dates with food storage conditions on the Internet.

Requirements for expiration date labeling

The expiration date of the product can be found on its packaging. Moreover, on some products there are inscriptions in the format “best before”, and on others - “manufactured then”.

The product packaging must indicate the expiration date and storage conditions

For various types Food products legislation puts forward various requirements for the shelf life format:

  • for particularly perishable items, the hour, day and month of manufacture must be indicated;
  • for perishables – day and month of production;
  • On non-perishable products the month and year are indicated.

The packaging must contain information on storage conditions.

Also, when determining the quality of the product, you must carefully examine the packaging:

  • it must not be opened;
  • must not be contaminated;
  • the date of manufacture or expiration date must be clearly legible;
  • If there is no information about expiration dates on the packaging itself, the product should come with a flyer or booklet with all the details.

Also, do not be shy to touch and carefully examine the product itself for mold or contamination under the packaging. There are often cases when store employees repackage goods. Or they resort to various tricks to imitate the freshness of the products.

SanPiN 42-123-4117-86

Sanitary rules that determine the conditions and shelf life of highly perishable products are intended for all enterprises producing and selling highly perishable products.

Particularly perishable products include products that cannot be stored without refrigeration, and the maximum shelf life at a temperature not exceeding +6 °C is from

6 to 72 hours depending on the type of product. These are meat, dairy, fish, vegetable products, confectionery, etc. If storage conditions and periods are violated, microorganisms that cause spoilage of products, as well as potentially pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms that can cause bacterial poisoning and acute intestinal diseases, can multiply in them.

The approved shelf life of especially perishable products is calculated from the moment of completion of the technological process, cooling and includes the time the product remains at the manufacturing plant, transportation and storage at the enterprises Catering and trade.

For each batch of particularly perishable products, the manufacturer must issue documents certifying the quality (certificate), an invoice (collection sheet) indicating the date and hour of production of the product at the enterprise from the end of the technological process, the storage temperature and the end of its shelf life (date, hour) in accordance with these Rules.

The manufacturer must mark the batch specifically perishable products indicating on the labels or packaging the temperature and expiration date. When releasing bulk products, labels must be sent by manufacturers to the retail chain, and when selling products they must be placed on the counter.

Transportation of particularly perishable products must be carried out in closed, labeled containers by refrigerated or insulated vehicles with bodies that have a hygienic coating. Local sanitary and epidemiological organizations must issue sanitary passports for each vehicle transporting particularly perishable products. In the warm season, transportation is carried out in isothermal transport in the presence of ice - no more than

3 hours, without ice – no more than 1 hour.

Storage of particularly perishable products in trade and public catering establishments is permitted provided that the temperature regime is maintained from +2 to +6 °C. The exception is some semi-finished and finished products, the storage temperature of which is indicated in the list.

In special cases, local sanitary and epidemiological service institutions are given the right to extend the shelf life of large quantities of highly perishable products, provided that their quality is maintained and storage conditions are met. The maximum extension period should not exceed half of the established storage period.

The chief state sanitary doctors of the Union republics are granted the right on the territory of the republic:

– approve the procedure, conditions and terms of storage of national and specialties;

– depending on local conditions, reduce or extend the shelf life of particularly perishable products, determined by the data Sanitary rules;

– establish conditions and storage periods for highly perishable products not included in these Sanitary Rules;

– send to the USSR Ministry of Health scientifically based data and proposals on changing the current shelf life of highly perishable products for inclusion in these Rules.

Sanitary rules do not cancel all other storage regimes for fish and frozen products specified in the Instructions for the storage of fish products (No. 2977-84) and documents reflecting the conditions and periods of storage of frozen products.

Semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness and culinary products intended for sale at pre-production enterprises and in culinary stores and having a longer shelf life are marked with a “*”.

These Sanitary Rules were developed taking into account the current regulatory and technical documentation, as well as in accordance with the results of many years of research of products by health authorities and institutions. When revised and supplemented, existing documentation must be brought into compliance with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules.

Responsibility for compliance and control of Sanitary Rules lies with the heads of enterprises producing and transporting highly perishable products, trade and public catering enterprises.

Sanitary rules must be brought to the attention of employees of all trade enterprises, public catering establishments, ministries and departments producing, transporting and selling highly perishable products, as well as specialists of sanitary and epidemiological services monitoring their compliance.

Control over compliance with the Rules is entrusted to the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

With the entry into force of these Rules, the Sanitary Rules of 1974 No. 1161-74 are cancelled.
