Sterlet soup: royal recipe and soup at home. Sterlet fish soup on fire

Fish soups are found in all cuisines of the world, and Russian cuisine also boasts a variety variety of recipes. We cook botvinya, yurma, kalya, and solyanka, but the most popular and favorite is the ukha.

It is correct to cook fish soup from freshly caught fish in a cauldron over a fire, but believe me, fish soup cooked at home is not inferior to the real thing in either taste or taste. useful qualities, and the proof of this is the aromatic sterlet soup. Shall we cook?

Sterlet soup - general principles of preparation

Sterlet is a fish of the sturgeon family, one of its smallest representatives. The weight of one does not exceed a kilogram, although, for sure, there are also exceptional specimens.

Cutting such a fish is quite difficult; you will need gloves and special scissors, since the sterlet has sharp bone plates on the sides. In addition, sterlet is covered with mucus that is unpleasant to the touch, but it is not difficult to remove - just pour boiling water over the fish before cutting, then thoroughly rub the carcass with your hands while wearing gloves, and rinse. Thanks to this simple procedure, ideally the bone plates will be removed along with the mucus. Next, remove the insides, not forgetting to remove the elm, cut off the head, tail, and remove the gills using scissors. But the fish does not have scales as such, so you don’t have to worry about this stage. Wash and cut the cut sterlet in large pieces.

When the cutting of the main ingredient is completed, you can safely begin preparing sterlet fish soup. Main principle consists of slowly simmering the fish in water, as a result of which literally in 15-20 minutes the existing “scales” of the sterlet will completely dissolve, which, by the way, will add a special taste and richness to the broth. After boiling and the first skimming, you can put celery and parsley roots into the broth, as well as a thoroughly washed whole young onion directly with the husk. After half an hour, carefully remove the fish with a slotted spoon, and strain the broth, getting rid of the roots. As a result of such languor, a rich fish broth with a pronounced aroma.

There is another way to cook delicious broth from sterlet, first simmer the illiquid part of the fish for 30 minutes with the same roots and onions: tail, head, skeleton, then filter the broth, add the prepared sterlet fillet and cook for another ten minutes.

1. Classic sterlet fish soup

1 large fresh fish (sterlet);

Celery root and parsley root;

Onion head;

Several peas allspice;

Bay leaf;

Salt – optional;

Vodka – 20 ml;

Purified water – 2 liters.

1. Clean the fresh sterlet, remove the insides, and cut into small pieces.

2. Place the fish meat and all the components of the fish in a metal container.

3. Add peeled parsley and celery roots to the fish, fill everything with water and boil for 60 minutes.

4. After boiling, add a little salt, allspice, bay leaf and boil for another 3 minutes. If the fish is frozen, then while cooking the fish you need to add potatoes, cut into bars.

5. Remove the finished fish soup from the heat, close the lid and leave for half an hour.

6. After steeping, take out the fish meat and strain the fish soup.

7. Pour a little vodka into the strained soup.

8. When serving, pour the fish soup into plates, put a piece of fish in each, sprinkle with fresh herbs, and place a separate plate next to it with bread made from second-grade flour.

2. Budget-friendly sterlet fish soup

5 small sterlet fish;

Celery and parsley root;

Onion head;

3 liters of purified water;

Salt – optional;

A pinch of allspice peas;

1 bay leaf;

Lemon – 1 slice.

1. We gut and wash all the sterlet fish.

2. Place peeled roots of parsley, celery, onion in half rings, bay leaves, peppercorns in a saucepan with purified water, add a little salt and boil for 60 minutes.

3. After boiling, remove the foam.

4. When the vegetables are all cooked, use a slotted spoon to remove the bay leaf and peppercorns and strain the broth.

5. Place the fish, cleaned and without entrails, into the broth and boil over moderate heat, removing the scum.

6. When the fish meat turns white, remove the pan from the heat and leave for a few minutes with the lid closed.

7. Remove the fish pieces from the pan, place them in portioned plates, pour in the broth, put a slice of lemon on top, sprinkle with chopped dill.

3. Sterlet soup with salmon

4 medium sterlet;

Half a kilogram of salmon bellies;

Potatoes – 5 medium tubers;

2 onions;

1 carrot;

Salt – 10 g;

Bay leaf – 2 leaves;

Allspice – 7 peas;

Vodka – 100 ml;

A bunch of green onions.

1. Do not completely fill the enameled three-liter container cold water, boil over moderate heat.

2. Place potatoes cut into medium pieces into boiling water, washed onions directly in their skins, carrots cut into thin strips, cook until boiling.

3. Peel the sterlet, remove the entrails, add it to the potatoes along with the salmon bellies, and boil for 40 minutes.

4. Add bay leaves and peppercorns to the pan, add some salt and cook for a few more minutes.

5. Using a slotted spoon, remove the carrots and onions from the finished fish soup.

6. Pour in vodka, close the lid, and insist.

7. Pour into plates, sprinkle some chopped green onions on top.

4. Sterlet soup with champagne and chicken broth

Chicken drumstick – 3 pcs.;

Pressed caviar – 300 g;

2 medium sterlets;

Any champagne – 300 ml;

Lemon – 1 pc.

1. Place in a container with cold water chicken drumsticks, cook for 50 minutes, constantly descaling.

2. Remove the drumsticks from the broth and clarify the broth pressed caviar, which we first grind with cold water.

3. Strain the broth, pour it back into the pan and boil for 15 minutes.

4. When the broth boils, put the processed sterlet fish into it, boil after boiling for a little more than half an hour.

5. After the fish is ready, pour champagne into the soup and warm it up a little.

6. Let the prepared fish soup sit for a few minutes.

7. Serve in plates with a slice of lemon.

5. Royal sterlet ear

3 sterlet carcasses;

1 small carrot;

Salt - half a teaspoon;

2 small onions;

4 potato tubers;

A few peas of allspice;

Bay leaf – 2 leaves;

Fresh dill - 1 bunch.

1. Gut the sterlet carcasses, cut off the heads, and cut into small pieces.

2. Place pieces of fish in a small metal container with cold water, and also put coarsely chopped potatoes, round carrots and onions cut into 4 parts, peppercorns, bay leaves and a bunch of dill, fill everything with purified water so that the water completely hides all the ingredients .

3. Pour water into another large saucepan, add a little salt and bring to a boil over medium heat.

4. As soon as the water in a large saucepan boils, put the pan with fish, vegetables and all the spices in it, reduce the heat, cover with a lid and cook for 3 hours.

5. During cooking, monitor the amount of water in a large pan; if it boils over, add hot water.

6. Pour the finished fish soup into portioned plates, and beautifully place sprigs of fresh dill on top.

6. Sterlet soup with corn grits

Allspice – 10 peas;

7 bay leaves;

Sterlet heads are a little less than a kilogram.

Without a head, sterlet carcasses are a little over a kilogram;

Corn grits - 3 tbsp. spoons;

1 onion;

1 tomato;

Salt - half a teaspoon;

A bouquet of greenery.

1. Fish heads wash, place in a container with water, add peppercorns, bay leaves and boil for 1 hour.

2. Take out the heads and strain the broth.

3. Place the prepared broth in the hot, strained broth. corn grits, boil for a few minutes.

4. After the cereal, add potatoes - medium cubes and onions - medium half rings.

5. After softening the potatoes, add ground allspice, salt and prepared sterlet carcasses cut into small pieces to the soup, cook for 30 minutes.

6. Add the peeled tomato, chopped with a knife, and cook again for 20 minutes.

7. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and pour it into your ear.

Amazing as it is tasty soup You can make it even tastier by following some tips:

A few minutes before the soup is ready, pour 50-70 grams of dry white wine into the soup; it will give the dish an interesting, delicious taste.

When preparing sterlet fish soup, you can use not only this type of fish, but also others, making assorted royal fish soup, for example, perch, pike perch, trout.

Sterlet is a fish that goes well with tomatoes, so you can safely add tomato paste or fresh tomatoes when cooking.

Do not put a lot of herbs and spices, use them in minimum quantities and only the essentials: allspice and black pepper, laurel leaves.

A little lemon juice from fresh fruit will add aroma and a pleasant aftertaste to the soup.

If you want the pieces of fish to maintain their integrity, do not stir the broth during cooking; remove the finished sterlet using a slotted spoon rather than a fork.

Ukha is especially tasty if it sits and infuses for some time after cooking.

Serve fragrant fish soup sterlet with crackers and a glass of white wine. If you are a follower of Russian traditions - with a slice of lemon and a white glass. Bon appetit.

Most housewives do not admit that sterlet soup at home is as tasty as cooked in a pot over a fire. They call it "fish soup", and they are dead wrong. You don't have to follow all the traditions like dipping a smoldering log into broth to get delicious fish soup. There are a lot of recipes that have already been tested by time and many housewives, and you will surely find yours, delicious way cooking.

The most difficult thing about sterlet is cleaning it. The fish is covered with growths and mucus, which makes cleaning difficult.

Wipe the sterlet with paper napkins until the fish does not slip out of your hands. Use a sharp knife to cut off the growths. There are no scales as such in sterlet, so just rinse it under running water.

Viziga can be removed and used to prepare other dishes or left as is. The fish is cleaned, it’s time to choose a fish soup recipe.

Classic sterlet fish soup at home

Required ingredients:

  • - 1 kg of chopped sterlet;
  • - 3 liters of water;
  • - 1 carrot;
  • - 1 root of parsley or celery;
  • - 3 leaves of bay leaf;
  • - 5 black peppercorns;
  • - 3 tbsp. l. vodka;
  • - salt.
  • Cut the sterlet immediately into portioned pieces and put them in a saucepan. Peel the root vegetables, cut them into cubes or wheels, whichever is more convenient for you, and also put them in a pan. Fill with water, salt and place on the stove. Bring the soup to a boil and place it on the divider, or adjust the flame so that the soup is barely bubbling. The sterlet scales boil and become invisible, but for this, you need to cook over very low heat and for at least an hour. Skim off the foam with a slotted spoon so that the broth is clear.

    After boiling, remove the pan from the stove, add bay leaf, pepper and pour in vodka. Cover the pan with a lid and let it sit for another 10 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, remove the pieces of fish from the pan, place them on plates, and pour in the broth. Remove the bay leaf, otherwise it will start to taste bitter.

    Sterlet soup with vegetables

    Some may say that this is no longer fish soup, but fish soup, but this is theirs personal opinion. If you bought frozen sterlet, add vegetables for a richer taste.

  • - 0.5 kg sterlet;
  • - 3 liters of water;
  • - 1 carrot;
  • - 1 parsley root;
  • - 1 onion;
  • - 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • - 50 gr. butter;
  • - Bay leaf;
  • - peppercorns;
  • - salt.
  • Place the sterlet in a saucepan, add peeled and chopped vegetables and cover with water. There is no need to peel the onion. Just rinse it in water and trim the roots with scissors. Yes, it's a little unusual, but onion peel adds to the broth golden color, and a special aroma. Salt the fish soup and cook it for 40 minutes over low heat. Don’t forget to skim off the foam and don’t let the fish soup boil violently. Sterlet meat is very tender and can fall apart.

    After finishing cooking, catch the onion, add bay leaf, pepper and butter to the fish soup. Cover the pan with a lid and fry a couple of pieces of black bread in the pan. Fish soup with black bread is an unforgettable taste.

    Economical sterlet fish soup

    Sterlet is a rather expensive fish, but this is not a reason to be upset. The same fish soup can be prepared from the head of a sterlet. Stores often sell sterlet ridges and heads separately, from which you can prepare fish soup no worse, or even better, than in previous recipes.

    Ear from the head of sterlet at home is particularly beneficial. After all, in the head and spine of the fish there are many gelling components, which is very useful for children, and adults too.

    For economical preparation Sterlet fish soup you need:

  • - 1 kg of fish heads and ridges;
  • - 3 liters of water;
  • - 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • - 1 celery root;
  • - 1 carrot;
  • - 1 tomato;
  • - Bay leaf;
  • - black peppercorns;
  • - salt.
  • Rinse the sterlet heads under running water and remove the gills. Place them in a saucepan along with the ridges, add salt, cover with water and place on the stove. After the broth boils, turn the heat down, skim off the foam, and cook for an hour. Use a slotted spoon to scoop out the heads and ridges and set them aside.

    Add peeled and chopped vegetables to the boiling broth and cook until tender. 10 minutes before ready, wash ripe tomato, make several punctures in it with a toothpick and also lower it into your ear. The tomato will add sourness to the ear and add a little color. Turn off the broth, catch and remove the tomato, and add the bay leaf and pepper. In 10 minutes you can call everyone for lunch.

    Sterlet soup at home has many recipes, and each housewife adds something of her own. But here it is important not to overdo it with spices, so as not to overwhelm the taste of the fish. if you love pungent taste, add spices directly to the plate. Then you can evaluate whether it’s worth adding such spices, or whether it’s better to limit yourself original recipe their fish soup is sterlet.

    Step 1. Preparing the sterlet.

    Usually sterlet is sold whole, with its entrails. First, the fish is cut along the belly and the entrails are taken out, leaving the milt or caviar and fat ribbons. Next, we cut off the tail and head, clean the head from any remaining entrails, cut out the gills with scissors and rinse thoroughly under cold water. Do not clean the fish! We rinse with cold water, cut crosswise into 5-6 cm pieces. The result is 3 bowls: with milk, caviar and yellow fat, with heads and tails and with the fish itself.

    Step 2. Cooking the broth.

    small fish rinse with cold water and, without gutting, place in a piece of gauze folded in half. We tie the ends of the gauze into a knot and lower them into the pan. Fill with cold water and bring to a boil over medium heat. We remove the foam. Then put the head and tail of the sterlet into the pan. Then add a little salt, bay leaf and black peppercorns. Cook for 30-40 minutes. During the cooking process, vigorous boiling must be avoided.

    Step 3. Preparing vegetables.

    While the broth is cooking, prepare the vegetables. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into small cubes. Peel the onion, cut it finely or into half rings. The greens are washed and tied into a bunch.

    Step 4. Final stage.

    So, all that remains is to fill ready broth. We take the sterlet head onto a plate. Throw away the tail and gauze with small fish. Strain the broth through two layers of gauze. Pour it back into the pan, add onions, potatoes and herbs in a bunch. Bring to a boil. Cook for 7-8 minutes, add pieces of sterlet, milk, caviar and fat to the broth. Cook for another 7 minutes. Yes, one more nuance: after pieces of sterlet have been placed in the broth, you can pour a glass of vodka or half a glass of dry white wine into it. This is done in order to tender fish not overcooked. We taste the fish soup and add some salt. Turn off the heat and leave the finished fish soup under the lid for 15 minutes.

    Step 5. Serve the sterlet fish soup to the table.

    The soup is ready. Open the lid and enjoy the fragrant aroma. We take out a bunch of greenery and throw it away. We serve the fish soup to the fiery table, first pour the skimmed fat into plates, then pour the fish soup itself, and only then lay out the pieces of fish. Separately place the chopped green onions, Borodino bread and sterlet head (not for everyone)! Bon appetit!

    If you are preparing fish soup for children, you can separate the sterlet meat from the bones, and put the bones in gauze with fish fines.

    It is very good to lighten the finished fish broth - using egg white. The egg white is poured into the prepared broth before straining.

    When serving the fish soup, you can put a slice of lemon on each plate.

    Sterlet soup on the fire, prepared according to the recipe from our website, turns out to be surprisingly nourishing, aromatic and tasty. It is not at all difficult to prepare, but thanks to it, your outdoor recreation will be remembered by you and your friends for a long time. Of course, sterlet is too much for fish soup king fish, but that is why your ukha will turn out especially tasty, aromatic and rich.

    List of ingredients

    • large sterlet- 1 PC
    • potatoes - 2 pcs
    • onion- 2 pcs
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • green onions - 1 bunch
    • vodka - 100 ml
    • bay leaf - 2 pcs
    • black peppercorns- 6 pcs
    • salt - to taste

    Cooking method

    Peel and wash the vegetables. Leave the onion whole, cut the potatoes into cubes, and cut the carrots into strips. Gut the sterlet, wash thoroughly and cut into pieces.

    Pour water into a cauldron and heat it to a boil over a strong fire. Add potatoes, whole onions and carrots to boiling water. Wait until the water boils and add the sterlet pieces. Cook for 15 minutes.

    Wash the green onions and chop finely. Place the onion in the boiling soup, add peppercorns, salt and bay leaf. Pour in 100 ml of vodka and let the soup boil.

    Prepare a birch log by charring it over a fire. In an almost ready ear, lower the prepared log into the ear for a couple of seconds and quickly remove it from the ear.

    Pour the prepared fish soup into deep metal plates and serve immediately. Separately, you can serve this soup with sour cream and finely chopped fresh herbs.

    Sterlet soup on the fire is ready!

    “- does not require any special tricks or refinements when preparing. In any case, it will turn out delicious.
    This type of sterlet ear is often also called “Volzhskaya”, although it would seem that it should also be called “royal”. However, popularly the name " royal ear" was assigned exclusively to fish soup cooked in chicken broth. (Yes, they also say that the broth should be from a rooster, and not from a simple chicken - the Tsar, they say, after all)

    God be with her, with the royal one. I would like to cook a regular fish soup at home, fortunately my fishermen caught fresh sterlet over the weekend. (however, only one and a small one... but, most importantly, my son is happy - he went on a real fishing trip!)
    Although, there is no need to worry - the recipe is simple, and if you spoil this dish, you still have to try. Moreover, the fish soup is single - from one type of fish and with one tab.
    To prepare sterlet fish soup, you will also need potatoes, whole oatmeal, onions and bay leaves. This is quite enough.
    The exact quantity is not indicated, since when preparing the real fisherman's soup at the stake, no one bothers with grams. Everything is done by eye and according to the inner voice.
    And I always, I especially emphasize, it always turns out very tasty!

    Let's do the same thing, but at home.

    For the sterlet fish soup recipe we will need:

    Sterlet - 1 pc.;
    - potatoes - 5-6 medium potatoes;
    - whole oatmeal - 100 g;
    - onions - 1 onion;
    - bay leaf - 1 pc.;
    - salt, pepper - to taste;

    Ingredients for making delicious fish soup.

    Recipe for making sterlet fish soup

    Initially, you need to rinse the oatmeal and drain the water from it along with the floating husks, and then put it to boil.
    In the meantime, you need to peel and cut the potatoes, then pour them into a pan with water. While the potatoes are cooking, you can clean the fish.

    First of all, the spines of the sterlet are cut off from the back and sides. Although they are small, they are very hard and easy to cut.
    Then, with a fish scaler or fine grater, peel the skin of the fish and gut the sterlet.
    There is no need to cut off the head; it will also go into the ear and give additional fat.

    Salt the fish soup. Cleaned and washed fish should be cut into pieces and also placed in a pan. Chop the onion and place in the broth after the fish.

    Sterlet does not cook for long, five minutes is enough. Even if you overcook it a little, it won’t boil down. You can immediately add a bay leaf along with the onion.
    Some people also add a couple of cloves, but this is not necessary. But a little black pepper won't hurt.

    Many people add sour cream to a plate of prepared fish soup, and some use mayonnaise. By the way, with mayonnaise, sterlet fish soup tastes very good.
    You can also sprinkle the finished dish with chopped dill and/or green onions right on the plate.

    The taste of this sterlet fish soup is truly royal!
    Although the recipe is simple.

    Bon appetit!

    Ukha is traditional and cannot be compared with ordinary fish soup. The dish is distinguished by a completely transparent broth and minimum set products. Sterlet soup at home - royal dish for any occasion. You will learn how to prepare it from this article.

    The calorie content of sterlet fish soup is approximately 30 Kcal per 100 g of broth


    Sterlet 500 grams Chicken 1 carcass Potatoes 3 pieces Carrots 1 piece Onions 1 head Parsley (root) 1 piece(s) Bay leaf 2 leaves Salt 40 milliliters Salt 6 piece(s)

    • Number of servings: 1
    • Cooking time: 2 minutes

    Sterlet fish soup recipe

    Please note that you cannot use defrosted fish for cooking. The taste of the fish soup will be hopelessly spoiled.

    You will need (calculation for a 2.5 liter pan):

    • sterlet (500 gr);
    • chicken carcass;
    • potatoes (3 – 4 pcs);
    • carrots (pcs);
    • onion head (pcs);
    • parsley root;
    • dill;
    • bay leaf (2 leaves);
    • peppers in the form of peas (6 pcs);
    • vodka (glass);
    • salt (to taste).


    1. Wash the chicken carcass, cut it in half and put it in a pan. To fill with water. Turn the heat up as soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low and cook the chicken for the next two hours. The foam must be removed.
    2. Then you need to put the peeled onion (whole), bay leaf, and parsley root cut into large pieces into the broth. Let it boil.
    3. Add the tail and head of the fish to the pan. Cook for the required 2 hours.
    4. When the time is up, you need to remove all the components from the broth. Strain if necessary.
    5. Peel the potato tubers and carrots. Cut the potatoes into large pieces, and carrots - in rings.
    6. How to clean sterlet fish soup? The fish needs to be gutted. Then remove the thorns from the back, clean the sides, and be sure to remove the chord. You can also cut off the fins.
    7. Cut the carcass into large pieces. Place in the pan when the potatoes are half cooked. Cook the fish soup for another 15 minutes. The foam must be removed during cooking.
    8. Pour vodka into the pan and let the fish soup simmer for another 5 minutes. Add chopped herbs and turn off the heat.

    When serving, add a slice of lemon to the plate.

    How to cook sterlet fish soup over a fire

    The soup is prepared quickly. To prepare it you will need:

    • sterlet (1 piece);
    • potatoes (2 – 4 pcs);
    • onion head (1 pc);
    • carrots (pcs);
    • onion with feathers (if necessary);
    • vodka (100 ml);
    • bay leaf (2 leaves);
    • black peppercorns (6 - 8 pcs);
    • salt (as per your taste).


    1. Gut the fish and cut into large pieces. Wash and peel the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into large cubes, carrots into strips. Let the onion remain whole.
    2. Pour water into a large pot or cauldron and bring it to a boil. Add all the prepared vegetables.
    3. Wait until it boils again and you can start the fish. From this point on, cook the fish soup for 13 - 15 minutes.
    4. Cut the onion feathers and put it in the boiling soup. Season it with pepper and salt.
    5. Pour in vodka.
    6. You need to char the birch log over the fire in advance. And after alcohol is added to the ear, you need to lower the log into it (literally for a couple of seconds) and immediately remove it.

    All is ready. Can be poured into plates and served. Ukha cooked according to this recipe should be served with sour cream and chopped herbs.

    The calorie content of sterlet fish soup is very low - no more than 30 kilocalories per hundred grams of broth. That is why the dish can be safely included in the diet menu.

    Whatever recipe you choose with a photo of sterlet fish soup, be sure to use freshly caught or chilled fish to prepare it.

    Sterlet is the smallest commercial fish of the sturgeon family. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is found in fresh water bodies. In terms of popularity, the fish can be compared, perhaps, only with red caviar. Sterlet fish soup and other dishes made from this fish are classics of Russian national cuisine. Slim and delicate taste fish and its various culinary qualities have found the widest application.

    Recipe guide

    Cooking sterlet can be very diverse. For example, it turns out great. To do this, you first need to cook a broth from heads (without gills), tails and bones. Then cut the fish (half a kilogram) into pieces, rinse and place in a saucepan, topped with porcini mushrooms or champignons (200-300 g). Salt, pepper, add spices, 5-6 tablespoons of white table wine, a glass of broth, cover and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Next, the broth is drained, filtered and boiled until it is reduced to half. After this, add a tablespoon of flour and the same amount of butter, boil for 4 minutes. Ready sauce Remove from heat, add 2 tablespoons of butter, stir, add salt, strain. You can add a little lemon juice. When serving, place the pieces of fish on a plate, top with mushrooms, and pour the sauce over them. Here is one example of what to cook deliciously from sterlet.

    Fish first courses

    The first ones turn out no worse. They are aromatic, rich, nutritious. In any prestigious Russian restaurant Sterlet fish soup is always served, the recipe of which is considered a source of pride for the establishment. How to cook it? Firstly, for a good fish soup you only need fresh fish. Sometimes even alive. Secondly, any real fish soup, including sterlet fish soup, no matter what recipe you take, is prepared only from one type of fish. Thirdly, when cooking for each

    A liter of liquid is poured into a tablespoon of vodka. And finally, in order for the ear to be “sweet,” from the very beginning of cooking, the roots and stalks of parsley, celery, allspice peas, and a sprig with several bay leaves must be added to the water along with the meat. You can also add a whole onion. If you want to add potatoes, they are placed in small quantity and only when the broth is almost ready.

    But let’s continue: the fish soup doesn’t matter, it should be cooked over high heat and for a very short time, literally 20 minutes from the start of boiling. And one more subtlety. When the fish is placed in the ear, the scales remain on the skin. Heat the pan slowly, about half an hour. During this time, the scales dissolve in the ear, and the remaining husk is thrown out when filtered. These are the features inherent in this wonderful dish - sterlet fish soup. We will now consider the recipe for one of the options.

    Sterlet fish soup with champagne

    The dish is prepared using chicken broth. Therefore, you need to put gutted chicken, parsnips and celery, and allspice into cold water. Let it boil and cook over low heat for 40-45 minutes; Be sure to remove the foam. When there are 5-10 minutes left until the end of cooking, add salt and bay leaves. After this, remove from heat and let it brew for 15 minutes under the lid. The meat is not removed yet. Then remove the chicken, and the broth needs to be lightened with caviar. And don't forget to strain. Prepare the sterlet meat (clean and rinse the fish), cut it into portions and put it in the broth, which has been boiled beforehand. Additionally add a little more parsley, celery and dill. At almost full readiness fish fillet should float up. After this, simmer on low heat for another 10-15 minutes. Then pour in half a bottle of champagne, heat to 70 degrees and remove from heat. Let it brew. Serve with saucers on which finely chopped dill and sliced ​​lemon.

    Eat healthy!
