Strawberry juice for the winter - a recipe for those with a sweet tooth. Homemade juices for the winter: berries, fruits and vegetables

Strawberry juice for the winter can be prepared in different ways, without losing its beneficial qualities. Almost every person knows about the benefits of such a drink, and strawberry juice prepared at home will also be natural, without industrial chemical components in the form of preservatives.

IN winter period The human body especially needs vitamins and useful substances. Fresh fruits during this period of the year they are no longer available, so many people prepare them in the summer. The recipes for this drink are very diverse, everyone can choose the preparation formula to suit their taste and desires. Often mothers try to create from this healthy berries nectars with low sugar content for their children. By preparing the dish themselves, they have the opportunity to control the presence of one or another ingredient in the juice.

The value of these berries lies in their composition, enriched with vitamins and microelements. It is recommended to drink strawberry juice for people suffering from hypertension, if they have oncological diseases, with anemia and heart failure. It is worth saying that the drink has the same beneficial properties as fresh fruit.

Juicing methods

Housewives sometimes ask how to cook Strawberry juice so that it is tasty and healthy at the same time. In addition, there are different ways its creation, and you can only choose if you know what the final product will taste like and be of quality. Of course, no one wants to take risks and spoil the fruit, so you should carefully familiarize yourself with the technological and culinary specialties prepare a strawberry drink for the winter and study all the recipes.

The most common method, which our grandmothers used, is grinding berries or cold pressing. From kitchen appliances a sieve was used in which the peeled fruits were placed, then they were ground with a spoon until completely crushed. Cold pressed represents the following procedure: folded into a gauze bag ripe berries and with the help of a press the juice was squeezed out of them. Then it was collected and boiled, the pulp could be boiled into jam for filling pies.

The second method is more modern and involves the use of a juicer. With this kitchen appliance you can quickly prepare juice from any type of berries and fruits. Using a juicer, you will be able to special effort process enough a large number of ripe fruits. Often recipes involve initial collection berry drink using this device.

The third way to make juice at home is to use a juicer. For most housewives this option has become a real find, because it allows you to collect berry nectar that has already passed heat treatment. In a juice cooker, such dishes are prepared quickly enough and without any effort or hassle for the housewife. The unit itself is a structure of three compartments. In the lower container there is plain water, the juice flows into the middle one, and the berries are collected in the top one. Under the influence of steam, the fruits begin to release liquid, which flows into the middle container.

IN Lately Many people prefer frozen drinks and berries. Frozen strawberry juice, the benefit of which lies in its complete preservation useful qualities, can be used in winter to prepare a variety of dishes.

Each housewife chooses one or another way of creating preparations for the winter, the main thing is that no matter how this wonderful drink is prepared, it will bring benefit and pleasure to loved ones.

Recipes for making strawberry drink

If you need to cook it completely a small amount of nectar, then it is quite possible to do without electrical appliances.

You will need 3-5 kg ​​of berries and 2 tbsp. l. sugar per 1 liter of liquid. The fruits must be sorted, cleaned of greens, washed and dried. Next, they need to be folded into a fabric bag, tightly closed and placed in an enamel bowl, after which a fairly heavy load is placed on top. The berries are kept under pressure until all the juice flows out. After which the collected liquid is brought to a boil and combined with sugar. It is enough for the drink to boil once, then you can pour it into sterilized jars and roll it up.

You can make strawberry juice, the recipe for which requires the use of a juicer. Any number of berries is processed using a device, then the resulting product is boiled. Depending on the wishes of the cook, sugar may not be added to the drink. It is permissible not to preserve the juice, but simply pour it into ice trays and leave it in the freezer for long-term storage. The recipes are very diverse, and you should choose depending on the tasks and wishes of your household.

A pressure cooker recipe is often used to create juice for the winter. Take 10 kg of strawberries to obtain juice, after processing it is brought to a boil once and canned. It's no secret that strawberries, lingonberries and blackberries can be used in the same way.

These are not all the recipes that reveal the variety of how to make strawberry juice at home. But almost all formulas for creating this healthy and vitamin drink are based on them.

Strawberries - juicy garden berry With great taste And subtle aroma. Strawberries ripen in Russia, depending on the region, from June to the end of July. Previously, this berry was bred only in the south of Russia, but now, with the help of breeders, varieties of this berry have appeared, which are grown both in Altai and in Far East, and in Siberia. And, the latest achievement of agronomy is hydroponics. Strawberries can be grown in water using greenhouses with a special microclimate, fertilizers and lighting. Well, in truth, there is no limit to perfection.

Fresh strawberries contain vitamins A, C, E, group B. Among the microelements, strawberries contain iron, zinc, copper, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and others. Strawberries are useful for hypertension, cancer, anemia. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. IN folk medicine It is believed that in order to cleanse the blood, it is necessary to eat at least 6 kilograms of fresh strawberries during the season

Strawberry juice, stored for future use for the winter, has the same miraculous properties, like berries. So, let's look at how you can prepare strawberry drinks for the winter and with what fruit ingredients.

Natural strawberry juice is produced from strawberries. you can use a little sugar. Strawberry juice is good for therapeutic nutrition, for children, if there is no allergy to strawberries, and is also included in the diet of pregnant women suffering from toxicosis. Since during pregnancy, toxicosis is caused by a lack of iron. and there is enough of it in strawberries. It has long been noted that strawberries are good at removing heavy metal salts from the body. Strawberry juice can be the basis for canned strawberries in their own juice.

If you have an excellent harvest at your dacha this year, then this recipe is for you.


  • strawberries – 10 kg.
  • sugar 100 gr. per liter of juice.

How to make juice at home:

  1. To prepare the drink, choose small, ripe, brightly colored berries.
  2. We sort the berries, discarding the overripe, unripe, and rotten ones. Remove the sepals and wash thoroughly. We should never forget that strawberries grow very low to the ground and the berries themselves can be heavily contaminated with sand or soil.
  3. Place clean berries in a cloth bag and squeeze under pressure until a large amount of liquid is released.
  4. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, heat it to a temperature of 85 degrees and pour it hot into sterilized jars.
  5. Depending on the container capacity, we sterilize jars of juice for 5 to 30 minutes and seal them tightly with metal lids.
  6. The remaining pulp can also be used for secondary juice. To do this, pour 5 kilograms of pulp with 1 liter of water, cooled to 40 degrees, and let it sit for about 5 hours. Next, we place the pulp again in a fabric bag and place it under the press.
  7. If desired, you can sweeten the secondary juice, or boil syrup on it. Next, pour the cool syrup into boiled water, put the jug of the drink in the refrigerator, drink in hot weather.

Frozen strawberry juice

The frozen juice recipe is very simple. Freezing vegetables and fruits is a very productive way of preparing for the winter. With this processing method, berries and juices do not lose their useful properties. You can use the freezer compartment of a household refrigerator, or even better if you have a separate freezer with several levels. You can also use molds for edible ice, place the frozen cubes separately in a plastic bag.


  • strawberries – 8 kg.

Strawberry juice - preparation:

  1. We sort the strawberries, process them and put them through a juicer.
  2. We do not sterilize the resulting strawberry juice, but immediately pour it into containers of any container and put it in the freezer to freeze.
  3. In winter, we take out the containers with juice and defrost them at room temperature and use without boiling, depending on how you want to use them.

Strawberry - apple juice

Apple juice has a beneficial effect on the human body, and in addition, when mixed with strawberry juice, which can cause it, it has a slightly softening effect. That's why many parents choose juices mixed with apple juice for their children. Kids love the juice and it is suitable for children's parties and birthdays.


  • strawberries – 6 kg,
  • apples – 4 kg.
  • sugar – 200 gr.

How to make strawberry juice with apples:

  1. We process the strawberries and distill them into juice as in the recipe described above.
  2. Wash the apples, preferably sweet and juicy ones, cut them in half, remove the seeds and cut into slices. Then we pass the apples through a juicer.
  3. Mix strawberry and apple juice, merge them into enamel pan, heat to 85 degrees and pour into prepared jars.

Strawberry juice for the winter with black currants

Black currant is one of the leaders (cranberry, rose hip, kiwi) in terms of vitamin C content, which means the product is useful for increasing the body's resistance to infections. The drink is part of medical nutrition.


  • strawberries – 5 kg,
  • black currants – 2 kg,
  • sugar – 2 cups,
  • water 400 ml.

How to make strawberry juice with black currants:

  1. We clean the selected strawberries from the sepals, wash them, put them in a canvas bag and squeeze out the liquid under a press, which we then filter.
  2. We pick the blackcurrants from the branches, wash them, mash them with a wooden spoon or a champagne bottle, put them in a saucepan, pour in a glass of water and cook for a few minutes. Then we place the currants on several layers of gauze and manually squeeze out the liquid.
  3. We prepare syrup from sugar and water.
  4. Pour strawberry and currant juice, add syrup and heat to 90 degrees. Maintain the drink at this temperature for 5-7 minutes and pour into sterilized jars.
  5. Depending on the container capacity, we sterilize jars of juice for 12 - 25 minutes and roll them up tightly.

If you have extra black currants left, you can use them to make

Recipe for strawberry juice in a juicer with raspberries

Raspberry is natural antibiotic. Mixed product has an antipyretic effect and is a drink for therapeutic nutrition. Recommended for use during colds, inflammatory processes in the body, and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


  • strawberries 2 kg,
  • raspberries – 2 kg,
  • sugar – 200 gr.,

How to make strawberry juice for the winter with raspberries:

  1. Place the prepared strawberries in a mesh-pan of a juicer.
  2. Place the raspberries in a colander and dip it into salted water three times. If there are raspberry bugs in the raspberries, they will float up and can be easily removed with a slotted spoon. Next, mash the berries a little.
  3. Combine strawberries and raspberries, sprinkle with sugar.
  4. Fill the lower reservoir of the juicer with water and bring it to a boil. Then place a saucepan with a hose on top to collect juice, and a net with berries on top. Cover the unit with a lid and boil for 45 minutes.
  5. Next, open the hose tap and fill the warm jars with juice, then immediately seal the field.

Recipe for making strawberry juice for the winter with cherries

The sweet and fresh taste of cherries goes well with sour strawberries. The juice doesn't even need to be sweetened. Both strawberries and cherries contain large amounts of iron. The juice is useful for low blood hemoglobin, pregnant women and is simply good as a lunch dessert.


  • strawberries – 5 kg,
  • cherries – 3 kg.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing strawberry juice for the winter:

  1. We obtain strawberry juice using a press, filter it and pour it into an enamel pan.
  2. We wash the cherries, remove the stalks, knead them a little with a wooden pestle, put them in a canvas bag and squeeze out the juice under a press.
  3. Pour the cherry juice into the strawberry juice and heat to 90 degrees, but do not boil.
  4. Pour the hot juice into prepared jars and seal. Then we turn the jars over and cover them with a blanket and cool for about a day.

Strawberry - tropical nectar

The drink is suitable for formal banquets. For the winter, housewives prepare it in small quantities for especially important occasions. In mixed drinks, as a rule, one taste should dominate, and the rest should only complement it, introducing a subtle flavor note. In this drink, each of the components has a unique taste. The taste of this nectar is truly for lovers of something unusual, bright and rich. In a word – a drink for gourmets. The juice is served as a separate dessert, diluted with water; it goes well in low alcohol cocktails with liqueurs and champagne. Suitable for whipped cream, cakes, ice cream.


  • strawberries – 3 kg,
  • pineapple 1 pc.,
  • bananas – 3 pcs.,
  • kiwi – 4 pcs.,
  • pears – 1 kg,
  • sugar – 300 gr.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Strawberry juice is obtained by pressing. You can pass the berries through a juicer, but the amount of pulp will be greater. Not economical.
  2. Remove the thick skin from the pineapple and cut into small cubes.
  3. Wash the pears, remove the core and cut into small slices
  4. We wash the kiwi and bananas, peel them and cut them into pieces.
  5. I pass pears, kiwi, bananas and pineapple through a juicer. We filter the resulting juice, pour it into an enamel pan, add sugar, put it on the fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil.
  6. Let the resulting nectar stand for about 10 minutes, then pour it into jars, sterilize and close tightly.

Let's summarize. Strawberry juice is a useful product in all its preparations and works great with various berries and fruits. Strawberry season is quite short. And to prolong it by allowing yourself to enjoy her excellent taste all year round, this article was written.

The choice of recipe is yours. All you have to do is follow the instructions. Good luck!

Today they sell in stores berry juices of all kinds, but good housewives, as before, they try to prepare such drinks for the winter on their own.

Homemade strawberry juice is natural, tasty and very healthy, there’s no denying it.

And it is highly recommended to prepare it for the winter if the jams and compotes have already been cooked.

Canning strawberry juice with sugar

1. Wash the strawberries and let them dry a little.

2. Pass through a meat grinder, place in a press and squeeze out the juice in two or three steps.

Each time the squeezed mass (pulp) needs to be mixed well and squeezed again.

3. Filter the squeezed juice through 3-4 layers of gauze.

4. Pour into an enamel pan, add sugar at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of juice and heat on the stove, stirring until 95 ° C.

When heating, you need to make sure that the juice does not boil, otherwise it will lose its taste and aroma.

5. Immediately pour the juice into hot sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down and wrap in a blanket until cool.

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After push-ups, pulp remains, in which there is still a lot taste properties. You can use it for baking or fill it with water (10% of the waste mass) for 3-5 hours and squeeze again. The secondary juice goes into compotes, jelly, puree, jam, jelly, etc.

How to make strawberry juice from Victoria without sugar

What is the difference between strawberries and victoria you can read in.

1. Sort the berries, rinse, remove the stems, crush with a wooden masher to mashed potatoes, filter.

2. Pour into an enamel pan, heat over medium heat to 85 degrees, boil for 5 minutes.

3. Pour into clean sterilized jars, cover with boiled tin lids and place in a saucepan with water heated to 60 °C for pasteurization.

4. Pasteurize jars with a capacity of 3 liters - 35 minutes, 2 liters - 25 minutes, 0.5 liters - 15 minutes at a temperature of 85-90 degrees. Roll up the lids.

Sealed cans of juice should be checked within two weeks. If you don't sterilize them well, the contents will become cloudy, ferment, or mold.

High-quality juices must be stored in a dark place, otherwise canned juice will lose its beautiful color.

The maximum storage time for homemade juices in jars is 1 year.

Strawberry juice is sometimes made in the summer, but it is considered unnecessary to prepare it for the winter, processing excess berries into jams and preserves. I must say that this is in vain. After all, juice has as many vitamins and useful microelements, how much and fresh, which means he healthier than jam, in which they put a lot of sugar and cook for many hours.

Ingredients: strawberries, sugar
Time to bookmark: Spring, Summer

Try to make strawberry juice for the winter, and you will immediately feel the breath of summer, which does not happen when tasting jam.

Sort the berries, wash them, and remove the stems. It’s better to rinse in a colander so that the strawberries don’t pick up water while you’re cleaning them.

When using a juicer, as a rule, strawberry juice turns out to be practically inedible. It is overcooked and completely loses its taste and aroma. Therefore, it is better to use manually making strawberry juice.

Grind with a blender, juicer, or meat grinder. IN in this case it doesn't matter because anyway it will be more like strawberry puree. Of course, you can leave it like that, but it’s better to make two treats at once instead of one.

Strain the juice through a fine sieve or cloth. Pour the juice into a saucepan, and make marshmallow or marmalade from the remaining pulp.

Some of the strawberry juice can be preserved and the rest can be preserved for the winter.

Add sugar at the rate of 100 grams of sugar per 1 liter of juice and so that the juice does not turn sour, it must be pasteurized.

Heat the juice over very low heat until almost boiling, but do not let it boil. This is not a big deal, but the flavor of the strawberry juice will disappear.

Pasteurize the juice for at least 10 minutes, then pour it into prepared clean bottles/jars, seal the lids, and repeat pasteurization with the jars closed.

Install closed jars with hot juice into a wide-bottomed pan and place some cloths so they don’t dangle. Pour into the pan hot water, up to and from the moment of boiling, note the time. For half-liter jars, 15 minutes of pasteurization is enough; for liter jars, 20-25 minutes are needed.

Remove the jars from the pan, place them in a drawer, and cover with a warm blanket until they cool completely.

Store strawberry juice in a cool place, and check your preparations from time to time. If you notice that the juice has begun to ferment, digest it and make syrup from it. It will certainly last a year or two.

Strawberry juice and berries have long been used in folk medicine. With their help, rheumatism, hypovitaminosis and anemia were treated, since they contain a lot of iron, as well as hypertension, insomnia, and consumed Strawberry juice for the prevention of atherosclerosis and strengthening the immune system. Strawberries helped women recover from uterine bleeding.

Cigarette lovers need strawberries: the organic acids contained in them can neutralize the effects of toxic substances that enter the body with tobacco smoke, and thus prevent the development of cancer.

Sweet taste strawberry juice does not prevent it from normalizing blood sugar levels, so patients diabetes mellitus Strawberries are not only not contraindicated, but even beneficial. Strawberry juice reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, and also protects organs such as the pancreas and spleen from damage.

Helps a lot Strawberry juice with stones in gallbladder, if you drink it on an empty stomach, but? glasses every morning.

Taste qualities in strawberry juice goes well with his high value: it helps to relieve all organs and systems, while improving metabolism at all levels.

Thanks to high content manganese, strawberry juice promotes the formation of normal blood and bone tissue, helps nourish nerve cells, relieves joint pain, stimulates sexual desire, maintains normal thyroid function, and is even responsible for the color of skin and hair, supplying them with coloring pigments.

From the intestines Strawberry juice removes toxins and generally normalizes the functioning of the entire digestive system. Therefore, strawberry juice mixed with raspberry juice 1:1 is prescribed for diarrhea, after meals, although this may seem surprising - after all, strawberries are also recommended for constipation. The fact is that the substances contained in strawberries kill not only pathogens of intestinal infections, but also pneumococci, staphylococci and streptococci, which cause many dangerous diseases– from skin lesions to blood poisoning.

To maintain vitamin and mineral balance in the body Strawberry juice It is recommended that children drink a glass a day, and adults – 2 glasses. This is especially necessary for those who have had serious illnesses, including infectious diseases, and need restoration of strength and additional energy.

Strawberries will also help those who want to lose weight. Strawberry juice– You should always use the strawberry diet during the season when there are a lot of berries. People have always used strawberries to treat obesity and edema, so get rid of excess weight she will definitely help.

Don’t rush to make strawberry jam for the winter, although it is also very healthy, but try for at least a few days in a row to simply eat ripe strawberries - up to 1.5 kg, or drink the juice squeezed from them. Of course, this can be done if you are sure that no allergic reactions you are not threatened.

To rinse your mouth when unpleasant smell and throat for sore throat use a water infusion strawberries to destroy pathogenic bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Strawberries and their juice have long been used to treat skin rashes, diathesis, eczema, ulcers and wounds - simply by lubricating the affected areas with juice or applying a paste of fresh berries to them.

Of course, all women know that strawberries are successfully used in cosmetology, and effective home remedies for skin and hair care are prepared from them: lotions, lotions, face and hair masks, etc.

How to make strawberry juice

Prepare Strawberry juice you can do it at home for future use. For this purpose, the berries must be fresh, ripe and absolutely whole, without any defects or damage. Strawberries don't have to be large varieties: small, brightly colored berries also produce tasty and high-quality juice.

The berries must be sorted, washed, wait for the water to drain, put in a clean linen bag and squeeze out the juice using a press. Then the juice is filtered, poured into an enamel container, heated to 85°C, kept for 5 minutes and immediately poured into sterilized jars or bottles, covered with sterilized lids or stoppers, and pasteurized at a temperature of 90°C for up to 20 minutes. Pasteurized juice is immediately corked.

Strawberries are best picked in cool weather or in the morning. It is recommended to store the berries unwashed: in the refrigerator for several days, placing them on a wide plate and covering them. cling film, and at room temperature – several hours.

You should not allow mold to appear on strawberries - it quickly affects all the berries. You need to wash the strawberries together with the stalks, otherwise they will get soggy. By the way, when buying strawberries, you also need to make sure that the berry is strong and all the stalks are in place - without them, vitamins are quickly lost.

And strawberries are very healthy, but they often cause allergic reactions. Those who are prone to them should eat strawberries in small quantities, or use them together with fermented milk products. You can also prepare a strawberry shake with the addition of cream or milk - this will reduce the likelihood of allergies.

Pregnant women and young children should eat strawberries with caution, and in case of kidney and stomach colic and increased secretion of gastric juice, it is better to avoid them.
