Chocolate frosting for cake without. Chocolate icing for chocolate cake - recipes for a delicious and beautiful dessert coating

What is the “purpose” of chocolate glaze? It is simple - decorate a cake, pastry or other pastries (and not only pastries). Chocolate glaze - finishing touch, giving a dish (usually baked goods or dessert) an exquisite shine and gloss. Sometimes it is this touch that allows you to hide small flaws and failures that have absolutely no effect on the taste, but spoil the appearance. But this is rather an exception to the practice of using glaze. The rule is to highlight the taste and give the appearance, to provide an opportunity to secure decorative elements, such as sprinkles or small details.

There are a lot of recipes for chocolate glaze: some are very simple, and some are whimsical. Choosing from this variety is not so easy, especially when you need it here and now, quickly and beautifully. On this page I suggest practical recipes chocolate glaze made from cocoa, dark and white chocolate. They always turn out impressive and tasty, fast and not troublesome.

Chocolate cocoa glaze

A universal chocolate glaze made from cocoa is prepared by simply mixing the ingredients.


  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • powdered sugar - 80 grams
  • milk - 0.5 cups
  • butter - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla


In a bowl, mix dry ingredients: cocoa, powdered sugar, vanilla

Heat the milk, add butter and stir. Pour into cocoa in a thin stream.

Rub the glaze thoroughly until shiny.

When it cools down to room temperature, you can cover baked goods with it.

Pros and cons of a quick chocolate frosting recipe

The undoubted advantage of this method is the speed and ease of preparation. Another important plus is that the glaze does not harden quickly, so there is no need to rush when working with it. The chocolate glaze turns out to be very thick and spreads evenly on the product, forming a beautiful shiny layer.

The downside (or maybe not) is that it does not harden, that is, no matter how long the product sits, the glaze remains soft.
Ideal if you need to quickly frost baked goods for home use.

Recipe for boiled chocolate icing from cocoa

The easiest frosting recipe to cook is chocolate frosting with sour cream.

Recipe ingredients: cocoa 2 tbsp. spoons, sour cream 70 grams, sugar 2 tbsp. spoons, butter 1 tbsp. heaped spoon.

How to make boiled chocolate glaze. Mix sugar and cocoa. Place sour cream in a saucepan, pour in the mixture and mix well. Place on low heat, stirring all the time. When the mixture boils, add oil. And mix thoroughly again. Keep on the heat until the butter has completely melted. Remove from heat, let cool and only then use.

Tips and secrets. This glaze also becomes very thick, but does not harden.
If you add an egg to the cooled glaze and mix thoroughly, and then bring to a boil, then after hardening the glaze will be shiny.

Recipe for chocolate glaze made from cocoa with condensed milk

Another recipe from the “quick and without stove” series.

Recipe ingredients: cocoa 3 tbsp. spoons, condensed milk 3 tbsp. spoons, butter 3 tbsp. spoons.

How to prepare glaze with condensed milk. Melt butter(You can also do this in the microwave). Pour in condensed milk and stir. Add cocoa and rub thoroughly.
Once cooled, you can use it.

Chocolate glaze made from dark chocolate

If there is no cocoa, but there is a chocolate bar, then make the glaze from it. How? There are many recipes. Here, for example, is this one.


  • chocolate - 1 bar (100 grams)
  • milk - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • powdered sugar - 50 grams


    • Pour powdered sugar into a saucepan and pour in milk.

Place over low heat; when it boils, add chocolate pieces. Cook until the chocolate dissolves and thickens.

This chocolate glaze should be applied warm. By the way, it hardens very quickly. If you haven’t had time to use it all and it’s frozen, warm it up a little.

In most cases, glaze is used to obtain a smooth, shiny surface. Undoubtedly, a product with such a coating looks simply amazing. But you can deviate a little from the canons and make a relief surface that looks no less good.

White chocolate chocolate glaze

I must say that white chocolate is more capricious. It is very easy to overheat it and it will turn into insoluble lumps. Therefore, work with it very carefully.

Sometimes it happens that very little glaze is needed, since it covers small products or it is not the main one. The easiest way to make white chocolate frosting solves this problem.


  • white chocolate bar - 100 grams
  • fatty butter - 100 grams


Place the butter and chocolate pieces in a container, such as a cup, and melt in the microwave or in a double boiler, stirring constantly.

The oil will heat up and melt significantly faster than chocolate. There is no need to wait for the chocolate to melt; “dissolve” it in hot oil - this way you won’t overheat it.


You can make dark chocolate frosting using the same method (butter + chocolate).

You can use heavy cream instead of butter, but you need to use twice the amount of chocolate.

Or make it from 100 grams of any chocolate, 100 ml of cream and 10 grams. butter. Heat the cream, add butter and chocolate pieces, stir. Remove from heat and stir until mixture is smooth. Let cool and apply. You can also pour it while it’s hot.

Bonus. .
And try decorating with chocolate icing, for example. Very tasty with coffee.

Chocolate glaze is an ideal decoration for cakes, pies, desserts and pastries. There are many recipes for making chocolate glaze. The easiest way to make it is by melting milk or dark chocolate with a piece of butter. But the real shiny and smooth glaze comes from cocoa powder; making it at home is not difficult.

To prepare a delicious glaze, use products highest quality. You will need:
  • Cocoa powder – 3 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • Milk – 2 tbsp;
  • Butter – 60 g;
  • Vanilla.
In a small enamel saucepan, combine all the sugar and cocoa powder. Pour in some hot milk and add butter. Place the pan on low heat and cook, constantly stirring and whisking the mixture. When the butter has completely melted, add a little more hot milk and continue stirring the glaze. Its thickness can be easily adjusted with milk, rather than thick glaze you need it less milk should be added to it. The finished chocolate glaze has a consistency similar to sour cream or liquid honey. You should not use it right away, the hot glaze will drain from the baked goods, so cool it until warm and you can cover the cake or pie. Cocoa powder glaze is suitable for absolutely any confectionery product; it adds smoothness, shine and a finished look to a pie, cake or cupcake. If you freeze the chocolate glaze, you get real solid chocolate. If your glaze is very thick, return it to the heat and add a little water or milk. You can make a liquid substance thicker with sugar. Also, the quality of the chocolate glaze depends on the quality of the butter used. Be sure to buy the real thing solid oil, margarine or spread will not work. Interesting secret preparing chocolate glaze - before adding butter, remove the mixture from the heat, cool, and then add the butter and beat with a mixer. The glaze will be airy, tender and soft. For taste, you can add a little vanilla or a spoonful of alcohol - cognac, rum or liqueur. Also put in glaze coconut flakes, chopped nuts. A very tasty glaze will be made from cocoa powder if you replace sugar and milk with condensed milk. The cooking principle is no different from the previous recipe - melt butter in a saucepan, add cocoa, stirring constantly, pour in condensed milk - 4 tbsp. The glaze must be brought to a boil, then removed from the heat, cooled and used for its intended purpose. Chocolate glaze on condensed milk tastes milk chocolate, it is more delicate and lighter in shade.

In addition to those described above, there are many interesting recipes preparing delicious chocolate glaze - with honey, cream, white glaze. Any option is easy to prepare at home; glaze is not only poured over cakes, but inscriptions are written and pictures are drawn. A little culinary fantasy– and chocolate icing will become your favorite sweet decoration for your confectionery masterpieces.

Even the most delicious cakes and the cakes become even more appetizing and desirable when frosted with a shiny chocolate coating. Today I will share my experience with you and tell you how to make a simple one from chocolate and cream at home. It can be used to decorate not only cakes, but also to decorate cupcakes, pastries and other sweet pastries. A step-by-step photo recipe for chocolate will help you quickly and easily cope with this part of the preparation. I note that the delicious and simple chocolate glaze made from chocolate and cream prepared according to this recipe is quite thick and hardens well.


  • dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • cream 30% - 80 gr.

Depending on your taste preferences and desired color, you can use any type of chocolate: from white, milk... to bitter black. We add a little more cream to dark chocolate than when using white or milk chocolate.

You can also take both chocolate bars and confectionery chocolate in callets.

The fat content of cream for making glaze is not important: both thick homemade and packaged ones are suitable. If you only find 10-15% drinking cream, it would be a good idea to add a piece of butter to the glaze.

The same glaze can be made using milk. If you choose this cooking option, then for 100 grams of dark chocolate we take 50 grams of milk and 30 grams of butter.

How to make chocolate frosting from chocolate and cream

We collect necessary products. As you can see from the list of ingredients, we only need cream and chocolate. In my case, black in callets.

Place cream and chocolate in a small saucepan. Bar chocolate needs to be broken into pieces.

It is better for novice confectioners to melt chocolate. water bath. Remember that the bottom of the container with chocolate should be above the surface of the boiling water. Experienced cooks can try melting chocolate by placing a ladle directly on the stove and turning on low heat. It is better to stir the contents continuously.

Warm up the cream and wait until the chocolate is completely melted. As a result, we should get a homogeneous glossy mass. Before applying the glaze to the product, let it cool to room temperature.

Depending on the desired density of the finished glaze empirically you will be able to determine exact proportion chocolate cream. Remember that how thick your chocolate and cream frosting will be depends on the fat content of the cream you use and the percentage of cocoa in the chocolate. Delicious culinary masterpieces to you!

When chocolate icing is applied to any cake, cupcake, cookie or pastry, it becomes more beautiful and appetizing. How delicious are the juicy ones? fresh fruits crusted with chocolate glaze!

What is the best chocolate to choose, how to make the glaze have the desired consistency and homogeneity? To prepare the glaze, you need to take pure chocolate, without filling in the form of raisins, nuts, cookies and other inclusions.

Among aerated, milk, white and black (dark) types of chocolate, not every type is suitable for melting. From aerated chocolate When exposed to heat, it is rarely possible to achieve the required density and uniformity of consistency.

An excellent product for glazing mass is white chocolate. Chocolate icing for cakes, rolls and other confectionery products, if white chocolate is used, is also convenient in that it can be tinted in different colors. White chocolate melt with steam bath, adding to the mass vegetable oil And food coloring the desired color.

Cooking chocolate is also used to make glaze. dessert chocolate, couverture and fondant. Varieties culinary chocolate differ in the percentage of cocoa butter they contain.

Cooking chocolate melts easier, but dessert chocolate is tastier. The glaze from it turns out to be a thick consistency, so it is important to dilute the melted chocolate with milk or butter exactly according to the recipe in order to obtain a mass that is not too dense.

Couverture has a significant presence of cocoa butter. The glaze obtained from it has a smooth structure.

The fudge contains less cocoa butter than couverture. It is well suited for making glaze.

Chocolate chocolate glaze - recipe

An example of preparing dark chocolate glaze with 72% cocoa includes the following starting products:

100 g dark chocolate with 72% cocoa, no additives;
. 5 tbsp. spoons of milk.

Taking a step-by-step look at how to make chocolate frosting, it turns out to be a simple process. You just need to follow some rules.

Break chocolate bar into pieces and place them in a dry bowl in which the chocolate will melt for the glaze. You can coat the bowl with cream or sunflower oil so that after cooking it is easier to remove the glaze and wash the bowl. But there shouldn’t be a drop of water!

Add 5 tablespoons of milk. This is necessary to ensure that the glaze is not too thick. If the density is high, the glaze on baked goods will set too quickly. You may not have time to coat the cake before the icing has already hardened. Melted chocolate without adding milk is good for dipping dried fruits into it - prunes, dried apricots, and also fresh berries and fruits.
. Place the bowl with chocolate and milk in a water bath and, stirring occasionally, heat until the mixture turns into homogeneous mass. To stir the mixture being prepared, be sure to take a dry spoon; even a drop of water can negatively affect the density of the glaze mass.

How to melt chocolate for icing correctly? It is very important to ensure that the bottom of the ladle with melted chocolate does not touch the boiling water in the pan. Rapidly heated chocolate turns ugly white coating, which appears during solidification. Ideally, the temperature of the heated finished chocolate glaze should not exceed 40 °C.

It is undesirable for the prepared glaze to come into contact with steam or condensation, as this can cause it to lose its elastic consistency and quickly thicken. Therefore, the bowl with the food in it should be larger in diameter than the pan or ladle with boiling water. The bowl of chocolate should always be open and should not be closed with a lid to prevent condensation from collecting.

After preparing the glaze and turning off the gas, it is better not to remove the bowl from the pan and quickly apply it to the baking surface ready glaze, spreading it with a brush or spoon.

Glaze options

Using a similar technology, you can prepare a white chocolate glaze consisting of: following ingredients:
. white chocolate - 100 g,
. butter - 40 g,
. heavy cream (or sour cream) - 3 tbsp. spoons.

First, melt the chocolate and cream, and after removing the glaze from the heat, add butter and mix the mixture thoroughly.

An interesting option is chocolate glaze with the addition of honey.

. any chocolate - 100 g,
. milk - 4 tbsp. spoons,
. butter - 30 g,
. honey - 4 teaspoons.

After removing the prepared homogeneous mass of chocolate and milk from the heat, first add butter, stir, then add honey and mix again.

You can add different flavors to the finished glaze to vary the taste. natural flavors, a little cognac, rum, ground nuts, coconut flakes.

I associate this icing with the cake " bird's milk" I think many people know the taste of this glaze, especially those who grew up in the Soviet Union or ate desserts and cakes prepared by our mothers and grandmothers. I offer you a recipe chocolate cocoa glaze, which can be used for making confectionery or simply eaten with a spoon =)

What is needed for cooking

A saucepan or ladle (preferably with a thick bottom)

List of ingredients:

50 gr. butter, fat content 80%;

45 ml. milk, fat content 3.2% (~ 3 tablespoons);

60 gr. sugar (~ 4 tablespoons);

10 gr. cocoa powder (~ 3-4 teaspoons).

Cooking process:

  • Making chocolate glaze from cocoa is not at all difficult, but there are some points to consider in the process. Let's take a closer look =) We start cooking by preparing the ingredients. Place everything in a saucepan or ladle (preferably with a thick bottom) necessary ingredients: butter, milk, sugar and cocoa powder.
  • Next, place the saucepan or ladle on the stove. You can prepare chocolate glaze from cocoa either in a water bath or by sending the saucepan directly to the stove. If you are cooking for the first time or want to play it safe, it is better to cook the glaze in a water bath. Of course, the process will take more time, but nothing will burn, and you can easily control the process. And if you choose to prepare the glaze by placing the saucepan directly on the stove, then the heat must be set slightly below medium and not move away from the stove, constantly stirring the glaze, otherwise it will not work and will burn. Of course, while preparing the glaze in a water bath, it also needs to be stirred, but in this case It is less likely to burn if you interrupt the cooking process.
  • Having chosen the cooking method, put the saucepan on the stove and begin the process of preparing chocolate glaze from cocoa. First, we wait until all the ingredients are completely dispersed and turn into a homogeneous mass. Next, the mass will begin to boil. At this stage, it is important to constantly stir the glaze (especially if you chose the option of cooking directly on the stove). Thus, boil the glaze for 2-3 minutes. That's it, the glaze is ready!

Use of glaze:

Chocolate glaze made from cocoa can be used in various confectionery. It is great for soaking cakes. And if you want to use glaze for impregnation, then after cooking, let it cool a little and, while it is liquid, saturate the cakes.

I also really like to cover the top of a cake with this glaze (for example, “Bird's Milk”), glaze donuts or eclairs. A Lately, very often I make chocolate streaks on the cake from this glaze.

Often, drips on the cake are made from chocolate ganache(mix chocolate with heavy cream), but when you don’t have these ingredients at home, in my opinion, beautiful drips can be made from cocoa chocolate icing. To do this, the finished glaze must be stirred vigorously until it reaches the consistency you need. The glaze should become thicker. The main thing is to monitor the consistency, because... The glaze can become very thick and it will not be possible to make beautiful smudges from it.

I want to show you an example of a bad drip glaze. In this case, it turned out to be too liquid and there were no streaks. As a result, all the glaze flowed down.

And in this example, in my opinion, the glaze turned out to be a little thick for smudges (although it looks much better than when the glaze turns out liquid). Don't make the glaze too thick, because... it may drain very poorly (and it will not look nice) or even flow in chunks.

And on this cake, it seems to me that the icing turned out to be of very good consistency, which made it possible to create beautiful, even smudges.

On a note:

  • It is important to use high-quality butter for this glaze. Because More than once it happened that during boiling the oil separated from the main mass and, of course, the glaze was spoiled.
  • To make beautiful drips, the cake itself must be cooled, and the icing should not be hot.

Application chocolate cocoa glaze very diverse. It can be used to soak cake layers, glaze donuts and eclairs, as well as cover the top of the cake and make chocolate drips. And I think that you can find many more different options where you can use this glaze. Try and experiment =)

If this recipe turned out to be useful to you, then I will be glad if you leave your feedback about what you did =)
