How do lace at the factory. Potato chips Lays: tastes, composition, manufacturer and reviews

Chips in the XXI century have become a table dish for many people. This article analyzes the most harmful chips and describes what exactly they are harmful.

Composition of chips

I would like to start with chemical composition chips. Many people mistakenly think that they are made from potatoes. Once it was true. But even then they were quite harmful. Now entrepreneurs are not interested in the impact their product has on people (they will sell it even if it can, with a high degree of probability, lead to chronic diseases or even death).

The composition of modern chips (the most popular of which are "lace", "pringles", "chitos", etc.) most often includes starch or a mixture based on it, but the main component can also be corn or Wheat flour. Starch is usually genetically modified (made from soy). Once in the human body, it breaks down into glucose, as well as other harmful substances (hydrogenated fat, which accumulates in chips, acrolein, which is formed during the breakdown of fats, monosodium glutamate, and others). Another and also extremely dangerous carcinogen contained in almost all chips is acrylamide. It can form even with the wrong oil for frying food or if the pan is too hot.

Why are chips bad?

Frequent (more than 2-3 times a week) consumption of chips leads to excessive accumulation of these substances in the liver. harmful substances which is the cause of obesity. Chips are also harmful hydrogenated fat. It contributes to the formation of "bad" cholesterol, which, in turn, is the main cause of thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, and other serious diseases.

In the course of recent research (2012), a substance called glycidamide was found in the chips. It is not only capable of causing cancerous tumors, but also destroying DNA.

We all heard hundreds or even thousands of times that chips are very harmful. But still, lovers of this food product buy it, often knowing that it can cause heartburn, gastritis, as well as intestinal problems and allergies (and the likelihood of this is very high). The technology of making chips destroys almost everything.

The most harmful chips

by the most harmful chips are considered thin and crispy. They should be roasted in less than 20 seconds, but most manufacturers do not respect this. A large number of, salt, which is contained in them, attracts many lovers of "salty". But do not forget that an excess of salt in the blood leads to inhibition of the normal growth of bones, muscles and tendons, the development of heart disease, not to mention metabolic disorders. Add to this what you read above and the picture becomes quite gloomy. Thin and crispy chips can rightly be considered the most important pests to the body of all their diversity.

There is such a type of chips as air chips, which cannot be ranked among the most harmful representatives of this product. They contain much less toxic substances than other types. Although the production technology provides for their frying for more than 5 minutes, however, they also accumulate a very small amount of carcinogens compared to other chips. As a result, the harm from them to the body is minimal!

According to a common version, the chips appeared as a result of the dissatisfaction of one of the restaurant's customers, who was annoyed by the fact that the chef cut him fried potatoes too thick slices. The cook took this as a personal insult and replaced the dish by slicing the potatoes into paper-thin slices.

After frying it turned out interesting dish With golden crust and characteristic appetizing crunch. That's how they appeared so popular today potato chips.

I suggest you find out how modern manufacturers make chips and what they are made of and see interesting video about the production process from A to Z.

Production process:

It is known that most manufacturing companies make potato chips. True, other raw materials are often used, but we will talk about this later.

  • The first stage is the selection of raw materials. Responsible companies approach this with all rigor, selecting only healthy and fresh tubers that have spent no more than one day in the warehouse (otherwise black spots characteristic of stale potatoes will appear on the chips).
  • Next, the potatoes are fed into a special cleaning unit, which washes away dust and dirt from the tubers.
  • After taking a shower, future chips are sent to the potato peeler. This ingenious machine has a system of knives and rollers that cuts the skin from the potato very carefully and efficiently. This unit is able to clean up to 130 tons of potatoes per day!
  • The peeled tubers fall out of the potato peeler onto a special conveyor that sorts them by size. In the process of passing through the system of moving platforms small potatoes falls into a slot in the rinse aid tank, into which a larger specimen cannot squeeze through - this is how sorting occurs. Fast and resourceful. Next, large potatoes reach the top of the conveyor, where they are cut with knives, and then also fall into the rinser. As a result, the rinse aid tank contains raw materials of a suitable size for further production.
  • The rinse aid rinses the raw material again, removing residual contamination.
  • Next, the potatoes fall into a slicing machine, somewhat reminiscent of a large food processor. The raw material falls onto rapidly rotating blades and is cut into thin slices. Each tuber is cut into an average of 36 slices.
  • The cut slices are fed into the large drum with cold water where they are washed for 1 minute.
  • Wet raw materials fall on the tape, above which there is a special "dryer", which dries the slices after bathing.
  • From the belt, the raw materials enter a tank with boiling oil (temperature 190-200 degrees), where they are boiled for 3 minutes.
  • Chips are almost ready! The fried potato slices continue their journey along the belt, where they are showered with spices and seasonings.
  • The next step is re-inspection. Automation monitors the raw materials moving along the belt, revealing defective chips with black spots. Marriage is withdrawn from the general flow, and a quality product goes further.
  • Chips are packaged in colorful packages and go to store shelves. That's the whole process.

The Discovery channel has prepared a very interesting and informative video clip showing how chips are made in one of the modern factories.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, chips are not always made from potatoes. Many manufacturers, due to economy and other reasons, use wheat or cornmeal or even soy starch.

That's all. Finally, let me remind you that chips are a harmful and far from a dietary product. Please take care of your health and do not abuse them.

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Chips are often seen on supermarket shelves, and so many people buy them as a snack without thinking about what the product consists of and whether it is safe for health to eat. It is believed that chips are exclusively fried potato slices, but is it really so?


What is in the chips? If you pick up a mid-priced package in a supermarket, you can see the following composition: potatoes, vegetable oil, flavor and aroma enhancer, yeast, sugar, spices, stabilizer and dye. Manufacturers can also add flavorings, additives and powders, such as bacon or sour cream, to give the product a characteristic taste. However, along with traditional types of chips, you can also find those that should not be called chips, but a potato-wheat snack, since they contain up to 40% of the corresponding vegetable, and they are mostly made from flour and starch, which are called differently. potato powder.

What are chips actually made of?

What are chips made from? Most often, to reduce the cost of the product, its basis is flour and soy starch, which is made from genetically modified soybeans. These ingredients are mixed and thin plates are made from them, which are then fried in boiling vegetable oil. At the same time, it should be noted that chips can also be made from potatoes, but this does not mean that it is useful, since in order to avoid damage to tubers by pests, only hemodified potatoes are used, which are stored for a long time and have the correct even shape. The harm of products with GMOs has been proven, they cause infertility and cancer.

Harmful additives in chips

Unfortunately, those people who believe that chips are not harmful more than regular potato, will be greatly disappointed, as they contain a lot of additives that are detrimental to health.

What is in the chips? In addition to flavors, stabilizers and colors, it is monosodium glutamate, which makes the chips seem incredibly tasty. The main task of the additive is to stimulate the receptors so that the taste of food seems more saturated and bright. Therefore, if after the chips you eat ordinary meat, in which many spices are not added, it will seem fresh and unsalted.

Monosodium glutamate is a man-made additive, and therefore considered harmful to the body, because, by causing excitement in the brain, it is addictive (which is why consumers quickly get used to some type of product and give it preference). If a person often consumes products with monosodium glutamate, he may develop allergies, bronchial asthma and diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers, and the like).

Vegetable oil or hydrogenated fat?

What chips are made of, we have already found out. What are they fried on? According to the technology for making chips, you need to fry pieces of potatoes in vegetable oil. As you know, good quality sunflower seed oil is very expensive, therefore it is most often replaced with cheap analogues - hydrogenated fat, which does not burn during frying and is stored for a long time, which means it is more profitable for use in production.

Cheap fats do not contain those vitamins that are in vegetable oil, therefore they are absolutely useless, but at the same time they have a high calorie content, making chips a “cholesterol bomb”, which causes blockage of blood vessels. If they are eaten very often, diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems may appear. It is possible that cheap fats are one of the reasons for the appearance cancer, since if you fry in the same oil for a long time products, it becomes a carcinogen, which is very toxic to the human body.

Chips "Lays"

This brand of chips is very popular among consumers and has an average cost. What composition According to the inscription on the package, they include potatoes, vegetable oil, flavor, flavor enhancer, lemon acid, glucose, dye, spices and salt. For the preparation of snacks, not any potato is used, but only a separate variety of it - the so-called chips, which contains a lot of starch. It is cleaned, cut into pieces, and then immersed in a frying bath, in which the slices are fried in vegetable oil. After that, various spices are added to the Lays chips to give them a special aroma and taste. Based on the above, the basis of the chips is potatoes, but still flour is added to them, in addition, it should be indicated that they contain a lot of starch, which is transformed into glucose when it enters the body, therefore the chips are called dietary product it’s impossible, considering also the fact that 100 g of Lays chips contains 510 kcal.

Chips: production

The production of chips is carried out according to the following classical pattern. Since they are made from potatoes, this vegetable is first delivered to the plant, with individual varieties that are distinguished by a high content of starch. After it is thoroughly washed and cleaned, removing all the shortcomings of the tuber, the potatoes are sent to a special shredding drum, where the vegetable is finely chopped using an automatic mechanism with built-in knives with a sharp blade. After the potatoes are cut into thin slices, the thickness of which should not exceed two millimeters, the potatoes enter the frying bath, into which vegetable oil is preliminarily poured, and are fried at 250 degrees.

The production of chips is carefully checked at each stage so that the products meet all consumer qualities. After roasting in hot product add various spices flavor additives, salt, flavorings and color and taste enhancers. In some factories producing chips, the process of making them is slightly different, since not the potato itself is taken as the basis for making snacks, but a mixture of starches and flour. From them, blanks are prepared for chips, which are then fried with the addition of mixtures and other additives. The quality of vegetable oil determines how useful the product will be for human health, since cheap fats high temperature turn into carcinogens that cause cancer.

Chips calories

Chips are mainly flour, starch) and fats (vegetable oil, refined and deodorized fats), therefore they are far from diet snack. What is the calorie content of chips? So, 100 g of the product contains about 517-538 kcal, depending on its type. At the same time, the chips contain 49.3 carbohydrates, 2.2 proteins and 37.6 fats. A standard pack of chips - 28 grams, it contains 142 kcal, which replaces a bowl of soup with meat or fried potatoes and a couple of slices of sausage.

Taste variety of chips

To date, there have been many different flavors chips, because even the most demanding consumer has something to choose from all their variety. So, the most common types of product are chips with the taste of mushrooms, ketchup, cheese and bacon. In addition, such flavors of chips as "Sour cream and greens", " green onion"and" Red caviar ". New items that are especially suitable for beer are flavored chips chicken wings, salted cucumbers, aspic and horseradish, smoked cheese and crabs. There are also original flavors, for example, chocolate and chili, mint lamb, pepperoni, fruits (orange, kiwi), Greek salad, balsamic vinegar, wasabi and the like. It should be noted that, of course, cheese or bacon are not added to potato chips, these are flavors and flavors that are identical to natural ones.

Are there potatoes in modern chips?

Unfortunately, potato chips are very rare today, since for the most part this vegetable has long been replaced by potato powder, or, speaking in simple terms, flour (corn or wheat) and starch. What are the differences between the products and what harm does the reduction in the cost of production of chips bring to the consumer? Of course, there is nothing wrong with potatoes fried in high-quality oil. Yes, it is high-calorie, but it contains vitamins and useful material, because it will not bring harm to the body.

However, this cannot be said about starch and flour, from which "potato" chips are made in cheap industries. It is their content in most products that is considered main reason obesity. With the accumulation of glucose in the liver, into which starch is converted, a person begins to recover greatly, which negatively affects his health. It is difficult for the consumer to distinguish whether potatoes have been replaced with potato powder or not, as the product contains a lot of monosodium glutamate and other flavorings. If you give a person a taste of chips for the first time, he will immediately feel that they have a lot of salt and spices that completely interrupt the taste of other ingredients. Doing this is not very cost-effective, and therefore unprofitable. Therefore, in reality, it is quite difficult to find potatoes in modern chips.

Now you know the composition of the chips. To use this product or not - the choice is yours!

The topic of today's report is the PepsiCo plant for the production of Lay's potato chips, recently opened in the city of Azov, Rostov Region. In addition, the plant produces Khrusteam croutons. Let's walk sequentially along the entire production line and consider it in detail.

Chips are believed to have originated over 150 years ago in the United States. Legend has it that in one of the elite American restaurants, the client (railroad tycoon Vanderbilt) did not like specialty of the house French fries restaurant and he returned it to the kitchen, complaining that the fries were too fat. The chef of the restaurant decided to play a trick on the client and cut the potatoes into thin slices and fried them in oil and served them to the table. Surprisingly, the client especially liked the dish, and since then a new dish has appeared on the restaurant's menu - chips.

Lay's chips have been in production since 1938. Today, Frito Lay is one of the leading manufacturers of salty snacks both in the world and in Russia. Deliveries of Lay's chips to Russia began in the mid-90s, and in 2002 the first Frito Lay plant was opened in Kashira near Moscow.

Unloading, washing and temporary storage of potatoes

Every day, nine 20-ton trucks with potatoes are unloaded here. The potatoes are conveyed through a conveyor belt into a washing machine, where recirculated water is used to clean them. In total, there are three such automatic car washes in the world. It is physically impossible to remove the washing process, everything takes place in a closed container. After washing, the potatoes go for temporary storage in bins - special containers, from where they are fed to production as needed.

Cleaning, sorting and cutting potatoes

Before the potato tubers enter the special cutting machine, inspectors visually inspect the tubers moving along the belt and, if necessary, remove visible defects.

By the way: Not every potato is suitable for the production of chips. There are so-called potato chips, which are characterized by a high content of starch.

All employees periodically undergo a medical examination and have medical books, this is done so that a sick person does not get to work. In addition, before entering the workshop, everyone must wash their hands.

Potato peeling takes place in abrasive drums of periodic action. Loading first required amount potatoes into the weight hopper, after which it is unloaded into the drum.

Directly cutting occurs mechanically due to the rotation of the cone-shaped bottom of the drum. Inside the cutting machine are eight pairs of extremely sharp blades that cut the tuber into thin slices. The thickness of each slice is less than two millimeters.


After slicing, the potato slices go to the heart of the chip production line - the frying pan to fry the slices and get the basic chips. This equipment, which has no analogues, was created specifically for the PepsiCo plant and cannot be shown.

Thinly sliced ​​potato slices go into an oil bath where they are fried for three minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. quality oil, as well as high-quality potatoes - the basis of the taste of chips.

The recipe was improved at the factory, using a special mixture vegetable oils, including high-olin sunflower oil locally produced, thanks to which the content of saturated fats in the final product is reduced by 25%.

The quality of the products is checked daily at the factory. They check both basic chips, just out of the oven, and fully packed packages.

Adding spices

At this stage, special aromatic and flavoring additives, which are based on salt, are added to the fried potato chips.

Three flavors can be produced simultaneously on the line.


By the way: The plant is designed to produce 50 thousand tons finished products in year. Some fantastic figure, in my opinion.

On three conveyors, ready-made chips go to packaging. First comes distribution and weighing.

By the way: Please note that there are very few workers along the entire length of the line. It uses modern equipment that operates in a fully automated mode. In addition, it is important that as few people as possible come into contact with the finished product.

Weighing machines weigh several portions at the same time and calculate the best weight combination, which has the most accurate weight in order to meet the standard and the weight indicated on the package.

Considering that the net weight of one pack is 28 grams, you can imagine the accuracy of the equipment setting.

The weighed portion is unloaded onto the packaging line.

The portion passes the control for the presence of foreign impurities (metal detector) and enters the package, which by this time has been prepared by the packaging machine from packaging materials (foil). Before sealing the seam, food nitrogen is supplied to the bag, which allows to ensure the necessary shelf life of the product. Weighing and packaging equipment works synchronously, at a speed of up to 80 bags per minute.

The packaged bag of chips arrives at operators who manually stack the bags into cartons.

Boxes of chips are stacked on pallets and transported to the warehouse.

In parallel, there is a line for the production of crackers

A mixture of flour and water is fed into the extruder, heated and thoroughly mixed. From the extruder, crackers come out in the form of bundles, which are cut to size by rotating knives.

At the next stage, the crackers are dried in an oven and get to the seasoning area.

The packaging line is identical to the one on which chips are produced.

Weighing takes place in a similar weighing machine, which forms several portions and selects the best combination for sealing in a bag.

Ready crackers.

The productivity of one line is 12 tons of finished products per day.

Employees are forbidden to wear watches and jewelry, manicures and false nails are prohibited, hair must be covered with a net so that nothing gets on the conveyor.

Except palatability and visual compliance of the slices with accepted standards, the quality of the packaging is checked here. The seam should be even and the pack should open with one movement exactly along the seam, without gaps.

Factory team. By the way, the production line operates around the clock in three shifts.

Appearance factory.

Enjoy your meal!

The PepsiCo plant for the production of Lay's potato chips, recently opened in the city of Azov, Rostov Region. In addition, the plant produces Khrusteam croutons. Let's go through the entire production line in sequence and consider it in detail. It is believed that chips appeared more than 150 years ago in the USA. Legend has it that at one of America's finest restaurants, a customer (railroad tycoon Vanderbilt) didn't like the restaurant's signature dish, french fries, and returned it to the kitchen, complaining that the fries were too fat. The chef of the restaurant decided to play a trick on the client and cut the potatoes into thin slices and fried them in oil and served them to the table. Surprisingly, the client especially liked the dish, and since then a new dish has appeared on the restaurant's menu - chips.

Lay's chips have been in production since 1938. Today, Frito Lay is one of the leading manufacturers of salty snacks both in the world and in Russia. Deliveries of Lay's chips to Russia began in the mid-90s, and in 2002 the first Frito Lay plant was opened in Kashira near Moscow.

Unloading, washing and temporary storage of potatoes

2. Nine 20-ton trucks with potatoes are unloaded here every day. The potatoes are conveyed through a conveyor belt into a washing machine, where recirculated water is used to clean them. In total, there are three such automatic car washes in the world. It is physically impossible to remove the washing process, everything takes place in a closed container. After washing, the potatoes are temporarily stored in bins - special containers, from where they are fed to production as needed.

Cleaning, sorting and cutting potatoes

3. Before the potato tubers enter the special cutting machine, inspectors visually inspect the tubers walking along the belt and, if necessary, remove visible defects.

4. By the way: Not every potato is suitable for the production of chips. There are so-called potato chips, which are characterized by a high content of starch.

5. All employees periodically undergo a medical examination and have medical books, this is done so that a sick person does not get to work. In addition, before entering the workshop, everyone must wash their hands.

6. Potato peeling takes place in abrasive drums of periodic action. First, the required amount of potatoes is loaded into the weighing hopper, after which it is unloaded into the drum.

7. Directly cutting occurs mechanically due to the rotation of the cone-shaped bottom of the drum. Inside the cutting machine are eight pairs of extremely sharp blades that cut the tuber into thin slices. The thickness of each slice is less than two millimeters.

8. After slicing, the potato slices enter the heart of the chip production line, the frying pan to fry the slices and produce the base chips. This equipment, which has no analogues, was created specifically for the PepsiCo plant and cannot be shown.

9. Thinly sliced ​​potato slices enter the oil bath, where they are fried for three minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius. High-quality oil, like high-quality potatoes, is the basis of the taste of chips.

10. The formulation was improved at the plant, using a special blend of vegetable oils, including locally produced high-olin sunflower oil, which reduced the content of saturated fats in the final product by 25%.

11. Every day the quality of products is checked at the factory. They check both basic chips, just out of the oven, and fully packed packages.

Adding spices

12. At this stage, special aromatic and flavoring additives, which are based on salt, are added to the fried potato chips.

13. Three flavors can be produced at the same time on the line.


14. By the way: The plant is designed to produce 50 thousand tons of finished products per year. Some fantastic figure, in my opinion.

15. On three conveyors, ready-made chips go to packaging. First comes distribution and weighing.

16. By the way: Please note that there are very few workers along the entire length of the line. It uses modern equipment that operates in a fully automated mode. In addition, it is important that as few people as possible come into contact with the finished product.

17. Weighing machines weigh several portions at the same time and calculate the best weight combination, which has the most accurate weight in order to meet the standard and the weight indicated on the package.

18. Considering that the net weight of one pack is 28 grams, you can imagine the accuracy of the equipment setting.

19. The weighed portion is unloaded onto the packaging line.

20. The portion passes the control for the presence of foreign impurities (metal detector) and enters the package, which by this time has been prepared by the packaging machine from packaging materials (foil). Before sealing the seam, food nitrogen is supplied to the bag, which allows to ensure the necessary shelf life of the product. Weighing and packaging equipment works synchronously, at a speed of up to 80 bags per minute.

21. The packaged bag of chips goes to the operators, who manually stack the bags into cartons.

22. Boxes of chips are stacked on pallets and transported to the warehouse.

In parallel, there is a line for the production of crackers

24. A mixture of flour and water is fed into the extruder, heated and thoroughly mixed. From the extruder, crackers come out in the form of bundles, which are cut to size by rotating knives.

25. The next step is to dry the crackers in the oven and get to the seasoning area.

26. The packaging line is identical to the one on which chips are produced.

28. Weighing takes place in a similar weighing machine, which forms several portions and selects the best combination for sealing in a bag.

29. Ready crackers.

30. Productivity of one line - 12 tons of finished products per day.

31. Employees are prohibited from wearing watches and jewelry, manicures and false nails are prohibited, hair must be covered with a net so that nothing gets on the conveyor.

32. In addition to the taste and visual compliance of the slices with accepted standards, the quality of the packaging is checked here. The seam should be even and the pack should open with one movement exactly along the seam, without gaps.

34. The team of the plant. By the way, the production line operates around the clock in three shifts.

36. Appearance of the plant.

37. Bon appetit!
