How to make shortcrust pastry baskets. Shortcrust pastry baskets - the best dough recipes and filling ideas

Delicious cake recipes

cake basket

1 hour

370 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Each taste evokes some associations in us. They can be both good and bad. But there is something that simply cannot evoke bad memories and associations. This is exactly what I want to tell you about today. Everyone remembers the wonderful taste of those cakes that we tried in childhood. Many of them remain our favorites throughout our lives. Therefore, I consider it my duty to teach you how to cook the “Korzinochka” cake at home. This will require a minimum of expenses, but what memories will come flooding back to you! Let's continue the glorious tradition and prepare such a delicious dessert dish for our children.

Recipe for “Korzinochka” cake with protein cream

Kitchen appliances: m ixer or corolla, m Ito, e uhovka.


For the test:

For cream:

How to choose ingredients for such a dish?

Such an unpretentious dish still requires some respect. To make an original cake, you will need to use first-class wheat flour and the highest quality products.

Step-by-step recipe for making “Basket” cakes from shortcrust pastry

Before you start creating cooking masterpiece, you will need to remove from the refrigerator butter so that it warms up a little. Only after this can you start preparing the “Korzinochka” cake according to GOST.


  1. Put the oil in deep container and beat for 4 minutes with a mixer or whisk.

  2. After whipping, you need to add 140 g of sugar. Start the whisking process again and continue until the sugar is completely dissolved. You will have to spend 5 minutes on this.

  3. Separate the yolks from the whites and add the yolks to the container with the butter. Beat for about 5 more minutes.

  4. After this, add 1 teaspoon of baking powder, a pinch of salt and a few drops of rum or vanilla essence.

  5. All the ingredients for the future cake the best way stir.

  6. At the very end, add 350 g of flour. Before this, you will need to sift it through a sieve to get rid of unnecessary foreign objects. Start the dough kneading process. You will need to knead it until smooth to get the perfect shortbread dough.

  7. Place your prepared shortcrust pastry in cling film and send to refrigerator for 40 minutes.

  8. You definitely need to roll out the already chilled dough using a rolling pin into a layer whose thickness is about 7 millimeters.

  9. Now you need to distribute all the dough into metal molds.

  10. Once you've done this, remove any excess dough that peeks over the edges so that the dough itself is slightly larger than the sides of the pan.

  11. Using a fork, poke many holes in the dough that is in the bottom of each ramekin. This should be done to prevent air bubbles from forming during baking.

  12. Place the finished forms in freezer for 15 minutes.
  13. Preheat the oven to 215 degrees and bake the baskets for about 15 minutes.

  14. Let the dough cool and remove the pieces.


  1. Now let's get started interesting process cooking cream. To do this, mix sugar in water.

  2. Start the process of boiling the syrup.

  3. Boil the syrup to a temperature of 120 degrees. This is approximately 5-6 minutes.

  4. At 110 degrees add citric acid into syrup.

  5. Start beating the egg whites thoroughly with a pinch of salt. If you use a mixer, beat at medium speed.

  6. When the mixer blades or your whisk leave marks on them while beating the egg whites, begin to slowly pour in the syrup in a thin stream. After you add the syrup, you will need to increase the mixer speed. At this speed you need to beat this entire consistency for 7 minutes.

  7. Distribute the cream into cooking bags, and place completely on the bottom of each basket. a small amount of jam or marmalade.

  8. Now you can use your imagination and fill the baskets with cream in any manner. By using different attachments you can create different patterns or exposures.

  9. Now your lovely “Basket” cakes with cream are ready.

Video recipe for pastry “Basket” with protein cream

In this video tutorial on how to prepare the dish described above, you can find detailed description how to cook correct dough for the “Korzinochki” cake.

Cakes Baskets with Protein Custard according to GOST

Wonderful baskets with protein custard from childhood. Try cooking!
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For the test:
350 g flour
140 g sugar
200 g butter
3 egg yolks
1 teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt
a few drops of rum or vanilla essence

For cream:
3 egg whites(90 g)
180 g sugar
50 ml hot water
1/4 teaspoon citric acid
a pinch of salt

jam or jam.

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Cake “Basket” with fruits

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 servings.
  • Kitchen appliances: m ixer or corolla, mmetal molds in the form of baskets, with ito, e containers for your ingredients, d ear chamber.


For the test:

For filling:

Step by step recipe

  1. Melt all the margarine in microwave oven.
  2. After this, you will need to mix margarine with granulated sugar and mix.

  3. Add the eggs one at a time into the margarine mixture. You need to add them as you stir.

  4. In a small container you will need to extinguish the soda with a tablespoon of vinegar.

  5. After this, add soda to the dough.

  6. Add the flour to the remaining ingredients and begin stirring with a spatula. When the spatula becomes difficult to knead, use your hands.

  7. Hide the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After this, you need to distribute all the dough into metal forms in the form of baskets.

  8. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake for 10 minutes.

  9. Cool the baskets completely and prepare for the next steps.

  10. Pour a tablespoon of curd into each basket and arrange the fruit as you like.

Now you know thoroughly how to make a “Basket” cake at home!

How many are there, they say, waiting for what was promised? Half a year? Well, that’s how long I’ve been trying to publish the recipe for these masterpieces. sand baskets with cream. No way. But this is, perhaps, even for the better, because over time this recipe has been repeatedly optimized and improved.

So what do we have as a result? Crispy, the most delicious of all possible, shortbread dough, lightweight custard with whipped cream and pieces of berries and fruits covered with a thin jelly glaze.

So I’ve never been able to take a good picture of these baskets...

Collectively, we have incredibly delicious baskets with cream, which are always in short supply. But no problem. Shortbread dough You can freeze it for future use and take it out as needed. It's just a matter of cream.

Initially, I made these baskets with regular custard. But in the course of his professional activity I had the opportunity to work with an improved version of this wonderful cream of all times. In confectionery circles, this cream is called “Diplomat”. And, of course, I couldn’t help but sneak this recipe into my sweet magazine.

So, the secret is that the custard is mixed with whipped cream in equal parts. But that's not all. The whipped cream itself is prepared from a mixture of vegetable and animal cream, also in equal parts. This results in a lighter, more delicate and airy cream, and due to the presence of natural cream, the cream turns out more tasty and rich. Here it is important not to beat the cream and warn the moment when it decides to curdle. I recommend reading about how to whip cream correctly.

No less important in this process is choosing the right shortcrust pastry. I also experimented with it a lot. In the end, I settled on the most delicious shortcrust pastry of all existing ones (I already talked about it in point No. 2 “THE MOST DELICIOUS, IN MY VIEW, RECIPE FOR SWEET TARTALETS”).

This dough is a little more expensive compared to more simple options sandy, but it's actually worth investing a few extra pennies into!

In short, in order not to be verbose, I will only say that everyone who was lucky enough to taste these incredible sand baskets with cream, unanimously admired that these were the BEST BASKETS OF THEIR LIFE!

What I like most about this dessert is that the unsweetening airy cream is combined with a rich, sweet shortbread base.

Ingredients:(for 22 medium-sized baskets)

For shortbread dough:

  • flour - 250 gr.
  • butter, softened - 150 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 200 gr.
  • egg yolks- 5 pieces.
  • a pinch of salt
  • zest of ½ lemon

For cream:

  • milk - 250 ml
  • sugar - 60 gr.
  • vanilla - ½ pod or 1 pinch of vanillin
  • egg yolks - 40 gr. (2 pcs.)
  • corn starch - 30 gr.
  • vegetable cream— 125 ml
  • natural cream, fat content more than 30% - 125 ml

For the jelly frosting (optional):

  • gelatin - 4 gr.
  • water - 125 ml
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.

For decoration:

  • strawberries - 11 pcs.
  • kiwi - 1 pc.
  • apricot 1 pc.
  • mint leaves - 22 pcs.


  1. For SAND BASKETS mix flour with powdered sugar and pour this mixture into a heap onto a work surface sprinkled with flour.
  2. Make a hole in the center of the slide and add a pinch of salt, grated zest of ½ lemon and butter at room temperature.
  3. Knead the butter with your hands, combining it with the rest of the ingredients until you obtain a fine consistency. bread crumbs. (*This procedure can also be performed using a blender. In this case, simply mix all the ingredients together in a blender, while the oil should be cold).
  4. Again make a well in the center of the mixture and add the egg yolks. Mix with your hands until smooth plastic dough, but it needs to be done quickly! Otherwise the dough will be tough.
  5. Form the resulting dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

While the dough is cooling, prepare the CUSTOM CREAM.

  1. In a small saucepan, mix milk, half the sugar (30 g) and vanilla (if using vanillin, add it at the very end of preparing the cream) and bring to a boil over moderate heat, stirring occasionally with a whisk.
  2. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, mix the remaining 30 grams. sugar, egg yolks and starch.
  3. After the milk boils, reduce the heat to low and pour 1/3 of the milk into egg mixture and mix with a whisk. Constantly and intensively stirring, add the resulting mixture into the pan with the remaining milk.
  4. When the mixture begins to thicken and turns into a homogeneous cream without lumps, remove the pan from the heat.
  5. Transfer the finished custard to another bowl (to cool faster) and cover with cling film so that it adheres closely to the surface of the cream. Let the cream cool slightly and place in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

After the dough has rested and the cream has cooled in the refrigerator, we begin to BAKE the shortbread baskets.

  1. Preheat the oven to 180º. Pinch off a piece of dough according to the size of your molds and distribute the dough with your hands along the bottom and walls of the mold. Carefully press the dough with your fingers onto the surface of the mold, paying special attention to the sides, to form a thin, even layer of dough. The maximum thickness of the dough should be no more than ½ cm. Simply clean off any excess dough with your hands.
  2. We pierce the dough with a fork in several places so that the dough does not rise more than expected. Place the molds on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven for 18-20 minutes or until the tartlets are golden brown.
  3. Leave the finished tartlets in the molds for 5 minutes, then remove them from the molds and transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely.

After that we prepare JELLY FOR COATING FRUIT. This jelly slows down the darkening of fruits and makes them more attractive. It does not affect the taste in any way, so, in principle, you can do without it. I use a professional jelly coating on agar agar. But ordinary colorless cake jelly (for example, Dr. Oetker) is also perfect for these baskets. If you have a tendency toward perfectionism, I recommend making this jelly yourself, especially since it won’t be difficult to do.

  • In a small saucepan, mix gelatin, water and sugar and bring to a boil. After the jelly boils and becomes transparent, remove the pan from the heat and cool.

After the custard has cooled completely, proceed to the final stage:

  1. Using a mixer, whip the vegetable cream into a stable cream ( It’s important not to interrupt!). As soon as a clear trace of the whisk begins to remain on the cream, carefully, in small portions, but quickly add the animal cream, continuing to whip.
    **Do not pour cream directly onto a working whisk. There is a danger of “getting caught” from a fountain of white splashes.
  2. Immediately after the cream acquires the stable consistency we need (), stop the mixer and check the stability of the cream. If the whipped cream does not fall off the whisk, then our cream is ready.
  3. Now all we need to do is fold the cooled custard into the whipped cream VERY GENTLY. I will dwell on this point in more detail:

I’ll be honest, it wasn’t the first time I learned how to mix custard with whipped cream so that the cream didn’t cut out.

It is very important here to do everything as quickly and accurately as possible.

  • The first step is to place the custard in a large bowl. The larger the bowl, the more convenient it will be to mix.
  • Place whipped cream on top of the cream and mix the 2 mixtures with a pastry spatula, and better by hand, movements from bottom to top, from the walls to the center, as if collecting cream from the bottom and folding it in half. And so on around the entire perimeter of the bowl until both creams combine into a homogeneous mass.
  • The fewer movements we need to mix the cream, the less likely it is to misfire.
  1. Transfer the finished cream into a pastry bag and fill the cooled baskets.
  2. Cut the fruit into small slices and place on the cream.
  3. Using a brush, apply a little cooled jelly to the fruit.

All. Sand baskets with creamy custard ready to eat.

I'll tell you a secret: this cream is perfect for filling cakes, for example, sponge cake.

The quality of the protein cream is affected only by the freshness of the eggs. The whites of market eggs instantly turn into thick cream, A store packaging may bring a surprise: “aged” eggs never form a stable foam when whipped.

The margarine is taken out of the refrigerator in advance, then the soft block is cut into cubes.

Sprinkle margarine with sugar and run through the mixture with a fork. There is no need to dissolve the sugar, just mix the ingredients.

Add fresh large eggs.

Pour out the flour and quench the soda with vinegar.

The dough is kneaded, rolled, and covered with film. An hour and a half is allotted for “ripening”, during which time the shortbread dough for cakes should be in the refrigerator. It can be stored in the refrigerator for two days, the quality of the baskets will not be affected.

Cake pans are greased sunflower oil or margarine. It is necessary to coat every convexity of the mold so that the finished cake baskets do not break or crumble. Roll out the dough, the thickness of the layer is 5 millimeters. Using a cup, squeeze out circles of dough, then place them in the mold. The bottoms of future shortbread pastry baskets are pierced.

The baskets are placed in a preheated oven, temperature - 180 degrees. After 30 minutes they will become golden, and the thickness of the walls will increase to one and a half to two centimeters. Shortbread dough baskets are taken out of the molds and folded into columns.

Three chilled whites are placed in a bowl and beat with a blender at maximum speed.

When the protein mass thickens, add citric acid and a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Continue beating until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved, then add two more tablespoons of sugar and beat again protein cream. Do the same with the remaining sugar.

Fill with cream culinary package with a toothed nozzle. Squeeze the protein cream onto the cake in the form of a spiral.

Kiwis are peeled and cut into rings and half rings. WITH tangerine slices remove the films by first making an incision with scissors.

Pastry baskets with protein cream are decorated with fruits and served immediately. Such cakes cannot be stored for a long time, since long-term storage involves the obligatory lubrication of fruit slices with a gelling composition.

Tired of banal cakes and want a confectionery variety? Or maybe you are not yet confident in your abilities and are afraid to take on complex masterpieces, but your soul is asking for something tasty? In this case, I suggest preparing incredibly delicious shortbread baskets with custard. I warn you right away and honestly - it’s very difficult to resist them and not try at least one cake. Crispy shortbread dough combined with tender lemon cream not only a holiday, but also a real temptation for those with a sweet tooth. A step-by-step recipe with photos will help you quickly and easily master the preparation of dessert.

Ingredients for making cakes

  • cream margarine - 150 gr;
  • wheat flour - 300 gr;
  • chicken eggs - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • zest of half a lemon;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • zest and juice of half a lemon;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • white chocolate - 100 g;
  • chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
  • corn starch - 2 tbsp. with a slide;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp;
  • cream 33% and above - 250 gr.

Prepare from the given ingredients

Wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator while preparing the cream.

Prepare from the products indicated in the recipe. Our filling for shortbread baskets must cool completely before filling them.

How to bake shortcrust pastry baskets

We divide ready dough into 15-20 equal parts. The exact quantity depends on the size of your ramekins. You need to use iron ones; silicone ones won’t work in this case.

We roll each part into a circle, its diameter should be greater than the diameter of the mold by the height of its sides.

Line the inner surface of the mold with a layer of dough, pressing it tightly against the sides so that there are no voids. We do not grease the mold with anything - there is enough fat in the dough.

Bake the prepared baskets in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20-25 minutes until beautiful golden color.

You need to take out the baked pieces and let them stand in the molds for about 5-10 minutes. This will make them easier to remove. To remove the basket, turn the mold over a table covered with a clean towel and tap the bottom with the handle of a knife - the workpiece should fall out. Cool yours completely sand baskets before filling with cream.

You can simply use a spoon to fill the cakes with cream. But if you want to surprise everyone not only with the taste, but also with the appearance of the dessert, then it is better to use pastry bag with a star attachment. With its help, we fill the baskets with cream, forming beautiful curls.

The delicacy is ready, you can serve it to the table right away. But the cakes will be much tastier if they spend at least an hour in the refrigerator.

Experiment with and find your favorite combination.

Delicious masterpieces to you!

It was evening, there was nothing. My husband and I really love basket cakes with protein cream, if you loved them as much as I do, you would make them too).

I myself love detailed recipes, that’s why I describe them as well, so excuse me, it’s a long book....

For the test:
200g. oils (1 pack)
100g. Sahara
1 egg
0.25 tsp soda, slaked with vinegar
2 tbsp. flour

For filling:
Jam 150g

Protein cream:

4 eggs
1/3 tbsp. water
1 tbsp + 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
pinch of citric acid

More options (tested, without vinegar):

For 6 proteins

2 faceted glasses (250g each) sugar,

0.5 glass of water

0.5 tsp citric acid.

for 3 squirrels

1 tbsp. Sahara

70 water - 3 full tablespoons, and one incomplete

Dough: Grind softened butter with sugar. You can add a little more sugar - a matter of taste. You can do this with a mixer, but only if you are absolutely sure that you will then wash and dry the whisks before preparing the cream. I'm not so sure about this, so I do it with a fork, you need to stir well until homogeneous mass, it is desirable that the mixture even acquires a slightly whitish tint. Add the egg to this mixture and slaked soda, mix.

The egg can be completely or partially replaced with yolks or water. In the first case, you will improve the taste of the dough; in the second, the dough may be harsh. Add baking soda slaked with vinegar

Add 2 cups of flour, you should get a plastic dough, somewhat similar to plasticine. Shortbread dough loves cold, if you feel that the dough is warm - more than 23-25 ​​degrees - feel free to put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes, or in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Ideal temperature shortbread dough - 20 degrees. And if we take into account that we ground the butter softened, then without a refrigerator we are unlikely to achieve such a temperature. Eat alternative way preparing shortcrust pastry - mix the butter into a bowl with flour and sugar with your hands, and then add soda and egg. In this case, you can use colder oil, but I don’t like this option, since my hands get dirty more, and the dough is not as small, but if you don’t have time to wait until the oil softens, then go for it.
After the dough has cooled, place it in molds. It’s more convenient to put it in molds like this - roll out a ball of dough into a flat cake and put it in the mold; don’t put a lot of dough on them, as it will rise. If it has risen a lot, then 5 minutes after putting it in the oven, press down the risen area with a glass or something similar).

and bake until golden brown at 170 degrees.

I pre-grease the molds because I’m not always sure that the dough is perfect and won’t stick to the walls. 3-5 minutes after baking, remove the finished products from the molds and turn them upside down (so that the remaining moisture does not saturate the cookies).

If the dough does not come out of the molds, then you can remove it from there by prying the still hot cookies with a toothpick. Another option is to hit the inverted hot mold with force on the table, or don’t bother and buy silicone mold, then no questions will arise.
So, now you can start preparing the cream. Separate the whites from the yolks. We don't need yolks. The eggs should be cold, so they beat better, you can even place a bowl of whites in a saucepan with cold water. Make sure that no water, hardness or fat gets into the proteins - all this can ruin them. protein mass that it will not whip at all. The dishes must be cold. Let the syrup boil - mix water with a glass of sugar and vinegar, put it on low heat and stir until the sugar dissolves.

As soon as the sugar has dissolved, increase the heat to maximum and do not stir - this way the syrup will be light and transparent, and the cream will eventually be snow-white. If you want a creme brulee-colored cream, then you can set the heat to medium, then the shiro will turn out to be a caramel color.

You need to cook the syrup to 122 degrees, if you have a thermometer, then the best option monitor this with a thermometer. But usually there is none, so you can check by testing for a weak ball (semi-hard ball) - a drop of syrup in cold water hardens to the consistency of bread crumb. You can mold it into a soft, pliable ball. At the end of cooking, the consistency of the syrup changes from one sample to another within a minute, so be careful. If you undercook the syrup, then there is a chance that the cream will not hold and will spread; if you overcook it, the crust of the cream will harden, and the cream itself will stretch a little. While the syrup is cooking, beat the whites to soft peaks, add a tablespoon of sugar and beat until the sugar grains dissolve, add citric acid (for sourness), it can be replaced lemon juice. Once the syrup is ready, pour the syrup into the egg whites in a thin stream, whisking constantly.

It is better to place the bowl of cream in the cold water and periodically change it, or add snow or ice, you need to beat until the cream has cooled.

A note about the cream: I only make custard - yes, you have to cook it, but it does not fall off even after 3 days, unlike raw cream, which is prepared only with sugar, faster times at 5, but falls off the next day. There is a myth that at home it is impossible to prepare a protein cream that will not fall off, because you need a powerful mixer - this is a myth, I assure you, I have an old and very cheap scarlet mixer, and yet the cream turns out. With powerful mixers it will simply be faster. If your cream has cooled down after whipping, but still spreads, do not despair, there is a way to revive it - put it on water bath miscus cream (the bowl does not touch the water, only the steam envelops the bowl), and beat until you get the desired consistency. Resuscitation will help if you undercooked the syrup - just excess water will evaporate from the cream. But there is a minus of this resuscitation - the cream does not shine finished form.

Place a spoonful of jam into the cooled cookies, it is better to choose one with sourness, I had blueberry.

AND finishing touch- plant the cream in baskets. Ideally, this should be done with a pastry bag, but I don’t have one (like many people), I make a disposable bag out of parchment, glue it with tape, put the cream in there and cut the tip, you can even make a figurative one) If you don’t have parchment, you can use plastic bag or just spoon it out)

I spread the cream and voila!
