Pickled bell peppers stuffed with cabbage. Stuffed peppers for the winter, with carrots and cabbage

Many people have already stopped canning. Why, if you can buy everything in the store... Although who can resist such homemade beauty?

I decided to write a recipe and I remembered a story. When former collective farms began to fall apart, somehow there was an unprecedented harvest of apples that no one harvested, you could come and pick as many as you wanted for yourself. We went for apples, filled a backpack with the best ones, and my friend filled two more bags. He carries it, stops, every ten meters and says: “I can’t carry my own burden, I can’t pull my own burden... It’s hard to carry, but it’s a pity to throw it away”...

This often happens: it’s the preparation season, I think: I won’t close a single jar, this year – not a single jar! But your kitchen begins to gradually become overgrown with packages, bags, baskets of vegetables, because even if you don’t have your own dacha, all your friends are eagerly sharing the harvest with you... and it begins... Well, that’s where to put the peppers, if the lecho has already been cooked, frozen in the freezer, whole They rolled peppercorns for stuffing into a jar, and there was still plenty of it...

Let's try to make peppers stuffed with cabbage in marinade filling. We wash the peppers as required and prepare them for the seed removal procedure.

It’s all very simple – press the tail, press it in, pull it, pull it out, and so on until all the peppers are peeled. Shake out the remaining seeds and remove them with a stream of water.

Shred the cabbage thinly. We grate carrots without any problems. Finely chop the garlic (don’t be lazy, the press will give you a completely different taste). All that remains is to mix everything.

Blanch the pepper in boiling water for about ten minutes until it becomes elastic, but not soft like a rag. Drain the water and cool the pepper.

We stuff the peppercorns into the cabbage and then put them in jars.

I took liter ones, although you can use any size. It took 6 cans 3 kg. pepper, a medium head of cabbage, 2 large carrots and a head of garlic.

Now the marinade: take a liter of water, a glass of vinegar 9%, a glass of sugar, 2 tablespoons of salt and half a glass sunflower oil, boil and pour into jars. This is for 3 liter jars.

In general, it’s supposed to be sterilized for 45 minutes, but I make it simpler, I sterilize for 20 minutes, and then, as usual, on the lid and under the blanket, it will come on its own.

Well, you're done! It will be a great winter snack.

Step 1: prepare the vegetables.

Peel the bell pepper from the seeds and remove the tail. Place the peeled vegetables in hot water on 6-10 minutes, and then cool.
Peel the cabbage, rinse and chop into thin strips. Do not forget to remove the bitter stalk so that it does not spoil the taste of the preparation.
Wash and peel the carrots, then grate them on a fine or medium grater.
Mix cabbage with carrots. Add to them finely chopped chili pepper, chopped garlic and chopped dill and parsley. Stir the salad.
Add salt to the vegetables and mix everything very thoroughly again.

Step 2: Stuff the peppers.

Using a spoon, stuff the peeled peppers with cabbage, carrots and other vegetables. Stuff the peppers tightly, lightly pressing the filling inside.

Step 3: Pour the marinade over the stuffed peppers.

Place the peppers stuffed with cabbage and carrots inside a clean, sterilized and heated jar. Fill the container with vegetables almost to the top, but leaving enough space for the marinade.

Boil water with sugar and salt in a saucepan. When the marinade boils, add vinegar and vegetable oil, stir and pour this mixture into jars with stuffed peppers.

Step 4: prepare stuffed peppers for the winter, with carrots and cabbage.

After you pour in the marinade, sterilize the jars with the preparations (for example, in boiling water or in the oven). One and a half liter jars need to be sterilized 45 minutes, and liter - 30 minutes.
Without allowing the pieces to cool, close them tightly with lids and turn them over. Let everything cool down like this to room temperature. After that, the stuffed peppers can be stored in the pantry for the winter.

Step 5: serve stuffed peppers for the winter, with carrots and cabbage.

Stuffed peppers are delicious snack and side dish. They are good with meat and cereals or mashed potatoes. It doesn’t matter if your task is to cook festive dinner or regular family dinner, prepared according to this recipe vegetables always come in handy, so be sure to use them by offering them to your guests or family.
Bon appetit!

Chili pepper is optional in this dish, add it only if you like it sharp workpieces. Or you can make a couple of jars with it and the rest without.

Bell pepper is a healthy and beautiful vegetable. It can decorate any table on its own, or it can diversify the menu. It is noteworthy that it can be consumed not only in its raw form. They do it with him various blanks for the winter, including stuffing.

Stuffed Bell pepper prepare a variety of foods for the winter different ways: with carrots, cabbage, in marinade, with and without sterilization. Let's consider various options this delicious preparation, which brings back memories of summer and contains a lot useful vitamins and minerals.

Peppers stuffed with cabbage in marinade for the winter

You will need (for 10 servings):

Cook like this

Peel the peppers finely chop the cabbage. Boil water, put pepper in it and blanch for 10 minutes. Cool. Trying not to damage the vegetables, stuff them with cabbage, squeezing it a little. Place vertically into prepared jars.

Prepare the marinade: pour water into the container, add to it all the spices and herbs needed according to the recipe. Boil. Fill the filled jars with the resulting marinade.

Now you need to place the containers with vegetables for sterilization for 20 minutes.

Close the jars with lids, cover with a warm fur coat, but do not turn them over and let them stand and cool.

Peppers stuffed with cabbage for the winter recipe with carrots

The following ingredients are needed:

Peel the pepper put in boiling water and stand for 5 minutes. Place the peppers on a plate and let cool. Peel the carrots and grate. Cut the cabbage into thin strips. Chop the greens, garlic and hot pepper. Salt the prepared carrots and cabbage and mix. Stuff vegetable mixture peppercorns and place them in jars, at the bottom of which place peppercorns.

Prepare the marinade: pour water into a container, add all the spices and spices. Mix everything. Pour this liquid over the vegetables. Now put it on sterilization for 20 minutes.

Then everything is as usual: close the lids, turn upside down and cover with warm clothes.

Peppers stuffed with cabbage and carrots in tomato juice for the winter

You need to take:

  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 10 Bulgarian peppercorns;
  • cabbage - half a kilo;
  • carrots - 0.2 kg;
  • a bunch of greenery;
  • from 3 to 4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt - 3 tbsp.

First of all, prepare the tomatoes: wash, cut as desired. Pass through a meat grinder. Add salt to them. Received tomato juice need to boil for 30 minutes. Now peel the vegetables for stuffing and blanch for 5 minutes. Chop carrots and cabbage into strips. Chop the garlic and herbs.

Stuff sweet peppers with vegetable mixture and transfer to jars. Pour boiling tomato juice and close with lids. Place the workpiece upside down, covering it with a warm blanket.

Sweet pepper stuffed with cabbage and carrots in tomato


  • three kilograms of sweet peppers;
  • three kilograms of cabbage;
  • carrots (large) - 2 pcs;
  • salt - 4.5 tbsp;
  • tomato juice - 2 l;
  • vinegar (9%) - 150 ml;
  • lean oil - 0.4 l;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg.

Chop cabbage and carrots. Mix vegetables, add salt to taste. Stuff peeled peppers with vegetables. Separately make the tomato filling. Pour the juice into a container, add all the spices and spices to it. And let it cook. Take a separate bowl and put it in stuffed vegetables, add to them hot pour and bring everything to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

Prepare the jars. In them transfer stuffed vegetables. There is no need to compact it tightly; the remaining free space is filled with filler. Roll up the containers, wrap them in warm clothes and let them cool.

Not everyone has time to engage in conservation in full. In this case, recipes without sterilization will help out.

Stuffed peppers without sterilization recipe for the winter


  • 15 sweet peppers;
  • half a kilo of cabbage;
  • carrots - 0.2 kg;
  • tomato juice - a couple of liters;
  • parsley, dill, one bunch of each is enough;
  • vegetable oil - 0.2 l;
  • Apple vinegar- 70 ml;
  • sugar and salt 3 and 4 tbsp respectively.

Wash and peel the peppers keep in boiling water for 5 minutes and cool. Chop the cabbage into strips, rubbing it with salt and squeezing. Add grated carrots, chopped herbs and mix. Fill the peppers with the vegetable mixture and place them in containers.

Make the marinade: take enamel pan, pour juice into it. Add all the spices and herbs. Boil the marinade over low heat for 30 minutes. Add the marinade to the vegetables, roll up the jars and place them under a blanket.

Another recipe without sterilization.

Recipe “Moldavian style”


  • sweet peppers - 5 kg;
  • cabbage - 3 kg;
  • carrots and onions, one kilogram each;
  • vegetable oil - 300 ml;
  • salt - 170 g.

Peel the peppercorns, pour boiling water over them and blanch for 4 minutes. Remove vegetables, let the water drain. Take a heat-resistant dish, pour oil into it, heat it and add onions and carrots to it, add salt. Simmer vegetables until done. Add shredded cabbage to them.

Now you can start stuffing. After that place stuffed vegetables into the container tightly to each other. Cover with a plate and place a weight on top. Vegetables will be allowed own juice and in a few days the workpiece will be ready. You can also roll it up for the winter.

As you can see, recipes for winter preparations from this delicious and healthy vegetable may be varied. Other ingredients are often added: apples, honey, rice.

U pickled pepper with cabbage special taste fillings - sour, spicy, sharp - very tasty! And useful. Cabbage is imbued with the aroma of spicy herbs, carrots, onions, and pepper, of course, also gives its own taste. For a group of men, or just for dinner or lunch with boiled or - it’s better not to think of it!
Everything in the recipe is natural; the fermentation process itself takes place without adding vinegar, just like when you ferment cabbage. You will have to wait about a week, but the first sample can be taken in 3-4 days. Usually peppers are fermented late in the fall, when the remains of the harvest are harvested, and there is not much to choose from. But if possible, choose peppers for stuffing that are green, fleshy and not very large.

So, let's prepare pickled peppers stuffed with cabbage.


- green bell pepper – 1.5 kg;
- white cabbage – 1 kg;
- carrots – 3 pcs;
- onion – 3 large onions;
- coarse salt (table salt) – 3-4 tsp. with a slide;
- parsley and celery - a bunch each;
- vegetable oil - a third of a glass.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. There should be a lot of carrots and onions, about half as much as cabbage.

Cut the onion into small cubes.

Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan or deep frying pan. Pour the onion into the oil and simmer until soft, without frying the onion (without frying at all, the onion will turn out transparent).

Add carrots to the stewed onions. Heat for 3-5 minutes until the carrots absorb the oil. There is no need to fry it either; we just soften the carrots slightly so that they lose their volume and are saturated with aromatic oil.

Finely chop the white cabbage (as usual for pickling or salads). Sprinkle cabbage coarse salt(1 teaspoon), lightly rub with your hands so that it gives juice and becomes softer. Leave for 10 minutes.

Mix cabbage with carrots and onions. Pour out all the oil from the pan.

Finely chop a large bunch of parsley and celery. Add to the cabbage, mix everything. Pour in the remaining salt (another 2-3 teaspoons) and mix. After 5 minutes, taste for salt. The cabbage should be slightly salted. We have the filling ready, now we can work on the pepper.

Carefully cut out the stalk with seeds from the bell pepper. We take it out, trying not to damage the walls of the pepper. Shake out the remaining seeds, wash the peppers outside and inside.

Boil water in a large saucepan. As soon as the water begins to boil intensely, add the first batch of pepper. Blanch for 2-3 minutes without bringing to a boil. You can hold the pepper longer to make it softer - then the pepper will ferment faster, but will lose its elasticity and crispness. Using a slotted spoon, remove the pepper and turn it over to drain the water.

When the pepper has cooled, fill it tightly with the prepared filling. Place vertically in a wide pan or any container convenient for fermentation. Cover with an inverted plate and place a weight on top. Cover with a towel. In a day, the cabbage will give a lot of juice, the pepper will be completely covered with aromatic brine.

At room temperature The pepper will ferment for a week. Then you need to take it out to a cool basement or put it in the refrigerator. You can serve pickled stuffed peppers whole or cut in half and sprinkle with fragrant sunflower oil.

On a note. If the peppers will be stacked in several layers, then it is better to alternate layers, laying the peppers vertically and horizontally.

It’s also worth preparing

Stuffed pepper It is prepared in different ways with the addition of all kinds of fruits, honey and spices. Peppers stuffed with cabbage and carrots for the winter are wonderful independent dish. The vegetables included in it contain B vitamins, which are essential for maintaining high level energy, eliminating depression and getting rid of sleepless nights. These products are useful in any form: both boiled and raw. Therefore, if we prepare pickles, we will not only get pleasure from eating them, but also a lot nutrients for our body.

Stuffed peppers prepared according to this recipe for the winter turn out really tasty, nutritious and aromatic. This method of cooking is used by housewives for winter preparations for more than a dozen years now.


  • Peppers - 35-40 pieces;
  • Cabbage – 5 kg;
  • Carrots (medium) – 3-5 pieces;
  • Garlic – 10-12 cloves;
  • Hot pepper – 1 pod;
  • Sah. sand – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Unscented oils – 120 ml;
  • Vinegar, 9% – 100 ml;
  • Purified water – 1 liter.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Boil the peppers for 5 minutes. Cool.
  2. Grate the carrots on a medium grater.
  3. Finely chop the garlic and hot pepper.
  4. Chop the cabbage or cut into thin strips.
  5. Gently mix the prepared products.
  6. Pepper fill assorted vegetables, tamping, and put into jars.

Preparation of brine:

  1. Add all other recipe ingredients to the water.
  2. Pour hot brine over the cooked peppers in containers.
  3. Sterilize for 20 minutes (1 liter jars).
  4. Screw on the lids, cover with a blanket and wait until it cools completely.

With honey

Peppers stuffed with cabbage for the winter with honey, it cooks quickly and turns out very tasty. Honey gives the product spicy taste and aroma. The list of ingredients in this recipe is for one three-liter jar.


  • Sweet pepper – 8-10 pieces;
  • Cabbage – 0.6 kg;
  • Carrots – 2 pieces;
  • Onion – 1 head (large);
  • Garlic – 5-6 cloves;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Water – 1.5 l;
  • Vinegar, 9% – 50 ml;
  • Parsley – 1 bunch (small);
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Seasonings: black peppercorns, mustard seeds, bay leaf (to taste);
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the pepper for 5 minutes.
  2. Cut the vegetables into strips, chop the herbs and garlic, mix.
  3. Fill the pepper with the vegetable mixture and place in a sterilized container.
  4. Prepare a marinade from seasonings, sugar, salt and vinegar with honey.
  5. Fill the jar with marinade and sterilize for 30 minutes.
  6. Twist tin lid, wrap and cool.

With tomato juice without sterilization

Peppers stuffed with cabbage can be filled not only with standard marinade, but also with tomato juice. This makes the preparation even tastier and healthier. Try it, you will definitely like it!


  • Pepper – 3 kg;
  • Cabbage – 3 kg;
  • Tomato juice – 2 liters (preferably freshly squeezed from ripe tomatoes);
  • Lenten oil – 250-300 ml;
  • Carrots – 5 pcs.;
  • Vinegar, 9% – 150 ml;
  • Rock salt – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Sah. sand – 100-150 g;
  • Herbs and spices (to taste).

Step-by-step instruction:

Recipe with apples

Peppers stuffed with cabbage and carrots for the winter may contain other ingredients. For example, apples added to a vegetable mixture add saltiness unique taste and aroma. To make the workpiece look bright on the table, it is better to use peppers of different colors.

Grocery list:

  • Pepper – 1.4 kg;
  • Carrots – 1 kg;
  • Apples – 500 g;
  • Cabbage – 1 kg;
  • Onion – 200 g;
  • Water – 1.5 l;
  • Vinegar, 9% – 100 ml;
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Rock salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Dill, laurel leaves - to taste.


  1. Blanch the peppers for 5 minutes. Cool.
  2. Cut carrots, cabbage and apples into arbitrary pieces.
  3. Fill the pepper with assorted vegetables and place in prepared containers.
  4. Boil water. Fill containers with it stuffed pepper. Wait for the jars to cool.
  5. Pour the water into a deep saucepan and add the remaining ingredients according to the recipe. Boil. Fill a second time. Seal with metal lids.
  6. Turn over and cover with a warm blanket. Cool.

Spicy and aromatic

This stuffed pepper with vegetables is prepared for the winter by those housewives whose family members and friends prefer savory snacks, even to a small extent “vigorous”. If you like your pickles softer, don't use this recipe. It should also not be given to small children and people whose stomach cannot tolerate spicy foods.


  • Sweet pepper – 40-45 pieces (choose evenly);
  • Cabbage – 4 kg;
  • Carrots – 6-7 pieces;
  • Garlic – 15 cloves;
  • Chili peppers – 3 pieces;
  • Greens: celery, parsley - to taste;
  • Horseradish root – 1 pc. (about 150 g);
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Rock salt – 1 tbsp. l.

For the brine:

  • Granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Vinegar, 9% – 50 ml;
  • Water – 1.6 l;
  • Ground black pepper – 1 tbsp;
  • Vegetable oil – 200 ml;
  • Salt – 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. Steam the peppers in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  2. Cut carrots and cabbage into strips.
  3. Chop the greens finely with a knife.
  4. Grind horseradish root, chili pepper and garlic on a grater or in a meat grinder.
  5. Combine all the filling, add sugar and salt, and then mix gently.
  6. Fill the peppers with the vegetable mixture and place in sterile jars.
  7. Dissolve all ingredients for the marinade in boiling water and boil.
  8. Pour the brine into containers. Cover with lids. Sterilize for 25 minutes (1 liter container).
  9. Cover the inverted jars with a warm blanket. Leave until completely cool.

Under pressure

These peppers stuffed with cabbage for the winter, unfortunately, do not cook as quickly as those presented above. But it acquires its own special aroma and taste. If you are not too lazy to spend several days canning, be sure to try making pickles using this recipe.


  • Pepper – 1 kg;
  • Carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • Cabbage – 400 g;
  • Rock salt – 1 tbsp. l.

Brine ingredients:

  • Vinegar, 9% – 50 g;
  • Water – 1 l;
  • Sah. sand - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Rock salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Unscented oils – 100 ml;
  • Allspice – 3-4 pcs.;
  • Laurel leaves – 2 pcs.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Boil the pepper for 4-5 minutes.
  2. Finely chop the carrots and cabbage. Add salt and mix gently;
  3. Fill the pepper tightly vegetable filling and place in a deep saucepan;
  4. Boil the brine in another vessel. To do this, add all the ingredients for the brine recipe to a container of water. Pour in the vinegar last. The brine should boil.
  5. Pour the brine over the vegetables and press down. Leave on the table for several days until completely soured.
  6. After three to four days, distribute the contents into containers. Boil the brine and pour it into the jars.
  7. Sterilize for 15 minutes (1 liter jar). Seal and cool under a blanket.

In Romanian

Very original taste in peppers stuffed in Romanian style. Of course, you will have to tinker a little with the recipe. But believe me, it's worth it. The pickle turns out simply incomparable. In addition, it is absorbed better by the body.

Products for pickles:

  • Pepper – 3 kg;
  • Cabbage – 5 kg;
  • Carrots – 1 kg;
  • Onions – 1 kg;
  • Unscented oils – 250 g;
  • Salt – 150 g.

Completing of the work:

  1. Boil the peppers for 4-5 minutes.
  2. Cut the onion, cabbage and carrots into strips and simmer in a saucepan for vegetable oil. It should not be simmered for long, until half cooked.
  3. Salt the filling and fill the pepper with it.
  4. Place the stuffed peppers tightly in a wide container.
  5. Place the load and leave it for 3 days.
  6. Place in jars, pour in the released juice and sterilize for 25 minutes (1 liter containers).
  7. Seal and cover with a warm blanket. Wait until it cools down.

Stuffed peppers with rice

This is an “open-heat-and-eat” recipe. It is very convenient to make such preparations if there are schoolchildren in the house who are able to heat up food for themselves after school. But unlike classic recipe present here White cabbage. It reduces the calorie content of the dish and saturates the preparation. useful microelements and vitamins.


  • Bell peppers – 8 pcs. (large);
  • White cabbage – 500 g;
  • Raw rice – 130 g;
  • Onions – 2 pcs. (large);
  • Carrots – 5 pcs. (average);
  • Sah. sand - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Lenten oil – 50 ml;
  • Tomato juice – 250 ml;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Blanch the peppers for 4 minutes.
  2. Chop carrots, onions, cabbage.
  3. In a saucepan, simmer all the vegetables and raw rice in boiling oil.
  4. Fill the peppers with the mixture, but do not compact them tightly; there should be about 1-1.5 cm of space on top.
  5. Pour in hot salted water and boil for 15 minutes.
  6. Transfer to jars, add boiled tomato juice and sterilize for 35 minutes.
  7. Seal, wrap and let cool.

If you are going to cook peppers stuffed with cabbage and carrots for the winter for the first time, be sure to listen to useful tips from experienced housewives:

  • It is best to choose peppers for stuffing with walls of medium meatiness. Thin-walled ones will spread before you finish the cooking process, and meaty ones won’t allow you to put in a lot of filling.
  • Select carrots for preparations that are juicy and tender. Woody root vegetables in pickles take on the taste of planed wood chips.
  • Cabbage should also be juicy and sweet. It is advisable to choose for preparations with vinegar mid-season varieties with a delicate texture.

We also recommend that you watch the video recipes presented in this article. Some ingredients, their quantities and even cooking methods differ from the printed versions. After all, the taste and color, as they say... In general, choose your recipe!

And finally, I would like to add that any of the recipes presented above turns out delicious. But before you prepare a huge batch of stuffed peppers, be sure to prepare a little for testing. What if you feel like you don't have enough salt? Or maybe you want to make something sweeter or sour? In general, experiment and share your results in the comments!
