Transparent jellied meat. How to make broth clear? Home Recipes

Cooking jelly with clear broth is not an easy task. Our recipe will help you easily cope with this task. I have prepared a detailed one for you. step by step recipe, thanks to which you will learn how to cook jellied meat so that the broth is clear and tasty. I also suggest you try it.


- beef tail- 1 PC.,
- carrot – 1 pc.,
- onion – 1 pc.,
- garlic – 2-3 cloves.,
- laurel leaf – 2 pcs.,
- parsley – 1 bunch.,
- table salt,
- black pepper to taste.

Necessary information.
The cooking time takes 9 hours.
To freeze jellied meat, choose beef joints with cartilage. Cartilage contains gelatin, which helps the dish harden.
Keep beef jellied meat in an airtight container for no more than 5 days in the refrigerator.

How to cook with photos step by step

1. Soak the beef parts in water for 2-3 hours in advance, then rinse them again and place them in a pan.
Tip: Buy meat for jellied meat at the market: it is not frozen. If you use hooves, be sure to remove any bristles by lightly singeing them. Rinse well, then cut into the hoof and remove the top, keratinized side. Cut the joint part in half along the leg.
Tip: It is advisable to soak the bones overnight to help them cook faster.

2. After this, add the onion, Bay leaf, peeled and garlic.

3. Pour in the ingredients cold water and put it on the fire to bring it to a boil. Then drain the first broth and pour water into the container again.
Tip: The liquid level is poured above the meat 5-7 cm.

4. Be sure to remove the foam, there will be a lot of it. After 10 minutes, the foam will stop forming and you can tightly cover the pan with a lid. Reduce the heat to low and make sure it comes to a vigorous boil. Cooking time is 7-9 hours.
15-20 minutes before readiness, add salt, add pepper, cut carrots into circles and add broth.
Turn off the finished liquid, take out the carrots and meat. Be sure to wait until the broth cools down.
Tip: Don't add any more water.

5. Take a ceramic bowl and place carrots and parsley branches on the bottom. Pour broth on top.
Tip!: Be sure to pass the liquid through multi-layer gauze so that small cartilage and bones do not get into the jellied meat.
Tip: Don't forget to skim off any greasy foam.

6. Separate the beef from the bones by chopping in small pieces. Place evenly in a bowl and pour
liquid (above 3-4 cm). Place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours so that the mixture has time to harden. I think you will like this one, very tasty and filling.

Thinking about the menu New Year's celebration begins long before the long-awaited and probably the most magical day of the year. On the eve of the holiday, housewives get on the phone and start calling all their friends and relatives to find out all the secrets of preparing delicious jellied meat. However, often “word of mouth” information threatens to result in an unsuccessful aspic, liquid, cloudy and greasy, thereby spoiling the entire elevated mood.

A similar dish was brought to Russian lands by the French, who at one time were fashionable to hire to teach noble children, and also as excellent cooks, which, by the way, they were. In those years, Napoleonic countrymen had in their cookbooks a recipe for an amazing dish called “galantine”, which translated means “jelly”.

This unknown “beast” was cooked from poultry and game, rabbit, pork or beef, after which the meat was separated from the bones and twisted with the addition of eggs and spices. The resulting pate was diluted with rich broth to the consistency of pancake dough and sent into the cold, where the most delicious product was ultimately obtained.

Arriving in Russia, the French noticed that local servants were fed a similar dish after lavish balls, but its appearance was extremely disgusting. It was nothing more than jelly, which was prepared from the crushed remains of a lordly feast, which could include meat and vegetable products, boiled in broth and chilled.

Taking note of this brew and your signature recipe, European cooks began to experiment with spices and additives, obtaining various options quite tasty jelly-like dishes: aspic, jellied meat and brawn.

In order to understand all the questions in more detail and get comprehensive answers to them, we will deal with everything in order.

Question No. 1: what is the difference between jelly and brawn from jellied meat, and jellied meat from aspic?

Often, out of ignorance, all these concepts are lumped together, and many still believe that this is the same dish, just under different names. Such culinary ignorance sometimes leads to an unexpected result in the cooking process, for example, jelly, if a faithful friend with an open heart innocently gave a recipe for the same brawn. In order not to experience the bitterness of disappointment after the tedious boiling of a pork snout for several hours, let's put everything in its place and explain who is who.


This is a lighter version of jellied meat. It is usually cooked from lean varieties of meat: chicken, rabbit, veal, tongue, as well as fish. Gelatin is often added to the broth to further solidify it.

In the design of the dish, the name speaks for itself: meat slices, quite large, are placed on the bottom of the container, decorated with vegetables and other additives and filled with light broth, after which the whole thing is sent into the cold to harden.


This is pork or beef meat boiled in broth under pressure, and often for its preparation they take a cleaned head, with the addition of spices. A few hours later meat pieces separated from the seeds, mixed with a very rich broth and poured into a jar or natural casing.


This is the closest relative of jellied meat and in most cases both of these terms are used as synonyms, however, these “brothers” also have their own differences and nuances in preparation.

Firstly, this version of the jelly-like snack takes much longer to cook and has more dark color and several soft consistency. In addition, jelly does not accept spices, with the exception of garlic.

What is jellied meat, be it made from beef or pork, how long does it take to cook and harden with and without gelatin, as well as how to cook it correctly to make the broth clear, and many other questions we will examine more carefully. And then in the center New Year's table we will have the most perfect gelatinous meat dish standing proudly.

Question No. 2: in which pan should I cook jellied meat?

If theater begins with a hanger, then any culinary “performance” should start with the choice of optimal utensils. As for jellied meat, the question here, of course, is quite large-scale, since this dish takes a long time to prepare, it is usually made in large quantities at once, so this problem must be approached with full responsibility.

Of course, you won’t be able to get away with a 2-3 liter container, since for the broth we usually take stems and oils, and these elements are quite large, and, on top of everything else, they still need to be completely filled with water. Therefore, when choosing containers, give preference to a 5 or even 7 liter pan.

If we have figured out the volumes, now we need to figure out what material is best to choose a vessel from. Today, the assortment of these utensils literally eclipses not only the eye, but also the mind, since determining the best saucepan is, oh, how difficult it is.

Cast iron cauldrons

In general, many housewives advise choosing cast iron cauldrons for cooking jellied meat. This material has the excellent property of holding heat evenly over the entire area of ​​the vessel. Therefore, our broth will heat up not only from below, but also from all sides.

Enameled pans

Enameled saucepans, which are famous for their colorful appearance, have one important advantage: there is no place for germs in such dishes. However, such a container is suitable only for soups, compotes and other liquid foods.

To prepare the jelly, we stew more and more meat, and for a long time, and our fillet simply threatens to burn. And all because such dishes heat up unevenly, and the main heat comes from below from the fire. So we reject such a tank, it does not suit us.

Steel pan

A steel pan is the most popular among housewives. Still, this dish has its drawbacks. For example, the low thermal conductivity of this material increases the cooking time several times, and if you remember that jellied meat already takes 1/3 of a day to cook, then this option is simply not appropriate in our case.

However, today manufacturers have solved this problem by strengthening the construction of the pans with a multi-layer bottom and equipping the walls with a copper, bronze or aluminum layer. Thanks to this innovation, such containers are now in no way inferior to cast iron in their uniform heating. So modern steel containers will do an excellent job of cooking jellied meat.

Aluminum pans

Aluminum pans will be an excellent help for express cooking, since the water in them boils instantly, but for cooking jelly-like meat dish they are absolutely not suitable.

This is explained by the fact that aluminum tends to enter into chemical reactions with salt, acid and alkali, which will affect taste characteristics dishes.

In addition, prolonged cooking in such a container threatens to endow the food with toxins, and the food will mercilessly burn in such a container. This option is clearly not for jellied meat.

Ceramic and glass pan

Ceramic and glass containers for cooking jellied meat are just what the doctor ordered. There is nothing better than this type of pan. Despite the rather low thermal conductivity, this material can retain heat for a long time; food in such a container will be cooked as gently as possible, heating evenly, which is especially important for our product.

Pressure cooker or multicooker

Another great helper in preparing jellied meat is a pressure cooker or multicooker. . In these automatic containers with a setting program you can also brew excellent rich broth.

Question No. 3: what is the best way to cook jellied meat?

This question is probably becoming one of the controversial ones, since each family has trump recipes up its “sleeves” using one or another type of meat.

However, for some reason, pork is most often chosen for the broth. This kind of broth “seizes” better, and the jellied meat from it turns out to be quite strong.

But... there are some pitfalls here. The pork broth turns out to be mostly cloudy and greasy, which threatens to spoil the whole festive look ready dish.

For those who prefer crystal clear meat jelly, which is in no way inferior in the quality of hardening, we advise you to pay special attention to beef or turkey.

For the strength of the broth and to guarantee excellent hardening of jellied meat without gelatin, you need to choose bone and cartilaginous pieces: legs, shanks, tails and ears, large oils, head and naturally meat, but not fatty meat, since fat is the worst enemy of jellied meat, preventing it will take on a gelatinous consistency.

Also chicken jellied meat plays a significant role in all this festive splendor, but in this case it is better to take more bird legs, necks and heads, and, if possible, cook the broth with rooster meat. This comrade still has more gelling substances than his girlfriends. In addition, game jelly freezes well, so wood ducks and partridges also have a place in a huge pan.

Question No. 4: How many hours does it take to cook jellied meat?

On the night of December 29-30, magic happens in all the kitchens of the country: everyone is asleep, and only “life” continues to boil in a huge pan on the stove - this is jellied meat being cooked.

This method of overnight cooking has been ingrained in the hearts of housewives for decades, during which their mothers, and before them, their grandmothers, cooked this way. However, a reasonable question arises: how long should jellied meat be cooked?

Even the most experienced chef in the world will not be able to answer this riddle, since the time regime directly depends on the type of meat that was chosen for this important mission, as well as on the type of unit in which the whole process takes place. Therefore, in order to still provide comprehensive information, we will consider all possible options.

How long to cook chicken jellied meat?

For those who are fans white meat and decided to prepare a jelly-like chicken appetizer, we are in a hurry to convey the happy news. Your dish will cook the fastest – 3 hours, according to experts.

However, housewives, as independent experts, but whose opinion is very important, still assure that due to the small number of gelling components in birds, it is excellent for cooking chicken jelly It should take at least 5 hours, and to make the jelly excellent, it is better to boil the rooster along with the chickens.

How long does it take to cook pork jellied meat?

Most chefs give greater preference to this dish made from pork knuckle. They say it freezes better and tastes better.

But for every jellied meat, there is a fellow, with his own taste preferences and gastronomic wishes. But those who still choose to cook the “shaky” snack on legs need to be patient, since the brew will take 6-7 hours to prepare.

How long does it take to cook beef jellied meat?

In principle, beef broth is prepared no more and no less than pork, it will take the same 7 hours to cook.

In general, for any jellied meat, in addition to time, there is a readiness indicator. When the meat begins to separate from the bones on its own, the process can be considered almost complete.

How long does it take to cook jellied meat in a pressure cooker?

The kitchens of many home cooks today are more reminiscent of a space station, filled with strange appliances with lights and buttons. A pressure cooker today is one of the most popular units that can greatly facilitate cooking, saving a lot of time and useful substances in the prepared product.

So, cook meat jelly in this miracle pan under high pressure possible much faster than the usual old-fashioned way. Pork and beef jellied meat will take no more than 3 hours, chicken jellied meat – 1-1.5 hours.

How long should you cook jellied meat in a slow cooker?

However, now an even faster kitchen assistant has appeared, a hybrid of a pressure cooker and a multicooker. If you often wonder how to quickly cook jellied meat, then this device is simply vital for you, because only with its help you can actually cook excellent jellied meat in a short time, where our dish will reach the desired condition in a matter of 1.5 - 2 hours in the "" mode. meat".

In this smart machine, it will take much longer to boil meat and broth than its predecessor. Still, you will have to wait tedious 5-6 hours in the “quenching” program, and this time mode applies to all types meat products, be it a bird or a crocodile.

Question No. 5: when should you salt jellied meat when cooking?

Salting broth is one of the the most important secrets preparing the most delicious jellied meat. Season the jellied meat with salt literally half an hour to an hour before the end of cooking. Previously, this should not be done due to the fact that the liquid evaporates during the simmering process, and as a result we can end up with an inedible, over-salted dish.

In order for the jelly to be the most delicious after hardening, you need to slightly salt the hot broth, then after cooling we will get perfect product with excellent taste.

Question No. 6: how to properly cook jellied meat to make it transparent?

Very often housewives make mistakes when cooking jelly in the form cloudy broth. And all because the production technology was violated during the preparation process. To avoid the “cloudy” shame in future and achieve mirror-like purity of the jelly, take note following rules:

How to lighten cloudy jellied meat

However, sometimes force majeure situations occur when, even with strict adherence to all the rules, the prepared dish still suffers an evil fate in the form of dregs. There is no place for despair in the kitchen, drive it away, away and away. Now we will tell you how to lighten cloudy jellied meat. For this we need fresh eggs, or rather their proteins, at the rate of 1 protein per 1 liter of broth.

  1. We remove all the meat from the broth and use a strainer to catch the flakes;
  2. Egg protein mass we need to beat until stable foam and carefully add to the meat broth, so that the proteins are distributed evenly throughout the entire volume of the liquid;
  3. Now remove the pan from the heat and pass the broth through a fine mesh, which can be chiffon fabric or gauze folded several times. Our goal is to clean the liquid as much as possible from unnecessary impurities;
  4. The whites absorb excess turbidity, and at the end we get a light and beautiful jellied meat.

If desired, at the end of cooking you can tint the broth with turmeric or saffron. These spices will give it a beautiful golden hue.

Question No. 7: how to remove fat from jellied meat?

After an endlessly long process of cooking jellied meat, we can find a rather impressive oily layer on the surface of the sticky broth, which we must definitely get rid of so that our dish does not turn out to be overly greasy.

Question No. 8: why doesn’t the jellied meat freeze and what can I do to make it freeze?

Very often, inexperienced and sometimes even seasoned housewives experience an unexpected and far from positive result from all their jellied activities. It seems like you do everything strictly according to the recipe, following all the technology and cooking time, salting and skimming off the fat on time, bleaching and filtering the broth.

Having abandoned your family for the whole day, having spent a good half of the day preparing thankless jelly, you end up faced with the problem that the jelly simply did not freeze or did it poorly.

A new round of questions immediately arises: why did this happen? How can I fix this now? And what, exactly, should we do?

  • The first thing that can affect this snack behavior is excess liquid. If during the cooking process the broth was repeatedly added and in the end it turned out to be liquid and not sticky, then this is where the problem lies. Ideally, the proportions of water and meat should be 2/1, then your dish will turn out great.
  • The second factor for failure may be insufficient cooking time. If you cooked it a little, then the liquid simply did not have time to draw out all the “juices” from the seeds and cartilage.

To correct this problem, you need to heat the jellied meat again and add gelatin diluted in cold water to the liquid and then decorate the finished brew and pour it into molds.

The jellied meat should harden for the same amount of time as it was cooked, namely 6-7 hours. So if after just an hour or two you raised the alarm that the jelly has not set and the liquid is not gelling, then your nerves are simply losing steam from hard work. Sit down, relax and after a while you will be delighted with a wonderful New Year's surprise.

Question No. 10: How long does jellied meat last in the refrigerator?

Jellied meat is such a delicious thing that it is eaten much faster than it is cooked. However, due to our mentality, we always cook a lot so that there is enough for our family, guests, and neighbors. And it doesn’t matter that they all prepared it on the same scale.

That is why a gelatinous snack can often sit in the refrigerator for several days, waiting for its finest hour. However, this delicacy also has its own expiration date, which expires 5 days after its preparation.

But there is an opportunity to extend the aspic existence for a couple of days. You just need to put the appetizer in a pan, heat it, simmer slightly over low heat and pour it into the molds again. Voila, a new life for the jelly is guaranteed.

Using our secrets for preparing delicious jellied meat, you can achieve excellent results in the culinary field, even if this is your first time thinking about making a gelatinous snack. And if you use your wild imagination and decorate this meat splendor to your liking, then believe me, this dish will become the crowning dish at your holiday.

Basic rules for preparing good jellied meat In order to prepare transparent jellied meat, there are a few things to remember simple rules, following which you can easily create this culinary masterpiece. Rule 1. Select the main ingredient - meat. You can make jellied meat from any meat (chicken, pork, beef, pork feet etc.), the most important thing is to choose the right main product. It is best to buy such an important component in jellied meat as meat at the market, because there it is guaranteed not to be frozen. Pork legs, which are the key to the solidification of the dish, must be thoroughly cleaned of bristles, and, if necessary, burned over a fire, then washed. You can add any meat you like. Will it be chicken, beef or the same pork jellied meat- the hostess decides, but pork legs (to be more specific - the part that ends with the hooves) are absolutely necessary, then no gelatin will be needed. If the meat is skinned, this will also play a good role in the hardening of the jelly. The size of the pieces of meat for jellied meat does not play a big role. The brisket and drumstick can be cut into several parts, leaving the large and central bones whole. In order to avoid small bones, the pork legs need to be cut in half lengthwise, and then again in half at the joint. But, oddly enough, you can’t overdo it with meat. It is necessary to observe certain proportions, otherwise there is a risk that the dish will not harden: for several pork legs weighing approximately 700 grams, you can take no more than one and a half kilos of other meat ingredients. Rule 2. Meat must be soaked before cooking. This procedure is necessary in order to remove any remaining coagulated blood from the meat. In addition, the skin will be much softer and more tender after soaking. Taking a pan and placing it in meat ingredients, you need to completely soak them in cold water and leave them for several hours (or better yet, overnight). In the morning, you can rinse the meat again, carefully scrape the pork legs to remove sooty areas. Also peel the skin on the remaining meat components. A small “vegetable” knife is suitable for this task like nothing else. Then you can place the meat in the cauldron and start cooking. Rule 3. The first water must be drained! The belief of some housewives that removing scale with a slotted spoon will completely solve all problems is not entirely correct. It is better to drain the first water after cooking meat, since all the water will be removed along with it. excess fat and other unwanted components. Moreover, the appearance of such jellied meat will be much more attractive, its calorie content will noticeably decrease, and the smell will become much more pleasant. Ideally, you can drain the second water, then the jelly will be clean and transparent, like a baby’s tear. After draining the broth, you need to rinse the contents of the cauldron under running water, which will remove small adhering remnants of coagulated protein. After this, you can put the meat back for final cooking. The amount of water should be about 2 centimeters above the meat level. If the amount of water is greater, it will not boil away as expected. Therefore, the jelly may not freeze. If there is less water, then during the cooking process it will be necessary to add it from the kettle, which will also not have a very favorable effect on the final result. It is also necessary to take into account that in order for the jellied meat to turn out transparent, the contents of the cauldron should not be allowed to boil. You need to cook the jelly for low heat, approximately 6 hours, and then the result will exceed all expectations. Rule 4. Spices and seasonings also have their turn. After 5 hours have passed since the start of cooking, you can add a whole onion and carrots to the broth. If you do this earlier, then all the “delights” from adding these ingredients will disappear along with the boiled water. Salt should also be added to the jellied meat after 4-5 hours, because as the water boils away, the broth becomes more concentrated, and there is a possibility of simply over-salting the dish. It is better to add allspice, bay leaf and other spices to taste about thirty minutes before the end of cooking, then the bouquet of aromas will win the hearts of even the most scrupulous critics. Rule 5. How long to cook jellied meat. - jellied pork (pork legs, knuckles) 5-6 hours; - chicken jellied meat 3-4 hours; - beef jellied meat 7-8 hours. But it’s best to cook jellied meat from assorted meats, then it will turn out more tasty and rich. Rule 6. Bones are removed by hand, not with a meat grinder. After the jelly has finished cooking, it is necessary to remove the meat from the pan. The easiest way to do this is with a slotted spoon. The broth needs to be strained through a colander, or better yet, through a clean cloth, removing the onion, carrot, peppercorns and bay leaf. The slightly cooled meat must be carefully sorted with your hands, separating it from the bones (you can help yourself with a small knife). It is better to cut meat by hand rather than using a meat grinder, as this will ensure that even the most small seeds, which are very easy to break teeth on, will not end up on any of the guests’ plates. It is better not to throw away the skins and cartilage, because they will give the jellied meat strength. At the bottom of the plate in which the jellied meat will freeze, you can put greens or cut out various figures from carrots - this will be a wonderful decoration for such interesting dish. After this, having laid out the meat mass in the prepared container, you can fill it with broth. Rule 7. The right temperature is the key to success. The best place not a window sill or even a cold balcony for the jellied meat to freeze. The most “correct” temperature for jelly is on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. After all, if the jellied meat is not cold enough, it will not harden, but if, on the contrary, it freezes, it will lose all its wonderful taste. This culinary masterpiece will harden within 5-6 hours. Rule 8. If the jelly is not frozen (Jellied meat with gelatin) If the jellied meat is not frozen, there is no need to worry. The dish can be easily saved by pouring it back into a clean pan and boiling for a few minutes. Next, you need to dilute the gelatin in a separate container according to the instructions on the package (the dosage should be found there). Pour gelatin into jellied meat and mix well, pour into plates. After this procedure, the jelly will definitely harden, there is no doubt about it. Jellied meat recipe For preparation delicious jellied meat You will need the following products: pork knuckle weighing about a kilogram; 0.5 kg pork; one onion; 2-3 bay leaves; 5-6 peas allspice. Strain the broth through a fine sieve or clean cloth. 8. Place meat in jellied meat molds and fill with broth. Let it harden (preferably in the refrigerator on the middle shelf). 9. Serve the jelly, first garnished with herbs, with mustard or horseradish. Quick tips for preparing jellied meat Based on all of the above, we can formulate several basic tips that will help you prepare jellied meat correctly, and most importantly tasty. 1. The meat must be fresh. 2. To make the jellied meat freeze better, it is better to use pork knuckle or animal legs for cooking. 3. To make the jelly taste good, the meat must first be soaked in cold water. 4. It is better to drain the first broth. 5. Spices and seasonings should be added shortly before the end of cooking the jellied meat to preserve their aroma. 6. Meat bones must be carefully selected by hand. 7. Jellied meat should harden at correct temperature- on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. 8. If the jelly is not frozen, you can simply add gelatin after boiling the jelly. 9. Do not add too much water, as the jellied meat may not harden. Too little water is also not a good option. 10. You need to salt the jellied meat at the end of cooking so as not to oversalt the dish. That's all, the jelly is ready, and there is nothing super complicated. You just need to carefully select the meat and pay attention to its cooking, and then the jellied meat is doomed to success!

Broth is the basis of many dishes, especially soups. The taste and appearance culinary masterpiece. Very often the prepared broth turns out cloudy and is not at all pleasing to the eye. What does this depend on? How to make broth clear? This question is asked very often inexperienced housewives. To answer it, you need to understand the technology of preparing broth, some of its subtleties and secrets.

Main rules

Homemade recipes for first courses always involve the use of broth. It is prepared from any type of meat, chicken, vegetables and fish. Regardless of which foundation you choose, there are basic tenets that must be followed to ensure a transparent and beautiful product. We always place the meat in cold water. During cooking, it gradually draws out all the necessary substances, and the broth turns out not only transparent, but also tasty.

The type of meat is also an important point here, but we’ll talk about that later. Be sure to skim off any foam that forms during cooking. It is this that can spoil the product, making it cloudy. Do not allow it to boil too vigorously. This is the most important rule. And finally, adding an onion to the pan helps create a beautiful, clear broth.

Chicken bouillon

It's easiest to make clear chicken broth. This type of meat is considered dietary, and its cooking time is much shorter. However, despite the ease of preparation, this process has its own subtleties. How to make broth clear (from chicken)? Firstly, the quality of the original product must be very high. This will provide the most important thing: taste and nutrition. In order to make the broth dietary, excess fat and skin are removed from the chicken.

Special nutritional benefits no from them. But if you want to get a richer product, you can leave them. Rinse the chicken only with cold water. Fill it with not hot liquid and put it on fire. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and reduce the heat to low. Do not let it boil too hot. Use a slotted spoon to remove any foam that will certainly appear. Good broth obtained after long cooking (at least 2 hours). For chicken, this time can be reduced to 1.5 hours. We do not cover the pan with a lid and do not touch the meat. For transparency, add sautéed onions and carrots to the pan.

Meat broth

How to make broth clear from meat? This is a little more complicated than using chicken. Meat (pork, beef and lamb) takes much longer to cook. And to get beautiful and delicious product it will take some effort. A good broth is obtained when combined with meat. Original product Place only in cold water.

This way the meat will give all its juices to the broth, and it will turn out rich. Do not forget, as in the first case, to remove the foam. Cook over low heat with the lid closed. To improve the taste, add roots, onions, carrots, spices and other ingredients - an hour and a half after the start of the cooking process. It is better to cook the meat for about 4 hours. After that, take it out of the pan and strain the broth. It is better to cool it immediately by placing it in a container with ice.

Clarify the broth

Very often it turns out that the broth becomes cloudy. What to do in this case? To make the broth clear, make a pull. To do this, take about 300 grams of meat and pass it through a meat grinder. Then mix a glass of ready, but not hot, broth with raw egg white. Add meat and mix. Infuse this mixture for about 30 minutes and pour it into the not very hot broth. Cook over low heat for 40 minutes. During this time, the minced meat and protein will curl up and end up at the bottom of the pan. The liquid will become clear, and you just need to strain it thoroughly. Here's how to make the broth clear.

Broth for jellied meat

A traditional dish of Russian cuisine - jellied meat - is always made on the basis of There are a lot of cooking options. But in any case, it is very important to get a clear broth for the jellied meat. This dish is prepared from different types meat (pork, chicken, beef). What is its basis? Of course, a good, rich broth that solidifies without additional ingredients. For jellied meat, it is not necessary to choose the meat of a young animal. It will be less rich. Well-cleaned pork knuckle works best. This is not the most meat part, but it is the tendons, skin and bones that give good fat. For chicken broth It's better to take more wings.

How long to cook jellied meat

The cooking process is one of the most important points. It consists of two stages. Initially put in the pan pork knuckle, legs and chicken wings. They are cooked for about 3 hours (wings - 1.5 hours). Then add chicken, pork and beef and cook for about 2 more hours. 15 minutes before the end, add spices (bay leaf, peppercorns, roots and salt). Salt well. Jellied meat consists of more than just broth. This is also meat, and it will be bland.

If you have cooked a clear broth, it means you will have a beautiful jellied meat, aspic or soup. Such a dish always pleases the eye and becomes the pride of the hostess. To do this, follow the following rules. First, skim off any foam or grease from the surface. Secondly, do not allow the liquid in the pan to boil. Be sure to pull back if the broth is cloudy. Throw a piece of ice into the pan and bring the contents to a boil. Heat the broth over low heat with the lid loosely closed. Use only fresh meat for cooking. Frozen foods make it cloudy. As a last resort, use washed eggshells, which should be removed after cooking. These tips will help those who don't know, be transparent. Finally, I would like to recall the use of the now irreplaceable “helper” of almost every modern housewife - the multicooker.

Modern housewives do not want to spend a lot of time cooking delicious dishes. Therefore, it comes to their aid smart technology. There is less hassle, and the broth in the slow cooker turns out tasty, rich and aromatic. Take a kilogram of beef with bones, one carrot, several peppercorns, parsley root, celery or parsnip and one large onion. Homemade recipes are always full of spices, flavors and aromas. Divide the prepared meat into pieces and place in a multicooker bowl. We clean all vegetables and roots. The onion can be left in the peel, but rinse well. This will give the broth golden color. Place all ingredients in a bowl and fill with water to the maximum. Turn on the soup cooking mode for 2 hours. After this time, the broth will be ready. It must be strained.


It is not difficult to prepare a good, clear broth. Follow all the recommendations and advice - and get delicious, rich dish. If you add carrots and onions in their husks, the color of the broth will be golden, slightly yellowish. When serving, you can add a little chopped herbs and ground black pepper for a spicy taste. This dish is nutritious and good for the healing body. Eat for your health.
