Recipes for making lingonberry jam. Lingonberry jam with apples is a unique combination of berries and fruits. The best recipes for lingonberry jam with apples

Delicious, piquant, sweet and sour jam from lingonberries and apples for the winter. Lingonberry is a berry that is not only tasty, but also has medicinal properties. I think that every northerner has a supply of lingonberries for the winter, frozen, or soaked, or in the form of jam, because during the cold autumn and winter there are often colds. And as a rule, the very first remedy to lower the temperature and help the body cope with a cold is a fruit drink made from cranberries or lingonberries. The latter is milder in taste.

Lingonberries ripen in August. But in this cold and rainy summer, its ripening was delayed by almost a month and there was very little of it. My son suggested that I go for lingonberries many kilometers away. from the city. Last year he and his wife picked a lot of lingonberries there. I agreed and we hit the road. The road, I must tell you, is like this... It would be more correct to say - off-road. We had to stop when the path further could have been unpleasant, causing the danger of the car getting stuck deep in the mud for a long time. Therefore, we walked for another 40 minutes along a muddy forest road. As they say, hunting is worse than bondage. But what to do if you really want to stock up on lingonberries for the winter. But when we arrived at the place, we were not pleased with the lingonberries. The berry was small and red only on one side. And it was September 10th! But don’t come back empty after coming through such a long and difficult journey. Therefore, the berries were collected along the hummocks, along the sides of the road, where they were larger and more ripe; there they got more sun. At home, I scattered the berries onto baking sheets to ripen.

The next day I flew away on vacation. And when I returned two weeks later I saw that my lingonberries had arrived. I froze some of the berries, and made jam from the other part. I always cook lingonberry jam with apples. The variety of apples doesn't matter to me. I take apples that are firm and sweet or sweet and sour.

How to make lingonberry and apple jam:


For 1 kg. lingonberries 400-500 gr. apples and 1.2-1.4 kg. sugar, ½ cup water

Lingonberries must be ripe, cleared of rotten berries, debris, and washed.

Pour the berries into a cooking basin or dish. The size must be suitable for the volume of berries used, so that you do not have to catch the escaping jam.

Add sugar, add water and place on low heat, constantly shaking the bowl so that the jam does not burn.

While the syrup and berries are boiling, finely chop the pre-washed and dried apples.

After the syrup with lingonberries boils, place the chopped apples in a bowl. Let it simmer for 5 minutes and turn it off. Leave until cool and then continue cooking. We do from 2 to 4 approaches.

You can cook the jam in one step until ready. It will take 25-30 minutes to cook. But I prefer to cook the jam in stages in 2-3 batches.

You can also add a piece of cinnamon, 2-3 buds of cloves and 1 tsp to the jam. lemon zest.

Using the same recipe, you can make lingonberry and pear jam.

Lingonberries in syrup

Lingonberries in syrup

In addition to the jam recipe, I would like to add my favorite recipe for preparing lingonberries for the winter - lingonberries in syrup. There are a lot of recipes for preparing lingonberries for the winter. I make those that are simpler and more universal. Lingonberries in syrup keep very well. It can be added to meat, made into fruit drinks, jelly, jam, or used as a filling.

Lingonberry jam with apples – one of the most aromatic sweet and sour jams. This has already become a classic combination of berries and fruits, loved by many for its unique taste.

This jam can be served with tea, cottage cheese, pancakes, made into fruit drinks and jelly in winter, used as a filling for sweet pies and simply spread on a bun with butter. In any case, you will, as they say, lick your fingers. This is almost the most popular jam in the north and northwest of Russia. Even city housewives, who not only don’t go to the forest to pick berries, but even have no idea how and where these same lingonberries grow, often buy berries at the market precisely in order to make jam from them. We offer you a recipe that we have repeatedly tested.

Need to :

  • Lingonberries – 1 kg (If you buy berries, pay attention to the fact that the lingonberries must be dry, not soft or wrinkled)
  • Apples (sour, Antonovka variety is best) – 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 2.5 kg
  • Water – 1 glass

It is best to cook jam in a wide enamel bowl; if you cook a double portion at once, you can take a basin (in our photographs you will see exactly the basin, and even then it’s difficult for everything to fit, try to leave at least 3 centimeters to the edge of the bowl-basin, otherwise the jam will “run away” when boiling).


The lingonberries must first be washed and sorted at the same time. To do this, pour the lingonberries into a bowl (preferably in parts, in several stages, dividing a kilogram of berries into 2-3 parts), pour cold water, then you need to mix it with your hands several times. In this case, as a rule, leaves, pieces of moss, small twigs float to the surface - all this must be carefully selected and thrown away. Some of the berries also float, some (more crumpled, picked a long time ago and already soft) sink to the bottom - this does not mean that all “drowned” berries should be thrown away. Only discard those that are blackened, brown, wrinkled or crushed. We repeat the procedure 2-3 times. Place the washed and sorted lingonberries in a colander and let the water drain, after which we pour all the berries into a bowl or basin.

Add berries granulated sugar. We usually don’t have time to wait several hours for the berries to give juice, so we add sugar gradually, lightly mashing the berries with a “masher” and mixing them with granulated sugar. Please note that our goal is not to crush all the berries, we need to moisten all the sugar.

When all the granulated sugar in the bowl has lost its White color, add a glass of water, stir and place on the stove over medium heat/heat, stirring occasionally so that the sugar does not burn.

While the lingonberries and sugar are heating up, quickly wash and dry the apples.

We peel the apples from the core (this is convenient to do by cutting the apple into quarters), and then cut the apples into small pieces, focusing on an approximate volume of 1-1.5 cubic centimeters.

Pour the chopped apples into a bowl (if you “missed” the size of the bowl or basin and realize that everything won’t fit, put some of the lingonberries with sugar and apples in another bowl and cook first in two, and at the end of the process, when the volume of apples and lingonberries will decrease, you can combine everything in one bowl and mix).

So, mix the apples with lingonberries, and, stirring, bring the mixture to a boil. When the jam boils, immediately reduce the heat/heat so that the jam does not “run away”.

After the moment of boiling, cook the jam over low heat until it simmers slightly, for another 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally (about every 4-5 minutes). If you cook in a basin, it is more convenient to stir with a large long handle, wooden spoon. During the boiling process, foam forms, which at the end of cooking will need to be carefully removed with a spoon. There is no need to throw away the foam, just put it in a mug or on a saucer and eat it like jam within 1-2 days (the foam cannot be stored for long, and if it is not removed, it will interfere with the storage of your jam).

We check the readiness of the jam this way: you need to take a little jam into a spoon and drop it (just drop - 1 drop!) onto a clean plate. If the drop does not spread over the plate, but remains in the shape of a tiny hemisphere, the jam is ready. Don't forget to remove the foam and turn off the stove.

Sweet and sour apple jam goes well with a light lingonberry bitterness, which makes the jam not too cloying and pleasant to the taste. It can be used in the preparation of various desserts, as a sauce for pancakes or cheesecakes, spread on toast, or simply eaten as a snack with tea.

The undeniable advantage of this delicacy is that it literally vitamin cocktail and natural medicine in one bottle. Thanks to the healing properties of lingonberries, the dessert will not only delight you with its taste for a long time winter evenings, but will also protect you from various diseases, vitamin deficiency, as well as general weakness of the body at this time of year.

So that you can make sure healing properties and the versatility of this jam, we have prepared several interesting variations of the classic apple jam, supplemented with lingonberries and detailed photos and video instructions.

Apple jam with lingonberries


Servings: – +

  • Apples (it is best to use the Antonovka variety1.1 kg
  • Cowberry 2 kg
  • Rafinated sugar 2 kg
  • Lemon juice 50 ml

Per serving

Calories: 36 kcal

Proteins: 0.1 g

Carbohydrates: 8.8 g

60 min. Seal

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Advice: Until the jam has completely cooled down, you should not roll it up with a lid, because condensation accumulated under it can ruin the delicacy.

Apple jam with lingonberries and oranges in a slow cooker

Cooking time: 2 hours 20 minutes

Number of servings: 40

Energy and nutritional value

  • calorie content – ​​39.5 kcal;
  • fats – 0;
  • proteins – 0.1;
  • carbohydrates – 9.7.


  • apples – 650 g;
  • lingonberries – 650 g;
  • oranges – 200 g;
  • granulated sugar – 1.15 kg.

Step-by-step description of the process

  1. Rinse apples, oranges and lingonberries thoroughly under cool running water and wipe dry with paper napkins. We cut the oranges into quarters, and, having removed the core, cut the apples into small oblong bars.
  2. We transfer the lingonberries into a multicooker bowl and use a pestle to crush the fruits a little - this is necessary so that the dense peel bursts and it is easier for the berries to release juice.
  3. After this, add chopped apples and granulated sugar to the thicket of the multicooker, mix all the ingredients thoroughly and squeeze Orange juice. We set the “Stew” program on the device and, closing the lid, leave the jam to cook for 1 hour 45 minutes.
  4. Take care of the jars and lids. Place the jars to sterilize water bath bottom up (10-15 minutes), and boil the lids in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.
  5. At the end of the program, pour the delicious hot jam into prepared jars and seal it tightly with sterile lids. Then, turning the container over onto the lids and wrapping it in something warm, leave it to cool for about a day.

Lingonberry jam with apples for the winter, a simple method with pictures

Simple homemade jam lingonberries with apples - This great way tasty and healthy to eat. The preparation has a special, piquant taste, so be sure to try it.

Our delicious, aromatic homemade lingonberry jam with apples is a successful and complementary combination of products that improves the taste lingonberry preparation. Enough words, let's get to cooking.

And so, for 500 grams ripe berries we need lingonberries:

    • – ½ kilogram of apples (preferably summer, sweet varieties, the so-called “cinnamon” ones, Antonovka or Anis varieties),
    • 1300 grams of sugar
    • and a glass of water.


To begin with, we will prepare lingonberry berries, select well-ripened ones without damage, and then wash and blanch them.

Next, let's prepare the apples: peel the peel, cut out the core and seeds with a sharp knife, chop the apples into small slices (approximately 7-8 mm in size). Prepared apple slices, too, you need to blanch for a couple of minutes.

At the next stage of preparing our assortment, pour the berries and fruits into a cooking container, then fill them with pre-prepared sugar syrup.

At the end of cooking, transfer the assortment to sterile glass jars, seal with lids and put away for storage in a cool, dry place.

In the autumn-winter-spring period from such fragrant delicious jam You can make a wide variety of desserts and pie fillings. And those who like to drink tea here simply don’t recognize any other jam. Like this!

Lingonberry jam for the winter: a simple method

One of the most simple recipes jam - “five minutes”. Own name this recipe I was able to get it because the jam itself takes only 5 minutes to prepare. After which it turns out to be the right consistency - just what you need for tea in winter.

Stock up on these ingredients:

    • Lingonberries – 750 g
    • Granulated sugar – 600 g or 700 g

Sweets for the winter


    1. Place selected and washed berries into a large bowl. Spread to form an even layer.
    2. Pour granulated sugar over the lingonberries until it completely covers the berries.
    3. Leave the berries alone for a while so they can release their juice.
    4. When you see liquid appearing in the dish, place it on the stove. The most important thing is that the dishes should only be enameled.
    5. Boil the mixture. Boil for 5 minutes. on low heat. Stir the jam regularly to prevent it from burning.
    6. Let the jam cool for about 5 hours.
    7. Boil the mixture again, but you no longer need to cook. Pour the hot jam into jars and close as usual.

Lingonberries with apples for the winter: recipe

There are a lot of lingonberry jam recipes great amount. Each method of making jam for the winter is healthy and tasty in its own way. You can combine lingonberries with any fruits and berries. But one of the most interesting is lingonberry with the addition of apples.

You will have to stock up:

  • Sweet apples – 2 kg
  • Lingonberries – 2 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 2 kg
  • Cinnamon – 5 packs
  • Juice of 1 lemon

Apple-lingonberry preparation


    1. Peel the apples and cut into slices.
    2. Wash the lingonberries and add to the apples.
    3. Add sugar to them. Wait a while for the fruits to release juice.
    4. Place the container with apples and lingonberries on the stove. Boil, making sure that the mixture does not burn.
    5. Add cinnamon.
    6. Make a small fire. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes.
    7. Add lemon juice and stir. Turn off the mass.
    8. Cool, then boil again and put into jars.

Delicious apple jam with lingonberries

Delicious apple jam with light lingonberries bitterness, which so pleasantly sets off its fresh and not very sweet taste. Cooked for five minutes 3 times. Anyone who wants can cook it in one step.

Composition and proportions

    • Apples – 2 kg (unpeeled weight);
    • Lingonberries – 1 glass;
    • Sugar – 1.4 – 1.5 kg.
    • Lingonberries and fruits


    1. Rinse berries and apples in cool water and dry.
    2. Peel the apples from the seed capsule and cut into medium-sized pieces. Add lingonberries to them (take only whole good berries).
    3. Add sugar and let stand for 2-3 hours so that the fruit releases its juice (you can cook it right away, just stir everything actively until the juice comes out).
    4. First cooking: bring apples and lingonberries to a boil, stirring.
    5. Cook for 5 minutes after boiling. Switch off.
    6. Cover with a lid and let stand for 6-12 hours.
    7. Second cooking: bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes (stirring). Cover again and let sit for 6-12 hours.
    8. Third cooking: bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5 minutes (stirring).
    9. Place the hot jam into prepared jars and close with prepared lids (iron, screw or plastic).

Store at room temperature in a dark and dry place. If the house is very hot, then put not 1-4-1.5 kg of sugar, but 2 kg. Or move it to a cold place (basement, for example).

Recipe for simple jam with lingonberries and apples

To create such wonderful dessert Readers of Popular About Health need to stock up on:

    • 0.5 kg - honey,
    • a kilogram of lingonberries,
    • half a glass of plain water
    • and 0.5 kg - apples.


This jam is prepared according to the same principle as the previous version. You need to prepare a syrup from water and honey, then boil lingonberries and apple slices in it. You can judge the readiness of a dessert by a certain transparency of its components. After that ready-made jam Place in sterile jars and seal with sterile lids.

A simple method: cooking with lingonberries, nuts and apples - jam

To create this version of dessert, you should prepare:

    • one kilogram of lingonberries,
    • half a kilogram of walnuts,
    • three medium apples,
    • as well as eight hundred grams of sugar.


First of all, prepare the berries. Sort the lingonberries, rinse and scald with boiling water. Then place the fruits in a colander to drain excess water. Next, sprinkle the berries with sugar.

While the lingonberries are releasing their juice, prepare the apples. Wash them, peel them and core them. Chop the fruits into small pieces. Grind the nuts a little using a mortar and pestle.

Combine all prepared components in a basin of suitable size. Place them on low heat and wait until they boil, remembering to periodically stir the dessert being prepared. Boil the future jam for about six minutes, then put it aside and leave at room temperature until it cools. Next, bring the sweet mass to a boil again, place it in sterile jars and seal with sterile lids.

Lingonberry and apple jam in lingonberry juice

To prepare such amazingly tasty and healthy dessert worth stocking up on:

  • one kilogram of strawberries,
  • half a kilogram of apples,
  • a liter of lingonberry juice,
  • as well as three hundred grams of sugar.

First of all, prepare the apples: peel them, remove the core, chop them into small slices and blanch in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

To obtain juice, lingonberry fruits need to be poured with water, brought to a boil and boiled until the fruits burst. Squeeze out berry mass juice, add sugar and heat until the sugar dissolves.

Pour the resulting syrup over lingonberries and apples. Heat the future jam, but do not bring it to a boil. Place the dessert in sterile jars, seal with sterile lids and cool. Store in a cool place.

Step-by-step recipes delicious jam lingonberries with apples: sweet and sour in a slow cooker and on the stove, as well as with lemon, cinnamon and in their own juice

2018-06-25 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


50 gr.

200 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for lingonberry jam with apples

Lingonberries themselves are rarely used for jam. Unless it's medicinal. This happens because this berry has a rather sharp spicy taste. And to do sweet preparation For the winter, more suitable for children, and for pies, and just for tea, we suggest making lingonberry jam with apples.


  • kilogram of lingonberries;
  • 255 grams of apples;
  • kilogram of white sugar;
  • 255 grams of filtered water.

Step-by-step recipe for lingonberry and apple jam

Transfer the lingonberry clusters to a large bowl. Remove twigs and small leaves. Place the separated berries in a colander. Wash.

Spread them on a towel to dry. At the same time, pour filtered water into a large saucepan or enamel basin.

When bubbles appear on the surface, add sugar. Mix until the latter is completely dissolved.

Now add the dried berries inside. At the next stage, cut the medium washed apples into four parts.

Cut out the cores and places from the tails and stalks. Remove the peel. Chop into slices. Immediately throw into a bowl of syrup.

Bring lingonberry jam with apples to a boil. Remove foam. Cool and let stand for an hour and a half.

Then boil the sweet mixture again over high heat. After this, turn off the burner and pour the jam into jars. They need to be sterilized with boiling water before this.

At the end, tighten the containers (as tightly as possible) and after cooling the jam, send it to the place of further storage.

Lingonberries have an unforgettable piquant taste. So the second time you boil the mixture, taste it for sugar. If desired, increase the dosage depending on your own preferences.

Option 2: Quick recipe for lingonberry jam with apples

In order not to infuse the berries with sugar and thereby speed up the process, we recommend grinding the berries in a blender and quickly boiling them in syrup.


  • two large apples;
  • kilogram of fresh lingonberries;
  • glass of water;
  • kilogram of sugar.

How to quickly make lingonberry and apple jam

Wash the small red berries, removing leaves and thin twigs. Shake in a colander to remove moisture. Pour into the container of a stand blender.

Throw apples into lingonberries. Grind into a puree.

Now heat the water to boiling. Add sugar. Having received a homogeneous syrup, pour fruit mixture into the basin.

Bring lingonberry jam with apples to active bubbles. Pour it right away sweet preserves into clean dry jars. Twist. Leave on the refrigerator shelf for storage.

If your kitchen does not have a stationary blender, grind the ingredients using a meat grinder, in which it is important to install a fine grid. In this case, it is recommended to scald both devices with boiling water in advance. This must be done because we are exposing the jam to minimal heat treatment. And it is important for us to ensure its long-term storage.

Option 3: Lingonberry jam with apples and cinnamon

Cinnamon perfectly shades and complements the taste of not only apples, but also lingonberries. Therefore in next recipe When making jam, we recommend using this spice to obtain an unsurpassed aroma.


  • cinnamon stick;
  • 245 grams of apples;
  • 265 grams of water;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 995 grams of lingonberries.

How to cook

Disassemble the lingonberry bunches. Rinse small berries immediately, being careful not to damage their surface. Spread on paper napkins.

Now pour purified water into a medium enamel basin. Over high heat, bring the liquid to a vigorous boil. Only after this add sugar.

Stir the syrup until it becomes homogeneous. Reduce the burner temperature to minimum. Add berries. Mix.

While the lingonberries are simmering, peel and finely chop sweet and sour apples. Throw the pieces into a bowl of berries. Place a straw of cinnamon in there.

Boil the sweet contents of the container for 10-12 minutes. Then turn off the burner. Remove foam. Let the lingonberry jam with apples brew.

Boil the mixture again. After another 10 minutes, remove the cinnamon. Carefully pour the contents of the basin into glass jars. Cover with oiled paper. Tie tightly with thread. Store in a basement or cool pantry.

If you don't have it at hand whole stick cinnamon, fold the gauze into four or five layers. Then sprinkle ground spice in the middle and tie a tight knot. All that remains is to put it in a basin and remove it after cooking.

Option 4: Lingonberry and apple jam in its own juice

Usually water is added so that liquid forms faster and, accordingly, the berries become soft more quickly. However, if you have a little time for cooking, we suggest excluding this ingredient and making jam in your own juice.


  • three large apples;
  • one and a half kilograms of lingonberries;
  • kilogram of sugar.

Step by step recipe

Carefully sort through all the planned berries. Discard damaged fruits, twigs and small leaves. Rinse everything well. Shake off the water and immediately pour into a bowl or basin.

Add a kilogram of sugar on top. Gently move the basin from side to side so that the crystals are evenly distributed among the berries. Leave aside for a couple of hours.

During this time, the lingonberries will release a little juice. When this happens, put the future jam on low heat.

At the same time, peel three apples. Wash in cold clean water and cut into slices or cubes as desired.

Having finished the preparatory process, transfer the fruits to a bowl of berries. By this time there will be enough liquid so that the lingonberry and apple jam does not burn.

Stirring occasionally and skimming off the sweet foam with a slotted spoon, bring the mixture to a gentle bubbling.

Boil for 5-6 minutes. Carefully pour hot jam into glass jars (sterilized). Close and cool.

It is important to set the heat to minimum. Let this delay the cooking process a little, but we can avoid burning, because the necessary juice will not appear in sufficient volume immediately. But for this option it is better to peel the apples, even if the peel is soft.

Option 5: Apple jam with lingonberries and lemon

To extend the shelf life of the jam and add bright sour lemon notes, we suggest adding to the recipe fresh lemon. However, remember that before chopping, you need to remove any hard seeds that may be present inside.


  • 1.4 kg sugar;
  • kilogram of lingonberries;
  • 110 grams of lemon;
  • 300 grams of sweet apples;
  • a glass of boiling water.

How to cook

Wash the middle basin. Throw in the sorted and washed berries without leaves and branches. Sprinkle with white sugar. Place on low heat.

After 5 minutes the mixture will begin to boil. When this happens, remove from the burner. Cover to prevent dust from settling inside and leave for an hour.

After the specified time has passed, chop the sweet apples into thin slices. Grind the washed lemon in a blender into a “porridge”.

Return the bowl of berries to the stove. Turn the temperature back on low. Add lemon mixture and apple slices.

Stir several times with a long spatula, skimming off the pink foam as you go. Cook lingonberry jam with apples for 10 minutes.

At the last stage, pour the hot mixture into jars. Cool on the counter with the lids on tightly.

We usually use less sugar, but since there is lemon in the recipe, we recommend increasing the amount of this ingredient a little. Otherwise the jam will turn out too bitter. For the same reason, we suggest taking sweet rather than sour apples.

Option 6: Lingonberry-apple jam in a slow cooker

We will make the last jam recipe in a slow cooker. You don’t have to let it sit for long, because thanks to this machine the berries will become soft in just a quarter of an hour. All that remains is to thicken the berry mixture and pour it into jars.


  • two Semerenko apples;
  • two Jonathan apples;
  • a kilogram of small fresh lingonberries;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • half a glass of water.

Step by step recipe

Pour fresh lingonberries into a large bowl. Pour it in there cold water. Select leaves and remaining twigs. Rinse the berries.

Pour onto a towel, draining the liquid. When they dry out a little, place them in a clean multicooker bowl.

Now add all the sugar at once. Also peel two types of apples. Grind all the fruits into small pieces.

Transfer the apples to a bowl. Pour half a glass clean water. Snap. Set the mode to "Cooking".

Cook lingonberry jam with apples in a slow cooker for a third of an hour. Then open the lid and thicken to the desired consistency.

All that remains is to pour the hot berry mixture from the bowl into glass jars and screw the latter tightly. Then cool, leaving for a couple of hours right on the kitchen table. If you have a cellar, it is permissible not to twist, but to cover the jars with oiled paper and tie them with thin rope or thread.
