Mom's secrets: Easter cake according to an old recipe. Kulich old recipe

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Easter cakes- is responsible, important point baking, exciting and joyful. Every housewife definitely wants Easter cakes They turned out tasty, rich, porous.

We offer you an old, Russian recipe with photos from detailed description the entire cooking process, according to which you can prepare a delicious Easter cake

Easter Kulich is an old Russian recipe. Easter cakes

Ingredients needed to prepare Easter Easter cake:

50 ml. vodka (glass)

Flour - 1 kg.

Sugar - 250 gr.

Milk - 1.5 cups

Yolks - 10 pieces

Dry yeast - 11 gr. (small bag or 2 teaspoons with a small top)

Butter - 200 gr.

Raisins - 100 gr.

Cognac - 25 gr.

Candied fruits - 25 gr.

Zest of one lemon

Ground cardamom - 1 teaspoon

Nutmeg - 0.5 teaspoon

Turmeric - 0.5 teaspoon

Vanilla sugar - 4 teaspoons

salt - 0.5 teaspoon

Frosting for Easter Kulich :

Protein - 4 pieces

Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

Sugar - 1/2 cup

Easter cakes - recipe:

You need to start preparing Easter cake in advance, since cardamom must be poured with one glass of vodka two days before baking and let it brew.

How to prepare dough for Easter Kulich:

Brew 100 grams of flour in 1/2 cup of hot milk. Be sure to stir everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps. We dilute the yeast in 1/2 cup of warm milk and leave for 10-15 minutes, stir until completely dissolved and add 100 grams of flour. We connect with a common dough. Mix everything thoroughly, wrap it in a blanket and put it in a warm place for 1-2 hours.

Easter cake dough - how to prepare:

When the dough rises, take three bowls: in one we separate the yolks from 10 whites, in another we separate three whites and in the third - 4 whites (2 whites remain extra).

Beat 3 egg whites with sugar (250 g), add the rest of the milk (0.5 cup), 10 yolks, 0.5 teaspoon of salt, and mix everything well. Divide this mixture into 2 equal parts.

Pour 1 part of the egg-milk mixture into the risen dough and add 250 grams of flour. Mix thoroughly. Leave the dough for another 1 hour until it increases in volume.

Meanwhile, melt 200 gr. butter. Add spices to the hot milk - 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric, cardamom soaked in vodka, 0.5 teaspoon of nutmeg and the zest of one lemon. The spices need to infuse.

Add the second part of the egg-milk mixture and another 500 g. flour. Knead the dough thoroughly so that it does not stick to your hands. Then pour the oil mixture (with spices) and 25 g into the dough. cognac and continue kneading the dough. Leave it for 1-1.5 hours so that the dough rises well.

Roll candied fruits and raisins in flour, then add to the dough and knead. Let the dough rise for an hour.

Grease paper Easter cake molds with melted butter and fill the molds with dough up to half the volume. Let it sit in the pan until the dough rises by 1/3.

Preheat the oven to 180*C and place the molds with the dough to bake. Baking temperature 160* C, baking time 40-45 minutes.

Greetings to the readers of my blog and today about Easter cake. Ends Lent and the hostesses wonder what they will serve for Easter table.
Today I will talk about custard cake according to an old recipe. It was given to us by temple servants who came to the bakery to illuminate cottage cheese Easter.

Kulich - festive butter bread. This is a beautiful and delicious baked goods
the product must be present on family dinner. Recipes for this dish are widespread in every family and are passed down from generation to generation.

According to tradition, Easter cakes are baked on Friday, and on the night from Saturday to Sunday they are taken to the temple for lighting. On Sunday they have a festive dinner.
You can of course buy it ready-made. That's it now shopping centers They offer a wide range, invite priests to perform the consecration ceremony, beautifully package them and attach “consecrated” labels.

But still, many housewives bake Easter cake themselves and take it to church for service.
It must be said right away that everything Easter recipes contain many ingredients. The oldest recipe for custard cake is considered to be

Easter cake according to this recipe turns out tasty and unusual. By brewing flour, for a long time remains fresh and can be stored for several days after production. The manufacturing process is quite long, 5-6 hours.


Remove all foods from the refrigerator in advance; everything should be at approximately the same temperature.
The baking dish can be made of special metal. Nowadays there is a lot of trade paper forms for single use. They are very comfortable. Many housewives bake in tall liter mugs or pans, lining them with baking paper or regular parchment.

Brewing and sponge

Place 500 ml of milk on the stove and bring to a boil. It is not advisable to boil for a long time. Sift the flour into a container where we will knead the dough. I have a pelvis. Many housewives pour flour into boiling milk. I do the opposite. I pour the milk in a thin stream into the flour. I knead with a mixer and a yeast dough spatula. The tea leaves must be thoroughly mixed.
Allow to cool in a cool place to 30-32 degrees. Stir the brew with your hand; if your hands feel comfortable, then the temperature is optimal.
While the brew is cooling, dissolve half the yeast in warm milk. Add a pinch of sugar and flour there. Yeast activates faster. Just be sure to watch them, otherwise they will run away.
When the brew has cooled, the yeast has risen, combine everything. Leave in a warm place for 40-60 minutes. By appearance the dough should be like 15% sour cream.
The readiness of the dough is determined by its settling. Don't be afraid of this process - this is normal for dough.

Dough for custard cake

While the dough is preparing, prepare the eggs for the dough. Separate the yolks and whites. Grind the yolks until white with some sugar. Beat the whites into a stable foam. Leave the whites to cover the cake.
After all the procedures, add the yolks to the finished dough and leave for another 30 minutes.
After this, add the remaining ingredients: first add the remaining yeast, proteins, butter with raisins, and lastly vanilla and cognac. The yeast dough must be thoroughly kneaded and left to mature for 1-2 hours.

We determine readiness by doubling the dough. By lightly pressing the dough with your fingers, the structure of the dough is restored. The dough looks voluminous in the cup

Roll out the dough on the table, form into balls and place in the mold. Fill the mold a little less than half 2/3. Place for proofing in a warm, preferably humid place.

Brush with water before baking. It is necessary to organize steam humidification in the oven. Place a wide bowl of water 10 minutes before baking, this may be high frying pan or saucepan.
Bake at 180 degrees.

Making custard cake

After it has cooled down, we decorate it and give it a festive, solemn look.

  1. Coat the top of the cake with the remaining egg white and let it dry.
  2. Decorate as real cake whipped cream.
  3. Glaze option can be used chocolate ganache from white chocolate
  4. Make a covering from mastic. You can buy ready-made or make it yourself

Sprinkle with various sprinkles; now you can buy ready-made ones in the form of small noodles, flowers or confetti. Can't buy? Do it yourself

  1. coconut flakes paint food coloring. Or, as a design option, paint the cream and leave the sprinkles white.
  2. Color plain sugar. Boil beet juice and add a few drops to sugar. Mix thoroughly and dry. The downside of this type of topping is that it can quickly melt on cream or ganache.
  3. The topping can also be made from biscuit crumbs. Rub the biscuit through a sieve and color it in the same way as sugar.
  4. Grate milk chocolate
  5. Sprinkle with colored round candies

That's all. Custard Easter cake ready. Pack in a bag. We'll cook tomorrow

If you have not yet started baking Easter cakes or have just decided to do so, use this special recipe- the result will amaze you.

Let me say right away that this is a kind of blog - a blog within a blog. I had to force my mother, who has a black belt home kitchen, write the first food blog in my life. Since she is still afraid to publish under her own name (in a sense, I understand her), I will simply leave her text here. If you are not too lazy to spend almost the whole day (I personally would be too lazy) to prepare Easter cakes, you have practically the last opportunity before the holiday.

So, here mom comes in with her incredible recipe delicious Easter cakes- Believe me, I already know how incomparable they are.

As you know, according to ancient Christian custom, it is customary to bake Easter cakes, pies, and various meat dishes and then, with the same enthusiasm, clutching your stomachs, gobble it all up. But that’s not about that now. Each housewife has her own cooking recipes, which, in her opinion, are the best. Many, of course, share them uncontrollably on social networks.

However, no matter how much I browsed the Internet, I have not come across such a recipe for Easter cakes, according to which I have already baked quite a lot long time. My daughter begged me for a long time to tell me about this, although I would hardly have done it myself.

This recipe is actually an old one. knows him a small amount of people and there is one feature about it that I will definitely tell you about. I got the recipe from a former colleague, who in turn inherited it from her grandmother from the Chernihiv region.

These cakes will especially appeal to those who like moist, slightly viscous dough. If you are not a fan of this test, it is better not to read further. I will try to describe the recipe in as much detail as possible.

Let's start with sponge:

- 1 liter of milk;

- 1 pack of pressed yeast (100 g);

- 12-15 yolks;

- 0.5 kg of sugar;

- 1 teaspoon of salt;

- 1.0 - 1.3 kg of flour.

Everything needs to be mixed (the dough should have the consistency thick sour cream) and leave to ferment. This process lasts at least 3 hours - the dough must have time to rise and fall.


- 1 pack of margarine (250 grams);

- 100 gr. butter;

- 0.5 kg of sugar;

- half a pack (50 g) of compressed yeast;

- 200 grams of sour cream (not less than 20%);

- raisin;

- candied fruits;

- vanilla;

- 1.7 - 2 kilograms of flour.

Preparation: dissolve the yeast in warm milk, add the yolks beaten with sugar, salt and flour. Place in a warm place for 3 hours. Then melt the butter and margarine, grind the yeast with 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix with sour cream, pour boiling water over the raisins for 1-2 minutes, dry and mix with 1 tablespoon of flour.

After 3 hours, the dough should be stirred with a wooden spoon, and this should be done carefully - in one direction. Then add butter and margarine, sugar, vanilla, yeast with sour cream, raisins, mix everything well and gradually add flour in small portions.

When kneading, you need to lubricate your hands generously. vegetable oil. Knead a loose, slightly sticky dough and leave to rise for an hour and a half. When the dough has increased in volume, knead it and leave for another hour.
Ready dough

Then place the dough in greased molds, filling halfway, and leave to proof until the dough fills the mold. Heat the oven to 220 degrees, place the cakes and reduce the temperature to 180 degrees. Bake for 40-50 minutes depending on the size of the molds.
Easter cakes ready to bake

After the cakes are baked, they can be decorated. Here everyone can use their imagination. I would like to note separately that it is better to apply glaze to hot cakes.
Already baked Easter cake - fragrant and incredibly tasty

And some tips on how to make the cakes so that they turn out perfect:

- all ingredients for Easter cakes should be at room temperature;

- there should be no drafts in the room where the cakes will be baked.

Well, for the superstitious, it is believed that it is better to bake Easter cakes at night and in silence.

If you read the recipe and did not notice its peculiarities, I will lift the veil. When I first got my hands on this method of preparing Easter cakes, I was surprised that all the yolks were added to the dough, and yeast was added to the batch again.

As a person who has been cooking all my life and constantly surfing culinary sites, I want to say that this is quite unusual. What can I say, our ancestors had their secrets.

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The old recipe for Easter cake is probably kept in your family piggy bank. Such recipes are unlikely to be suitable for novice cooks, but not on the eve of the holiday, but in advance it certainly makes sense to try them in order to please yourself and your loved ones with a new taste Easter baking, which was held in high esteem two or even three generations before us.

Old Easter cake


  1. Milk - 500 ml
  2. Live yeast - 100 g (or 15 g dry yeast)
  3. Granulated sugar - 450 g
  4. Chicken eggs - 6 pieces
  5. Margarine - 500 g
  6. White flour premium- 1200 g (plus 500 g when kneading)
  7. Vanillin - 1 pack (2 g)
  8. Vegetable oil for lubricating hands
  9. Powdered sugar for glaze - 200 g
  10. Egg whites for glaze - 2-3 pieces depending on the number of Easter cakes

Step 1

Add live yeast to warm milk, stir until completely dissolved.

Step 2

Pour the flour into a large mixing container and add milk with dissolved yeast.

Step 3

Add 450 g of sugar to the kneading container. Add a packet of vanilla.

Step 4

In a separate container, break all the eggs and shake them well with a spoon. Add to flour mixture.

Step 5

Pour in flour mixture melted margarine. Start kneading the dough with a spoon first. Continue kneading the dough with a spoon until it becomes thick. homogeneous mass. At this stage, the dough needs to be put in a warm place for about an hour so that it has time to rise. After this, you need to add more flour until you get the desired consistency.

Step 6

The dough needs to be kneaded a little and the flour added in portions. Depending on the volume of ingredients and, accordingly, the expected volume of Easter cakes, you will need about 500 more g of flour.

Step 7

At this stage, knead the dough with your hands. Grease your hands with vegetable oil and continue kneading the dough until it stops sticking to your hands.

Step 8

Add a small amount of vegetable oil to the dough and continue kneading for about 2-3 minutes. Cover the container with the dough cling film and place in a warm place for two and a half hours.

Step 9

Knead the risen dough again and place it in prepared (that is, lined with cling film or parchment on the inside and greased with vegetable oil) molds. different sizes according to your choice.

If desired, you can add raisins to the dough. In this recipe, 150-200 g is enough. Pre-soak the raisins in hot water, and then drain the water and dry with paper towels, and then roll in flour. Add raisins to the dough at the last stage before placing it in the molds.

Step 10

Do not forget that filling the molds with dough, regardless of their size, should be no more than two-thirds, and preferably half or even one-third, since we use yeast dough, which will rise well.

Step 11

Place the cakes in the oven preheated to 100 degrees. After 10 minutes, turn the oven to 180 degrees and bake until done, checking the cakes with a wooden skewer.

Step 12

Beat the glaze at medium speed with a mixer until you obtain a thick, fluffy foam. Finished glaze Decorate the Easter cakes and sprinkle with prepared sprinkles, chopped nuts, and candied fruits of your choice.

Ancient Easter cake according to a pre-revolutionary recipe

In Rus' to the Light Christ's Resurrection it was customary to cook not two, as in our days, but three holiday options baking - Easter, Easter cake and mazurka. The ancient recipe for Easter cake with yolks meant that a large number of eggs, by modern standards, were placed in the dough. From the remaining proteins, which were beaten and mixed with nuts and other additives, mazurka was prepared, which was a cross between cookies and cakes.

By the way, old recipe Prince's Easter cake also involves using only yolks when kneading the dough. For a large number of Easter cakes, up to 50 yolks and three packs of butter and as much flour as the dough would take could be added to the dough. The recipe below is built on the same basis, only the ingredients are indicated in slightly more modest proportions.


  1. Chicken eggs - 6 pcs
  2. Flour - 4 cups
  3. Fresh melted butter- 1 glass
  4. Live yeast - 30 g
  5. Milk - 2 glasses
  6. Salt - ½ tsp.

Step 1

Place milk on one burner and melted butter on the second in a water bath. To do this, place the jar of oil in a container filled with water. The milk should be warm, not too hot, and should never be brought to a boil.

Step 2

In a separate container, grind 30 g of live yeast with your fingers or a spoon, add a teaspoon of granulated sugar. Add half a glass of warm milk and stir gently until smooth. Place the yeast in a warm place. They will be ready as soon as bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the mixture. It will take approximately 20-30 minutes.

Step 3

Place the remaining milk back on the stove and bring to a boil over moderate heat. We will steam the flour with this boiling milk. For this purpose you will need two glasses of flour. Custard cake is prepared in a similar way according to an old recipe. Choux pastry no need to stand and then knead for a long time.

This dough is boiled, stirring constantly, and then baked in the oven. This type of dough is ideal not only for Easter baking, but also for any other one in which you want to add more filling, for example, fresh berries, ground with sugar or ready-made jam. However, in this original recipe there are differences in this regard.

Step 4

Flour must be sifted before use. Then pour in hot milk. Thus, the dough is steamed. Grind it with a spoon until smooth. Leave the steamed dough to cool to room temperature.

Step 5

Pour the yeast, which has already begun to bubble, into the steamed dough. Stir with a spoon until smooth.

Step 6

The dough will rise within an hour. Pour a glass of sugar into a separate bowl. Break six eggs into it and add half a teaspoon of salt. Beat with a mixer.

Step 7

Mash the dough with a spoon. Add eggs beaten with sugar.

Step 8

At this stage you need to knead the dough. Add flour in portions, sifting it into the mixture. Mix with a spoon very thoroughly until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained.

Step 9

Add a glass of ghee to the dough and knead again until the consistency of thick sour cream.

Step 10

At the last stage, the dough needs to be kneaded with your hands until it stops sticking to your hands. Place the dough in a warm place a second time.

Step 11

Prepare required quantity paper molds for Easter cakes. Lubricate their surface from the inside with the remaining melted butter. Fill the molds one-third full with dough. Place them in a warm place for 20 minutes, and then in a well-heated oven to a temperature of 30 degrees. After this, bake at 180 degrees for about 35-40 minutes. Check the readiness of the Easter cakes traditionally - with a wooden skewer. When the skewer comes out dry, the cakes are ready.


In the recipe old Easter cake Real ghee is used with saffron. This means that you need to prepare such oil yourself. What is sold on the market and called melted food does not correspond to its definition at all. As a rule, this is not ghee, but melted butter - that is, melted for 5-6 minutes. Real ghee is simmered for at least 5-6 hours at a temperature no higher than 85 degrees.

Please note that the old recipe for Easter cake (with photo) assumes that you will use only high-quality real live yeast. It is better not to add dry yeast. In addition, the old Easter cake recipe called for 10 eggs or more, depending on the volume of dough.

In the modern version, you can add 6 to 7 eggs. By the way, it also involves the use large quantity eggs It turns out according to an old recipe, a heavy Easter cake, very filling and rich in various additives.

The antique one was taken from the pre-revolutionary cookbook. The difference between it and the second recipe above is that we add saffron tincture (soak the saffron in hot water for half an hour) while kneading the dough at the last stage. If desired, you can also add raisins - no more than 150 g.

The good thing about ancient recipes is that we preserve them. Easter traditions our ancestors and pass it on unchanged to our children and grandchildren, who, following the good example, will continue the tradition. Happy holiday of the Holy Resurrection of Christ!
