New Year's made from salt dough. New Year's toys made from salt dough - the most complete step-by-step guide with photo evidence

Friends, are you ready for the new year? But the holiday is just around the corner. And this is a reason to work fruitfully with your little ones. What am I offering? Today we will talk about how and what kind of New Year's crafts to make from salt dough. A prerequisite is that we will create with our kids. Let's use them as much as possible more processes. In fact, the material is safe and easy to clean, so let’s allow the little ones to get their hands dirty.

Do you know what will add significance to these activities? The fact that the child will feel that all this is a very important matter! He will try hard when he finds out that his crafts will decorate the Christmas tree: as toys (we will hang some of them on the tree) or become part of the festive composition.

Let's decide. Remember? We have a main focus - New Year's themes. There is a basic material - salt dough. And in the kitchen of any housewife there is necessary tool. And our children have good helper- We! All that remains is to get down to business.

Ingredients and tools we will need

All we need is:

  • Salt;
  • Flour;
  • Water;
  • A little vegetable oil.

Of course, I want the figures to be bright. Therefore, we use any dyes of our choice:

  • Food paints;
  • Eco-friendly construction;
  • Markers;
  • Gouache;
  • Nail polish (if you need to use very little).

And in order to make dough with your own hands, and then products from the dough, you need tools. Let's prepare in advance:

  • Bowl;
  • Rolling pin;
  • Cup;
  • Scissors;
  • Pen/felt-tip pen.

We will also need additional tools. We'll talk about this in the next topic, when we look at different ideas for creativity.

Various ideas for decorating works

And there’s a sea of ​​ideas! And, moreover, boundless! But don’t forget, there are 2 points to consider:

  • Abilities and capabilities of babies;
  • Crafts should relate to the New Year 2018 theme. This means that, if not the symbol of the year itself, the Dog, we should succeed, then at least try to ensure that golden colors dominate in our products.

And a lot will depend on what tools we have at hand. In principle, absolutely anything can be a tool! And the decoration of the works, and even their form, will depend on what we own.

Now I intend to call something that can be used as a handy tool when making crafts, and how the work will depend on it.

Lace. They will add delicacy to the work. All you have to do is apply them to the dough and roll them over with a rolling pin.

Buttons. It will be simple and interesting for children to press buttons into finished goods to create an unusual texture.

Beads. You can simply sprinkle it on your finished work, and everything will immediately shine.

Cocktail straw- This is an excellent “hole maker” that turns ordinary crafts into lace ones.

Marker. They can draw any patterns.

Hands, legs, paws. Place your little one's hand and make an impression of the palm; the same can be done with the leg if you have a baby. If your dog doesn’t mind, then the prints of its paws will also look symbolic.

Master Class

And now I’ll share what my baby and I did. And at the same time I will conduct a small master class.

I'll start with our video. In it we show how to knead the dough, how to sculpt a big owl on a Christmas tree, how to decorate a window in the form of a Christmas tree with dough toys.

And now, as promised, a photo lesson: how to make a slightly different owl, hedgehog and snowman.

You all remember the recipe:

  • Flour – 1 tbsp;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.;
  • Water.

It is better to take fine salt. It is cleaner and mixes better with flour and water. But I specifically took a large one, because I mainly intend to bake all the products. And when baking coarse salt gives an unusual golden color. As for water. I didn’t say how much is needed. It took me half a glass. But it is better to focus on how much the dough will take so that it is not liquid.

I will try to attach a photo to each step.

So, the ingredients:

The dough turns out tough, but very plastic. I divide it into 3 parts.

Of the two, I intend to make figures of a Snowman and a Hedgehog. And I will divide the third part in half, and the baby and I roll out the mass and twist two circles with a glass.

I'm eager to try how flathead owls are made.

And the second part is a toy for the Christmas tree.

Now I will talk about each craft separately.


1. Making the base for the snowman. I cut out a circle and decorate it, squeezing out the relief with the tip of a knife.

I divide the remaining mass into 3 parts so that one is large, the second is medium, and the third is small.

I roll the largest piece into a ball in my palms. I make a small depression in the middle.

I do the same with the second one. This way the entire structure will stand firmly without any special fastening.

I insert a thin twig into the middle ball. These are the hands of the Snowman. I place the shell on top walnut. It turns out to be such a hat.

I make the nose from the tip of a toothpick.

How to paint a Snowman? I won't put it in the oven. I'll just wait for the dough to form a crust on top. I have matching colored nail gels. I use them for painting.

The details remain: mouth, eyes, snowflakes based on the Snowman.

And this is what happened to me.


I press the bottom half of the circle with a pen cap. The result is a feather pattern.

I fold the edges on the sides so that they touch each other.

I fold the top half of the base in half and bend it slightly on top.

On the top part I squeeze out round eyes with a cap and draw a beak.

I round the corners at the bottom. I make the “ears” sharper.

I set it to bake, having previously greased the wings and ears with yolk.

This is the golden Owl after baking for 7 minutes at 180 degrees.

What other owls can you make?


I pierce the second round blank through the top with a cap. And below I make prints with the same cap.

I set the toy to bake.

After baking, I apply a little red varnish to all the circles, and draw leaves above them. This is mistletoe. All that remains is to thread the ribbon into the hole and you can decorate the Christmas tree with the toy.


A small barrel-cylinder is rolled up, in which the nose of the future hedgehog is slightly extended.

“Needles” are cut throughout the body. To do this you will need nail scissors with curved edges.

First, the edges of the scissors are slightly pressed into the dough, then the “needle” is cut.

A Christmas tree is made from salt dough using the same principle: its branches are cut with scissors.

Now go over the face and along each edge of the needle with a brush with yolk, and the product can be sent to the oven.

After baking, make a nose and eyes by pressing in a piece of a twig, and the Hedgehog with Golden Needles is ready!

This is how I managed to make 4 toys with my baby!

Vmdeo master classes

Very! I really want you to show off your work! Send the results of your work, share your successes, so that we can be happy for you! That's all for today! I remind you about subscribing and please don’t forget to bring your friends: it’s more fun together! All! Bye bye!

Most of the New Year's decorations can be done not only by craftswomen, but even by small children: Many New Year's salt dough crafts are created using cookie cutters. These “cookies” can be hung on a Christmas tree or made into garlands.

Another advantage of cookies is their safety: even curious kids or puppies will not harm themselves.

Commemorative prints

To make the simplest New Year's craft from salt dough, you only need your hands. Print your palm on a piece of dough, and when it dries, color it like a Christmas tree. Can be assembled commemorative prints palms of the whole family.

A souvenir version of the craft is a Christmas tree with fingerprints. Prints are colored in different colors, the thread of the garland is completed, and such a craft can already be given to your closest and dearest people.

New Year's decorations - salt dough cookies

New Year's salty “cookies” can be made from colored dough, or after drying they can be painted with gouache or glitter sparkles. For example, like in these photos.

If you are familiar with first-hand decoupage, use your skills to decorate the base cookies with beautiful New Year's scenes.

Salt dough crafts made for the New Year can be decorated with any available means - fragrant spices, beans or cereals(birds outside the window will be happy with such a gift) or even pasta(they are good for imitating the curly wool of a sheep).

Snowflakes and Christmas trees made from salt dough, painted, look unexpectedly elegant and airy markers. Such snowflakes can be collected into garlands or used as Christmas tree decorations.

To make snowflake crafts made from salt dough shine like real ones on New Year’s Eve, before coloring them you can hprime with silver paint. Another technique that will help make the salt dough more airy is to cut windows in the middle of the dough star, also in the shape of stars.

You can quickly paint Christmas tree decorations from salt dough using stamps- cut them out of eraser or use them as decorations, twigs, toys as stamps...

Solar garland

A simple New Year's decoration of fabulous beauty - a garland of snowflakes with transparent centers. To make it, you need to fill the middle with plastic beads and bake the craft. Of course, the whole house will smell of burnt plastic, but the result will shine in the sun.

If you want to avoid the plastic stink, put a caramel in the middle of each snowflake. When the sugar melts, you will see a colored window - or brown if you leave the snowflakes a little too long.

Salty dough- the simplest, most environmentally friendly and affordable material for children's crafts. Today we will tell you what kind of dough you can use and what else you can make with your child.

The long-awaited one is coming soon. Preparations for this wonderful holiday always begin about a month before it, or even earlier. Children especially love preparing for the New Year holidays. They are happy to take part in the production. So that you do not worry about the safety of materials for children's crafts, prepare salt dough and let your child make his own New Year's toys.

Children's can become not only a wonderful decoration for the apartment for the holiday, but also a nice gift for family and friends.

How to make salt dough: recipe

Incredibly simple, the main thing is to maintain the proportions and mix well. You'll need:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 0.5 cups salt (non-iodized)
  • 125 ml water

You need to mix water into the dough gradually, achieving a uniform, smooth mass. For large and bulky crafts, it is better to take 2 cups of salt, without changing the amount of flour and water. You can store the finished salt dough in the refrigerator, be sure to wrap it in a bag.

Master class on how to make a snowman from salt dough for the New Year

Salt dough, which a child can make with his own hands with just a little help from you, will become a wonderful Christmas tree decoration, a holiday gift or a favorite toy.

For a children's craft for the New Year "Snowman" you will need:

  • blue gouache
  • spadefoot
  • toothpick
  • acrylic lacquer

1. Prepare salt dough from water, flour and salt. Divide the play dough into two parts: larger and smaller. The smaller part of the dough needs to be colored Blue colour using gouache.

2. Now you can start: from white dough you need to make two cakes of different sizes for the body and head of the snowman. As soon as you have sculpted the head, immediately form the mouth and eyes using a toothpick. Now attach the arms and legs.

3. Make a hat of the desired shape from blue dough; you can apply a design with a toothpick. Next, roll out a rectangle of blue dough - this will be a scarf, make the desired pattern on it. Next, make the buttons.

4. Insert a toothpick into the snowman’s hand - this is the base of the broom. You need to squeeze out a little blue dough through the garlic press, shape it into a broom, let it dry a little, and then put it on a toothpick.


5. The finished snowman needs to be thoroughly dried and coated with acrylic varnish - this will add brightness to the children’s craft made from salt dough!

Crafts made from salt dough for the New Year: the best photo ideas for children

In order not to limit ourselves to just a snowman, we have collected more that can be made from salt dough. Such New Year's toys will be wonderful or home decor.

And if you add a little cinnamon and cocoa to the salted play dough, you will get not only beautiful, but also good-smelling toys that will fill the house with the incredible aroma of the holidays.

Your children will definitely enjoy making such New Year's crafts from salt dough. Yes, and you can try to create something original with your own hands. If you don’t want to encroach on the material for sculpting your child, similar ones can be repeated. Use your imagination and have fun preparing for the New Year 2019!

My kids really love watching “fixies”. And after watching the series about “Plasticine”, they came to the kitchen with a question:

- Mom, can we make plasticine? To do this, you only need one glass of flour, half a glass of salt and half a glass of water. That's what they said on the fixies.

I could not refuse such a creative endeavor and the process was in full swing. It was before the New Year, so the theme of the toys was New Year's.

Christmas tree, New Year's toys made from salt dough - children's master class:

1. First of all, the children kneaded the dough themselves. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. We took the proportions exactly as the fixers said:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 0.5 cups salt
  • 0.5 glasses of water

2. Then they rolled out the dough into a flat cake.

3. While the children were rolling out the dough, I prepared a paper stencil in the shape of a Christmas tree for them. They very carefully traced and cut out this stencil using stacks.

4. In the process of making Christmas tree decorations from salt dough, I remembered about cookie cutters. The children really liked this idea, and they quickly made different figures from the dough: bells, Christmas trees, cones, stars, etc.

It’s easy to work with molds and the result is always pleasing, so in this version this activity is suitable even for children from 3-4 years old.

5. We also tried to make colored salt dough by adding watercolor paint to it. To do this, simply dripped a little water into the paint, stirred it with a brush and poured the colored water into the dough. This was also mentioned in the cartoon.

6. All the figures were left to dry overnight near the radiator.

7. And in the morning, the children, not having had time to fully wake up, were already rushing to their New Year's dough toys to decorate them. Painted with simple watercolors. I also found some rhinestones in my stash - they made great decorations for the Christmas tree decorations.

To make the paint dry faster, the eldest son turned on the fan and directed the air flow onto the painted toys. They were painted on both sides.

8. When the paint had dried, the children had fun decorating the Christmas tree themselves with their New Year's toys made from salt dough.

9. It turned out very beautiful. And the manufacturing process was pleasant and joyful. This year our Christmas tree is especially beautiful, because almost all the toys on it are made by ourselves.

And I wish you pleasant creativity with your children.

Subtleties in making New Year's Christmas tree decorations from salt dough:

1. It is better to use finely ground salt for the dough so that there are no salt grains on the finished figures.

2. Make Christmas tree toys from salt dough with your children, preferably on a large table, where there will be nothing superfluous. After finishing the figurine, it is better to immediately place it on a large flat dish or a piece of thick cardboard to make it easier to transfer to a drying place. For example, on a window or next to a battery. If you dry it in the oven, then the figures should be immediately placed on a surface covered with foil.

3. New Year's toys made from dough can be whole, or made from several components. The parts are held together well if they are slightly moistened with a wet brush.

4. To make holes in toys, you can use pasta of the required diameter, pen caps, cocktail straws and any other available materials.

5. You can paint salt dough with food coloring, gouache, watercolor, acrylic, glitter (shiny paints).

7. To dry salted Christmas tree decorations, you can:

- just at room temperature (but this may take 2-4 days).

— near the battery (1 night for flat figures)

- in the oven at 50 degrees. (few hours)

New Year decoration can be made not only from dough, but also, etc.

A wonderful, festive and magical time is the New Year, for which adults and children prepare gifts and souvenirs for friends and loved ones. You don't have to shop at the store; you can make delicious gifts yourself from scrap materials, such as puff pastry. The crafts are original and bright. Unique toys decorate Christmas trees and are used as original and unusual souvenirs.

To create crafts, salt dough, paints, beads, ribbons, rhinestones and other materials are prepared to decorate the gift, make it unusual, exclusive, and delightful. Crafts created with my own hands, have a soul, because they are created sincerely, with inspiration.

Salt dough recipe

To create a toy for the New Year's holiday, you will need to prepare salt dough. For this you need the following ingredients:

  • Table salt – 1 part;
  • Flour – 1 part;
  • Water – ½ part.

All dry ingredients are mixed in a bowl, gradually adding water. The resulting mixture should have soft consistency, do not stick to your hands, do not be too thick. Knead the dough thoroughly so that it does not crumble or crumble.

To make the dough white, add ¾ of white acrylic paint to the ingredients.

Cold porcelain recipe

In addition to salt dough, you can use so-called cold porcelain, which is more reminiscent of polymer clay, to make crafts. You can easily prepare cold porcelain at home. To do this you will need:

  • Baking soda – 1 part;
  • Corn or potato starch – 1 part;
  • Water – 1 part.

Pour the dry ingredients into the pan and mix well. then add water and mix thoroughly again until a homogeneous mixture without lumps is formed. Place the pan with the mixture on small fire and stirring constantly, cook for 1-3 minutes until thickened. Place the resulting mass on the table, let cool until room temperature and knead well for 2-3 minutes. That's it, cold porcelain is ready for use.

Cold porcelain should be stored in an airtight plastic bag.

Drying crafts

There are several ways to dry crafts made from salt dough or cold porcelain. The first one is natural. Leave the products for several days in a dry and warm place. The thicker the layer of dough in the craft, the more time it will take for it to dry completely. On average, it takes 1 millimeter of dough to dry, with natural drying takes 24 hours. Crafts made from cold porcelain dry much faster - 8-12 hours.

Used for drying in the oven. It is heated as much as possible, and then the finished crafts are placed in it. After this, the oven must be turned off. Do not open it until it has completely cooled down.

Let's reveal a secret. Crafts will not stick to the baking sheet if you cover it with parchment paper.

We paint ready-made crafts

You can make colorful gifts from dough different ways. You can paint dough or cold porcelain using various colors(oil, acrylic, gouache, etc.) and food coloring, to do this you need to add color to ready mass and knead until the color is even.

Roll out the colored dough with a rolling pin and create shapes. Multi-colored products look amazing; they turn out bright and colorful.

Also, crafts are then painted using gouache, felt-tip pens, and pens of different shades.

Toys are decorated with various accessories, ribbons, rhinestones, beads, sequins, and other items. Here you can realize all your creative ideas and fantasies.

Gifts made from salt dough can be different. These are snowflakes and Christmas tree decorations, Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, the moon and various animals, hearts, flowers, and other decorations.

Creating toys from salt dough is very exciting. Children enjoy making crafts; it perfectly develops fine motor skills and lifts their spirits. Adults can also become interested in sculpting. And New Year's crafts that you create with your own hands will definitely please you and cause admiration.

So, let's move from theory to practice. We figured out how to prepare the dough, dry it and decorate the crafts. Let's move on to creating our masterpieces!

New Year's crafts from dough for beginners

#1 Christmas tree decorations made from salt dough: step-by-step master class

We prepare the dough or cold porcelain, roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of several millimeters, cut out figures using baking molds, make a hole for the thread and send the toys to dry. After drying, paint the products and additionally decorate them with sparkles. We thread the thread and the Christmas tree decorations from the dough are ready!

#2 Simple New Year's crafts made from dough using baking dishes

And another version of Christmas tree toys made from dough. Unlike the previous MK, in this one we will decorate crafts not with paints, but with buttons and ribbons. Decorative elements must be glued after the products have completely dried.

#3 New Year's garland made of salt dough

Using baking molds from dough you can make not only toys, but also garlands. To make it easier to thread the thread, make holes for it not at the top, but in the first third of the craft. The base thread should be pulled only after the dough has completely dried.

#4 New Year’s craft from dough “Gingerbread Man”

Cutting from dough gingerbread men(it’s more convenient to do this using a special mold), wait for it to dry, and decorate with stained glass or acrylic paint. Depending on how exactly you will use the ginger man, make a hole for the thread either at the top or in the first third.

#5 DIY dough stars: New Year’s crafts from scrap materials

Simple dough stars decorated with small elements - simple but very original way decorate christmas tree or a gift. You can also make an original garland from salt dough stars. To make the garland more original, roll out the dough and make an imprint on it, for example, of an openwork napkin, and then cut out the details. Don’t forget to make holes in the right places and only then send the craft to dry.

#6 Dough craft for children

Very little needlewomen and needlewomen cannot yet make complex crafts, but leaving a handprint is a great pleasure. A heart with a small palm will be great New Year's gift grandparents, and after the crafts have completely dried, the kids will be able to decorate with great pleasure, especially if glitter is used. You can also make a bullfinch from a child's handprint.

#7 DIY salt dough starfish

This star would be an ideal gift for sea and sun lovers. While we are in winter and the cold is fierce, this little star will remind you of the warm sea and the scorching sun. Step by step wizard see class below.

#8 New Year's crafts from dough for beginners

For those who have absolutely no time to master modeling excellent option will become simple Christmas balls from dough. To prevent the craft from looking too simple, you can color it at your discretion. You can take note of our ideas or get inspired to create your own creation.

#9 Simple New Year's crafts made from dough

And this is an option for those who still like to sculpt. If you don’t have much experience in modeling, you can make simple crafts: a Christmas tree, a holly, a lollipop, a ball.

#10 Dough stars with luminous core

An unusual New Year's craft will be dough stars with a luminous center. Use a larger shape to cut out the star, and use a smaller shape to cut out the core. We cover a baking sheet with parchment, put stars, and put plastic beads in the middle. Place it all in the oven and wait for the beads to melt.

#11 Christmas tree toys made from dough from four-legged friends

If there is four-legged friend, an excellent option Christmas decorations from the dough you will make some kind of fluffy attribute. For example, you can make a paw print or a personalized bone. The four-legged family member should also contribute to the decoration of the New Year tree.

#12 Christmas tree toy made of dough with a spruce branch

Winter motifs can be added using a spruce branch. Roll out the dough and tightly attach a spruce twig to it so that it is well imprinted. Cut out a circle and send the craft to dry. After the paint has completely dried, sketch the imprint of the spruce foot and Christmas ball ready from the dough!

#13 New Year's mitten from dough: making Christmas tree decorations from scrap materials

You can make a mitten as a New Year's craft. You can decorate the product in different ways, for example, paint it or make a print of an openwork napkin. In general, use your imagination!

#14 A simple New Year's dough craft for beginners

And one more option for New Year's crafts for beginners. Cut out round pieces from the dough (this can be done with a regular glass). We make holes along the diameter for the threads and send the workpieces to dry. After complete drying, we pull colored threads through the holes. You can additionally decorate with beads, rhinestones or sparkles.

#15 New Year's dough craft month

Another great option for New Year's crafts for those who do not have shapes for cutting is the month. It is very easy to do and looks very impressive. Decor options at your discretion.

#16 Dough bird: making New Year’s crafts with your own hands

If you don’t have baking pans and you don’t want to make regular round Christmas tree decorations, help will come dove of peace. If you don’t like our birds, you can find a template on the Internet. Roll out the dough, attach the template, cut along the contour and send to dry. Once dry, decorate as you wish.

#17 New Year's crafts from scrap materials: dough and sticks

And this option is for the most desperate. In addition to the dough, you will also need sticks. For residents of megacities, finding ordinary wooden sticks can become a real quest, but if the kids have already brought home all the “necessary” twigs, it’s time to use them!

#18 New Year's candy for the Christmas tree made from salt dough

To develop fine motor skills of children, you can make New Year's candy. To do this, prepare dough of two colors (without dye and with dye). We told you how to color the dough at the beginning of the article. Roll out sausages of two colors and weave them together with a rope. Bend the stick into the shape of a cane and you can send it to dry.

#19 “Knitted” dough heart: making New Year’s crafts from scrap materials

If you want to really surprise your friends and family, then you can make such a warm heart. To do this, roll out several thin sausages and twist them into ropes, place them on top of the base and cut them out with a baking dish. By the way, mittens will look great in this version.

DIY Christmas trees made from dough

It's hard to imagine the New Year without a Christmas tree. And it just so happened that it is the Christmas tree that decorates our homes on the days New Year's holidays. The green beauty with colorful lights makes this time of year truly magical. So why not give your loved ones the main symbol of the New Year in miniature as a gift. The dough will make a very original craft.

#1 Miniature Christmas tree made from dough

You don’t have to buy a real Christmas tree to decorate your home or office. A miniature forest beauty can be made at home from improvised materials, for example from salt dough or cold porcelain (we described the recipes above). We form a cone from the modeling mixture, and then “pinch off” the legs using scissors. For greater realism, the legs can be slightly bent upward. Next, we send the Christmas tree to dry. After complete drying, the craft can be further decorated, for example, with sparkles, beads, rhinestones, etc.

#2 Christmas tree toy made from dough “Christmas tree” for children

You can make a simpler craft with kids. Using a dough mold, cut out a Christmas tree, leave fingerprints in it and send it to dry. After the craft has completely dried, paint it. Fingerprints can be designed in the form of Christmas tree decorations, you can combine them with a stripe to make a garland, and if you slightly adjust the shape of the fingerprints, making them more elongated, you can depict glowing lanterns. In general, there is no limit to the flight of imagination!

#3 Simple Christmas tree made from dough: making New Year’s crafts from scrap materials with children

Kids simply love to sculpt; in addition, this activity is very useful for developing fine motor skills. With the little ones it’s worth starting with something simple. Prepare the dough, roll it out and cut out some Christmas trees (with or without a mold). There can be countless decorative options, for example, using ribbon and glitter (after drying), adding openwork designs (you can make an imprint of an openwork napkin before cutting out the Christmas tree) or decorating the craft with buttons, beads, lollipops or marmalades. Buttons can be glued both before and after drying, but you should decorate them with candies or marmalades before drying and dry them in the oven (the candies will melt and look like glass decorations).

#4 Volumetric Christmas tree made of dough stars

If you consider flat crafts banal, you can make a voluminous Christmas tree, for example, from stars. For this you will need stars different sizes(can be cut out using a mold or molded yourself). Make a hole in the center of each star for thread and send it to dry. After drying, string the stars onto a thread, and for greater originality, insert a bead between each link. We tie knots, cut off the excess and the voluminous Christmas tree made from dough with your own hands is ready!

#5 DIY salt dough Christmas tree

Another option is a Christmas tree made from stars for those who do not have molds to cut out. Making stars without a shape is very simple. To do this, cut out a circle, divide it into 5 sectors and use your fingers to give each sector the shape of an arrow. Then stack the stars on top of each other and send the craft to dry. After complete drying, you can begin decorating.

#6 Miniature Christmas tree made from dough using garlic

An excellent Christmas tree made from dough is made with the help of a garlic clove. It is better, of course, to pre-color the dough with green pigment. Pass the dough through a garlic press, and then carefully glue these sausages to a paper cone. You can glue the dough for a moment. After drying, the Christmas tree can be further decorated with sparkles.

#7 Another Christmas tree with the help of spadefoot

An original Christmas tree will be obtained if the dough passed through the garlic press is folded into loops, and these loops are glued to the base cone. Externally, the Christmas tree will look like a thread craft. In general, unusual!

You can find more Christmas trees made from scrap materials in the article:

DIY Santa Claus and Snow Maiden made from dough

Well, what’s the New Year without a kind Grandfather and his assistant granddaughter? Sculpting people is a special skill, and small details will help develop motor skills. Besides, who knows, maybe after such home entertainment your child will decide to become a sculptor, and his work will later surpass Michelangelo himself!

#1 Crafts from palms for the New Year: making Santa Claus

A simple craft made from salt dough on a palm print. Painting should only be done after the product has completely dried. By the way, do not forget to make a hole for the thread before drying.

#2 Santa Claus made from dough: a simple craft for children

You can also make a simple flat Santa Claus craft with your children. Roll out the base into a drop shape. Glue a piece of dough, previously cut into strips, into the lower part, then glue the mustache and hat. We lightly twist the strips of beard and mustache into flagella and send Grandfather to dry. After complete drying, we proceed to decor.

#3 Santa Claus head made from dough

And another version of a simple flat craft made from salt dough. In this version, the beard is made from individual “sausages” that are carefully glued to the lower part of the face. This work is suitable for older children.

#4 Christmas tree toy Santa Claus made from dough with photos step by step

And this craft is already at an average level of complexity, because... will require patience and perseverance from the creator. See step-by-step MK below.

And more ideas for Santa Claus heads made from dough

You can easily come up with the design of your craft yourself, but we decided to throw in a few more ideas that essentially differ only in the method of making the beard. You can make a cotton beard for Grandfather by passing the dough through a garlic press or making an openwork print; all kinds of curls will look great.

#5 Santa Claus on the Christmas tree with his own hands from dough

Dear Grandfather can be made to his full height. A flat craft of this type is very simple to make. To get started, you will need a figurine template (you can draw it yourself or find it on the World Wide Web if you don’t like ours). Next, cut out the outline from the dough, and then the component elements. When the figurine is assembled, we send it to dry. After complete drying, you can move on to decor.

And more ideas for flat crafts made from salt dough “Santa Claus”

#6 Santa Claus from salted teta on a frame step by step with photos

You can make a three-dimensional figure of Santa Claus from the dough. To do this, you will need a cone-shaped frame, which can be made, for example, from foil. We wrap the frame with dough, the head can be placed on a toothpick or glued with glue. For the beard, three dough pieces fine grater and attach it to the face. We send it to dry. After complete drying, you can move on to additional decor.

#7 Santa Claus made of salted teta on a lamp frame: step-by-step master class

You can use an old light bulb as a frame for the Salt Dough Case. It’s worth noting right away that such a craft needs to be dried in the air, and not in the oven. The glass part of the light bulb will serve as the body, and we will “place” the head on the base. See the step-by-step photo master class below.

#8 DIY salted Snow Maiden on a frame

And here is a step-by-step master class of the Snow Maiden made from salt dough. In this MK we make the granddaughter of Santa Claus on a frame made of foil. We “set” the head on a toothpick. You can decorate the Snow Maiden from dough only after the craft has completely dried.

And more ideas for Santa Claus from dough on a frame

You can also use a trimmed piece as a frame for Grandfather. plastic bottle. A beard can also be made in different ways: just stick thin strips on it or pass the dough through a garlic press. Cotton wool also looks great as a beard.

#9 Santa Claus and Snow Maiden: making crafts for the New Year from salt dough

And here is a version of three-dimensional dough figures without a frame. It’s worth noting right away that they dry volumetric crafts from dough without a frame much longer, because they contain more dough. In general, working with dough is like working with plasticine, only the dough dries out later. Proceed with decorating the figures only after complete drying. See the modeling master class below.

Snowflakes from salt dough: making New Year's crafts from scrap materials

A snowflake made from dough will be no less of a New Year’s craft. You can decorate a Christmas tree, a gift, or an interior with this craft. Or you can give it as a New Year's souvenir to friends or acquaintances.

#1 Snowflake made of dough with openwork print

Making an openwork snowflake from salt dough is a labor-intensive task. Therefore, we will be cunning. To give the craft an openwork look, we use a knitted napkin. Roll out the dough, place a napkin on top and run a rolling pin over it to imprint the design. Next, use a mold to cut out a snowflake and send the craft to dry.

#2 Openwork snowflake made from dough step by step with photo

But already more difficult option dough snowflakes. You will need cutting molds and a prepared plan. It is best to draw a diagram of your snowflake on paper in advance, and then start cutting out the elements. Start decorating only after complete drying!

And another version of a snowflake made from dough. From sausages of dough you make various elements: circles, droplets, ovals. Connect them together into a single structure. It’s better, of course, to draw a snowflake on paper in advance, and then start executing it in the test. You will find two versions of such a snowflake in the MK below.

And more ideas for do-it-yourself openwork snowflakes from dough

Need more snowflakes?

Dough snowman

You can also make a snowman from salt dough. The main assistant of Santa Claus will look great not only on the Christmas tree as a toy, but also as a hand-made figurine or a decorative element on a New Year's card.

#1 Salt dough snowman for New Year

A very simple Christmas tree toy in the shape of a snowman can be made from salt dough. We cut out the base circle, glue the carrot nose, make a hole for it and send it to dry. After complete drying, paint the snowman and you can decorate the Christmas tree!

More simple ideas snowman made from salt dough for the New Year:

#2 Do-it-yourself 3D dough snowman

It’s very easy to make a three-dimensional snowman. We roll three balls of different sizes from the dough (for the body of a snowman), connect them together and send them to dry. After the craft has completely dried, we paint and decorate it. Ribbons, scraps of fabric, pompoms, etc. can be used as decoration.

#3 Snowman made from salt dough: making New Year’s crafts from scrap materials with children

And here is another simple version of a three-dimensional dough snowman. The modeling mass can be colored with dye or you can make a snowman from regular test and then color it. We make a snowman's broom from the dough by passing it through a garlic press. See the step-by-step master class below.

More ideas for DIY 3D dough snowmen

#4 Fridge magnet Dough snowman step by step with photo

As a New Year's souvenir, you can make a refrigerator magnet from dough. A snowman would be an excellent themed craft. See below for a step-by-step master class with photos on making a magnet.

More ideas for magnets

#5 Christmas tree dough snowman

Salt dough snowmen will be an excellent decoration for the New Year tree. In addition, children will love decorating the forest beauty with handmade toys. In terms of making, such a snowman is very simple: we draw a template on paper (you can find a ready-made one), cut out the base, and then glue on the rest of the details (face, hands, gift, scarf, etc.). We send it to dry and only after complete drying we proceed to painting. Important! Before sending it for drying, do not forget to make a hole for the thread, otherwise you will have to adapt the craft to a refrigerator magnet.

#6 DIY salt dough ice cream snowman: step-by-step master class

It is probably difficult to find a child who has not eaten snow at least once in his life. Yes, white and fluffy it looks very appetizing. Well, anything is possible on New Year’s Day, even ice cream snowmen! You can decorate the Christmas tree with them or attach a magnet to the back and hang it on the refrigerator. In any case, they will look very cool!

We have more snowmen:

DIY salt dough angel

Still don't know what to give your loved ones for the New Year? Give a handmade angel. Wonderful figurines are made from salt dough or cold porcelain, which can be easily prepared at home from scrap materials (we wrote the recipes above). In this article you will find step-by-step master classes on making angels from dough.

#1 DIY New Year's angel step by step with photo

A wonderful angel to hang on your Christmas tree. This little keeper will be an excellent decoration for a forest beauty. In addition, a handmade angel can be safely given to family and friends.

#2 DIY salt dough angel: step-by-step instructions with photos

And here's another one step-by-step instruction with a photo on how to make a Christmas angel with your own hands from salt dough. This version of the angel is a little simpler than the previous one, so you can safely involve the little ones in the work. Of course, you can’t do this without mom’s help!

#3 DIY Christmas angel made from salt dough

And another cute Christmas angel that will be a great home decoration and create a holiday atmosphere. The figurine is very easy to make, but looks very impressive. Salt dough angel self made will become great addition for a New Year's gift.

#4 Fridge magnet angel made from salt dough: master class

As a New Year's gift for your family and friends, you can make a Christmas angel magnet. See the step-by-step manufacturing master class below.

And more ideas for dough angels for you, get inspired and create yourself!

And more ideas for Christmas angels made from salt dough

DIY salt dough houses

Small fairy houses made of salt dough will be an excellent decoration for your home and will help create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort on cold winter days. Like all crafts made from dough, houses can be flat or three-dimensional. Moreover, volumetric products can be made as a candlestick. A miniature house with glowing windows looks very cool in the evening. And to complete the fairy-tale image, you can separately mold the inhabitants for your house.

#1 Flat house made of salt dough for decorating a Christmas tree

The simplest house you can make with your own hands from salt dough is a regular flat craft. Roll out the dough several millimeters thick, cut out the outline of the house and decorative elements (windows, door, roof, etc.). We assemble the craft, make a hole for the thread and send it to dry. After complete drying, we move on to decor.

More ideas for dough houses for decorating a Christmas tree

#2 New Year's house made of salt dough: making a panel with your own hands

You can make incredibly beautiful panels and paintings from salt dough. IN New Year theme Houses covered with snow look especially cool. Snow can be made from foam balls, glitter, salt, cotton wool and much more.

#3 Salt dough house: making a New Year's magnet

An original New Year's gift will be a magnet in the shape of a house covered with snow. Such a gift is especially valuable because... made by hand. The idea is simple: cut out the base of the house from the dough, then glue various decorative elements on top, dry it, and paint it. Glue felt to the back of the craft, and a magnet onto it. Voila, our New Year's craft is ready!

More ideas for panel dough houses:

#4 New Year's house made of salt dough: making an original candlestick with your own hands

A New Year's house made of salt dough can be used as a candlestick, it looks very cool. So, prepare the salt dough, roll it out to about 1-1.5 cm thick. Cut out the walls, windows and door. This can be done with special molds, and if there are none, then use a stationery knife and a ruler. Glue all the walls and glue the roof. Cover the joints with the remaining dough. When the house is dry, sand the rough edges with sandpaper and enjoy your creation!

#5 New Year’s candlestick in the shape of a house: making crafts from salt dough on a frame

This version of the candlestick house is a little more complicated than the previous one, because... will require more creativity. As a frame, you can use not only a plastic jar, it can be a glass or tin jar, even a frame made of thick paper (for example, a toilet paper or paper towel roll) will do. To ensure that the house can be easily removed from the frame, the jar can be wrapped in foil. Next, we cover the frame with dough, decorate it, and send it to dry (the base of the house and the roof are compressed separately, i.e., in a disassembled state). When the blanks are dry, remove the base and seal the bottom of the house. Next, we glue the roof and move on to decorating the future candlestick.

#6 Candlestick house made from salt dough: decorating the house for the New Year

And another version of a candlestick in the shape of a house on a jar. Decor options can be very different, you just need to use your imagination a little and you will end up with a charming winter house.

More ideas for candlestick houses made from salt dough:

#7 DIY salt dough house step by step with photos

In this master class you will learn how to make a salt dough house with your own hands on a cardboard frame. First, you will need to make a house out of cardboard, making all the necessary holes for windows in it. Next, according to the size of the house, we make dough pieces, immediately decorating them. After the dough pieces have dried, glue them onto the cardboard house. The dough “sits” perfectly in the moment. We cover the joints with the remains of fresh dough and smooth them out using a brush and water. Next we glue the roof. Please note that the roof is covered fresh dough, and not a dried workpiece. Next we move on to painting and decor. This MK uses foam balls as snow.

#8 House made of salt dough on a frame: master class with photos

And here is a version of a house on a frame made from a can. When the house dries out, the frame may or may not be removed. This is critical if you want to make a candlestick, but if it’s just a house, then it’s not necessary to remove the base. We create a relief pattern and send the house to dry. After complete drying, you can move on to decor.

#9 House made of salt dough on a bottle: master class step by step

And another option for a house on a bottle. As we said above, you can use any suitable element as a frame: glass jar or a bottle plastic jar(bottle), can, plastic canisters, foam bases and more.

#1 Simple dough wreath

Traditionally, our Western neighbors decorate Christmas wreaths with green plants, and holly or holly tolerates frost well, which is why it can be so often found as a decorative element in Western culture. It is quite difficult to find this plant here, so we will decorate the wreath with holly made from dough.

#2 New Year's dough wreath for children

If you need to keep the kids busy, then you can make this simple wreath. It is advisable to color the dough at the time of preparation by adding a few drops of green dye to it. Fir branches, cinnamon sticks, star anise, cloves, beads and more are useful for decoration. Well, then – a flight of fancy!

#3 DIY Christmas wreath made from dough

You can decorate the Christmas wreath with any elements, for example, dough stars. And you can make the base for the wreath using a braid (as in the first option) or a rope (as here). The main thing to remember is that you can paint a craft made from salt dough only after it has completely dried!

#4 DIY autumn wreath: step-by-step master class

An excellent craft for school/kindergarten would be autumn wreath. If you didn’t have time to dry the leaves in the fall, it doesn’t matter, you can make them from salt dough. Moms will have to prepare paper templates, and the kids will do the rest. The leaves need to be cut out, veins made on them and sent for drying. After complete drying, paint and glue on cardboard base. Salt dough sticks well to Moment.

#5 Delicate New Year's wreath made of dough, decorated with roses

If you want to add a little tenderness and romance to your decor, then pay attention to this craft made from salt dough. It is better to color the rose dough with dye while kneading, this will help avoid the labor-intensive work of coloring the flowers. See step-by-step MK below.

#6 Alternative to an Advent wreath

If Christmas wreaths are not your thing, you can make an alternative craft that is more traditional in our culture - a horseshoe for good luck. If you paint it in the appropriate New Year's colors, you will get a great themed decoration. To make it more festive, you can decorate the horseshoe with a spruce branch, snowflakes (made from dough, of course), pine cones, etc.

Another option for crafts made from salt dough for the New Year can be animal figurines. We will not list everything in the article. possible options, but only those that we liked the most. You can gain inspiration and make something of your own, or you can take a ready-made idea, especially since they are all step by step photos instructions.

#1 Do-it-yourself owl from salt dough: Making Christmas tree decorations with children

The most popular animal made for New Year is the owl. Yes, the forest predator does not sleep in winter. In addition, a small feature of owls is that they stay awake at night; we add to them a certain mysticism and mystery, which is very useful in the most magical night in a year!

#2 Volumetric owl made from dough: decorating the house for the New Year

Another option for an owl made from dough could be three-dimensional figurine feathered predator. The manufacturing process will require patience and perseverance from the craftsman, although there is nothing complicated in this craft. Try it and see for yourself! See the step-by-step master class with photos below.

More dough owls:


#3 New Year's crafts from salt dough: making a penguin

Penguins are no less relevant during the New Year holidays. Special love penguins conquered children after the cartoon Madagascar. Well, why invent a bicycle if the idea of ​​a New Year's dough craft for children is on the surface. It's decided: let's make a penguin!

#4 Crafts for the New Year from salt dough: making a hedgehog

You can make a wonderful hedgehog from salt dough. The prickly ball will be an excellent decoration, and will also go great as a gift for grandparents. How to make a hedgehog step by step with photos is described below.

#5 New Year's crafts from salt dough: making a lamb

Looks great quality New Year's decor and lambs. In this master class you will learn how to make a lamb from dough with movable elements. See photo instructions below.

#6 Lamb made from dough: New Year's crafts for children

But here is a version of a voluminous lamb that even children can handle making. A large number of small parts will help develop fine motor skills and have fun with the whole family!

#7 Dough fish: do-it-yourself New Year’s crafts

If you want to make an unusual craft with your own hands for the New Year, then pay attention to this fish. By the way, such a fish would be a great addition to a gift for a fisherman!

#8 Crafts for the New Year: dough horse

You can very easily make a horse out of dough. By the way, if you don’t already know, the domestic Father Frost delivers gifts to children on three horses, and not on reindeer, like his Western counterpart. You can use the dough to make an entire horse farm, decorate a Christmas tree with it and give it to friends and acquaintances!

#9 DIY New Year's pig made from dough: master class

A craft made from pig dough will be especially relevant for the New Year 2019. The symbol of the coming year is not difficult to make, so you can safely involve your little ones in the work. We remember that we paint the dough figure only after it has completely dried.

#10 New Year's crafts from salt dough: making a pig

Another version of a cute pig made from dough. This craft can be used as a Christmas tree decoration or as a refrigerator magnet. See the step-by-step master class below.

#11 Craft for New Year 2019 pig made from dough

And an option for experienced craftswomen. In general, you can make crafts of any complexity from dough, it all depends on your modeling skills. Well, we wish you creative success, inspiration and productive New Year holidays!

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