Rhubarb jam: recipes, benefits and harm. How to make rhubarb jam in a slow cooker? Rhubarb jam. Jam recipe. Healthy jam. Recipe for rhubarb and tangerine jam

For lovers of new unusual blanks– rhubarb jam recipe with step by step photos, which we have been using for several years. The taste is amazing! Somewhat reminiscent of apples, but not quite. It looks like gooseberries, but again it’s not the same. The color is greenish or with a honey, pink tint - depending on the color of the petioles. But in any case it will be delicious. If you try rhubarb jam at least once, you will love it forever. And every spring you will look forward to when, well, when the rhubarb stems will grow so much that you can make the first cut and make jam.


  • Rhubarb petioles – 500 g;
  • sugar – 400 g.

How to make rhubarb jam

Wash the rhubarb petioles and dry. Rinse the grooves and the lower part that came into contact with the soil especially thoroughly. Take off thin skin from petioles. It's easy: take a knife with a sharp blade in one hand, and with the other hold the blade at a slight angle away from you. Using a knife, pry up the thin skin at the cut site and pull it towards you or down.

Do this with all the petioles, cleaning them on all sides. Peeled rhubarb will be tender and juicy; it should be cooked immediately, without leaving it for a long time.

Cut the petioles into small pieces, 2-2.5 cm.

Place in a deep bowl, add sugar. For now, 400 grams is enough, if it’s not enough, add more during the cooking process.

Gently mix rhubarb with sugar. Cover the dish with gauze, a towel or a lid. It will take at least 10 hours for enough juice to form and the sugar to melt. You can leave the preparation overnight or until the evening; if it sits longer, it is better to put it in the refrigerator.

After the rhubarb releases its juice and a thick sweet and sour syrup is formed, start cooking. It is carried out in several stages - two or three, depending on the desired thickness of the jam.

At the first stage, bring the syrup to a boil and cook for five minutes. Cover and let sit for 4-5 hours or longer. There is practically no foam in this jam, but if it appears, collect it towards the center and remove it with a spoon.

After the first cooking, the rhubarb pieces will change color: if they were green, they will become olive or honey-colored, if they were red, they will become pinkish. After cooling, repeat cooking again, cook for 5-7 minutes. If you want it to work out really well thick jam, almost like confiture, then cook three times with breaks of 5-6 hours or leave the jam overnight. Don't forget to taste it, rhubarb can be very sour, then you need to add more sugar.

Prepare the jars: scald with boiling water, rinse with soda and sterilize as convenient for you (over steam, in the oven, in the microwave). Pour hot jam into containers and seal tightly.

This jam can also be cooked in another way, in one step, increasing the cooking time to half an hour. If desired, five minutes before the end of cooking, you can add cinnamon or lemon zest.

After cooling, transfer the workpiece for storage to a dark place so that the syrup does not darken in the light. For the winter, it is best to pour rhubarb jam into small jars. Although it is very tasty, it is concentrated, and spoons like , You won't be able to eat it. But for tea, fresh pastries, with croutons, dried bread - that’s what you need!

Rhubarb grows in almost every country house, and, for the most part, is used by housewives as an ingredient for vegetable salads. However, few people know that you can make deliciously aromatic and tasty jam from this vegetable.

To make rhubarb jam, choose thick pink stems - they contain most of the substances beneficial to the body. Be sure to remove the thin skin from the petioles. If you don't do this, the rhubarb pieces in the jam will be tough and unappetizing. Cut the peeled stems into cubes 2-3 cm thick. Now you can start preparing the delicacy.

Rhubarb jam: recipe


  1. Rhubarb - 1 kg
  2. Sugar - 1.5 kg


  • Cover the rhubarb pieces with half the sugar (750 g) and leave for 10-12 hours so that the rhubarb releases juice and the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Pour the resulting syrup into a saucepan, bring to a boil and dissolve the remaining sugar. Place the rhubarb pieces into the syrup, bring to the boil again and immediately remove from the heat.
  • After 1 hour, put the pan back on low heat, bring to a boil and cook, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes.
  • Pour the hot jam into sterile jars, roll up the lids and, turning upside down, leave until completely cooled.

How to make rhubarb and blackcurrant jam?


  1. Rhubarb - 1.6 kg
  2. Black currant - 400 g
  3. Sugar - 3 kg
  4. Water - 2 tbsp.


  • IN hot water dissolve the sugar and cook the syrup for 2-3 minutes at low boil. Then add the currants and rhubarb pieces.
  • Cook everything, stirring constantly, for 30-40 minutes, then immediately pour into sterile jars.
  • Roll up the jars, turn them upside down and wrap them in a towel. Once the jam has cooled completely, store it in a cool, dark place.

Rhubarb jam with vanilla and cinnamon: preparation


  1. Rhubarb - 1 kg
  2. Sugar - 1.5 kg
  3. Water - 1 l
  4. Citric acid, cinnamon, vanillin - to taste


  • Simmer the peeled and washed rhubarb pieces in boiling water for 1 minute, then drain in a colander and cool.
  • Dissolve sugar in 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and add rhubarb pieces. Cook at low boil for 2-3 minutes, then remove from heat.
  • After 10-12 hours, put the jam back on the fire, add cinnamon, vanillin and, if desired, citric acid.
  • Bring to a boil and simmer low heat until ready. Pour the jam into sterile jars and roll up the lids. After cooling, store the jam in a cool, dark place.

Rhubarb and strawberry jam: recipe


  1. Rhubarb - 1 kg
  2. Strawberries - 0.5 kg
  3. Sugar - 1 kg


  • Cut the washed and peeled rhubarb into squares, put it in a saucepan in which you will cook the jam, and add granulated sugar.
  • Leave everything for 3-4 hours. When the rhubarb releases juice and the sugar is completely dissolved, add strawberries to the mixture and place on low heat.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil and cook, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes. Pour hot jam into jars and roll up the lids.

Rhubarb jam is perhaps one of the most low-budget options for preparing it for the winter. But this is not its only advantage. In addition to its low cost and delicious taste, rhubarb jam is extremely healthy! A few spoons of this delicacy will protect you from colds and enrich your body with vitamins. Preparing rhubarb jam is extremely simple - even a novice housewife can cope with this task.

Hello! Today we will cook an unusual treat, which is made from a plant such as rhubarb. Rhubarb jam is very tasty and healthy, just like a delicacy made from or

I became acquainted with this dessert relatively recently, but immediately fell in love with it. Now every season I prepare small jars for future use so that winter evening not only enjoy the aroma and taste, but also saturate your body with vitamins.

While collecting information for this article, I had no idea that there were so many ways to make rhubarb jam. Since I myself made it only with sugar. But it turns out you can add citrus fruits and even strawberries to it.

Therefore, I chose the top and most popular recipes. I hope you like them, and I do too). This year I will definitely do something new.

To begin with, of course, I would like to raise the question of why we harvest this grass in the winter. After all, when taking this or that ingredient, be it vegetables or fruits, or other food, you need to be sure that it is all safe for health and does not cause harm. It's also important to know when this plant You can and should already collect it in order to cook it into a delicacy. If you already have this information, you can scroll below and select only the recipe.

Well, for those who are not in the “topic”, I’ll tell you that rhubarb is harvested when its petioles are still pink. They should also be soft and juicy, but the length is 20-30 cm. By the way, it is not recommended to cut the petioles, but they are advised to simply break them out.

More important point is that shortly before collecting the stems, the plant needs to be watered well. Then in the future you will definitely ensure the juiciness of the dish. And do not forget that you need to choose young petioles, without rough skin. Plus, the thin skin still needs to be removed and then washed well.

Eating rhubarb jam is not allowed for everyone, so study in detail the benefits and harms of this vegetable.

Let's talk about the pros first. It is claimed that eating this herb reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, the heart muscle is strengthened. Also, taking the plant prevents the development oncological diseases. Rhubarb also has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It also copes with colds and supports immunity.

But there are also contraindications and disadvantages. Thus, the treat should not be consumed during pregnancy, as well as for those people who suffer from diabetes mellitus. And if you have kidney disease or serious problems with the stomach, bleeding may occur. Therefore, be careful. If you have no contraindications, then feel free to eat the preparations, but only in moderate doses.

How to make rhubarb jam for the winter

So, the simplest and probably the most famous recipe in many families, according to which everything is done quickly and easily. And for cooking you need minimum set products: the plant itself, sugar and water, and your time.


  • Rhubarb (stalks) - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • Water - 1 liter.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, prepare the leaf stalks of the plant. They need to be washed well and then skinned.

2. Now cut the petioles into pieces. Boil the water. Place the pieces in boiling liquid for 1 minute. Then immediately cool in cold water.

3. Place the pieces in a colander to drain. Meanwhile, prepare sugar syrup. Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil and add sugar, constantly stirring the mixture.

4. Pour hot sugar syrup over the prepared pieces.

5. Now cook the mixture over medium heat in 3-4 batches until the consistency thickens.

For flavor, you can add a pinch of cinnamon at the end of cooking.

6. Prepare the jars, pour the treats into them and close the lids tightly, turn them upside down. Cool at room temperature and then store in the refrigerator.

Recipe for making orange jam

We will dilute the next method by adding sweet oranges. In my opinion, this is a very winning option, since both the smell and taste will be excellent.


  • Chopped rhubarb stalk - 6 tbsp;
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp;
  • Orange - 2 pieces.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fruit and plant petioles.

2. Oranges need to be cut into slices along with the peel, and then grind them in a blender.

3. Cut the rhubarb into small pieces and mix with the prepared oranges. Place the preparation on the fire and bring to a boil.

5. After 5 minutes, turn off the heat and pour your jelly into the prepared jars. Store in a dark and cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Making rhubarb jam with banana

Did you know that this jam can also be made with banana? To be honest, I didn’t even imagine it, and I didn’t even taste it. If you are familiar with this recipe, be sure to write a review.


  • Rhubarb - 350 gr.;
  • Banana - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 300 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the plant well, peel it, and then cut it into cubes.

2. Now add sugar, mix everything well and leave for 15 minutes.

3. When the juice appears, place the workpiece on the stove, turn on the heat and wait until it boils. When the mixture boils, cook for another 2 minutes. And then turn off the heat and let stand for 15 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, wash the banana, remove the peel and cut into circles, or you can mash it into a puree using a fork.

Rhubarb and lemon thermomix

And here is another option with the addition of citrus fruits, only not with orange, but with lemon. The cooking technology is significantly different from previous recipes, and the taste is completely different.


  • Rhubarb stems - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Boiled water - 2/3 cup.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the stems and then rinse them well.

2. Then cut into pieces.

3. Prepare required quantity Sahara.

4. Take a deep saucepan and add sugar and water. Turn on low heat and heat the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. Make the syrup thick. Place pieces of the plant into it, stir and continue heating. When foam appears on the surface, remove the pan from the heat, cover with a blanket and leave overnight.

5. The next morning, wash the lemon and chop it together with the peel. Place it in our preparation and mix. Place our mixture on low heat and heat again. When foam appears, remove it and place the treat in sterilized jars. Close with lids.

How to make jam in a slow cooker

By the way, if you have a miracle device - a multicooker, then you can use it to prepare delicacies. I didn’t even think that everything was so easy and simple, even a beginner could do it.


  • Rhubarb stems - 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • Oranges - 2 pieces.

Cooking method:

1. Clean the stems from hard, hard fibers and rinse.

2. Now cut into medium pieces and place them in the multicooker bowl.

3. Add half the sugar and stir.

4. Wait until the plant gives juice.

5. Add the remaining sugar and mix everything again.

6. Place the bowl in the multicooker and cook on the “Baking” mode.

7. Meanwhile, wash the oranges and remove the peel. Finely chop.

8. Add the orange to our preparation and continue cooking. After the time has passed, turn on the “Baking” mode again and boil the mixture again.

9. Cool the treat and pour into prepared jars. And in winter, enjoy the taste and benefits.

Option for making rhubarb jam through a meat grinder

I have yet to find an unusual cooking method. We will make real puree. I don’t know how long this jam can be stored, but I think it’s very tasty and tender.


  • Stems - 700 gr.;
  • Sugar - 280 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the skin from all the petioles and wash. Cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder, or you can grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Place the mass in enamel dishes, add sugar and mix everything well. Then place the container in the oven and leave until softened.
  3. Transfer the puree into sterile jars and store in the refrigerator.

Rhubarb jam for the winter “Five Minutes”

Well, everyone’s favorite “Five Minutes”, in my opinion I can’t live without it. Plus add ginger. Well, the photo recipe will help you, as always.


  • Rhubarb stems – 1 kg;
  • Ginger – 1 root;
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the petioles well and dry. Then cut into pieces and place in a saucepan.

2. Add just a little water and put on fire.

3. Pour in sugar and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring the contents.

4. Grate the ginger root fine grater or pass through a garlic press. Add to our consistency.

5. Cook the jam for 5 minutes.

6. Cool the treat and transfer it to a glass container. Store in the refrigerator.

A simple recipe for making jam with apples

And I want to show you a video plot in which a treat is prepared not only from rhubarb, but also from orange and apple. You can also add ripe strawberries. It turns out to be a real vitamin trash.

Well, how do you like the recipes? Maybe you have your own favorite way to make this jam. So don't be shy and share with us. In general, write comments, let's discuss it together!

The taste of jams made from traditional products (cherries, strawberries, apples, plums) is known to almost every person - they are prepared at home and sold in stores. But not everyone has tried rhubarb jam (rumbambara). And in vain, it has unique taste qualities and beneficial properties.

Composition and benefits of rumbambara dessert

Jam is made from rhubarb stems, which contain many useful substances:

  • vital vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • pectins;
  • fiber;
  • organic acids.

The calorie content of the product is 314 kcal/100 g. It has the following effects on the body:

  • stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • has urinary and choleretic properties;
  • forms and strengthens bones;
  • increases immunity;
  • improves blood composition.

Rhubarb jam brings not only benefits, but also harm if consumed in large quantities. It contains sugar, which destroys tooth enamel. It is not recommended for use if you have kidney disease or diabetes.

Features of preparing sweet preserves from rumbambara

Since the crop grows only in spring and summer, it beneficial features They are trying to preserve it by sealing the rhubarb jam for the winter.

Preparatory work

For cooking winter harvesting Young, juicy shoots of rumbambara are used. They remain this way until mid-June, and after that their skin becomes rough and the petioles themselves become dry and fibrous.

The stems of the plant are cut with a sharp knife, then peeled from the thin skin to reduce their hardness. The prepared petioles are cut into small cubes.

Rumbambar dessert

To prepare this, sugar is taken in equal proportions (1 kg each). The diced petioles are placed in a saucepan. Add sugar to them and knead. The mixture is left for a day so that the plant releases juice.

You should not use tin/copper utensils to prepare the workpiece - rumbambar contains oxalic acid, which reacts with metal.

The pan is placed on the stove and the rumbambar is prepared in sugar syrup over low heat. After boiling, cook the mixture for no more than 15 minutes. After cooling, the contents of the pan are put into jars and rolled up.

Pure rhubarb jam has a pleasant amber-brown color with a greenish tint. It tastes like apple (sweet and sour).

Video recipe for rhubarb jam with red currants

Rumbambara-lemon mix

To make rhubarb jam you will need 1 kg of petioles, 700 g of sugar and 2 large citrines. It is necessary that the shoots first give juice. To do this, they are covered with sugar. When it begins to melt, lemons ground in a meat grinder are added to the mixture. All this is cooked for 25 minutes. over medium heat. The result will be a transparent lemon-colored nectar with pieces of rumbambara reminiscent of candied fruits.

Rhubarb jam will be relevant in winter period to prevent colds. You can enhance its antiviral effect by adding grated ginger to the composition.

Rumbambar banana delicacy

Rhubarb jam with banana has an unusual taste. To prepare it you will need 1 kg of rumbambara cuttings and sugar. Mix the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil on the stove over medium heat. The procedure is repeated again after the mixture has cooled. During the third boiling, add peeled and sliced ​​bananas (1 kg). After 5 minutes of cooking, remove the pan with the rumbambara-banana mixture from the stove - the delicacy is ready for the winter.

You can diversify the taste of rumbambara jam by adding zest or pulp of citrus fruits (orange), vanillin, ginger, cinnamon, strawberries and even cherry leaves.

Rhubarb contains a large number of vitamins and microelements. To support immunity experienced housewives They make delicacies from the plant in the form of jam, jam, marmalade and jelly. Let's look at popular recipes for making rhubarb.

Classic rhubarb jam recipe

  • fresh rhubarb - 1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.
  1. Take the rhubarb stems, rinse them thoroughly, then remove excess moisture with a towel. Wait a while for the plant to dry completely.
  2. Chop the rhubarb into small cubes and place in a suitable pan. Add granulated sugar and stir thoroughly. Leave the container for a day at room temperature.
  3. After a while, mix the ingredients again, put the pan on the stove, and simmer at minimum power. Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for another 15 minutes. Don't forget to stir the mixture.
  4. After this, wait for the composition to cool completely, package it in sterilized jars, close nylon covers. Place the jam in a cool place.

Rhubarb jam with lemon

  • rhubarb stems - 1.7 kg.
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  1. Wash the stems thoroughly and get rid of the film. Next, cut the plant into small pieces in a way convenient for you.
  2. Place the rhubarb in an enamel pan, add sugar and stir. Leave the product for 7 hours. After a while, place the heat-resistant container on the stove.
  3. Set the heat to minimum and wait until the first bubbles appear. Cook the mixture for another 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, wait 10-12 hours.
  4. Repeat cooking the mixture again. Cool and leave at room temperature for 12 hours. Place the pan with the contents on the stove and repeat the cooking process.
  5. As soon as the mixture boils, add the lemon and zest, chopped in a blender. Cook ingredients for 12 minutes.
  6. Pack the jam into pre-sterilized jars, close the lids, and wait until it cools completely. The mass should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Rhubarb and dandelion jam

  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 400 gr.
  • dandelions - 180 gr.
  • filtered water - 950 ml.
  • rhubarb - 300 gr.
  1. Peel and wash the rhubarb stems and chop into pieces. Place the plant in an enamel pan, pour in water and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  2. There is no need to rinse the dandelions; pluck the leaves of the plant and add to the pan with the rhubarb. Boil for about 1 hour over low heat. After this, strain the mixture and put it back on the fire.
  3. Add granulated sugar to the mixture, stir thoroughly. Simmer on low burner power until thickened. Ready jam Pour into glass containers, close with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

Rhubarb jam with cherry leaves

  • rhubarb - 900 gr.
  • sugar - 950 gr.
  • drinking water - 250 ml.
  • cherry leaves - 80 gr.
  1. Select young rhubarb stems, wash them thoroughly and chop them into cubes. At the same time, start preparing the syrup.
  2. To do this, take a suitable pan, add water and sugar to it. Place the container with the contents on the burner and simmer the mixture over low heat.
  3. Once the crystals have dissolved, add half the mass of cherry leaves. Stir, add rhubarb. Cook the mixture for 40 minutes, then cool completely.
  4. Repeat the process, adding the remaining cherry leaves. Simmer the jam until the rhubarb is transparent. Pour the mixture into jars and roll up. Wrap it in a warm blanket, and after a day, move it to a cool place.

  • banana - 600 gr.
  • rhubarb stems - 1 kg.
  • sugar - 950 gr.
  1. Wash the rhubarb stems thoroughly, then chop. Place the plant in a deep cup and add granulated sugar. Wait 5-7 hours.
  2. After this, peel and cut the bananas in a convenient way. Send to the plant, place the pan on the fire, simmer the ingredients over low heat.
  3. Wait until the first bubbles appear, and do not forget to stir the mixture periodically. Skim off the resulting foam and cook the mixture for about 10 minutes.
  4. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and seal the containers with lids. Cover with a blanket and leave for a day. Store the product in the refrigerator.

Rhubarb and ginger jam

  • ginger root - 60 gr.
  • rhubarb - 850 gr.
  • water - 700 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 800 gr.
  1. Wash the rhubarb, dry it and cut it into small pieces. Send the plant to metal pan. Pour in water, add sugar, put on the stove.
  2. Bring ingredients to a boil. While the boiling continues, wash the ginger root and grate it. If desired, the plant can be replaced with a powder composition.
  3. Continue cooking by reducing heat to low. The delicacy is simmered until ready. It is not difficult to determine; all fruits will be soft without hard samples.
  4. After all manipulations, leave the jam to cool for about 10 hours. Then transfer to a sterile jar, close the lid and refrigerate for storage.

Strawberry, currant and rhubarb jam

  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.
  • rhubarb (stems) - 900 gr.
  • currants (black or red) - 250 gr.
  • fresh strawberries - 200 gr.
  1. Prepare the rhubarb for further manipulation. The stems need to be washed, dried, chopped into 1*1 cm slices. Add granulated sugar, mix and shake a little with your hands.
  2. Keep the rhubarb in the sweetener until the juice comes out. After 3-5 hours, rinse the strawberries and place them on the stems. Do the same with currants, stir.
  3. Set the burner to minimum power and place the container with berries on the fire. Cover and simmer until the first bubbles appear. Then boil for another quarter of an hour.
  4. Constantly stir the contents of the dish so that the sand crystals melt. While the mixture is boiling, sterilize the jars with lids. Pour the jam into containers, twist and cool with the bottom up.

Rhubarb and orange jam

  • orange - 450 gr.
  • rhubarb (preferably stems) - 900 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 900 gr.
  1. Sort through the rhubarb stems, eliminating any that are bruised or rotten. Chop healthy specimens into 1 cm pieces. Place in a bowl for cooking, add 100 g. Sahara. Stir.
  2. Now wash citrus fruit, dry them, remove the peel with a thin knife. Grind the pulp into pieces, add to the zest. Be sure to remove any bones from the cavity of the oranges.
  3. Send the pulp and skin to the rhubarb stems, stir and squeeze with your hands until the juice comes out. Sprinkle with granulated sugar, cover the container and wait 5 hours. This period is allotted for the sugar to dissolve.
  4. After the specified time has passed, place the dishes with the contents on the stove, add the remaining granulated sugar. Stir constantly and bring the mixture to a light boil.
  5. When the first bubbles appear, turn off the stove. Cool the jam at room temperature, then return to the heat. Wait for it to boil, simmer the mixture for 10 minutes, pour into jars.

  • rhubarb stems - 450 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 230 gr.
  1. Tackle the rhubarb stems first. The plant needs to be washed, then chopped into pieces measuring 1*1 cm. Then the composition is filled with sugar and left until the juice is released.
  2. When the juice comes out, let the sugar dissolve, then transfer it to the multicooker bowl. Cover the appliance with a lid, set the “Extinguishing” function, cook for 45-60 minutes.
  3. The fruits should become completely soft without any hard components. When the specified consistency is reached, pour the jam into the prepared jars.

Jam based on mango, rhubarb and apricots

  • orange juice (freshly squeezed) - 45 ml.
  • fresh apricot - 330 gr.
  • lemon zest - 15 gr.
  • mango - 160 gr.
  • pectin - 1 package (12 g.)
  • granulated sugar - 80 gr.
  • rhubarb (stems) - 160 gr.
  1. Choose only ripe fruit mango, peel off. Chop into pieces. Do the same with apricots; they need to be pitted, washed and dried.
  2. Combine 2 types of fruits, place in a blender and grind into a paste. Remove lemon zest to make 15-20 grams. Grate it and mix it with fruit puree.
  3. Pour half the volume of granulated sugar into the bowl with the ingredients. Stir and transfer the contents to a thick-bottomed saucepan. Bring to a boil, then simmer for another 7 minutes.
  4. Prepare the rhubarb, chop it into thin rings. Send to all components. Reduce heat to low. Simmer for another quarter of an hour, stir.
  5. After a specified period of time, combine the pectin with the remaining sugar. Move into the main mass. Bring again until the first bubbles appear. Simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and pour into sterile jars.

Apple and rhubarb based jam

  • sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • green apple - 250 gr.
  • drinking water - 180 ml.
  • orange - 80-100 gr.
  • ground ginger - 30 gr.
  • rhubarb (stem) - 900 gr.
  1. First of all, prepare the rhubarb. Rinse the stems and chop them into pieces. Remove the zest from the orange and grate. Cut the citrus pulp into cubes and mix with the rhubarb and citrus peel.
  2. Add ground ginger root. You can use fresh product, having previously rubbed it. Prepare the apples; they need to be peeled and chopped into pieces. Be sure to exclude the skin.
  3. Combine all components, add clean water. Place the contents on the stove and cook until the first bubbles appear. As soon as it starts boiling, add granulated sugar.
  4. Simmer the jam for another quarter of an hour, stirring constantly. When hot, pack the treat into containers and seal. Cool at room temperature.

Rhubarb jam with hazelnuts

  • granulated sugar - 850 gr.
  • rhubarb stems - 650 gr.
  • hazelnuts - 130 gr.
  • banana - 2 pcs.
  • drinking water - 275 ml.
  1. Clean the stems of the plant and cut them into pieces. Sprinkle with granulated sugar and knead with your hands. Place in a deep bowl and wait for the juice to release.
  2. At this time, place the hazelnuts in a dry frying pan and fry until the shell comes off. Peel the nuts and place them in several plastic bags.
  3. Run a rolling pin over the hazelnuts to break them into crumbs. Now move the infused rhubarb into the pan, add sugar and banana puree to it.
  4. Place the mixture on the fire and cook for about 20 minutes. Turn off the stove, cool, repeat the steps 3 more times. Now add ground hazelnuts, bring the mixture to a boil and immediately pour into jars.

When hot, the delicacy is poured into sterilized containers and sealed using a special key. The composition must not be stored in the cold until it has completely cooled. The most popular recipes variations with nuts, banana, orange, apricot, mango are considered.

Video: rhubarb jam - healthy and extravagant!
