What kind of cheese goes for rolls? What kind of cheese is put in rolls and sushi, which one is best?

Sushi and rolls appeared on the tables of our fellow citizens not long ago, but have become one of the favorite dishes for many. The list of their recipes is quite extensive. Sushi and rolls are prepared with fresh, lightly salted and smoked fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits, chicken and other meats, with different types of cheese.

Their taste, of course, will vary depending on the variety of ingredients and the type of cheese used for the rolls. Check out this helpful article for yourself.

This type of cheese has been prepared for centuries. The inventors of it, like many other components culinary arts, they are considered French, which does not prevent a similar product from being produced in America and Canada, Italy and Norway, and in almost every country.

The taste of this cheese contains sweet notes, its structure and density allow it to be spread over the desired surface. The technology for making cream cheese does not require long term"maturation".

In every country they make this type of cheese according to traditional recipes. Due to the use of milk different types The fat content of the cheese may differ quite significantly. Often, for a variety of tastes, cream cheeses can be added aromatic herbs, garlic and other flavor enhancers. Recipes .

Philadelphia cheese

This is an American variety of cream cheese. It owes its name to the city of the same name, which at the end of the 19th century was considered almost a symbol of delicious food.

Interesting! Philadelphia is one of the top five largest cities in the United States. This is one of the oldest cities in the country; it was here that such significant documents for all the States as the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were adopted.

In cooking, Philadelphia is used as a cheese for rolls at home, it is added to sauces and desserts, baked goods and cream soups, and all kinds of snacks are made with it. On sandwiches it can serve as a base, like butter, only lower calorie content.

Ricotta cheese

The birthplace of this variety of cream cheese is sunny Italy. This cheese is no less popular in Tunisia and Spain, where this product is produced not only from cow's milk, but also from sheep, goat and buffalo milk.

When purchasing such a product for your rolls, do not forget that Ricotta is not a product long-term storage, be sure to pay attention to its shelf life.


The list of cheeses used for rolls also includes Mascarpone cheese. In the Italian province of Lombardy, this word refers to the cream from which this cheese is made. Initially, this cheese was made from very full fat milk buffalo, but now it is made from cow's milk.

The result is not even quite cheese, but a very soft, delicate product with a creamy structure. Others also have a similar curd and paste-like consistency. Italian cheeses. You can also use Italian-made Feta, Mozzarella or Ricotta cheeses.

Important! Mascarpone cheese is very high, up to 75% fat, and if you are scrupulously counting calories in your diet, be sure to take this fact into account.

What other cheese can you use for rolls at home:

  1. Almette (producer Hochland),
  2. Frame (Bonjour cream)
  3. Viola
  4. The president
  5. Syrko
  6. Friendship or Amber in boxes
  7. Violet
  8. Brynza Paris Burenka
  9. Processed cheeses from the manufacturer " Happy Milkman" without additives

If you need to know how to replace Philadelphia cheese for rolls, be sure to watch the video on how to make similar product from fat sour cream. We take about 1 kg of this product, put it in many layers of folded gauze or a special linen bag and hang it overnight over some container into which the whey will drain. The next morning you will receive approximately 0.5 kg of Philadelphia cheese substitute.

Our hostesses, inventive and creative, found another version of the “Philadelphia substitute”. Home, fat cottage cheese gradually adding, mix in a blender with heavy cream. The main thing here is to maintain the desired thickness. They say that the taste of such a product is quite similar to the original product.

How to make homemade Philadelphia cheese

For 1 liter of milk you will need: 0.5 liters of kefir, 1 tsp. salt and sugar, citric acid on the tip of a knife, 1 raw chicken egg.

Needs to be rinsed cold water any pan other than an enamel one, pour milk into it. Stirring constantly and without distraction, bring the milk to a boil and turn off the heat.

Important! Salt and sugar are placed in already quite hot, but not yet boiled milk; they should have time to completely dissolve.

As soon as the fire is turned off, you need to pour kefir into the milk and mix vigorously. The milk will curdle into a kind of flakes, which is what we need. Clean gauze is folded in several layers and placed in a colander. The resulting mass is carefully poured into it, the ends are tied with some kind of rope, and hung for 5-6 hours so that all the liquid drains out.

When the process is complete, beat an egg into the resulting mass and add a little citric acid. Then the mass is whipped until a homogeneous structure is obtained. Now you know what kind of cheese is used for rolls, and you can easily prepare real delicacies for guests or your household.

Many people have already fallen in love with such dishes as sushi and rolls. An integral part of them is not only seafood, but also cheese.

Japanese cuisine requires careful selection necessary ingredients. Cheese for rolls is no exception.

Sushi masters use soft cream cheese, which has a delicate consistency, sweetish and distinct taste. Cream cheese goes well with fish products and vegetables. By adding it to rolls, you will get a rich and special taste.

The best cheese for rolls

One of the most suitable cheeses for rolls is "Philadelphia". The dish containing this cheese also bears the same name. Thanks to the creamy and soft consistency The rolls have a specific, subtle taste.

What can you replace Philadelphia cheese with?

Since Philadelphia cannot always be found in stores, and the price is not affordable for everyone, housewives are always looking for an alternative. To prepare rolls at home, use cream cheese “Buko”, “Natura”, “Almete”. Much less often they add to rolls processed cheese. Many people prefer to cook rolls with unsalted feta cheese or feta cheese.

However, if you are still a fan of real rolls, then use creamy soft cheeses.

How to make rolls with cream cheese

To prepare the rolls you will need:

  • elevator sheets
  • Philadelphia cheese"
  • salmon
  • cucumber and avocado

Place the rice evenly over the entire surface on the noria sheets, about 1 cm high.

Turn the noria over with the rice side down and place cheese about 2 cm wide in the middle.

Cut the avocado, salmon and cucumber into thin strips and place lengthwise next to the cheese.

Once all the ingredients are in place, use a mat to begin rolling the roll.

Using a moistened knife, cut the roll into several pieces. Simple, but at the same time unusual dish ready!

Soft Philadelphia cheese is often added to all sorts of dishes: cheesecakes, cheesecakes, desserts, sauces, dressings and even rolls. It’s very tasty to smear it on top of fish or meat and then bake it in the oven. However, it is not always at hand at the most crucial moment. Even in supermarkets it is often impossible to find it on the shelves. Many housewives are interested in the question, what cheese can replace Philadelphia cheese? First let's figure out what this product so unique?

"Philadelphia" comes from America. Its production began hundreds of years ago. Even then, culinary experts used it for baking. the most delicate pies. Noble rich people who could afford such a delicacy loved to spread it on toast and eat it with tea. The cheese is produced using a special technology from high-quality milk and cream. It’s not for nothing that experts work so hard to select the most quality products to make it, the taste is simply amazing.

However, despite all the advantages of this product, cheeses like Philadelphia can also be very tasty and also complement your dishes well. The modern market offers many companies that make cream cheeses. For example:

  • "Viola"
  • "President"
  • "Buko"
  • "Almette"

Many professional chefs note that best cheese for sushi, instead of “Philadelphia” it’s “Viola”. You can also put cheese in them (unsalted only).

Brands such as “Yantar” and “Druzhba” cannot be called bad and low-quality, but due to their rather dense texture they are not suitable for cooking complex dishes. Many people buy them specifically for sandwiches.

As for baking, you can add not only cream cheeses, but also cottage cheese. However, it should be soft, not grainy and not dry. You can additionally beat it with low-fat sour cream and add a little cream, the effect will be even better.

Philadelphia cheese substitute recipe

For the most virtuoso housewives we want to tell you one interesting recipe, which will help you make a very similar surrogate of the well-known cheese with your own hands. Follow our advice - and you will succeed in no way worst product than the original!

Required ingredients:

  • milk - 1 l
  • kefir - 0.5 l
  • salt and sugar 1 tsp each.
  • lemon acid

Cooking method:

Fermented milk delicacy homemade ready! Feel free to use it in creating culinary masterpieces!

  • You can use this method to get Philadelphia: buy very rich sour cream (30% or higher, or preferably homemade) and put it in a fabric bag. Just like in our recipe, hang it up and wait until all the liquid has drained. Please note that the volume of the product will be greatly reduced;
  • the product must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days;
  • When choosing a product in a store, always read the label. Try to choose as many as possible natural product, without all kinds of substances. If the taste of the product is sour, then most likely it is spoiled. Original taste should be slightly sweet and soft.

Now you know what you can replace Philadelphia with at any moment to continue preparing your favorite dish!

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The creamy taste and delicate texture of Philadelphia cheese appeals to many lovers of sushi and rolls, curd desserts and berry cakes, the recipe of which contains this cheese. But it is not always possible to purchase such a product in any store, and the cost of cheese is very high.

Philadelphia is one of the brands of cream cheese that has become popular around the world thanks to the company Kraft Foods and belongs to premium class products. But there are many producers of cream cheese on the dairy market, so it is obvious that housewives often have the question of what can replace Philadelphia cream cheese, and how to choose both a decent and budget option.

Philadelphia Substitute: Cream Cheese Assortment

It has a delicate creamy aftertaste, milky aroma and incredibly light consistency. It may taste sweet and does not contain any additives. Or it can be further enriched herbs, herbs and garlic. Therefore, the choice of cheese depends on what dish you will use it in.

Philadelphia cheese gives a special taste not only to snack canapés, rolls and cheesecakes, but also makes ordinary zucchini and eggplant rolls a real culinary masterpiece.

If you are unable to find Philadelphia cheese on supermarket shelves, you can safely buy one of the following types of cream cheese:

  • Cheese Almette. This cheese is produced in Poland according to modern technologies. There are several types of cheese: classic creamy taste, as well as with the taste of porcini mushrooms, yogurt, garlic, basil, herbs with cucumbers. The cheese is made exclusively from uncanned milk. The fat content of the product ranges from 60 to 70%. Product weight 150 g.
  • Cheese Syrko from Mlekar Sabac. Produced in Serbia in packs of 100 g. Product fat content 60%. The cheese is available in two types: without additives and with the taste of cucumber and dill. This cheese is most similar to Philadelphia in taste and texture and is ideal for making sushi. In addition to its low price, cheese has another advantage. It does not contain sucrose.
  • Mascarpone Cream Cheese from Zanetti. The cheese is produced in Italy and packaged in 250 g and 500 g packaging. This type of cheese is suitable for preparing sweet dishes, such as tiramisu, cheesecake, fruit and berry desserts. Has a fat content of 80%.
  • Cheese Cremette from Hohland. This cheese from a German manufacturer is a full-fledged analogue of Philadelphia. It is sold in large 2 kg packs and is suitable for dishes such as cold-cooked desserts based on curd mousse, sushi rolls, fish dishes. Fat content is 65%.
  • Cream cheese Frischkase from Hallbauer. The cheese is produced in Germany. Made on the basis goat milk and is presented in two versions: classic (24.5% fat content) and with herbs (23.5%). The package contains 300 g.
  • Cheese Buko from Arla Foods. Cottage cheese made from Danish milk and was specially created for confectionery and culinary establishments. He has fresh aroma and a gentle sour aftertaste. Cheese is sold in packages of 1.5 and 3 kg.
  • Cheese Tasty Fresh from Milkana. This cheese is produced at a French enterprise and has a whole line unusual tastes. Cream cheese is suitable for making sushi and desserts. And cheese with the taste of salmon, nuts, porcini mushrooms, provencal herbs and horseradish is great for canapés.
  • Cream cheese “Classic” from President. A Ukrainian-made product that is intended for making sushi. Available in kilogram packages with a fat content of 24.5%.

Advice! Range cream cheeses quite large, so when choosing a replacement for Philadelphia, pay attention to the markings. It should indicate that the cheese is soft, creamy or curd.

Homemade Philadelphia Recipes

Get homemade cheese Philadelphia can be used heavy cream, sour cream or cottage cheese. Following simple recipes, you can prepare an excellent cheese mass for filling caviar tartlets, making sushi or cheesecake.

Milk kefir Philadelphia

  • Pour 2 liters of milk into a saucepan. Add 2 tsp to it. salt and sugar.
  • When the milk begins to slowly boil, pour 4 tbsp into it. kefir Stir the resulting mixture quickly.
  • After 1.5-2 minutes, when the milk has curdled, remove the saucepan from the stove.
  • While the milk cools slightly, take a colander and line it with clean gauze, folded two or three times.
  • Drain the curdled milk in a colander and leave for 15-20 minutes to remove all excess liquid.
  • Meanwhile, take 2 eggs and beat them with citric acid on the tip of the knife.
  • Remove the cottage cheese from the gauze and mix with the egg mixture.

This cheese will be universal for any dish.

Curd Philadelphia

  • Take 200 mg of cream (at least 30% fat) and whip it.
  • 500 g fine grain soft cottage cheese Grind with a spoon or blender until a homogeneous plastic structure.
  • Combine cream and cottage cheese, and then add 200 thick sour cream to them.
  • If you need cheese for sushi or snack sandwiches, you can add salt, herbs or herbs to it.

If you dream of cooking some interesting dish, the recipe of which includes Philadelphia cheese, do not refuse due to the lack of this ingredient. After all, you now know what you can replace it with or prepare it yourself.

Philadelphia is one of a kind cream cheese. This cheese is also included in the rolls. There have probably been cases with many people when you read a recipe, and everything seems to be necessary products Yes, but it contains Philadelphia cheese, and the question arises: to cook the dish or not. After all, this is not always easy to find in a supermarket, and even more so after the introduction of economic sanctions.

What can you substitute for Philadelphia cheese?

There are quite a lot of recipes on the Internet for making cream cheeses reminiscent of Philadelphia. But cheese or curd The resulting mixture from these recipes is only suitable for baking.

We would like to bring to your attention a recipe for making Philadelphia cheese, reminiscent of the factory one. It is somewhat more complicated, but the result is almost indistinguishable from the original. In addition, such cheese is fine for making not only cheesecake, but also rolls. You will need:

milk - 0.5 liters

cream - 0.5 liters

yogurt with live bacteria - 2 tablespoons

pepsin - 1 sachet

Pepsin is rennet extract, which is used to make cheese. It is quite cheap and is freely sold on the Internet. Be careful with pepsin, as 1 gram of it is diluted per 100 liters of milk. Practice shows that for three-liter jar Enough pepsin is literally on the tip of a knife.

So, take the milk and cream and pour it into the pan. Then find a pan larger in diameter than the first one and pour boiling water into it. Place the pan with milk and cream in a pan of boiling water and heat. When the milk reaches 40 degrees, add two tablespoons of yogurt with live bacteria (be sure to check the yogurt label for this) and pepsin. Mix everything well. Leave for approximately eight hours. Next, put several layers of gauze in a colander and pour the resulting mixture into it. Place in the refrigerator and let drain. In the morning you get ready-made cream cheese. Add salt to taste and be careful not to dry out the cheese.

And for those who don’t want to mess around in the kitchen, we recommend replacing Philadelphia with soft cream cheese. You can find it in the Lefkadia assortment.

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